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A mother mouse was out for a walk with her babies when she spotted a cat. She watched the cat, and the cat watched the mice.      Mother mouse barked fiercely, "Woof, woof, woof!" The cat was so terrified that it ran away.      Mother mouse turned to her babies and said, "Now, do you understand the value of a second language?" Let’s enjoy a joke! Unit One Art Words and expressions Learning aims 1.To learn some important words and phrases. 2.To master the usages . 3.To be able to use them correctly . Aim 目标 目的(名词) 对准目标 努力(动词) v. 旨在做某事,致力于 目的是 … ,旨在 … n. 达到目的 向 … 瞄准 aim to do/aim at doing achieve one’s aim Discovery 1: take aim at doing be aimed at doing aim What is the angry bird _______ to do ? It is taking ____ at the pigs. To achieve the _____, some exercises are necessary. This activity is_______ at improving the ability of listening and speaking. aiming aim aim aimed possess v. n. 为 … 所占有 占有,拥有 sth be in the possession of sb sb be in possession of sth =in sb's possession Discovery 2: possession take possession of sth Who was ________________the boat “the Black Pearl”? The boat was __________________ Captain Jack. Captain Jack_________________the boat Have a try in possession of in the possession of take possession of to a very great degree a great deal Lazy sheep sleeps a great deal . Thus, a great deal of his work isn’t finished. But he eats a great deal faster than others. 动词 形容词比较级 Discovery 3: 例句告诉我们: a great deal 可以修饰 _____ , ___________ , a great deal of 若修饰名词,只能修饰 ____________. 不可数名词 The girl wanted ____________ sleep, but she had to take part in________________ activities. [ 即学即用 ] a great deal of/a great number of a great number of a great deal of 归纳拓展 尝试做某事 某人第一次尝试 Discovery 4: 试图做某事 attempt n .   make an attempt at doing to do sth at one’s first attempt vt. attempt to do a. attempted 企图的 试图做某事 1.He attempted to attend the Olympic Games. 2.The magician made an attempt at passing the wall, but it was so difficult that he passed it at the fifth attempt . attempt 【 即学即用 】 The boy ________________ ride the little bicycle,finally he succeeded attempted to appeal v. 1) attract 2) ask for aid 3)call on 1.This film doesn’t appeal to me. 2.Our school is appealing to everyone to donate money to Sichuan. 对某人有吸引力 呼吁某人去做某事 n. 为某事发出呼吁 make an appeal for sth. appeal to sb. to do sth. appeal to sb. Discovery 5: 1 3 urgent request appeal The advertisement aims at appealing to people not to smoke . Does the idea of it appeal to you ? Summary 1.aim to do/aim at doing/be aimed at doing achieve one’s aim 2. sb be in possession of sth =in sb's possession sth be in the possession of sb 3. make an attempt at doing/ to do sth 4. appeal to sb. to do sth. 5.a great deal of 5 minutes Show time 1.aim 1)My sister went to London,______   to find a job there. 2) 大学毕业后我打算当一名律师 。 aiming I aim to be a lawyer after I graduate from college. 2.typical 1)The main course( 菜 ) was_____French. 2) 他一向这样 , 温柔得像个女生。 typically It is typical of him to be so gentle like a girl. 3.adopt 1)He was 18 when he found out that he           . 2) 学校最近采用了一套全新的教学方法。 had been adopted Our school has adopted a new teaching method/approach recently. 4.faith 1)We will always remain      to each other,for we are close friends. 2) 我相信他有成功的能力。 faithful I have faith in his ability to succeed. 5.evident 1)Mary was      upset when she heard about Irene ’ s death. 2) 很显然 , 你的工作做得很好。 evidently It is evident that you have done the job well. 6.A great deal of heavy smoke comes out of the chimney every day. 7.I possess an expensive car,which attracts people ’ s attention. Homework 1.Try to make up a dialogue using the words we have learned today. 2.Exercise book (Page 1)

