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人教版四年级英语上册期中考试测试卷 听力部分 一、选出你所听到的单词,把序号填在括号里 ( )1. A. fort B.corn C.lord ( )2. A. horse B.port C. fork ( )3. A. dine B. dinner C. ruler ( )4. A. worker B. dancer C. tiger ( )5. A. card B. park C.bar 二、根据你所听到的内容选择正确的图片,把序号填在括号里 1.( ) 2.( ) 3.( ) A B A B A B 4.( ) 5.( ) A B A B 三、选择你所听到的单词或词组完成句子,把序号填在括号里 ( )1. Do you often play basketball ? _______. A. Yes,I do. B. No, I don't. ( )2. I like _____. I also like ______. A. running B. jumping rope C. feeding the fish D. ping-pong ( )3. Are you good at it ? A. Yes,I am B. No,I am not. ( )4.hat do you do on the weekend ? I often _________. A. climb a hill B. go to the ciema ( )5. How do you usually go to school ? I usually go to school _______ . A. by bike B. on foot 笔试部分 四、 找出划线部分读音不同的单词,把序号填在括号里 ( )1. A. farm B. cat C.car D. park ( )2. A. worker B. horse C.lord D.fork ( )3. A. water B. ruler C.singer D.dance ( )4. A.no B.hot C.old D.nose ( )5. A.he B.we C.red D.me 五、选择填空,把序号写在题号前的括号里 ( )1. Do you often ______? A. pick fruit B. picking fruit C.jumping rope ( )2. Do you often running ? No,I ______. A. am B. am not C. don't ( )3. Are you good at? Yes, I ______. A. am B. am C. can ( ) 4. My grandfather likes _________. A. run B. running. C.play ping-pong ( ) 5. _______do you do on the weekend ? I often go fishing. A. Where B. How C. What ( ) 6. I often visit ______ grandparents on the weekend. A. his B. my C. your ( ) 7. I often go to school _______. I can read my books on the train. A. by train. B. on foot C. by bike ( ) 8. how do you usually go to school ? A. I usually go to the park by car. B. I often pick fruit on the weekend. C. I usually go to school by subway. 六、看图,读词组,请将词组写在与其相对应的图片下 go fishing roller skating go to the cinema by plane by school bus play computer games go to a drawing club ________________ ________________ _________________ ___________________ _________________ __________________ 七、读短文,根据短文内容判断正(T)误(F) My name is Sue. I am 9 years old. I like drawing and basketball. So I often go to a drawing club on Saturday and play basketball on Sunday. My father often goes fishing on the weekend. My mother often reads books on the weekend. What about you? ( ) 1. Sue often goes to a drawing club on Saturday. ( ) 2. Sue often goes to drawing club on Sunday. ( ) 3. Sue is nine years old. ( ) 4. Sue's father often goes fishing on the weekend. ( ) 5. Sue's mother often play computer games on the weekend. 七、阅读短文,根据短文内容完成表格. I am Jane. I usually go to school on foot. My mom usually goes to work by bike.My dad goes to work by car. This is Sisi,she is my friend. She usually goes to school by subway. This is Tom,he usually goes to school by taxi. name Jane Jane’s mom Jane’s dad Sisi Tom transportation 八、补充短文,完成自我介绍,可参照方框内的提示词. China, running, basketball, ping-pong, jumping ropr, fun, interesting go fishing, go roller skating, go to the cinema, by bike, by bus, on foot I am _________ . I am from _______ . I am ______ years old. I like _________. I also like ________. It's _______. I often _________ on the weekend. I usually go to school _________. How do you usually go to school. 九、 在四线三格内正确抄写问句并回答 1. What do you do on the weekend ? 2. Do you often play ping-pong ? 3. How do you usually go to the park ? 义务教育新起点三年级上册英语期中测试 Class _______ Name _________ No. ____________ 1、 Listen and choose. 听音,选择你所听到的内容 ( ) 1. ( ) 2. A B A B ( ) 3. ( ) 4. A B A B ( ) 5. ( ) 6. A B A B ( ) 7. ( ) 8. A B A B 二、Listen and tick 听录音,打勾 breakfas t lunch dinner 三、Listen and choose 听音,选择正确的词 1. ( ) A. map B. tap 2. ( ) A. jet B. wet 3. ( ) A. fit B. hit 4. ( ) A. head B. hair 5. ( ) A. bread B. meat 6. ( ) A. your B.year 四、Listen and write 听录音,写一下 1.My is Bill. I’m nine years old. 2.I have a . He is a . 3.A: What’s the matter? B: My hurts. 4. Look at the . It’s very fat. 五、listen and tick 听句子,选择正确的答句,在括号内打勾。 1. A. My hand hurts. ( ) B. It’s Monday. ( ) 2. A. It’s spring. ( ) B. It’s sunny. ( ) 3. A. Yes, I do. ( ) B. Yes, I can. ( ) 4. A. I’m nine years old. ( ) B. I want some noodles. ( ) 5. A. Nice to meet you. ( ) B. Six. ( ) Writing section (笔试部分) 六、Choose the answer 请你为问句找到正确的回答 ( ) What’s your name? A. I’m nine years old. ( ) Which class are you in? B. I want some meat and rice. ( ) What’s the matter? C. I’m in class five. ( ) How old are you? D. My name is Sue. ( ) What do you want for dinner? E. My arm hurts. 七、Look and communication 根据图片进行情景交流 ( ) 1.—— Do you like ice-cream?. ——_________________. A. No, I didn’t. B. I want some ice-cream. C. Yes, I do. ( ) 2. I’m ________. I’m ________ years old. A. Li Mei, eight B. Zhao Li, nine C. Li Mei, nine ( ) 3. He is dog. His ______ hurts. A. ear B. arm C. head ( ) 4. I have two ______ and two legs. 5. ——What do you want? —— I want some _______. A. chicken and meat B. potatoes and tomatoes C. bread an eggs 八、 Read、Think and Write 读一读,想一想,写一写 1. Wu Jun wants some . 2. Liu Nan wants some and . 3. Wang Kai wants some and .

