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2020 年六年级英语上学期期末冲刺卷 1 一、选出下列各组单词中画线部分读音不同的一项。 ( )1.A.mean B.bread C.sweater D.wet ( )2.A.lion B.bike C.find D.picnic ( )3.A.school B.good C.look D.cook ( )4.A.dear B.Earth C.year D.near ( )5.A.visited B.pointed C.needed D.liked ( )6.A.make B.cake C.about D.save 二、英汉互译。 1.点燃烟花 2.春节 3.交朋友 4.放风筝 5.在圣诞节 6.get a red packet 7.go fishing 8.pick up 9.watch a lion dance 10.watch out 三、单项选择。 ( )1.We red packets from our parents last night. A.get B.gets C.got D.getting ( )2.Leo is afraid of fireworks and firecrackers. A.lighting B.lit C.light D.lights ( )3.My brother likes basketball and badminton. A.plays B.playing C.plays D.played ( )4.My grandpa usually newspaper in the morning. A.reads B.read C.reading D.look ( )5.My father is going fishing tomorrow afternoon. A.to go B.going C.goes D.went ( )6.My pen is on the ground. Can you for me? A.pick up B.pick up it C.pick them up D.pick it up ( )7.We use water things and we also drink it. A.clean B.cleaning C.cleans D.to clean ( )8.——Let’s skating tomorrow. ——That’s a good idea. A.go B.goes C.went D.going ( )9.Look at the sign. It means you can’t eat drink here. A.and B.or C.with D.in ( )10.There a lot of people in the park yesterday. A.is B.was C.are D.were 四、从方框中选择合适的句子完成对话,填序号。 A.He works very hard and stays healthy. B.I’m going to go fishing with him. C.How does he go to work? D.Last week, he brought lots of rubbish back from the sea. E.Where does he work? A:My grandpa is a fisherman. B: A:He works at sea. He sees lots of fish every day. B:I see. By ship? A:No. He works on a ship. He goes to work by bike. B:Great! It’s good for the environment. A:Yes, that’s true. He hasa very healthy life. B:What are you going to do this weekend? A: Will you join us? B:Really? I’d love to. 五、从 II 栏中选出与 I 栏相对应的答句。 I II ( )1.What d id you do yesterday, Mike? A.It means “No smoking”. ( )2.What does the sign mean? B.No, there aren’t. We can buy some. ( )3.What day is today? C.I’m hungry. ( )4.What makes out room dirty? D.That’s great. ( )5.What’s the matter with you, Tom? E.I went fishing with my father. ( )6.Let’s go skating. F.It was great fun. ( )7.Are there any apples on the table? G.It’s Thursday. ( )8.How was you holiday, Su Yang? H.The rubbish does. 六、用所给词的适当形式填空。 1.Liu Tao (bring) some dumplings for me yesterday. 2.My sister likes (play) the piano. 3.——Can you (speak) Chinese, Mike? ——No, I can’t. 4.Mia is good at (dance) and (draw). 5.My family and I (buy) some clothes next week. 6.I’m (excite) about Chinese New Year too. 7.There (be) an old man on the hill long long ago. 8.It was (sun) in the morning. 七、按要求改写句子。 1.He went to Shanghai last week.(对画线部分提问) he go last week? 2.It means we can’t litter here.(对画线部分提问) it ? 3.My mother bought some things from shops.(改为否定句) My mother things from shops. 4.We are going to watch a lion dance.(改为一般疑问句) you to a lion dance? 5.She is good at all the lessons.(同义句转换) She all the lessons. 八、完形填空。 Jack is 1 years old. He is in Grade Six this year. He likes to play basketball and watch basketball games. And he often 2 newspapers. Now Jack is having lunch. He is 3 the radio. He is very happy, 4 there will be an exciting basketball match on TV at four 5 this afternoon. He wants 6 it very much. But he is going to have English and Chinese lessons. It’s 7 for him to find an excuse(借口). “Hello, Mr Smith,” Jack says to his teacher 8 the phone. “Jack is ill in bed. He wants to ask for half a day’s leave(请假).” “Oh, I’m 9 to hear that,” says Mr Smith. “But 10 is that?” “It’s my father, Mr Smith.” ( )1.A.thirty B.thirteenth C.three D.thirteen ( )2.A.sees B.looks C.watches D.reads ( )3.A.hearing B.listen to C.listen D.listening to ( )4.A.so B.because C.and D.but ( )5.A.in B.on C.at D./ ( )6.A.sees B.to look C.watches D.to watch ( )7.A.hard B.easy C.good D.interesting ( )8.A.in B.by C.on D.with ( )9.A.happy B.glad C.excited D.sorry ( )10.A.where B.who C.what D.how 九、阅读理解。 A. 根据短文内容,判断正(T)误(F)。 The Spring Festival is the most important festival in China. Before it, people usually clean their houses, buy new clothes, shoes and a lot of food. On the eve of the festival. People cook delicious food and the whole(全部的) family have a big dinner together. People stay up late(熬夜) to eat dumplings at midnight for good luck. But in my hometown(家乡), we often eat sweet rice dumplings. It means family reunion(团圆). On that day, there is no swe epingbecause people think it will sweep away good luck. I like the Spring Festival, because it means new clothes, shoes, many presents and a fifteen-day holiday. I play cards, visit relatives and friends, and eat delicious food. It’s a holiday full of love and joy. ( )1.The Spring Festival is the most important festival in China. ( )2.Before the Spring Festival, people don’t go shopping. ( )3.On the eve of the Spring Festival, people have a big dinner with their family. ( )4.Eating dumplings is for good luck. ( )5.The Spring Festival is a holiday full of love and joy. B. 根据短文内容,选择正确的答案。 There was a rich man. He was not good. He went to visit the clever man and wanted to get his blessing(祝福). He gave the clever man a bag of gold coin(金币). The clever man didn’t want them and said, “I don’t want your gold coins. Your gold coins are from the poor(贫穷的) people.” The rich man said, “No, no! These coins are of my own(我自己的).” “But you wan t t o have more gold coins, right?” Asked the clever man. “Yes,” said the rich man. “These people want to be rich and always run after gold coins. They can do anything for gold coins. These people are really ‘poor’,” said the clever man. The rich man understood(理解) the clever man and went back home. ( )1.Why did the rich man visit the clever man? A.Because he was very rich. B.Because he was not clever. C.Because he wanted to get the clever man’s blessing. ( )2.The rich man gave to the clever man. A.some blessing B.a bag of food C.a bag of gold coins ( )3.The clever man . A.gave his blessing to the rich man B.didn’t want the rich man’s gold coins C.didn’t like poor people ( )4.What did the clever man think of the rich people? A.They were very rich. B.They were good men. C.They were really poor. ( )5.The underlined phrase(短语) “run after” means “” in Chinese. A.跑步 B.追求 C.获得 十、写作。 我们的生活变化很大。以前我们给父母写信,用座机打电话,从广播或报纸中了解新闻, 去商店买东西。现在我们可以用手机在任何地方和别人通话。在因特网上,我们可以交友、 购物等,足不出户就能办很多事。请以“Our life changes a lot”为题,写一篇 50 词左 右的短文介绍我们生活的改变。 Our life changes a lot 答案 一、1-6ACABDC 二、1.light fireworks 2.Chinese New Year/the Spring Festival 3.make friends 4.fly a kite 5.on Christmas Day 6.得到一个红包 7.去钓鱼 8.捡起 9.观看舞狮 10.小心 三、1-5CABAA 6-10DDABD 四、ECDAB 五、1-8EAGHCDBF 六、1.brought 2.playing 3.speak 4.dancing; drawing 5.are going to buy 6.excited 7.was 8.sunny 七、1.Where did 2.What does; mean 3.didn’t bring any 4.Are; going; watch 5.does well in 八、1-5DDDBD 6-10DACDB 九、A.1-5TFTTT B.1-5CCBCB 十、 Our life changes a lot We wrote letters to parents before. We used the telephone to call people. We got news from the radios or newspapers. We bought things from the shops. But now we use mobile phone to call anywhere. On the Internet, we can make friends, do shopping, chat with eahc other and so on. We can do many things without leaving our homes. That’s great! 2020 年六年级英语上学期期末冲刺卷 2 一、选出下列各组单词中画线部分读音不同的一项。 ()1.A.Chinese B.lion C.litter D.bike ()2.A.warm B.card C.arm D.start ()3.A.wood B.foolish C.room D.food ()4.A.collect B.protect C.lose D.environment ()5.A.cut B.run C.put D.come ()6.A.save B.waste C.place D.dance 二、按要求写词。 1.buy(过去式) 2.play(动名词) 3.card(复数) 4.be good at(同义词) 5.watch(过去式) 6.policeman(复数) 7.mess(形容词) 8.go(过去式) 9.waste(反义词) 10 .teach(名词) 三、英汉互译。 ( )1.——What the sign ? ——It “No parking”. A.does; mean; means B.do; mean; mean C.do; means; mean D.does; means; means ( )2. the room tidy and clean, you should the bed every day. A.Keep; make B.To keep; make C.Keep; to make D.To keep; made ( )3.Liu Tao and his brother fishing and a kite in the park yesterday. A.go; fly B.goes; flew C.went; flew D.go; flew ( )4.Th ere is not coal oil on Earth. A.too many; or B.many too; and C.too much; or D.much too; and ( )5.Mr Green teaches English. A.we B.us C.our D.she ( )6.——Why did you call me yesterday, Mike? —— I wanted to give some apples. A.Because B.So C.Or D.And ( )7.Yang Ling her homework last night. A.doesn’t do B.don’t do C.didn’t do D.wasn’t ( )8.—— places are they going to visit? ——They are going to visit the Great Wall. A.Where B.When C.Who D.What ( )9.Too much plastic is bad the Earth. A.for B. in C.on D.at ( )10.We shouldn’t use plastic bags or bottles. A.too much B.too many C.much too D.many too 四、选用方框内合适的选项完成短文。 A.watch fireworks B.buy some new clothes and food C.watch lion dances D.clean the houses E.get some red packets F.make some dumplings and tuanyuan G.have a big dinner Before Chinese New Year, people are going to and. They are going to in the evening. They are delicious. On Chinese New Year’s Eve, people are going to with their relatives. On Chinese New Year’s Day, children are going to from their parents. People are going to in the street. On the second day of Chinese New Year, people are going to in the evening. 五、从 II 栏中选出与 I 栏相对应的答句。 I II ( )1.Did your parents give you a red packet last night? A.Yes, I did. ( )2.What’s the matter with Mike? B.Yes, she can. ( )3.What can we do to keep our city clean? C.No, there isn’t. ( )4.What does it mean? D.He lost his new book. ( )5.Did you have a lot of fun yesterday? E.It’s sunny. ( )6.Can your sister dance? F.We can take a bus to school. ( )7.Is there a cup of coffee on the table? G.It mean we can’t smoke here. ( )8.How is the weather today? H.Yes, they did. 六、用所给词的适当形式填空。 1.What can we do (keep) the classroom clean? 2.Leo is good at (skate). 3.There (be) an apple on the table just now. 4.Twenty years ago, we (use) telephones (call) people. 5.Let’s (sing) an English song. 6.It’s time (sing). 7.Mike (pick) it up and put it in the bin. 8.The king (not wear) any clothes that day, and a little boy (point) at him. 七、根据中文提示完成句子。 1.十年前,我弟弟不会写字和画画。 Ten years , my brother or . 2.你不应该开车太多。 You drive . 3.我们应该把工厂从城市里搬走。 We should the factories the city. 4.我的妹妹喜欢跳舞和跑步。 My sister likes and . 5.她打算晚上看电视。 She is in the evening. 八、完形填空。 A friend’s daughter, Mia, is twelve. She is in the countryside with 1 grandparents. My friend and his wife 2 in Shanghai. Mia doesn’t have 3 sisters or brothers. Every morning, Mia’s 4 ,Mr Li, takes breakfast to her room. He 5 Mia likes Shanghai food very much. Mia likes her grandfather and wants to do something to 6 him. One morning, Mr Li takes breakfast to Mia’s room. 7 he can’t find his granddaughter, “Mia, 8 are you?”“I’m here, in the kitchen,” Mia says and takes a sandwich with some vegetables 9 her grandpa. “Dear Grandpa, thanks for your breakfast. And this sandwich with vegetables is made for you. It’s good for your 10 .” What a nice girl! ( )1.A.your B.its C.her D.his ( )2.A.am B.be C.is D.are ( )3.A.a B.an C.some D.any ( )4.A.mother B.father C.grandfather D.grandmother ( )5.A.knows B.has C.lives D.wants ( )6.A.play B.thank C.learn D.take ( )7.A.And B.But C.Or D.So ( )8.A.what B.how C.where D.when ( )9.A.from B.to C.in D.at ( )10.A.health B.food C.time D.money 九、阅读理解。 A.根据短文内容,判断正(T)误(F)。 A dog has a large piece of meat in his mouth. When he is walking on a small bridge(桥), he looks down and sees himself(他自己) in the water. He thinks it is another dog. That dog also has a large piece of meat in his mouth. He says to himself, “I want to get his meat. Then I can have two pieces of meat.” He opens his mouth to bark(叫声) at the dog in the water, and his meat falls into(掉进) it. ( )1.The dog has a small piece of meat. ( )2.The dog wants to get two pieces of meat. ( )3.The dog thinks there is another dog in the water. ( )4.The dog is standing on the grass. ( )5.The dog has no meat at last. B.根据短文内容,选择正确的答案。 Today is Friday. Many children are in the school. Jane and her classmates are in the classroom. They are talking about their plans for the weekend. Jane is going to the farm with her family. They’ll pick apples, water flowers, milk cows and so on. It will be very interesting. Jane’s good friend Nancy will go to Nanjing to see her father. Her father worked there for two years. They’ll visit Confucius Temple. Nancy and her cousin Ben are not in the same class. Ben is in Class 5. He is going to do some cleaning at home, and then he’ll play football with his classmates in the afternoon. ( )1.It is today. A.Sunday B.Saturday C.Friday ( )2.Jane will go to the with her family. A.park B.farm C.cinema ( )3. is Jane’s good friend. A.Helen B.Ben C.Nancy ( )4.Nancy’s father worked in Nanjing for years. A.one B.two C.three ( )5.Ben is Nancy’s . A.father B.brother C.cousin 十、写作。 你的假期生活通常是怎样的?请以“My holiday”为题,写一篇短文。 要求:1.条理清晰,意思连贯,书写清晰、规范; 2.词数 50 左右。 My holiday 答案 一、1-6CAACCD 二、1.bought 2.playing 3.cards 4.do well in 5.watched 6.policemen 7.messy 8.went 9.save 10.teacher 三、1-5ABCCB 6-10ACDAB 四、D/B(B/D); F; G; E; C; A 五、1-8HDFGABCE 六、1.to keep 2.skating 3.was 4.used; to call 5.sing 6.to sing 7.picked 8.didn’t wear; pointed 七、1.ago; can’t write; draw 2.shouldn’t; too much 3.move; away from 4.dancing; running 5.going to watch TV 八、1-5CDDCA 6-10BBCBA 九、A.FTTFT B.CBCBC 十、 My holiday This holiday I was busy enough! First, I did my homewor k. It took me two days. I learned a lot from my homework. Then I went to Beijing. I saw Beijing National Stadium! It’s so cool and beautiful! I was very excited. I love Beijing! 2020 年六年级英语上学期期末冲刺卷 3 一、选出下列各组单词中画线部分读音不同的一项。 ( )1.A.bird B.thirty C.farmer D.her ( )2.A.around B.cloud C.cousin D.outing ( )3.A.little B.Chinese C.office D.litter ( )4.A.cut B.museum C.fun D.rubbish ( )5.A.ago B.project C.smoke D.poster ( )6.A.make B.save C.waste D.plastic 二、英汉互译。 1.有很多学生 2.使用太多塑料 3.一名英语教师 4.在地球上 5.在网上 6.write letters 7.read newspapers 8.Chinese New Year 9.protect the Earth 10.go well 三、单向选择。 ( )1. is the most important holiday in China. A.Chinese New Year B.Halloween C.Christmas D.Thanksgiving ( )2.”No parking” means we park our cars here. A.can B.shouldn’t C.should D.are ( )3.——Mrs Smith letters to his son many years ago. ——But now he emails to his son. A.writes; writes B.write; is writing C.wrote; writes D.wrote; is writing ( )4.Mrs Li is English teacher. She likes . A.a; teaching B.an; teaching C./; teach D./; teaches ( )5.My father bought a new bike my sister yesterday. A.for B.in C.on D.at ( )6.It is nice your letter. A.getting B.to get C.gets D.got ( )7.We a kite in the park tomorrow. A.have B.are going to fly C.flew D.flies ( )8.——What your room so messy? ——Too many clothes. A.to make B.making C.makes D.made ( )9.Leo likes playing basketball, but I like playing piano. A./; / B.the; the C.the; / D./; the ( )10.——Would you like orange juice? ——No, I want rice. A.any; some B.some; some C.some; any D.any; any 四、从方框中选择合适的句子完成对话,填序号。 A.What did you see there? B.Who did you go with? C.I went to the beach with my mother. D.Can I go with you one day? E.We saw many fruit trees too. A:What did you do last week? B: A:Did you go swimming in the sea? B:Yes. It was cool. There were many funny things. A: B:I saw a boat race. The boats were small, but they were very fast. A:Anything else? B: I ate many mangoes and pineapples. A:You had a really wonderful week then. B:Sure. What about you? A:I went to visit my grandparents in Shanghai. B: A:Only me. My grandpa waited for me in the station. B:Sound great. A:Of course. 五、根据中文提示完成句子。 1.许多地方没有太多的水。 There i sn’t water in many places. 2.我们不应该把东西仍在地板上。 We things on the . 3.我昨天和我爸爸去钓鱼了。 I my father yesterday. 4.刘涛和杨玲放学后正在步行回家。 Liu Tao and Yang Ling are after school. 5.我们应该再利用并节约水。 We should and water. 6.——那个标识是什么意思?——它意为着我们不应该吸烟。 ——What that sign ? ——It means we . 六、用所给词的适当形式填空。 1.Mike likes (chat) with his e-friends on the Internet at weekends. 2.Miss Wang (teach) us Chinese last year. 3.The dish (smell) nice. I want to eat it now. 4.The sign means “No ”. Please don’t (smoke) in the library. 5.(keep) the air clean, we can walk to school. 6.The fish in the river (be) dead. 7.There (be) a birthday party this evening. 8.Leo (not do) his homework last night. 七、按要求改写句子。 1.My mother often makes cakes and dumplings.(改为一般将来时) My mother cakes and dumplings. 2.Black smoke from factories makes the air dirty.(改为一般过去时) Black smoke from factories the air dirty. 3.It’s time for school.(同义句转换) It’s time to school. 4.Mike gave me a new storybook yesterday.(同义句转换) Mike give a new storybook yesterday. 5.Helen usually has swimming lessons on Sundays.(对画线部分提问) you usually on Sundays? 6.Throw the rubbish in the bin.(改为否定句) the rubbish in the bin. 八、完形填空。 The Spring Festival is one of the most important traditional festivals in China. We Chinese call it “Nian”. But do you know that Nian was the name of a monster(妖 怪)? Long Long ago, the monster Nian 1 in the mountains. It 2 little animals. But in winter, the animals stayed in the holes and 3 went out. It was difficult for Nian to find something to eat. So It came to villages and ate a lot of people. People were so 4 of Nian. They had to stay at home in the evening in winter. One day, an old man came to the village. He told people that Nian was afraid of 5 things, fire and noise(噪音). He told people to play drums and gongs(锣), make big fires and set off fireworks to make Nian 6 . One cold night, Nian went to the village again. When Nian opened 7 mouth, people made too 8 loud noise and made fire. Nian was really afraid and 9 away. Finally, Nian was tried and 10 run, people killed it. People greeted each other happily the next morning. So now we have the Spring Festival. ()1.A.living B.lived C.live D.lives ()2.A.eat B.eats C.eating D.ate ()3.A.often B.usually C.seldom(很少) D.always ()4.A.excited B.tired C.happy D.afraid ()5.A.red B.white C.black D.green ()6.A.go away B.going away C.went away D.goes away ()7.A.it B.it’s C.is D.its ()8.A.a lot B.many C.much D.some ()9.A.run B.runs C.ran D.running ()10.A.can B.can’t C.could D.couldn’t 九、阅读理解。 C. 根据短文内容,判断正(T)误(F)。 Long long ago, there was a boy called John. He lived with his mother. One morning, the boy’s mother went out. Before she left, she said to him, “John, while I’m away, stay near the door and watch it all the time(一直)!” She said this because there were many thieves(小偷) in their village. John sat down near the door. A few minutes later, one of his aunts came. She asked, “Where’s your mother?”“She’s out,” John answered. “Oh,” said his aunt. “I’m going to visit your house this evening. Go and tell your mother.” Then his aunt went away, and John began to think, “Mother said, ‘Stay near the door and watch it all the time!’, but Aunt said, ‘Go and tell your mother.’” He thought and thought. At last, he had a good idea. He pulled(拉) the door down, put it on his back and went to look for his mother with it. ( )1.The boy called John. ( )2.John lived with his mother in a city. ( )3.There weren’t any thieves in their village. ( )4.John’s brother came to his home that morning. ( )5.John is a foolish boy. D. 根据短文内容,选择正确的答案。 In America, some kids don’t just get cakes, cards or gifts on their birthdays. Even singing the birthday song is not enough. They’ll also be waiting for spankings on that day! That’s not because they do something wrong. It’s an old custom to give children birthday spankings. It’s said the custom started hundreds of years ago in Europe. The spanking brings good luck and congratulations to the birthday boy or girl. Usually, a child gets one spanking for each year of age, and another one to grow on. Sometimes they also get one to live on, one to eat on, and one to be happy on. If a child didn’t get a birthday spanking, people thought he or she might have bad luck. But now the spanking is more like a joke or fun. If you go to America one day, maybe you’ll be hit on your birthday, too! ( )1.In America, kids get . A.cakes, cards and gifts B.only cakes C.cakes, cards, gifts and spanking D.only spanking ( )2.Spankings on birthday started hundreds of years ago in . A.China B.the USA C.Japan D.Europe ( )3.People believe that spankings can bring to the birthday boy or girl. A.bad luck B.good luck C.money D.illness ( )4.According to the story, . A.a child often gets only one spanking B.a child often gets more than one spanking C.a child often only gets one to live on D.a child often only gets one to eat on ( )5.Now the spanking is more like . A.a joke or fun B.a party C.a present D.a game 十、写作。 同学们,保持干净要从自己做起,从身边的小事做起。请以“Keep our school clean” 为题写一份倡议书。 提示:1.写一写我们的校园是否干净整洁?为保持校园干净整洁,我们可以做什么?不可以 做什么? 2.以下词汇及句型可供选用:...makes our school...; To keep... clean, we can/can’t..., put, sweep, plant。 要求:1.短文连贯通顺,条理清楚; 2.不少于 5 句话。 Keep our school clean 答案 一、1-6CCBBBD 二、1.have a lot of students 2.use too much plastic 3.an English teacher 4.on Earth 5.on the Internet 6.写信 7.看报纸 8.春节 9.保护地球 10.进展顺利 三、1-5ABCBA 6-10BBCDB 四、CAEBD 五、1.too much 2.shouldn’t throw; floor 3.went fishing w ith 4.walking home 5.reuse ; save 6.does; mean; shouldn’t smoke 六、1.ch atting 2.taught 3.smells 4.smoking; smoke 5.To keep 6.were 7.is going to be 8.didn’t do 七、1.is going to make 2.made 3.to go 4.to me 5.What do; do 6.Don’t throw 八、1-5BDCDA 6-10ADCCD 九、A.1-5TFFFT B.1-5CDBBA 十、 Keep our school clean I love my school very much. We can’t throw the rubbish on the ground. We can’t pick the flowers. We can’t walk on the grass or litter. To keep our school clean, we can sweep the floor. We can put rubbish in the bin. We can clean the desks and chairs. We can plant more trees and flowers too. In these ways, our school will be more beautiful and cleaner. 2020 年六年级英语上学期期末冲刺卷 4 一、按要求写词。 1.read(过去式) 2.dance(现在分词) 3.bring(过去式) 4.sun(形容词) 5.lesson(复数) 6.buy(过去式) 7.see(过去式) 8.clean(反义词) 9.good(副词) 10.clever(反义词) 二、选出下列各组单词中画线部分读音不同的一项。 ( )1.A.Earth B.near C.bear D.wear ( )2.A.start B.park C.warm D.card ( )3.A.doctor B.farmer C.worker D.her ( )4.A.school B.zoo C.look D.moon ( )5.A.rich B.excited C.slip D.litter ( )6.A.worked B.liked C.cooked D.excited 三、单项选择。 ( )1.Chinese New Year’s Day comes Chinese New Year’s Eve. A.before B.after C.behind D.in front of ( )2.Lily always home with her sister Lucy. A.walk B.walk to C.walks to D.walks ( )3.What Tom and his cousin do this evening? A.is; going to B.are; going to C.is; go to D.are; going ( )4.I like fireworks. I’m going to watch it with Dad tomorrow. A.watching B.watch C.watches D.watched ( )5.——Can you the smoke, John? ——Yes, I can. A.smelling B.smell C.smells D.is smelling ( )6.——What can we do our bedroom clean? ——We can throw the rubbish in the bin. A.keep B.keeps C.keeping D.to keep ( )7.——What that sign ? ——It means we can’t drink eat here. A.does; mean; or B.do; means; and C.does; mean; and D.do; mean; or ( )8.——Did the fashion show well? ——Yes. It was wonderful. A.went B.goes C.go D.going ( )9.I can’t the tree. It’s too high. A.pick up B.stand up C.climb up D.hurry up ( )10.There some English books on the table just now. A.am B.were C.is D.was 四、从方框内选择合适的句子完成对话,填序号。 A.What animals did you see? B.Did you have a happy weekend? C.How did you go to the zoo? D.Where did you go last weekend? E.What animals do you like best(最喜欢)? A:Goodafternoon, Miss Li. B:Good morning, Mike. A:Yes, I did. I had a good time. B: A:I went to the zoo with my pa rents. B: A:First we took the metro, and then we walked there. B: A:Pandas, monkeys, bears, tigers, giraffes and different kinds pf bi rds. B: A:Pandas. They ar e fat and cute. B:Yes, I think so. 五、从 II 栏中选出与 I 栏相对应的答句。 I II ( )1.Did the fashion show go well? A.We visited our grandparents. ( )2.What was the weather like yesterday? B.It means “No smoking”. ( )3.What did you do last week? C.Clothes. ( )4.Let’s make a poster. D.They are making dumplings. ( )5.What does the sign mean? E.It was rainy. ( )6.Did your parents give you red packets? F.Yes, it did. ( )7.What are they doing? G.Good idea! ( )8.What makes our bedroom dirty and messy? H.Yes, they did. 六、用所给词的适当形式填空。 1.There (be) a lot of students in the classroom just now. 2.When you (come) home last night? 3. she (watch) a lion dance next weekend? 4.Su Hai often (get) up late, but she (get) up very early this morning. 5.(protect) the Earth, we should (save) energy. 6.Smoke from f actories(make) our city dirty. We are going to (move) some factories away from the city. 7.My bother (fly) a kite in the park yesterday. 8.——(does) these signs (mean)“No parking”? ——Yes, they do. 七、按要求改写句子。 1.Jack is going to buy a watch next week.(用 yesterday 替换 next week 改写句子) Jack a watch. 2.They see a lot of monkeys around them.(同义句转换) They see monkeys around them. 3.Leo bought me a new radio last week.(同义句转换) Leo bought a new radio last week. 4.We had lunch with our grandparents last week.(改为否定句) We lunch with our grandparents last week. 5.He went to the Great Wall last Sunday.(对画线部分提问) you last Sunday? 6.Helen is good at swimming.(同义句转换) Helen swimming. 八、完形填空。 Water is very important to 1 . We 2 water every day. Water is everywhere around us. 3 home, we use water to wash clothes, wash dishes, cook meals, make drinks, 4 teeth, have a bath and so on. At 5, people use water to put out fires, 6 vegetables, make things in factories and so on. We can 7 in the water too. However, there isn’t8 water on Earth. It is very valuable(宝贵的). We must 9 it. If we waste too much water, one day in the future(在将来), the 10 drop(滴) of water will be our tear(眼泪). ( )1.A.we B.us C.our ( )2.A.use B.drinks C.have ( )3.A.In B.On C.At ( )4.A.brush B.wash C.clean ( )5.A.home B.work C.school ( )6.A.eat B.pick C.plant ( )7.A.save B.swim C.protect ( )8.A.much B.more C.many ( )9.A.save B.swim C.use ( )10.A.finally B.last C.first 九、阅读理解。 A.根据短文内容,判断正(T)误(F)。 Swimming is a good sport. People like swimming because water makes people feel cool. But if they swim in a wrong place, it may not be safe. These years, there are lots of accidents(事故), and most of the suffers(受难者) are students. Summer holiday will come again. I want to give you some advice(建议). First, don’t get into the water when you are alone(单独). Second, don’t get into the water if there is a “No swimming” sign. Last, you should be careful in the water. If you remember these, swimming will be safe and it’s good for your health. ( )1.Swimming is a good sport and people like it. ( )2.A student can’t get into the water when he is alone. ( )3.It is safe to swim everywhere. ( )4.Swimming is good for people’s health. ( )5.You should be careful in the water. B.根据短文内容,选择正确的答案。 Chinese New Year is coming and my family are very busy. It’s because Chinese New Year is very special and important. We must prepare many special things to get ready for this festival. First, we will make a big meal on Chinese New Year’s Eve. The meal is very delicious and we think eating tangyuan will bring us good luck. Second, we will make “good wishes” to our family and friends. Third, we will set off firecrackers and fireworks. We believe that firecrackers can frighten(使惊吓) ghosts(鬼) away. At Chinese New Year, we can see red anywhere, because we also believe red can bring us good luck. Chinese New Year is very popular with us students, because we can have a long and happy holiday. ( )1. is very special and important in China. A.Halloween B.Chinese New Year C.New Year ( )2. can bring us good luck. A.Green B.Red C.Blue ( )3.Setting off firecrackers can . A.frighten ghosts away B.bring us luck C.bring us nice food ( )4.Students love Chinese New Year very much, because . A.they can eat a lot of tangyuan B.they can have a long and happy holiday C.they can watch fireworks ( )5.The underlined(画线的) word “prepare” means “”. A.准备 B.修理 C.收集 十、写作。 地球是我们的家,我们应该要好好保护它。请以“How to protect the Earth”为题, 写一篇短文,谈谈我们的地球状况以及我们该怎样保护地球。 要求:1.语句通顺,表达正确,可以适当展开想象; 2.不少于 5 句话,并注意句子间的连贯。 How to protect the Earth 答案 一、1.read 2.dancing 3.brought 4.sunny 5.lessons 6.bought 7.saw 8.dirty 9.well 10.foolish 二、1-6ACDCBD 三、1-5BDBAB 6-10DACCB 四、BDCAE 五、1-8FEAGBHDC 六、1.were 2.did; come 3.Is; going to watch 4.gets; got 5.To protect; save 6.makes; move 7.f lew 8.Do; mean 七、1.bought; yesterday 2.a lot of 3.for me 4.didn’t have 5.Where did; go 6.does well in 八、1-5BACAB 6-10CBAAB 九、A.1-5TTFTT B.1-5BBABA 十、 How to protect the Earth The Earth is our home. We should protect it. But people cut down too many trees. That makes the environment get bad. Smoke from cars makes the air dirty. People use t oo much plastic. It’s bad for the Earth. To protect the Earth, we should plant more trees. Trees help keep the air clean. We shouldn’t drive too much. We should go to school on foot. We should use paper bags. Let’s protect our Earth and keep it clean.

