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Welcome to our English class Unit Five Music Warming up What kind of music do you know? Brainstorming music Folk music ( 民族音乐 ) Rock ’n’ roll ( 摇滚音乐 ) Classical music ( 古典音乐 ) Jazz ( 爵士乐 ) Choral( 合唱 ) Country music( 乡村音乐 ) Rap ( 说唱音乐 ) Orchestra ( 管弦乐 ) What kind of music do you like better? Classical music Modern music Chinese music Western music OR…… Discussion I like Chinese because I think Chinese music is easy to understand. It is our culture. I like classical music because it is serious and make people inspired. It can last long. Are you familiar with some Chinese or foreign bands ? Beyond Westlife The Beatles 甲壳虫乐队 又称:批头士 the Monkees The Monkees — the most popular band in the USA from 1966 to 1968! The band that wasn't Reading Do you know anything about “The Monkees”? It is a band with 4-person that was very popular in the 1960s in America and as well as a TV show of the same name and it based on “The Beatles”. The band used instruments rarely seen on TV at that time. Now it is still popular in the world today. 猴子乐队是一只 美国 本土乐队,由四人组成,于二十世纪 60 年代兴起,最初,乐队成员是应一则电视广告走到一起的。电视制作人想寻找四位很活跃又很会演奏的乐手。他们在报上登了广告,想招摇滚乐手,但是只招到一位符合条件的 —— 也就是后来的乐队主唱 弗雷迪 。乐队的其他人只能用演员,演员不会唱,因此起初演节目时由别的歌手唱歌,而乐队其他成员假唱。门基乐队开始每个星期都要演唱由别的 音乐家 作的一两首歌曲。然而,经过大约一年,门基乐队逐渐对他们的工作严肃起来,他们像一支真正的乐队开始用自己的乐器演奏,并且自己作词作曲了。后来他们还出了自己的唱片,并开始旅行演出自己的乐曲。门基乐队虽然有模仿“甲壳虫乐队”的意思,但他们甚至比“甲壳虫”乐队还要受欢迎,出售的录音专辑还要多。他们在 英国 的旅行演出同样获得了巨大成功,英国的年轻人也开始对 The monkees 变得疯狂然而,门基乐队在 1970 年左右解散了,到 80 年代中期才又重组起来。 1996 年他们出了一张新的专辑,庆祝他们一起合作的愉快时光。 Skimming to get general ideas The two musical bands mentioned in the passage are _______. A. the Westlife B. the Monkees C. the Beatles D. both B. & C. 2. "The Monkees" celebrated their former time as a real band in ______. A. 1970 B. 1971 C. 1980 D. 1996 Reading Comprehension I Skimming Careful reading to solve difficult points Read the passage to find the main idea of each paragraph. Para. 1 Para. 3 Para. 2 Para. 4 Many people want to be famous as singers or musicians. This is how most bands start. The Monkees started in a different way. How the Monkees became popular and how they developed as a real band. Match the main ideas and the paragraphs. A famous singer or musician usually belongs to a band. 2. Many musicians form a band because of their common interest in music. 3. Playing music to passers-by in the street is the first step to fame. 4. When performers make records and sell millions of copies, they are successful. True or False Reading Comprehension II Scanning 5. If we are honest with ourselves, most of us are afraid of being famous. 6. Many musicians meet and form a band because they like to write and play their own music. 7. The TV organizers had looked for five musicians who were lively and who could make good music. 8. “The Monkees” broke up in about 1960, but reunited in 1980. Main idea of the text How do people form a ______ ? and how did the __________ form and become a real band? band Monkees 1. What does the title of the passage mean? A.The band wasn’t a famous one. B.The band was formed in a different way. C.The band didn’t play their own music. D.The band wasn’t supported buy his fans. Choose the best answer. B 2. How many musicians were there when the band was formed at the beginning? A. Four B. Three C. Two D. One 3. When did the Monkees break up and when did it reunite? A. 1970; 1996 B. 1970; 1990 C. 1970; the mid-1980s D. 1968; 1986 D C 4. Which of the following is not correct about “The Monkees”? A. At first, The Monkees copied the style of The Beatles. B.They were not so popular as The Beatles. C.Their performances were really popular and attractive because of their jokes. D.They were copied by other groups and supported by their fans. B Language Points of Reading break up 1) 破裂 , 拆散 , 打碎 他们的友谊已经破裂了。 Their friendship has broken up. 2) 驱散 The police breaks up the crowd by violence. 3) 停止 , 结束,放学了。 The class has broken up. 4 )使结束, 终止 They broke up their agreement. Break down ( 机器 ) 出故障,(身体等)被搞垮,精神崩溃 Break in 非法进入,打断,插嘴 Break out (战争,火灾等)突然发生,爆发 Break off 突然停止,中断,折断 1. 梦想 2. 说实话 3. 组成乐队 4. 过路者 5. 挣钱 6. 打趣逗笑,捉弄,嘲笑 7. 基于 8. 登广告 9. 左右 10. 解散 11. 一张新专辑 12. 给 .. 做某事的机会 13. 以 … 开始 1. dream of/about 2. to be honest 3. form a band 4. passers-by 5. earn money 6. play jokes on sb. 7. be based on 8. put an advertisement 9. or so 10. break up 11. a new record 12. give sb a chance to do sth 13. begin with/begin…with Thanks for your listening!

