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河北省盐城中学2019届高三英语综合练习三 第一部分: 听力 第一节 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。‎ ‎( )1. What do we know about the weather?‎ A. It’s cool. B. It’s warm. C. It’s cold.‎ ‎( )2. What does the man mean?‎ A. His wife likes watching CCTV5.‎ B. His wife’s tears are really exciting.‎ C. The programs often make his wife very excited.‎ ‎( )3. Who will be taken there?‎ A. Alice. B. Eric. C. Jack.‎ ‎( )4. What can we learn from the conversation?‎ A. Linda left here half a year ago.‎ B. The woman has covered a long way.‎ C. Linda has lived here for half a year.‎ ‎( )5. How does the woman probably feel?‎ A. Regretful. B. Happy. C. Disappointed.‎ 第二节 听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,每小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。‎ 听第6段材料,回答第6至8题。‎ ‎( )6. What’s the relationship between the two speakers?‎ A. Friends. B. Classmates. C. Strangers.‎ ‎( )7. Where will the man go?‎ A. To No. 11 Primary School. ‎ B. To No. 1 High School. ‎ C. To a port.‎ ‎( )8. What can we learn about the woman?‎ A. She doesn’t know the way to the place.‎ B. She is so kind, friendly and helpful.‎ C. She doesn’t know much about the bus time.‎ 听第7段对话,回答第9至11题。‎ ‎( )9. What will the woman buy?‎ A. Trousers. B. A coat. C. A sweater.‎ ‎( )10. What color is chosen by the woman?‎ A. Black. B. Green. C.‎ ‎ Blue.‎ ‎( )11. Which one is the woman’s choice?‎ A. The fifth from the right. ‎ B. The sixth from the right. ‎ C. The fifth from the left.‎ 听第8段材料,回答第12至14题。‎ ‎( )12. What is the dialogue?‎ A. A bargain talk.‎ B. A job interview.‎ C. A conversation about a computer.‎ ‎( )13. How many years has the woman been acting as a computer programmer?‎ A. Two. B. Three. C. Five.‎ ‎( )14. What do we know about the woman?‎ A. She is still a friendly and hard-working college student.‎ B. She, a determined person, has never met with any failure.‎ C. She is confident and gets along well with her colleagues.‎ 听第9段材料,回答第15至17题。‎ ‎( )15. Where does the conversation probably happen?‎ A. On the speaker’s way to work.‎ B. Just inside the Weather Station.‎ C. Outside an experiment building.‎ ‎( )16. Which of the following is TRUE?‎ A. The man knows much about the work in the Weather Station.‎ B. The computer forecast maps can’t actually be so accurate.‎ C. It was the woman who first arrived at her working place.‎ ‎( )17. What do we learn about the work in the Weather Station?‎ A. Observations are taken every minute.‎ B. Low-speed computers are needed.‎ C. High-quality receivers are used.‎ 听第10段材料,回答第18至20题。‎ ‎( )18. What is the talk mainly about?‎ A. The 2010 Shanghai World Expo.‎ B. China Pavilion at the Shanghai World Expo.‎ C. The most representative symbols of Chinese gardens.‎ ‎( )19. What can be seen on the journey of discovery?‎ A. The forecast of “Dougong”.‎ B. Some steel bridges of ancient China.‎ C. Some high mountains and an outdoor train.‎ ‎( )20. How long will the journey of discovery last?‎ A. 10 minutes. B. 30 minutes. C. 13 minutes.‎ 第二部分: 英语知识运用 第一节 单项填空 请认真阅读下面各题,从题中所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。‎ ‎( )21. ______ World Food Programme has organized a number of programmes, which target people most at ______ risk and people stand at ______ crossroads, such as babies, pregnant women and ______ elderly.‎ A. /; the; the; / B. The; /; the; the ‎ C. The;/; the; / D. /; /; a; the ‎( )22. ______ absent from class for a whole week, the teacher decided to give him a three days’ suspension ______ school.‎ A. Having been; off B. Tom having been; from C. Because of being; by D. Tom had been; away from ‎( )23. This is a simple idea, but ______ which is hard to put into practice.‎ A. / B. the one C. one D. that ‎( )24. The Roma originally lived in northern India in ______ is now Pakistan, and later tried in vain to settle down ______ they could live and trade peacefully.‎ A. where; where B. which; in which ‎ C. which; where D. what; where ‎( )25. Many countries are in ______ now, ______, the violation of intellectual property will become a serious problem.‎ A. legal straits; in which case ‎ B. a legal strait; therefore C. law trouble; nevertheless ‎ D. legal difficulty; furthermore ‎( )26. A model or an experiment in a science class can help students see things which would ______ remain hidden.‎ A. otherwise B. still C. thus D. also ‎( )27. Just as the clothes a person wears, the food he eats and the friends with whom he spends his time, his house ______his personality.‎ A. resembles B. strengthens C. reflects D. shapes ‎( )28. It was shameful to be found sleeping in class. His classmates’ laughter only___ his embarrassment.‎ A. added to B. appealed to C. referred to D. applied to ‎( )29. —It's a long time ____ I last saw you.‎ ‎—Yes, and it will be another month ____ we can meet again.‎ A. before; since B. when; before C. since; when D. since; before ‎( )30. —How much do you know about the 3D film technology?‎ ‎—A little. Not until ______the hot movie Avatar ______ something about it.‎ A. did I see; did I begin to learn ‎ B. I saw; I began to learn C. I saw; did I begin to learn ‎ D. did I see; I began to learn ‎( )31.—I didn't take notes in class yesterday because I had lost my pen.‎ ‎—You _________ mine. I ________ it.‎ A. must have borrowed; wasn't using ‎ B. may have borrowed; didn’t use C. should have borrowed; hadn't used ‎ D. could have borrowed; wasn't using ‎( )32.—Do you think that the 16th Guangzhou Asian Games were a success?‎ ‎—Yes, ________! It couldn’t be ________.‎ A. relatively; better ‎ B. approximately; worse C. absolutely; better ‎ D. fortunately; worse ‎( )33. A Christmas is paid in early December each year to people getting certain long-term social welfare payments in the USA.‎ A. income B. salary C. bonus D. budget ‎( )34. —I believe Tom to be a great businessman like Bill Gates in the future.‎ ‎—Why do you think so?‎ ‎—Because he is ________ in business.‎ A. as poor as a church mouse B. as sharp as a spear C. as busy as a bee D. as sly as a fox ‎( )35. —Tom, I’m sorry to say that I can’t go to watch tonight’s match with you, for I have to prepare for the coming exam.‎ ‎— _______ .Have some fun!‎ A. Don’t have too many irons in the fire ‎ B. Don’t be a wet blanket C. Don’t put the cart before the horse ‎ D. Don’t pull my leg 第二节 完形填空 请认真阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。‎ We all have dreams. Yet so few of us realize them. Often, a dream dies as quickly as it is born 36 we lack the confidence to keep it. When I was old enough to understand the realities of life, I realized that society puts a high 37 on youth, beauty and academic achievement. This discovery gave me some idea to develop my dream although I was 38 .‎ My dream was 39 . I just dreamed of becoming a 40 when I was in secondary school. The employment field was a highly 41 place. It gave not only fierce competition to a disabled job-seeker but also the unfriendly treatment from the 42 strong and healthy. They looked on the disabled as the back row of society.‎ ‎43 , I refused to sit in the back row. I decided to 44 a course in typing run by the government. When I 45 over the application form to the interviewer, she looked at me, then moved her eyes to my body. She advised me to 46 my choice from typing. But I was 47 to stay with it. “I will be a really good typist,” I told her. She 48 me.‎ On the fifth month of the six-month course, five students were 49 to do some copy typing. I was one of them. I was very efficient and finished half of the work given to us all.‎ ‎50 work came to me after this test. I could see quite clearly the way to 51 my dream. I was taken on as one of the typists in one of the offices immediately after my graduation. I did not 52 starting at the bottom of the ladder. Being a typist was just the beginning of the 53 . Having achieved one dream, I set out to achieve others. I worked and studied at the same time, which was no easy task. But all my efforts 54 at last.‎ Dreamers should keep reaching out for their dreams, whatever the 55 , until they get what they want in life and live their dreams.‎ ‎( )36. A. until B. because C. although D. unless ‎( )37. A. balance B. view C. value D. measure ‎( )38. A. disabled B. talented C. excited D. interested ‎( )39. A. wonderful B. complex C. strange D. simple ‎( )40. A. teacher B. typist C. scientist D. doctor ‎( )41. A. competitive B. valuable C. mysterious D. admirable ‎( )42. A. especially B. extremely C. physically D. fortunately ‎( )43. A. Therefore B. However C. Besides D. Moreover ‎( )44. A. join B. give C. receive D. take ‎( )45. A. took B. went C. handed D. turned ‎( )46. A. change B. protect C. make D. prevent ‎( )47. A. devoted B. decided C. determined D. intended ‎( )48. A. received B. accepted C. rejected D. celebrated ‎( )49 .A. promised B. forced C. suggested D. chosen ‎( )50. A. More B. Less C. Easier D. Better ‎( )51. A. achieving B. turning C. finishing D. enjoying ‎( )52. A. appreciate B. like C. consider D. mind ‎( )53. A. experience B. work C. climb D. career ‎( )54. A. were paid back B. paid back ‎ C. were paid off D. paid off ‎( )55. A. happiness B. pain C. sorrow D. excitement 第三部分:阅读理解 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。‎ A The sun shone in through the dining room window,lighting up the hardwood floor. We had been talking there for nearly two ‎ hours. The phone of the “Nightline”rang yet again and Morrie asked his helper, Connie, to get it. She had been taking down the callers’ names in Morrie’s small black appointment book. It was clear I was not the only one interested in visiting my old professor—the “Nightline”appearance had made him something of a big figure—but I was impressed with, perhaps even a bit envious of, all the friends that Morrie seemed to have.‎ ‎“You know, Mitch, now that I'm dying, I've become much more interesting to people. I’m on the last great journey here--and people want me to tell them what to pack.”‎ The phone rang again.‎ ‎“Morrie, can you talk?” Connie asked.‎ ‎“I’m visiting with my old friend now,” he announced. “Let them call back.”‎ I cannot tell you why he received me so warmly. I was hardly the promising student who had left him sixteen years earlier. Had it not been for “Nightline,” Morrie might have died without ever seeing me again.‎ What happened to me?‎ The eighties happened. The nineties happened. Death and sickness and getting fat and going bald happened. I traded lots ‎ of dreams for a bigger paycheck, and I never even realized I was doing it. Yet here was Morrie talking with the wonder of our college years, as if I'd simply been on a long vacation.‎ ‎“Have you found someone to share your heart with?” he asked.‎ ‎“Are you at peace with yourself?”‎ ‎“Are you trying to be as human as you can be?”‎ I felt ashamed, wanting to show I had been trying hard to work out such questions. What happened to me? I once promised myself I would never work for money, that I would join the Peace Corps, and that I would live in beautiful, inspirational places.‎ Instead, I had been in Detroit for ten years, at the same workplace, using the same bank, visiting the same barber. I was thirty-seven, more mature than in college, tied to computers and modems and cell phones. I was no longer young, nor did I walk around in gray sweatshirts with unlit cigarettes in my mouth. I did not have long discussions over egg salad sandwiches about the meaning of life.‎ My days were full, yet I remained, much of the time, unsatisfied.‎ What happened to me?‎ ‎( )56. When did the author graduate from Morrie’s college?‎ A. In the eighties. ‎ B. In the nineties.‎ C. When he was sixteen. ‎ D. When he was twenty-one.‎ ‎( )57. What do we know about the“Nightline”?‎ A. Morrie started it by himself. ‎ B. It helped Morrie earn a fame.‎ C. The author helped Morrie start it. ‎ D. It was only operated at night.‎ ‎( )58. What can we infer from the passage?‎ A. Both the author and Morrie liked travelling.‎ B. Morrie liked helping people pack things for their journeys.‎ C. The author envied Morrie’s friends the help they got from him.‎ D. The author earned a lot of money at the cost of his dreams.‎ ‎( )59. What’s the author’s feeling when he writes this passage?‎ A. Regretful. ‎ B. Enthusiastic.‎ C. Sympathetic. ‎ D. Humorous.‎ B ‎“San Francisco, open your Golden Gate,” sang the girl in the theatre. She never finished her song. The date was 18th, 1906.‎ The earth shook and the roof suddenly divided, buildings crashed to the ground and people rushed out into the streets. The dreadful earthquake destroyed the city that had grown up when men discovered gold in the deserts of California. But today the streets of San-Francisco stretch over more than 40 steep hills, rising like huge cliffs above the blue waters of the Pacific Ocean.‎ The best way to see this splendid city, where Spanish were the first to make their homes, is to take one of the old cable cars which run along the nine main avenues. Fares are cheap; they have not risen for almost a hundred years.‎ You leave the palm trees in Union Square—the heart of San-Francisco and from the shop signs and the faces around you, you will notice that in the city live people from many nations—Austrians, Italians, Chinese, and others, giving every part of the city a special character. More Chinese live in China Town than in any other part of the world outside China. Here, with Chinese restaurants, Chinese post-boxes, and even ‎ odd telephone-boxes that look like pagoda, it is easy to feel you are in China itself.‎ Fisherman’s Wharf, a place all foreigners want to see, is the end of the ride. You get out, and then set out to find a table in one of gay little restaurants beside the harbor. As you enjoy the fresh Pacific sea food, you can admire the bright red paint of the Golden Gate Bridge in the harbor and watch the traffic crossing beneath the tall towers on its way to the pretty village of Tiberon. When you finish your meal, you may decide to take a boat-trip around the bay to look at the sights. You can stare at the famous, now empty, prison of Alcatraz. Then why not go to the fishing village of Sansalito—a little like London’s Chelsea or New York’s Greenwich Village—to see people painting and to look at their pictures. You will be able to enjoy a view of the city from the sea and take pleasure in the soft red and blue Spanish-type houses shining in the bright Pacific light. If you have time you might like to go by bus to Carmel, a hundred miles south of San-Francisco, where you will discover a wild and wonderful coast with high cliffs.‎ ‎( )60. How many means of transportation are suggested in the passage?‎ A. One B. Two C. Three ‎ ‎ D. Four ‎( )61. Which is the right order of the travel route given in the passage?‎ A.Union Square—Fisherman’s Wharf—the Golden Gate Bridge—Tiberon—prison of Alcatraz—Sanalito.‎ B.Union Square—the Golden Gate Bridge—Tiberon--prison of Alcatraz—Sanalito—Fisherman’s Wharf.‎ C.Union Square—Fisherman’s Wharf—the Golden Gate Bridge—Tiberon--Chelsea—Greenwich Village.‎ D.Union Square—the Golden Gate Bridge—Tiberon—Chelsea—Greenwich Village—Fisherman’s Wharf.‎ ‎( )62. Which of the following can be the best title?‎ A. San-Francisco—a prosperous(繁荣的)city after the earthquake.‎ B. San-Francisco—a charming travel city of America.‎ C. San-Francisco—a city to open her Golden Gate.‎ D. San-Francisco—a harbor stretching over steep hills.‎ C ‎(BEIJING, August 10)—The Beijing Daily has put together a number of tips for cost-efficient travel in Beijing.‎ ★ Subway transfer ‎ ‎“Transfer” is a word frequently used by volunteers helping visitors choose the best way of transport during the ongoing Beijing Olympics to save time.‎ On the seven subway lines now in operation, the transport authorities have set up a total of 16 transfer stations:‎ Transfer between Line 2 and Line 1 at Jianguomen and Fuxingmen stations;‎ Transfer between Line 2 and Line 5 at Chongwenmen and Yonghegong stations;‎ Transfer between Line 2 and Line 13 at Dongzhimen and Xizhimen stations; Dongzhimen station can also bring you to Beijing Capital International Airport via the Airport Line;‎ Transfer between Line 1 and Line Batong at Sihui and Sihuidong stations;‎ Transfer from Line 1 to Line 10 at Guomao station to reach Zhongguancun, the north Third Ring Road (going north and west) or Jinsong (going south).‎ Via Line 10, transfer to Line 8 at Beitucheng station to reach the Olympic central zone, where the “Bird’s Nest” and other venues are located; transfer to Line 5 at Huixinxijie Nankou; transfer to Line 13 at Zhichunlu and Shaoyaoju stations; Sanyuanqiao station takes you to the airport via the Airport ‎ line.‎ ★ From subway to bus Beijing’s subway system is thoroughly linked with bus routes.‎ The Beijing Railway Station, which can be reached via the Line 2 subway, has bus lines goingnorth, southeast and to the West Railway Station, covering Chaoyang, Tongzhou, Daxing and other districts.‎ Xizhimen station is linked to many bus routes that go south and northeast. The long-distance bus routes near Dongzhimen station pass through Shunyi, Pinggu and other outskirts.‎ ★ Park and ride Park and ride facilities allow commuters to leave their personal vehicles in a parking lot and transfer to a bus or rail system.‎ In Beijing, because of city planning and other factors, park and ride is limited to bus and subway stations beyond the Fourth Ring Road. Since the Line 5 subway began operating, a low-fare parking lot, the largest in Beijing, was created at Tiantongyuan Beizhan station. Drivers are encouraged to spend just two yuan per day parking their vehicles and take the subway into the city.‎ ‎( )63. At which of the station, passengers can go to the Beijing Capital International Airport by subway?‎ A. Dongzhimen and Xizhimen.‎ B. Jianguomen and Fuxingmen.‎ C. Dongzhimen and Sanyuanqiao.‎ D. Zhichunlu and Shaoyaoju.‎ ‎( )64. According to the tips, if you take Line 2, how can you reach Zhongguancun?‎ A. Transfer to Line 1 at Jianguomen station, and then transfer to Line 10 at Guomao station.‎ B. Transfer to Line 5 at Chongwenmen station, and then transfer to Line 10 at Guomao station.‎ C. Transfer to Line 13 at Dongzhimen station, and then transfer to Line 8 at Beituchengstation.‎ D. Transfer to Line 1 at Dongzhimen station, and then transfer to Line 10 at Guomao station.‎ ‎( )65. Which of the following is TRUE?‎ A. You can get to the Beijing Railway Station via the Line 5 subway.‎ B. Park and ride is limited to bus and subway stations beyond the Third Ring Road.‎ C. Drivers can spend a little money in parking their vehicles ‎ in the largest parking lot.‎ D. Drivers must park their cars in the largest parking lot and transfer to a bus or rail system.‎ ‎( )66. What is the purpose of the tips?‎ A. To help volunteers save time during the ongoing Olympic Games.‎ B. To help tourists enjoy the places of interest in Beijing.‎ C. To make people learn about the daily transport in Beijing.‎ D. To make it convenient and efficient to travel in Beijing during the ongoing Olympic Games.‎ D Habits are a funny thing. We reach for them mindlessly, setting our brains on auto-pilot and relaxing into the unconscious comfort of familiar routine. “Not choice, but habit rules the unreflecting creatures,” William Wordsworth said in the 19th century. In the ever-changing 21st century, even the word “habit” carries a negative meaning.‎ So it seems contradictory to talk about habits in the same context as innovation (创新). But brain researchers have discovered that when we consciously develop new habits, we create parallel paths, and even entirely new brain cells, that can jump our trains of thought onto new, innovative tracks.‎ Rather than dismissing ourselves as unchangeable creatures of habit, we can instead direct our own change by consciously developing new habits. In fact, the more new things we try, the more creative we become.‎ But don’t bother trying to kill off old habits; once those ruts of procedure are worn into the brain, they’re there to stay. Instead, the new habits we deliberately press into ourselves create parallel pathways that can bypass those old roads.‎ ‎“The first thing needed for innovation is attraction to wonder,” says Dawna Markova, author of The Open Mind. “But we are taught instead to‘decide’, just as our president calls himself‘the Decider’.” She adds, however, that “to decide is to kill off all possibilities but one. A good innovational thinker is always exploring the many other possibilities.”‎ ‎“All of us work through problems in ways of which we’re unaware,”she says. Researchers in the late 1960s discovered that humans are born with the ability to approach challenges in four primary ways: analytically, procedurally, collaboratively (合作地) and innovatively. At the end of adolescence, however, the brain shuts down half of that ability, preserving only those ways of thought that have seemed most ‎ valuable during the first decade or so of life.‎ The current emphasis on standardized testing highlights analysis and procedure, meaning that few of us use our innovative and collaborative ways of thought. “This breaks the major rule in the American belief system—that anyone can do anything,”explains M. J. Ryan, author of the 2006 book This Year I Will —land Ms. Markova’s business partner.“That’s a lie that we have preserved, and it fosters(培养)commonness. Knowing what you’re good at and doing even more of it creates excellence.”This is where developing new habits comes in.‎ ‎( )67. Brain researchers have discovered that .‎ A. the forming of new habits can be guided B. the development of habits can be predicted C. the regulation of old habits can be transformed D. the track of new habits can be created unconsciously ‎( )68. The underlined word“ruts”in Paragraph 4 is closest in meaning to .‎ A. zones B. connections C. situations D. tracks ‎( )69. Which of the following statements most probably agrees with Dawna Markova’s view?‎ A. Decision makes no sense in choices.‎ B. Curiosity makes creative minds active.‎ C. Creative ideas are born of a relaxing mind.‎ D. Formation of innovation comes from fantastic ideas.‎ ‎( )70. The purpose of the author writing this article is to persuade us .‎ A. to give up our traditional habits deliberately B. to create and develop new habits consciously C. to resist the application of standardized testing D. to believe that old habits conflict with new habits 第四部分:任务型阅读 请认真阅读下列短文,并根据所读内容在文章后表格中的空格里填入一个最恰当的单词。‎ 注意:每个空格只填一个单词。请将答案写在答题卡上相应题号的横线上。‎ Everyone needs a break, and vacations are not meant for serious study. Instead, they’re a great way to take a break and enjoy a good book. The Spring Festival is coming up so this is the perfect time to discuss some great English language literature to take on a long train journey or while you’re hanging out with the family.‎ Before getting into the recommendations, we need to ‎ determine your English reading comprehension level so that you won’t pick a book which is so challenging that it’s stressful or so simple that it’s boring.‎ If you’re at the beginner level, there are two options: reading a children’s book or reading a book that you’ve read in Chinese translation. This will help you get over any unfamiliar words or phrases, since you’re already familiar with the story. If you’re at the intermediate level, popular books like pop fiction, mysteries and thrillers are good options, as they’ll be guaranteed page turners and that will increase the possibility of your getting all the way through the book. For advanced readers, science fiction, classic works of literature or contemporary prize winners (Booker, Nobel, Pulitzer) are good options.‎ The most important thing is to pick a book that you’re really interested in. When I pick up a new book in Chinese, the first few chapters are always really hard to get through, as I have to get accustomed to the way the individual author uses the language. But after the first few chapters, things get a lot easier, especially if I get involved in the story. Some of my favorite Chinese-language eye candy are books that are series like Brothers by Yu Hua or The Dancer by Hai Yan. I like ‎ them because there’s always a lot of action and story development to keep me involved, which helps me make it through those first few chapters.‎ Another great way to keep yourself motivated over the holiday is to find a friend who’s interested in reading the same book. You can make goals that you both want to achieve and discuss plot lines or vocabulary issues with each other by SMS or e-mail. I’m currently doing that with my friend Laura. We’ve been doing this since we were classmates in Chinese at college.‎ Some quick recommendations: Harry Potter, start with the first book and go on from there; the Narnia series; anything by US writer Michael Crichton or British writer Agatha Christie; and if you like horror, US writer Stephen King is always unusual and fun. But really you should just find a topic or author that you’re interested in, and the rest will go from there. Happy reading!‎ Title Enjoy English language literature on vacation Theme Find a good book to read on your (71) ▲  to a distant place.‎ ‎(72) ▲  of proper books ‎●Beginners may pick a children’s book or a book whose story is (73) ▲  to them.‎ ‎●Popular books might make it (74) ▲ for intermediate-level readers to read them from cover to cover.‎ ‎●Science fiction, classic works of literature or contemporary prize winners may be (75) ▲  for advanced readers.‎ Ways to keep up your (76) ▲  for reading ‎●Choose a book that is interesting enough to keep you involved in the story and help get through some difficult (77) ▲ .‎ ‎●Read along with a friend a book you both feel interested in and (78) ▲  views on plot lines or vocabulary to achieve your common goals.‎ Books (79) ▲ ‎ ‎●Harry Potter series ‎●Narnia series ‎●Works by Michael Crichton ‎●Works by Agatha Christie ‎●(80) ▲  fiction by Stephen King 第五部分:单词拼写 ‎81. The humanitarian scientist called on the __________ (改善) of the poor's living condition.‎ ‎82. The team refused to __________(屈服)themselves to defeat.‎ ‎83. I shouldn't employ them they're just a bunch of __________ (外行).‎ ‎84. We only take goods back if customers can produce the __________(收据).‎ ‎85. The __________(幸存者)was determined to wreaked her revenge on the murderer of her family.‎ ‎86. The lecturer merely s__________ the surface of the subject yesterday.‎ ‎87. He left his home to look for e__________.‎ ‎88. Employees expect f__________ in the workplace.‎ ‎89. Attendance at the lecture is o__________---it’s up to you!‎ ‎90. Although she is very poor, she has not lost her d__________.‎ 第六部分:书面表达 高三阶段学习比较紧张,正确的学习方法尤为重要。下表显示了两位同学不同的学习方法,请简述并发表你的观点,字数在150字间。文章开头已给出。‎ 学习方法 李华 王海 你的观点 白天 上课专心听讲,尽可能经常向老师请教疑难问题。‎ 上课打瞌睡,漏掉了许多要点。‎ 晚上 花较少的时间完成作业,早点休息,保证白天上课保持旺盛的精力。‎ 花较多时间完成作业,熬夜学习,导致白天上课注意力无法集中。‎ Li Hua and Wand Hai are two students of Senior Three. Both of them work hard but they have different learning methods.‎ ‎________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________‎ 参考答案 I. 听力 ‎1—5 CCCAC 6—10 CBBCB 11—15 ABCCA 16—20 BCBAA II. 单项选择 ‎21—25 BBCDA 26—30 ACADC 31—35 DCCBB III. 完形填空 ‎36—40 BCADB 41—45 ACBDC 46—50 ACBDA 51—55 ADCDB IV. 阅读理解 ‎56—59 DBDA 60—62 CAB 63—67 CACD 68—70 ADBB V. 任务型阅读 ‎71. journey 72. Choices / Options 73. familiar / known ‎ ‎74. possible 75. suitable ‎76. motivation 77. chapters / sections 78. exchange ‎ ‎79. recommended 80.Horror VI. 单词拼写 ‎81. improvement 82. resign 83. amateurs 84. receipt ‎ ‎ 85. survivor ‎86. scratched 87. employment 88. flexibility 89. optional 90. dignity VII. 参考范文 Li Hua and Wand Hai are two students of Senior Three. Both of them work hard but they have different leaning methods.‎ Li Hua listens to his teachers attentively, trying to catch everything that the teachers say in class. Moreover, he consults his teachers/asks his teachers for help as often as possible if he has some problems. Because of this, he spends less time doing his homework, so it is certain that he can go to bed earlier and he always keeps energetic in the day. However, Wand Hai has quite a different way of learning. He likes to sit up late at night doing his homework, so he often feels sleepy in class. As a result, he misses lots of key points and it usually takes him more time to finish his homework, which makes it difficult for him to concentrate on what he is doing.‎ In my opinion, Li Hua learns more effectively in class and has more free time to enjoy himself. So I prefer his learning method. Just as the saying goes, “all work and no play make Jack a dull boy”, we must make full use of every minute in class so that we can get good grades and relax ourselves at the same ‎ time.‎

