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‎2019二轮复习副词专项训练 My schedule is very________right now, but I’ll try to fit you in.‎ A.tight B.short C.regular D.flexible Even though the conference hall is near his apartment, he has to hurry a little if he wants to be_____.‎ A.accurate B.punctual C.efficient D.reasonable ‎ Be ________—you can’t expect me to finish all this work in so little time.‎ A.reasonable B.confident C.creative D.grateful ‎ How can you say that religion is anything________way of controlling people?‎ A.rather than B.other than C.more than D.less than The professor could tell by the________look in Maria’s eyes that she didn’t understand a single word of his lecture.‎ A.cold B.blank C.innocent D.fresh In my opinion, ________ friends are more reliable than online ones.‎ A.real B.true C.close D.good The young man couldn’t afford a new car.________, he bought a used one.‎ A.Besides B.Otherwise C.Instead D.Still Keeping a balance of work, rest and diet, and having________exercise will save people from illnesses.‎ A.appropriate B.accurate C.fierce D.temporary The staterun company is required to make its accounts as________as possible for its staff to monitor the use of money.‎ A.transparent B.reasonable C.secure D.formal Little Tom sat watching the monkey dancing in front of him.‎ A.amaze B.amazing C.amazed D.to amaze It is one thing to enjoy listening to good music, but it is__________another to play it well yourself.‎ A.quite B.very C.rather D.much A sudden stop can be a very frightening experience, ______ if you are travelling at high speed.‎ A.eventually B.strangely C.merely D.especially They gave money to the old people's home either ______ or through their companies.‎ A.legally B.sincerely C.personally D.deliberately Listening is thus an active, not a , behavior consisting of hearing, understanding and remembering.‎ A.considerate B.sensitive C.reliable D.passive —How was your recent trip to Sichuan?‎ ‎—I’ve never had ________one before.‎ A.a pleasant B.a more pleasant C.a most pleasant D.the most pleasant Since people are fond of humor, it is as welcome in conversation as________else.‎ A.anything B.something C.anywhere D.somewhere Lily seems to know a lot about Hong Kong, but ________ she has never been there.‎ A.luckily B.strictly C.actually D.naturally ________, I managed to get through the game and the pain was worth it in the end.‎ A.Hopefully B.Normally C.Thankfully D.Conveniently On snowy days, you have to drive very ________to avoid traffic accidents.‎ A.cautiously B.neatly C.smoothly D.properly His comprehensive surveys have provided the most__________statements of how, and on whatbasis, data are collected.‎ A.explicit B.ambiguous C.original D.arbitrary The police officers decided to conduct a thorough and _______ review of the case.‎ A.comprehensive B.complicated C.conscious D.crucial She was certainly not afraid of the dark.________,it was only a 15minute ride home.‎ A.However B.Besides C.Therefore D.Otherwise Nowadays, there is a________increase in children’s creativity, for they are greatly encouraged to develop their talents.‎ A.sharp B.slight C.natural D.modest In that school, English is compulsory for all students, but French and Russian are________.‎ A.special B.regional C.optional D.original It was________of Michael to inform us of his delay in case we got worried.‎ A.careless B.considerate C.patient D.generous It is said that Nigeria is___ _____Great Britain.‎ A.three time the size of B.the size three times of C.three times as the size of D.three times the size of Frank put the medicine in the top drawer to make sure it would not be________to the kids.‎ A.accessible B.relative C.acceptable D.sensitive ‎ I’ve been writing this report________for the last two weeks, but it has to be handed in tomorrow.‎ A.finally B.immediately C.occasionally D.certainly Andy is content with the toy.It is he has ever got.‎ A.a better B.the better C.a best D.the best —Are you happy with this laboratory?‎ ‎—Not a little.We can’t have________.‎ A.a worse one B.a nicer one C.so bad one D.so nice one ‎参考答案 答案为:A ‎ 解析:tight“紧的,密封的,没空的”;short“短的,短缺的”;regular“定期的;有规律的”;flexible“灵活的”。句意:我的日程现在安排很紧,但我会尽力为你腾出时间。故选A项。‎ 答案为:B 解析:句意:尽管会议大厅靠近他的公寓,如果他想要准时的话,还是必须快点。A项“精确的”;B项“守时的,准时的”;C项“有效率的”;D项“合理的”。故选D项。‎ 答案为:A 解析:考查形容词辨析。A项reasonable表示“合理的;公平的”;B项confident表示“自信的”;C项creative表示“有创造力的;创造(性)的”;D项grateful表示“感激的”。由破折号后面的关键信息可知说话者对“finish all this work in so little time”很不满,要求讲道理。be reasonable为祈使语气,意为“要讲道理”。句意:要讲道理——你不能期望我在如此短的时间里完成所有这些工作呀。 ‎ 答案为:B ‎ 解析:句意:你怎么能说宗教只是控制人的方式呢?这里other than表示“除了……外”符合语意。rather than表示“而不是”;more than表示“不止……”;less than表示“少于……”,都与语意不符,所以应该选B项。‎ 答案为:B ‎ 解析:cold“冷的,冷淡的”;blank“茫然的,无表情的”;innocent“天真的,清白的,无辜的”; fresh“新鲜的,清新的”。句意:从玛丽亚茫然的眼神中教授能够断定她根本不明白他讲课的内容。故选B项。‎ 答案为:A ‎ 解析:句意:我认为现实中的朋友比网上的朋友可靠。real与句中的online对应,表示“实际存在的”。true意为“真实的,真正的”,强调与实际情况相符,而不是编造的。‎ 答案为:C ‎ 解析:besides“此外”;otherwise“否则”;instead“作为替代,反而”;still“仍旧”。由句子中的couldn’t afford a new car和bought a used one可知此处应用instead表示“instead of buying a new one”。句意:那个年轻人买不起新汽车。作为替代,他买了一辆二手车。故选C项。‎ 答案为:A ‎ 解析:句意:保持工作、休息和饮食之间的平衡,做适当的锻炼能让人们免去疾病。此处appropriate表示“适当的”,符合语意。accurate表示“精确的”;fierce表示“猛烈的”;temporary表示“暂时的”。‎ 答案为:A 解析:transparent“透明的”;reasonable“合理的”;secure“安全的”;formal“正式的”。句意:国有企业要求账务做得尽可能的公开透明,让全体员工都能监督资金的使用。故A项正确。‎ 答案为:C 解析:本句考查形容词作状语。本句考查形容词作伴随状语,意为:小Tom坐在那儿看着小猴子在他面前跳舞,很吃惊。主要考查B、C之间的区别,选项B意为:令人吃惊的,常修饰物;而选项C意为:感到吃惊的,常修饰人。根据句意,本题选择C。‎ 答案为:A 解析:quite another表示“完全不同”。句意:喜欢听好音乐是一回事,但你自己演奏得好完全是另一回事。‎ 答案为:D 解析:句意:突然停止可能是一个可怕的经历,尤其是如果你以高速运行的时候。A.最终;B.奇怪地;C.仅仅地;D.尤其地。故选D。‎ 答案为:C 解析:句意:他们给那位老人的家里送钱,有的是一个人的名义,有的则是通过他们的公司。A合法地;B真诚地;C亲自,当面地,个人而言;D故意地。故选C。‎ 答案为:D 答案为:B 答案为:C ‎ 解析:句意:因为人们喜欢幽默,所以它在交际以及任何场合下都受到人们的欢迎。anything“任何东西”;something“某些东西”;anywhere“任何地方”;somewhere“有些地方”。根据句意,强调任意场合,故选C项。‎ 答案为:C ‎ 解析:根据句中的but一词可知她“实际上”从未去过香港。actually“实际上”,符合语境。luckily“幸运地”;strictly“严格地”;naturally“自然地”。‎ 答案为:C ‎ 解析:hopefully“有希望地,有前途地”;normally“正常地,一般地,通常,常态地”;thankfully“感谢地,感激地”;conveniently“方便地,便利地”。句意:谢天谢地,我设法通过了比赛,因而为此所受的苦最终是值得的。‎ 答案为:A ‎ 解析:在下雪天,必须“小心”开车,以避免交通事故。cautiously“小心翼翼地”,符合语意 答案为:A 答案为:A 解析:句意:警官决定对这起案件进行一次彻底全面的审查。A项“综合的,全面的,有理解力的”;B项“复杂的”;C项“有意识的”;D项“至关重要的”。故选A项。‎ 答案为:B ‎ 解析:句意:她肯定不怕黑。再说,骑自行车到家只需15分钟。besides“此外”。‎ 答案为:A ‎ 答案为:C ‎ 解析:句意:在那所学校,英语是所有学生必修的,但是法语和俄语则是可以选修的。special“特殊的,特别的”;regional“地区的,区域的”;optional“可选的,并非必须的”;original“起初的,原来的”。‎ 答案为:B 解析:考查形容词辨析A.careless不小心的;B.considerate体贴的;C.Patient有耐心的;D.generous慷慨的。该句意思为:麦克真是体贴,他通知我们他会迟点来以防我们着急。故选B 答案为:D ‎ 解析:此题考查倍数的表达方式:倍数+the size of...,故选择D项。‎ 答案为:A ‎ 答案为:C ‎ 解析:finally “最后”;immediately“立刻,马上”;occasionally“偶尔,有时候,不时地”;certainly“当然,必定”。‎ 答案为:D 解析:考查最高级和比较级。根据上一句话可知,Andy对这个玩具很满意,故选择D,意为:这是他曾得到的最好的玩具。‎ 答案为:B ‎ 解析:对话答语中的Not a little=Very,即对这个实验室十分满意,因此B项正确——形容词比较级用在否定句中表示最高级的概念。‎ 副词 专题练习 ‎1、Men are equally as good as women at taking care of others; better male nurses can   be a great help in keeping patients still when they are receiving painful treatment A.yet   B.much   C.enough        D.even ‎2、There is      such thing as right or wrong, good or bad culture.‎ A.no   B.not  C.none  D.neither ‎3、It is not only blind men who make such stupid mistakes.People who can see sometimes act          .‎ A.just foolishly  B.less foolishly  C.as foolishly    D.so foolishly ‎4、A short, thin woman,      past middle age, visited the manager and applied for the job.‎ ‎ A.highly      B.much       C.too     D.well ‎5、--- What did you do last weekend? ‎ ‎--- Oh, nothing ______.‎ A.else      B.much       C.ever        D.yet ‎6、The modern hi -tech industry makes full use of what farmers would _______throw away as waste.‎ A.however     B.thus     C.otherwise     D.therefore ‎ ‎7、By accepting lower prices,organizers can sell tickets that would ______ go unsold.‎ A.therefore      B.otherwise     C.instead D.however ‎8、Tomorrow there will be _______ sunshine with cloudy intervals so he has made a plan for a picnic with his family.‎ A.mainly   B.occasionally     C.roughly  D.Extremely ‎9、Since studying abroad often puts you on a completely different continent,you are much closer to places you might _______ not have had the opportunity to visit.‎ A.rather     B.otherwise      C.therefore       D.still ‎10、They are always short of water to drink, __________less to bathe in.‎ ‎ A.much      B.too      C.rather      D.no ‎11、There’s little chance that we will succeed in changing our fate._________, it is important that we try.‎ ‎ A.Meanwhile   B.Nevertheless     C.Otherwise     D.Therefore ‎12、Life is like a winding path surrounded by flowers, butterflies and delicious fruits, ______, many of us spend much time looking for happiness around the next corner.‎ A.therefore      B.though     C.moreover    D.otherwise ‎13、We shouldn’t put labels on other people ___________ based on one thing or a few words we’ve heard.‎ A.really      B.merely      C.rarely       D.approximately ‎14、The national parks are very important for the protection of these wild animals,which would _____ run the risk of becoming dying out.‎ A.therefore  B.instead C.otherwise    D.anyhow ‎15、The national parks are very important for the protection of these wild animals,which would _____ run the risk of becoming dying out.‎ A.therefore    B.instead C.otherwise   D.anyhow ‎16、I don’t know the exact number of the deaths in the disaster, ________, one-third of the villagers.‎ A.accurately     B.roughly     C.consequently      D.evidently ‎ ‎17、I have seldom seen my mother _______ pleased with my progress as she is now .‎ A.so     B.very       C.too        D.rather ‎18、It may not work out that one living in an English-speaking country will acquire the language ________.‎ ‎  A.effectively     B.fluently    C.automatically      D.severely ‎ ‎19、Domestic graduates’ capacity has increased, so now businesses no longer________prefer overseas graduates.‎ A.blindly    B.automatically      C.abundantly       D.gradually ‎20、Cloning may have much to contribute to human medicine, but we must use it    , because it may put people at risk.‎ A.casually     B.cautiously      C.slightly       D.differently ‎21、The expanding population will bring about a heavy burden to education and public welfare, and     to the social stability.‎ A.frequently    B.significantly      C.occasionally     D.consequently ‎22、Many people consider English as the unofficial"world language"because it is so __________used.‎ A.frequently      B.widely     C.naturally      D.properly ‎23、With the use of high technology introduced, the average production of this company is    increasing.‎ A.basically     B.roughly      C.steadily      D.partially ‎24、In that poor family, a baby boy came into this world.But    , he didn’t come with a cry, which was a big problem.‎ A.abruptly      B.unfortunately     C.innocently       D.differently ‎25、According to the Ebbinghaus Forgetting Curve, the newly learnt words will quickly be forgotten if they are not    used in our daily English communication.‎ A.frequently    B.occasionally    C.differently     D.exactly ‎26、Looking you straight in the eye doesn’t mean the person is telling the truth.Experienced liars often do this    .‎ A.reluctantly     B.innocently      C.deliberately       D.awkwardly ‎27、 Robert is said ________ abroad, but I don’t know what country he studied in.‎ A.to have studied      B.to study    ‎ C.to be studying      D.to have been studying ‎ ‎28、We do meet now and then, but not ________.‎ A.freely      B.commonly      C.regularly     D.presently ‎ ‎29、—Did your son go to dentist’s to have his bad tooth pulled out?‎ ‎—Yes, though _______.‎ A.contentedly  B.reluctantly  C.earnestly      D.controversially ‎30、The world economy has improved _______ since the end of last year,but major problems and challenges are not fully solved.‎ A.somehow     B.somewhat     C.anyhow      D.meanwhile ‎31、I didn’t mean to answer back; I _______ meant to say that you had been misinformed.‎ A.merely     B.mostly      C.rarely      D.nearly ‎32、By accepting lower prices, organizers can sell tickets that would ______ go unsold.‎ ‎  A.therefore    B.otherwise      C.instead        D.however ‎33、By accepting lower prices, organizers can sell tickets that would ______ go unsold.‎ ‎  A.therefore    B.otherwise    C.instead         D.however ‎34、Health officials in countries affected by Ebola are encouraging people to wash hands more _____.‎ A.frequently     B.gradually     C.occasionally     D.steadily ‎35、— Your car should be ready next Tuesday.‎ ‎— We were        hoping you'd be able to do it by this Friday.‎ A.still     B.rather    C.always     D.even ‎36、There is still much to discuss, we shall, ______, return to this item at our next meeting.‎ ‎  A.nevertheless     B.moreover     C.however       D.therefore ‎37、Since studying abroad often puts you on a completely different continent, you are much closer to places you might _______ not have had the opportunity to visit.‎ ‎  A.rather     B.otherwise      C.therefore       D.still ‎38、Failure is unavoidable in our lives._____, many people viewed failure as the beginning of their struggle, rather than the end of it.‎ A.Lately   B.Approximately    C.Fortunately      D.Naturally ‎39、The machine has been used for man years.It’s no wonder that it doesn’t work well __________.‎ ‎  A.regularly      B.constantly     C.frequently      D.occasionally ‎40、Life is like a winding path surrounded by flowers, butterflies and delicious fruits, ___, many of us spend much time looking for happiness around the next corner.‎ ‎  A.therefore     B.though       C.moreover      D.otherwise 参考答案 ‎1、答案为:A; 2、答案为:A; 3、答案为:C; 4、答案为:D; 5、答案为:B; ‎ ‎6、答案为:C;7、答案为:B; 8、答案为:A; 9、答案为:B; 10、答案为:A; ‎ ‎11、答案为:B; 12、答案为:B; 13、答案为:B; 14、答案为:C;15、答案为:C; ‎ ‎16、答案为:B; 17、答案为:A; 18、答案为:C; 19、答案为:A; 20、答案为:B; ‎ ‎21、答案为:D; 22、答案为:B; 23、答案为:C; 24、答案为:B; 25、答案为:A; ‎ ‎26、答案为:C; 27、答案为:A; 28、答案为:C; 29、答案为:B;30、答案为:B;‎ ‎31、答案为:A;32、答案为:B; 33、答案为:B; 34、答案为:A; 35、答案为:B; ‎ ‎36、答案为:D; 37、答案为:B; 38、答案为:C; 39、答案为:D; 40、答案为:B; ‎

