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‎2019届二轮复习完形填空专题记叙文类型10篇训练之二十二 ‎[一]‎ On the first day of my school life in the USA, I showed a great interest in marketing class(营销课). My teacher, Mrs. Tolman, suggested I 41 a marketing club called DECA attracting students with talent and interest in 42 . So I did. The first 43 was to collect money for the marketing competition by selling candles. Mrs. Tolman said the competition was due in a week and that 40 percent of the 44 would go into my personal account (个人账户). At the beginning, I tried to sell candles to my host mom. She said that if I could 45 confidence and do a wonderful sales presentation, she would buy some. I started my presentation with a 46 handshake. Then I introduced the candles and the special sales I could offer and 47 her that our candles were perfect for gifts and home decorations. Finally she bought three. Greatly 48 I decided to sell them in the neighborhood. On Saturday morning, with great courage, I knocked at the door of my first potential 49 . ‎ ‎“I’m a student and we are 50 money for DECA. I’m trying to sell...” ‎ ‎“Not today, sorry,” the man stopped me and 51 the door. Embarrassed, I walked away and said to myself the 52 thing that might happen was being refused like that again. I couldn’t even count how many times I was 53 with reasons like “Not today” or “I don’t have any 54 money”. 55 , I had to continue. 56 , a woman kindly bought $60 worth of candles. I couldn’t even hide my 57 and said “Thank you very much” to her with a bow.‎ After a 58 hard work, I turned in my $408. I was 59 to find out I was the second highest seller in all classes. ‎ It was the first time that I had worked as a salesperson. Now I look back on this experience with satisfaction, and I feel glad that I did not 60 in face of difficulties.‎ ‎41. A. hold B. join C. build D. attend ‎42. A. business B. English C. math D. sports ‎43. A. chance B. way C. challenge D. choice ‎44. A. income B. candles C. business D. expense ‎45. A. express B. expect C. make D. show ‎46. A. firm B. sudden C. rude D. uncertain ‎47. A. commanded B. persuaded C. explained D. requested ‎48. A. satisfied B. disappointed C. shocked D. encouraged ‎49. A. businessman B. seller C. buyer D. shopkeeper ‎50. A. lending B. raising C. returning D. borrowing ‎51. A. opened B. knocked C. broke into D. shut ‎52. A. worst B. uneasy C. best D. tiring ‎53. A. forbidden B. allowed C. refused D. demanded ‎54. A. small B. extra C. little D. left ‎55. A. Therefore B. So C. However D. For ‎56. A. Besides B. Secondly C. Firstly D. Finally ‎57. A. concerns B. embarrassment C. excitement D. sadness ‎58. A. week’s B. hour’s C. day’s D. month’s ‎59. A. puzzled B. surprised C. calm D. lucky ‎60. A. give away B. give out C. give off D. give in 参考答案:41-45 BACAD 46-50 ABDCB 51-55DACBC 56-60 DCABD ‎[二]‎ I was then in my third year of high school, the deepest confusion, and inferiority(自卑) of my life. I’m a product of a 41 family. Grew up in the street and stayed with 42 people. I felt as if I was still buried in trouble 43 living with great 44 and determination to reach out, even for a single one of my dreams: to 45 my studies and to have a 46 future.‎ One day, while I was in the library, my adviser called me to her 47 . What came in my mind just made me feel 48 . I was thinking that most of the time the adviser talks 49 with her students when they are blamable in their academics ‎ or 50 . With heavy feet and head, I 51 my adviser’s office. "I understand what you feel right now, my dear!" she said, as she was 52 the expression on my face. "Thanks!" I said and ‎53 a little. "I am aware of the situation you are in, and I have been 54 you for a long time in your class performance. It’s really hard for you to finish your schooling in high school, so I encourage you to take a special 55 for students like you. I have confidence in you that you can pass the test!" she said.‎ Confidence — a word that I 56 most to hear at that time for inferiorities succumbed(压垮) me most of my life! Some other things she was talking about were not 57 anymore because of my 58 and happiness. I thanked my adviser for such a good 59 for me! I finally 60 it and now I’m working as a Part-time College Instructor in a university.‎ ‎41. A. traditional B. warm C. broken D. religious ‎42. A. reliable B. different C. energetic D. useless ‎ ‎43. A. so B. for C. or D. but ‎44. A. judgment B. hope C. support D. possibility ‎45. A. finish B. forget C. reward D. quit ‎46. A. uncertain B. darker C. safer D. brighter ‎47. A. class B. school C. accommodation D. office ‎48. A. pleased B. special C. nervous D. hesitant ‎49. A. privately B. blankly C. peacefully D. politely ‎ ‎50. A. communication B. childhood C. behavior D. application ‎ ‎51. A. left B. entered C. recognized D. exploited ‎52. A. forgetting B. ignoring C. reading D. leaving ‎53. A. relaxed B. annoyed C. frightened D. confused ‎54. A. observing B. assisting C. impressing D. measuring ‎ ‎55. A. trip B. occupation C. interview D. test ‎ ‎56. A. rejected B. needed C. feared D. hated ‎57. A. important B. particular C. sudden D. dull ‎58. A. adjustment B. development C. excitement D. invention ‎ ‎59. A. challenge B. admission C. celebration D. opportunity ‎60. A. avoided B. managed C. enjoyed D. obeyed 参考答案:41~45 CBDBA 46~50 DDCAC 51~55 BCAAD 56~60 BACDB ‎[三]‎ I’m Jessica. Roland, my father, was a carpenter. When I was just a baby, I was so weak and sick that I had been in and out of the ____21____ for a whole year. The doctors were not ____22____ that I would live another year.‎ Taking care of me was ____23____, so our family was deep in debt. My father saw no ____24____ at the end of this tunnel. Then one day he saw a(n) ____25____ in the newspaper: “Security guards ____26____. $‎100,000 a year.” Without any hesitation, he ____27____ the number. The line was busy, but he kept calling and ____28____ got through. He was worried that the jobs were all ____29____, but they told him plenty of jobs were still available. And they would fly him to Iraq for his ____30____ in five days.‎ My father ____31____ it was dangerous; he might get injured or killed, but the money was too good; ____32____, the family would have full medical benefits, which would ____33____ me to get the care I needed. He said if he ____34____ the first year, he would probably sign up for a second year.‎ My mother was ____35____. She asked, “What if you get killed? What are we going to do ____36____ you?”‎ ‎“You’ve got to think ____37____. Think about how well of we’ll be in two or three years after I bring back all that money. This is the ____38____ thing I could do for this family.” He said to my mom. Then my dear father ____39____ to Iraq five days later.‎ Roland, my beloved father, put all his heart to support our family just ____40____ he loved me, loved us.‎ ‎21. A. school B. hospital C. gym D. store ‎22. A. aware B. content C. expert D. confident ‎23. A. worthwhile B. expensive C. necessary D. desperate ‎24. A. light B. fire C. wind D. traffic ‎25. A. warning B. essay C. notice D. advertisement ‎26. A. lost B. found C. wanted D. provided ‎27. A. chose B. called C. discovered D. recorded ‎28. A. finally B. easily C. actually D. quickly ‎29. A. applied for B. taken C. given up D. declared ‎30. A. study B. guidance C. goal D. assignment ‎31. A. knew B. insisted C. suspected D. warned ‎32. A. instead B. besides C. therefore D. otherwise ‎33. A. convince B. persuade C. enable D. require ‎34. A. survived B. failed C. recovered D. disappeared ‎35. A. brave B. upset C. happy D. curious ‎36. A. behind B. against C. without D. beyond ‎37. A. positively B. carefully C. generally D. fairly ‎38. A. simplest B. best C. cheapest D. toughest ‎39. A. ran B. drove C. flew D. rode ‎40. A. as if B. when C. in case D. because ‎【参考答案】21. B 22. D 23. B 24. A 25. D 26. C 27. B 28. A 29. B 30. D 31. A 32. B 33. C 34. A 35. B 36. C 37. A 38. B 39. C 40. D ‎【解析】‎ 本文是一篇记叙文。本文主要讲了我亲爱的父亲,全身心的供养我们的家庭。为了能挣更多的钱,让家人生活得更好,他不顾个人的安危,去危险的伊拉克工作。这都是因为父亲爱我们。‎ ‎21. 考查名词。由上文I was so weak and sick可知,我很虚弱多病,所以推断出我一整年都在进出医院。A. school学校;B. hospital医院;C. gym体育馆;D. store商店。故选B。‎ ‎22. 考查形容词。医生不确信我能活过另一年。A. aware意识到的;B. content满意的;C. expert熟练的;D. confident确信的。故选D。‎ ‎23. 考查形容词。由so our family was deep in debt.可知,照顾我很昂贵。A. worthwhile值得做的;B. expensive昂贵的;C. necessary必要的;D. desperate令人绝望的。故选B。‎ ‎24. 考查名词。在隧道的底部,我的父亲看不到光亮。A. light光;B. fire火;C. wind风;D. traffic交通。故选A。‎ ‎25. 考查名词。由“Security guards ____6____. $‎100,000 a year.” 可知,我的父亲在报纸上看到一则广告。A. warning警告;B. essay散文;C. notice注意;D. advertisement广告。故选D。‎ ‎26. 考查非谓语动词。需要警卫,每年100,000美元。A. lost遗失;B. found找到;C. wanted想要;D. provided提供。故选C。‎ ‎27. 考查动词。由The line was busy, but he kept calling and ____8____ got through.可知,他给这个电话号码打电话。A. chose选择;B. called打电话;C. discovered发现;D. recorded记录。故选B。‎ ‎28. 考查副词。他一直不停地打电话,最后电话打通了。A. finally最后;B. easily容易地;C. actually实际上;D. quickly迅速地。故选A。‎ ‎29. 考查动词。由but they told him plenty of jobs were still available.可知,他担心这些工作已经都被拿走了。A. applied for申请;B. taken拿;C. given up放弃;D. declared宣布。故选B。‎ ‎30. 考查名词。为了他的任务,他们将在五天之内把他用飞机送到伊拉克。A. study研究;B. guidance指导;C. goal目标;D. assignment任务。故选D。‎ ‎31. 考查动词。由he might get injured or killed可知,我的父亲知道它很危险。A. knew知道;B. insisted坚持;C. suspected怀疑;D. warned警告。故选A。‎ ‎32. 考查副词。此外,家人会有全部的医疗福利,那将能让我得到我需要的照顾。A. instead 反而;B. besides此外;C. therefore因此;D. otherwise否则。故选B。‎ ‎33. 考查动词。此外,家人会有全部的医疗福利,那将能让我得到我需要的照顾。A. convince说服;B. persuade劝说;C. enable使能够;D. require要求。故选C。‎ ‎34. 考查动词。他说如果他第一年幸存下来,他可能会报名参加第二年。A. survived幸存;B. failed失败;C. recovered恢复;D. disappeared消失。故选A。‎ ‎35. 考查形容词。由She asked, “What if you get killed? What are we going to do ____16____ you?”可知,我的母亲很心烦。A. brave勇敢的;B. upset心烦的;C. happy高兴的;D. curious好奇的。故选B。‎ ‎36. 考查介词。她问:“如果你被杀了?没有你,我们怎么过?”A. behind落后于;B. against反对;C. without没有;D. beyond超过。故选C。‎ ‎37. 考查副词。由Think about how well of we’ll be in two or three years after I bring back all that money.可知,这里意思是你要乐观地想。A. positively乐观地;B. carefully小心地;C. generally一般地;D. fairly公平地。故选A。‎ ‎38. 考查最高级。这是我能为这个家庭做的最好的事情。A. simplest最简单的;B. best最好的;C. cheapest最便宜的;D. toughest最坚强的。故选B。‎ ‎39. 考查动词。由And they would fly him to Iraq for his ____10____ in five days.可知,然后,我亲爱的父亲,五天以后就飞往了伊拉克。A. ran跑;B. drove开车;C. flew坐飞机;D. rode骑。故选C。‎ ‎40. 考查连词。Roland,我亲爱的父亲,全身心的供养我们的家庭,仅仅因为他爱我,爱我们。A. as if好像;B. when当……时候;C. in case万一;D. because因为。故选D。‎ ‎[四]‎ What do you do when you were born with only two fingers on each hand and your legs were amputated(截肢)at the knees when you were three? Lee Hee-ah ________ that in her life. And her legs ________ at her knees. When Lee was born, doctors told her mother Woo Kap-sun that her child wasn’t ________. But Woo was determined her daughter would ________ a successful life.‎ When Lee was old enough to go to school, her mother decided that she wanted her daughter to take ________ lessons. She felt it would help her ________ hands because ‎ playing piano could make them stronger. In addition, she felt that ________ she could master the piano, she could master ________. But for six months, piano schools ________ them down. Then the teacher who did accept the task got ________ and wanted to quit.‎ It became a ________ of wills between the mother and the daughter that led to a ________ in which Woo actually threw her daughter on the floor in ________. Lee got back to the piano bench and for the first time played the children’s song she had been trying to learn. That was the ________ point and one year later Lee ________ the prize in a piano concert for kindergarteners. It was at age 7 that Lee won Korea’s 19th National Handicap Conquest Contest and was ________ with her award by the President of Korea. Today Lee, 22, has won numerous awards, and is a ________ traveled concert pianist with more than 200 appearances. Lee thanked her ________ for challenging her to master the piano and said that although her training was ________ as time went by, the piano had became her ________ of inspiration and her best friend. Nothing is impossible in life. It’s only our thought and belief that matter.‎ ‎21.A. determined B. examined C. experienced D. introduced ‎22.A. ended B. began C. stopped D. held ‎23.A. normal B. necessary C. formal D. logical ‎24.A. stay B. lead C. hide D. take ‎25.A. art B. language C. geography D. piano ‎26.A. cure B. use C. strengthen D. tie ‎27.A. if B. since C. before D. although ‎28.A. nothing B. anything C. everything D. something ‎29.A. set B. put C. turned D. pulled ‎30.A. alarmed B. upset C. annoyed D. discouraged ‎31.A. choice B. challenge C. doubt D. hardship ‎32.A. game B. discussion C. situation D. surroundings ‎33.A. peace B. thirst C. trouble D. frustration ‎34.A. failing B. turning C. exciting D. changing ‎35.A. won B. awarded C. shared D. earned ‎36.A. accused B. charged C. appointed D. presented ‎37.A. widely B. occasionally C. casually D. randomly ‎38.A. teacher B. mother C. classmate D. herself ‎39.A. tiring B. boring C. important D. difficult ‎40.A. sign B. secret C. source D. courage ‎【答案】‎ ‎21.C22.A23.A24.B25.D26.C27.A28.B29.C30.D31.B32.C33.D34.B35.A36.D37.A38.B39.D40.C ‎【解析】本文是一篇记叙文。主要讲了Lee Hee-ah身残志坚,在母亲的鼓励和帮助下,用每只手仅有的两根手指,弹出了美妙的音乐,成为了一名杰出的钢琴家。‎ ‎21.C 考查动词。Lee Hee-ah在她的生命中经历了那些。determined 决定,examined检查,experienced经历,introduced介绍。‎ ‎22.A考查动词。她的腿在膝盖处结束。ended 结束, began开始,stopped 停止, held握住。‎ ‎23.A 考查形容词。由What do you do when you were born with only two fingers on each hand可知医生告诉她的母亲Woo Kap-sun,她的孩子不正常。normal正常的, necessary必要的,formal正式的, logical合理的。‎ ‎24.B 考查动词。但是Woo立志她的女儿将过一种成功的生活。stay 停留,lead过, hide 隐藏, take拿。‎ ‎25.D 考查名词。由She felt it would help her ___6___ hands because playing piano could make them stronger.可知她的母亲决定她想让自己的女儿上钢琴课。art 艺术, language 语言,geography地理, piano钢琴。‎ ‎26.C 考查动词。由because playing piano could make them stronger.可知她感觉弹琴可以帮她强壮双手。cure治疗,use使用, strengthen加强, tie系。‎ ‎27.A考查连词。另外,她感觉如果她可以掌握钢琴,她就可以掌握任何事情。if 如果, since 自从,before 在……之前,although尽管。‎ ‎28.B考查代词。另外,她感觉如果她可以掌握钢琴,她就可以掌握任何事情。nothing 无事,anything 任何事, everything每件事物,something某事。‎ ‎29.C考查动词短语。钢琴学校拒绝了她们。turn down拒绝,是固定短语。‎ ‎30.D 考查形容词。由and wanted to quit.可知接受这项任务的老师很沮丧。alarmed 惊恐的,upset心烦的, annoyed恼怒的, discouraged沮丧的。‎ ‎31.B考查名词。它是这位母亲和这个女儿意志的挑战。choice选择, challenge 挑战, doubt 怀疑, hardship困苦。‎ ‎32.C考查名词。导致了这样的一种情况,事实上Woo失望地把她的女儿扔在地上。game 游戏, discussion 讨论, situation 情况, surroundings环境。‎ ‎33.D 考查名词。导致了这样的一种情况,事实上Woo失望地把她的女儿扔在地上。peace 和平, thirst 口渴,trouble 麻烦,frustration失望。‎ ‎34.B 考查固定短语。由and one year. later Lee ___15___ the prize in a piano concert for kindergarteners.可知那是一个转折点。turning point转折点,是固定短语。‎ ‎35.A 考查动词。后来,Lee在幼儿园钢琴音乐会中获奖。won 赢得,awarded 授予, shared 共享, earned挣得。‎ ‎36.D 考查固定短语。Lee由韩国总统授予奖项。be presented with授予,是固定短语。‎ ‎37.A 考查副词。今天,Lee成为了一名广泛地有旅行经验的音乐会钢琴家。widely广泛地,occasionally 偶尔,casually 随便地, randomly任意地。‎ ‎38.B 考查名词。由for challenging her to master the piano可知Lee感谢她的母亲。teacher 老师, mother母亲,classmate 同学,herself她自己。‎ ‎39.D考查形容词。她说尽管随着时间的流逝,她的训练很困难。tiring累人的,boring无聊的,important 重要的,difficult困难的。‎ ‎40.C考查名词。钢琴成了她最好的灵感源泉和朋友。sign 符号, secret 秘密,source来源,courage勇气。‎ ‎[五]‎ What do you do when you were born with only two fingers on each hand and your legs were amputated(截肢)at the knees when you were three? Lee Hee-ah 41 that in her life. And her legs 42 at her knees. When Lee was born, doctors told her mother Woo Kap-sun that her child wasn’t 43 . But Woo was determined her daughter would 44 a successful life.‎ When Lee was old enough to go to school, her mother decided that she wanted her ‎ daughter to take 45 lessons. She felt it would help her 46 hands because playing piano could make them stronger. In addition, she felt that 47 she could master the piano, she could master 48 . But for six months, piano schools 49 them down. Then the teacher who did accept the task got 50 and wanted to quit.‎ It became a 51 of wills between the mother and the daughter that led to a 52 in which Woo actually threw her daughter on the floor in 53 . Lee got back to the piano bench and for the first time played the children’s song she had been trying to learn. That was the 54 point and one year later Lee 55 the prize in a piano concert for kindergarteners. It was at age 7 that Lee won Korea’s 19th National Handicap Conquest Contest and was 56 with her award by the President of Korea. Today Lee, 22, has won numerous awards, and is a 57 traveled concert pianist with more than 200 appearances. Lee thanked her 58 for challenging her to master the piano and said that although her training was 59 as time went by, the piano had became her 60 of inspiration and her best friend. Nothing is impossible in life. It’s only our thought and belief that matter.‎ ‎41. A. determined B. examined C. experienced D. introduced ‎42. A. ended B. began C. stopped D. held ‎43. A. normal B. necessary C. formal D. logical ‎44. A. stay B. lead C. hide D. take ‎45. A. art B. language C. geography D. piano ‎46. A. cure B. use C. strengthen D. tie ‎47. A. if B. since C. before D. although ‎48. A. nothing B. anything C. everything D. something ‎49. A. set B. put C. turned D.‎ ‎ pulled ‎50. A. alarmed B. upset C. annoyed D. discouraged ‎51. A. choice B. challenge C. doubt D. hardship ‎52. A. game B. discussion C. situation D. surroundings ‎53. A. peace B. thirst C. trouble D. frustration ‎54. A. failing B. turning C. exciting D. changing ‎55. A. won B. awarded C. shared D. earned ‎56. A. accused B. charged C. appointed D. presented ‎57. A. widely B. occasionally C. casually D. randomly ‎58. A. teacher B. mother C. classmate D. herself ‎59. A. tiring B. boring C. important D. difficult ‎60. A. sign B. secret C. source D. courage 参考答案:‎ ‎41-45 CAABD 46-50.CABCD 51-55.BCDBA 56-60.DABDC ‎ [六]‎ As a student in my final year of high school, I am very concerned about college. I spend most days thinking about the (41) , hoping that I’m on the right path.‎ I’m interested in a career in (42) , so I decided to volunteer for service at the local hospital. I thought it would be the best of both worlds: (43) people while getting valuable on-the-job experience! So I went to the business office. (44) , the hospital director was quite willing to let me help out, and he said I could ‎ ‎(45) that summer as soon as I finished my finals. I accepted his (46) immediately, thinking to myself that here lay all the (47) I could ever want!‎ Soon enough, I (48) for my first day at the (49) . The director gave me a brief tour of different departments (科室) (50) we stopped right in front of the maternity ward (产科病房). “This is where you’re going to (51) ,” he said. I was overwhelmed (受不了的) by the sounds. Women shouted and newborns (52) . I got nervous and wondered if I had been in a hurry when I (53) to go for such a (54) job.‎ My (55) must have shown clearly on my face because the director said, “Don’t worry. You are going to help in the nursery.” (56) that, we walked down a hallway filled with balloons, beautiful flowers and into the (57) room I’ve ever seen. The soft colors provided a quiet backdrop to the sleeping babies. The nurse in charge of the nursery (58) me, thanked me for (59) , and asked me to start putting some baby things away in the drawers. The director gave me a (60) look, which I returned with a quiet nod. I got right to work.‎ ‎41. A. score B. test C. family D. future ‎42. A. teaching B. nursing C. dancing D. acting ‎43. A. helping  B. moving C. encouraging D. visiting ‎44. A. Finally  B. Fortunately C. Suddenly D. Immediately ‎45. A. start  B. sign C. learn D. ask ‎46. A. gift B. rule C. offer D. advice ‎47. A. possibilities  B. responsibilities C. choices D. chances ‎48. A. went over B. showed up  C. turned out D. kept on ‎49. A. high school B. business office C. college D. hospital ‎50. A. as B. when C. until D .before ‎51. A. work B. study C. live D. research ‎52. A. played B. slept C. cried D. laughed ‎53. A. stopped B. continued C. refused D. decided ‎54. A. difficult B. boring C. small D. dangerous ‎55. A. fear B. anger C. pain D. surprise ‎56. A. For B. Like C. With D. Before ‎57. A. most peaceful B. most convenient C. largest  D. cleanest ‎58. A. replaced B. remembered C. welcomed D. trusted ‎59. A. waiting B. returning C. listening D. coming ‎60. A. questioning B. quick C. serious D. familiar 参考答案:‎ ‎41-45 DBABA 46-50 CDBDC 51-55 ACDAA 56-60 CACDA ‎ [七]‎ As the teacher pronounced my name, I knew what lay ahead. She called me to the whiteboard to __41__ a long division(除法)problem. Math was my __42__ subject. When doing a long division problem, I always repeatedly put the numbers in the __43__ places, __44__ forgot to add in the zeros.‎ As I 45 the whiteboard, I looked at the blonde-haired girl next to me, trying to __46__ what she was writing. 47 I tried my best, she went faster than I could understand.‎ Impossible to understand. Why me? Why couldn’t I wrap my mind around this strange concept that all the other kids understood? Why, even when I 48 my hardest to deal with the division problems? ‎ Why? Why?‎ I 49 salty tears and wrote some numbers randomly(随便地)on the board. The teacher read over our answers silently.‎ ‎“Now, class, Susie did this problem absolutely correctly.”‎ ‎“As for Tara,” the teacher said, 50 her eyes, “Gosh, I don't 51 know what she did.”‎ The class burst into 52 , and I felt my face 53 red as I tried to sink as low as possible into my seat, in hopes of 54 them from seeing me at all. ‎ But this 55 from middle school is one I remember, surprisingly, in a 56 way. This experience made me feel unimportant. 57 it made me stronger, and gave ‎ me 58 . When I get a 59 grade in school, or am put down by somebody, I think of that moment and every single one of those whys that I asked myself, which gives me the willingness to 60 all of those whys and continue until perfection, or as close as I can get.‎ ‎41.‎ A. perform B. find C. dash D. examine ‎42.‎ A. favorite B. respectful C. worst D. entertaining ‎43.‎ A. wrong B. proper C. direct D. important ‎ ‎44.‎ A. nor B. therefore C. or D. besides ‎45.‎ A. moved B. approached C. used D. returned ‎46.‎ A. guess B. imagine C. think ‎ D. copy ‎47.‎ A. If B. Unless C. Though D. Because ‎48.‎ A. suggested B. asked ‎ C. admitted D. tried ‎49.‎ A. gave back ‎ B. went back ‎ C. held back D. cut back ‎50.‎ A. rolling B. skimming C. representing D. inspiring ‎51. ‎ A. even B. never C. hardly D. suddenly ‎52.‎ A. anger B. laughter C. cheering D. enjoyment ‎53.‎ A. grew B. made C. changed ‎ D. turned ‎54.‎ A. letting B. remembering ‎ C. preventing D. asking ‎ ‎55.‎ A. tip B. problem C. promise D. memory ‎56.‎ A. positive B. uncertain C. false D. disturbing ‎57.‎ A. Or B. And C. So D. Yet ‎58.‎ A. determination B. explanation C. occupation D. production ‎59.‎ A. big B. bad C. high ‎ D. good ‎60.‎ A. get B. answer C. look D. find 参考答案:41-60 AC ACB DCDCA ABDCD ADABB ‎[八]‎ I’m Jessica. Roland, my father, was a carpenter. When I was just a baby, I was ‎ so weak and sick that I had been in and out of the 41 for a whole year. The doctors were not 42 that I would live another year.‎ Taking care of me was 43 , so our family was deep in debt. My father saw no 44 at the end of this tunnel. Then one day he saw a(n) 45 in the newspaper: “Security guards 46 . $100,000 a year.” Without any hesitation, he 47 the number. The line was busy, but he kept calling and 48 got through. He was worried that the jobs were all 49 , but they told him plenty of jobs were still available. And they would fly him to Iraq for his 50 in five days.‎ My father 51 it was dangerous; he might get injured or killed, but the money was too good; 52 , the family would have full medical benefits, which would 53 me to get the care I needed. He said if he 54 the first year, he would probably sign up for a second year.‎ My mother was 55 . She asked, “What if you get killed? What are we going to do 56 you?”‎ ‎“You’ve got to think 57 . Think about how well of we’ll be in two or three years after I bring back all that money. This is the 58 thing I could do for this family.” He said to my mom. Then my dear father 59 to Iraq five days later.‎ Roland, my beloved father, put all his heart to support our family just 60 he loved me, loved us.‎ ‎41. A. school B. hospital C. gym D. store ‎42. A. aware B. content C. expert D. confident ‎43. A. worthwhile B. expensive C. necessary D. desperate ‎44. A. light B. fire C. wind D. traffic ‎45. A. warning B. essay C. notice D. advertisement ‎46. A. lost B. found C. wanted D. provided ‎47. A. chose B. called C. discovered D. recorded ‎48. A. finally B. easily C. actually D. quickly ‎49. A. applied for B. taken C. given up D. declared ‎50. A. study B. guidance C. goal D. assignment ‎51. A. knew B. insisted C. suspected D. warned ‎52. A. instead B. besides C. therefore D. otherwise ‎53. A. convince B. persuade C. enable D. require ‎54. A. survived B. failed C. recovered D. disappeared ‎55. A. brave B. upset C. happy D. curious ‎56. A. behind B. against C. without D. beyond ‎57. A. positively B. carefully C. generally D. fairly ‎58. A. simplest B. best C. cheapest D. toughest ‎59. A. ran B. drove C. flew D. rode ‎60. A. as if B. when C. in case D. because 参考答案:‎ ‎41-45 BDBAD 46-50 CBABD 51-55 ABCAB 56-60 CABCD ‎ [九]‎ ‎ I was working in a store three years ago.I remember one girl who started  21 there a few months after me.I remember always meeting her.I don't know   22  but for a strange reason we would never talk.We would just see each other and smile.‎ ‎  She would  23  smile in a really happy way until one day when we got to work in the  24 department again.She  25  as if she was the happiest girl in the world.But I had a strange feeling.So I went up to her and asked, “What's wrong with you?”She answered,“Why?”I said,“I could feel you're very  26 today and you're trying to hide it.”‎ ‎  She was shocked as if I had  27 her deepest secret, so we started  28 .She told me why she was feeling like that and why she was  29  to hide it and we had a good time together.Time  30  and we became good friends.She'd always tell me I had changed her  31  in so many ways, but I could not  32  how it had happened.I would just smile, not understanding what she  33  by that.‎ ‎  Today this girl is one of my best  34 .I really don't know what I would do  35  her.She has been there for me in every possible way a friend could be.‎ ‎  I guess what I'm trying to say is you  36   know when you're helping yourself.I  37 this girl never knowing that at the same time I was helping myself by finding a(n)  38   friend.‎ So the next time you see a  39   and he looks as if he needs  40  who will listen to him, listen to what he has to say.You never know, you might just end up helping yourself.‎ 21. A. playing B. learning C working D. living ‎ 22. A. why B. when C. where D how 23. A. secretly B. hardly C. perhaps D always 24. A. great B same C .modern. D small 25. A. shouted B cried C. Spoke D. smile 26. A. happy B. angry C proud D sad 27. A. kept B. told C. discovered D. watched 28. A. talking B. quarrelling C. discussing D. Arguing 29. A. planning B. Trying C. refusing D. failing ‎ 30. A. went off B. went by C. went up D. went down 31. A .life B. hobby C. habit D. manner 32. A. Introduce B. promise C. suggest D. imagine 33. A. meant B. wanted C. Offered D. Received 34. A. classmates B sisters. C. friends D. Workers 35. A. with B. without C. through D. besides 36. A. often B. sometimes C. forever D. never 37. A .helped B. Accepted C. recognized D. Praised 38. A. kind B. rich C. true D. honest 39. A. student B. Stranger C. manager D. listener 40. A. someone B. anyone C. none D. everyone 41. 参考答案:‎ ‎21-25:CADBD. 26-30:DCABB. 31-35:ADACB ‎ ‎36-40:DACBA ‎ [十]‎ Two years ago, Dubuque, Iowa, started its first annual "Back-to-School Bash" program. It offered needy families an opportunity to learn about free ‎41 in the community. Holmes decided to 42 by providing help to kids. He was 43 two ‎ jobs at the time, one of which was working as a barber. Saturday was his 44 day, but he chose to 45 his time and gave free haircuts to lower-class kids on condition that the kids should 46 their free haircuts by having to read a book to him.‎ The idea was so 47 that he continued it for the next two years. Many kids would ‎48 a favorite book, settle into the barber chair, and read aloud 49 Holmes was doing their hair. After the haircuts, they'd review the book, from the 50 and vocabulary to the themes-just like in school, only more fun.‎ Holmes, who is married 51 two sons, recognizes that not every parent has the time to 52 with their kids. So he hopes to offer some ‎53 in this way. And he admits he, 54 , benefits from doing that.‎ There was a seven-year-old kid who 55 stuttered (结巴) over words while reading. He had the boy take the book home and 56 . When the child came back a few days later, he read it with no problems. That 57 Holmes to do more. ‎ Holmes and his family have recently moved to a Chicago suburb. When they get 58 , he plans to restart his 59 as the Storybook Barber. "Today's world is full of guns and violence," he says. "The barbershop is a 60 place for the kids to come and read books."‎ ‎41. A. materials B. resources C. methods D. connections ‎42. A. participate B. perform C. develop D. withdraw ‎ ‎43. A. faced with B. caught in C. presented with D. occupied with ‎44. A. happiest B. worst C. busiest D. best ‎45. A. spend B. waste C. save D. donate[]‎ ‎46. A. recommend B. earn C. demand D. request ‎47. A. popular B. ordinary C. complex D. practical ‎48. A. put away B. take over C. pick up D. give out ‎49. A. before B. after C. while D. until ‎50. A. kids B. heroines C. barbers D. characters ‎51. A. with B. to C. for D. about ‎52. A. stay B. read C. talk D. learn ‎53. A. guidance B. criteria C. assistance D. insurance ‎54. A. again B. still C. then D. too ‎55. A. usually B. hardly C. merely D. necessarily ‎56. A. write B. practice C. remark D. reflect ‎57. A. surprised B. excited C. inspired D. impressed ‎58. A. settled B. relaxed C. pleased D. refreshed ‎59. A. ownership B. hobby C. promise D. role ‎60. A. secret B. safe C. rough D. crowded 参考答案:‎ ‎41-45 BADCD 46-50 BACCD 51-55 ABCDA 56-60 BCADB

