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2019 届二轮复习 完形填空典题演练(一) ( 一 ) 考纲词汇过关 ( 练前预习,练中理解,练后巩固 ) description n . ______ vague adj . ________ earache n . ________ curiosity n . _______ admitting clerk ________ homeless adj . ________ 描述 含糊的 耳朵痛 好奇心 接待员 无家的 It was unusually quiet in the emergency room on December 25. I was triage nurse( 分诊护士 ) that day. I didn’t think there would be any 1 . Just then five bodies 2 at my desk, a pale woman and four small children. “Are you all sick?” I asked doubtfully. “Yes,” she said 3 and lowered her head. 1. A. people B. patients C. doctors D. nurses 2. A. lined up B. showed up C. came up D. went up 3. A. loudly B. gently C. weakly D. politely But when it came to descriptions of their presenting 4 , things got a little vague. Two of the children had headaches, but the headaches weren’t 5 by the normal body language of 6 the head or trying to keep it still. 4. A. problems B. Illness C. trouble D. headache 5. A. appeared B. Removed C. expressed D. accompanied 6. A. holding B. touching C. shaking D. bowing Two children had earaches, but only one could tell me which ear was 7 . The mother 8 of a cough but seemed to work to produce it. Something was 9 , but I didn’t say anything but explained that it might be a little while before a 10 saw her. 7. A. evaluated B. checked C. affected D. examined 8. A. thought B. accused C. heard D. reminded 9. A. strange B. surprising C. puzzling D. wrong 10. A. doctor B. nurse C. director D. worker She responded, “Take your time; it’s 11 here.” Out of curiosity, I 12 the chart after the admitting clerk had finished 13 the family. No address—they were 14 . The waiting room was warm. 11. A. warm B. cold C. friendly D. relaxing 12. A. saw B. Scanned C. checked D. discussed 13. A. outlining B. asking C. registering D. questioning 14. A. hopeless B. homeless C. jobless D. helpless I went back to the nurses’ 15 and mentioned we had a homeless family in the waiting room. The nurses, 16 about working Christmas, turned to compassion for a family 17 trying to get warm on Christmas. 15. A. desk B. room C. office D. station 16. A. thinking B. talking C. worrying D. dreaming 17. A. just B. actually C. simply D. still Offered a free meal in the hospital cafeteria on Christmas Day, we claimed( 索取 ) that meal and prepared a banquet ( 宴会 ) and some presents for our Christmas 18 . Later, as the family 19 to the door to leave, the four-year-old came running back, gave me a hug and 20 , “Thanks for being our angels today.” 18. A. patients B. friends C. workmates D. guests 19. A. hurried B. ran C. rushed D. walked 20. A. said B. announced C. whispered D. spoke 1. B 2. B 3. C 4. A 5. D 6. A 7. C 8. B 9. D 10. A 11. A 12. C 13. C 14. B 15. D 16. B 17. A 18. D 19. D 20. C (一)本文讲述了作者在一个圣诞节与护士站的其他护士用心接待了一个妈妈带着四个孩子来医院取暖的故事。 1. B 选项: people 人们; patient 病人; doctor 医生; nurse 护士。从第一、二句“ …the emergency room…triage nurse” 这个语义场可知来这里的应该是病人,故选 B 项。 2. B 选项: line up 排成一行; show up 出席、到场; come up 上来; go up 上升。根据此时句意应可知有五个人突然出现在作者的桌子边上,应该选 B 项。 3. C 选项: loudly 大声地; gently 温柔地; weakly 虚弱地; politely 礼貌地。前文提到这个妇女带着四个孩子来医院,可知是来“看病”的,并且此句后面的“ and lowered her head” 可知 loudly , politely 都不符合语境,故答案选 C 项。 4. A 选项: problem 问题; illness 疾病; trouble 困难; headache 头痛。从后文的“ homeless , warm…” 等词可知这一家人来医院是来取暖的,不是为了看病,故 B 、 C 、 D 都不符合句意。 5. D 选项: appear 出现; remove 移动; express 表达; accompany 伴随。从文中原句可知孩子说头痛,但却没有头痛的病人通常做的一些肢体动作,选“伴随”指头痛随之而来的症状。 6. A 选项: hold 扶着; touch 接触; shake 摇; bow 低头。前文提到两个孩子说“头痛”,但并没有表现出头痛病人常用的扶着头的症状,故选项 A 能准确描述出当时的症状。 7. C 选项: evaluate 评价; check 检查; affect 影响; examine 检查。从本句前半句可知两个孩子说耳朵痛,但却只有一个孩子能说出哪只耳朵是有问题的,孩子们并没有接受医生的检查,故答案选 C“ 影响”最接近原句意思。 8. B 选项: think 想起; accuse 指责; hear 听; remind 提醒。“妈妈”抱怨自己得了咳嗽。 9. D 选项: strange 奇怪的; surprising 惊讶的; puzzling 迷惑的; wrong 错误的。从上文一家五口对病情的描述及个人的表现,让作者起了怀疑,猜测有什么事情“出错了”,故选 D 项。 10. A 选项: doctor 医生, nurse 护士, director 院长, worker 工人;根据前文提示及此句语境可知护士向这一家五口解释还有一会才有医生来看他们。 11. A 选项: warm 温暖的; cold 寒冷的, friendly 友好的, relaxing 放松的。从下一段最后一句“ The waiting room was warm” 可知此处应该选 A ,与后文呼应。 12. C 选项: see 看见, scan 浏览, check 检查, discuss 讨论;从此题原句可知作者去查阅病人所填的登记信息,故选 C 项。 13. C 选项: outline 概述, ask 询问, register 登记, question 质问;从句子“ …after the admitting clerk had finished…the family” 可知接待员已经完成的是这一家五口的登记信息,所以选 C 项。 14. B 选项: hopeless 无望的, homeless 无家可归的, jobless 失业的, helpless 无助的。从本句“ No address… ” 可知答案为 B 项。 15. D 选项: desk 桌子, room 房间, office 办公室, station 站;从故事发生场所在医院,作者是护士可以推测出此处应该用“ station” 。 the nurses’ station 护士站。 16. B 选项: think 想, talk 谈论, worry 担忧, dream 梦想;从文章的第一段作者提到圣诞在急诊室上班,异常安静(没什么病人),和本句所提的在圣诞工作,可以推测出此时,上班的护士们是在谈论在过节时还要值班,故选 B 项。 17. A 选项: just 仅仅, actually 实际地; simply 简单地, still 仍然地。护士们谈论圣诞节还要上班,而这一家五口“病人”来医院只是为了取暖,故选 A 项。 18. D 选项: patient 病人; friend 朋友; workmate 同事, guest 客人。从前文信息可知这一家人是来医院取暖的,本身并不是不舒服来看病,所以排除答案 A 和 C ;又从本题所在句护士们去领免费的晚饭并准备礼物是为了招待这特殊的一家子,故选 D 合适。 19. D 选项: hurry 匆忙地, run 跑, rush 冲, walk 走。这句是说这家人在医院受护士的热情招待后离开, A 、 B 和 C 三项都是指急着走,与后文四岁小孩返回来找作者说话的情况不符。 20. C 选项: say 说, announce 宣布, whisper 低声说, speak 讲。小孩给了作者一个拥抱,并在作者耳边说感谢作者,应该是说悄悄话。 ( 二 ) 考纲词汇过关 ( 练前预习,练中理解,练后巩固 ) factor v . ___________________ n . ______ travelling expense__________ credit record ___________ specific adj . _______________ departure time ___________ in debt ______ beforehand adv . _______ high season ______ 把 …… 作为因素计入 因素 旅行费用 信用记录 明确的,特定的 出发时间 负债 预先 旺季 off season ______ swap n. & v. ______ be keen to do ________ policy number __________ urgently adv . _________ souvenir n . _________ pursue v . ______ 淡季 交换 渴望做 保单号码 紧急地 纪念品 追求 Holidays are expensive, but do they always need to be? Once you factor( 考虑 ) in travelling expenses, you are often 1 at thousands of dollars. However, with these tips, you can have a great holiday without 2 your credit record. 1. A. pointing B. shouting C. working D. looking 2. A. using B. Improving C. ruining D. keeping Stay with friends. Saving on accommodation costs can make an impossible holiday 3 . Buy groceries( 生活用品 ) , leave money for possible expenses and be 4 about departure time. Start a holiday fund. All the pleasure of the holiday will 5 if you return in serious debt. 3. A. possible B. necessary C. unusual D. unforgettable 4. A. particular B. specific C. enthusiastic D. anxious 5. A. improve B. disappear C. develop D. imply To avoid this, try and 6 most of the money beforehand. That way, you will always have something to 7 to. Take the bus. 8 you are travelling alone, it will be cheaper to take the bus. As petrol has become so expensive, it can 9 the cost of a holiday. 6. A. save B. lay C. pay D. seek 7. A. make contributions B. get down C. get used D. look forward 8. A. Unless B. Though C. If D. Because 9. A. double B. keep C. reduce D. promote 10 high season destinations. Off season holidays can be great and you do not have to 11 anywhere. 10. A. Find B. Escape C. Leave D. Avoid 11. A. quarrel B. quit C. queue D. quake Do a house swap. Many overseas travelers do this, but there is no reason why you cannot do this 12 . Use your Facebook page to find someone you know who is 13 to do this, if you are frightened to do this with total 14 . 12. A. quietly B. locally C. generally D. finally 13. A. afraid B. keen C. satisfied D. punctual 14. A. foreigners B. customers C. passengers D. strangers Don’t buy souvenirs. They mostly just 15 full of dust and they are always 16 . If you need to take gifts to your friends, take them 17 from your hometown. 15. A. end up B. put up C. make up D. hang up 16. A. overcome B. overvalued C. overpriced D. overheard 17. A. something B. anything C. everything D. nothing In that case, you are much less likely to be 18 . Take insurance details with you. It’s 19 to take your policy number with you for you never know when you need to 20 them urgently. 18. A. kept off B. sent away C. taken in D. put up 19. A. convenient B. easy C. unnecessary D. wise 20. A. impact B. contact C. react D. touch 1. D 2. C 3. A 4. B 5. B 6. A 7. D 8. C 9. A 10. D 11. C 12. B 13. B 14. D 15. A 16. C 17. A 18. C 19. D 20. B (二)旅游已经成为一种时尚,但费用不菲。本文作者建议我们:做好规划,掌握技巧,能避免因刷爆信用卡而负债累累,真正体验旅游的乐趣。 1. D 选项:四个选项都可以和 at 搭配, point at 指着,指向; shout at 对 …… 喊叫; work at 从事于。根据前文的 expenses 和后文的 dollars 可知,此处 look at “考虑”符合。 2. C 选项: use 使用; improve 提高; ruin 毁掉; keep 保持;根据前文 However, with these tips ,以及后面的 record 可知此处意为:因爆刷信用卡,而使得信用受损,故 ruining 合适。 3. A 选项: possible 可能的; necessary 必要的; unusual 非同寻常的; unforgettable 难忘的,根据前文 Saving on accommodation costs 以及 impossible ,可知此处是:“变不可能为可能的”。 4. B 选项: be particular about 讲究;对 …… 很挑剔; be specific about 明确的;特定的; be enthusiastic about 热衷于;对 …… 很有激情; be anxious about 担心 …… ;根据本段主题词: Stay with friends. 其目的就是为了节省钱,明确离开日期,不拖延也是省钱方法。 5. B 选项: improve 提高; disappear 消失; develop 发展; imply 暗示,由空后的 “if you return in serious debt” 可知,若归来时负债累累,则旅游的乐趣荡然无存。 6. A 选项: save 储蓄; lay 放置; pay 支付; seek 寻找,根据前文 “To avoid this,” 及后面的 beforehand ,可知此处应为 save, 从而未雨绸缪。 7. D 选项:四个选项均可与 to 构成短语 make contributions to 为 …… 做出贡献; get down to 着手处理 …… ; get used to 习惯于; look forward to 期盼着 …… 。由第一段中的 with these tips, 可知本文是介绍省钱技巧,结合本段的“未雨绸缪”( save ) , 避免了旅游归来后的负债担忧,因而旅游成为可“期盼”之美事。 8. C 句意:“假如( if )”你单独旅游,乘坐公共汽车会更便宜些。故此处选 C 项。 9. A 选项: double 加倍; keep 保持; reduce 减少; promote 促进。由前文中 As petrol has become so expensive ,可知:高油价使得旅游开支翻倍。 10. D 选项: find 发现; escape 逃离; leave 离开; avoid 避开,由后文中的 high season destinations 及 Off season holidays 对比可知, “避开旺季旅游目的地”是省钱上策。 11. C 选项: quarrel 吵架; quit 停止; queue 排队; quake 震动;颤抖。在旅游淡季当然不需要处处排队等候了。 12. B 选项: quietly 悄悄地; locally 在本地; generally 通常; finally 终于。作者前文提到 Do a house swap. Many overseas travelers do this ,因此“你”完全有理由在本地照做。 13. B 选项: afraid 担心的; keen 渴望的; satisfied 满意的; punctual 准时的。后文中 “if you are frightened to do this” 可以推知:可以在你认识的人中选择那些“乐意” do house swap 的人。 14. D 选项: foreigner 外国人; customer 客户; passenger 旅客; stranger 陌生人。此处意为:如果你不敢与完全陌生的人交换住处,你可以在认识的人中选择。 15. A 选项: end up 结束; put up 建造;举起; make up 组成; hang up 搁置;挂起。作者整篇文章意在教我们省钱之道。本段重点提醒不要买纪念品,因为这些东西往往最后积满灰尘,被人遗忘。 16. C 选项: overcome 克服; overvalue 估价过高; overprice 定价过高; overhear 无意中听到。结合语境,可推知:纪念品既无用又漫天要价。 17. A 选项: something 某物; anything 任何东西; everything 一切东西; nothing 无物,根据文脉可知,若需带礼品给朋友, something from your hometown 为明智之选。 18. C 选项: keep off 远离; send away 打发,派遣; take in 欺骗,吸收; put up 挂起,贴起,举起。结合本段主题,作者告诉我们:不买纪念品可以避免“上当受骗”。 19. D 选项: convenient 方便的; easy 容易的,轻松的; unnecessary 没有必要的; wise 明智的。由下半句的 you never know when you need to 20 them urgently. 可知此处带着保单是“明智的” (wise) 举动。 policy number 保单号码。 20. B 选项: impact 影响; contact 联系; touch 触摸;接触; react 反应。前文中 Take insurance details with you 和后面 urgently 都可帮助考生确定此处应为:紧急情况下联系保险公司。 ( 三 ) 考纲词汇过关 ( 练前预习,练中理解,练后巩固 ) titled adj . ___________ conclusion n . ______ positive adj . ________ argue v . _____ dealer n . _____ enable v . ________ broke adj . _________ definition n . ______ 有标题的 结论 积极的 争论 商人 使能够 破产的 定义 catch one’s attention _________________ for example ______ tend to __________ deal with ____________ millions of _____________ have an influence on _______ from around the world ____________ have nothing to do with ____________ 吸引某人的注意 例如 倾向于 涉足,处理 数以百万计 影响 来自全世界 与 …… 无关 I come across an interesting article titled “What is success?” . It comes to the 1 that success should be 2 as the positive influence his work will have upon the lives of other people. 1. A. destination B. decision C. judgement D. conclusion 2. A. measured B. examined C. showed D. treated The article 3 my attention because I have the exact 4 opinion. For example, most people tend to equate success with 5 . That is, the more money you 6 , the more successful you are. 3. A. brought B. Ignored C. caught D. reminded 4. A. same B. different C. right D. opposite 5. A. personality B. money C. reputation D. achievement 6. A. raise B. lend C. make D. borrow But under this 7 one could argue that a drug dealer 8 makes millions of dollars annually is a very successful person. I don’t 9 with this. 7. A. discussion B. construction C. definition D. determination 8. A. who B. which C. what D. how 9. A. deal B. struggle C. prevent D. agree I could give you that such drug dealer is a savvy ( 精明的 ) businessman, 10 I wouldn’t call him successful, because the influence he 11 on the life of other people is actually a very 12 one. Now take Linus Torvalds as 13 example. 10. A. because B. but C. if D. since 11. A. put B. has C. give D. impress 12. A. previous B. Awful C. meaningful D. optimistic 13. A. others B. other C. another D. the other He is the founder of the Linux movement, which 14 one of the most successful open source projects ( 开源项目 ) to date, and enabled millions of people to use a free and very 15 operating system. 14. A. created B. followed C. formed D. occurred 15. A. accessible B. convenient C. accomplished D. reliable I am not sure how rich he is, but 16 he was broke I would call him a 17 person, because he had a 18 influence on the lives of people from around the world. 16. A. so that B. even if C. in case D. now that 17. A. peaceful B. thankful C. successful D. thoughtful 18. A. huge B. surprised C. humorous D. flexible Money is welcome, but I don’t think it is the only nor the main thing we should 19 .Success has nothing to do with money but positive 20 to others. 19. A. catch up with B. consist of C. take away D. insist on 20. A. wealth B. honor C. relief D. influence 1. D 2. A 3. C 4. A 5. B 6. C 7. C 8. A 9. D 10. B 11. B 12. B 13. C 14. A 15. D 16. B 17. C 18. A 19. D 20. D (三)什么是成功?作者认为成功与金钱没有什么关系,而是指一个人的工作对他人产生了巨大的积极的影响。 1. D 选项: destination 目的地; decision 决定; judgement 判断; conclusion 结论。从后面句子可知,这是作者所看到的文章的“结论”。 come to the conclusion 得出结论。 2. A 选项: measure 衡量; examine 检测; show 展示; treat 对待。这里指“衡量”成功的准则。 3. C 选项: bring 带来; ignore 忽视; catch 抓住; remind 提醒。这个结论“抓住”了作者的注意力。 4. A 选项: same 相同的; different 不同的; right 正确的; opposite 相反的。 从文章最后一段可知,这是作者所看到的文章的结论与作者的想法是正好“相同”的。 5. B 选项: personality 个性; money 金钱; reputation 名誉; achievement 成就。根据后文“ the more money you” 提示可知,很多人将成功与“金钱”等同。 6. C 选项: raise 筹集; lend 借出; make 获得; borrow 向别人借。很多人认为“赚钱”越多的人越成功。 make money 赚钱。 7. C 选项: discussion 讨论; construction 建设; definition 定义; determination 决定。为了反驳上一题中很多人对成功的“定义”,作者给出了毒贩商的例子。 8. A 选项: who 谁; which 哪一个; what 什么; how 怎样。 这里引导定语从句,先行词是 the drug dealer ,且在从句中作主语,所以用 who 。 9. D 选项: deal 处理; struggle 奋斗; prevent 防止; agree 同意。如果金钱等于成功,那么毒贩商就会被 认为是成功的人,作者当然不“同意”。 10. B 选项: because 因为; but 但是; if 如果; since 自从。前后句是转折关系。作者称毒贩商为精明的商人,“但是”不是成功的人。 11. B 选项: put 放置; have 有; give 给; impress 给人印象。这里考查短语 have influence on 的用法。 12. B 选项: previous 先前的; awful 极坏的; meaningful 有意义的; optimistic 乐观的。毒贩商不能被称为成功的人,是因为他们对其他人的影响不是积极的,而是“极坏的”。 13. C 选项: others 其他人 , 其他物; other 另外的; another 又一个; the other( 两者中的 ) 另一个。这里表达引用“又一个”例子的意思。 14. A 选项: create 创造; follow 跟随; form 形成; occur 发生。根据语境, the Linux movement 为数据“创造”出了一个开放源项目。 15. D 选项: accessible 可接入的; convenient 方便的; accomplished 完成的; reliable 可靠的。这样的项目使数百万人可以使用免费且“可靠的”操作系统。 16. B 选项: so that 因此; even if 即使; in case 万一; now that 既然。从上题可知, Linus Torvalds 为数百万人带来便利,所以作者认为,“即使”他破产了,他也会被认为是“成功”的人。 17. C 选项: peaceful 和平的; thankful 感恩的; successful 成功的; thoughtful 深思的。由上题可知正确选项。 18. A 选项: huge 巨大的; surprised 惊讶的; humorous 幽默的; flexible 灵活的。 Linus Torvalds 被认为是成功的人,是因为他对人们的生活产生了“巨大的”影响。 19. D 选项: catch up with 追上; consist of 由 …… 组成; take away 带走; insist on 坚持。结合作者态度,可以知道,作者认为金钱不应该成为人们唯一或主要的“坚持”。 20. D 选项: wealth 财富; honor 荣誉; relief 安慰; influence 影响。文中多次提到,成功是与对他人的积极的“影响”有关。 ( 四 ) 考纲词汇过关 ( 练前预习,练中理解,练后巩固 ) magician n . ________ soften vt . __________________ beloved adj . ________ treasure n . _________________ guitarist n . _______ master’s degree __________ golden-haired adj . ________ 魔术师 减轻,使 …… 变软 可爱的 宝贝,财富,宝藏 吉他手 硕士学位 金发的 replace vt . _______ be cut short ______________ be much for ________________ roll around _______ get over _______ be thankful for ____________ resolution n . ____________ 代替 砍断,英年早逝 对 …… 很有兴趣 来临 摆脱 因 …… 感谢 决定,决议 It was almost New Year’s Eve 2000,and the nation was getting ready to celebrate the dawn of a new decade, but my husband, Don, and I could care less. In July of 1999,my husband and I 1 our beloved 28-year-old son when he fell asleep at the wheel. He was our proud classical 2 with a master’s degree in music. 1. A. woke up B. drove C. lost D. missed 2. A. astronaut B. architect C. author D. guitarist He was our handsome, golden-haired 3 that could never be replaced, but his bright future was 4 too short. We never were much for New Year’s Eve 5 . Oh, we’d got together with 6 and raised a glass or two over the years on various New Year’s Eve. 3. A. magician B. treasure C. jewellery D. customer 4. A. dead B. cut C. realised D. destroyed 5. A. celebrations B. decorations C. plans D. decisions 6. A. God B. friends C. actresses D. journalists 7 the holidays in 1999 and 2000 were some of the 8 days of our entire lives. When you are in early 9 , you continuously recall the death of your 10 one. 7. A. Because B. After C. But D. So 8. A. toughest B. most boring C. most exciting D. most relaxing 9. A. childhood B. surprise C. sorrow D. century 10. A. respected B. elder C. younger D. loved We felt far from 11 as New Year’s Eve rolled around. I had watched a series of Dr Phil where a mother who lost a 12 just also could not get over her sorrow. I remembered Dr Phil saying: “you had eighteen 13 years with your daughter. You need to 14 the wonderful time you had together.” 11. A. happiness B. sadness C. concern D. anger 12. A. son B. boy C. daughter D. friend 13. A. beautiful B. wonderful C. hard D. sad 14. A. spend B. prepare C. find D. celebrate I knew I was also learning to be 15 for the years I had with my 16 .I realized I could have lost him as a baby, a young child, a teenager… but I was 17 with 28 years! 15. A. fit B. ready C. thankful D. anxious 16. A. partners B. relatives C. husband D. child 17. A. fortunate B. unlucky C. smart D. unique I stayed awake to welcome 2005,knowing it would be an even 18 year. I could make it my resolution to take forward with the wonderful memories of my son, the ones that make me 19 and help to soften the 20 a little more each year. 18. A. stressful B. better C. worse D. busier 19. A. smile B. cry C. scream D. embarrassed 20. A. joy B. confusion C. amusement D. pain 1. C 2. D 3. B 4. B 5. A 6. B 7. C 8. A 9. C 10. D 11. A 12. C 13. B 14. D 15. C 16. D 17. A 18. B 19. A 20. D (四)本文叙述了一对夫妇因车祸痛失爱子的悲痛心情,以及随着时间的推移,如何走出悲伤阴影,重新面对生活。 1. C 选项: wake up 叫醒; drive 驾驶; lose 失去; miss 思念,错过。由下文的“ recall the death” 和“ I realized I could have lost him as a baby…” 推断出应是因车祸失去儿子。 2. D 选项: astronaut 宇航员; architect 建筑师; author 作者; guitarist 吉他手。由下文的“取得音乐硕士学位”判断。 3. B 选项: magician 魔术师; treasure 宝贝,财富; jewellery 珠宝,首饰; customer 顾客。由本句 could never be replaced 判断。 4. B 选项: dead 死亡的; cut 切断,中断; realize 实现; destroy 破坏。由本句“前途无量,英年早逝”判断。 5. A 选项: celebration 庆祝活动; decoration 装饰品; plan 计划; decision 决定。“(虽然)从来不喜欢除夕的庆祝活动,但还是会喝上一两杯。” 6. B 选项: God 上帝; friend 朋友; actress 女演员; journalist 记者。“与朋友相聚,共庆新年”。 7. C 选项: because 因为; after 在 …… 之后; but 但是; so 因此。表示痛失爱子后心情的变化。 8. A 选项: toughest 最坚韧的,最艰难的; most boring 最乏味的; most exciting 最激动人心的; most relaxing 最轻松的。由上下文判断:失去儿子后的新年是一生中最惨淡悲凉的节日。 9. C 选项: childhood 儿童时代; surprise 吃惊; sorrow 悲伤; century 世纪。“刚失去亲人不久,逝者的情景不断地在脑海中呈现。” 10. D 选项: respected 受尊敬的; elder 更大的; younger 更小的; loved 可爱的。“ one” 指代上文的 “ our beloved 28-year-old son” . 11. A 选项: happiness 幸福; sadness 悲伤; concern 关心; anger 愤怒。由前文判断,此处应是:随着新年的来临,我们感觉远离幸福。 12. C 选项: son 儿子; boy 男孩; daughter 女儿; friend 朋友。由下文的“ with your daughter” 判断。 13. B 选项: beautiful 美丽的; wonderful 欢快的,精彩的; hard 艰难的,难的; sad 伤心的。由下文的 “wonderful time you had together” 可判断。 14. D 选项: spend 度过,花费; prepare 准备; find 找到,发现; celebrate 庆祝。“你和你女儿已经度过了 18 年的快乐时光,你应该庆幸才是。” 15. C 选项: fit 合适的; ready 准备好的; thankful 感谢的; anxious 担心的。 16. D 选项: partner 同伴; relative 亲戚; husband 丈夫; child 孩子。承接上文:(所以)我也应该学会感恩,感恩曾和儿子度过的美好时光。 17. A 选项: fortunate 幸运的; unlucky 不幸的; smart 聪明的; unique 独一无二的。“既是感恩,便是幸运。” 18. B 选项: stressful 有压力的; better 更好的; worse 更差的; busier 更忙的。由上文的“ stayed awake to welcome” 判断。 19. A 选项: smile 微笑; cry 哭; scream 尖叫; embarrassed 尴尬的。由上文的“感恩”,“迎接”判断。 20. D 选项: joy 开心; confusion 困惑; amusement 娱乐,乐趣; pain 痛苦,疼痛。由本句的 “help to soften…” 可判断。 THANK YOU!

