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⒛16山东省日照市中考英语试卷 一、听力 略 二、单顼选择 (共 10小题,计 10分 )从每小题 A、 B、 C、 D中选出一个能填入句中空白 处的最佳答案 . 21. -Excusc mc。 How can I gctto shanzihc卢 kiIlDOlt? -Take Shangh缸 Roa-, 允1low the and you can’ t miss it. ( ) A. way B, traⅢ c C。 noticcs D. signs 22. -I oftcn fccl____ェ_____WhCn spcalcng in pubhc. -Wcll,just takc⒒ casy.( ) A. borcdB。 grcat C.nαvous D.scrious 23. Mun1al、vays tclls Inc"A sn1ilc costs , but givcs rnuch. " ( ) A· an/hing B.somcthing C. cvc1。 thingD. nothing 24.Rio201601ympics wi11 16days fIOm August5th to August21st,( ) A.last B. continue C.countD. kccp 25. I was caughtin thc rain. Evcn , I、 vas Iatc again! ( ) A.bcttcrB.wosc C.ftlrtllcr D.wo^t 26, Don℃ lct homcwork too much time. Chndrcn need to play。 ( ) A. givc up B, takc up C。 look up D. put up 27. -WcSⅡ , nlulal, could I hang out with llly£ "ends now? -Ycs, you 。 ( ) A. l1aay B。 call C.must D. could 28. C;ive1nc a chance, I’ 1l give you a、 vonderful sulprise. ( ) A.or B. so C. alld D. but 29. -May Ispcak to Mary? -Hold on, p1casc. shc~______— —in thc kitchcn。 ( ) A. has cookcd B. cookcd C。 wiⅡ cook D, is cooking 30, -Could you plcasc tcⅡ mc ? -At169, Jinan Road. ( ) A. 、vhcrc tllc Iibrary liCs B. how I can gctto thc libraIy C, whcrc is thc libraγ D. how can I gctto thc libr呷 三、完形填空 (共 1小题,计 15分 )阅读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从短文后各题所 给的 A、 B、 C、 D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。 It was a co1dⅥ 汀ndy wintcr day and I、〃as waIking homc佥 om work。 My head poulted dowll on thc s1dewak in驾ainst thc(31)___ェwhen I no仉ed an old lady.shc was(32) her house sIlppers(贺 鲐眭)。 AsI(33) hcr,I saw tbatshc was wcll“ to hcr80s,and she washo1dmgsomc(34) ln hcr hands. I walkcd on and aⅡ ived atthctl创 五ch掣 1t· Waiting tllcrc,Isaw thc m缸 lbox(35)_____thc st℃ d.The ligllt turncd grccIl, but I plctcndcd (假 装:)to chcck my phonc and waitcd for hcrto catch up 、vith 1ne . In this neighborhood , even crossing 、vith thc grccn Iight Ⅵ `as (36) . Drivcrs oRen drovc (37) ~ˉ ˉ̄Jhrough rcd lights and stop signs。 I staycd thcrc untiI shc(38)_____ˉ-rnC.Iturncd to hcr and touchcd hcr gcndy on thc ar1n。 she s1nⅡed and took my hand in hers amd (35) ⒒。Hel sm狃l hand was soft and warlll。 Hand -inˉ hand,wc wcrc waJting允 r thc(40)~____to changc. Whcn tllc l熄 llt mmcd grccn,wc walkcd togctljcl dowly a∝ oss tllc虻rcct, (41)~山 c lcttcrs in u1c1naⅡ box。 Thcn Itook hcr (42) across d1c strcct. As I walkcd tllc rc哎 ofthc way homc,I could stiⅡ Rclthc(43)~____ofhCr hand in my own. Pcoplc say d1c flrst languagc of aⅡ hulllalls is (44) ~ˉ____—' Ā caring touch hclps to makc a bad situation (45) 。 And cvcn now, cvcry tilnc I think of曲 c old lady, I can stⅡ l免c1 thc powcr oftouch. 31. A。 cro、vd 32. A。 bcgging 33. A. knc、v 34.A.lcttcrs 35. A, across 36, A, s订angc 37. A。 carcfully 38. A. caⅡ cd 39. A. pushcd 40. A. way 41. A. took 42, A. fo6vard 43,A.wal△ltll 44. A. hclp 45, A. intercsting B。 snow B。 wak血g B. expected B. piC仅rcs B. over B。 c£唧 B。 qu忆dy B. reached B。 puⅡed B. 1ight B.sent B. back B。 tmst B. mdncss B. necessary C.wind C. mm血ng C. rmsscd C. books C.山rou要 1 C. dallgcrous C.wildly C, 允und C,hit C.ridc C, droppcd C.away C. care C,touch C. popu1ar D。 rah D.ndhg D。 passcd D。 n。wcrs D.behhd D. safe D。 caLmIy D.caught D。 held D. △aflc I). 1ocked D. ahead D. love D. acjon D. hopehl 四、阅读理解 (共 3小题,计 30分 )阅读下列材料,然后从每小题 A、 B、 C、 D四个选项 中选出能回答所提问题或完成所给句子的最佳答案。 A Do you、vant to gct homc flolll、 vork knowing you havc madc a rcal diHorcnce in somcOncis hf0? ry∝ ,d。 n9t carc abotlt ⅡX or agc!Comc andjon us,伍 cn vodⅡ makcit! Job: 、b1untccr social Care~Assistant (No Pay、 "d1Frcc Meds) Placc: Manchcstcr Hours:Palt Timc We arc no、v looking br volunteers to suppolt pcople、 vith lcan1ing disabⅡ itics to livc actlve hvcs!Only4days lcR. Don`rniss thc chancc oflcnding your、 vallla hands to hclp othcrs! Rolc: You、vⅡl provide pcoplc、 vith lcaming disabⅡ iocs、vith all kinds ofhclp in thcir daⅡ y1i∫℃. You wil1hclp tIacm to dcvclop ncw skills.You wi11hc1p曲 em to protc⒍ thcir rights and tllcir saR″ .Mo虻 i1npoltant of al1, you should lett11en1know they are valucd. SkⅡ1s and Expcricncc Rcquircd: You、vⅡl havc thc right valucs and grcat Ⅱstcning skⅡls. You、vⅡ l be honcst and patlcnt. You should havc the abⅡity to drive a car and to collllaltlnicatc in exce1lent wTittcn and spokcn Enghsh, slllCC yodll hc1p tl△o∞ pcoplc witll diσ oⅡllt kaming disabllitics.Plc△ ·lous (先前 自勺) rclatcd cxpcricncc`、 氵、 `冫 ill bc a grcat advan1t∶ f】1gc for you. 46. lulat d。 es thc undcrlincd pa1tin Paragaph2mcan? A.You刂 l makc Othcrζ hfc morc mcaninghl witll tllisjob。 B.You1ll aⅡive home iom workjustin time. C,You’ ll makc much moncy hm tllojob. D. YoJⅡ succccd in getting tllis job. 47. Thc volunteers’ kcy roIc is to hclp pcoplc Ⅵ ^th1ean1ing disabⅡ ities~ˉ~ˉˉ̄ˉ, A。 gctsomc suppo⒒ B. protcct thCmsclvcs C. lcam somc hving skills D, kno、 v thcir o、 η̌ valuc 48. Which ofthe foⅡ owing iρ NC)T tItlc accO1ding to thc passagc? ~ A. The voluntcers needn’ t、vork a11day long. B. Frcc rncals arc provided for thc voIuntecrs. C, Thc voluntccrs should bc Ovcr sixtccn。 D.On1y hur days arc lca允 r tll。 sc who wantto gcttllejob. 49. lulich。 fthc£o11owing can flrst bc chosen as a voluntccr? A。 Thc Onc who call dhvc a car. B. The onc、 vho has done sllllⅡ ar、vork bebre. C. Thc Onc、vho can spcak Enghsh vcry、 vCll· D, Thc Onc、 vho has paticncc to listcn to othcrs. 50, Thc passagc is1ncallt to_____ˉ , A。 otˉfcr a notlcc B. givc a rcpolt C. car1、 `an advcltisen1ent D. scnd an invitation. B In1959, 、vhen Jcan Harper、vas in the third gradc, her teacher asked thcn△ to writc a repolt on、vhatthcy wanted to bc、 vhcn thcy grcw up。 shc pourcd hcr hca⒒ into hcr rcpo1t and cxprcsscd hcr drcan1ofbccon1ing an an· hnc pⅡ ot, Hcr papcr can1c back、 vith an"F"on it。 Thc tcachcr told hcrit was a"n1ily talc". Jcan、 vas complctcly disappointcd. Asd1c ycars、 vcntby, Jean、 vas bcatcn do、vn by thc discouragcmcnt. "Girls can’ t bccomc airhnc pⅡots: ncvcr have, ncvcr、 vⅡ 1. You’rc crazy. ’ Finally Jean gave up. In hcrscnior ycar ofhigh schoo1,hcr Enghsh tcachcr was Mrs。 Doro山y slaton,a stIlct teaChcr with high standards。 Onc day Mrs. slaton askcd this qucstion, l’ W11at、vⅡl you do in thc hturc? "Jcan felt a msh ofthc old ellthuslasm (热 丿 清 ), a旧 witll ex血 cmclltshc wlote down山 e vcγ old drcam right away, Thc ncxt thing u1at Mrs. slaton said changcd d1c coursc ofJcan’ s1ifc. "I havc a1ittlc sccrct bryou.You do havc unlimitcd (j无限的 ) abilitics and切 lcnts。 Whcn you lcavc school,ifyou don’t go for your drcan1, no onc、ⅣⅡl do it for you。 You can havc、 vhat you wantif you t冖 /!" The11uli and fcar ofycars ofdiscovragc1ncnt disappcared suddenly. Jcan1℃ lt thrⅡ led and told kr teacllcr abotltllcr dr∞m茳 bc∞ ming a pllot,Ms.s1aton s1a1● pcd (敲 ) 曲e dcsk top,"111cn do id"shc said. so Jcan did。 It didll’ t happcn oven1ight。 In hcr10years of hard、 vork, cvcn facing all kinds ofdiJ[i(∶icultlcs, shc ncvcr gavc up hcr drcam. Evcntually,Jcan H叩 σ bccamc a BocIng737cap切h (+△长 )of山 cU血tcdAl1mcc。mpany. 51, Jcan’ s third-gradc tcachcr d10ught hcr drcam to bc . A, grcat B. impossib1e C. challcnging D. rcasonablc 52.Mls.slaton1nay th山 k山at , A. Jcan is not a nice girl B. only so1nc ofhcr smdcnts havc grcat abⅡ itics C。 a belicfhclps to realize onels dream D.her smdcn“ are good cnough to entcr the best schools 53. According to tl△ e passage, wc can血 fer tllat 。 A. Jα "rs dreazn was always h her deep heart B. Jcall thdn】t go for her dream C。 rnost pcop1e aromd Jcan were for hcr dreaFn D。 Jean acheved her drcaln overllIght 54. What docs thc underIincd wOrd thrⅡled in Paragraph4mcan? A. eXcit“⒊dB. surprise-C∶ disappomted D. re1axed 55. N、 rhafs the best jdc ofthe passagc?~ˉ ˉ̄ ˉ̄ˉ A.Face DifIcul伍es B。 Drca1n曲 e Future C.Vooe Your Drealn D。 Go允 r It。 C Do you usc Faccbook,Myspacc OrTurittcr? Ifso,d1cn you arc palt ofa social nctvvork.Social nct、 ^/orking sitcs al1ow us to scc Our soCial conncctIOns, When you crcatc a profi1e (a dcscription of somcbody that givcs use⒒ l infOn11ation) on a social ncbⅣ orking sitc, you opcn up a numbcr ofpossiblc social conncctions。 You can look up old 佥lcnds, makc ncw fricnds, and sharc music, photos and vidcOs with thcm。 You can also join groups according to your intcrcsts or hobbics, 免vorite1V sho、 vs or rnusic, Sc仗Illg up a⒃cial nch淘rking accoullt (帐号 ) is盅mplc.Youju鼓 cl c扯 c and po哽 a pcr∞ nal pr。 n1c. F。 rthis you nccd alogin namc, password, and an cˉ n1aⅡ account. Thcn you add son1c personalinfaΠ nation such as namc, agc, scx, loca0on, intcrcsts, ctc. You Can a1so add a photo of yoursclf. You can control、 vho sccs your pro丘 lc。 Thc ncxt stcp is to look hr ncⅥ /oncs, and add thelll to your ne小Ⅳork。 Thcn you can scarch your壬 ricndsl connections壬or anyone elsc you’ d Ⅱkc to add to your nc小 Ⅳork。 Diffcrcnt sociaI nc小 Ⅳorking sitcs aⅡow pcoplc to co1nmunicatc in diffcrcnt、 Ⅳays. Thcrc arc sitcs d1at aⅡ o、v you to cnla呜 e your pcrsonal collullunity such as Faccbook. Thcn thcre are oncs tll孜 includc mcdia (媒 体 ) shal△ ng, such as YouTubc, whcrc mcmbcls up1oad alld look at othcr pcoplc’s picttlrcs and videos. Thcrc arc also oncs tllat spcciahzc in sharing music, such as Last F卜Ι, and flnaⅡ y, oncs that allow bloggcrs to foΠn onhnc conⅡ munitics, such as Livc Jouma1. Thc latest trcnd (走鱼势 ) in social ne小 Ⅳorking ls to crcatc your own indcpcndcnt social nchvork. Companics do tllis to makc thcir products scⅡ 、Vel1and pcople do it to crcate their own con△mun1t1cs. 56. Whafs Jac wrltcris purpose m wntmg Paragraph1? A.To raise a question.B。 To lead in the topic。 C. To血troduce somc sites. D。 To advc血 sc a social nehr。 rk。 57. VVhich ofthe foⅡoⅥ汀ngis NOT mcn伍 oned in Paragraph2? A. Make new佥忆nds。 B。 share访 deos wi伍 o伍ers。 C。 open a netshop。 D。 Join groups you Ⅲc. 58. Wlat docs thc u心 rd paragrgph rnaⅡ 11y te1l us? A. Irs casy to buⅡ d a social nctvl,orking account. B。 ICs casy to scarch your iicndsl conncctions. C. It’ s possiblc to a-d a photo ofyourself. D. Irs sirnp1c to con“ol a social ncⅡⅣork. 59. Last FM is a nct、vorking sitc、vhcrc__ˉ ˉ̄ ˉ' A, you can upload videos B. bloggcrs can n)Πn。nhnc colxununitics C. you havc thc largcst persOnal con",lunity D. sharing lnusic is spccializcd 60. Whatls thc bcst titlc ofthc passagc? ~ A。 social NcⅡ Ⅳorks B. Pcrsonal Pro丘 les C. Nc1:l1〗 ⒎̌orking Trcnds D. Ncbl,orking护 kccounts, 五、单词拼写 (共 10小题,计 10分 )根据首字母或汉语提示,在答题卡上写出下列句子中 单词的完全形式。 61.April k tllc f mond1ofa yca1. 62. Iirn rcally h~aftCr thc long、 vak. Lctls go to thc ncarcst rcstaurant. 63. Vrc go to school cvcγ day c~ Samfday and sunday. 64, I rcaⅡ y fall in lovc xvid1a car likc d1is, but I canit a one no、 v. 65. ChⅡ drcn shouId bc c tO Inakc dccisions by thcmsclvcs. 66.Look!Th⒐____ (树 口卜) on山e trc∞ arc in dl熊 Icllt shapcs! 67.Mikc is so sma⒒ 山at llc can allsWcr thcsc questions~___ (容 易地 ). 68.Bcl始ving in yoursclf is tllc臼 st“cp on thc road to (f戈 丿j). 69.Irs vcγ 11Clpmlt。~ (讨 论 ) your problcms with your parents. 70.Dont b⒐_____ (害 怕 ) ofm狄ing mistakes lll h炙 , bccausc you can improve yousclfby CoⅡCCting them. 六、阅读填空 (共 1小题,计 10分 )阅读下面的材料,在空白处填入适当的内容或括号内 单词的正确形式 (每空不多于三个单词 )。 Thc11I[11uc ofa Dol1ar 11碚 I 氓 `cn I was nlllc妃 cn, I had ajob at a locm bookst。 rc, Onc night, a young couplc camc血 and、va1kcd hcrc and thcrc looking壬 or a book. Thcy sccmcd (71) ~ (bC) thC usual” pc to ghe lllall(72)_____(w° rker) ah盯 d timc.粼 `cn tllcy camc to tllc Ⅱ蔹虻∝ ({攵银处D, shc、vas a dollar ort、 vo sholt of(73) (buy) tllc book shc、 vantcd, sl1c1ookcd(74)~(dlsappolllt).I11ad a customcl dl“ oullt (折 扣 ) card and it 、vas su1l activc, I to1d thc girl (75) ~ (gcnt1C), "Hang on, don℃ 、Ⅳonγ , you’ ll have thc moncy to buy thc book. "I putin1my password. she gave rnc a (76) ~ˉ ˉ̄ˉ̄ - (thank) sn1Ⅱ e, VVlth a doⅡ arlcR, shc and hcr boy£ riend leR tllc storc。 I bchcvcd thatI would ncvcr scc (77) ~ˉ ˉ̄ˉ̄ ̄(d1cy) again. I do眦 rcmcmb∝ (78)_____l° ng⒒ w凼 ,btltthcy dd ⅡtL】m latσ tll扯 cvcningjustto bring mc (79) bcautiful card that said’ lItls pcoplc likc you who makc the world a (30) (good) placc to livc in。 " I】rn dccply n1ovcd by thc litdc girl and hcr boyflicnd。 In∫11ct, u1cy havc also1nadc d1c、vorld a lltdc brightcr. 七、阅读表达 (共 1小题,计 10分 )阅读下面的短文,根据要求完成后面的小题 . Hl吵 sc· llool call bc a tcⅡib⒗ timc if you爹tit all wrong.Find outllow to乩 而 ℃ (度过 ) high school with a fcw casy tips, Bc Yourself。 High schoo1 is a hn time to Inake ne、 v EHcnds, n1cct nc、 v pcoplc and sociahzc. Just bc yourscIf。 Don℃ givc in to anyonc’ s、vants. Kccp Good Company。 Choosc your fhcnds carenⅡ ly and lllakc sure you、vonlt gctinnucnccd by anyonc, You、 viⅡ Jnd什icnds, butstay a、 vay f⒈ on1d1c Oncs、vho donlt、 va11tto bc your fricnds. Bc Optimistic (乐 观自勺).Always wcar your smilc.Tlc狨 otllcls tllc way you want to bc tlcatcd.Re∞ e∝ (尊敬 ) Ⅴour tcachcls and cla“ mates and tlv to be helD血 1. Wllen you bcⅡ cvc in yoursc1f, othcrs bchcvc in you 。 Tak and wak con】1dcndy. Confldcncc is somcu1ing you grow witll, and pcoplc rcspcct you for that. Lovc High Schoo1. Fal1in lovc、vith it。 Makc thc rnost out ofit, and you wⅡ l ncver gctthosc mo1ncnts back.Comc up、 vith、vondcrau1idcas,top your class,makc thc bcstii△ cnds,go to pa哎ics, butjust make灬 many mcn1orics Ⅱ you can! With thcsc tips to sul△ rlx,c high school, you wm sulcly bc proud of graduat加 g (毕 业 ) as an a11-round adult. so、vhcn you tlrow thosc hatsin thc air, fcclthc frccdon1and rcmcmbcr cvcγ moment you spcntin"⒈【igh schooI", 81. Ho、v1nany tips arc rncntioncd in thc passagc? 82. WhaCs d1c writcrls advicc On1uaking fncnds? (no morc than2picccs) 83, FⅡl in the blank、 vith propcr words. (no more than3words) 84. Put d1c undcrⅡ ncd scntcncc into Chincsc。 85. Give a propcr titlc to thc passagc. 八、写作 (共 1题,计 15分 ) 假如你是李华,你的英国笔友 DaⅥ d发邮件向你咨询如何学好汉语.请根据提示和要求 用英语给 Da访 d回复邮件。 要求:1.除上图所给提示外,再写出两条如何学好汉语的建议 ; 2.文中不能出现真实的人名和校名 : 3.字数 ⒇ 词左右 .邮件的开头和结尾 己给 出,不计入总词数 . Dcar Davld, I’rn glad to rcccivc your cmaⅡ . Hcrc’s somc advicc On ho、v to lcam Chincsc、 vcⅡ 。 Be吼 wishcs. Yours, Li Hua。 ∶IIo1v饣 ◇蚤c串了移r弘Ξ擗妒$¢ 皙¢丨吝 w备钅饣犰mov重 ¢ ^查看更多