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2020 最新高考英语模拟试卷 第一部分:英语知识运用(共两节,满分 45 分) 第一节:单项填空(共 15 小题,每小题 1 分,满分 15 分) 从 A.B.C.D 四个选项中没,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 1.— Would you mind moving over a little ? I have to pass here . --____ I'd like to help . A. Not in the slightest B. Don't mention it C. Never mind D. At you r service 2.Our company is seeking for a manager, especially _____ with creativity and imagination . A. the one B. each C. one D. that 3.It's supposed to be the end of the paperback and the ____ of digital media ,but some bookstores are surviving the Internet age with surprising success. A. deadline B. dawn C. dusk D. departure 4.— Good morning . May I help around . --No, thank you . I'm just looking around . A. it's up to you B. How are you feeling today C. Thanks for coming to see me D. Take your time then 5.Once you 've _____ the items you ordered , put this record in your file . A. checked in B. checked off C. checked out D. checked with 6.This was returned because the person_____ this letter was addressed had died three years ago. A. to whom B. to which C. which D. whom 7.The scientist does not study nature _____ it is useful to do so . He studies it because he takes pleasure in it . A. until B. because C. though D. unless 8.Days later ,my brother called to say he was all right , but ____ say where he was . A. mustn't B. shouldn't C. wouldn't D. mightn't 9.The real reason why prices ____ , and still are ,too high is complex , and no short discussion can satisfactorily explain this problem . A. were B. will be C. have been D. had been 10.Hearing the news , she rushed out , ______ the book ____ on the table and disappeared into the distance . A. left , lain open B. left ,lay opened C. leaving ,lie opened D. leaving ,lying open 11.This house is almost ____ to the one where I lived as a child . A. identical B. manual C. chilly D. enthusiastic 12. The new product is beyond all praise and has quickly taken over the market ____ its superior quality. A. in terms of B. on account of C. on behalf of D. on top of 13._____ some teenagers don't realize is ____ difficult life can be after they get addicted to drugs . A. that ,how B. which, what a C. what ,what D. what ,how 14.Is it he or you _____ in charge of the job and supposed to complete it punctually ? A. who is B. that is C. who are D. whom are 15.— What happened to the young trees we planted last week ? --The trees ____ well ,but I didn't water them A. might grow B. needn't have grown C. would have grown D. would grow 第二节:完形填空(共 20 小题,每小题 1.5 分,满分 30 分) 阅读下面短文,从 16 ~35 各题所给的 A.B.C.D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项。 Songs bring us through our life. Each time I listen to my favorite song Reach, I am deeply-16- by its lyrics( 歌词 ): "If I could reach, higher, just for one moment touch the sky." When we hear this-17- song sung by Gloria Estefan, we can-18- imagine how she managed to to the stage after her serious back injury. In 1990, this Cuban singer was -19-down in a terrible traffic accident, and the doctor-20- that she might never walk again. But Gloria did not and kept on working hard towards her -21-.Just one year after the disaster-23-, she stood up again and-24- this encouraging song at the Atlanta Olympics. Whenever I think of Gloria, a-25-comes back to me. When I entered university, naturally shy, ordinary looking, and with-26-scores in my lessons, just like an ugly duckling, I seemed to be the-27-outstanding one in my class. Continuous failures drove me into-28-. "Am I to take a back seat to everyone else?"-29- to give in to such a fate, I spared no efforts to work on my lessons and joined in many-30-, such as English speech contests, recitals, and dramas. I just wanted to catch every little opportunity to-31-myself. My constant efforts finally paid off. I received some -32-.More importantly, I -33-courage and confidence to face any difficulty in my journey through life. -34- is just like farming. You -35-what you sow. Once you have a dream, don't hesitate. Keep moving. 16.A: convinced B: disturbed C: impressed D: discouraged 17. A: entertaining B: inspiring C: boring D: puzzling 18.A: easily B: simply C: finally D: hardly 19. A: knocked B: cut C: pulled D: turned 20.A: knocked B: cut C: pulled D: turned 21.A: argued B: declared C: doubted D: added 22. A: give away B: give back C: give out D: give up 23.A. happened B. ended C. lasted D. returned 24..A: wrote B: recorded C: presented D: covered 25.A: fancy B: view C: memory D: question 26.A: standard B: poor C: high D: excellent 27.A: most B: more C: least D: very 28.A: hopelessness B: weaknes C: trouble D: anger 29.A: Free B: Eager C: Disappointed D: Unwilling 30.A: parties B: games C: activities D: meetings 31.A: satisfy B: improve C: enjoy D: excuse 32.A. awards B. thanks C. gifts D. comments 33.A. confirmed B. gained C. combined D. requested 34.A. luck B. belief C. life D. competiton 35.A: harvest B: reserve C: expand D: collect 第二部分:阅读理解(共 2- 小题,每小题 2.5 分,满分 50 分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的 A.B.C.D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项。 A Still seeking a destination for your weekend break? There are some places which are probably a mere walk away from your college. King's Art Centre A day at the Centre could mean a visit to an exhibition of the work of one of the most interesting contemporary artists on show anywhere. This weekend sees the opening of an exhibition of four local artists. You could attend a class teaching you how to 'learn from the masters' or get more creative with paint — free of charge. The Centre also runs two life drawing classes for which there is a small fee. The Botanic Garden The Garden has over 8,000 plant species ;it holds the research and teaching collection of living plants for Cambridge University. The multibranched Torch Aloe here is impressive. The African plant produces red flowers above bluegreen leaves, and is not one to miss. Get to the display house to see Dionaea muscipula, a plant more commonly known as the Venus Flytrap that feeds on insects and other small animals. The Garden is also a place for wildlife enthusiasts. Look for grass snakes in the lake. A snake called 'Hissing Sid' is regularly seen lying in the heat of the warm sun. Byron's Pool Many stories surround Lord Byron's time as a student of Cambridge University. Arriving in 1805, he wrote a letter complaining that it was a place of "mess and drunkenness". However, it seems as though Byron did manage to pass the time pleasantly enough. I'm not just talking about the pet bear he kept in his rooms. He spent a great deal of time walking in the village. It is also said that on occasion Byron swam naked by moonlight in the lake, which is now known as Byron's Pool. A couple of miles past Grantchester in the south Cambridgeshire countryside, the pool is surrounded by beautiful circular paths around the fields. The cries of invisible birds make the trip a lovely experience and on the way home you can drop into the village for afternoon tea. If you don't trust me, then perhaps you'll take it from Virginia Woolf — over a century after Byron, she reportedly took a trip to swim in the same pool. 36. According to the passage, there is a small charge for _______. A: attending the masters' class B: working with local artists C: learning life drawing D: seeing an exhibition 37. "Torch Aloe" and "Venus Flytrap" are _______. A: common insects B: impressive plants C: rarely seen snakes D: wildlife-enthusiasts 38.Wen can infer from the passage that Byron seemed ____. A. to feat pet bears B. to like walking C.to be a heavy drinker D.to finish university in 1805 39. In the passage Byron's Pool is described as a lake _______. A: surrounded by fields B: owned by Lord Byron C: located in Grantchester D: discovered by Virginia Woolf 40. What is the passage mainly about? A: Some places for weekend break. B: A way to become creative in art C:. The colourful life in the countryside. D: Unknown stories of Cambridge University. B Grey clouds move as low as smoke over the treetops at Lolo Pass. The ground is white. The day is June 10. It has been snowing for the past four days in the Bitterroot Mountains. Wayne Fairchild is getting worried about our trek over the Lolo Trail-95 miles from Lolo Montana to Weippe in Idaho, across the roughest country in the West. Lewis and Clark were nearly defeated 200 years ago by snowstorms on the Lolo. Today Fairchild is nervously checking the weather reports. He has agreed to take me across the toughest, middle section of the trail. When Lewis climbed on top of Lemhi Pass,140 miles south of Missoula, on Aug 12, 1805, he was astonished by what was in front of him; "high mountain chains still to the West of us with their tops partially covered with snow." Nobody in what was then the US knew the Rocky Mountains existed, with peaks twice as high as anything in the Appalachians back East. Today their pathway through those mountains holds more attraction than any other ground over which they traveled, for its raw wilderness is an evidence to the character of two cultures: the explorers who braved its hardships and the Native Americans who prize and conserve the path as a sacred ( 神圣的 ) gift. It remains today the same condition as when Lewis and Clark walked it. The Lolo is passable only from July to mid-September. Our luck is holding with the weather, although the snow keeps getting deeper. As we climb to the Indian Post Office, the highest point on the trail at 7,033 ft, we have covered 13 miles in soft snow, and we hardly have enough energy to make dinner. After a meal of chicken, I sit on a rock on top of the ridge( 山脊 ). There is no light visible in any direction, not even another campfire. For four days we do not see another human being. We are occupied with the things that mix fear with joy. In our imagination, we have finally caught up with Lewis and Clark. 41.According to the passage ,the word "trek " in Paragraph 1 is clothest in meaning to ____ A. a comfortable walk in a separate country B. a pleasant journey across the countryside C. a journey over untraveled pathways D. a long ,hard journey over rough areas 42. We learn from the text that before 1805 _______. A: The Rocky Mountains were wholly covered with snow B: There were no people living in the western part of America C: No Americans knew of the existence of the Rocky Mountains D: The Appalachians were the western frontier of the United States 43. We learn from the text that the Lolo Pass _______. A: remains much the same as it was 200 years ago B: is the meeting point of three cultures C: has changed a lot since 1805 D: now attracts a large number of tourists to visit 44. Judging from the text, Lewis and Clark were most probably _______. A: two native Indians B: explorers of the early 19th century C: merchants who did business with the Indians D: travelers whose curiosity took them over the Lolo Pass 45. We can infer from the text that when crossing the Lolo Pass the author _______. A: was attempting the impossible B: was trying to set a world record C: was following the trail of Lewis and Clark D: was fighting with weather and taking unnecessary risks C There's a song by the great Jamaican singer Bob Marley called So Much Trouble In The World. Marley understood that part of the reason why there are so many problems in the world is the lack of tolerance between people. The UN understands this too — that's why it made Nov 16 "International Day for Tolerance". But first of all, what is tolerance? French philosopher Voltaire (1694 — 1778) can give us some help. According to him, tolerance "is the consequence of humanity. We are all formed of frailty ( 脆弱 ) and error; let us pardon each other's folly — that is the first law of nature." Nobody's perfect. When we're tempted to criticize another person, we should perhaps remember our own imperfections first. Very often, people don't realize that they're intolerant. This is because intolerance has a lot to do with ignorance. For example, the UN's campaign is in part about the treatment of females by males. But often, the behavior of men toward women is intolerant because men don't put themselves in the shoes of women. It's worth thinking a little about the words "tolerance" and "intolerance". Are they the best words to describe the evils of which we're speaking here? To agree to be "tolerant" of someone isn't necessarily a very respectful thing. When someone is tolerated, it implies that there's something wrong with them. But it seems wrong that people should agree to "tolerate" people with black skin, for example. And should women think they have received the respect they are due when men agree to "tolerate" them? Still, what Voltaire said stands: We humans are not perfect and this weakness is something that we all share. That's the reason we should be tolerant. It's a little like generosity. We can give things to another person, and we can also give our forgiveness. Bob Marley understood this . In the song mentioned above, he advised: "Write your love on a rock so it stays for eternity; write your hate in the sand so the waves will wash it away." 46.According to Voltaire, tolerance is ________. A. being willing to express your love to others B. trying to overcome your imperfections C. giving a hand to vulnerable groups ( 弱势群体 ) D. accepting each other's weaknesses 47.Why are people usually unaware of their intolerance, according to the article? A. They are used to finding faults. B. They consider tolerance a kind of frailty. C. They don't see things from the angle of others. D. They are intolerant of themselves too. 48.In what sense is "tolerance" similar to "generosity"? A. Humans are advised to treat others better. B. Humans learned to find faults in others. C. Humans need to give something to others. D. Humans will change their attitudes to others. 49.The underlined word "this" in the last paragraph refers to ________. A. giving things to others B. forgiving others C. different attitudes toward love and hate D. the fact that humans are imperfect 50.What's the text mainly about? A. The origin of the International Day of Tolerance. B. The meaning and importance of tolerance. C. The philosophy behind Bob Marley's song. D. Effective ways to show tolerance. D Don't we all know a "Happy Meal" when we see one — the famous boxed meal that includes a hamburger, kid-sized French fries, fruits and milk, served with a toy that's extremely popular with children who love to collect them? A Happy Meal is a form of kids' meal sold at a certain fast-food chain since 1979. A toy is included with the food, both of which are usually contained in a box or paper bag. However, collectors of these little toys will not get them any longer, since the company will replace toys with books, and each of these books will mainly pass on nutritional messages. Happy Meals are extremely popular with kids, especially for their collectable toys, when you consider that over 1.3 billion of these packages are sold each year! These packages have been very controversial. Health supporters believe that drawing kids to these meals with toys is a clever way of promoting unhealthy food choices. They see it as an advertising strategy of "catching its customers young" —a move that has paid off very well for the fast food company. Child development experts say that food habits get formed in children by age six and continue through to their adult life. Fatty and sugary foods such as those served in Happy Meals are believed to play a big role in growing health problems such as obesity and diabetes. Public health care costs have gone up and untold amounts of money have been spent on caring for these health problems. On November 2, 2010, the San Francisco Board of Supervisors passed a law requiring that children's meals sold in restaurants must meet certain nutritional standards before they could be sold with toys, to overcome the problem of childhood obesity — in other words, the State of California tried to ban the toys in Happy Meals. However, it was strongly opposed by some as being heavy-handed, and the ban was thrown out by the government. While some people believe that the fast-food company, with its large following of children, can create a powerful message through the books, others believe its actions are contradictory. Anyway, the company is trying to spread the message of nutrition while it is serving food that is anything but healthy. 51 .The aim of the question raised in Paragraph 1 is to ______. A. give a surprise to the toy lovers B. make readers think about the answer C. call on readers to buy boxed meals D. get readers' attention to the article 52 .Books will be added into Happy Meals to______. A. introduce the use of the toys B. increase the cost of the meals C. help kids learn about nutrition D. spread the message of fast food 53 .According to Paragraph 3, Happy Meals ______. A. cost more money than ordinary meals B. help the customers stay young C. c have achieved the desired result D. receive approval from health supporters 54 .What is the author's opinion about Happy Meals? A. They do no actual good to children's health. B. They teach children a lot about nutrition. C. They bring much fun to children. D. They are popular with the young and the old. 55.Which of the following can be the best title for the passage ? A. happy meal –a new advertising method B. the links between and health C. the importance of eating healthy food D. are happy meals really happy ? 第三部分: 写作(共两节,满分 35 分) 第一节:阅读表达(共 5 小题,每小题 2 分,满分 10 分) 阅读短文,按照题目要求用英语回答问题。 Seven years ago, my wife told our 6-year-old daughter about our wedding weekend. My wife had moved back home to spend the weekend with her family. As I was tucking our daughter in ( 把女儿的被子掖好 ) later that night, she asked if she could "come home like mommy did" when she got married one day. (Hopefully, one day far off into the future...) I told her our house would always be open to her. She gave me a big hug and a kiss on the cheek. She was extremely happy. After a few seconds, I could see her mind churning ( 思绪翻腾 )— the happiness dissipated. She pushed her finger into my belly and told me in low spirits, "Your belly is too big and you are too fat. I don't know if you are going to make it." I was shocked. It was true that my health had fallen into a huge decline in the previous five years as I was building Contegix. I had not thought of it as destroying a future with my family. A 6-year-old girl saw what I missed. I decided to run a mile the next morning. I couldn't make it 1/4 mile. I didn't give up and went out the next morning. Seven years later, I have lost 60 pounds and regularly run ultra marathons. I attempted my first 100 miles last August, but I missed the terminal point at mile 87 after running on a torn hamstring ( 腿筋撕裂 ) for the previous 79 miles. Yet, the most important distance I will ever go will be walking her down the aisle ( 结婚 ) one day. I would not make it if it hadn't been for the honesty and innocence of a 6-year-old. (56)Why was the author's daughter happy? (no more than 15 words) (57)What does the underlined word "dissipated" in Paragraph 3 mean? (one word) (58)What happened to the author as he was building Contegix? (no more than 10 words) (59)What does the author regularly do seven years later? (no more than 5 words) (60)What do you think of the author? Please explain. (no more than 25 words) 第二节:书面表达(共 1 小题,满分 25 分) 61 .假设你是李津,长在你校学习汉语的英国交换生 Mike 对中国古诗词很感 兴趣。请用英语给他写一封邮件,邀请她 3 月 17 日上午 9:30 在学校报告厅与 你们一同观看 CCTV3 频道—经典咏流传 中的一期节目 1.时间,地点和观看人员 2.内容:欣赏以歌曲形式咏唱的经典古诗词 3.建议:提前了解一些中国古诗词,观后感感受。 注音: 1. 词数不少于 100 2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯 参考词汇:经典咏流传— Everlasting Classics 咏唱 chant _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________

