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‎2018届 书面表达二轮复习 话题:父母之间 ‎8.陕西卷假定你是李华。在一个英文网络论坛上,你看到一个名叫Grown-up的中学生发帖(post)寻求帮助,请根据帖子内容,写作要点和要求回贴。‎ 写作要点: 1.告诉Grown-up要理解母亲;2.给Grown-up提出解决问题的具体建议。‎ ‎  要求:1.短文需写在答题卡的指定区域。2.短文词数不少于80(不含已写好的部分)‎ Hi, Grown-up,‎ ‎ As a student of your age, I understand your situation. The problem you are facing is common among our teenagers. However, it should be wise not to do anything that may hurt her feelings. Here are a few suggestions.‎ ‎ First, it’s advisable to talk more with your mom. Heart to heart talks help you understand each other better. They are also opportunities to let her know your ideas of and attitudes toward many things.‎ ‎ Second, you should learn to do your own things well, proving to your mom that you are already a “Grown-up”. It’s even better if you could share more of the housework, such as cleaning, washing and cooking.‎ Hope my idea will work. 【解析】审题1. 文体:应用文(电子邮件)。2. 主体时态:一般现在时。3. 主体人称:第二人称。4. 内容要点:① 问题介绍;②建议一;③建议二;④我的愿望。亮点句式:1. The problem you are facing is common among our teenagers.‎ ‎2.Here are a few suggestions.3.it’s advisable to talk more with your mom.‎ ‎4. They are also opportunities to let her know your ideas of and attitudes towards many things.5. Second, you should learn to do your own things well.‎ 最近你校开展了“敬重父母”的活动, 请你根据下表提示, 以“Learning to Respect Our Parents “为题为21st Century 写一则报道。字数:120字左右 主题 Learning to Respect Our Parents 宗旨 敬重父母是中华民族的传统美德(traditional moral value)‎ 现状 大多学生都是独生子女, 只注重自己, 不顾父母 决定 开展“敬重父母” 活动 措施 制定了10条规定(ten do’s),如:要记住父母的生日, 并向父母表示祝愿;父母回家时要与他们打招呼…‎ 效果 受到家长和社会各方面的好评和赞扬 Recently a program called “learning to respect our parents” is started in our school.‎ ‎_________________________________________________________________‎ ‎____________________________________________________________________________________________‎ Learning to Respect Our Parents ‎ Recently a program called “learning to respect our parents” is started in our school.‎ ‎ As we all know, respecting parents is one of China’s traditional moral value. However, as most students today are the only children in the family, they often regard themselves as the center of the family, not caring much for their parents. For the program, ten do’s have been worked out for the students to follow. For example, we are advised to remember our parents’ birthdays and express our good wishes to them. When leaving home, we should tell our parents what we will do. Besides, we are supposed to greet our parents when they return home.‎ ‎ The program has been very successful and has won a lot of praise from parents and other members of society.‎ 某英文网站正在就“青少年的秘密是否该让父母知道”展开讨论,征求网民意见。假如你是李华,请你给该网站写一封电子邮件,谈谈对该问题的看法。信的开头和结尾已写好。字数100左右,内容需包括以下几点:‎ ‎1.你的观点和做法。‎ ‎2.你的理由。‎ ‎3.你父母亲的反应。‎ Dear Sir or Madam:‎ I’m writing to express my attitude towards the topic“whether teenagers’ secrets should be kept from their parents”。‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ Best wishes!‎ Yours Sincerely Li Hua ‎ Dear Sir or Madam:‎ I’m writing to express my attitude towards the topic “whether teenagers’ secrets should be kept from their parents”.‎ As a teenager, I don’t see anything wrong in keeping secrets to ourselves. We teenagers are going through a special period of development both physically and psychologically. Exposed to a world of adults, it is only too natural for us to begin imitating adults’ behaviors in secret. That’s just part of growth. Keeping our secrets from our parents can provide us with a chance to experience the world on our own, which will surely exert a positive effect on our future development.‎ As for me, I do have my little secrets and rarely share them with my family. My parents are very understanding. They say they are glad that I’m beginning to have my own world. Instead of building a generation gap, this makes us feel even closer to each other. ‎ 作为中学生,我们应该如何理解父母对我们的严格要求和爱护呢?下面是三名高中生想对父母说的话,请你就此谈谈自己的看法。‎ One possible vemion:‎ In China children are the centre of each family.All parents wish their children,especially senior high students,could go to top universities and have a bright future.So they always expect their children to make full use of their time to study.They don’t allow them to watch TV,play the computer games or go out to play with their friends.Some students just complain that their parents are only concerned about their grades and not their other needs.‎ In my opinion,our parents are responsible for US.Perhaps they are sometimes too strict with us,but what they are doing is out of nothing but love.The most important thing,I think,is that we should learn to communicate with them.Find the right time for a talk,telling them that you’ll never let them down and will work harder to earn trust and respect from them. ‎ 春节即将来临,你打算用以往攒下的零花钱给父母买一件礼物。 请以“A present for my parents ”为题写一篇文章。 要点如下:‎ 1. 你送的礼物:一张健康俱乐部的贵宾卡;‎ 2. 父母的现状:父亲是教师, 工作很辛苦;母亲喜欢读书,但缺乏运动;‎ 3. 你送礼物的原因;‎ 4. 该礼物对他们可能产生的影响和带来的变化。‎ 词数:150左右。 文章的开头已经写好,不计入总词数。参考词汇:贵宾卡 a VIP card A present for my parents The Spring Festival is coming and I want to buy a present for my parents with my pocket money.‎ A present for my parents ‎ The Spring Festival is coming and I want to buy a presents with my pocket money.That is a VIP card of a health club.My fatner works ‎ hard as a teacher ,spending most of his time at school. I know he works with great effort and has little time to take exercise. My mother loves reading and often dives into piles of books , but she seldom goes out for exercise.‎ ‎ As I grow up, they are getting older. Both of them should exercise more but neither is doing enough.With the health club membership,I hope that they will find time to do more exercise.‎ ‎ I want to express my love and thanks to them by giving them this present.I think that they can relax themselves in the health club and make more friends there.At the same time, I hope with more exercise, they will enjoy better health. What’s more, they can spend more time with each other.‎ ‎ ‎

