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Welcome to Our Class Welcome to my English class Revision of the Attributive Clause 定语从句复习 Enjoy a video The name of the film is Charlie and the Chocolate Factory It was very popular among children __________ was very popular among children. that/which This is a story of a little boy His name was Charlie _____ name was Charlie. whose Charlie's father worked at the local toothpaste factory Its pay is terrible , the pay ___________ is terrible. of which The old man was Charlie's grandpa He once worked for Willy Wonka . ________________ once worked for Willy Wonka. who/that Willy Wonka built a chocolate factory It was the largest one in the world ___________________ was the largest one in the world. that / which The Attributive Clause Test how well you master it 定语从句复习竞赛 competition 第一部分: 填空 ( 必答 ) 2. Don’t throw away the book ________ cover is broken. whose 1 . Tom came back, _____ made us very happy. which 4 . Mrs. Brown is the person ____________ I’m most grateful. to whom 3. She took photos of the things and people ____ she was interested in. that 6. She told me everything _______ she knew . that / / 5 . I remember the day _______________ I spent in the country . that / which / / 8. I work in the school ________________ I graduated. from which 7 . This is the book that you bought ______ you have lost . which 第二部分: 改错题 ( 必答 ) 1 . The couple have three children, two of them graduated from a key university . whom 2 . It is such a big stone that nobody can lift . as 3 . This is the only museum which we visited for the first time . that 4 . We went to the top of the hill, from which we could get a better view of the town . where 5 . At that time the black reached a stage when they had almost no rights at all . where 6 . We didn’t believe the reason why he gave us . that / which 或去掉 why 8 . Mr. Lee likes the books very much, for that he became famous . which 7. He is the only one of the players who have won first place . has 第三部分: 选择题题 ( 必答 ) 1 . Recently I bought an ancient Chinese vase, _______ was very reasonable. A. which price B. the price of which C. its price D. the price of whose 2 . She is one of the students______ been to Beijing. A. who have B. who has C. which have D. which has 3. The factory produces half a million pairs of shoes every year, 80% _______ are sold abroad. A. of which B. which of C. of them D. of that 4. Is that the reason_____ you are late for school today? A. which B. what C. why D. for that 第四部分:格言英译汉 ( 抢答 ) 1. God helps those who help themselves. 天助自助者。 笑到最后的人才是英雄。 2. He who laughs last laughs best. Translate the following English proverbs into Chinese and then pick out the attributive clause. 3. He who doesn’t reach the Great Wall is not a true man. 不到长城非好汉。 知足者常乐。 4. He who is content ( 满足 ) is always happy. 第五部分:语篇填空 ( 抢答 ) I will tell you a story ___________ is very interesting. It is about a young man ________ was called Tom. Tom married a girl________ name was Jane. They lived in a house ______ was built by Tom’s father. Tom liked to write stories and Jane loved all the stories ________ Tom wrote. They had 5 children, __________ 3 were boys. The children were very clever, __________ made Tom very happy. All the children went to college, ______ their parents expected. that who whose which that of whom which as So far, Tom is one of the villagers who __________________________(report) in the newspaper and he is the only one of those villagers who _____________ (act) in a film. have been reported has acted Congratulations ! 语篇汉译英 根据下列中文信息,完成英语短文(不必逐字翻译)。注意:尽可能多地使用定语从句。 众所周知 ,北京成功地举办了 2008 年奥运会。通过本届奥运会,中国 完美地向 全世界 展现 了自己。英语是 一种国际语言 ,在和外国人的交流中起着重要作用。在奥运会期间,友好的志愿者们很好地利用了英语, 给 外国人 留下了深刻印象 。我希望有一天能做一名 传播中国灿烂文化 的志愿者。所以我现在应该尽最大努力学好英语。只有这样做,才能 为国家贡献自己的力量 。 众所周知 ,北京成功地举办了 2008 年奥运会。 As is known to us all, Beijing successfully hosted the 2008 Olympic Games. 英语是 一种国际语言 ,在和外国人的交流中起着重要作用。 English, which is an international language, plays an important part in communicating with foreigners. 在奥运会期间,友好的志愿者们很好地利用了英语, 给 外国人 留下了深刻印象 。 During the Olympics, friendly volunteers who made good use of English left a deep impression on foreigners . 我希望有一天能做一名 传播中国灿烂文化 的志愿者。 I hope to be a volunteer who can spread the splendid culture of China some day. 所以我现在应该尽最大努力学好英语。 So I should try my best to learn English well now . 只有这样做,才能 为我们的国家贡献自己的力量 。 Only by doing so can I make my contributions to our country. Homework Rearrange your translation of the following text then write it down on your composition books. 众所周知,北京已经成功地举办了 2008 年奥运会。通过本届奥运会,中国完美地向世界展现了自己。英语是一种国际语言,在和外国人的交流中起着重要作用。在奥运会期间,友好的志愿者们很好地利用了英语,给他们留下了深刻印象。我希望有一天能做一名传播中国灿烂文化的志愿者。所以我现在应该努力学好英语。只有这样做,才能为国家贡献自己的力量。 Goodbye!

