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- 1 -  Module 6 The Internet and Telecommunications Ⅰ.阅读理解 [2020·山东省、湖北省部分重点中学联考]Public libraries are an excellent resource for research, literacy(读写能力) education, and reading­centered events. Most towns have one or share library services with other towns through a mobile library, and the use of a public library is free to people who are willing to apply for a library card. There are several primary sources of library funding(资金), starting with national funds which are distributed to states or provinces. These regions send the funds on to public libraries. Local governments also play an important role in providing funding for libraries, and most librarians apply for grants( 拨 款 ). Finally, private donations help to maintain libraries — most libraries have an association of Friends of the Library which organizes fund­raising sales and pays annual dues(会费) to help maintain the library. Grants and private donations can also be used to provide a large amount of funding for public libraries, and some large libraries maintain a separate staff member to increase the amount of funding that they can obtain through these sources. Grants include technology grants which allow libraries to install and upgrade computer systems, grants which focus on a particular topic such as science, fiction, children's books, or local history, and education grants which support locally­based community efforts such as after­school reading programs. Many private donors are pleased to support their local public libraries by donating funds or including some library in their wills, and libraries reward their donors with treats like after­hours visits or privileged access to special collections. By combining multiple resources, creative librarians can keep their libraries useful, informative, and fun for browsers. When it comes to supporting public libraries, every little bit counts: if you cannot afford to donate to a local library, think about volunteering time to help shelve books, lead after­school programs, or organize fund­raisers. Being active with your public library is a very important way to contribute to your local community. 1.How many main sources of library funding are mentioned? A.Two. B.Three. C.Four. D.Five. 2.How is the funding made use of according to the text? - 2 - A.By exploring more about history. B.By developing a scientific computer system. C.By holding after­school activities for students. D.By enriching special collections for the donors. 3.What does the underlined word “browsers” refer to in the last paragraph? A.Viewers in the library. B.Programs used to view documents. C.People running the library. D.Donors visiting the library regularly. 4.What is the purpose of the text? A.To stress the value of public libraries. B.To appeal for donation to local libraries. C.To introduce sources of public library funding. D.To show the procedure of funding libraries. Ⅱ.完形填空 [2020·太原市高三年级模拟试题(二)]When I was a freshman in college, I had some seniors telling me,“You should not really try to get the highest grades. Try to score just about enough that you are right above the __1__.” They said, “Look at that guy! He is a __2__, but he doesn't have a job.” The boy happened to __3__ this conversation, but did not say anything and __4__ went to his dormitory. I followed __5__ advice for a year, and got really average grades. Unexpectedly that year, the __6__ in economy occurred and the whole world changed. Almost all the seniors in my college who had offer letters in their hands started getting __7__ letters in their mailbox. It was sadness everywhere and then it was a state of __8__ all over the campus. __9__, the topper was still quiet. He called me to his room. I had no clue why he __10__ me. I thought he had seen me in the library several times. He only wanted to spend ten __11__ with me, but passed me his __12__ life advice. He said, “Check this letter out.” It said — “Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Congratulations! You are __13__ for a PhD program.” “Try to get the kind of grades that you could __14__ yourself on. Don't take the __15__ advice. Look! They were all telling you to be average. But I know you can do better. Now go, and spend as many hours in the __16__ as you can rather than hanging out with your friends.” - 3 - He continued, “You never know how the world will change. Everything you own can be __17__ at one time. The only thing won't betray you: your __18__ work.” I got the highest grades the following semesters. I __19__ it to University of Wisconsin — Madison for a PhD in Chemical Engineering, and then to Intel Corporation. Who knows where the next __20__ could be... 1.A.top B.average C.percentage D.grade 2.A.candidate B.graduate C.topper D.loser 3.A.join B.hear C.interrupt D.ignore 4.A.angrily B.happily C.awkwardly D.silently 5.A.his B.my C.their D.your 6.A.growth B.development C.downturn D.recovery 7.A.rejection B.confirmation C.invitation D.recommendation 8.A.fancy B.mind C.conflict D.panic 9.A.Lastly B.Luckily C.Therefore D.However 10.A.hated B.favored C.disturbed D.suggested 11.A.periods B.seconds C.hours D.minutes 12.A.hardest B.closest C.best D.newest 13.A.considered B.refused C.accepted D.praised 14.A.limit B.pride C.relax D.control 15.A.wrong B.different - 4 - C.frank D.easy 16.A.library B.club C.job­hunting D.mind reading 17.A.taken away B.passed down C.used up D.left behind 18.A.difficult B.hard C.regular D.creative 19.A.failed B.processed C.wrote D.made 20.A.destination B.purpose C.condition D.contract Ⅲ.语法填空 [2020·成都第一次诊断]It's time to stop talking and get walking. As a popular and 1.________ (grow) format of the game, Walking Football is aimed at encouraging older adults to play football again on a regular basis. As simple as the name suggests, Walking Football is 2.________ (definite) just playing football at walking pace. But don't let that fool you. It carries all the emotion, passion and excitement of a regular game and still 3.________ (require) skills such as accurate passing, good positional play and strong tactical knowledge. The game is small­sided, 4.________ no running on or off the ball, very little contact and kick­ins instead of throw­ins. With less stress on the body and no real sudden change of direction or cutting movements, the game allows every 5.________ (participate) to play without anxiety. It has become increasingly popular and is designed to help people keep 6.________ active lifestyle, as well as to get people who have stopped playing due to age 7.________ injury back to football. Since Middlesex FA launched Walking Football in 2014, we 8.________ (have) over 300 players take part in the sport and now run over 20 sessions on a 9.________ (week) basis. Ready to play? 10.________ (find)your nearest session using the map below. Ⅳ.应用文写作 [2020·惠州市高三第一次调研考试试题]假定你是校学生会主席李华。你校拟向一所在 美国的姐妹学校图书馆捐赠一批中国经典文学图书,以供该校学生阅读。请你给该校负责人 - 5 - 写一封邮件,内容如下: 1.自我介绍; 2.介绍这批书籍。 注意: 1.词数 100 左右; 2.可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯; 3.信的开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。 Dear Sir/Madam, ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Yours faithfully, Li Hua 课后提能练(六) Ⅰ.阅读理解 【语篇解读】 本文是说明文,主要介绍了图书馆资金的几个主要来源。 【难句分析】 Grants include technology grants which allow libraries to install and upgrade computer systems, grants which focus on a particular topic such as science, fiction, children's books, or local history, and education grants which support locally­based community efforts such as after­school reading programs. - 6 - 分析:本句是主从复合句,句子主干是 Grants include technology grants, grants and education grants,句中有三个 which 引导的定语从句。 译文:拨款包括让图书馆安装和更新电脑系统的技术拨款,关注某个特定话题,如 科学、小说、童书或当地历史的拨款和支持当地社区活动如课外读书项目的教育拨款。 1.B 考查细节理解。根据第二段可知,图书馆资金来源主要有三个:国家资金;当地 政府的拨款;私人捐款。 【易错点拨】 本题容易误选 C 项,误选原因是考生以为第二段中的“Finally, private donations help to maintain libraries—most libraries have an association of Friends of the Library which organizes fund­raising sales and pays annual dues to help maintain the library”提到了两个资金来源,认为“have an association of Friends of the Library”表示的是图书馆有互帮互助的朋友,即其他图书馆,其实此处的“an association of Friends of the Library”指的还是前面的私人捐款者。 2.C 考查细节理解。根据第三段中的“education grants which support locally­based community efforts such as after­school reading programs”可知,有些资金用于为学生 举办一些课外活动。 技巧点拨:本题实际上考查的是考生对长难句的理解与分析,因此拥有扎实的语言基本 功是做好此题的关键。 3.A 考查词义猜测。根据画线词所在句“By combining multiple resources, creative librarians can keep their libraries useful, informative, and fun for browsers”可 知,通过组合多种资源,有创造力的图书馆馆长可以使他们的图书馆有用、信息丰富并且对 于 browsers 来说有趣。故可推知 browsers 应是去图书馆的人,故答案为 A。 4.C 考查主旨大意。本文主要介绍了图书馆资金的几个主要来源,故答案为 C。 干扰项分析:A 项是第一段的中心,不是文章的写作目的,可以排除;最后一段的最后 两句提到支持图书馆有多种方式,可以从很多小事做起,作者并没有强调要给图书馆捐款, 所以也没有“呼吁”一说,故排除 B 项;D 项错在 procedure,文章并未提及相关信息,故排 除 D 项。 Ⅱ.完形填空 【语篇解读】 “我”刚上大学时,一些毕业班的学生告诉“我”大学期间不用考高分, “我”听从了他们的建议;后来经济动荡,社会发生了变化,这些学生求职受挫;一位成绩 优秀的学长给了“我”忠告,让“我”在大学里实现了更高的目标。 1.B 根据第二段第一句中的“got really average grades”和 15 空后的“They were all telling you to be average”可知,一些毕业班的学生告诉作者只要达到平均水平以上 就行。 2.C 根据 9 空后的“the topper was still quiet”中的 topper 可知,此处表示这个 - 7 - 男孩是成绩最优秀的人。 3.B 根据空后的“but did not say anything”以及 9 空后的“the topper was still quiet”可知,这个男孩碰巧听到了那些毕业班学生的谈话,但是他什么也没有说,默默地走 向宿舍。 4.D 参见上题解析。 5.C 根据上文中的“I had some seniors telling me”可知,作者听从了他们的建议。 6.C 根据语境以及空后的“the whole world changed”可推知,出乎意料的是那年经 济衰退,整个世界发生了变化。downturn“衰退”。 7.A 根据语境可知,因为经济衰退,形势发生了变化,我们学校几乎所有手中有职位 邀请函的毕业班学生开始收到回绝信。 8.D 根据上文以及空前的“It was sadness everywhere”可知,整个校园弥漫着悲伤 气氛,一片恐慌。 9.D 根据上文整个校园弥漫着悲伤气氛,一片恐慌并结合空后的“the topper was still quiet”可知,前后形成转折关系。 10.B 根据空后一句“I thought he had seen me in the library several times” 可推知,作者不知道他为什么偏爱作者,作者认为他可能在图书馆看到过自己几次。 11.D 根据语境以及空后的“but passed me his __12__ life advice”可知,那个男孩 只是想和作者谈 10 分钟,但却给了作者最好的人生建议。 12.C 参见上题解析。 13.C 根据语境可知,那个男孩让作者看了一封信,信上说,你被麻省理工学院的博 士项目录取了。 14.B 他建议作者努力学习,获得高分,这样作者会为自己的高分感到骄傲。 15.A 上文提到那些只达到平均水平以上的毕业班学生没有找到工作,他们提出的建 议是错的。 16.A 根据 10 空后的“I thought he had seen me in the library several times” 可知,他建议作者多去图书馆看书而不是和朋友在外面闲逛。 17.A 根据语境可推知,你不知道世界将怎么变化,你拥有的东西可能在某个时候被 拿走。take away“拿走,带走”;pass down“把……传下去”;use up“用尽”;leave behind“把……抛在后面”。 18.B 根据上文那个男孩的建议可知,唯一不会背叛你的就是你的艰辛的努力。 19.D 根据空前的“I got the highest grades the following semesters”可知,作者 成功进入威斯康星大学麦迪逊分校。make it“获取成功”。 20.A 根据上文可知,作者进入威斯康星大学麦迪逊分校,之后进入英特尔公司,由 此可推知,此处表示谁会知道下一个目的地可能在哪儿。 - 8 - Ⅲ.语法填空 【语篇解读】 本文是说明文,主要介绍了一项体育运动——Walking Football。 1.growing 考查形容词。分析句子结构可知,空处与 and 之前的形容词 popular 是并 列关系,共同修饰其后的名词 format,故应填 growing“增长的”。 2.definitely 考查副词。分析句子结构可知,空处修饰副词 just,故应用副词 definitely。 3.requires 考查动词的时态。分析句子结构可知,and 前后是并列的成分,此处应 与 carries 形式相同,故填 requires。 4.with 考查介词。分析句子结构可知,此处是 with 的复合结构,即 with+名词+ 介词短语的形式,在句子中作状语,与下文中的 With less stress on the body 结构相呼应。 5.participant 考查词形转换。allow sb. to do sth.意为“允许某人做某事”,是固 定用法,又因为空前为 every,故此处应用表示人的名词的单数形式,即 participant。 6.an 考查冠词。根据语境可知,lifestyle 是可数名词,且第一次在语境中出现, 故用不定冠词修饰;又 active 的发音以元音音素开头,故用不定冠词 an。 7.or 考查连词。根据语境可知,此处表示“或者”,故用表示选择关系的连词 or。 8.have had 考查动词的时态。根据本句中的 Since 可知,主句应用现在完成时,表 示过去发生的动作对现在造成的影响,即 have had。 9.weekly 考查形容词。根据空前的冠词 a 和空后的名词 basis 可知,此处应用形容 词 weekly。 10.Find 考查祈使句。根据语境并分析句子结构可知,此处是“动词原形放句首+句 子其他成分”结构的祈使句,表示建议,故用 Find。 Ⅳ.应用文写作 【范文赏读】 Dear Sir/Madam, I'm Li Hua, chairman of the Students' Union. I'm writing to tell you that our school is planning to donate some Chinese classics to your library, because during our visit to your school last month, some of your students mentioned they have strong passions for Chinese literature. ①Since we are sister schools, we intend to donate some books, whose topics vary from ancient Chinese philosophy, Tang poetry to classical Chinese novels. I'm sure that the classic works will meet your students' desire for Chinese literary knowledge. ②I'm hopeful that these books may promote our friendship and your students can have a better understanding of China. Yours faithfully, - 9 - Li Hua 【亮点词句】 亮点词汇:intend to do sth.,vary from sth.to sth. 亮点句式:I'm writing to tell you that..., because... 【一句多译】 ①Since we are sister schools, we plan to donate some books with the topics varying from Chinese philosophy, Tang poetry to classical Chinese novels. ②I believe that these books may not only promote our friendship but also help your students have a better understanding of China.

