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‎ ‎ 小学英语六年级(下)期末检测卷 2017.6‎ Lis 小学英语六年级下册期末检测卷 Listening Test Part (听力部分)‎ 一. Listen and choose.听句子,选择你所听到的单词。10%‎ ‎(‎ ‎) 1. A. go B. went C. goes ‎(‎ ‎) 2. A. bought B. thought C. brought ‎(‎ ‎) 3. A. water B. washed C. watered ‎(‎ ‎) 4. A. Room 303‎ B. Room 301‎ C. Room 304‎ ‎(‎ ‎) 5. A. thinner B. younger C. older ‎(‎ ‎) 6.‎ A. thirteen B. three C. thirty ‎(‎ ‎) 7.‎ A. sour B. soil C. sweet ‎(‎ ‎) 8.‎ A. presents B. parents C. party ‎(‎ ‎) 9.‎ A. potatoes B. carrots C. tomatoes ‎(‎ ‎) 10. A. November B. September C. December 二. Listen and tick or cross. 听对话,判断正误,相符的打“√”,不相符的打“×”。5%‎ ‎1. (‎ ‎)‎ ‎2.(‎ ‎)‎ ‎3.( )‎ ‎4. ( ) 5. ( )‎ 三. Listen and tick.听一段对话,选择合适的选项,并在选项前的方格中打√。5%‎ When Where How What summer holiday a village by plane went camping winter holiday a city by bus took pictures National Day a park by ship ate sea food 小学英语六年级(下)期末检测卷第 1 页共 4 页 四. Listen and choose. 听句子,选出正确的答句。10%‎ ‎(‎ ‎) 1. A. It’s sunny and hot.‎ B. It’s windy and cool.‎ ‎(‎ ‎) 2.‎ A. Jan.1st.‎ B. June1st.‎ ‎(‎ ‎) 3.‎ A. I’m taller.‎ B. Tom is shorter.‎ ‎(‎ ‎) 4.‎ A. Yes, it is.‎ B. Yes, there are.‎ ‎(‎ ‎) 5.‎ A. Last holiday.‎ B. Next week.‎ ‎‎ C. It’s rainy and cold.‎ C. Oct.1st.‎ C. Tom is taller.‎ C. Yes, there is.‎ C. Last weekend.‎ 五. Listen and tick or cross. 听短文,判断正误,相符的打“√”,不相符的打“×”。10%‎ ‎(‎ ‎) 1. Chen Jie is going to Shanghai tomorrow.‎ ‎(‎ ‎) 2. She is going to visit her uncle.‎ ‎(‎ ‎) 3. She cleaned her bedroom in the afternoon.‎ ‎(‎ ‎) 4. She bought a book because she wants to know more about Shanghai.‎ ‎(‎ ‎) 5. She was very happy today.‎ Writing Test Part (笔试部分)‎ 六. Read and choose.找出不同类的单词。5%‎ ‎(‎ ‎) 1. A. tired B. excited C. visited D. bored ‎(‎ ‎) 2.‎ A. father B. farmer C. driver D. singer ‎(‎ ‎) 3.‎ A. hotel B. hospital C. museum D. badminton ‎(‎ ‎) 4.‎ A. stronger B. singer C. older D. taller ‎(‎ ‎) 5.‎ A. saw B. ride C. took D. slept 七. Read and match.读一读,找出划线部分读音相同的单词连一连。5%‎ cleaned fixed for work now beef horse stayed washed house shirt read 八. Read and choose. 选择合适的答案,将字母标号填在题前括号内。10%‎ ‎(‎ ‎) 1. —Did he ____a film last night ‎? — Yes, he did.‎ A. saw B. see C. sees ‎(‎ ‎) There ____ many computers in our school now.‎ A. is B. are C. were ‎(‎ ‎) 3.‎ Mother’s Day is coming. I ____ a card for my mother tomorrow.‎ A. am making B. make C. will make.‎ ‎(‎ ‎) 4.‎ What’s your brother’s hobby?‎ A. He’s funny.‎ B. He likes reading.‎ C. He is in hospital today.‎ ‎(‎ ‎) 5.‎ Peter didn’t want Mom to see the toy, so he put it ____ the bed.‎ A. under B. on C. in front of 小学英语六年级(下)期末检测卷第 2 页共 4 页 ‎(‎ ‎) 6. —Whose pink skirt is this ? — It’s ______.‎ A. me B. mine C. my ‎(‎ ‎) 7. My father is 3 years older ______ my mother.‎ A. with B. than C. before ‎(‎ ‎) 8. She can play_____ erhu and he can play _____basketball.‎ A. an, a B. the, a C. the, 不填 ‎(‎ ‎) 9. We must pay attention to the traffic lights. Don’t go at the _____ light.‎ A. yellow B. green C. red ‎(‎ ‎) 10. —How _____ are you, Tom? —I’m 38 kilograms .‎ A. heavy B. old C. tall 九. 搭配词组,将字母标号填入括号中。每个选项只能用一次。10%‎ 第一组 第二组 ‎(‎ ‎) warm A. grass ‎(‎ ‎) go A. the piano ‎(‎ ‎) sweet B. children ‎(‎ ‎) play B. boating ‎(‎ ‎) green C. weather ‎(‎ ‎) have C. a new friend ‎(‎ ‎) smart D. legs ‎(‎ ‎) meet D. a kite ‎(‎ ‎) long E. cakes ‎(‎ ‎) fly E. an art class 十.‎ Read and choose. 读对话,选择正确选项的编号补全对话(有一项多余)。 5%‎ Bill:‎ ‎1___________?‎ A. Can I see your pictures?‎ Mary: I’m fine, thanks. And you?‎ B. What will you do tomorrow?‎ Bill: I’m fine, too. 2___________?‎ C. Did you take pictures of the party?‎ Mary: We had Easter party at my home.‎ D. How are you, Mary?‎ Bill:‎ Great! 3___________?‎ E. What did you do yesterday?‎ Mary: It was fine. We played games.‎ F. How was your party?‎ We looked for eggs and ate chocolate eggs.‎ Bill:‎ ‎4___________?‎ Mary: Yes, I took lots of pictures.‎ Bill:‎ ‎5___________?‎ Mary: Of course. They are on my computer. Let’s go home together.‎ 十一. Read and write.读句子,每空填一个单词,只要符合句意即可。5%‎ 1. My bag is ___________.‎ 2. What’s your favourite ___________?‎ 3. Before, I was ___________. Now, I’m very ___________ in class.‎ 4. Yesterday afternoon I went ___________ with my father.‎ 小学英语六年级(下)期末检测卷第 3 页共 4 页 十二. Read and circle.读句子,圈出正确的单词或短语。5%‎ 1. Sarah and her brother ( watched / watch ) TV yesterday.‎ 2. I’m going to (see /seeing ) a film tomorrow .‎ 3. ‎—( How / When ) did you go home last night ? —I went home at 10:30.‎ 4. He often (reads / reading ) stories on the weekend.‎ 5. ‎(Are there /Is there ) any bridges in your village?‎ 十三.Read and finish tasks. 阅读短文,完成任务。15% (8+4+3)‎ Dear Peter,‎ How are you? I had a great day yesterday.‎ It was a sunny Saturday. The sun was shining. The sky was blue. I got up at 7 in the morning. I had some bread and milk for breakfast and did my homework. Then I went to Danghu Park with my classmates. It is near our school, so we went there on foot. The park is very beautiful. We had lunch on the grass. Then I flew kites with Oliver. Sarah, Amy and Chen Jie played hide and seek.‎ We were all very happy. We went back at 4:30。After I got home, I helped my mother with housework. I had a good time yesterday.‎ What about you? Tell me something about your weekend.‎ Yours,‎ ‎(A)读短文,判断对错:‎ Zhang Peng ‎(‎ ‎) 1. Yesterday was a sunny day.‎ ‎(‎ ‎) 2. Zhang Peng had breakfast in the park.‎ ‎(‎ ‎) 3. Zhang Peng and his classmates went to the park on foot.‎ ‎(‎ ‎) 4. Sarah flew kites with Oliver.‎ ‎(B)读短文,完成填空:‎ ‎1. This is a letter to ‎.‎ ‎2. Yesterday was Saturday. Today is ‎.‎ ‎3. Zhang Peng had some and milk for breakfast.‎ ‎4. Zhang Peng his homework before he went to the park.‎ ‎(C):拓展任务:写一篇小短文。Peter is Zhang Peng’s good friend. Do you have a good friend? 根据提示,至少用 3 个句子介绍好朋友,注意使用正确的表达形式。‎ What did you do together last weekend ?‎ How old? Friend Hobby?‎ Who? …?‎ 小学英语六年级(下)期末检测卷第 4 页共 4 页

