- 2021-05-08 发布 |
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1. 尽管困难重重,我们下定决心完成计划。(in spite of) 2. 我第一次见到Tom,他就给我留下了深刻的印象。(the first time) 3. 如果你能尽快给我一个明确的答复,我将不胜感激。(appreciate) 4. 他从来没有想到她在他生活中会扮演了这么重要的角色。(occur) 5. 随着世博会的结束,普遍认为上海市民整体素质都得到了提高。(it) 6. 很可惜我不会烹饪。(It) 7. 我宁可考不及格,也不愿意考试作弊。(would rather) 8. 所有游客都禁不住对如此美景惊叹不已。(marvel) 9. 杰克收到表扬这件事使他的父母很高兴。(动名词) 10. 我们从不怀疑现在学的东西越多,将来就能工作得越好。(the more…the more) 11. 应该鼓励学生规划自己的人生。(encourage) 12. 如今国产电视机的质量未必比进口的差。(necessarily) 13. 直到那时他才意识到他的老师是非常善解人意的。(Not until…) 14. 他与同事的不同之处在于他把业余时间花在学习上。(devote) 15. 据报道,上海所有的学校操场都将在寒暑假期间免费向市民开放。(access) 16. 该店可以买到几种优秀的儿童读物。(available) 17. 正是由于经验不足,他才不知道如何处理这情形。(It…) 18. 新出版的关于如何保持健康的书畅销全国。(sell) 19. 昨天,该电影的票房数量比我们预期的要高得多。(expect) 20. 他的生活态度是“且想今朝乐,莫管明天愁”,这一点遭到所有人的强烈批评。(attitude) 21. 我还来不及完成试题,铃就响了。(before) 22. 不管遇到什么困难,他总是不灰心。(Whatever) 23. 用不了多久你就能掌握有关计算机的基础知识了。(It) 24. 自从电脑发明以来,人们一直通过电子邮件来保持联系。(by means of) 25. 虽然他在国外40多年,但他从未忘记要为祖国做些有益的事。(Never) 26. 我们正面临着比以前更大的挑战。(face) 27. 还要过很长一段时间,普通人才能去太空旅行。(before) 28. 我们每个人都在不遗余力地为即将来临的高考做准备。(spare) 29. 他在解题中碰了壁后才恍然大悟他的解题方法错了。(Not until…) 30. 在受灾地区,由于医疗设备非常简陋,灾民得不到很好的治疗。(access) 31. 世博之行我受益匪浅。(trip) 32. 这款数码相机太贵了,我买不起。(afford) 33. 令我意想不到的是,父母毫不犹豫地同意了我的意见。(hesitation) 34. 一次又一次的失败使他意识到了团队合作的重要性。(aware) 35. 由于他的随意态度,他在工作中频频出错,这让与他公共事的同事们很反感。(which) 36. 你能设法在一周内完成这份工作吗? (manage) 37. 犯了这么严重的错误,你解释也没有用。(no use) 38. 样该告诫学生不要把手机带入学校。(warn) 39. 世博会能使我们不出国门就能了解世界各国的不同文化。(possible) 40. 只要你勇敢面对困难,并下定决心去克服它,就没有什么能够阻止你在学习上取得进步。(As long as) 41. 我肯定他能信守诺言。(sure) 42. 如果饮食均衡,就没有必要服用维生素片。(need) 43. 多做义工,将会更容易让人发现你的优点或亮点。(and) 44. 经过10年的艰苦奋斗,这个女孩终于成为一名律师,圆了自己儿时的梦想。(After) 45. 虽然空气污染被公认为是这个地区最严重的问题,但当地政府采取的行动还远不如人意。(action) 46. 他一拳打在了我脸上。(hit) 47. 既然来了,你不妨再呆一段时间。(might as well) 48. 为这个公司工作15年后,他被任命为总工程师。(appoint) 49. 对于我而言,重要的不是你的道歉儿时你对此事的态度。(matter) 50. 据称,如果你喝完牛奶马上吃苹果,会妨碍钙(calcium)的吸收。(It) 51. 现在年轻人都乐意不去依靠他们的父母。(independent) 52. 昨天我们去看的那部新电影不如上周看的那部精彩。(as…as…) 53. 绝大多数的同学都有这样的感觉:这些难理解的成语需要再解释一遍。(feeling) 54. 每一次他要做演讲,他总会做一些笔记,提醒他自己想要说的要点。(remind) 55. 创造一个真善多与邪恶,更和谐的社会是我们的责任与义务。(where) 56. 每当我听到这首民歌的时候,我总禁不住和歌手一起唱起来。(help) 57. 全班急切得盼望着生病的老师能够尽快好起来。(expect) 58. 无论我怎么找,我哪儿都找不到我新买的手机。(however) 59. 多亏了领导们的决策,那个国家的经济状况很快得到了控制。(control) 60. 我们应该尊敬那些诺贝尔奖的获得者们,他们的发现和创造对人类生活产生了影响。(effect) 61. 那些只关心个人利益的人很难在事业上取得成功。(It) 62. 他提议我们应该向那些积极保护自然资源的人学习。(propose) 63. 和其他公司相比,这家广告公司在社会地位和声誉上更有优势。(superior) 64. 尽管受到多次的挫折,但他一直致力于培养一支好的篮球队。(devote) 65. 室内的空气质量问题时当今办公室工作的白领所面临的问题之一,他们越来越意识到开窗通风的重要性。(face) 1. 尽管困难重重,我们下定决心完成计划。(in spite of) In spite of so many difficulties, we have made up our minds / are determined to finish the plan. 2. 我第一次见到Tom,他就给我留下了深刻的印象。(the first time) The first time I saw Tom, he left / made a deep impression on me. 3. 如果你能尽快给我一个明确的答复,我将不胜感激。(appreciate) I would appreciate it very much if you could give me a definite / clear answer as soon as possible. 4. 他从来没有想到她在他生活中会扮演了这么重要的角色。(occur) It never occurred to him that she would play such an important role / part in his life. 5. 随着世博会的结束,普遍认为上海市民整体素质都得到了提高。(it) With the Expo over, it is generally considered that the citizens in Shanghai have had their qualities improved. 6. 很可惜我不会烹饪。(It) It is a shame / pity (that) I can’t cook. 7. 我宁可考不及格,也不愿意考试作弊。(would rather) I would rather fail than cheat in the exam. 8. 所有游客都禁不住对如此美景惊叹不已。(marvel) All the tourists couldn’t help but marvel at such beautiful scenery / beauty. 9. 杰克收到表扬这件事使他的父母很高兴。(动名词) Jack’s having been praised by the teacher pleased his parents. 10. 我们从不怀疑现在学的东西越多,将来就能工作得越好。(the more…the more) We never doubt that the more we study now, the better we will be able to work in the future. 11. 应该鼓励学生规划自己的人生。(encourage) Students should be encouraged to make a plan for / plan their life / lives. 12. 如今国产电视机的质量未必比进口的差。(necessarily) Nowadays television sets made in China are not necessarily worse than imported ones in quality. Today the quality of television sets made in China is not necessarily worse than that of imported ones. 13. 直到那时他才意识到他的老师是非常善解人意的。(Not until…) Not until then did he realize that his teacher was very considerate / thoughtful / understanding. 14. 他与同事的不同之处在于他把业余时间花在学习上。(devote) He differed from his colleagues in that he devoted his spare time to studying. 15. 据报道,上海所有的学校操场都将在寒暑假期间免费向市民开放。(access) It is reported that the citizens will have free access to all the playgrounds in Shanghai during the winter and summer vacations. 16. 该店可以买到几种优秀的儿童读物。(available) Several excellent children’s story books are available in this bookstore. 17. 正是由于经验不足,他才不知道如何处理这情形。(It…) It was because he was inexperienced that he didn’t know how to deal with the situation. 18. 新出版的关于如何保持健康的书畅销全国。(sell) The newly-published book about how to keep healthy / maintain health sells well all over the country. 19. 昨天,该电影的票房数量比我们预期的要高得多。(expect) The number of the tickets for this film sold yesterday was much bigger / larger than we had expected. 20. 他的生活态度是“且想今朝乐,莫管明天愁”,这一点遭到所有人的强烈批评。(attitude) His attitude towards life is to enjoy himself today and not to worry about tomorrow, which is strongly criticized by all. 21. 我还来不及完成试题,铃就响了。(before) The bell rang before I could finish my test paper. 22. 不管遇到什么困难,他总是不灰心。(Whatever) Whatever difficulties he meets with, he won’t lose heart / confidence / feel discouraged. 23. 用不了多久你就能掌握有关计算机的基础知识了。(It) It won’t take you long to pick up the basic knowledge of computer. 24. 自从电脑发明以来,人们一直通过电子邮件来保持联系。(by means of) Since the invention of the computer, people have been keeping in touch with each other by means of e-mails. 25. 虽然他在国外40多年,但他从未忘记要为祖国做些有益的事。(Never) Never has he forgotten to do something good for his country although he has been abroad for over forty years. 26. 我们正面临着比以前更大的挑战。(face) We are faced with greater challenges than ever before. 27. 还要过很长一段时间,普通人才能去太空旅行。(before) It will be a long time before common people can travel to space / can go traveling in space. 28. 我们每个人都在不遗余力地为即将来临的高考做准备。(spare) Every one of us is sparing no efforts to get prepared for the coming College Entrance Examination. 29. 他在解题中碰了壁后才恍然大悟他的解题方法错了。(Not until…) Not until he had some trouble in working out his problem did he realize that his way of solving this problem was wrong. 30. 在受灾地区,由于医疗设备非常简陋,灾民得不到很好的治疗。(access) In disastrous / disaster-stricken areas, the victims have no access to good medical treatment since the instruments are pretty poor. 31. 世博之行我受益匪浅。(trip) The trip to the Expo has benefited me a lot. 32. 这款数码相机太贵了,我买不起。(afford) This digital camera is so expensive that I can’t afford it. 33. 令我意想不到的是,父母毫不犹豫地同意了我的意见。(hesitation) Out of my expectation, my parents agree to my demand / request without any hesitation. 34. 一次又一次的失败使他意识到了团队合作的重要性。(aware) One failure after another enables him to be aware of the importance of group cooperation. 35. 由于他的随意态度,他在工作中频频出错,这让与他共事的同事们很反感。(which) He made mistakes frequently in his work because of his casual attitude, which greatly dissatisfies the colleagues who work with him. 36. 你能设法在一周内完成这份工作吗? (manage) Can you manage to finish the task within a week? 37. 犯了这么严重的错误,你解释也没有用。(no use) You have made so serious a mistake / such a serious mistake that it is no use explaining. 38. 应该告诫学生不要把手机带入学校。(warn) Students should be warned not to take mobile phones to the campus. 39. 世博会能使我们不出国门就能了解世界各国的不同文化。(possible) The World Expo has made it possible for us to know about different cultures of the countries all over the world without going abroad. 40. 只要你勇敢面对困难,并下定决心去克服它,就没有什么能够阻止你在学习上取得进步。(As long as) As long as you face up to the difficulty and determined to overcome it, nothing can prevent you from making progress in study. 41. 我肯定他能信守诺言。(sure) I am sure that he can / will keep his promise. 42. 如果饮食均衡,就没有必要服用维生素片。(need) There is no need to take vitamin pills if you have a balanced diet. 43. 多做义工,将会更容易让人发现你的优点或亮点。(and) Volunteer frequently, and it will be easier for others to find your advantages or highlights. 44. 经过10年的艰苦奋斗,这个女孩终于成为一名律师,圆了自己儿时的梦想。(After) After 10 years of hard work, the girl became a lawyer at last, realizing the dream in her childhood. 45. 虽然空气污染被公认为是这个地区最严重的问题,但当地政府采取的行动还远不如人意。(action) Although it is generally accepted that air pollution is the most serious problem in this area, the action the local government is taking is far from satisfactory. 46. 他一拳打在了我脸上。(hit) He hit me in the face. 47. 既然来了,你不妨再呆一段时间。(might as well) Now that you have come, you might as well stay for a while. 48. 为这个公司工作15年后,他被任命为总工程师。(appoint) After 15 years’ working for the company, he was appointed as chief engineer. Having worked for the company for 15 years, he was appointed as chief engineer. 49. 对于我而言,重要的不是你的道歉而是你对此事的态度。(matter) What matters to me is not your apology but your attitude towards this matter. 50. 据称,如果你喝完牛奶马上吃苹果,会妨碍钙(calcium)的吸收。(It) It is claimed that if you drink milk immediately after eating apples, this will interfere with the absorption of calcium. 51. 现在年轻人都乐意不去依靠他们的父母。(independent) Nowadays, the young are willing to become independent of their parents. 52. 昨天我们去看的那部新电影不如上周看的那部精彩。(as…as…) The new film we saw last night was not as interesting as the one we saw last week. 53. 绝大多数的同学都有这样的感觉:这些难理解的成语需要再解释一遍。(feeling) Moat classmates have same feeling that the difficult idioms need explaining once more. 54. 每一次他要做演讲,他总会做一些笔记,提醒他自己想要说的要点。(remind) Every time he is to give a speech, he makes a few notes to remind himself of what he wants to say. 55. 创造一个真善多与邪恶,更和谐的社会是我们的责任与义务。(where) Creating a more harmonious society where goodness is more common than evil is our responsibility and obligation. 56. 每当我听到这首民歌的时候,我总禁不住和歌手一起唱起来。(help) When I heard the folk song, I couldn’t help singing with the singer. 57. 全班急切得盼望着生病的老师能够尽快好起来。(expect) The whole class are eagerly expecting the sick teacher to get well as soon as possible. 58. 无论我怎么找,我哪儿都找不到我新买的手机。(however) However hard I looked for my newly-bought cell phone, it was nowhere to be found. 59. 多亏了领导们的决策,那个国家的经济状况很快得到了控制。(control) Thanks to the leaders’ decision, the economic condition of that country was soon brought under control. 60. 我们应该尊敬那些诺贝尔奖的获得者们,他们的发现和创造对人类生活产生了影响。(effect) We should respect the Nobel Prize winners, whose discoveries and inventions have a great effect on human life. 61. 那些只关心个人利益的人很难在事业上取得成功。(It) It is difficult for those who only care about their own interests to achieve success in their career. 62. 他提议我们应该向那些积极保护自然资源的人学习。(propose) He proposed that we should learn from those actively protect natural resources. 63. 和其他公司相比,这家广告公司在社会地位和声誉上更有优势。(superior) Compared with other companies, this advertising company is superior in social status and reputation. 64. 尽管受到多次的挫折,但他一直致力于培养一支好的篮球队。(devote) Despite many frustrations he had expected, he is always devoted to cultivating a good basketball team. 65. 室内的空气质量问题时当今办公室工作的白领所面临的问题之一,他们越来越意识到开窗通风的重要性。(face) Since indoor air quality is one of the problems facing the while-collars who work in the offices, they have been more and more aware of the importance of opening the window and keeping the air fresh.查看更多