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学科 英语 设计者 郭奉艳 审核人 授课 题目 Unit 7 Where would you like to visit? Section A (1a—2c) 学习 目标 1. 知识目标:词汇及 would like 句型 2. 能力目标:学会谈论自己想去的地方。 3. 德育目标:.通过本课学习使学生更加了解世界各地。 重点 难点 1. 重点: 词汇及句型。 2. 难点: 用 would like 句型谈论自己想去的地方 课前 准备 预习单词和短语。 知识 讲解 Would like 意为“想要……”= want = feel like doing (1)would like sth. 想要某物 She would like some tea. (2)would like to do sth 想要做某事 I ‘d like to go treking. (3)would like sb to do sth 想要某人做某事 I would like you to clean the blackboard. 一般疑问句是把 would 提前,回答为 I would likelove to. 或 I’d likelove to. 新知 导学 需掌握的词汇及句型: I 单词 tiring , educational, peaceful, fascinating, thrilling, trek, jungle , fall (Niagara Falls) , touristy(tourist) 1.tire adj. adj. 2. educational n. 3.peaceful n. 4.thrill v. adj. n. 5. trek 过去式 pt. 过去分词 pp. II 重点短语 1. 想要做某事 2. 徒步穿越丛林 3. 度假 4. 令人兴奋的假期 5. 不紧张 技 能 演 练 一、 用所给词的适当形式填空 1.We need a (peace) word. We hate wars. 2. Sam likes Brazil beacause he likes (excite)vacations. 3.I woud like to go somewhere (relax). 4. Why not (go) to visit Singapore. 5. Isn’t Kunming (suppose)to be very hot? 二、单项选择   1、I’d like you _____ something about your hometown.    A. say B. to say  C. saying  D. said   2、---- Would you like a coffee?     ----_________________.    A. No, thanks. B. I think so  C. That’s all right  D. Yes, OK. 3、-Where would you like to go ?     -I’d like to go ______.    A. warm somewhere  B. place warm  C. somewhere warm D. warm place    三、 句型转换,每空一词。 56. I’d like to visit the city again some day. (改为一般疑问句) like to visit the city again some day? 57. I’d like to go to a place where I can swim.(对划线部分提问) you to go? 58. We will be late for the meeting unless we hurry up.(改为同义句) We will be later for the meeting we . 59. They were expected to be here an hour ago, but they haven’t come till now. (改为同义句) They were be here an hour ago, but they come till now. 60. I feel like going to bed. (改为同义句) I would go to bed. 四、翻译 1. 你愿意听音乐吗? 是的,我愿意。 2. 我想让你帮我读单词。 you me read the words. 3. 你想到哪里去度假? you to vacation? 学科 英语 设计者 郭奉艳 审核人 一、 用所给短语的适当形式填空。 授 课 题 目 Unit 7 Where would you like to visit? Section A (1a—2c) 板 书 设 计 Unit 7 Where would you like to visit? Section A (1a—2c) Words Phrases: 1.tire adj. adj. 2. educational n. 3.peaceful n. 4.thrill v. adj. n. 5. trek 过去式 pt. 过去分词 pp. 6. touristy n. 教 学 过 程 Step1:Warm-up (展示一张世界地图)。 T:What kind of countries do you know in the map? S:China, the U.S.A,the U.K,Canada,Australian,Frace, ,Mexico… T:What kind of cities do you know? S:Beijing, New York,London,Toronto,Sydney,Paris… (通过世界地图让学生复习以前曾经学过的国家和地名,并教授相关的 新单词)thrilling,fascinating,peaceful,tiring,educational, ,boring fun,然 后,老师小结这些词组,让学生们齐读一遍。 Step2:Presentation 教学 Where would you like to visit? I would like to visit U.S.A Because it is beautiful. T:Where would you like to visit?(板书,突出动词的形式) S:I would like to visit U.S.A. T:Why would you like to visit U.S.A. S:Because it is beautiful… (强调 I would like to =I’d like to 和其他动词的搭配) Step3: Practice 1.Groupwork: 1a.1c.2c.引出 take it easy,trek through the jungle, 2.Listening: 1b,2a,2b Step4: Sum up The words ,phrases and drills. Step5: Homework 1.介绍三个你最想去的地方,并给出原因。 2.周末你们家人打算去附近的一个地方度假,请以对话的形式写出你 们的讨论过程。 教 学 反 思 (1)would like sth. 想要某物 (2)would like to do sth 想要做某事 (3)would like sb to do sth 想要某人做某 事 一般疑问句是把 would 提前,回答为 I would likelove to. 或 I’d likelove to. 授课 题目 Unit 7 Where would you like to visit? Section A (3a—4) 学习 目标 1. 知识目标:词汇及 would like 句型 2. 能力目标:学会谈论自己想去的地方。 3. 德育目标:.通过本课学习使学生更加了解世界各地。 重点 难点 1. 重点: 词汇及句型。 2. 难点: 用 would like 句型谈论自己想去的地方 课前 准备 预习单词和短语。 知识 讲解 III 重点单词及句型 1、 consider 考虑 consider+n./doing/that 从句 eg: Please consider my suggestion. I’m considering going shopping./ 1.Why not consider visiting Pairs? I consider that he is a selfish man. 2. one of + 最高级+名词复数 “......中最…..的之一” one of the liveliest cities: He is one of the best students in our class. 3. It's best to travel with someone who can translate things for you . (1) 句 型 It's+adj.+(for sb)+to do sth.意为“(对某人来说)做某事是……”。 4. quite/rather + a/an + 形容词+单数名词:“相当…..”= a/an + very + 形容词 + 名词 eg: She is quite/rather a kind girl. = She is a very kind girl. 新知 导学 I 单词 spotlight, consider, lively, sight,including, tower(Eiffle Tower), church(Notre Dame Cathedral), convenient, underground, general(in general) wine, translate ,entertainment, pack, light II 重点短语 1. 旅游胜地 2. 考虑做某事 3. 最热闹的城市之一 4. …… 的首都 5. 奇观景象 6. 环绕某地旅游 7.方便做某事 8. 一般说来 9. 一个消费相当高的地方 10.应该做某事 11.世界上最著名的教堂之一 技 能 演 练 plan on, come true, go on vacation, in general, thousands of 51. Your dream , hasn’t it? 52. I’m going to Tokyo next month. 53. There are students in our school. 54. , Singapore is a nice place. 55. —Where would you this summer? —Hainan. 二、单项选择 1.You arrive at 6:00 a.m., but you arrived at 7:00 a.m. last Sunday. Don’t be late again. A.supposed to B .were supposed to C. are supposed to 2.----Why not music club?----I’m sorry.I can’t dance or sing. A.to join B. join C.joining D. to join in 3. I hear boys in your school like playing football after school. A.quite a lot B.quite a bit C.quite a little D.quite a few 4、I’m considering my hotel, I will come and leave my new address in a few days. A. to change B. changed C. change D. changing 三、hope 与 wish 的区别: 1.相同点:表示“想;希望”都可以接 to do 和 that 从句 . 但是 hope that 表示希望,wish that 表示愿望且从句动词用虚拟语气. I hope you will be better soon. I wish I were ten years younger. 2. 不同点:wish 后还可接 wish sb to do sth.;wish sb. sth. 【即学即用】 ⑴I hope a good job in a foreign company after I graduate school. A. to find; from B. finding; from C. to find; at D. finding; at ⑵I everyone good luck in the coming new year. A. hope B. want C. suppose D. wish ⑶I I were a butterfly now. A. hope B. wish C. think D. guess 授 课 题 目 Unit 7 Where would you like to visit? Section A (3a—4) 板 书 设 计 Unit 7 Where would you like to visit? Section A (3a—4) Words, phrases and drills 1. consider 考虑 consider+n./doing/that 从句 2. one of + 最高级+名词复数 “......中最…..的之一” 3. It's best to travel with someone who can translate things for you. 4. quite/rather + a/an + 形容词+单数名词:“相当…..”= a/an + very + 形容词 + 名词 5. hope 与 wish 的区别 教 学 过 程 Step1:Warm-up Let a few students talk about the places where they would like to go . Step2:Presentation (1)Lead-in T:Do you know something about France? T:What do you want to know about it ? What’s the capital? (2)Read the article and circle the things you like, and underline the things you don’t like. (3)List the important phrases of this article.. Step3: Practice 1.Retell the article according to my question. 2.Groupwork: 3b Step4: Sum up The words ,phrases and drills. Step5: Homework 1.句型转换。 根据下面的单词写篇文章介绍 Hawaii: Hawaii/touristy/hot/swim/expensive 2.汉译英. (1)你想去哪里旅游?     (2)我想去温暖点的地方。                           (3)因为我可以游泳。                             (4)你下次旅行为什么不去上海呢?                      (5)我不喜欢去那里,因为那里人很多。                     教 学 反 思 学科 英语 设计者 郭奉艳 审核人 授课 题目 Unit 7 Where would you like to visit? SectionB (1—2c) 学习 目标 知识目标:A.说—能运用以下句型进行交际: What are important to you when you go on vacation? The weather is the most important thing,I like to go somewhere warm. B.听—能从所听到的对话中获取信息。 C.掌握词汇: 重点 难点 1. 重点: 词汇及句型。 2. 难点: 能从所听到的对话中获取信息。 课前 准备 预习单词和短语。 知识 讲解 (1)Key Vocabulary customer, save money, pool, culture, dream vacation, travel agency (2)The drill What are important to you when you go on vacation? The weather is the most important thing,I like to go somewhere warm. 新知 导学 Listen to rhe tape and then fill in the blanks. Woman1: Jeff, I have to _____________________ 出去半小时. Could you please ________________ 接电话? Just ______________ 捎信 and I’ll______________ 给人们回电话. Jeff: Sure. Hello, Ace Travel. Jeff Marino speaking. How may I help you? Woman2: I’d like some information on vacation packages, please. Jeff: My boss is out of the office for half an hour. Could she call you back? Woman2: Actually, I’d like to______________ 得到一些信息 now, . 技 能 演 练 一、根据句意用适当的介词填空 1 The soldier trekked the forest. 2. My school is five kilometers away my home. 3. I dream going to the moon one day. 4. All her classmates are friendly her. 5. Singapore lies the south of Asia. 6. You can get around the city subway. 二. 单项选择 1. I’d like to trek ______ the jungle. A. through B. across C. over D. on 2. My parents want to go ______ on vacation. A. somewhere peaceful B. dangerous somewhere C. somewhere boring D. fascinating somewhere 3. That is a________ subject . I can’t learn it well. A. bored B. boring C. bore D. bores 4. —Would you like to play football with us? —Yes, ________. A. I’d like B. I’d love C. please D. I’d love to 5. I’m considering ________ my grandmother next Monday. A. to visit B. visit C. visiting D. visits 6. Where would you like to go _______vacation? A. with B. to C. at D. on 7. —Would you like a cup of tea? —_______. A. I think so. B. No, thanks C. That’s all right D. Yes, OK 8. I hope I can be an engineer_______. A. every day B. each day C. the other day D. some day 9. I like places _____ the weather is always warm. A. where B. that C. who D. when 10. We hope _______ the game . A. him to win B. he to win C. him can win D. he can win 11. —Bob, it’s getting cold. take a jacket with you? —All right, Daddy. A. What about B. You’d better C. Why not D. Would you like 学科 英语 设计者 郭奉艳 审核人 A sample writing 授 课 题 目 Unit 7 Where would you like to visit? SectionB(1—2c) 板 书 设 计 Unit 7 Where would you like to visit? Section B(1—2c) Words and phrases Drills 1 customer 2 save money 3 pool 4 culture 5 dream vacation 6 travel agency 教 学 过 程 Step1:Warm-up T:What are important to you when you go on vacation? S:The weather is the most important thing, I like to go somewhere warm. S:I hope it is near the ocean. S:I hope the things there won’t be so expensive. 展示旅游景点图片,让学生畅所欲言。把他们谈论的事项板书出 来。Weather,price,hotel,shopping ,transportation… (通过口语练习,既激发了学生的学生积极性,让学生在轻松好奇的氛围中 复习了上节课的目标语言,又引出新课。) Step2:Presentation 教学 2a,2b。 (1)首先,听力前的 bgrainstorm First,Let students describe the three pictures of 2a. Explain“somewhere warm, go on a nature tour” (2) Check the answers. (3) Let the students listen to the tape again and then follow them. Step3: Practice Pairwork 2c 根据听力的对话内容,首先理解对话,模仿对话。 Step4: Sum up The words ,phrases and drills. Step5: Homework 你打算下周去旅行,想根据自己的要求写信向旅行社咨询。 教 学 反 思 What are important to you when you go on vacation? A:The weather is the most important thing,I like to go somewhere warm. B: …not like flying… …. 授课 题目 Unit 7 Where would you like to visit? SectionB (3a---4) 学习 目标 知识目标:掌握词汇并能进行阅读和写作训练。 能力目标:培养学生的阅读和写作能力。 重点 难点 1. 重点: 词汇及写电子邮件。 2. 难点: 电子邮件的写法。 课前 准备 预习单词和短语。 知识 讲解 The words and phrases 1.Take a trip, 2.in/on/to the east of , 3.mind doing, 4.need to do , 5.save money by , 6.stay at , 7.be away. 8 provide sth. for sb.=provide sb.with sth. :供给(某人)…… 9.offer sb. sth..=offer sth. to sb. 提供给某人什么 新知 导学 Write an email Suppose you work for Ace Travel Agency and you have received the letter from S.T. Zhang. Then it is your duty to reply the e-mail and you have to tell where they should go on vacation. Aftter they all know what to do, get them to begin writing. Move around the classroom as they write, offering help if necessary.. 技 能 演 练 Subject: Vacation From: Ace Travel Dear S.T. Zhang, We are very glad to receive your letter.Thank you for choosing our agency. I think Qingdao is the best place for you and your family to go on vacation based on your e-mail. Qingdao is a very beautiful city with lots of nice scenery. It’s in the east coast of China. The waves of the sea are really wonderful. It’s really an exciting place to visit. And you can also do a lot of exercise there, such as hiking along the coast .It will become a more attractive place in summer. We can help you book an inexpensive room with three beds. Many local people there run that kind of hotels with their own houses. The rooms are very clean and nice and you can cook your meals in the kitchens if you like. I suggest you’d better travel by plane. You can save much time in that way. What do you think of travelling to Qingdao?Please tell us. Best wishes to you and your family. Ace Travel 1.用括号中的单词的正确形式填空。 (1)Have you ever been to Niagara     (fall)? (2)Hawaii is a    place, every year many (tourist)go there for their vacation. (3)There are many things (do)in Singapore. (4)Hong kong is a wonderful place for (shop). 授 课 题 目 Unit 7 Where would you like to visit? SectionB(3a---4) 板 书 设 计 Unit 7 Where would you like to visit? Section B(3a---4) Words and phrases Write an email 1.provide v.提供;供给 provide sth. for sb.= provide sb.with sth. :供给(某人)…… 2.firm n.公司 3.offer v.提供;给予. offer sb. sth..=offer sth. to sb. 提供给某人什么 4.spot n.地点;场所 5.Confucius 孔子 6.forest n,森林;森林地带 7 The Stone Forest 石林 8.Take a trip, 9.in/on/to the east of , 10.mind doing, 教 学 过 程 Step1:Warm-up . Revise the conversation in Activity 2c on page 55 by making a conversation with one student like this, T: Where would you like to go? Ss: I’d like to go somewhere relaxing. T: What else can you tell me? S: I don’t want to go to big noisy cities. After that, ask them to practice in pairs. Ask several pairs to share their conversations with the whole class. Step2:Presentation 阅读(Reading)3a (1) T: Happy to know your requirements about vacations, now, let’s read 3a,and try to find what S.T.Zhang want about his vacation. T: If you understand the passage, you can finish the “T”o“F”.(学生通过自己说读理解,在过程中加深印象,比教 师直接说出答案要有效得多。) (2)Explain their questions about the 3a. and write the phrases on the blackboard. Step3: Practice (1) Teach students to read the words and expressions several times. Then ask several to read to the class. Make sure that they can read the words fluently and correctly. (2)Write back an email to S.T. Zhang, Step4: Sum up The words ,phrases and drills. Step5: Homework . You are planning to travel somewhere, but you don’t know where is suitable for you .Now please write an email to tell the travel agency about your requirements. 教 学 反 思

