四年级下英语4B unit1 课件

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四年级下英语4B unit1 课件

After school 2 Unit Period 1 Story time There are seven days in the song . S u nday M o nday Tuesday Wednesday Th ur sday Fr i day S a t ur day /ʌ / /ʌ / /ɜ: / /ai/ /æ/ / ɜ/ Mon. Tue. Wed. Thur. Fri. Morning Chinese English English Chinese Chinese Music Chinese Maths Maths Maths English Maths Chinese English English Afternoon PE Science Science Science PE Art Music Music Art Art Science PE PE Music Science … … … … … Our timetable After school Sunday=Sun. Monday=Mon. Tuesday=Tue. Wednesday=Wed. Thursday=Thur. Friday=Fri. Saturday=Sat. Sunday is the first day of a week. 1.What day is it today ? Let’s talk It’s…. 2.What lessons do we have this morning ? 3.What subjects do you like ? Why ? I like….,because it’s/they’re fun. We have …. Who’s this boy ? Story time Task1 Watch and choose 1.What would Liu Tao like to do after school? A B C 2.What day is it today ? 今天 星期几? What would Liu Tao like to do after school? A B C He would like to play table tennis. It’s Wednesday. What day is it today ? Story time Task 2 :Read and answer Su Hai has __________________ Mike has _________________ a swimming lesson. a football match. They can play table tennis on _____. S a t ur d ay have a basketball match have a skating lesson Story time What day is it today ? It’s Wednesday . Sorry, I have a football match today. Story time Sorry, I have a swimming lesson. Story time What a pity ! She has a swimming lesson too. Story time All right . Story time Read in roles. Consolidation 1. 当你想问今天星期几,可以说: 2. 当你拒绝他人的邀请,说自己有游泳课怎么说: 3. 当你想说麦克今天有音乐课,怎么说: 4. 当你想表达星期六不要上课,你怎么说: What day is it today ? Sorry. I have a swimming lesson . Mike has a Music lesson today . I don’t have any lessons on Saturday. Story time Let’s do the role play! Homework 1.Read and recite the story time. 朗读并背诵课文。 2.Copy the new words four times. 抄写新单词四遍。 After school 2 Unit Period 2 Fun time & Song time &Checkout time Story time What day is it today ? It’s Wednesday . Sorry, I have a football match today. Let’s review Story time Sorry, I have a swimming lesson today. Story time What a pity ! She has a swimming lesson too. Story time All right . Story time Fill in the blanks It’s today. Liu Tao would like to ( 想要 ) . But Mike a football . Su Hai and Su Yang have a _______ _______. They don’t have lessons on . So( 所以 )they will (将) go and play table tennis on Wednesday play table tennis has match swimming lesson any Saturday Saturday . Sing a song Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday What makes a week ? 是什么构成一个星期呢? Let’s sing 一周的日子 那就组成了一星期。 Let’s talk 1.What day is it today ? 3.What lessons do you have this afternoon? 2.What lessons do you have this morning? What lessons do you have on Monday ? What lessons do you have on ….? Tips : 在哪一天要用 on Thursday Morning Maths Chinese English Music Afternoon Art ME PE A: What day is it today ? B: It’s …. A: What lessons do you have …? B: I have /We have …. Fun time Checkout time Omework 1.Sing the song two times. 2. Do the exercise. After school 2 Unit Period3 Cartoon time, Sound time & Ticking time Sing a song What day is it today? It’s ... What lessons do you have this morning? I have… What lessons does he have this morning? He has… Do you have a swimming lesson after school? Yes, I do. / No, I don’t. Do you have a football match after school? Cartoon time He’s Mr. Chicken. Mr. Chicken & Bobby Watch and answer What day is it today? What day is it today? It’s Saturday. Read and answer when=what time 什么时候 get up 起床 I get up . I get up . Cartoon time at five at six Cartoon time Get up ! Get up ! Cartoon time Good morning ,Bobby .When do you get up every day ? At six. e very d ay 每天 Cartoon time Cartoon time What lessons do you have today ? What day is it ? Cartoon time Ah! I don’t have any lessons on Saturday! Let’s act. 两人小组试着分角色表演,语音语调正确,语气生动,表演形象。表现棒的小组将成为此次的明星小组,可以获得表扬信哦! I don’t have any lessons on S a turday . b _ g c __ p h_mburger s_ ndwich sn_ ck a a a a a a / æ / S_turday a a / æ / 你能说出更多含有 字母 a 并发 /æ/ 的单词吗? Sound time How does the boy ask? 男孩儿是怎么询问爸爸的? m a tch pl ay m a ngo st ay h a ppy p a nda s a lad a ny S a turday K a te f a t gr a pe h a ve a nimal m a ke sk a te /æ/ m a tch, m a ngo, h a ppy , p a nda, s a lad, S a turday, f a t, h a ve, a nimal /ei/ pl ay, st ay , K a te, gr a pe, m a ke, sk a te /e/ a ny Ticking time I can say the days of the week. I can use “have” and “has” to talk about the lessons . I know the sound of the letter “a”. 我会说一周的日子。 我会用“ have ”和“ has ”来谈论课。 我知道字母“ a ”的发音。 Read sound time in both unit 1 and unit2 and try to identify /æ/ and /ei/ in a word. Read cartoon time 2 times. Homework 我有一些苹果。 我们没有一些苹果。 你有一些面包。 他们没有一些 / 任何面包。 她有一个橙子。 她没有一个橙子。 他有一些葡萄。 他没有一些葡萄。 Helen 有许多课。 我的姐姐有四十支笔。

