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‎2011中考形容词和副词综合练习 基础练习 I.用所给单词或汉语提示的适当形式填空:‎ ‎  1. John is ________(tall) than Sam.‎ ‎  2. Linda is the ________ (young) in our class.‎ ‎  3. The man took off his shoes and put them under his bed very _______(quiet).‎ ‎  4. Ann felt very _______ (happy) at her birthday party.‎ ‎  5. Which is _______ (far) from us, the sun or the moon?‎ ‎  6. She looks _________ (thin) than me.‎ ‎  7. It snowed ________ (heavy) last night and now the streets are covered with snow.‎ ‎  8.Jason seems to be the ________ (busy) man in the world.‎ ‎  9.“The sooner, the ________ (good)”, the teacher said.‎ ‎  10.Jack has the ______ (little) bread of the three boys.‎ ‎  11.We don’t think their classroom is ______(干净) than ours.‎ ‎  12.Mary walks as _______ (慢) as Lily does.‎ ‎  13.Who’s _______(好) than you at English in your class?‎ ‎  14.The teacher asked us to take a _____ (仔细) look at everything in the lab.‎ ‎  15.Shanghai is one of the _______ (大) cities in the world.‎ ‎  16.Which is the _________ (beautiful) skirt of the three?‎ ‎  17.The sick man is getting ________ (ill).‎ ‎  18.The meat smells _______(坏). Please take it away.‎ ‎  19.The wind is blowing _________ (strong).‎ ‎  20.Who’s ________(高), Lucy or Lily?‎ ‎  21.She didn’t do her homework _________(仔细).‎ ‎    22.Your bag is much _________ (轻) than mine.‎ ‎    23.How _______ (大) the rain is!‎ ‎    24.Of all the students Li Hua lives _______ (远). ‎ II.选择最佳答案.‎ ‎  1. My ____ sister is two years _____ than I.‎ ‎   A. older; older B. elder; elder C. older; elder D. elder; older ‎  2. Can you do your work with _____ money and _____ people?‎ ‎   A. less; few B. less; fewer C. little; less D. few; less ‎  3. I didn’t know which was _____, so I took them both.‎ ‎   A. good B. better C. best D. the best ‎  4. There was _____ house in front of the hill.‎ ‎   A. a wooden old fine    B. an old wooden fine ‎   C. a fine old wooden    D. an old fine wooden ‎  5. The population of Beijing is larger than _____ Shengzhen.‎ ‎   A. /    B. the one in C. that of D. those of ‎  6. What an _____ story! I’m _____ in it.‎ ‎   A. interested; interesting   B. interesting; interested ‎   C. interested; interested    D. interesting; interesting ‎  7. The jacket is _____ nice, but it’s _____ more expensive than that one.‎ ‎   A. much; much   B. very; very    C. much; very D. very; much ‎  8.After turning .She is too tired to walk ______.‎ ‎   A. farther   B. further   C. farthest   D. furthest ‎  9.–Do you think the chicken tastes ______?-She cooked it _____, I think.‎ ‎   A. good; good B. well; well C. well; good   D. good; well ‎  10.Li Lei is running _____ now.‎ ‎     A. more and more slowly    B. slowier and slowier ‎   C. slowly and slowly       D. more slowly and more slowly ‎  11.Lin Tao speaks English very well, and ______.‎ ‎   A. so does his friend    B. his friend does so ‎   C. so did his friend     D. so he did ‎  12.He worked _____ quietly _____ no one knew he was there.‎ ‎   A. so; as   B. so; that   C. very; that   D. too; to ‎  13.You must be more ______, Jim. Look, you didn’t write _____.‎ ‎   A carefully; careful     B. careful; carefully ‎   C. careful; careful      D. carefully; carefully ‎  13.The twins are together most of the time. So they never fell ______.‎ ‎   A. lonely    B. alone   C. happily   D. friendly ‎  14.New York is _____ in the United States.‎ ‎   A. larger than any city     B. larger than any other city ‎   C. bigger than any cities   D. biggest of all the cities ‎  15.This street is much ______ than that one.‎ ‎   A. straight     B. straighter     C. straightest   D. more straighter ‎  16.Of the two pencil-boxes, the boy chose ______ expensive one.‎ ‎   A. less      B. the least     C. the less     D. the most ‎  17.Would you please say it _____? I still can’t follow you.‎ ‎   A. more slow       B. much slow     C. more slowly      D. much slowly ‎  18.This kind of skirt looks ______ and sells ______.‎ ‎   A. nice; well   B. nice; good C. well; well D. good; nice ‎  19.–How was the weather yesterday?‎ ‎  -It was terrible. It rained _____. People could _____ go out.‎ ‎   A. hardly; hardly   B. hardly; hard    C. hard; hard      D. hard; hardly ‎  20.He hurt her so _____ that she cried.‎ ‎   A. bad      B. badly    C. hardly D. worse ‎     21. The girl is _____, but her younger sister is even _____.‎ ‎   A. tallest; taller     B. taller; tallest    ‎ C. tall; tallest   D. tall; taller ‎  22.This chair is not _____ for him to ______.‎ ‎   A. strong enough; sit      B. enough strong; sit ‎   C. enough strong; sit in   D. strong enough; sit on ‎  23.Tom does everything _____, so his teacher speaks ______ of him.‎ ‎   A. careful; high           B. carefully; highly ‎   C. careful; highly         D. carefully; high ‎  24.You don’t look so __ as usual. You’d better go and see a doctor at once.‎ ‎     A. well      B. Good     C. Nice     D. bad ‎ 综合练习 ‎  1.The little baby looks _____.‎ ‎   A. lovely    B. carefully     C. heavily      D. sadly ‎  2. The Chinese people are ______ than you think.‎ ‎   A. friendly     B. more friendly C. very friendly  D. as friendly ‎  3. Everything is _____ on the moon than on the earth.‎ ‎   A. much more lighter B. much more light    ‎ C. more lighter    D. much lighter ‎  4. She is _____ careful as I, but I’m _____ than you.‎ ‎   A. as; much careful       B. so; more careful ‎ C. as; much more careful D. so; very careful ‎  5. I think science is ______ foreign languages.‎ ‎   A. so difficult as     B. as difficult as ‎   C. very difficult than D. much difficult than ‎  6. Allan is one of _____ popular teachers in the school.‎ ‎   A. more B. the more C. most D. the most ‎  7. I don’t think Unit 3 is more difficult. I think it’s _____.‎ ‎   A. more easily   B. more easier ‎   C. much easily   D. much easier ‎  8. No one runs as fast as John in his class. The sentence means _____.‎ ‎   A. John runs fastest in his class.‎ ‎   B. John runs faster than any other boy in his class.‎ ‎   C. John runs more slowly than any other student in his class.‎ ‎   D. John runs as fast as others in his class,‎ ‎  9. Which do you like _____, tea, orange or water?‎ ‎   A. good   B. well  C. best   D. better ‎  10. Of all the apples Jim’s is _____.‎ ‎   A. the bigger   B. the biggest C. bigger D. biggest ‎  11.Maths _____ one of the ______ subjects in middle school.‎ ‎   A. are; important        B. is; most important ‎   C. is; more important    D. are; much important ‎  12.What a _____ cough! You seem ______ ill.‎ ‎   A. terrible; terribly   B. terribly; terrible ‎   C. terrible; terrible   D. terribly; terribly ‎  13.The Yellow River is ______ river in China.‎ ‎   A. the two long          B. the second longer ‎   C. the second longest    D. two longest ‎  14.–Do you have a big library?‎ ‎   -No, we don’t, at least, not _____ yours.‎ ‎   A. bigger as     B. as big as  C. as big than    D. as bigger than ‎  15.There are a lot _____ people today than yesterday.‎ ‎   A. of   B. most   C. much   D. more ‎  16.–She has been ill since last week. How is she now?-She is _____ today.‎ ‎   A. worse   B. iller   C. worst   D. much more ill ‎  17.John has three sisters. Mary is the ______ of the three.‎ ‎   A. most cleverest  B. more clever   C. cleverest D. cleverer ‎  18.It takes a long time to go there by train; It’s _____ by road!‎ ‎   A. quick   B. the quickest   C. much quick   D. quicker ‎  19.The horse is getting old and cannot run ______ it did.‎ ‎   A. as faster as   B. so fast than   C. faster   D. so fast as ‎  20.I believe that _____ you work, ______ result (结果) you’ll get.‎ ‎   A. the harder; the better           B. the harder; a better ‎   C. the more hard; the more better   D. more hard; more better ‎  21.Though Li Ming and Li Hua are twin brothers, they look _____.‎ ‎   A. same    B. the same   C. difference   D. different ‎  22.Queshi Bridge is the second ______ bridge in Shantou.‎ ‎   A. large     B. long     C. longer   D. longest 形容词和副词能力提高 一、 根据句意在空白处填入适当的形容词。‎ ‎1. Jim can’t reach the apple in the tall tree because he is .‎ ‎2. My watch doesn’t keep good time. Something is with it.‎ ‎3. This question is so that none of them can answer it.‎ ‎4. She has a temperature, we’d better send for a doctor at once.‎ ‎5. We were all after climbing the hills.‎ ‎6. If you take more exercise, you can keep .‎ ‎7. The river is too deep. It’s to swim in it.‎ ‎8. He lived in the small village alone but he didn’t feel .‎ ‎9. He was all after a long walk in the rain.‎ ‎10. The boys made much noise in class and the teacher became .‎ ‎11. In the old days his parents couldn’t send him to school because they were very .‎ ‎12. The car is much too expensive. He hasn’t ‎ money to buy it.‎ ‎13. Walking on the moon is not as as on the earth.‎ ‎14. The things on the moon are much than these on the earth.‎ ‎15. Mary felt when she saw the strange thing with three legs.‎ ‎16. Tom looked so for he had lost his wallet.‎ ‎17. The bottle is . There’s nothing in it now.‎ ‎18. English isn’t to learn well, but it is so important. ‎ 二、 用所给形容词的适当形式填空。‎ ‎1. Jack is (young) than Mike. He is (young) boy in the family.‎ ‎2. Exercise One is quite (easy), but Exercise Two is much (easy). ‎ ‎3. The little girl is now much (happy) than she was two years ago.‎ ‎4. The noise is getting and (hard).‎ ‎5. That was one of the (excite) moments of 1982.‎ ‎6. This picture is (beautiful) than that one, but it is (expensive).‎ ‎7. We have a much (good) life now. We must make it (good) still.‎ ‎8. Jim spends a lot (much) time on Chinese than before.‎ ‎9. Her mother looks much (young) than she is.‎ ‎10. This thick dictionary is much (useful) than that thin one.‎ ‎11. She is always as (busy) as a bee.‎ ‎12. Please show me the (near) way to the post office.‎ ‎13. The student felt quite (pleasure) when he passed the exam.‎ ‎14. This is one of the (big) libraries in our city.‎ ‎15. If you want to be (healthy) than before, you must eat (little) and take more exercise.‎ ‎16. Which country has (large) population, America or Japan?‎ ‎17. The Yellow River is not so (long) as the Changjiang River. It is the second ‎ ‎(long) river in China.‎ ‎18. It seems that Li Lei is a little (tall) than Wu Dong. But Wu Dong looks much (strong).‎ ‎19. Many students think maths is (important) of all the sciences.‎ ‎20. The bottle has (little) water of the three.‎ 一、 选择填空。‎ ‎1. ——How much food do you want, Bob? ‎ ‎—— .‎ A. More, better B. More, the better ‎ C. The more, the better D. The more, the best ‎2. Do you want to have ?‎ A. else anything B. else something ‎ C. something else D. anything else ‎3. Chinese is spoken by of people in the world. ‎ A. largest number B. a large number ‎ C. the largest number D. a larger number ‎4. It’s nearly nine o’clock. We haven’t time.‎ A. many B. enough C. a little D. a lot ‎5. The number of the workers in this factory is than in that one.‎ A. fewer B. less C. large D. small ‎6. America is a country.‎ A. developed B. developing ‎ C. develop D. develops ‎7. Autumn is season of the year in Beijing.‎ A. best B. good C. better D. the best ‎8. Would you like some milk?‎ A. much B. many C. more D. most ‎9. She’s than you singing.‎ A. good; at B. better; in ‎ C. better; at D. good; in ‎10. There are boys but girls in Class 3 than in Class 2.‎ A. few; many B. fewer; more ‎ C. fewer; many D. few; more ‎11. The bus is to hold fifty people.‎ A. too big B. very big ‎ C. big enough D. enough big ‎12. There were shops in the city in 1982 than in 1990.‎ A. little B. few C. fewer D. less ‎13. My brother was to help me at the moment.‎ A. too busy B. very busy ‎ C. enough busy D. busy enough ‎14. My brother is to lift the heavy box.‎ A. strong enough B. enough strong ‎ C. strong too D. too strong ‎15. They are planting more and trees on the hills. ‎ A. more B. many C. less D. most ‎16. Shanghai is larger than in our county.‎ A. any city B. any other city ‎ C. the other city D. other cities ‎17. The teacher asks them to keep their eyes , so they cant’ see anything.‎ A. close B. open C. opened D. closed ‎18. I think a headache is a thing.‎ A. badly; terribly B. bad; terribly ‎ C. bad; terrible D. badly; terrible ‎19. This is story that everyone likes to read it.‎ A. such interested B. so an interested ‎ C. so interesting D. such an interesting ‎20. Don’t be to ask for help if you need it.‎ A. afraid B. careful ‎ C. worried D. alone ‎21. Suddenly, Edward came in and said he had to tell the class.‎ A. anything important B. important everything ‎ C. something important D. important something ‎22. There is milk left. We have to go and buy some at once.‎ A. a little B. a few C. few D. little ‎ ‎23. Liu Mei is in her class.‎ A. the second best girls B. the best second girls ‎ C. the second best girl D. the best second girl ‎24. Who are to learn new things, the old or the young?‎ A. the quick B. more quicker ‎ C. quicker D. the quickest ‎25. There are many tall and beautiful trees on sides of the road.‎ A. both B. all C. each D. every ‎26. The villagers have built a 800 bridge over the river.‎ A. –meter-long B. meter ‎ C. meters longer D. metres-long 副词 一、根据句意和所给的首字母,写出副词的完整形式。‎ ‎1. The boy fell off his bike and hurt himself b .‎ ‎2. “Why are late for school again?” the teacher asked a .‎ ‎3. I didn’t see m during the flight because there are t much cloud.‎ ‎4. He is s nice a person that we all like him.‎ ‎5. The words on the blackboard are so small that I can’t see them c .‎ ‎6. You can’t drive a car. I can’t e .‎ ‎7. Please speak l , I can’t hear you.‎ ‎8. The green lights don’t shine so b as the yellow ones.‎ ‎9. ——How f did he run? ——Two miles.‎ ‎10. Lucy studies Chinese h than Lily; so she does b in Chinese than Lily.‎ ‎11. He often takes a lift to go up and d .‎ ‎12. Then he gets o of the lift and climb u to the fifteenth floor on foot.‎ ‎13. Go along this road and turn r at the second crossing.‎ ‎14. I got up e and hurried to the station.‎ ‎15. The old man was too tired to walk any f .‎ ‎16. You don’t write so c as before.‎ ‎17. The truck hit the tree so h that it fell down.‎ ‎18. L I was at home when she called.‎ ‎19. Look! The kite is flying h and h .‎ ‎20. The children rushed n to their seats. ‎ ‎21. You came to school l in your class yesterday.‎ ‎22. Lucy did rather b . Mei mei did w . Lily did w of all.‎ ‎23. How w the little girl is dancing over there.‎ ‎24. My mother coughed t for the whole night.‎ ‎25. Old people must be spoken to p .‎ 二、选择填空。‎ ‎1. The room was shining in sunshine.‎ A. too B. either C. also D. nor ‎2. The you get ready, the you’ll be able to leave.‎ A. quicker; sooner B. more quickly; sooner ‎ C. more quickly; earlier D. more quick; earlier ‎3. Will you please say it again ?‎ A. more slowly B. much slowly ‎ C. too much slow D. much too slow ‎4. She worked no one knew she was there.‎ A. so quiet that B. so quietly ‎ C. so quietly that D. so quiet as ‎5. Shall we meet at 4:00? Let’s make it earlier.‎ A. a few B. a little ‎ C. few D. little ‎6. Lucy finished her homework ten last night.‎ A. less than B. later than ‎ C. early than D. fewer than ‎7. The light in the room was very poor. And the doctor wasn’t able to see .‎ A. clearly enough B. clear enough ‎ C. enough clearly D. enough clear ‎8. Wei Hua told me that Wu Dong was ill.‎ A. terrible B. very terrible ‎ C. terribly D. too terrible ‎9. ——Which do you like ? ‎ ‎——I prefer this one.‎ A. well B. best C. good D. better ‎10. The young policeman often looks after that old woman .‎ A. care B. careful C. carefully D. careless ‎11. Sam, please turn the radio a little. I’m talking with your uncle.‎ A. off B. on C. down D. up ‎12. Janet jumped than Linda at the sports meeting.‎ A. the highest B. high C. higher D. highest ‎13. Look! This boy isn’t working so as that girl.‎ A. hard B. harder C. hardest D. hardest ‎14. He ran and soon caught up with them.‎ A. fast enough B. enough fast C. faster enough D. enough faster

