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核心素养测评三十一 Module 1 Small Talk Ⅰ. 阅读理解 A ‎(2020·北京模拟)‎ ‎  I was sure that I was to be killed. I became terribly nervous. I fumbled(摸索) in my pockets to see if there were any cigarettes, which had escaped their search. I found one and because of my shaking hands, I could barely get it to my lips. But I had no matches; they had taken those. I looked through the bars at the guard. He did not make eye contact with me. I called out to him “Have you got a light? ” He looked at me, shrugged and came over to light my cigarette. As he came close and lit the match, his eyes unconsciously locked with mine. At that moment, I smiled. I don’t know why I did that. Perhaps it was nervousness; perhaps it was because, when you get very close, one to another, it is very hard not to smile. In any case, I smiled. In that instant, it was as though a spark jumped across the gap between our two hearts, our two human souls. I know he didn’t want to, but my smile leaped through the bars and caused a smile on his lips, too. He lit my cigarette but stayed near, looking at me directly in the eyes and continuing to smile. ‎ ‎  I kept smiling at him, now thinking of him as a person and not just a guard. “Do you have kids? ” he asked. “Yes, here, here. ” I took out my wallet and nervously fumbled for the pictures of my family. He, too, took out the pictures of his family and began to talk about his plans and hopes for them. My eyes were filled with tears. I said that I feared that I’d never see my family again, and never have the chance to see them grow up. Tears came to his eyes, too. Suddenly, without another word, he unlocked my cell and silently led me out. Out of the prison, quietly and by back routes, out of the town. There, at the edge of town, he released me. And without another word, he turned back toward the town. ‎ ‎【文章大意】文章以作者参加西班牙内战打击法西斯分子为背景, 讲述自己不幸被敌俘获, 原以为即将死去, 没想到一个微笑拯救了自己的性命。‎ 14‎ ‎1. What had happened to the man before? ‎ A. He had been badly treated. ‎ B. He had killed someone. ‎ C. He had been searched. ‎ D. He had been forbidden to get in touch with anyone. ‎ ‎【解析】选C。 推理判断题。由第一段I fumbled in my pockets to see if there were any cigarettes, which had escaped their search. 可推知, 作者翻遍了口袋, 终于找到一支没被他们搜走的香烟, 故可推断, 作者之前被人搜过身, 故选C。‎ ‎2. Why did the man want to smoke cigarettes? ‎ A. Because he was sure he was to be killed. ‎ B. Because he wanted to ease his nervousness. ‎ C. Because he wanted to talk to the guard. ‎ D. Because he was used to smoking cigarettes. ‎ ‎【解析】选B。 推理判断题。由第一段可推知, 作者想到自己马上就要没命了, 不禁陷入极度惶恐, 于是点了一支烟, 释放自己紧张的情绪。‎ ‎【误区警示】A项即便是作者不吸烟, 他也可能死; C项在那样一种情况下, 作者吸烟仅是为了和警卫聊天, 不符合逻辑; D项文章根本没有提及作者以前有吸烟的嗜好。‎ ‎3. Which of the following is true according to the passage? ‎ A. The man was a heavy smoker. ‎ B. The man smiled to please the guard. ‎ C. The guard set the man free with permission. ‎ D. The man hadn’t thought the guard would set him free. ‎ ‎【解析】选D。 细节理解题。由第二段Suddenly, without another word, he unlocked my cell and silently led me out. 以及Out of the prison, quietly and by back routes, out of the town. 可知, 警卫二话没说打开了牢门, 悄悄地带他从后面的小路逃离了监狱, 出了小镇。所以, 作者根本没有想到警卫把自己给放走, 故选D。‎ ‎4. What do you think finally saved the man’s life?  ‎ A. The smile. B. The cigarette. ‎ C. The tears. D. The wallet. ‎ ‎【解析】选A 。推理判断题。由第一段In any case, I smiled. In that instant, it was ‎ 14‎ as though a spark jumped across the gap between our two hearts, our two human souls. ”可推知, 不知怎么了, 作者笑了。在那一刹那, 这抹微笑如同火花般, 打破了他们心灵间的隔阂。以及第二段主要讲述是微笑拉近了他们的距离, 通过简短的谈话, 让彼此产生了共鸣, 以至于最后警卫把作者给放了, 都足以证明是微笑拯救了作者的性命, 故选A。 ‎ ‎【知识拓展】佳词积累 ‎1. guard         n. 警卫 v. 保护 ‎2. barely adv. 几乎不 ‎3. nervousness n. 紧张 ‎4. release v. 释放, 发行 ‎5. make eye contact with sb. 与某人眼神交流 ‎6. light one’s cigarette 点烟 ‎7. be filled with tears 充满眼泪 B ‎ The Melbourne Magic Festival in Australia attracts crazy fans of all ages to the Arts Centre Melbourne. The annual event includes the Junior Championships of Magic, a showcase for Australia’s promising magicians under the age of 18. ‎ ‎  The competitors in 2018 included Nicola Gidley, 16, who competed in both the stage magic and close-up magic competitions. For her stage act, Nicola performed a soccer routine: She floated a soccer ball and somehow caused a whistle to disappear. For the close-up act, Nicola performed mind-bending tricks with Rubik’s Cubes. Her impressive routines earned her third prize in both competitions. ‎ ‎  Nicola entered the world of magic when she was just 12, almost by chance. After injuring her knee playing cricket, Nicola needed surgery. This left her on crutches(拐杖) for three months. With nothing to do, she found a pack of cards and began to “learn simple tricks off YouTube, ” she said. “Then I moved on to bigger and better things, such as tricks with rabbits and doves. ”‎ ‎  Nicola’s hard work has been paying off. Just last year, she was awarded a full scholarship to the well-known Tannen’s Magic Camp in Pennsylvania. The camp is ‎ 14‎ situated in a “Harry Potter-like castle”, Nicola explained, where students participate in classes and workshops run by leading magicians. ‎ ‎  Stepping on stage in front of an audience can be worrying, Nicola acknowledged. “But with each show, ” she added, “I become more and more confident. ”‎ ‎  When asked for advice for ambitious magicians, Nicola said, “Perform any chance you get. The more experience you have on stage in front of an audience, the better you become as a performer and a magician. ”‎ ‎【文章大意】本文是一篇记叙文。文章记叙了澳大利亚16岁女孩Nicola Gidley, 12岁开始玩魔术, 在2018年的墨尔本魔术节中获得青少年组三等奖, 她给了有志成为魔术师的人一些宝贵的建议。‎ ‎5. What does the underlined word “mind-bending” in Paragraph 2 mean? ‎ A. Ridiculous. B. Sensitive. ‎ C. Flexible. D. Exciting. ‎ ‎【解析】选D。词义猜测题。根据第二段最后两句“For the close-up act, Nicola performed mind-bending tricks with Rubik’s Cubes. Her impressive routines earned her third prize in both competitions. ”可知, 在近距离表演中, Nicola用魔方表演了激动人心的魔术。她的令人印象深刻的表演在两项比赛中都获得了三等奖。ridiculous滑稽的; sensitive敏锐的; flexible灵活的; exciting激动人心的。故选D。‎ ‎6. How did Nicola begin to learn magic? ‎ A. By watching videos. ‎ B. By following magicians. ‎ C. By attending classes. ‎ D. By joining Magic Camp. ‎ ‎【解析】选A。细节理解题。根据第三段中的“With nothing to do, she found a pack of cards and began to ‘learn simple tricks off YouTube, ’”可知, 12岁时, Nicola在打板球时膝盖受伤后, 需要手术, 这让她用拐杖走了三个月, 因为无事可做, 她找到了一包卡片, 并开始在YouTube上学习简单的魔术技巧。YouTube是视频网站, 故选A。‎ ‎7. What made Nicola become an excellent magician? ‎ A. Crazy fans. B. Her hard work. ‎ C. Her luck. D. Good stages. ‎ 14‎ ‎【解析】选B。细节理解题。根据第四段第一句“Nicola’s hard work has been paying off. ” 可知, Nicola的艰苦的努力使她在魔术表演中取得成功。故选B。‎ ‎8. What does Nicola’s advice imply in the last paragraph? ‎ A. Where there is a will, there is a way. ‎ B. Seeing is believing. ‎ C. Practice makes perfect. ‎ D. Well begun is half done. ‎ ‎【解析】选C。推理判断题。根据最后一段Nicola所给的建议“Perform any chance you get. The more experience you have on stage in front of an audience, the better you become as a performer and a magician. ”可知, 利用任何机会去表演, 在舞台上在观众面前表演得越多, 你就越能成为好的表演者和魔术师。她的建议隐含了一个道理: 熟能生巧。A“有志者事竟成”; B“眼见为实”; C“熟能生巧”; D“良好的开端是成功的一半”。故选C。‎ Ⅱ. 完形填空 ‎(2020·郴州模拟)‎ Once there was a manager who was a single parent to his three daughters. One morning he asked his oldest daughter, Sonia, to  1  the breakfast dishes before going to school. Not  2  that she was already running late and facing punishment, he was astonished by her  3 . She burst into tears. Again, assuming that she was  4  trying to get out of an unpleasant household  5 , he demanded that she dry her tears and get back to work immediately. She  6  obeyed him, but her anger could be clearly sensed. That morning he drove to  7  after dropping her daughter without expressing his  8  for her. He tried to work but couldn’t  9 ; all he could see was his daughter’s  10  tearful face. The man began to realize that his timing had gone wrong and he began to feel  11 . He couldn’t wait till suppertime to  12 . So he took permission from the school to take his daughter for  13  and said, “Sonia, I am very sorry! I had no right on asking you to  14  at home this morning without any  15  warning. I upset you at a time when you most needed my love and  16 . And I let you go without saying ‘I love you’. I was wrong. Please  17  me. ” ‎ ‎  Sonia put her 18  around her father’s neck and hugged him and said “Oh, Dad, ‎ 14‎ ‎ of course I forgive you. I love you too. ” ‎ ‎  The  19  of these restorative(促使康复的) words, “I am sorry! ” is such that they  20  relationships—between us and our friends, between us and our loved ones, and between us and God.  ‎ ‎【文章大意】本文是一篇夹叙夹议的文章。女儿早上上学快要迟到了, 爸爸没有意识到, 却让女儿做家务, 女儿没有违背爸爸的意愿, 但她哭了。后来爸爸意识到自己错了, 向女儿道歉。这个故事告诉我们: 像“我很抱歉! ”这些恢复关系的语言的力量, 它们修复了我们和朋友之间、我们和亲人之间、我们和上帝之间的关系。‎ ‎1. A. set B. buy C. do D. arrange ‎【解析】选C。 set树立, 点燃; buy买; do做; arrange安排。一天早晨, 他让他的大女儿索尼娅在上学前洗早餐的盘子。do the breakfast dishes“洗早餐的盘子”, 故选C。‎ ‎2. A. recognizing B. realizing C. telling D. explaining ‎【解析】选B。recognize认出; realize意识到; tell告诉; explain解释。根据下文中的already running late and facing punishment, 和She burst into tears. 可知爸爸没有意识到女儿上学要迟到, 面对惩罚。故选B。‎ ‎3. A. reaction B. appearance C. gesture D. words ‎【解析】选A。 reaction反应; appearance外表, 外貌; gesture手势; words单词。根据下文She burst into tears. 可知爸爸对女儿的反应感到吃惊。故选A。‎ ‎4. A. even B. ever C. indeed D. merely ‎【解析】选D。even甚至; ever曾经; indeed真正地; merely仅仅, 只不过。根据句意可知, 他又一次假定她只是想摆脱一项不愉快的家务, 要求她擦干眼泪, 立即回去干活。故选D。‎ ‎5. A. appointment B. duty C. decision D. talk ‎【解析】选B。appointment任命, 约定; duty责任; decision决定; talk谈论。故选B。‎ ‎6. A. hesitantly B. joyfully C. painfully D. unwillingly ‎【解析】选D。hesitantly犹豫地; joyfully高兴地; painfully痛苦地;‎ 14‎ ‎ unwillingly不情愿地。根据下文“but her anger could be clearly sensed. ”但她的愤怒是可以明显感觉到的。由此推知女儿“不愿意”违背爸爸的话。but表示前后是一种转折关系, 故选D。‎ ‎7. A. office B. school C. garage D. supermarket ‎【解析】选A。 office办公室; school学校; garage车库; supermarket超市。根据下文He tried to work可知他把女儿送到学校后去了办公室。故选A。‎ ‎8. A. amazement B. agreement C. love D . interest ‎【解析】选C。amazement惊异; agreement同意; love爱; interest兴趣。根据下文“all he could see was his daughter’s     tearful face”和后面“And I let you go without saying ‘I love you’. ”可知在送女儿上学的时候没有表达对女儿的爱。故选C。 ‎ ‎9. A. concentrate B. complete C. perform D. quit ‎【解析】选A。concentrate集中, 全神贯注; complete 完成; perform执行; quit停止, 放弃。根据“He tried to work but couldn’t     ”中的but和下文“all he could see was his daughter’s     tearful face”可知作者不能集中精力在工作上。故选A。 ‎ ‎10. A. delighted B. satisfactory C. excited D. scared ‎【解析】选D。 delighted高兴的; satisfactory满意的; excited兴奋的; scared害怕的。根据上文“She    obeyed him, but her anger could be clearly sensed. ”可知, 女儿当时尽管生气但还是没有违背爸爸的意愿, 所以这里应该是“他看到女儿感到害怕且充满泪水的脸”。故选D。 ‎ ‎11. A. upset B. regretful C. disappointed D. honored ‎【解析】选B。upset心烦的; regretful后悔的; disappointed失望的; honored光荣的。根据“The man began to realize that his timing had gone wrong”可知爸爸开始感到后悔。故选B。‎ ‎12. A. comment B. depart 14‎ C. choose D. apologize ‎【解析】选D。comment评论; depart离开; choose选择; apologize道歉。根据“The man began to realize that his timing had gone wrong and he began to feel     . ”可知他不想等到晚饭时间再向女儿道歉。故选D。 ‎ ‎13. A. breakfast B. lunch C. supper D. holiday ‎【解析】选B。breakfast早餐; lunch午饭; supper晚饭; holiday假日。根据上文“He couldn’t wait till suppertime to     . ”可知, 所以他得到学校的允许带女儿去吃午饭。故选B。 ‎ ‎14. A. deal with B. try out C. help out D. take on ‎【解析】选C。deal with处理; try out试验; help out帮助摆脱困境; take on承担, 呈现。根据“I had no right on asking you to     at home this morning without any     warning. ”今天早上我没有权利在没有任何事先警告的情况下让你帮忙做家务。故选C。 ‎ ‎15. A. previous B. precious C. formal D. obvious ‎【解析】选A。 previous以前的, 过早的; precious珍贵的; formal正式的; obvious明显的。‎ ‎16. A. support B. anger C. impression D. promise ‎【解析】选A。 support支持; anger生气; impression印象; promise诺言。根据上文“Not     that she was already running late and facing punishment, ”可知女儿最需要爸爸的爱和支持的时候, 他却让她做家务。故选A。 ‎ ‎17. A. tolerate B. punish C. forgive D. guide ‎【解析】选C。tolerate容忍; punish惩罚; forgive原谅; guide指导。上文的“And I let you go without saying ‘I love you’. I was wrong. ”可知爸爸请求原谅。故选C。‎ ‎18. A. legs B. arms C. hands D. ears ‎【解析】选B。 legs腿; arms胳膊; hands手; ears耳朵。根据“around her father’s 14‎ ‎ neck and hugged him”可知女儿拥抱爸爸。B项符合语境。‎ ‎19. A. secret B. use C. advantage D. power ‎【解析】选D。secret秘密; use使用, 用途; advantage优势; power力量, 能量。根据“The    of these restorative words, ‘I am sorry! ’ is such that they    relationships—between us and our friends, between us and our loved ones, and between us and God. ”可知, 像“我很抱歉! ”这些恢复关系的语言的力量, 它们修复了我们和朋友之间、我们和亲人之间、我们和上帝之间的关系。故选D。 ‎ ‎20. A. create B. break C. mend D. deepen ‎【解析】选C。create创造; break打破, 折断; mend修补; deepen加深。根据前面的restorative可知, 此处表示“修复关系”。‎ ‎【知识拓展】佳词积累 ‎1. assume     vt. 假定 ‎2. obey vt. 服从 ‎ ‎3. upset vt. 使心烦 adj. 令人心烦的 ‎4. face punishment 面临惩罚 ‎5. be astonished by 对……感到吃惊 ‎6. burst into tears 突然大哭 ‎7. mend relationships 修复关系 Ⅲ. 语法填空 阅读下面短文, 在空白处填入1个适当单词或括号内单词的正确形式。‎ ‎  China has been selected to host the World Skills Competition in Shanghai in 2021, an event it hopes to use for building a stronger team of skilled workers nationwide and to improve international  1 (exchange) in technical skills. Hosting the event will help guide the whole society  2 (respect) the spirit of skilled workmanship. It will also help create  3  social atmosphere of respecting labor and admiring skills. China has 165 million skilled workers, including 47. 9 million who are classed as highly skilled. They were first classified by the government in 2003. They  4 (include) as one of the major State-level t 14‎ alent groups along with theoretical scientists in 2015,  5 (mark) a significant rise in their social status.  ‎ ‎  China’s  6 (early) modern skills training can date back to the Qing Dynasty. It was in 1866  7  the Foochow Shipbuilding Institution in Fujian Province was established. In 1978, the adoption of the reform and opening-up policy highlighted a shortage of  8 (talent) technicians. As a result, the number of students at technical institutes rose sharply. More recently, technical education  9 (receive) greater support from the central government to help shape the nation’s producing power. Every year, more than 100 million people have access  10  technical education and training.  ‎ ‎【文章大意】这是一篇说明文。2021年, 世界技能大赛将在上海举行。这场大赛有望帮助我们组建全国范围内更厉害的技术工人团队, 并促进国际技术能力的交流。还可以引导整个社会对高级技工的尊敬。2003年, 中国认证了高级技工, 并在2015年将其与理论科学家一起作为国家级水平的人才。并讲述了中国技术人才培养的历史。‎ ‎1. 【解析】exchanges。考查名词的数。句意: 这场活动有望帮助我们组建全国范围内更厉害的技术工人团队, 并促进国际技术能力的交流。“international”前没有不定冠词修饰, exchange又是可数名词, 所以空格处用复数形式。故填exchanges。‎ ‎2. 【解析】to respect。考查动词不定式。句意: 主办这场活动将会帮助引导整个社会去尊重熟练的工艺。“guide sb. to do sth. ”意为指导某人做某事。故填to respect。‎ ‎3. 【解析】a。考查冠词。“social atmosphere(社会氛围)”这个名词短语中atmosphere用的是单数, 且在文中第一次出现。故填a。‎ ‎4. 【解析】 were included。考查被动语态。句意: 2015年, 与理论科学家一起, 他们(高级技工)被包含, 被认定是国家级人才的一种, 使得他们的社会地位有了很大提升。他们是被包含, 时态是一般过去时, 故填were included。‎ ‎5. 【解析】marking。考查现在分词。句意: 2015年, 与理论科学家一起, 他们(高级技工)被包含, 被认定是国家级人才的一种, 标志着他们的社会地位有了很大提升。现在分词作伴随状语, 表示同时的意思。故填marking。‎ ‎6. 【解析】earliest。考查形容词最高级。句意: 中国最早的现代技能培训可以追溯到清代。故填earliest。‎ ‎7. 【解析】that。考查强调句。句意:‎ 14‎ ‎ 福建省的福建船政学堂建立的时间是1866年。强调句的基本格式: “It is (was). . . that. . . ”。故填that。‎ ‎8. 【解析】talented。考查形容词。句意: 1978年, 改革开放政策实施后使得有才能技师的短缺问题更加明显。“talent(才能)”的形容词形式为“talented”。故填talented。‎ ‎9. 【解析】has received。考查现在完成时。由句中的recently可以确定这句话时态为现在完成时。主语technical education(技术教育)是第三人称单数。故填has received。‎ ‎10. 【解析】to。考查介词。句意: 每年, 超过1亿的人接受技术教育和培训。“access to”为固定搭配, 意为“去……的通路, 使用……的机会(权利)”。故填to。‎ 阅读理解 ‎(2020·长沙模拟)‎ ‎  Like Titanic(1997) and another record-breaking Avatar (2009), the very first film to hit one billion yuan at China’s box office, both directed by James Cameron, American films are an unavoidable part and hold plenty of appeal for Chinese film-goers, including me. However, while American movies have gained great influence in China and become part of everyday popular culture, Chinese films have failed to win an equal amount of recognition in the U. S. market. ‎ ‎  Hollywood, known as a remarkable film production center, exported the biggest number of mainstream movies around the globe. Both its marvelous storytelling techniques and smooth production process have made it the most successful film industry in the world, gaining global acceptance. It has its own standards about the script-writing format throughout its film-making process while China has no such. Moreover, in Hollywood, a break during the production period is a must for all crew members whereas most Chinese film crew do not even allow their production team time to rest on the weekend. ‎ ‎  Besides production, content is another important aspect of Hollywood’s cultural exportation. The United States is known as a melting pot, as it is a country of immigrants. Its culture, in a way, is more diversified than others’. And we can see an increased diversity in Hollywood movies over the years, especially since 2000. For example, in 2017, Hollywood blockbuster (大片) Coco (2017) tells the story of a Mexican boy who dreams of being a musician. Full of elements of the Mexican culture, the movie caused a global fever for Mexican music at the time. It also ‎ 14‎ achieved great results in China, ranking as the 10th highest grossing (最高票房) film in the country in 2017, with the box office being over one billion yuan. ‎ ‎  In contrast, China’s highest grossing film of 2017, Wolf Warrior Ⅱ, despite having created a new record in the country’s box office, did not get too much attention in the U. S. market. In fact, there is hardly any Chinese movie that has become a blockbuster in foreign markets. One of the reasons may be that most Chinese films only tell domestic stories with strong domestic elements, which is not wrong but makes it hard to attract foreign viewers due to the narrow themes. ‎ ‎  While seeking to tell Chinese stories that are able to gain global popularity is still a question for Chinese filmmakers, fortunately, the technical aspect in the Chinese film industry has been improving thanks to the abundant cash flow in the market. When that day comes, more people will get a chance to learn more about China, one of the most beautiful places on the planet, which reminds me of the famous quote from The Shawshank Redemption (1994), “Hope is a good thing, maybe the best of things. And no good thing ever dies. ”‎ ‎【文章大意】本文是一篇夹叙夹议的短文。文章通过和美国电影市场的比较, 指出了中国电影不能在美国市场获得认可的现象与原因。‎ ‎1. What can we conclude from the passage? ‎ A. Chinese films are not well worth watching compared with Hollywood movies. ‎ B. Chinese films are in a sense not as popular globally despite abundant cash flow. ‎ C. Who directed China’s highest grossing film of 2017, Wolf Warrior Ⅱ is evident. ‎ D. American films, global acceptance is bound to worsen the Chinese film industry greatly. ‎ ‎【解析】选B。细节理解题。根据文章最后一段“While seeking to tell Chinese stories that are able to gain global popularity is still a question for Chinese filmmakers, fortunately, the technical aspect in the Chinese film industry has been improving thanks to the abundant cash flow in the market. ”可知, B项符合逻辑, 即一方面尽管中国电影有大把的资金投入, 但与美国好莱坞大片相比, 某种程度上欢迎度是不一样的。‎ ‎【误区警示】A项为与美国电影的比较, 过分夸大了中国电影的不足, 有逻辑错误。C项文章并未提及, 属无中生有。D项不合原文细节表述。‎ 14‎ ‎2. Why do most Chinese films hardly attract foreign viewers? ‎ A. Because they have no knowledge of Chinese filmmakers. ‎ B. Because the Chinese culture is more diversified than others’. ‎ C. Because they only tells Chinese stories with strong domestic elements. ‎ D. Because in China there is no unusually successful hit like Hollywood Blockbuster. ‎ ‎【解析】选C。细节理解题。根据第四段“One of the reasons may be that most Chinese films only tell domestic stories with strong domestic elements, which is not wrong but makes it hard to attract foreign viewers due to the narrow themes. ”可知, 中国电影很难吸引外国观众的原因之一是大多数中国电影只讲述具有强烈本土元素的国产故事, 而且题材狭窄。故选C。‎ ‎3. What is the main idea of the passage? ‎ A. American films have gained great influence in China. ‎ B. How Chinese stories affect the American film market. ‎ C. The outline about the history and development of Hollywood. ‎ D. Why Chinese films fail to gain much recognition in the U. S market. ‎ ‎【解析】选D。主旨大意题。文章第一段“However, while American movies have gained great influence in China and become part of everyday popular culture, Chinese films have failed to win an equal amount of recognition in the U. S. market. ”及全文内容可知, 文章通过和美国电影市场的比较, 指出了中国电影不能在美国市场获得认可的现象与原因。故选D。‎ ‎4. What is the author’s opinion towards the present situation of Chinese films? ‎ A. Contradictory. B. Objective. ‎ C. Doubtful. D. Indifferent. ‎ ‎【解析】选B。推理判断题。从全文内容可知, 文章作者通过和美国电影市场的比较, 指出了中国电影不能在美国市场获得认可的现象与原因。作者对中美电影市场的表述是客观的。故选B。‎ ‎【知识拓展】长难句分析 When that day comes, more people will get a chance to learn more about China, one of the most beautiful places on the planet, which reminds me of the famous quote from The Shawshank Redemption (1994), “Hope is a good thing, maybe the best of 14‎ ‎ things. And no good thing ever dies. ”‎ 分析: When that day comes为时间状语从句, more people will get a chance to learn more about China为主句, one of the most beautiful places on the planet为China的同位语。而which reminds me of the famous quote from The Shawshank Redemption (1994), 为非限制性定语从句, which指代前面整个句子。‎ 翻译: 当那一天到来的时候, 更多的人将有机会更多地了解中国, 世界上最美丽的地方之一。这让我想起了《肖申克的救赎(1994)》里面的一句著名格言, “希望是一个好东西, 也许是最好的东西。好东西是不会死的。”‎ 14‎

