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Unit 2 Robots 单元知识检测 Ⅰ.单词拼写 ‎1.The singer was      (伴奏) by the piano. ‎ ‎2.He has a deep     (喜爱)for his old friends. ‎ ‎3.The doctor finally     (宣布)that the man was dead. ‎ ‎4.It is ridiculously     (荒唐的) to believe that the number 13 is unlucky. ‎ ‎5.The noise of the shot     (惊动)hundreds of birds. ‎ ‎6.The new president is seen to be unreliable on foreign     (事务). ‎ ‎7.Finally after years of unhappy marriage,John got     (离婚). ‎ ‎8.Mary is     (较年少的) to her husband by two years. ‎ ‎9.The tests are supposed to provide a basis for the     (评价)of children. ‎ ‎10.He didn’t allow himself to show his     (满意),of course,let alone to speak of it. ‎ 答案:1.accompanied 2.affection 3.declared 4. absurd 5.alarmed 6.affairs 7.divorced 8.junior 9.assessment 10.satisfaction ‎ Ⅱ.单句语法填空 ‎1.We will never know if we are interested or      (talent) in a subject if we don’t try it. ‎ ‎2.Few people responded      (sympathy) to Mrs.Robinson’s decision. ‎ ‎3.Previously,he was obviously      (envy) of my success. ‎ ‎4.George seems      (awful) confident.He must have an ace in the hole. ‎ ‎5.The young lady dressed      (elegant) when she went to work. ‎ ‎6.Could you do me      favour and pick up my uncle from the airport? ‎ ‎7.You are bound     (win) the game if you have faith in yourself. ‎ ‎8.Before driving into the city,you are required to get your car      (wash). ‎ ‎9.We’re having a meeting in half an hour.The decision      (make) at the meeting will influence the future of our company. ‎ ‎10.The only thing I cared about was having my phone with me so that I could satisfy ‎ - 3 -‎ the desire      a picture of myself at any time of the day. ‎ 答案:1.talented 2.sympathetically 3.envious 4.awfully  5.elegantly 6.a 7.to win 8.washed 9.to be made 10.for Ⅲ.短语检测 ‎1.The students           (检验) their cost-cutting ideas in several companies. ‎ ‎2.I          (转身)and wrote the title on the blackboard. ‎ ‎3.The hunter           (伸手拿到)his gun,aimed at the tiger and fired. ‎ ‎4.A railway station is no place for a child to be           (让……一个人待着) at night. ‎ ‎5.She liked the novel so much that she          (放在一边)her homework and began to read it. ‎ 答案:1.tested out 2.turned around 3.reached for 4.left alone 5.set aside Ⅳ.根据提示词或相关要求补全句子 ‎1.来了一位老人,手里拿着一个拐杖。 (完全倒装句式)‎ ‎             ,with a walking stick in his hand. ‎ ‎2.那样跟父亲说话很粗鲁,今后我不会再容忍你那样跟父亲说话。(have sb.doing)‎ It’s rude of you to speak to father like that and I won’t                     father like that in future. ‎ ‎3.由于约翰学习努力,他的同学都认为他注定会成功。(be bound to)‎ Owing to his hard work,his classmates all think John                . ‎ ‎4.你外出时,一位年轻人给你打电话。(ring up)‎ While you were out,                 . ‎ ‎5.出于对无家可归孩子的同情,他给他们提供了住宿。(sympathy)‎ ‎                    ,he gave them a shelter for the night. ‎ 答案:1.There came an old man 2.have you speaking to 3.is bound to succeed 4.a young man rang you up 5.Out of sympathy for the homeless children Ⅴ.课文缩写填空 ‎  Larry’s company made robots and recently it had begun experimenting with a - 3 -‎ ‎ household robot.It was going 1.    (test)out by Larry’s wife,Claire and bound 2.    (win) the trust of Claire.Seeing the robot at the beginning,Claire was 3.     (alarm).Because Claire lacked confidence,the robot,Tony tried to do her 4.     favour.He helped her change her makeup and decorate her house.But he was not allowed 5.    (accompany) her to shops.With the help of the 6.    (gift) robot Tony,Claire became confident and could set 7.     some time to do what she liked.Eventually,Claire became such a woman as Gladys whom she 8.    (desire) to become and was envied by all her guests.At the same time,Tony was taken away to be improved because makers of the robot cannot have women falling 9.     love with machines.All in all,the manager of the robot company showed his 10.    (satisfy) with the experiment result. ‎ 答案:1.to be tested 2.to win 3.alarmed 4.a 5.to accompany 6.gifted 7.aside 8.had desired 9.in 10.satisfaction ‎ - 3 -‎

