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2020届二轮复习 主谓一致 The boy ___ diving. They ____ diving. Both Jack and Tim ___diving. All of them ____ diving. Neither Jack nor Tim ___ walking. is are are is are Finish the following exercises: Bob Bob _____ a worker. is Mike Mike and Bob _____ workers. are Both Mike and Bob ____ workers. are Neither Mike nor Bob ___a teacher. is Bill Neither of them ________ (know) how to teach English. knows/know All of them ______ workers. None of them ___________ (know) how to teach English. are knows/know 一、主谓一致的定义 语法详解: 所谓主谓一致是指 主语 和 谓语动词 之间,即主语的____和___决定着谓语动词对应的形式。 人称 数 二、主谓一致的三个原则 1. 语法一致 就是主语为单数形式 , 谓语即用单数形式 ; 主语为复数形式 , 谓语也用复数形式。如: The book is very interesting. 这本书很有趣。 The books are very interesting. 这些书很有趣。 (1) 不定代词作主语 , 谓语动词要用 ______ ,如 each, either, one, someone ,somebody, something, anybody, anyone, anything, everybody, everyone, everything, nobody, no one, nothing 。 注意: none of 和 neither/either of 加复数名词做主语时,谓动可用单数,也可用复数。 单数 〖即境运用〗 1.Someone_____ asking for you.(be) 2.Nothing _____ found in the room.( be ) 3.(1)Neither of them _____(know) how to teach English.他们两个全都不知道如何教英语。 (2)Neither of them _____(know) how to teach English.他们两个没有一个知道如何教英语 4.(1)None of them _____(has)been to the Great Wall.他们中没有一个人去过长城。 (2)None of them _____(has)been to the Great Wall.他们全都没有一个人去过长城 is is know knows has have 〖 即境运用 〗 1.Mr Li together with his two sons_____(has) gone to the cinema. 2.Two women , as well as Mr. Black, ______ ( be ) at the office now. 3.No one except the two boys ______ (be )late for class yesterday. 4.His classmates, rather than Li Ming, _____ (have) let out the secret. (2) 如果句子中插入由“ with, along with, together with, besides,as well as, like, without, except, but, including , rather than ” 等所连接的短语时 ,谓语动词谓与前面的名词或代词的数一致。 has are was have (3) all of; a lot of; lots of; some of; most of; plenty of; the rest of; half of; part of; majority of; percent of; one third of 等 量词 加名词作主语的时候,谓语动词与 of后面的名词 保持一致。 〖 即境运用 〗 1.All of my classmates ____(like) music. 2.All of the water ___(be ) gone. 3.About 60 percent of the students in our school ___ ( be ) boys like is are (5) 以 “ a number of + 复数名词”意为“许多”,作主语时,谓语动词用 ______ ; “ the number of + 复数名词”意为“ …… 的数目”,作主语时, 谓语动词用 _______ 。 〖 即境运用 〗 1.A number of new books_____ ( be ) on the desk. 2.The number of students in your class __ ( be ) 50. (4) many a, more than one, one and a half+ 单数名词 , 谓语用 ______ 。 〖 即境运用 〗 1.More than one person______(has) known it. 2.Many a worker ______ ( be ) killed in the accident. are has was 单数 复数 单数 is (6) 定语从句的关系代词 who, which, that 在从句中作主语时, 要与先行词的人称和数保持一致。 1. Those who______ singing may join us. 喜欢唱歌的人可以加入我们 。 2.Tom , who ___ your friend, should help you. 你的朋友汤姆应该帮助你。 enjoy is (7) 在 主谓倒装 的句子中, 谓语动词的数应与其后的名词或代词一致。 〖即境运用〗 1.Between the two windows ______(hang) two pictures. 2.Between the two rows of trees ________(stand) the teaching building. hang stands (8) a large quantity of + 名单 + 谓单 名复 + 谓复/单 large quantities of + 名单/复 + 谓复 〖即境运用〗 1.Large quantities of money ____spent on the bridge.(be) 2.A large quantity of money ____ materials____ spent on the bridge.(be ) were were was (9). a (large )amount of , 修饰不可数名词, 其短语作主语时, 谓语动词用 单数 ; (large )amounts of 修饰不可数名词, 其短语作主语时, 谓语动词通常用 复数。 〖 即境运用 〗 1.A large amount of money _____ spent on books.(be) 2. Large amounts of money _____ spent on books.(be) was were 2 、意义一致原则 所谓 意义一致 原则是指谓语动词和主语一致不是取决于主语的语法形式, 而是其 实际意义 。 有的主语名词在形式上是单数, 但在意义上却是复数;有的主语名词在形式上是复数, 但在意义上却是单数。 如: Cattle eat grass. 牛吃草。 The police were called in. 警察被召来了。 (1) and 连接两个名词一起作主语时,谓语动词一般用 _______ 。但是,当两个名词表示 同一人、同一事物、同一概念或一个完整的东西时 ( 其特征是 and 后的名词前无任何冠词 ) ,谓语动词应用 ______ 。 〖 即境运用 〗 1.He and she _____(be) both students of this school. 2.The singer and dancer____(be) going to give us a performance. 3.The knife and fork ____(be) on the table. 复数 单数 are is is (2) 如果主语是不定式, 动词ing形式或主语从句的时候,谓语动词一般用_______。 〖即境运用〗 1.When he is coming ______ (seem) very important. 2.Collecting stamps ____ (be) his hobby. 3.To love her _____(be) not to break her wings. 爱她就不该折断她自由飞翔的翅膀。 单数 seems is is (3). 集合名词作主语, 动词可用单数, 也可以用复数。主要由句子的意思决定。强调 整体 谓语动词用 ____ ;指 全体人员 时, 动词则用_____。这一类常见的集合名词有public, family, class, crowd, population, team, group。 〖 即境运用 〗 1.My family____all fond of going to the cinema. 我全家都爱看电影。 2.The family _____ rather big, with twelve people in all. 这个家庭很大 , 总共有 12 个人。 单数 复数 is are (4)由 两个部分构成一个整体的物品名词 做主语,如shoes, glasses, boots, socks, scissors, compasses, trousers, shorts等, 谓语通常用____,但当被a pair of 修饰时, 谓语动词用______. 〖 即境运用 〗 1.The shoes _____ (be)worn out. 2.The pair of shoes _____ (be) worn out. are is 复数 单数 (5)某些名词以s结尾如maths, politics, physics, news, plastics 等, 谓语动词应用单数。 Physics is a very interesting subject. 〖即境运用〗 1.物理是一门很有趣的学科。 2.数学深受学生的们的欢迎 。 Maths is popular with the students. (6)书刊名、时间、距离、价格、度量衡等的复数名词作主语时, 谓语动词常用_____。 〖 即境运用 〗 1.Thirty dollars ____ too high a price for the book. ( be ) 2.Another 10 years______ passed since he left. (have) 3.Fifteen miles _____ like a long walk to me. (seem) 单数 is seems has (7) every... and every ...; each ... and each ...; no ... and no ... 在以上短语中and连接的单数名词, 整个短语在句中作主语时, 谓语动词常使用单数。 1.班级中的每个男孩女孩都很用功。 2.没有任何声音被听到。 Every boy and every girl in the class is diligent. No sound and no voice is heard. 〖 即境运用 〗 (8) what, such 引导一个句子时,谓语动词常 与其后作表语的名词一致 。 〖 即境运用 〗 1.What you said ___ of great importance.(be) 2.What you left ____ only several old books.(be) 3.Such ____ our plan.(be) 4.Such _____ his words.(be) is are are is (9) 如果主语由“the + 形容词(或过去分词)”结构担任时,表示“.....一类人”,谓语通常用_____;这类词有: ,the rich, the blind, the young, the old, the injured, the wounded, the unemployed等。 〖即境运用〗 1.盲人在特殊学校学习。 2.在车祸中受伤的人必须立即被送去医院。 The blind study in the special school. The injured have to be sent to the hospital at once. 复数 (10) means( 方法手段 ),works( 工厂 ),sheep, fish, aircraft( 飞机 ) 等单复数同形的名词作主语时, 采用意义一致的原则:指一种方法或一家工厂时, 谓语动词用单数, 否则用复数。 〖 即境运用 〗 1.Every possible means _____(have) been tried to solved the problem. 为了解决这个问题,每种可能的方法都试过了 2.All means _______(have) been tried. 所有的方法都试过了 has have 所谓就近原则,即谓语动词的单、复数形式 取决于最靠近它的词语。 注意: either ... or; neither ... nor; not only ... but also, whether...or 在句子中连接主语的时候或者在 there be 句型中 , 谓语动词要和就近的主语保持一致。 3 、就近原则 〖 即境运用 〗 1.Neither you nor I ____ ( be ) wrong. 2.There _____ ( be ) a cup of tea and some apples on the table. 3.Not only the students but also the teacher ______ (wish) for a holiday. am is wishes 1. Being too anxious to help an event develop often __________ (result) in the contrary to our intention. ( 2008 广东语法填空) 2. He _____________ (pretend) that a tiger toy was real and giving it a voice. (2011 广东语法填空 ) 3. “Your father has at last decided to stop smoking,” Jane ________ (inform).(2009 语法填空 ) 主谓一致与广东高考 results was pretending was informed 1. Either you or the headmaster __ (be) to hand out the prizes to those gifted students at the meeting. 1. 谓语与 the headmaster 一致,故 be 用第三人称单数 is, “be + to do” 表示安排好的事。 is 二、单句填空 2. The teacher, with 6 girls and 8 boys of her class, ____________(visit) a museum when the earthquake struck. 2. 谓语与 the teacher 一致,又根据惯用句型结构 was /were doing...when... 可知,用过去进行时态。 was visiting 3. Two fifths of the land in that district ___(be) covered with trees and grass. 3. 谓语与 the land 一致,用单数。 is 4. Nowadays, a large number of women, especially those from the countryside, _____ (work) in the clothing industry. 4. 因 a large number of( 许多 ) 短语作主语,谓语用复数;由 nowadays 可知,用一般现在时。 work 5. With more forests being destroyed, huge quantities of good earth ______________ (wash) away each year. 5. 因 qualities of 作主语 , 谓语用复数;又需要用被动式,指近些年或近阶段正在发生的事,用现在进行时。 are being washed 6. He is the only one of the students who _________(be) a winner of scholarship for three years. 谓语应与 the only one 一致,又由 for three years 可知用完成时。 7. Every possible means _____________(use) to prevent the air pollution, but the sky is still not clear. 由 every 可知 means 是单数 , 由语境可知用完成时。 have been used has been 8. When and where to go for the on-salary holiday _________________ (not, decide) yet. 不定式作主语,谓语用单数;由 yet 可知用完成时。 9. She has set a new record, that is, the sales of her latest book _____________(reach) 50 million. 主语是复数 sales ;又由前句的 has set 可知用现在完成时态。 has not been decided have reached 10. Professor Smith, along with his assistants, ___________(work) on the project day and night to meet the deadline. 10. 主语 Professor Smith 是单数,又由语境可知用现在进行时。 is working 三、语法填空 It was astonishing that Hans 1 _________(find) dead alone at 9 o’clock on Sunday evening in his study two days before his 60-year-old birthday. The famous writer and photographer 2 ______ (see) in public at the press conference for the last time, saying his family 3 _____________(arrange) a big birthday party for him and his ex-wife as well as all of his good friends 4 _____(be) going to attend his party. How he died 5 _____(be) a mystery. was found was seen were arranging was was To find out the reason of his death, the police 6 _________(call) to come immediately to the spot. The police found in the study there 7 _____(be) a handbag and two new books that 8 _________ (say) not to belong to him. Each family member and each servant 9 ___________(ask) what they 10 ____________(do) between 7:00 and 9:00. According to their testimony( 证词 ), both his wife and his mother 11 ______________(watch) TV in the sitting-room while his father was reading newspaper in his bedroom. were called was were said was asked were doing were watching Running a supermarket 100 kilometers away 12 _____(be) his only son’s job so he was staying there during that time. Although 100 kilometers 13 _____(be) not a long distance, he seldom went home. His daughter-in-law along with his two daughters 14 ____________(shop). Neither two female servants nor the male servant 15 ____(be) at home because all of them 16 _________(send) to the villa to help prepare the party. A further investigation was going to be carried out. was was was shopping was were sent 四、写作运用 —— 翻译下列句子。 1.这里三分之一的人口是工人。 One third of the population here were workers. 2.又聋有哑很难与人交流。 Being deaf and dumb makes communication difficult. 3.受伤的人都被送进了医院。 The injured were take to the hospital. 4.到目前为止,这个海里大量的水已经被污染。 A large quantity of water in the sea has been polluted so far. 5.每一种方法都已经被尝试过了,我们还是救不了他。 Every means has been tried but we can't save him. 6.老师和同学们在讨论问题。(with) The teacher with his students is discussing questions. Thank you Goodbye

