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中考动词辨析             撰稿:俞平    审稿:徐正海    编辑:郭素清 一、用法辨析 1. accept, receive   accept一般指主观上接受或同意,而receive表示客观上收到某东西。   She received his invitation yesterday, but she didn’t accept it.   她昨天收到了他的请柬,不过她没有接受。 2. appreciate, thank   这两个词都可以表示“感谢”的意思,但是appreciate后接something, thank后接 somebody。   I appreciate your timely help.   我感谢你及时的帮助。   I thank you for your timely help. 3. borrow, lend   这两个词都可以表示“借”, 但borrow用于borrow sth from sb.“向某人借某物”,   而lend用于lend sth. to sb.“把某物借给某人”。   I borrowed two books from him.   我向他借了两本书。   I lent two books to him.   我借了两本书给他。 4. carry, take, bring, fetch   这几个词都可以表示“拿”,“带”的意思,但carry不强调方向,多指负重的感觉,其它三个都有方向性;take表示“带走”,由近及远,bring表示“拿来”,由远及近,fetch表示“去拿来”,一个来回。   He is too young to carry the heavy box.   他太小,拿不动这个沉重的箱子。   Don’t forget to take all your things away.   不要忘了把你们所有的东西都带走。   Remember to bring your dictionary tomorrow.   明天记住把你的词典带来。   After school we fetch water first.   放学后我们先打水。 5. congratulate, celebrate   congratulate表示“祝贺”,后接人作宾语,而celebrate表示“庆祝”,后接物作宾语。 6. effect, affect, influence   这三个词都可以表示“影响”的意思,但effect是名词,affect一般用作动词,而influence既可以用作名词,又可以用作动词。 7. look, glance, glare, stare,‎ ‎   这几个词都可以表示“看”,但look指一般的看,glance指匆匆一看,glare指生气地看,stare指目不转睛地盯着看。 8. include, contain   这两个词都可以表示“包含”之意,但是include侧重包含者是整体中的一部分,contain强调“含有”。   What does the price include? 这个价钱都包括什么?   What does beer contain? 啤酒包含有什么? 9. injure, hurt, wound   这几个词都可以表示“受伤”,但injure多指以外受伤,hurt既可以指肉体上的受伤,也可以指精神上的伤害,wound多指刀伤和枪伤之类的外伤。 10. insist, stick   这三个词都可以表示“坚持”, 但insist后接介词on, stick后接介词to; insist后接从句时,从句中的谓语动词要用虚拟语气。 11. laugh, smile   这两个词都可以表示“笑”,laugh强调出声的笑,“大笑”,而smile表示不出声的笑,“微笑”。 12. listen, hear   这两个词都表示“听”,但listen强调听的过程,而hear强调听的结果,“听见”。   He listened carefully, but could hear nothing.   他仔细听,可什么也听不见。   其它类似的用法还有:look看 / see看见,look for找 / find 找到。 13. look, seem, appear   这三个词都可以用作连系动词,look强调从视觉得出的印象,seem表示有一定的根据,较接近事实,appear表示外表上如此,但事实未必如此。 14. pause, stop   这两个词都可以表示“停”,但pause强调“暂停”,稍后还会继续下去,而stop表示最后停下来。 15. win, beat   这两个词都有“赢”的意思,但win后接比赛等,而beat后接人作宾语。 16. advise, suggest   这两个词都可以表示“建议”,后面都可以接动名词和宾语从句,而且接从句时,从句中的动词都要用should + 动词原形(should可省略);但是,advise可以接复合宾语,而suggest不可以。   I advised her to stay at home instead of going with us.‎ ‎   我劝她呆在家里,不要跟我们去。 17. attend, join, take part in   这三个用法都可以表示“参加”, 但attend后面一般接a meeting /school/class/wedding等,join表示参加组织,后面一般接the Party/the League/the army等,而take part in等于join in, 表示参加活动。 18. cost, spend, take, pay   cost用于sth. cost (sb.) money, spend用于sb. spend. time/money (in)doing sth. / on sth., take用于It takes (sb.) time to do sth., pay用于sb. pay money for sth.   This book cost me ten yuan.   这本书花了我十元钱。   I spent ten yuan (in) buying this book.   我买这本书花了十元钱。   I spent two hours reading this book.   我花了两小时读这本书。   It took me two hours to read this book.   读这本书花了我两小时。   I paid ten yuan for this book.   我买这本书花了十元钱。 19. get, arrive, reach   这几个词都可以表示“到达”的意思,get是一个不及物动词,后带to接名词作宾语;arrive也是一个不及物动词,后带at(小地方)或in(大地方)接名词作宾语;reach是及物动词,直接接名词作宾语。 20. happen, take place   这两个用法都有“发生”的意思,但happen强调偶然发生,而take place一般指按计划或有组织发生。 21. invent, discover   invent表示“发明”以前没有过的东西,而discover表示“发现”已经存在的东西。 22. separate, divide   这两个动词都可以表示“分”的意思,但separate表示把两个相对独立的部分分开,常和介词from连用;而divide表示把一个整体分成若干部分,常和介词into连用。 23. watch, look, see, read   这几个词都可以表示“看”的意思,但watch一般用于观看电视或比赛,look侧重于注意力,强调动作,see侧重于视觉,强调结果,read强调文字性的东西。 24. hope, wish   作动词时,这两个词都可以表示“希望”‎ ‎,都可以跟从句,但hope后宾语从句中谓语动词用陈述语气,而wish后宾语从句中谓语动词用虚拟语气;wish后面可以跟带不定式的复合宾语,而hope不能;这两个词都可以直接跟带to的不定式作宾语。 25. put on, wear, dress   这三个表达法都可以表示“穿”,但put on用作及物动词,后接具体的衣服,强调穿的动作;wear是一个及物动词,后接具体的衣服,指经常性的动作,表示状态;dress可以用作不及物动词,可单独用,表示“穿衣”,也可用作及物动词,表示“给……穿衣服”,后接人等穿的对象,或者用于“be dressed in”,后接具体的衣服或衣服的颜色。 26. rise, raise, lift   这几个动词都有“上升”,“提高”之意,但rise是一个不及物动词,不能用于被动语态,经常用来指太阳、月亮、物价、体温、气温、河水、潮水以及职位等的“上升”;raise是一个及物动词,表示“举起”, “提高”, “提出”, “饲养”,种植等意思;lift也是一个及物动词,表示“举起”,“抬起”,“搬起”,强调物体的沉重,含有举起要费力气的意思。 27. lie, lay   这两个词在意思上没有什么关系,但它们的形式容易弄混。   原形    词义      过去式    过去分词形式    现在分词形式   lie    说谎       lied      lied        lying   lie    躺,放,位于   lay      lain        lying   lay    产卵       laid      laid        laying 28. know, recognize   know的意思是“知道”,“认识”,表示“认出”讲时,常与介词from连用, 构成know…from…词组,表示“把……和……分辨开来”;recognize的意思是“认出”,“认识到”,是建立在原先就认识的基础上的。 29. join, connect   这两个动词都可以表示“连结”的 意思,join一般指结合,联合,把两者连成一体,常与介词to搭配,join A to B把A连到B上,join+地点,表示在某地连接, join sth. with sth. 用某东西连结某物;connect指衔接,联系,两者还保持各自的独立性,常用于connect A with B,把A和B连在一起,be connected with…与……有联系。 30. learn, study   这两个动词都可以表示“学”,但learn指“学会”,“学到”,表示通过用功或被教授从而获得知识和技能,强调学习的结果,而且多用于初级阶段的学习,后面可接不定式或名词,如果接从句就表示“了解得知”的意思;study指“学习”,“研究”,表示较深入的学习或研究,强调学习的过程,后面不能跟不定式,可接名词或代词作宾语。 31. grow, plant   这两个动词都有“种,植”的意思,但grow意思是“养殖”,指使某种植物在某地生长并使其发展下去,是一个及物动词;而plant的意思是“移植”,移栽已经长成秧苗的植物,是一个及物动词。 32. answer, reply   这两个动词都有“回答,答复”‎ 的意思,但answer是一个及物动词,后面可接人或信或问题,还常表示(听到声音去)接电话或应门;而reply是一个不及物动词,后面要先接介词to,然后再接人或信或问题。 33. forget, leave   这两个都可以表示“遗忘”的意思,但forget表示记忆中遗忘了某事或某物,后面接名词或代词作宾语,而leave则表示把某物遗忘在什么地方,在宾语后面必须要加上地点。 34. lose, miss   这两个动词都有“丢,失”的意思,但lose一般指不会再找回来的遗失或丢掉,是一个及物动词,其分词形容词用lost, be lost也可指迷路;miss指可能是暂时的“失踪”,或者是“遗失”,其分词形容词用missing。 二、强化训练   1. I am sorry I forgot ____ your dictionary. I will borrow one for you.   A. to bring    B. take    C. bringing    D. taking   2. I can hardly hear the recorder. Would you please ____?   A. turn it down    B. turn it up    C. turn it on    D. turn it off   3. How is he ____with his studies?   A. get in    B. get over    C. get through    D. get along   4. As soon as our English teacher ____ the classroom, we all stood up.   A. entered into    B. came into    C. came    D. came in   5. Do you know who ____ the New World in 1492?   A. invented    B. founded    C. created    D. discovered   6. His parents had to ____ him study hard when he was young.   A. oblige    B. ask    C. make    D. force   7. They married yesterday but I was too busy to ____ their wedding.   A. join    B. attend    C. take part in    D. join in   8. In the one-hundred-meter race, Tom ____ Mike and ____ the race.   A. defeated, won    B. won, gained    C. beat, won    D. beated, defeated   9. Could you tell me when your wedding will ____?   A. take place    B. hold    C. have    D. happen   10. I have no idea they ____here the day before yesterday.   A. reached    B. arrived    C. got to    D. arrived at   11. Don’t buy cheap coal. It ____ a lot of smoke.‎ ‎   A. gives off    B. gives in    C. gives up    D. gives away   12. Kate is in difficulty. Who is willing to ____ her a favour?   A. make    B. do    C. give    D. take   13. It is said that the sports meeting may be ____ if it rains tomorrow.   A. put up    B. put away    C. put down    D. put off   14. ____! There is a hole ahead.   A. Look on    B. Look out    C. Look around    D. Look forward   15. If possible, you must ____ as much work as you can.   A. take on    B. take back    C. take up    D. take over   16. I really ____ you to study harder from today on and pass the final exam.   A. hope    B. wish    C. order    D. force   17. I want to know how much you _____ on books each term.   A. pay    B. cost    C. spend    D. take   18. Children, get up and ____ quickly. It’s time to have breakfast.   A. wear    B. put on    C. wears    D. dress   19. Can you ____ English? If so, please ____ us a story in English.   A. talk, say    B. say, talk    C. tell, speak    D. speak, tell   20. She told me that she agreed ____ me but she couldn’t give me any help.   A. to    B. with    C. on    D. about   21. We used to live in a house which was made ____ wood.   A. of    B. from    C. into    D. in   22. How are you? I haven’t ____ you for such a long time. Now I am writing to you.   A. heard of    B. heard about    C. heard from    D. heard   23. In the zoo, we fed grass ____ the sheep.   A. on    B. with    C. to    D. for   24. When do you want to ____ me? We have known each other long enough.   A. be married    B. marry    C. get married with    D. marry with   25. At last he ____ me and ____ drinking .   A. gave in to…gave up    B. gave way to, gave out   C. gave up, gave in      D. gave in… gave ‎ up   26. I prefer ____ TV to ____ out for a walk today.   A. watch, go    B. watching, go    C. to watch, going    D. watching, going   27. Do you know the story about a king who ____ fine, new clothes.   A. cared    B. cared about    C. cared much for    D. took care of   28. They waited until the sound of the footsteps ____ in the distance.   A. died of    D. died from    C. died out    D. died away   29. You should have done something to ____ the boys ____ troubling you.   A. keep…from    B. be kept…from    C. be kept…/    D. keep…/   30. It is known that the Pacific ____ Asia ____ America.   A. divides…into    B. divides…from    C. separates…from    D. separates…into   31. The Canal ____ North America ____ Latin America.   A. puts…to    B. joins…with    C. unites…to    D. connects …with   32. I don’t know when they are ____ America?   A. set off for    B. start off for    C. leaving for    D. leaving to   33. When did you ____ a car?   A. learn driving    B. study to drive    C. learn to drive    D. study driving   34. Now it is spring. It’s time for us ____ trees on the hill.   A. to grow    B. to plant    C. growing    D. planting   35. I always ____ her letter at once only if I am free.   A. answer to    B. answer for    C. reply to    D. reply for   36. I ____ my book in the classroom when I went home yesterday.   A. forgot    B. left    C. had forgotten    D. had left   37. Though I ____ her five years ago, I couldn’t ____ her as she had changed greatly.   A. knew, recognized     B. know, recognize   C. knew, recognize     D. know, recognized   38. He said he would ____ a bike ____ me the next day.   A. borrow…to    B. borrow, in    C. lend…from    D. lend…to   39. The boy who ____ on the grass ____ to me yesterday.   A. is lying, lied    B. is laying, lied    C. laid, lay    D. lay, laid ‎   40. Look! The moon ____ from behind the mountain.   A. is raising    B. is rising    C. is risen    D. is raised   41. He took off his shoes and ____ them on the floor.   A. took    B. brought    C. dropped    D. fell   42. If you like, you can ____ it for another two weeks.   A. lend    B. borrow    C. take    D. keep   43. How do you ____ this word? I am not sure whether I can write it correctly.   A. say    B. read    C. pronounce    D. spell   44. His speech ____ as long as more than two hours, so that everybody felt bored.   A. was lasted    B. spent    C. ended    D. lasted   45. She ____ her bike and hurt her legs yesterday afternoon.   A. fell down    B. fell off    C. fell away    D. fell out   46. It is reported that another earthquake may ____ this area soon.   A. heat    B. hurt    C. hit    D. strike   47. Please ____ the notice on the door.   A. put on    B. put down    C. put up    D. put off   48. The old man wanted to ____ the two pieces of wood with nails.   A. fill    B. join    C. put    D. give   49. What she said ____ strange, but it was true.   A. looked    B. sounded    C. heard    D. listened   50. An answering machine helps to ____ the telephone message while you are out.   A. say    B. stay    C. keep    D. write   51. I tried to get them to ____ the price of the TV set, but they refused to. So I didn’t     buy it.   A. go up    B. bring down    C. bring up    D. go down   52. The doctor ____ my father to stop smoking and my father did so.   A. let    B. said    C. advised    D. suggested   53. I think he will soon ____ his disappointment and be cheerful again.   A. get through    B. get over    C. get up    D. get ‎ away   54. In all, they ____ more than 300,000 Chinese characters.   A. come up    B. come into    C. come to    D. come about   55. Can you _____ me _____this evening ?.   A. ring on    B. ring in    C. ring off    D. ring up   56. We ____ your help and kindness very much.   A. thank    B. appreciate    C. love    D. offer   57. ____ deer is their work.   A. Feeding to    B. Raising    C. Rising    D. Supplying   58. At that time no one could ____ exactly what was going to happen next.   A. talk    B. say    C. tell    D. speak   59. It’s too cold here. Shall I ____?   A. set fire    B. light a fire    C. make a fire    D. catch fire   60. She got a letter from her parents yesterday and it ____ her of her home.   A. thought    B. remembered    C. forgot    D. reminded 参考答案   1. A 忘了做某事后面要接不定式。   2. B turn down“把(音量)关小”,turn up“把(音量)开大”,turn on“开”,turn off“关”。   3. D get in“到达”,“请某人来”,“上(车)”,get over“作完”,“恢复”,      get through“(电话)接通”,“明白”,“成功”, get along“(人或活动)进展”,      “继续”,“(人) 相处融洽”。   4. B enter是一个及物动词,后面不接介词;come in中的in是一个副词,后面不接名词。   5. D invent“发明”,found“成立”,create“创造”,discover“发现”。   6. C make后接不带to的不定式作宾语补足语,其它三个动词后面都必须接带to的不定式作宾语补足      语。   7.B join表示加入某种组织并成为其中的一员;attend表示“出席”,“参加”      (meeting/school/wedding等);take part in = join in 表示参加某种活动。   8. C beat后接人,win后接比赛等。   9. A take place表示按计划发生,happen表示偶然发生,hold和have都是及物动词。   10. B 单独表示“到达”,不接到什么地方,只能用arrive。   11. A give off“散发”,give in“让步”,“投降”,give up“放弃”,“戒掉”,      give away“赠送”,“泄露”。   12. B do sb. a favour“帮某人一个忙”。   13. D put up“举起”,“支起”,“张贴”,put away“放好”,“存着备用”,      put down“击败”,“贬低”,put off “推迟”,“延期”。   14. B look on“旁观”,“观看”,look out“小心”,“当心”,look around“到处寻找”‎ ‎,      “四处查看”,look forward“盼望(后接介词to)”。   15. D take on“呈现”,“聘用”,take back“承认错误”,“同意收回”,take up“从事于”,      “占”,“继续”,take over“接任”,“接管”。   16. B 这里表示说话人的一种愿望。   17. C 这里表示某人花费多少钱在什么事上。   18. D 在这句话中,dress用作不及物动词,表示“穿衣服”。   19. D 说某种语言用speak,给某人讲故事用tell。   20. B agree to表示同意某事,agree with表示同意某人或某人所说的话,agree on表示就某事达成一      致意见。   21. A be made of“由……组成”(看得出原料),be made from“由……组成”(看不出原料),      be made into“(可以)组成……”,be made in“产于……”。   22. C hear from sb.“收到某人的来信”,hear of/about“听说……”。   23.C feed…to…“把……喂给……”,动词后面接食物,介词后面接人或动物,      feed…with/on…“用……喂……”,动词后面接人或动物,介词后面接食物,feed on…      “以……为食”。   24. B marry sb.“娶某人”,“和某人结婚”,表动作,不与时间段连用,be married to sb.“和某      人结婚”,表状态,要注意这里不能用介词with,get married“结婚”,“成家”,表动作,      get married to sb. “和某人结婚”,表动作。   25. A give in“让步”,“投降”,in是一个副词,后面不接宾语,give in to…“对……让步”,      “屈服于……”,give up…“放弃……”,“停止……”,接名词或代词或动名词作宾语,如      果是代词必须放在中间,give way to= give in to…“对……让步”,“屈服于……”,      give out“用完”,“分发”。   26. D prefer A to B “喜欢A而不喜欢B”,to是一个介词,A 和B词形要一致,都是名词或代词或动      名词,prefer to do A rather than do B“宁愿做A而不愿做B”, prefer sb. to do sth.      “更愿某人做某事”。   27. C care about“关心”,“计较”,“在乎”,care for“关心”,“喜欢”。   28. D die of表示死于疾病或饥饿或寒冷或年老等直接原因,die from表示死于枪伤或刀伤或劳累或污      染等间接原因,die out“熄灭”,“绝种”,die away“平息,渐渐消失”,“静下来”。   29. A keep sb. from doing sth.“阻止某人做某事”。   30. C separate … from…“把……和……分开”,divide … into … “把……分成……”‎ ‎,指把一      个整体分成若干部分。   31. D connect A with B“把A和B连在一起”。   32. C 该题要用现在进行时表示将来,leave for somewhere “去某地”。   33. C learn to do sth.“学会做某事”。   34. B It’s time for sb. to do sth.“该某人做某事了”,plant trees“植树”。   35. C reply to one’s letter“给某人回信”。   36. B 该空要用一般过去时;leave sth. somewhere“把某物遗忘在某地”。   37. C 第一空要用一般过去时,第二空在情态动词后面要用动词原形。   38. D lend sth. to sb.“把某物借给某人”。   39. A 第一空表示“躺”,第二空表示“撒谎”。   40. B 该题要用现在进行时,raise是一个及物动词,rise 是一个不及物动词。   41. C drop在这句话中的意思是“丢”。   42. D 与一段时间连用,必须要用延续性动词。   43. D 既然我不确信这个单词是否写对了,我当然想知道对方怎样拼写这个单词。   44. D last在本句话中用作动词,表示“持续”的意思,不能用于被动语态。   45. B fall off +地点,表示“从某地掉/摔下来”。   46. C hit在这里的意思是“袭击”。   47. C put on“穿上”,“戴上”,“假装”,put down“击败”,“贬低”,put up“举起”,“支      起”,“张贴”,put off “推迟”,“延期”。   48. B join … with … “用……把……连在一起”。   49. B sound在该句中是一个连系动词,意思是“听起来”。   50. C keep在这句话中的意思是“记载”。   51. B bring down the price“降价”。   52. C advise sb. to do sth.“建议某人做某事”。   53.B get through“(电话)接通”,“明白”,“成功”,get over“作完”,“恢复”,      get up“起床”,“起身”,get away “逃走”。   54. C come up“发生”,“走近”,“被提出”,come into“得到”,“继承”,“开始”,      come to“达到”,谈到“,突然想到”,come about“发生”。   55. D ring up“打电话”,ring off“挂断电话”,ring back“回电”。   56. B 表示感谢时,thank后面一般接人,appreciate后面一般接事。   57. B raise在这里的意思是“饲养”。   58. C tell在这里的意思是“断定”,“辨别”。   59. C set fire“放火”,light a fire“点火”,make a fire“生火”,catch fire“着火”。   60. D remind sb. of sth. “使某人想起某事”。‎

