沪教牛津版四年级上英语Unit 9 At home课件

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沪教牛津版四年级上英语Unit 9 At home课件

Unit 9 At home 沪教牛津·四年级上册 Lead-in Where is the teddy bear? I'm on the desk. I'm under the desk. I'm beside the desk. New words need 需要 where 哪里 in 在……里面 box 盒子;箱子 give 给 on 在……上面 table 桌子 lunch 午餐 under 在……下面 beside 在……旁边 floor 地板 angry 生气的 Listen and say Where is it? It’s on the table. I can help you, Grandma. What do you need? OK, Alice. I need two eggs.1 2 3 They’re in the box. Where are they? Where is it? Give me a plate, please. It’s on the table. 4 5 Here you are. Thank you. Let’s have lunch. Great! Language points 1. —Where is it? 它在哪里? —It’s on the table. 它在桌子上。 这是询问人或物品的具体位置的句子。 其结构是“Where be动词 + 人/物?(某人/物在哪 里?)”, 其回答是“某人/物 + be动词 + 介词短语 + … (某 人/物在……)”。 例句:—Where are the eggs? 鸡蛋在哪里? —They are in the fridge. 它们在冰箱里。 2. —What do you need? 你需要什么? —OK, Alice. I need two eggs. 好的,艾丽斯。我需要两枚鸡蛋。 询问某人需要某物句子结构是“What do/does + 某人 + need? (你需要什么?)”,其回答是“某人 + need(s) + 某物.(某人需要某物。)” 例句:—What does your grandma need? 你的奶奶需要什么? —She needs a plate. 她需要一个盘子。 Look and say. The cat is ____ the box. in It's _____ the table. on It's _______ the desk. under It's _______ the table. beside Look and Learn in on under beside Ask and answer S1: Where is …? are S2: It’s … They’re S1: Where is the schoolbag? S2: It’s on the bed. S1: Where is the ball? S2: It’s beside the chair. S1: Where are the books? S2: They’re in the box. S1:Where are the pens? S2:They’re on the table. Enjoy a story Where is my fish? 1 Mrs Brown is in her kitchen. 2 3 Ginger the cat is hungry. Ginger can jump. Now she is on the table. 4 5 Where is the plate now? It is on the floor. Ginger is under the chair. Ginger is full. She is happy, but Mrs Brown is angry. Think and write There is a fish ___________the plate. There are six eggs __________ the box. There are three plates_______________. There is a dog_____________________. _______________________________________ on in on the table under the chair There is a bag on the chair. Learn the sounds u pupil tube Judy is a pupil. She has some tubes. She makes music With her tubes. 同学们,这一课学习的单词你们都掌握了吗?现在大家 来检验一下,点击下面的视频开始听写吧!

