六年级上册英语课件-Unit 1 The kings new clothes |译林版(三起) (共20张PPT)

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六年级上册英语课件-Unit 1 The kings new clothes |译林版(三起) (共20张PPT)

Unit 1 The king's new clothes 第一单元 句型练习 词汇练习 阅读理解练习 1. 很久以前 ___________ 2. 指着 …… ___________ 3. 试穿 ___________ 4. 聪明的人 ___________ 5. 穿过这座城市 ___________ 词汇练习 一、英汉互译 . long long ago point at… try on clever people walk through the city 6.in the street___________ 7.a little boy ___________ 8.make new clothes ___________ 9.turn into ___________ 10.magic clothes ___________ 词汇练习 在街上 一个小男孩 做新衣服 变成 神奇的衣服 1.am (过去式) ___________ 2.shout ( 过去式 ) ___________ 3.visit ( 过去式 ) ___________ 4.we ( 宾格 ) ___________ 词汇练习 二、按要求完成下列各题 . was shouted visited us 5.like ( 过去式 ) ___________ 6.couldn't ( 完整形式 ) ___________ 7.were ( 现在时 ) ___________ 8.try ( 过去式 ) ___________ 词汇练习 liked could not are tried 1. 我的好朋友 ___________   2. 每个学生 ___________ 3. 讲一个故事 ___________ 4. 努力地想 ___________ 5. 照顾 ___________ 词汇练习 三、英汉互译 . my good friend(s) each student tell a story think hard look after 6.this afternoon ___________ 7.say a sentence ___________ 8.come to my party ___________ 9.at half past four ___________ 10.two men ___________ 词汇练习 今天下午 说一个句子 来我的聚会 在四点半 两位男士 1. One day, a cowboy v the old man. 2.All the students t   a story together last Tuesday. 3.It is Bobby's t .He is thinking hard. 4.Two men s   the king the magic clothes. 词汇练习 四、根据首字母提示补全单词 . isited old urn howed 1. 很久以前 , 有一位聪明的人 .Long long ago, there a _____ man. 2. 她刚才指着那件漂亮的短裙 .She at that beautiful just now. 一、根据汉语提示完成句子 . 句型练习 was clever pointed skirt 3. 昨天她很开心 .She very yesterday. 4. 她正在向我展示她的新书 .She is me new books. 5. 多么漂亮的衣服啊 ! clothes! 句型练习 was happy showing her What beautiful 1. 谁能为我做新衣服 ? Who can new clothes for ? 2. 看他的新帽子 . Look new hat. 3. 很久以前 , 在这个花园里有许多漂亮的花 . Long long ago, a lot of beautiful flowers in the garden. 二、根据汉语提示完成句子 . 句型练习 make me at his there were 4. 有一天 , 两个男人拜访了医生 . One day, two the doctor. 5. 国王穿着他的新衣服穿过城市 . The king walked the city his new clothes. 6. 他们看着国王并且大笑 . They looked the king and . 句型练习 men visited through in at laughed 句型练习 (    ) 1. Was there a king?      A.Yes, there were. (    ) 2.Don't shout. B.No, they don't. (    ) 3.Were there any trees in the forest? C.No, there wasn't. (    ) 4.Do they like flowers? D.Yes, I can. (    ) 5.Can you make a kite? E.OK. 三、找出句子相应的答语 . C E A B D 1.There are some flowers in the garden.( 改为过去式 ) There some flowers in the garden. 2.The man is wearing some clothes.( 改为否定句 ) The man wearing clothes. 四、按要求改写句子 . 句型练习 were isn't any 3.The boy is clever.( 改为一般疑问句 , 并作肯定回答 ) — the boy clever?   —Yes, . 4.We can make new clothes.( 改为否定句 ) We make new clothes. 5.there, the, long long ago, forest, lion, was, a, in ( ,/. ) ( 连词成句 ) _______________ _______________ _______________ 句型练习 Is he is can't Long long ago , there was a lion in the forest. I have a Chinese friend.Her name is Li Fang.She usually gets up at six forty.She goes to school on foot at seven ten.She has seven lessons every day.She likes Music.But she doesn't like PE.She likes listening to music.She often listens to music at weekends.She listened to music last night.She is a nice girl. 阅读理解练习 一、阅读短文 , 判断正 (T) 误 (F). (    ) 1.Helen's Chinese friend is Li Ming. (    ) 2.Li Fang gets up at twenty to seven. (    ) 3.Li Fang goes to school by bike. (    ) 4.Li Fang listened to music last night. 阅读理解练习 F T F T He was very lazy ( 懒 ).He always ( 总是 ) asked a little monkey to give him some food.The little monkey wasn't happy for this.So one day the monkey said, “Now, I'm sorry.I can't give you any food again.” “Why?” the tiger asked. “There is another ( 另外 ) tiger in the mountain.He tells me not to do that,” the monkey said.So the tiger was angry and he asked, “Where is he?” “He's over there.Please come with me,” the monkey said.They came to a river ( 河 ).The tiger saw another tiger in the water.So he jumped into the water.He didn't come out again. 阅读理解练习 二、阅读短文 , 选择正确的答案 . (    ) 1. There was in a mountain. A.a big tiger    B.a big monkey    C.monkeys (    ) 2.What did the tiger ask the monkey to give him? A.Some food. B.Some drinks. C.Another tiger. (    ) 3. Was the little monkey happy? A.Yes, he was. B.No, he wasn't. C.No, he was. 阅读理解练习 A A B (    ) 4. How was the tiger when he heard what the monkey said? A. Happy. B. Angry. C. Sad. (    ) 5. Was there a real ( 真的 ) tiger in the water? A. Yes, there was. B. Yes, it was. C. No, there wasn't. 阅读理解练习 B C

