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Unit 10 I’ve had this bike for three years. Section A(1a-2d) 任务:用never, ever, already, yet, for, since填空 1.It’s about ten years  since  she left the city.  2.I have  never  seen him before, so I have no idea about him.  3.He has lived in Nanjing  for  ten years.  4.She has been away from her hometown  for  about five years.  5.—Have you  ever  seen the film?  —No, I have  never  seen it.  6.—Has the bus left  yet ?  —Yes, it has  already  left.  7.Our teacher has studied Japanese  for  three years.  8.We’ve known him  since  we were children.  1.Yes, I’ve had it for three years. 是的, 我拥有它三年了。 剖析 本句中had是延续性动词have的过去分词, 与介词for引导 的表示时间段的短语连用, 说明“拥有(自行车)”的状况已经持续了 一段时间。 Jim has had this watch for two years. 吉姆拥有这块手表两年了。 拓展 “短暂性动词”与“延续性动词”的转换方法: ①将短暂性动词转化为“be+形容词或副词”。如: begin(start)→be on(开始); go there→be there(去那里); come back→be back(回来); open→be open(开门); die→be dead(死); marry→be married(结婚); leave→be away(离开); close→be closed(关门)等。 ②有的短暂性动词可以转化为与其意思相同的延续性动词。如: borrow→keep(借); put on→wear/be on(穿); buy→have/own(买); receive→have(收到)等。 How long have you been back? 你回来多久了? You can keep the book for two weeks. 这本书你可以借两周。 2.Because I don’t read it anymore. 因为我不再看它了。 剖析 not... anymore相当于no more, 意为“不再……”, anymore一 般放于句末。 She told me not to phone her anymore. 她告诉我不要再给她打电话了。 辨析 not... anymore/no more与 not... any longer/no longer He didn’t live here any longer. =He no longer lived here. 他不再住在这儿了。

