中考英语专项复习阅读理解 社会历史类

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中考英语专项复习阅读理解 社会历史类

中考复习社会历史类专项练习 一、阅读理解 Dubai is a city of big business, expensive hotels, skyscrapers (摩天楼), and shopping malls. In the early 20th century, Dubai was a successful trading port. People from the world stopped in Dubai to do business. But it was still a small city, and most people lived as fishermen and businessmen. Then in 1966, oil was discovered. This brought a lot of money into the area, and soon Dubai began to change. Today Dubai is one of the world’s most important business centers. In fact, each year the city gels its money mainly from business, not oil. Recently Dubai has attracted more and more visitors from abroad. They come to relax on its beaches, and every year, millions visit just to go shopping! Dubai is also one of the world’s fastest growing cities. Many tall buildings are built in months. The city also has many man-made islands. One of these, the Palm Jumeirah, is like a palm tree (棕桐树) and is very beautiful. The city is still an amazing mix (混合体) of people from different countries. The people from 150 countries live and work in Dubai, and foreigners now outnumber Dubai natives ( 本地人) by eight to one! Many people welcome the city’s growth. But an increasing number of Dubai natives worry about the speed of change. As a Dubai native says, “We must always remember where we came from. Our kids must know we worked very, very hard to get where we are now, and there’s a lot more work to do.” 1.Why did people stop in Dubai in the early 20th century? A. To relax B. To buy oil. C. To go shopping. D. To do business. 2.Which of the following is NOT true? A. Dubai has created many man-made islands. B. There are many foreigners working in Dubai. C Many international visitors come to Dubai every year D. Dubai now gets money mainly from selling oil. 3.What does the underlined word “outnumber” mean? A. To be smaller in size than another group. B. To be more in number than another group. C. To be bigger in area than another group. D. To be smaller in area than another group. 4.In the last paragraph, what does the underlined part mean? A. We should always visit Dubai, B. We should learn from foreigners. C. We must always remember our past. D. We must only think about the future. 5.What’s the main idea of the passage? A. Dubai is growing very fast. B. Dubai was a big city before 1966. C. Many tall buildings are built in months. D. Many tourists come to relax on Dubai’s beaches. School education is very important and useful. The students both learn knowledge and get educated. Yet, no one can learn everything from school. Scientists, such as Edison, Newton, Galileo and Einstein, didn't learn everything from school. They learnt a lot of knowledge outside school or practiced a lot themselves. A teacher, though he knows a lot, can't teach his students everything. The teacher's job is to teach his students how to learn, how to read and how to think. A good teacher with rich experience in teaching can teach his students the methods (=ways) of study. Through these methods students are able to learn and get a lot of things by themselves. Usually it's very easy for students to memorize some knowledge, but it is difficult to use it to solve problems. If a teacher really teaches students the ability(能 力) of how to use knowledge, it means the teacher has learned lots of knowledge by himself(or herself). The success in learning shows he or she knows how how how to study. 根据课文内容选择最佳答案(每题两分,共 10 分) 6.From the passage we know ________. A.students are taught everything at school B.a teacher can't teach his students everything C.school is really not important and useful D.Edison learned lots of knowledge at school 7.A teacher's job is ________. A.to help his students with their lessons B.to teach his students everything C.to show his students how how to study by themselves D.to tell them how to study 8.Choose the right order of this passage. a.How important are the study methods for students? b.What does the teacher's experience of success in study mean? c.Where should students study? d.What is the job of a teacher? A.c,a,b,d B.b,c,a,d 9.Which of the following is right? A.If we know how to learn, we can get a lot of knowledge. B.We can learn everything from our teachers. C.The writer tells us that practice is more important for students than learning. D.It is the only job for students to learn knowledge. 10.Which of the following is the best title? A.A real job for teachers B.Study in and outside school C.Practice-the only way of learning D.How to learn language British English and American English A student is studying British English. He wonders: Can I have a talk with Americans? Can they catch me? Learners of English often ask--what are the differences between British English and American English? How important are these differences? Certainly, there are some differences between British English and American English. There are a few differences in grammar(语法). For example, speakers of British English say “in hospital” and “Have you a pen?” Americans “in the hospital” and “Do you have a pen?” Pronunciation (发音) is sometimes different. Americans usually sound the “r” in words like “car”and “farm”. Some speakers of British English do not sound the “r” in these words. There are differences between British English and American English in spelling and vocabulary. For example, “colour”and “honour” are British English spellings. “Color” and “honor” are American English spellings. These differences are in grammar, pronunciation, spelling and vocabulary. However, they are not important. For the most part, British English and American English are the same language. 11.In American English, we can say, “ ? ” A. Have you a new book B. Do you have a new book C. Are you have a new book D. Can you to have a new book 12 . Between British English and American English, sometimes pronunciation is . A. poor B. different C. high D. short 13.In American English, the word “favourite” can be spelt . A. favoruite B. favurite C. favorite D. favrite 14.Englishmen say “in hospital”, while Americans say . A. at the hospital B. in the hospital C.c,b,d,a D.c,d,a,b C. by hospital D. to hospital 15.The main idea of the passage is that . A. there are no differences between British English and American English B. British English and American English are two different languages C. speakers of British English and American English speak the same language D. we shouldn't speak English Basketball is still a young game. It's over a hundred years old. In the winter of 1891, a certain college was having some trouble with its boy students. The weather was bad and the students had to stay indoors. As they couldn't play outdoors, they were unhappy, and some even got into fights from time to time. Some of the teachers, at the college asked Dr. Naismith to invent a game so that the students might have something to play with. It was not easy to invent such a game because it had to be played indoors , and the court (球场) was not very large. Dr. Naismith thought for a few days and invented a kind of ball game. It was a fast, wonderful game with much moving and passing of the ball. It was played between two teams. To make a score , the ball had to be thrown into the basket ten feet(英 尺) above the floor on the wall . At each end of the court there was such a basket. At first, Dr. Naismith wanted to throw the ball into a box. As he could not find boxes of the right size, he had to use fruit baskets instead. That is how the game got its name. 16. How long is it since basketball was invented? A. 1000 years B. More than 100 years C. 1100 years D. Less than 100 years 17.The students felt unhappy because _______. A. they had much homework to do B. they often got into fights C. they couldn't play outdoors D. they had little time to study 18.Who asked Dr. Naismith to invent a game? A. Some students B. Some teachers C. Some students' parents D. Some of his friends 19.When a student ______ , he makes a score. A. receives the ball. B. throws the ball to another student C. runs quickly with the ball in his hand D. throws the ball into the basket 20. Which sentence is right? A. Dr. Naismith had to use fruit to throw the ball. B. It was easy to invent the game. C. The students could go outdoors when the weather was bad. D. The ball had to be thrown into the basket five feet above the floor. Different countries have different customs. When you travel to another countries, please follow their customs,just as the saying goes,“_________ .” Very often people who travel to the United States forget to tip(付小费).It is usual to tip porters who help carry your bags,taxi drivers and waiters. Waiters expect to get a 15% tip on the cost of your meal. Taxi drivers expect about the same amount. In England,make sure to stand in line even if there are only two of you. It’s important to respect lines there. It’s a good idea to talk about the weather. It’s a favorite subject of conversation with the British. In Spain,it’s a good idea to have a light meal in the afternoon if someone invites you for dinner. People have dinner very late,and restaurants do not generally open until after 9 pm. In Arab countries,men kiss one another on the cheek(脸颊). Your host may welcome you with a kiss on both cheeks. It is polite for you to do the same. In Japan,people usually give personal or business cards to each other when they meet for the first time. When a person gives you a card,don’t put it into your pocket right away. The person expects you to read it. Don’t forget to be careful of your body language to express something In conversation. A kind of body language that is acceptable in one culture may be impolite in another. 21.When you travel to the USA,you don’t need to tip __________. A. porters B. waiters C. taxi drivers D. conductor 22.The missing sentence in the first paragraph should be“ __________ .” A. Love me,love my dog . B. He who laughs last laughs best C. When in Rome,do as the Romans do D. Where there is a will,there is a way 23.The underline word “porters” in the passage means __________. A. 搬运工 B. 清 洁 工 C. 接线 员 D. 售票员 24.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage ? A. In Spain,People usually have dinner very early. B. In England it’s a not polite to talk about the weather. C. In Arab countries,men kiss one another on the cheek . D. In Japan you should not read the business card as soon as you get it. 25.What’s the best title of the passage ? A. How to Tip B Body Language C. When to Have Dinner D. Advice to International Travelers Basketball is still a young game. It’s over a hundred years old. In the winter of 1891, a certain college was having some trouble with its boy students. The weather was bad and the students had to stay indoors. As they couldn’t play outdoors, they were unhappy, and some even got into fights from time to time. Some of the teachers at the college asked Dr. Naismith to invent(发明)a game so that the students might have something to play with. It was not easy to invent such a game because it had to be played indoors , and the court(球场)was not very large. Dr. Naismith thought for a few days and invented a kind of ball game. It was a fast, wonderful game with much moving and passing of the ball. It was played between two teams. To make a score , the ball had to be thrown into the basket ten feet (英尺)above the floor on the wall. At each end of the court there was such a basket. At first, Dr. Naismith wanted to throw the ball into a box. As he could not find boxes of the right size, he had to use fruit baskets instead. That is how the game got its name. 26.How long is it since basketball was invented? A. 100 years B. Less than 100 years C. 110 years D. More than 100 years 27.The students felt unhappy because _______. A. they had little time to study B. they often got into fights C. they had much homework to do D. they couldn’t play outdoors 28.Who asked Dr. Naismith to invent a game? A. Some students B. Some teachers C. Some students’ parents D. Some of his friends 29.When a student ________, he makes a score. A. receives the ball. B. throws the ball to another student C. runs quickly with the ball in his hand D. throws the ball into the basket 30.Which sentence is right? A. The students could go outdoors when the weather was bad. B. It was easy to invent the game. C. Dr. Naismith had to use fruit baskets to throw the ball. D. The ball had to be thrown into the basket five feet above the floor. The Aborigines (澳洲土著) have lived in Australia for about 60,000 years. They painted pictures inside caves, and these are the rock paintings that have given us so much information about Aboriginal life. For example, some of the paintings that are about 10,000 years old show men with boomerangs. From this we know that the Aborigines started using boomerangs for hunting at that time. Other pictures show kangaroos, so we know that there were kangaroos at that time. boomerang The Aborigines believed that spirits made people, animals and plants, and that these spirits still live in the earth. For Aborigines, no one can own the earth—the earth belongs to the spirits. In 1700, there were many Aboriginal groups with a population of 750,000 all over Australia, and there were probably more than 240 different Aboriginal languages. The groups did not have a leader. Instead, things were decided by the older men in a group. People from different groups often travelled hundreds of miles to meet each other. Aboriginal life changed when an English boat arrived in Australia in 1770. Many Aborigines were killed in the wars that they had with the English. More Europeans came, and they started taking land from the Aborigines. The Europeans also brought new illnesses that killed the Aborigines. The result is that today there are only about 300,000 Aborigines in Australia. 31.The Aborigines painted pictures . A. on animals’ fur B. on the land C. on the tree D. on the rock 32.What do you think the Aborigines used boomerangs to do? A. To paint. B. To hunt. C. To fight. D. To play. 33.The Aborigines thought were the most important on the earth. A. people B. animals C. spirits D. plants 34.In an Aboriginal group decided things. A. the older men B. the leader C. the English D. the Europeans 35.The number of the Aborigines is small today . A. because their living condition was very bad B. because the English killed a lot of them in the wars C. because of the new illnesses the Europeans brought them D. because of the wars and the new illnesses “How many common English words were invented by Shakespeare?” How long did it take people to find the answer to this question 15 years ago? And now! You can google it and find the answer immediately! Google is the most popular Internet search engine(搜索引擎)in the world. It was invented by two students, Larry Page and Sergey Brin. They met in 1993, when they were studying computer science at Stanford University, USA. They dreamed of producing something that could also answer any question in seconds. Internet search engines at that time were slow and gave many websites that weren’t useful. In January 1996, Page and Brin decided to make a better and faster search engine. They thought the results should be based on the most popular websites. Nobody would give them money for their project, so they used their own money. They also borrowed money from family and friends. Then, in 1998, they were given a cheque for $100,000, and they started their own company(公司). Their first office was in a friend’s garage(车库).The company name is Google, a word which comes from mathematics. A “google” is a very high number — 1 followed by a hundred zeros. The Google search engine was soon used by thousands of people worldwide because it was fast, easy and correct. By 2002 it was the biggest search engine on the Internet. Now, more questions have been answered by Google than any other Internet service, from sport to science, and from music to medicine. Google hopes that in the future all the world’s information will be put on the Internet, so that everybody can find everything. 36.Why did the writer begin this passage by asking you a question? A. Because he or she liked to begin this passage by asking readers a question. B. Because he or she was afraid that the readers didn’t know this question. C. Because he or she wanted to make the readers interested in this passage. D. Because Shakespeare is one of the most famous people in the world. 37.The underlined word “cheque” in the fifth paragraph means _______. A. 楼房 B. 账单 C. 订单 D. 支票 38.From the passage we know that at the beginning of their project, _______. A. there was not any search engine on the Internet B. nobody supported them except their family and friends C. Larry Page and Sergey Brin dreamed to answer any question D. one of the most popular websites gave them a cheque for $100,000 39.Which statement is NOT true according to the passage? A. Now the Google search engine is widely used in the world. B. The Google search engine was not the biggest one before 2002. C. Larry Page and Sergey Brin named google after a hundred zeros. D. The service of the Google search engine is very popular. 40.The passage mainly tells us _______. A. the development of the Google search engine B. about Larry Page and Sergey Brin C. how to find information on the Internet D. how to use the Google search engine Long, long ago there were only a few thousand people in the world. These people move form place to place over the land, hunting animals for food. No one knows how or when these people learned about growing food. But when they did, their lives changed. They did not have to look for food any more. They could stay in one place and grow it. People began to live near one another. And so the first village grew. Many people came to work in the villages. These villages grew very big. When machines appeared(出 现), life in the villages changed again. Factories were built. More and more people lived near the factories. The cities grew very big. Today some people are moving back to small towns. Can you tell why? 41.The best title(题目)of the text should be ___. A. Cities or Villages B. Back to Towns C. How Cities Grew D. People and Animals 42.The underlined word "they" in the second paragraph refers to(指的是) ___. A. villages B. animals C. cities D. people 43.When factories were built, ___. A. more people live near the factories B. people began to live in the factories C. many people began to work in villages D. many machines appeared in big factories 44.We can learn from the text that ___. A. people like to work only in big cities B. some people don't like to live in big cities C. there will be no small towns in the future(将来) D. it is better to live in cities than in villages 45.In what order did people do the following things? A. Worked in villages B. Lived near the factories. C. Learned to grow food. D. Built factories. E. Began to live near each other. A. d, b, a, e, c B. e, a, c, d, b C. c, e, a, d, b D. a. c. d. e. b D Everyone would like to be remembered. A few people even try to do something that no one else in history has ever tried to do. These people sometimes have their names recorded(记录)in the Guinness Book of Records. Often it takes a group of people to do something unusual. One such team paddled (用桨划)a bathtub(浴缸)145 kilometers for 24 hours. This group had 13 members. They paddled their bathtub on a river near Ashford, Great Britain on May 28 and 29. 1983. A month later, a racing team of hospital bed pushers in Avon, Great Britain, pushed a hospital bed 16 kilometers in just 50 minutes! However, the distance(距 离)record for hospital bed pushing is still held by the men of Bruntsfield Bedding Center. This team from Edinburgh pushed a hospital bed 5,203 kilometers in 1979. It took the team 35 days to cover the distance. Another group of record makers held the highest dinner party in the world. Nine people from Sydney, Australia, climbed Mountain Huascaran on June 28, 1989. The climbers carried a dinner table. chairs, and a meal up the mountain. When they reached the top, they all put on warm suits for dinner. People all over the world are trying hard to do something unusual to make a record. It should be understood, however, that now not all the records will be kept in the Guinness Book of Records. 46. According to the passage, what record was made near Ashford in May, 1983? A. A record for paddling a bathtub. B. A record for climbing a mountain. C. A record for pushing a hospital bed D. A record for swimming across a river. 47.The word cover in the passage means _______. A. start B. go through C. keep D. know 48.What was unusual about the highest dinner party held by the nine people in the passage? A. The people who held the dinner party all came from Sydney. B. Only nine people held the highest dinner party. C. They had a meal on the mountain. D. They carried a dinner table and chairs up the mountain to hold the dinner party. 49.Which of the following shows the right order(顺序)of what happened in the passage? a. A group of 13 members paddled a bathtub on a river near Ashford. b. A team from Edinburgh made a distance record for hospital bed pushing. c. A group of nine people from Sydney had a dinner party on the top of Mountain Huascaran. d. A racing team pushed a hospital bed 16 kilometers in just 50 minutes in Avon. A. a-b-c-d B. d-b-c-a C. a-d-b-c D. b-a-d-c 50. Which of the following is mentioned(提及)in the passage? A. Hospital bed pushing was a popular sport in Edinburgh. B. People living in Ashford usually used a bathtub to carry things. C. Two different records for hospital bed pushing were given. D. Hospital bed pushing was held twice a year in Avon, Great Britain. “If you want to see a thing well, reach out and touch it!”That may seem a strange thing to say. But touching things can help you to see them better. Your eyes can tell you that a glass ball is round. But by holding it in your hands, you can feel how smooth* and cool the ball is. You can feel how heavy the glass is. When you feel all these about the ball, you really see it. With your skin, you can feel better. For example, your fingers can tell the difference between two coins* in your pocket. You can feel a little drop of water on the back of your hand, too. All children soon learn what “Don’t touch!” means. They hear it often. Yet most of us keep on touching things as we grow up. In shops, we touch things as we might buy: food, clothes. To see something well, we have to touch it. There are ways of learning to see well by feeling. One way is to close your eyes and try to feel everything that touching your skin. Feel the shoes on your feet, the clothes on your body, the air on your skin. At first, it is not easy to feel these things. You are too used to them! Most museums are just for looking. But today some museums have some things to touch. Their signs say, “Do touch!” There you can feel everything on show. If we want to see better, reach out and touch. Then you will really see! 51.By touching things, ______. A.you will have a strange feeling B.you will learn how to reach out your hand C.you can tell the difference of the things D.you can tell what colours they are 52.When people buy things in shops, they often _______. A.try them on first B.keep their right hands on them C.ask about them D.feel and touch them 53.Why does it say “At first, it is not easy to feel these things”? Because _______. A.the things are used by people, too B.people feel the things too often C.people know how to use the things D.the things are easy to feel 54.Which of the following is true? A.Touching is more important than seeing B.Our feet, fingers, hands and skin can help us buy food. C.People have to learn to see by feeling as they grow up. D.Visitors can feel the things on show in some museums. 55.Which of the following can be the best title of the story? A.Touching by Feeling. B.To See or to Feel? C.To See Better—Feel. D.Ways of Feeling. Many Chinese people like American country music(乡村音乐 ),such as(例如) the songs of John Denver. But still some people don’t know when country music began. Country music is from the folk music (民间音乐)of the Appalachian Mountains in the east of America. There, people sang while playing the violin and guitar. They sang about everyday life, love and their problems. So the songs were sometimes a little sad. One of the most popular country music singers is John Denver, who is also quite famous to the Chinese. For Denver, music was a language that could bring the world together. He says music can bring people together. We will understand(理解) each other better through(通过) music. People are different in colour and they may speak different languages, but people are the same in mind and body(在心灵和精神方面). All of them love music and can understand music. The world lost a great man when John Denver died in 1997. But his music and words will live on. 56. John Denver is a great singer. A. English B. Japanese C. American D. Chinese 57..American country music is from the music of America. A. pop B. jazz C. light D. folk 58..“Music was a language that could bring the world together” means (意思是) people . A. can sing songs together B. from all over the world sing the same songs C. show their feeling(感觉)through music and so they understand each other better D. know language and music 59..John Denver died in . A. 1997 B. 1990 C. 1996 D. 1999 60..Which sentence is right? A. Everyone knows when country music began. B. Country music is from the jazz music. C. John Denver is famous to Chinese people, too. D. John Denver doesn’t think music can bring people together. University of Oxford is the oldest university in the English-speaking world and it’s one of the top universities in the world. There is no clear date when the university started, but teaching began at Oxford in some forms in 1096 and developed quickly from 1167. There are 39 independent(独立的)colleges at Oxford, attracting students and learned men from across the world. There are over 100 libraries for the students and learned men to use. At University of Oxford, they also provide a number of money for the best students. Of course, if you want to study here, first you have to reach a certain level of English language. College life at Oxford is very exciting but busy. The groups of college provide a friendly and welcoming home for students while the colleges are strict with students about their studies. Many Chinese students are studying here. The number of Chinese students at the university has grown quickly over the past 10 years. 根据短文内容,选择最佳答案。 61.How many libraries are there at Oxford? A. Only 100 B. less than 100 C. More than 100 62.University of Oxford will provide a number of money for _______students. A. most B. top C. foreign 63.If you want to study at Oxford, you first have to__________. A. be independent B. pass an English test C. move to England 64.The number of Chinese students studying at the university is __________. A. larger and larger B. smaller and smaller C. just the same as ten years ago 65.What’s the best title for the passage? A. The College Life B. The University of Oxford C. The Chinese Students at Oxford In Britain, some people say they will do anything if a famous person they love asks them to. One in three people in Britain have a new kind of disease(病)—they love a famous person too much. Some people love famous stars like Britney Spears, David Beckham or even Tony Blair. It is not just the young, grown-ups have the same problem. One in four people are so interested in their heroes that it affects their life. There are two ways of worshipping(崇拜) famous people. One way is just to follow them or talk about them with friends for fun. The other is a more serious way. People have very strong feelings for them and think they are their friends. People who do so for fun are found to be happier. But those who have strong feelings for a famous person are perhaps to feel more lonely and worried. “Worshipping famous people is not certainly a bad thing,” Dr.John, an expert said, “But like many things, overdoing it may not always be good for you.” 阅读上面的短文,从每题所给的四个选项中,选出一个最佳答案。 66.From what some people say, we know . A. they are friends of the famous people B. famous people can pay them a lot of money C. they must go to the hospital D. there is something wrong with their mind 67.How many people in Britain have got this kind of disease? A. About one third B. About a quarter C. More than half D. Just two or three 68.What does the writer think of the two ways of worshipping famous people? A. The first one is better B. The second one is better C. Both of them are good D. Neither of them is good 69 . People who have strong feeling for a famous person often feel worried because . A. they cannot become famous themselves B. they think the famous person may be in trouble C. they are afraid the famous person may not like them D. they cannot get anything in return from the famous person 70.Dr. John tells us . A. worshipping of famous people is a good thing B. anything overdone may bring some trouble C. famous people are not always friendly to us D. we mustn’t worship anybody or anything Father’s Day has a very short history. It was started because there was a Mother’s Day, and just because some Americans thought that if we had a Mother’s Day, we should also have a Father’s Day. Father’s Day has become important in North America. And businesses found it was a good way to get people to buy a present for their father from their shops. By the way, very few countries have a Father’s Day, though some have a Children’s Day, or a special day for boys and another for girls. More and more countries are having Mother’s Day, so maybe Father’s Day will also become popular before too long. Now, what do people in North America do on Father’s Day? The newspapers, radios, and TV tell children what they should do — buy, buy, buy, buy, buy a Father’s Day present for your father. They even tell a wife to buy, buy, buy, and buy a Father’s Day present — not for her father but for her husband, even if he is not yet a father. And they tell grandchildren to buy, buy, buy, and buy a Father’s Day present for their grandfathers. The important thing to remember about Father’s Day is that American children can show their love to their fathers in a more open way. 71.Father’s Day was started just because _______________. A. there was a Mother’s Day B. there was a Children’s Day C. businesses wanted to get a lot of money D. people liked their fathers very much 72.The word “special” in the second paragraph means ________________________. A. great B. nice C. useful D. not usual 73.In America, people have a Father’s Day to ________________________. A. buy some presents for their fathers B. show their love for their fathers C. let their fathers have a good rest D. help their fathers do something 74.On Father’s Day, businesses always want ________________________. A. people to buy many more presents B. children to buy presents only for their fathers C. women to buy presents only for their husbands D. people to buy presents only for their parents 75.It can be learned from the passage that ________________________. A. the writer is against Father’s Day B. many countries have a Father’s Day C. Businesses can get more money on Father’s Day D. Father’s Day will become more important than Mother’s Day There are many clubs in our school. Let me tell you what they are. Do you like playing tennis? It’s OK if you can’t play tennis. Mr. Qing can teach you. Come and join the tennis club! Do you like acting? Do you like to work with other young people? Do you want to be in the school play? Come and join the acting club. Can you dance? Do you like Latin (拉丁) dance or Chinese traditional (传统的) dance? Join the dance club and dance for the Christmas (圣诞节) show. Do you like French food? Can you speak French? Do you want to learn French? Join the French club now. 根据上面内容判断正误,正确的写(T),错误的写(F). 76.Mr. Qing can teach you French. 77.If you join the acting club, you can act in the school play. 78.Christmas Day is coming. 79.You can learn French in the French club. 80.There are three clubs in the school. 81.The centerpiece of curling(冰壶)is the curling stone. Kays of Scotland has been making curling stones since 1851, when William Kay and his sons Andrew and Thomas set up a workshop in Mauchline, Ayrshire, in southwest Scotland. Kays is still owned by the relatives of the founder, and today it is the only curling stone maker left in Scotland. Used in a highly competitive sport, the curling stones are made to exact standards. First, stones are sliced and then into round “cheeses”. Finally, the cheeses are shaped and polished into curling stones in a series of steps. Each stone must weigh 44 pounds. Each must have a maximum diameter (直径) of 36 inches. Polishing is done by hand on a wheel using water, diamond-talcum power, and felt. Finishing the stone’s “running edge” is done entirely by hand with a special kind of paper and a digital measure and magnifying glass (放大镜). Lastly, a handle(把 手) is fitted into holes on the top of the stone. Stones are computer-matched into pairs. Sixteen stones----8 pairs----are needed for a game, and since curling game field usually have 6 lanes, each game field needs 96 matched stones! Kays is a small company, employing less than ten skilled workers. Master craftsman and co-owner James Wyllie is skilled at all phases of curling stone making and is also an enthusiastic curler, as well as active member of Mauchline’s Burns Club, which meets regularly to honor well-known Mauchline residents. 【小题 1 】What is true about Kays? A. It is a family business. B. It’s a brand(牌子) of curling stones. C. It’s a place in Scotland. D. It’s the name of a curling stone dealer(业者). 【小题 2】How many curling stones are needed for two games happening at the same time? A. 8 B. 16 C. 32 D. 96 【小题 3】What does the underlined word “sliced” mean in Chinese in the second paragraph? A. 切割 B. 镶嵌 C. 移开 D. 固定 【小题 4】Which of the following statements is NOT RIGHT according to the passage? A. Kays of Scotland has been curling stone maker for more than 150 years. B. The weight of each curling stone must be 44 pounds. C. We use a special machine to polish the curling stone. D. The workers in Kays are all experienced. 【小题 5】What’s the passage mainly about? A. The history of curling. B. How to make a curling stone. C. The rules of curling. D. How to become a curling stone maker. Europeans are being dug out from heavy snow after a week of very cold weather. The snowstorm is the harshest to hit Europe. Airports were shut down. And schools have been closed for a week. Until Wednesday, at least 400 people across Europe had died because of the cold temperature. Several countries have said a state of emergency. In Ukraine, temperatures dropped as low as -33℉. Although the situation is bad, at least one country is hoping the weather will last a little longer. In the Netherlands, the government is preparing for the country’s “11 Cities Tour”. The 125-mile ice-skating marathon will be held along a network which joins 11 towns and cities together in Friesland Province. The ice along the way must be inches thick for the event. Up to 2 million people are thought to cheer on the race’s 16,000 competitors. On Wednesday, Dutch soldiers joined in the preparations. They cleaned snow along the way. This will be the 16th time that the event has taken place since the first race in 1909. Dutch General Hans said his soldiers were happy to lend a hand. “We want to do our bit for this national party.” he said. 82.What is “11 Cities Tour”? A. It’s a 125-mile ice skating marathon. B. It’s a 11-mile ice skating marathon. C. It’s a 16000-mile ice skating marathon. D. It’s a 33-mile ice skating marathon. 83.Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage? A. Thousands of people across Europe died because of the weather. B. The ice should be less than 6 inches thick for the event. C. No country is glad to see the cold weather. D. The first “11 Cities Tour” began in 1909. 84.Who helped clean snow along the way? A. French soldiers B. Dutch soldiers C. Ukrainian soldiers D. American soldiers 85.The underlined word “harshest” means _______ in the passage. A. safest B. most enjoyable C. most serious D. happiest 86.The passage is mainly about______. A. the hard situation Europe faces B. the European cold weather C. preparations for a national party D. the coldest season in Europe London’s Chinese community(社区) dates back to the 18th century, when a small number of Chinese sailors moved to the city to work in Limhouse, east London. As time went on, other Chinese came to this area and Limhouse began to be known as “Chinatown”. However, London’s Chinese community remained every small for many years: at the start of the 20th century, there were just 545 Chinese people in Britain. After the Second World War, many farmers in Hong Kong lost their jobs and came to London. As Limhouse had been almost destroyed during the war, they settled (定居) in a different area—a port of central London near Leicester Square. This area is now what Londoners call Chinatown. At first, the new immigrants found it difficult to get jobs. In the 1950s, however, a small Chinese restaurant opened in London. Many British people visited it and said that Chinese food was wonderful! Suddenly, Chinese restaurants and take-ways started opening in every part of the city. Instead of too little work, the new Chinese immigrants now found that they had too much! They worked as cooks, managers or waiters. Most of them enjoyed their lives and arranged their friends and relatives to join them from overseas. As time went by, London’s Chinese community became more and more successful. The sons and daughters of the original restaurant workers studied and worked very hard. And most went on to get highly paid jobs. Many Chinese families left Chinatown and moved to more expensive outskirts. Chinatown, however, is still as lively as ever. 87.When did the first Chinese immigrants come to London? In the 1950s. B. More than 200 years ago. C. At the start of the 20 century. 88.Why did many Chinese immigrants come to London in the 1950s? A. Because it was easy for them to get jobs there. B. Because many British people enjoyed Chinese food. C. Because their children could study there and get highly paid jobs. 89.In the 1950s, Chinese immigrants came to London and worked as _______. A. sailors B. sailors and farmers C. restaurant workers 90.Where is London’s Chinatown now? A. In the east of London. B. In Limhouse. C. Not far from Leicester square. 91.According to this passage, if people live in the outskirts of a city, they live ______. A. in the center of the city B. in the outer areas of the city C.in the busiest part of the city. Throughout history, people have been interested in knowing how language first began, but no one knows exactly where or how this happened. However, we do know a lot about languages, the language of today and also the languages of earlier times. There are probably about three thousand languages in the world today. Chinese is the language with the most speakers. English, Russian and Spanish are also spoken by millions of people. On the other hand, some languages in the world have less than one hundred speakers. There are several important families of languages in the world. For example, most of the languages of Europe are in one large family called Indo-European. The original language of this family was spoken about 4,500 years ago. Many of the present-day languages of Europe and India are modern forms of the language of 4,500 years ago. Languages are always changing. The English of today is very different from the English of 500 years ago. In time, some even die out completely. About 1,000 years ago, English was a little known relative of German spoken on one of the borders of Europe. If a language has a number of speakers, or if it is very old, there may be differences in the way it is spoken in different areas. That is, the language may have several dialects. Chinese is a good example of dialect differences. Chinese has been spoken for thousands of years by many millions of people. The differences between the dialects of Chinese are so great that speakers of Chinese from some parts of China can’t understand speakers from other parts. 92.The first paragraph mainly tells us that_______. A. most people in the world speak Chinese B. there are thousands of languages in today’s world C. man has much knowledge about languages D. some people know several languages 93.Most European and Indian languages_______. A. will soon die out completely B. were once a relative of English C. are no longer spoken D. come from the same family of language. 94.Which of the following statements is true according to the passage? A. Chinese is the language with the most speakers. B. English was a well-known relative of German spoken on one of the borders of Europe. C. A language has many speakers, but there may be no differences in the way it is spoken in different areas. D. Speakers of Chinese from some parts of China can understand speakers from other parts. 95.It is considered a most difficult thing for one to learn to speak Chinese because_______. A. there are great differences between the dialects of Chinese B. Chinese and many foreign languages are not of the same family C. Chinese is a very old language D. there are great differences between the old Chinese and the present-day Chinese 96.The underlined word “dialect” in the last paragraph means_______. A. a special language spoken by Chinese B. the sign used by Chinese people in a special area C. the difference between the old and today’s Chinese D. the form of a language used in one part of the country 参考答案 1.D 2.D 3.B 4.C 5.A 【解析】短文大意:这篇短文主要从这个城市的经济,人口,发展速度以及面临问题几个方面,讲述了港 口城市迪拜的发展情况。 1.根据第一段 People from the world stopped in Dubai to do business.可知人们是来迪拜做生意的。 故选 D。 2.根据第二段 In fact, each year the city gels its money mainly from business, not oil.描述, 可知迪拜的主要挣钱途径不是石油,而是商业。故选 D。 3.联系前文描述,可知本句话的意思是,现在外国人的数目超出本地人的八倍。故选 B,在数量上比另一 组更多。 4.联系前一句描述及本句句意分析,可知这个本地人指的是,我们应该记得我们的过去。故选 C。 5.这篇短文主要讲述了阿拉伯联合酋长国的港口城市迪拜的快速发展。故选 A。 6.B 7.C 8.D 9.A 10.A 【解析】 试题分析:这篇短文主要谈论的就是老师的工作问题。 6.根据第一段 Yet, no one can learn everything from school. 描述,可知老师不能教给学生一切事情。 故选 B。 7.根据第二段 The teacher's job is to teach his students how to learn, how to read and how to think. 描述,可知选 C。 8.通过本文描述,可知第一段主要讲的是学生在哪儿学习的问题,第二段讲述的是教师的工作,学习方法 的重要性及教师的经验问题。故选 D。 9.根据 If a teacher really teaches students the ability(能力) of how to use knowledge, it means the teacher has learned lots of knowledge by himself(or herself).描述,可知如果我们直到如何学 习,我们就会获得许多知识。故选 A。 10.这篇短文主要谈论的就是老师的工作问题。故选 A。 考点:关于教师工作的议论文阅读 点评:本文中长句较多,一时很难读懂句子含义,注意多读几遍,不要强求非得理解一词一句的含义,能 把握文章大意就行。然后带着问题阅读短文,一般就能顺利找出答题依据。对于不能直接找到根据的问题 注意联系上下文,根据短文中心总结出正确答案。 11.B 12.B 13.C 14.B 15.C 【解析】 试题分析:这篇文章讲了英式英语和美式英语在语法,发音,拼写和词汇方面有一些区别,但是它们仍然 是同一种语言。 11.细节题。根据文章 Americans “in the hospital” and “Do you have a pen?”可知,美式英语说 “Do you have a new book”?你有一本新书吗?故选 B 12.细节题。根据文章 Pronunciation (发音) is sometimes different.可知,美式英语和英式英语有时 候发音有些不同。故选 B 13.细节题。根据文章 For example, “colour” and “honour” are British English spellings. “Color” and “honor” are American English spellings.可知,美式英语有些单词拼写是省略 U,所 以,favourite 的美式英语拼写为 favorite。故选 C 14.细节题。根据文章可知,英式英语说“in hospital”,而美式英语说“in the hospital”。故选 15.主旨题。这篇文章讲了英式英语和美式英语在语法,发音,拼写和词汇方面有一些区别,但是它们仍 然是同一种语言。故选 C 考点:社会历史类说明文 点评:本文结构非常明了,文意也很好理解,学生在答题中一定要认真细致的作答以求全对。对于说明文 的文章,一定要将文章仔细的阅读完并理解,结合题目通过题目的关键词进行定位,分析好句子的意思, 即可得出答案。 16.B 17.C 18.B 19.D 20.A 【解析】 试题分析:这篇短文主要描述了篮球的产生历史及篮球的积分规则。 16.根据 It’s over a hundred years old .可知选 B。 17.根据 As they couldn’t play outdoors , they were unhappy ,可知选 C。 18.根据 Some of the teachers at the college asked Dr Naismith to invent a game so that the students might have something to play with. 可知选 B。 19.根据 To make a score, the ball had to be thrown into the basket ten feet (英尺)above the floor on the wall.可知选 D。 20.根据 As he could not find boxes of the right size, he had to use fruit baskets instead.描 述,可知选 A。 考点:关于篮球历史的记述文阅读 点评:本文浅显易懂,各个小题都能在文中找到适当依据。只要认真阅读短文,注意前后联系,就能顺利 完成阅读。文章所设试题主要考察细节查找,做题关键是找出原文的根据,认真核查小题和原文的异同。 21.D 22.C 23.A 24.C 25.D 【解析】 试题分析:这篇短文主要描述了世界上一些不同国家的风俗习惯,告诉那些国际旅行者要注意入乡随俗。 21.根据短文第二段描述,可知在美国旅行要注意给搬运工人,服务员和出租司机小费,没有提及给售票 员,故选 D。 22.联系前文描述,可知这句话的意思是:入乡随俗。故选 C,当你在罗马时,按照罗马人做的方式做。 23.联系下文 who help carry your bags, 可知此处指的是搬运工人,故选 A。 24.根据 In Arab countries, men kiss one another on the cheek. 描述,可知选 C。 25.这篇短文主要描述了世界上一些不同国家的风俗习惯,故选 D,给国际旅行者的建议。 考点:关于风俗习惯的说明文阅读 点评:本文浅显易懂,各个小题都能在文中找到适当依据。只要认真阅读短文,注意前后联系,就能顺利 完成阅读。文章所设试题主要考察细节查找,做题关键是找出原文的根据,认真核查小题和原文的异同。 26.D 27.D 28.B 29.D 30.C 【解析】 试题分析:这篇短文主要描述了篮球的产生历史及篮球的积分规则。 26.根据 It’s over a hundred years old .可知选 D。 27.根据 As they couldn’t play outdoors , they were unhappy ,可知选 D。 28.根据 Some of the teachers at the college asked Dr Naismith to invent a game so that the students might have something to play with. 可知选 B。 29.根据 To make a score, the ball had to be thrown into the basket ten feet (英尺)above the floor on the wall.可知选 D。 30.根据 he had to use fruit baskets instead.可知选 C。 考点:关于篮球历史的说明文 点评:本文浅显易懂,各个小题都能在文中找到适当依据。只要认真阅读短文,注意前后联系,就能顺利 完成阅读。文章所设试题主要考察细节查找,做题关键是找出原文的根据,认真核查小题和原文的异同。 31.D 32.B 33.C 34.A 35.D 【解析】 试题分析:这篇文章讲述了土著人在澳大利亚已经居住了 6000 多年了,他们在岩石上作画,通过那些画, 我们可以推断出他们当时的生活情况。后来,欧洲人发现了这里,杀害了很多土著人,导致了如今只有 30 万的土著人。 31.细节题。根据文章 They painted pictures inside caves, and these are the rock paintings that have given us so much information about Aboriginal life.可知,土著人在岩石上画画。故选 D 32.细节题。根据文章 From this we know that the Aborigines started using boomerangs for hunting at that time.可知,土著人使用回旋镖捕猎。故选 B 33.细节题。根据文章第二段可知,土著人认为灵魂是地球上最重要的东西,地球属于灵魂。故选 C 34.细节题。根据文章 Instead, things were decided by the older men in a group.可知,在一个土著 群通常是由年龄比较大的人决定事情的。故选 A 35.细节题。根据文章最后一段可知,很多欧洲人杀害了土著人,并带来一些疾病,导致了土著人数量的 减少。故选 D 考点:社会历史类记叙文 点评:本文的文章较长,对于此类文章首先必须对整篇文章的意思进行理解。初一的阅读绝大多数是细节 题,考察学生信息的把握能力。对于细节题,学生在理解全文的基础上要对题目中关键字在文章中迅速定 位,找到相对应的出处,再仔细对比找出答案。 36.C 37.D 38.B 39.C 40.A 【解析】 试题分析:这篇短文主要讲述了谷歌搜索引擎的发展历史。 36.根据下文描述,可知这是一种写作的手法,主要是为了引起读者的兴趣,故选 C。 37.根据上文 They also borrowed money from family and friends.及下文 and they started their own company(公司).可知这个单词与钱有关,故选 D。 38.根据 Nobody would give them money for their project, so they used their own money. They also borrowed money from family and friends. 描述,可知选 B。 39.根据 The company name is Google, a word which comes from mathematics. A “google” is a very high number — 1 followed by a hundred zeros.描述,可知选项 C 描述错误。 40.这篇短文主要讲述了谷歌搜索引擎的发展历史,故选 A。 考点:关于谷歌搜索引擎历史的说明文阅读 点评:本文难度较大,个别小题需要根据相关内容进行推理总结。首先要认真阅读短文,注意前后联系, 掌握短文大意,然后带着问题再读短文,找出相关段落,分析总结,判断出正确选项。文章所设试题主要 考察细节查找,做题关键是找出原文的根据,认真核查小题和原文的异同。 41.C 42.D 43.A 44.B 45.C 【解析】 试题分析:这篇短文简单的介绍了人类社会的发展过程,人们首先由学会种植食物开始,从而结束了游猎 生活,接着开始集体生活,建立村庄,工厂,最后生活在工厂附近,城市出现。 41.本文主要介绍了城市的产生过程,故选 C,城市是怎样产生的。 42.联系上文描述,可知 they 指的是这些人们,故选 D,人们。 43.根据最后一段 Factories were built. More and more people lived near the factories.描述,可 知选 A。 44.根据 Today some people are moving back to small towns.可知有些人不喜欢住在城市里面。故选 B。 45.根据短文描述,可知人们是先学会种植食物,然后开始群居,然后建立村庄,然后建立工厂,最后住 在工厂附近。故选 C。 考点:关于人类社会发展的说明文阅读 点评:本文浅显易懂,各个小题都能在文中找到适当依据。只要认真阅读短文,注意前后联系,就能顺利 完成阅读。文章所设试题主要考察细节查找,做题关键是找出原文的根据,认真核查小题和原文的异同。 46.A 47.B 48.D 49.D 50.C 【解析】 试题分析:这篇短文主要描述了几个世界记录的产生过程。 46.根据 One such team paddled(用桨划)a bathtub(浴缸)145 kilometers for 24 hours. This group had 13 members. They paddled their bathtub on a river near Ashford, Great Britain on May 28 and 29. 1983.描述,可知选 A。 47.联系下文 the distance 距离,可知选 B,通过。 48.根据第四段 The climbers carried a dinner table. chairs, and a meal up the mountain. When they reached the top, they all put on warm suits for dinner.描述,可知选 D, 49.根据短文描述,可知 a 发生在 1983 年 5 月 28 日,b 发生在 1979 年,c 发生在 1989 年,d 发生在 1983 年 6,故选 D。 50.根据短文第二段描述,可知本文提及了两条关于抬病床的记录,故选 C。 考点:关于历史记录的说明文阅读 点评:本文难度较大,个别小题需要根据相关内容进行推理总结。首先要认真阅读短文,注意前后联系, 掌握短文大意,然后带着问题再读短文,找出相关段落,分析总结,判断出正确选项。文章所设试题主要 考察细节查找,做题关键是找出原文的根据,认真核查小题和原文的异同。 51.C 52.D 53.B 54.D 55.C 【解析】 试题分析:如果我们想更深刻的了解某个事物,不仅要远观,而且还要近距离的触摸一下。儿童在成长的 过程中听到的多是“Don’t touch!”但是他们对一些新鲜事物仍然用手去触摸,这种感觉是用视觉无法感 悟到的。现在很多博物馆都允许游客触摸一些古物。 51.细节理解题,根据文中语句“But touching things can help you to see them better.”理解可知。 通过触摸可以感知两个事物的不同。 52.细节理解题,根据文中语句“In shops, we touch things as we might buy: food, clothes. To see something well, we have to touch it.”理解可知。我们在购物时,常用手去触摸一下商品,故选 D。 53.细节理解题,根据文中语句“At first, it is not easy to feel these things. You are too used to them!”理解可知。人们经常接触它们,故选 B。 54.细节理解题,根据文中语句“Most museums are just for looking. But today some museums have some things to touch.”理解可知。现在很多博物馆允许游客触摸展品,故选 D。 55.标题理解归纳题,根据文中语句理解可知,本文主要讲了通过触摸可以更好的了解某个事物,故选 C。 考点:议论文的阅读理解 点评:本文主要介绍了在我们认识事物的过程中触觉和视觉之间的不同。所涉及的题目都是一些细节理解 题。对于细节理解题,只要学生认真阅读,就能很容易的知道问题的答案。 56.C 57.D 58.C 59.A 60.C 【解析】 试题分析: 56.根据本文第一句可知许多中国人喜欢美国的乡村音乐,诸如 John Denver 的歌曲,所以 John Denver 是来自于美国的乡村歌手,故本题选 C。 57.本文的第二段第一句是 Country music is from the folk music(民间音乐),意思为美国的乡村音 乐来自于美国的民间音乐,故本题选 D。 58.本文第三段第三行有两句 He says music can bring people together. We will understand each other better through music. 意思为音乐可以把世界上的人连在一起,我们通过音乐可以彼此之间更好的了解, 所以它是表达人情感的一种媒介,故本题选 C。 59.本文最后一段第一句提到 John Denver 去世的时间为 1997 年,故本题选 A。 60.本文第三段第一句是 One of the most popular country music singers is John Denver, who is also quite famous to the Chinese,最受欢迎的乡村音乐歌手 John Denver 对于中国人而言也是相当出名的, 故本题描述正确的句中为 D,故本题选 D。 考点:本文是一篇介绍美国乡村音乐有关情况的说明文。 点评:本文主要介绍了乡村音乐的来历,著名的美国乡村音乐歌手,乡村音乐的内容,乡村音乐所表达的 情感和价值。阅读本文时,应以 John Denver 作为中心人物,以乡村音乐作为主要内容,根据上下文,理 解本文的含义,注意音乐是传递人类情感的方式。 61.C 62.B 63.B 64.A 65.B 【解析】 61.细节理解题,根据文中语句“There are over 100 libraries for the students and learned men to use.”理解可知。 62.细节理解题,根据文中语句“At University of Oxford, they also provide a number of money for the best students.”理解可知。 63.细节理解题,根据文中语句“if you want to study here, first you have to reach a certain level of English language.”理解可知。 64.细节理解题,根据文中语句“The number of Chinese students at the university has grown quickly over the past 10 years.”理解可知。 65.标题理解归纳题,通读全文语句理解可知。 66.D 67.A 68.A 69.C 70.B 【解析】 66.理解归纳题,根据文中语句理解可知。 67.细节理解题,根据文中语句“One in three people in Britain have a new kind of disease(病)— they love a famous person too much.”理解可知。 68.细节理解题,根据文中语句“One way is just to follow them or talk about them with friends for fun. The other is a more serious way.”理解可知。 69.理解归纳题,根据文中语句理解可知。 70.细节理解题,根据文中语句“But like many things, overdoing it may not always be good for you.” 理解可知。 71.A 72.D 73.B 74.A 75.C 【解析】 71.细节理解题,根据文中语句“Father’s Day has a very short history. It was started because there was a Mother’s Day,”理解可知。 72.词义理解推断题,根据文中语句“By the way, very few countries have a Father’s Day, though some have a Children’s Day, or a special day for boys and another for girls.”理解可知。 73.细节理解题,根据文中语句“The important thing to remember about Father’s Day is that American children can show their love to their fathers in a more open way.”理解可知。 74.细节理解题,根据文中语句“The newspapers, radios, and TV tell children what they should do — buy, buy, buy, buy, buy a Father’s Day present for your father.”理解可知。 75.理解归纳题,根据文中语句理解可知。 76.F 77.T 78.T 79.T 80.F 【解析】 76.根据文章内容 Do you like playing tennis? It’s OK if you can’t play tennis. Mr. Qing can teach you.可知答案为 F 77.根据文章内容 Do you like acting? Do you like to work with other young people? Do you want to be in the school play? Come and join the acting club.可知答案为 T 78.根据文章内容 Can you dance? Do you like Latin (拉丁) dance or Chinese traditional (传统的) dance? Join the dance club and dance for the Christmas (圣诞节) show.可知答案为 T 79.根据文章内容 Do you like French food? Can you speak French? Do you want to learn French? Join the French club now.可知答案为 T 80.根据文章内容大意可知答案为 F。 81. 【小题 1】A 【小题 2 】C 【小题 3】A 【小题 4】C 【小题 5】B 【解析】 【小题 1】理解推断题,纵观全文理解可知。 【小题 2】细节理解题,由文中语句“Sixteen stones----8 pairs----are needed for a game(2*16=32)” 理解可知。 【小题 3】词义推断理解题,根据上下文的语句理解可知。 【小题 4】细节理解题,由文中语句“First, stones are sliced and then into round “cheeses”. Finally, the cheeses are shaped and polished into curling stones in a series of steps.”理解可知。 【小题 5】理解判断题,纵观全文理解可知。 82.A 83.D 84.B 85.C 86.C 【解析】 82.根据文章内容 In the Netherlands, the government is preparing for the country’s “11 Cities Tour”. The 125-mile ice-skating marathon will be held along a network which joins 11 towns and cities together in Friesland Province.可知答案为 A 83.根据文章内容可知答案为 D 84.根据文章内容 Europeans are being dug out from heavy snow after a week of very cold weather. The snowstorm is the harshest to hit Europe. Airports were shut down. And schools have been closed for a week.可知答案为 B 85.根据单词的意思,可知答案为 C 86.根据文章内容可知答案为 C 87.B 88.A 89.C 90.C 91.B 【解析】 87.根据文章内容 London’s Chinese community(社区) dates back to the 18th century,可知答案为 B 88.根据文章内容 At first, the new immigrants found it difficult to get jobs.可知答案为 A 89.根据文章内容 They worked as cooks, managers or waiters.可知答案为 C 90.根据文章内容 when a small number of Chinese sailors moved to the city to work in Limhouse, east London.可知答案为 C 91.根据文章内容大意可知答案为 B 92.C 93.D 94.A 95.A 96.D 【解析】纵观历史,人们一直对语言的起源感兴趣,但是没人知道它从哪里起源,有是怎么发生的。然而, 我们确实对古代和现代的语言有很深入的了解。语言也会逐渐改变,语言可能有许多种地区口音。因此, 我们能看出,在历史不同阶段,语言也不尽相同。 92.段落理解题。根据第一段 A,B,D 表述不准确,故选 C。 93.细节理解题。根据文章第二段第二句可知。 94.细节理解题。根据文章可知选 A,B,C 和 D 表述不正确。 95.细节理解题。根据文章最后一段一,二两行可知选 A. 96.细节理解题。根据文章最后一段倒数一,二,三行可知。

