外研版三年级下册英语Module 9 Unit 2教学课件

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外研版三年级下册英语Module 9 Unit 2教学课件

Unit 2 Has Amy got a bike? Module 9 外研版 三年级下册 How do you go to school every day? I go to school by bus. 乘(交通工具) 公共汽车 I go to school by car. 汽车,轿车 (have got第三人称单数形式)有 没有 She has got a new bike, so she goes to school by bike. I go to school by subway(地铁). I go to school on foot(步行). by+交通工具,表示乘坐什么 交通工具,by后不加the by car bus has got 帮松鼠赢得坚果吧!(说出坚果所指单词的中文意思) Listen and chant. Say something about the picture. 1 He’s got a bike.① It’s a nice bike. She’s got a kite. It’s a nice kite. What has Sam got? He has got a bike. 快问快答 What has Amy got? She has got a kite. Watch the video and read again Listen and say.2 Has Amy got a bike?② Yes, she has. She goes to school by bike.③ No, he hasn’t. He goes to school by bus. Has Sam got a bike? Mr Smart has got a car. He goes to work by car. Ms Smart hasn’t got a car. She walks to school.④ 真假法官 Amy goes to school by bike. Sam has got a bike. Sam goes to school by bus. True False True Mr Smart go to work on foot. False Watch the video and read again Look and say.3 My father goes to work by bus. My mother … My mother goes to work by car. My brother goes to school by bike. I goes to school on foot. Listen and say. Then chant.4 I go to school by bike. 我骑自行车去学校。 Ting, ting, ting, ting. 叮叮,叮叮,叮叮,叮叮。 I go to school by bike. 我骑自行车去学校。 Mum goes to work by bus. 妈妈坐公交去工作。 Vroom, vroom, vroom, vroom. 呜呜,呜呜,呜呜,呜呜。 She goes to work by bus. 她坐公交车去工作。 Dad walks to work. 爸爸步行去上班。 Step, step, step, step. 迈步,迈步,迈步,迈步。 He walks to work. 他步行去上班。 Play the game. Follow and say. I go to school by bus. She goes to school by bus. I go to school by bike. She goes to school by bus. He goes to school by bike. I … 5 Listen, repeat and trace the letters.6 under violin window Repeat the words three times. under violin window under violin window Ask and answer. Then tick (√).7 Does your father go to work by car? No, he doesn’t. your friend His/her mother His/her father Summary: let’s match by bike by bus by car walk to school walk to work 乘坐汽车 骑自行车 乘坐公共汽车 走路上班 走路上学 表示他人上学的交通方式的句型: He/ She goes to school by + 交通工具. 询问某人是否使用某种交通工具的句子及答语: —Does + 主语(第三人称单数)+ V原+ by + 交通 工具? —Yes, he/ she does. / No, he/ she doesn’t. 良药苦口利于病,交通法规利于行。 Good medicine is good for illness and traffic regulations are good for practice.

