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小学记叙文的英语作文带翻译 小学记叙文的英语作文带翻译 创建文明城市是每个人的责任和义乌。人人都需要一个的社会,人人都要做好文明,这样我们的世界才会变成文明点世界。 It is everyone’s responsibility and Yiwu to build a civilized city. Everyone needs a society, everyone should do a good job in civilization, so that our world will become a civilized world. 我们做好环境,保护环境,我建议要是在学校的话见到老师要问好,不要乱扔垃圾,不要再学校打闹。 We should do our best to protect the environment. I suggest that if you see a teacher in school, you should say hello, don’t litter, don’t fight in school. 我们要是在广场或哪个地方不应该乱扔垃圾,不要随地吐痰,要做一个文明点人。 If we are in the square or where should not litter, do not spit everywhere, to be a civilized point of people. 文明做事做人,从点滴开始,从爱护花草,从保护环境,从文明行为开始。创建文明城市不仅仅是嘴上一说,更要体现在行动中。 To do things in a civilized way, we should start from a little bit, from caring for flowers and plants, from protecting the environment, and from civilized behaviors. To build a civilized city is not only a word, but also an action. 创建文明的城市,让我们拥抱更美好的明天。 Create a civilized city, let’s embrace a better tomorrow. 【小学记叙文的英语作文带翻译】‎

