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语法精讲 现在完成时( 二 ) 1.当表示动作已经完成并对现在有一定影响时,一般用现在完成时。同时,可用 just,already或yet加以强调或说明。just用来表示“刚刚”;already用来表示“已经”,一般置 于have/has 之后,两者都用于肯定句;在否定句或疑问句中则要用yet,表示“还( 未 )”。 例如: I have just heard the news.我刚刚听到那个消息。 They have already been to the USA.他们已经去过美国了。 I haven’t heard from Tom yet.我还没有收到汤姆的来信。 语法精讲 2.现在完成时与一般过去时的区别。 ( 1 )构成形式不同。 现在完成时的动词形式为“have/has+动词的过去分词”;一般过去时的动词形式为“动 词的过去式”。例如: Maria has never read any Chinese stories.玛利亚从未读过中国故事。 Jack’s mother took him to school every day when he was in primary school.当杰克上 小学时,他妈妈每天送他上学。 ( 2 )基本用法不同。 现在完成时侧重于过去的动作对现在造成的影响;而一般过去时侧重于表示过去的 动作,与现在无关。例如: Li Lei has read the book.李磊已经看过那本书。( 说明李磊了解那本书的内容 ) Yesterday I went to the zoo.昨天我去了动物园。( 仅说明昨天去了动物园,与现在无 关 ) 语法精讲 3.have been to和have gone to的用法辨析。 ( 1 )have been to意为“到过,去过”,表示曾经去过某地,而此时人已不在那里,常与 just,ever,never,once,twice,several times等连用。例如: Have you ever been to the Great Wall?你曾经去过长城吗? ( 2 )have gone to意为“去了”,表示某人到某处去了,可能在去的路上或已到那个地方 了。例如: —May I speak to Han Mei?请韩梅接电话好吗? —Sorry,she’s gone to the library.抱歉,她去图书馆了。 语法精练 Ⅰ.单项填空 ( D )1.Miss Brown,we    cleaning our classroom.Can we go home now?  A.finish B.finishing C.are finished D.have finished ( C )2.In the past few years,great changes    in Lianyungang.  A.take place B.took place C.have taken place D.have been taken place ( B )3.—Dad,where is Mum? —She    the supermarket.  A.has been to B.has gone to C.is going to D.go 语法精练 ( A )4.I    the book Little Women,but I’ll let you read it first.  A.haven’t read B.don’t read C.won’t read D.read ( D )5.Since then,our home town has become a new city.Everything     .  A.is changed B.was changed C.had changedD.has changed ( B )6.—Lisa,why are you still here?School is over. —I     my classroom yet.I need fifteen more minutes.  A.don’t clean B.haven’t cleaned C.didn’t clean D.won’t clean 语法精练 ( C )7.Scientists think that there     life on the earth for hundreds of millions of years.  A.were B.have been C.has been D.has ( C )8.—     you     your lunch?  —Yes,I have.I had it ten minutes ago. A.Do;have B.Are;having C.Have;had D.Did;have 语法精练 Ⅱ.根据句意用所给词的适当形式填空 1.My brother bought ( buy ) a camera last month.  2.Mrs Smith has been ( be ) in hospital already since she came ( come ) here.  3.The room is very cold.Who has opened ( open ) the door?  4.What has happened ( happen ) here?There is some water on the desk.  5.Alice has been ( be ) in Paris for twenty years. 

