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‎2019届一轮复习人教版必修1Unit3 Travel Journal单元学案设计 ‎1. 了解旅游常识,懂得如何为旅行做计划准备,包括确定旅游时间、地点、路线、交通工具、费用,以及其他物质方面的准备。‎ ‎2. 学习并掌握本单元所学词汇和短语,学会根据旅游、地理等主题将词汇进行分类记忆,以便逐步扩大词汇量。 ‎ What kind of transportation do you prefer for your journey? I am fond of cycling. You may think of the disadvantages and shortcomings of bikes. But I am determined to cycle as usual. I hope I can persuade you to plan your schedule for a bike trip and organize it properly. You needn't waste any bike fares. Don't be stubborn. Don't care about the slow pace. Don't change your mind. Don't give in. Just be bent on your journey. Make up your mind to find a good view at any altitude with an active attitude. Ever since graduating/graduation, I have seen the water flow by the temple/cave. I have seen the flames of the fire in the valleys beneath the stars. Follow me! Watch the weather forecast! Pick up your parcel! Take your reliable friends. Let's go cycling! Finally, remember to buy insurance for yourself and tell us your experience in ‎ your journal in details. ‎ ‎1. ever since 从那以后 ‎2. persuade vt.说服;劝说 ‎3. schedule n.时间表;进度表 vt.为某事安排时间 ‎4. be fond of 喜爱;喜欢 ‎5. care about 关心;忧虑;惦念 ‎ ‎6. change one's mind 改变主意 ‎7. give in 投降;屈服;让步 ‎8. attitude n.态度;看法 ‎ ‎9. view n.风景;视野;观点;见解 vt. 观看;注视;考虑 ‎1. 但是像往常一样我决心已定。‎ But I am determined to cycle as usual.‎ ‎2. 全身心地投入到你的旅行中来吧!‎ Just be bent on your journey! ‎ ‎★prefer vt.更喜欢;选择某事物(而不选择其他事物)‎ ‎★journal n.日记;杂志;定期刊物 ‎★transport n.运送;运输 vt.运输;运送 ‎ ‎★flow vi. 流动;流出 n.流动;流量 ‎★cycle vi. 骑自行车 ‎★graduate vi. 毕业 n.大学毕业生 ‎★finally adv.最后;终于 ‎ ‎★shortcoming n.缺点 ‎★stubborn adj.顽固的;固执的 ‎★organize vt.组织;成立 ‎★determine vt.决定;确定;下定决心 ‎★journey n.旅行;旅程 ‎ ‎★pace vi. 缓慢而行;踱步 n. 一步;速度;步调 ‎★bend n.弯;拐角 vt.(bent, bent)使弯曲 ‎ ‎★boil vi. (指液体)沸腾;(水)开 ‎★forecast n.& vt.预测;预报 ‎★parcel n.小包;包裹 ‎ ‎★pillow n.枕头;枕垫 ‎★midnight n.午夜;子夜 ‎ ‎★flame n.火焰;光芒;热情 ‎★beneath prep. 在……下面 ‎★temple n.庙宇;寺庙 ‎★cave n.洞穴;地窖 ‎★disadvantage n.不利条件;不便之处 ‎★determined adj.坚决的;有决心的 ‎★insurance n.保险 ‎★reliable adj.可信赖的;可靠的 一、重点单词需牢记 ‎1. prefer vt.更喜欢;选择某事物(而不选择其他事物) ‎ prefer sth. 喜欢某事/物 prefer doing sth. 更喜欢做某事 prefer + to do sth. (表示特定场合下)更喜欢做某事 prefer sb. to do sth. 宁愿某人做某事 prefer A to B/prefer doing A to doing B宁愿……而不愿……‎ prefer to do A rather than do B 宁愿做A而不愿做B prefer + that-clause (虚拟语气)+(should)+do喜欢做某事 ‎ Of the two coats, I prefer that blue one. ‎ 两件外套中,我更喜欢蓝色的那件。 ‎ I prefer Kate to go on vacation with us next Sunday. ‎ 我宁愿凯特下周日跟我们去度假。‎ I prefer speaking the truth to lying.‎ 我宁愿讲实话而不愿说谎。 ‎ Would you prefer that we put off our meeting till next week? ‎ 你是否更愿意把我们的会议推迟到下一周?‎ preference n.偏爱,优先选择 by preference 首先,最好 ‎ in preference to 优先于……‎ have a preference for 偏爱……‎ ‎2. disadvantage n.不利条件;不便之处 ‎ ‎(put / keep sb.)at a disadvantage (使某人)处于不利 ‎ to one's disadvantage ‎ ‎= to the disadvantage of sb. 对某人不利,使某人吃惊 ‎ Snow is not always a disadvantage to a mountain goat. ‎ 雪并不一定会对山羊不利。 ‎ He knows how to turn a disadvantage into an advantage. ‎ 他懂得如何变弊为利。‎ take advantage of 利用 ‎ to one's advantage 对某人有利 have/gain/get/win an advantage over 胜过,优于 ‎ We took advantage of the fine weather and spent the day at the beach. ‎ 趁着天气好,我们到海滩过了一天。‎ You have the advantage of me in experience.‎ 在经验方面,你胜过我。‎ ‎3. persuade vt.说服;劝说 ‎ persuade sb. to do sth.‎ ‎=persuade sb. into doing sth. 说服了某人做某事 persuade sb. not to do sth.‎ ‎=persuade sb. out of doing sth. 说服了某人不要做某事 try to persuade sb. to do sth.‎ ‎=advise sb. to do sth. 尽力说服某人做某事 ‎ persuade sb. of sth. 使某人信服某事 persuade sb. that 从句 使某人信服……‎ I was unable to persuade him to do what I said. ‎ 我没能说服他按我所说的去做。‎ We persuaded him out of his foolish idea. ‎ 我们劝他停止他的愚蠢的想法。‎ She was not persuaded of the truth of my statement. ‎ 她不相信我的话是真的。 ‎ talk/ reason sb. into/out of doing sth.‎ ‎= sb. into/out of doing sth. 说服某人做/不做某事 trick sb. into/out of doing sth. 诱使某人做/不做某事 urge sb. into/out of doing sth. 怂恿某人做/不做某事 ‎4. schedule n.时间表;进度表 vt.为某事安排时间 ‎ ahead of schedule提前 ‎ behind schedule比规定时间晚 according to/on schedule按时间表,及时,准时 ‎ be scheduled for sth.按照安排做某事 ‎ be scheduled to do sth.按照安排做某事 ‎ We finished the project ahead of schedule. ‎ 我们提前完成了这项工程。‎ I have accomplished the task on schedule.‎ 我按时完成了任务。‎ The delegation is scheduled to arrive tomorrow. ‎ 代表团定于明日到达。 ‎ scheduled adj.预定的 scheduling n.行程安排;时序安排 ‎ ‎5. determine vt.决定;确定;下定决心 determine + to do... 决心,决意(要……)‎ determine sb. to do使……决定……‎ determine + that/wh-clause 决心……‎ determine + n.决定…… ‎ be determined to do sth. 决心干某事 We are determined to get the work done before May 1.‎ 我们下定决心要在五一节前完成这项任务。‎ What determined you to marry him?‎ 是什么使你下决心要嫁给他的? ‎ determined adj.坚决的;有决心的 determination n.决心 ‎ decide, determine与make up one's mind decide指经过考虑或商量,在几种可能中做出决定。‎ determine为书面语,指已下定决心,把某件事确定下来。‎ make up one's mind语气更强,指已打定主意,毫不动摇。 ‎ ‎ 6. bend n.弯;拐角 vt.(bent, bent)使弯曲 vi. 弯身;弯腰 ‎ bend down/over/forward/backward 俯身/弯腰/前倾/后仰 bend oneself to 专心于, 致力于 bend one's mind to sth. 专心于某事物 be bent on sth./doing sth. 专心于(做)某事 There is a sharp bend in the road here. ‎ 这段路上有一处急转弯。‎ Can you bend down and touch your toes without bending your knees?‎ 你能弯下腰、不屈膝摸着你的脚趾吗?‎ The boys bent their attention on making model ships. ‎ 男孩们聚精会神地制作船舶模型。 ‎ ‎7. attitude n.态度;看法 ‎ attitude常与介词to或者towards搭配 He has a positive attitude towards life.‎ 他对生活持有积极的态度。‎ the key to success/ the bike成功/自行车的钥匙 ‎ the answer to the question问题的答案 the exit/ entrance to the cinema电影院出口/入口 ‎ the solution to the problem 解决方案 ‎ 8. view n.风景;视野;观点;见解 vt. 观看;注视;考虑 ‎ a bird's-eye view 鸟瞰; [喻]概要 on a long view 从长远看 go out of view 在视野内消失掉 ‎ at first view 初看, 一见(就)‎ be lost to view 看不见了 ‎ There's a fine view of the lake from our hotel window.‎ 从我们旅馆的窗口可以看到湖的美丽风光。‎ The view is cut off by the next building. ‎ 旁边的楼房挡住了视野。 ‎ view,scene,scenery,sight 和look view指从远处或高处看到的视野范围内的风景;‎ scene意为“景象;风光”时包括其中的人物、动作和行为; ‎ scenery指一个地区的“整个风景”,尤指乡村中的自然景色; ‎ sight指“情景,奇观”, 强调看到处于视野以内或为视力可及的东西,常用复数形式,指人文景观;‎ look 用于人时指“神态”或“样子”,用于物时指“面貌”。 ‎ 二、重点短语需精通 ‎ 1. be fond of 喜爱;喜欢 ‎ I am not overly fond of cooking. ‎ 我不怎么喜欢烹饪。 ‎ She has many shortcomings, but we are all fond of her. ‎ 她虽然有很多缺点,但我们都喜欢她。‎ 表示“喜欢”的词或词组还有:‎ enjoy 指在某种活动中获得乐趣,后面常用名词、代词和动名词形式;‎ prefer意为“更喜欢”,指在两者中比较喜欢其中一个;‎ like 侧重介绍性格和习惯上的爱好。‎ ‎2. care about 关心;忧虑;惦念 The young should care about the old.‎ 年轻人应该关心老年人。‎ I don't care about whether he leaves or not.‎ 我不在乎他离不离开。‎ care about意为“忧虑,关心,惦念”,相当于 be worried about 或be concerned about。‎ care for 意为“喜欢(like or love sb./ sth.)”,常用于否定句和疑问句;还可表示 “照顾,照料”,与look after / take care of 同义。 ‎ ‎3. change one's mind 改变主意 ‎ We have leaned over backwards to persuade him to change his mind, but all to no avail.‎ 我们已经竭力说服他改变主意,可是完全没用。 ‎ bring back to mind 使回想起 keep/bear in mind 记住 have something / somebody in mind 心里想着某事/某人 read one's mind 看出某人的心思 take something off one's mind去掉某人的心事 lose one's mind 失去理智 ‎4.give in 投降;屈服;让步;交上 After the fighting, the enemy gave in. 战后敌人投降了。‎ Seeing that he could not persuade me, he had to give in (to my view). 由于无法说服我,他不得不让步。‎ Please give in your examination papers now.‎ 现在请交上试卷。‎ give away 送给人;分发;泄露,暴露 ‎ give back送还;恢复(健康)‎ give off散发出 ‎ give out用完;耗尽;没有了 give up放弃;不再做;把……献给…… ‎ give birth to 生(孩子);造成……的原因 ‎ 三、重点句式能熟用 ‎1. Ever since middle school, my sister Wang Wei and I have dreamed about taking a great bike trip.自从初中起,我和我姐姐王薇就一直梦想来一次伟大的自行车旅行。 ‎ 该句是现在完成时态的句子,只不过将现在完成时态的典型的时间状语提前置句首了。在ever since中,ever放在since之前是用来表达说话人强调句中动作或状态持续时间长的语气的。如果句中动作或状态持续时间较短,就不能用ever。无论是since还是ever since,都与现在完成时态连用。 ‎ ‎2. Although she didn't know the best way of getting to places, ‎ she insisted that she organize the trip properly. 尽管她对到某些地方的最佳路线并不清楚,她还是坚持认为自己把这次旅行安排得很妥当。 ‎ 该句中insist之后的宾语从句使用的是虚拟语气。“insist + that从句”,若表示“坚持(要求)”,要用虚拟形式“(should)+ 动词原形”;若表示“坚持说,坚持认为”,则不用虚拟形式。‎ We insisted that she should come to the party.‎ 我们坚持认为她应该来参加这个聚会。‎ He insisted that he was right. 他坚持说他是对的。‎ insist on/upon doing坚决做,坚持做 ‎ ‎3. When I told her the air would be hard to breathe and it would be very cold, she said it would be an interesting experience. 当我告诉她那里空气稀薄,呼吸困难,而且天气很冷时,她却说这将是一次有趣的经历。‎ 句中“...the air would be hard to breathe ...”是“主语+系动词+形容词+不定式”结构,其中不定式的谓语与主语在意义上是动宾关系,但要用主动形式表示被动意义,这一类的形容词通常可以描绘主语的情绪、态度、品质属性或者难易程度,如hard,difficult,easy,nice,interesting,important,pleasant和comfortable等。 ‎ Your writing is impossible to read. ‎ 你写的字太难辨认了。‎ Do you think the water is safe to drink?‎ 你认为这水喝起来安全吗?‎ ‎4. Once she has made up her mind, nothing can change it. 一旦她下了决心,什么也不能使她改变。 ‎ 句中once的用法较多,意思也比较丰富,既可以用作连词,也可以用作副词。用作连词时,意为“一旦……就……”,连接时间状语从句,相当于as soon as。‎ Once you start, you will never give up. ‎ 一旦开始了,你就不要放弃。‎ all at once 突然;同时 ‎ at once 立刻,马上;同时 ‎(every)once in a while 偶尔,有时,间或 ‎ more than once 不止一次,多次 ‎ once again / more再一次 ‎ once and again一再,再三 once or twice 一两次;有时,偶尔 ‎ once upon a time从前 四、话题写作多积累 训练三:写电子邮件 书信和电子邮件是人们进行书面交流的两种重要形式。这两种形式的写作是高考中出现频率最高的题型。从内容上看,近几年高考书信写作主要包括道歉信、致谢信、笔友信、慰问信、投诉信、邀请信、介绍信、求职信、读者请求的解答信及其答复读者的信等。而电子邮件指用电子手段传送的信件,其本质还是书信。‎ 第一步 构建框架,清晰行文,谋篇布局有成足 审题时首先确定写信人的身份、写信的对象及写信的目的,然后根据写信目的结合提纲内容确定信中应该包含哪些要点内容,结合写信目的及提纲中的要点,构思书信的框架及写作顺序。并结合构思的内容列出一些关键词语。‎ 第二步 打造亮句,增色文章,词法句法有章法 按照构思的写作思路及内容开始写作,用正确的句子结构将所列的关键词汇及短语连词成句,再加以适当的变换句型,增添细节。‎ 第三步 串句成文,保证流畅,文法标点有规范 写完以后进行通读,对细节进行润色修改,形成一篇完整、流畅的书信。对于书信和电子邮件来说,从文法上来说,切忌主客不分或模糊、名词的单复数错用、句子零碎、动词与主语不能保持一致, 时态滥用和标点不准确,应该尽量使结构对称,让人容易理解。 ‎ ‎(1)信件开头常用语 ‎①写信给他人 ‎ I'm writing to ask if you can come next week. ‎ How time flies!It's three months since I saw you last.‎ How are you getting on with everything?‎ How nice to hear from you again!‎ Nice to read your letter/e-mail today.‎ ‎②回信给他人 Your letter came to me this morning. ‎ I have received your letter of July 20th. ‎ I'm glad to have received your letter of... ‎ I'm writing to thank you for your help during...‎ I'm pleased to hear that you're coming to China for a visit.‎ Thank you for your letter. ‎ ‎(2)信件常用结束语 ‎ Please remember me to your whole family. ‎ Give my best regards (wishes)to your mother. ‎ Wish you success. /Wish you the best of health.‎ Looking forward to your next visit/ early reply to China!‎ Looking forward to the pleasure of meeting you! ‎ Best wishes/regards! ‎ ‎【例1】(1)使用所给单词的适当形式填空 ‎①She preferred __to__go__(go)with us rather than__stay__(stay)behind. ‎ ‎②I would prefer__reading__(read)books to __watching__(watch)TV. ‎ ‎③I'd prefer you ____to__drive__(drive), if you don't mind. ‎ ‎④Would you prefer that I __(should)go__(go)with you?= Would you prefer me__to__go__(go)with you? ‎ 由于prefer本身含有比较意义,故不可与比较级连用。在prefer A to B/prefer doing A to doing B中,to是介词,to前后分别为平行的名词、代词或者v.-ing。 ‎ ‎(2)用prefer的适当形式填空 ‎①Which is your preference,__tea or coffee?‎ ‎②It is chosen in preference to another. ‎ ‎③She __preferred__that she (should)do it alone when she was in trouble. ‎ ‎【例2】使用恰当的介词填空 ‎ ‎①England's players would be left __at__a disadvantage against those of the rest of the world. ‎ ‎②The situation is __to__our childrens disadvantage.‎ ‎③Jane took advantage __of__the lunch hour to finish her homework. ‎ ‎④He has the advantage __of__me when he talks about science. ‎ ‎⑤You will find it __to__your advantage to go to the country for a ‎ change. ‎ disadvantage的基本意思是“不利条件,劣势”,指条件、环境、地位等劣于他人或其他事物,而不指物质方面的缺点,是可数名词。 ‎ ‎【例3】根据汉语意思完成句子 ‎①我们已经说服了他远离网吧。 ‎ We have persuaded him to keep away from the net bar. = We have persuaded him __into__keeping away from the net bar.‎ ‎②我们怎么才能说服她别相信他呢? ‎ How can we persuade her __out__of__believing/__not__to__believe__in him?‎ ‎③我们劝他停止他愚蠢的计划。 ‎ We persuade him__out__of__his foolish plan.‎ ‎④通过多次劝告,我说服他戒了烟。 ‎ I've__persuaded__him to give up smoking by __advising__him many times.‎ ‎⑤她劝我要谨慎。‎ She__advised__me to be cautious. ‎ persuade sb. to do sth.指成功说服某人做某事;‎ try to persuade sb. to do sth.指试图说服某人做某事,含有未能成功的意思;‎ advise sb. to do sth. 指建议某人做某事,对方是否采纳则不一定。‎ ‎【例4】(1)使用恰当的介词填空 ‎①The election was held six months __ahead__of__/behind__schedule. ‎ ‎②A presidential election was scheduled __for__last December. ‎ ‎(2)用schedule的适当形式填空 ‎①The conference will be convened as scheduled.‎ ‎②The president__is__scheduled__for a speech tomorrow. ‎ ‎③The building __is__scheduled____to be completed and handed over by the end of the year. ‎ ‎【例5】(1)用determine的适当形式填空 ‎①The proposal had been dropped in the face of__determined__opposition. ‎ ‎②I __am__determined__to win the game.‎ ‎③All this increased my__determination__to try in every way to fight against that war. ‎ ‎(2)完成句子 ‎ ‎①She made up her mind to go and settle in America. ‎ ‎= She__was__determined__(determine)to go and settle in America.‎ ‎②__I__am__determined__to__go__(我已下定决心要去)and nothing will stop me. ‎ ‎③__Determined__(determine)that he would not come back again, ‎ he left his home alone. ‎ ‎④That incident__determined__(determine)her to be a nurse.‎ ‎【例6】(1)使用bend的恰当形式填空 ‎ ‎①He__bent__the iron bar as if it had been made of rubber. ‎ ‎②I like the graceful__bends__of Gothic windows.‎ ‎③The students __bent__their attention on listening to their teacher. ‎ ‎(2)同义句转换 他一心扑在这项工程上。‎ He was fully __bent__on the project.‎ ‎= He was fully __devoted__to the project.‎ ‎= He was fully __absorbed__in the project.‎ ‎【例7】(1)根据汉语意思完成句子 ‎①As you get older, your__attitude__towards__success__(对成功的看法)changes. ‎ ‎②It's not his work that bothers me; it's__his__attitude__(他的态度). ‎ ‎③__Attitudes__are__(人们的态度)beginning to change. ‎ ‎(2)单句改错 The country desperately needs more houses, and the key for the problem, as usual, is money. ‎ for改为to_______________________________________________________‎ ‎【例8】从view,scene,scenery,sight 和look 中选择合适的单词完成句子 ‎①You can enjoy the extraordinary__sight__of unbroken cloud plains.‎ ‎②The__scene__is a perfect dream when you see the sun rising slowly in the east.‎ ‎③An aeroplane offers you an unusual and breathtaking__view__of the world.‎ ‎④She could get a great__view__of the mountain from her bedroom window.‎ ‎⑤The__scenery__in the mountains is very beautiful. ‎ ‎⑥The old city has taken on a new__look__. ‎ ‎ 【例1】完成句子 ‎①I__prefer__jazz to rock music. ‎ ‎②More and more young people are fond__of__ playing tennis nowadays. ‎ ‎③I'm fond of __playing__(play)the piano. ‎ ‎④I__like/enjoy__reading newspapers. ‎ ‎⑤He enjoys __talking__(talk)to me. ‎ be fond of 表示“喜欢”,后接名词、代词或动名词形式。‎ ‎【例2】完成句子 ‎①The only thing he__cares__about__(在乎)is money. ‎ ‎②I don't really __care__for__(喜欢)red wine.‎ ‎③I don't __care__(about)__(关心)what happens to him. ‎ ‎④Who will __care__for__(照顾)your child if you are out? ‎ ‎【例3】使用mind的相关短语完成句子 ‎①I__make__up__my__mind__(下决心)to study hard. ‎ ‎②No matter what you say, I won't__change__my__mind__(改变主意). ‎ ‎③Once my daughter__has__made__up__her__mind__(下定了决心), nothing can be done to __change__her__mind__(使她改变主意). ‎ ‎④We must __keep/bear__in__mind__(牢记)that “No pains, no gains”. ‎ ‎【例4】使用恰当的词组填空 ‎①He won't __give__in__to__(屈服)the enemies. ‎ ‎②You were supposed to __give__in__(交上)your homework four days ago. ‎ ‎③He __gave__up__(放弃)learning English because it was hard to learn. ‎ give in 意为“上交”时,为及物动词词组;意为“让步,投降”时,为不及物动词词组,若表示“向……让步/投降”,要用give in to。 give up 意为“放弃”,后加名词或动名词。‎ ‎【例1】用所给单词的适当形式填空 ‎ ‎①Ever since then I __have__been__longing__(long)to meet him face to face.‎ ‎②I __have__lived__(live)here ever since I was a child.‎ ‎③It __is__(be)just a week since we arrived.‎ ‎【例2】用所给单词的适当形式填空 ‎ ‎①We insisted that the manager__(should)be__(be)present at the meeting.‎ ‎②He insisted that he__had__done__(do)right.‎ ‎③He insisted that we__(should)accept__(accept)these gifts.‎ ‎④They insisted upon__sending__(send)a car over to fetch us.‎ ‎⑤He insisted that he__was__(be)the best,so he insisted that he__do__(do)the work all by himself. ‎ ‎【例3】根据汉语意思完成句子 ‎ ‎①有时候她很不容易理解。‎ She was difficult__to__understand__at times. ‎ ‎②他是唯一一个被授予这种荣誉的外国人。‎ He was the only foreigner__to__be__given__such an honour. ‎ ‎③这把椅子看上去很硬,但坐起来很舒服。‎ The chair looks rather hard, but it is very __comfortable__to__sit__on__. ‎ 不定式后面如果是不及物动词,要在其后加适当的介词与主语构成动宾关系。‎ ‎【例4】根据汉语提示完成句子 ‎ ‎①Physics is easy to learn__once__(一旦)you understand the rules. ‎ ‎②__Once__(曾经)he lived in America, but now he lives in England. ‎ ‎③He told me__once__again__(再次)to be sure to put out the light before leaving.‎ ‎④I see them__once__(一次)every two months. ‎ ‎⑤__Once__upon__a__time__(从前)there was a giant with two heads.‎ once用作副词时,意为“曾经;一度;从前”。它是一个不确定的时间副词,其位置一般是在行为动词之前,系动词之后。once用作副词,也可意为“一次”。‎ ‎(2017全国卷I)‎ 假定你是李华,正在教你的英国朋友Leslie学习汉语。请你写封邮件告知下次上课的计划。内容包括:‎ ‎1. 时间和地点;‎ ‎2. 内容:学习唐诗;‎ ‎3. 课前准备:简要了解唐朝的历史。‎ 注意:‎ ‎1.词数100左右;‎ ‎2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。‎ Dear Leslie,‎ I am very happy that you have made great progress in learning Chinese and you are interested in Chinese culture. Now I'll tell you the next learning programme. On July 20, we are going to learn poems of the Tang Dynasty which you are interested in the Lecture Hall. As a foreign learner, it is difficult for you to understand the true meaning and the culture of them. Therefore, before class, you can read some books related to the history of the Tang Dynasty to better appreciate the poems. ‎ Be sure to go to the Lecture Hall on time. You cannot miss the wonderful poems.‎ Best wishes.‎ Yours,‎ ‎ Li Hua ‎1. 不要受中文习惯的影响 由于受中文的影响,许多同学在写英文书信时,开头总喜欢用“Hello/ How are you?/ How do you do?”等问候语作为开头,其实这些是不符合英文书信的写作习惯的。与中文信件不同,英文书信正文的开头不是先写一些问候语,而是直接说明写信人的身份及写信目的。 ‎ ‎2. 要简明扼要 英文书信讲究简洁,只要涵盖提纲中的要点内容,将写信的目的、要表达的意思表达清楚即可,且不可脱离主题随意增加无关内容。‎ ‎3.用语要得体 写信时要注意写信人和收信人之间的关系,称呼、语气、用语等方面相符。另外,还应该注意书信中应该以书面语体为主,要避免过于口语化的表达,比如Hello, Bye-bye等。‎ 考向一 在单项选择中设题 ‎(2016天津卷)I'm going to________advantage of this tour to explore the history of the castle. ‎ ‎ A. put   B. make   C. take   D. give ‎ ‎【答案】C 句意:我要利用这次旅行来探索这个城堡的历史。短语take advantage of,意为“利用”,属于固定搭配。‎ 考向二 在补全短文中设题 ‎(2017全国卷I)‎ If anyone had told me three years ago that I would be spending most of my weekends camping, I would have laughed heartily. Campers, in my eyes, were people who enjoyed insect bites, ill-cooked meals, and uncomfortable sleeping bags. They had nothing in common with me. __1__‎ The friends who introduced me to camping thought that it meant to be a pioneer. __2__ We slept in a tent, cooked over an open fire,‎ ‎ and walked a long distance to take the shower and use the bathroom. This brief visit with Mother Nature cost me two days off from work, recovering from a bad case of sunburn and the doctor's bill for my son's food poisoning.‎ I was, nevertheless, talked into going on another fun-filled holiday in the wilderness. __3__ Instead, we had a pop-up camper with comfortable beds and an air conditioner. My nature-loving friends had remembered to bring all the necessities of life.‎ ‎__4__ We have done a lot of it since. Recently, we bought a twenty-eight-foot travel trailer complete with a bathroom and a built-in TV set. There is a separate bedroom, a modern kitchen with a refrigerator. The trailer even has matching carpet and curtains.‎ ‎__5__ It must be true that sooner or later, everyone finds his or her way back to nature. I recommend that you find your way in style.‎ A.This time there was no tent.‎ B.Things are going to be improved.‎ C.The trip they took me on was a rough one.‎ D.I was to learn a lot about camping since then, however.‎ E.I must say that I have certainly come to enjoy camping.‎ F.After the trip, my family became quite interested in camping.‎ G.There was no shade as the trees were no more than 3 feet tall. ‎ ‎【语篇解读】‎ 对野营曾怀偏见和抵触情绪的作者偶然发现野营的好处良多,只不过是自己原来没有找到适合自己的方式而已,故而建议大家找到适合自己的方式亲近大自然。 ‎ ‎1. D 根据前文所述可知,作者不热衷于“野营”,而下文转述自己找到了适合自己的方式多次野营,故所缺句表示转折关系。故选D。‎ ‎2.C 根据前句可知,介绍我去野营的朋友认为,我此去野营是件“开拓性的事情”,所缺句可对前文加以补充说明,即野营对我来说很难。故选C。‎ ‎3.A 作者以前野营是住在帐篷里,根据下一句话可知,所缺句为归结上文(不用帐篷),和提示下文(用什么方式)的作用,故选A。 ‎ ‎4. F 根据后文可知,作者全家多次野营,故所缺为本段的主题句,故选F。‎ ‎5. E 所缺句是作者总结自己对野营的态度,根据后文作者对人们提出的建议和忠告可知,他对野营是持积极支持态度的,故选E。‎ ‎ ‎ 计策1:熟记与advantage有关的短语 计策2:了解advantage及其反义词的用法 ‎ 计策1:抓首句 牢记每一段的第一句话的重要地位,定下段意的基调之后“以小见大”;‎ 计策2:看前后 牢记“瞻前顾后”找线索,通过关键词将选项中的关键词进行定位;‎ 计策3:理情感 紧扣作者的情感变化,跟随作者的情感主线找到判断关键词的方向。‎ 计策4:试做题 如果在段首,先看右,再看上一段段尾。如果在段中,一般先看空格的左边。然后再看空格右边,找复现。如果是段尾句,则先看空格左边。如果空格没有再去找本段的中心主题。‎ 一、词汇拓展 ‎ ‎1. journal n.日记;杂志;定期刊物→journalist n.记者→journalism n.新闻业 ‎ ‎2. transport n.运送;运输 vt.运输;运送→__transportation__n. 运输;运送 ‎ ‎3. prefer vt.更喜欢→__preference__n.更喜欢某事物 →__preferable__adj.(对某人来说)更可取的 ‎ ‎4. advantage n.有利条件;便利之处→__disadvantage__n.不利条件;不便之处 ‎ ‎5. persuade vt.说服;劝说→__persuasion__n. 说服, 说服力→‎ persuasive adj. 善于说服的  ‎ ‎6. cycle vi. 骑自行车→__cyclist__n. 骑自行车的人 ‎ ‎7. graduate vi. 毕业 n.大学毕业生→____graduation__n. 毕业, 分划, 得学位 ‎ ‎8. final n.决赛 adj. 最后的→__finally__adv.最后;终于 ‎ ‎9. organize vt.组织;成立→__organized__adj. 有组织的→__organization__n. 组织,团体 ‎ ‎10. determine v.→__determination__n.决心;坚定性→__determined__adj.有决心的;意志坚定的 ‎ ‎11. insure v.投保险→____insurance__n.保险 ‎ ‎12. rely v. 依靠,依赖→__reliable__adj.可信赖的;可靠的 ‎ 二、单句语法填空 ‎ ‎1. The film last night__transported__(transport)us back to New York of the 1950s.‎ ‎2. As a __journalist__(journal), he interviewed many government officials.‎ ‎3. The government has ruled out further increases in train__fares__(fare)next year. ‎ ‎4. Father is thankful to me for__persuading__(persuade)him to give up smoking.‎ ‎5. The road__bends__(bend)to the left and goes straight.‎ ‎6. They keep in touch with each other since ‎ they__graduated__(graduate)from college.‎ ‎7. He__organized__(organize)the party successfully.‎ ‎8. She__boiled__(boil)the eggs soft. ‎ ‎9. He got a position with an__insurance__(insure)company.‎ ‎10. There was an explosion and the plane burst into__flames__(flame).‎ ‎11. Bob gave me much help when I was in trouble. He is really a__reliable__(rely)person and you can depend on him. ‎ ‎12. A __determined__(determine) person always tries to finish the job, no matter how hard it is.‎ ‎13. The teacher wanted to know if we can use the word __properly__(proper). ‎ ‎14. Do you remember all the__details__(detail)of the story you have just read? ‎ ‎15. She__cycled__(cycle)to school instead of taking the bus.‎ 三、用短语的适当形式填空 dream about,take out,be interested in,as usual,(be)dressed in,graduate at/from,be fond of,at midnight,in detail,care about,give in(to sb.),keep pace with ‎ ‎1. She__graduated__from__an American college in 2017. ‎ ‎2. I should have studied this report __in__detail__.‎ ‎3. He often__dreams__about__his days in the countryside.‎ ‎4. We all should have some people to __care__about,__because friendship is very important in our life. ‎ ‎5. Finally,Tom__gave__in__and agreed to travel with them.‎ ‎6. All my family__are__fond__of__(listening to)folk music.‎ ‎7. She walks so fast that I can't__keep__pace__with__her.‎ ‎8. He__is__interested__in__the traffic problem of an entire city. ‎ ‎9. It's getting cool and I have to__take__out__my woolen gloves.‎ ‎10. After her husband died, she__was__dressed__in__deep black for the rest of her life.‎ ‎11. I really can't stand you. You're late, __as__usual__. ‎ ‎12. It was__at__midnight__that I got back home yesterday. ‎ 四、句型转换 ‎1. Although he ran very fast, he still failed to brush the world record.‎ Fast__as__he__ran,__he still failed to brush the world record.‎ ‎2. We insisted that you should give up smoking.‎ We insisted__your__giving__up__smoking.‎ ‎3. Once the picture is seen, it can never be forgotten.‎ Once __seen,__the picture can never be forgotten.‎ ‎4. At last, we made him change his mind.‎ At last, we__got__him__to__change__his mind.‎ ‎5. “Who is speaking there?”, asked the teacher.‎ ‎“Who__is__it__that__is__speaking__there?”, asked the teacher.‎ 五、单句改错 ‎ ‎1. Child although he is, he knows a lot.‎ although改为__as ‎ ‎2. When I got back home I saw a message pin to the door. ‎ pin改为pinned__________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎3. It was in the street where there were lots of shops I met him. ‎ I__前加__that__________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎4. John made his little sister to cry, which made his mother unhappy. ‎ 第一个made__改为got__/删去cry前的to__________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎5. He insisted that he should be right and should be set free immediately. ‎ 第一个should__be改为__was__________________________________________________________________________‎ 六、课文回顾 ‎ My sister was fond of traveling. Ever since graduating, she ‎ 1.had__been__determined__(determine)to organize a trip to an old temple. Since transporting fare was expensive, she decided to use a bicycle to cycle there not 2.caring__(care)about the disadvantages.3.Her__(she)stubborn attitude was always her shortcoming. Once she made up her mind to do something, no one could persuade her to change her mind. Finally, we gave in 4.__as__ usual though we preferred to take a train.5.__After__ we prepared everything, including the schedule,6.__reliable__(rely)weather forecast and the insurance, we began our trip.gave in Our journey was along a river 7.__flowing__(flow)from a high altitude. Our pace was slow because the river frequently had many sharp bends through deep valleys,8.__where__ the water seemed to boil. Just as I recorded in my journal, it was really a hard journey. But we also enjoyed great 9.__views__(view). One night, I put my head on my pillow-parcel of wool coats,10.__and__ lay beneath the stars.When the flame in front of our cave went out at midnight, I found the sky so beautiful!‎ though 引导的让步状语从句可用部分倒装的形式(注意:倒装后位于句首的名词之前不用冠词),但 although 一般不这样用。此时though可以使用as替换。‎ Poor though I am,I can afford it.‎ 我虽穷,但这东西还是买得起的。‎ Child though he was,he did quite well.‎ 他虽是孩子,但干得很好。‎ Key words:‎ fond of determine to organize cycle stubborn attitude no one could persuade the schedule along a river the water a hard journey enjoyed borrow/buy/read a journal ‎ 借阅/买/阅读 期刊/杂志 ‎ keep a journal 记日记 write journal 为期刊〔杂志〕写稿 ‎ academic/medical journals 学术/医学杂志 ‎ daily/weekly journals 日/周刊 come full cycle 兜了一圈,回到原位 complete the cycle 完成了周期 make a cycle 构成一个循环周期 pass through a cycle 经过一个周期 transport 作动词时意为“运输,运送”,而 transportation 是名词,意为“运送,运输”。‎ fare 指的是乘坐公共汽车、轮船、出租车等交通工具的费用。‎ fee 常用复数,指给律师、医生等专业人员的服务费、酬金或(考试的)报名费、(加入俱乐部的)会费等。price 强调(物品)价格。‎ expense 主要指支出,费用。‎ go into detail(s)详细叙述 ‎ in detail 详细地 ‎ give full detail 详述…… ‎ work out detail 定出细目 ‎ chief detail 主要细节 ‎ an eye for detail 明察秋毫 ‎ in full detail 详尽地 dream up 设想出,虚构,梦到,梦想 ‎ dream about 梦见,梦想 dream of 梦见,梦想 put on 主要表达“穿”的动作。强调 “穿”“戴”的动作,后接衣服、鞋帽等。‎ wear 主要表示“穿、戴”的状态。宾语可以是衣、帽,也可以是饰物、奖章等。‎ dress的宾语通常是人,意思是“给……穿衣服”。 ‎ dress oneself 或 get dressed表示给自己穿衣服。‎ be dressed in 的意思是“穿着”,表示状态。‎ be in 表示穿着的状态,后接表示衣服或颜色的词, 着重于服装的款式或颜色。它所构成的短语只能作表语或定语。‎ have on的意思是“穿着,戴着”。‎

