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冀教版小学英语(三年级起点)五六年级重点句型汇总 六上 Unit 1‎ ‎-What time is it now?现在几点了?‎ ‎-It's half past four.现在是四点半。‎ ‎-Did you have a good trip?旅途愉快吗?‎ ‎-Yes, thanks.是的,谢谢。‎ Here is my house.这是我家的房子。‎ There is a living room, a kitchen, and a bathroom on the first floor.一楼有起居居室、厨房和卫生间。‎ There are four bedrooms and a study on the second floor.二楼有四间卧室和一间书房。‎ ‎-What would you like for breakfast, Li Ming?李明,你早餐想吃什么?‎ ‎-I’d like some eggs, bread and juice, please.我想吃鸡蛋、面包和和果汁。‎ Breakfast is ready!Let's eat!早餐好了。我们开始吃吧。‎ What' s for dinner?晚餐吃什么?‎ Let' s help my mother make dinner.让我们帮助我妈妈做早餐。‎ ‎-May I help you?我能帮助您吗?‎ ‎-Sure, Li Ming.当然了,李明。‎ What are we doing?我们正在做什么?‎ Mr. and Mrs. Smith are reading newspapers.史密斯先生和史密斯太太在读报纸。‎ Bob is sitting in a chair.鲍勃坐在椅子上。‎ Unit 2‎ ‎-Do you always go to school by bus?你总是坐汽车去学校吗?‎ ‎-No, sometimes I ride my bike.不,有时我骑自行车。‎ ‎-Do you walk to school?你步行去学校吗?‎ ‎-No, I never walk. I live too far from my school.不,我从不步行。我住得离学校太远。‎ ‎-Where are you from?你来自自哪里?‎ ‎-I'm from China.我来自中国。‎ What subjects do you have in school?在学校里,你都学什么科目?‎ How many classes do you have each day?每天你有几节课?‎ How' s the weather today?今天天气怎么样?‎ what' s the temperature now?现在的气温是多少?‎ ‎-Do you help your mother?你帮助妈妈(做家务)吗?‎ ‎-Yes, I often clean the floor.是的,我经常打扫地板。‎ Unit 3‎ This is winter. Winter is cold.这是冬天。冬天很冷。‎ In winter, I put on my hat, scarf and winter coat.冬天,我带上帽子、围巾并穿上大衣。‎ In spring, I take off my winter clothes.春天,我脱掉冬天的衣服。‎ What a cold, snowy day!多么冷的雪天呀!‎ I' m putting on my winter hat.我正戴上冬天的帽子 第 6 页 共 6 页 冀教版小学英语(三年级起点)五六年级重点句型汇总 Now I'm going to put on my coat.现在,我正要穿上外套。‎ Then we make a small snowball for his head.然后,我们用一个小雪球做雪人的脑袋。‎ Can you stand up on the ice?你能站在冰上吗?‎ Why? Because I like the snow.为什么?因为我喜欢雪。‎ Unit 4‎ Christmas is a Western holiday.圣诞节是一个西方的节日。‎ We invite our family and friends to our house,我们邀请家人和朋友来做客 Yesterday my dad bought a Christmas tree!昨天我爸爸买了一棵圣诞树。‎ Let' s put it up让我们装饰圣诞树吧!‎ Then I' m going to put Christmas things on the tree.然后我将把圣诞物品挂在树上。‎ We are going to write Christmas cards to our friends and family.我们要给家人和朋友写圣诞卡片。‎ At Christmas, shops often have Santas.在圣诞节,商场里经常有圣诞老人。‎ What would you like for Christmas, young man?年轻人,圣诞节你想要什么礼物呢?‎ This morning we open our gifts!今天早晨,我们要打开礼物。‎ 六下 Unit 1‎ What sports do you play?你做哪些运动?‎ Can you teach me to play...?你能教我怎么打……吗?‎ Excuse me. Do you have any...?请问,你有……吗 Do you want these... or those...?/ Do you like this... or that...?‎ 你想要这些……还是那那些……?/你喜欢这个……还是那个……?‎ Are you ready to learn to play...?你准备好学习怎么玩……了吗?‎ Let me try!让我试试!‎ Did you have fun?你(们)玩得开心吗?‎ What did you do this evening?你们今天下午都做什么了?‎ His team played with the Orange Team.他的队与橙色队比赛 It was a very good game. Everyone played hard.比赛非常精彩,每个人都很努力。‎ Who won?谁赢了?‎ Bob' s team won.鲍勃的队赢了。‎ We yelled for Bob' s team!我们为鲍勃的队助威!‎ Unit 2‎ How often did Danny and Kim have breakfast last week?上星期丹尼和金吃了几次早餐?‎ Kim had breakfast six times last week.金上星期吃了六次早餐。‎ 第 6 页 共 6 页 冀教版小学英语(三年级起点)五六年级重点句型汇总 Before breakfast, he washes his hands and brushes his teeth.早餐前,他洗手刷牙。(L8)‎ After breakfast, he goes to school.早餐后,他去上学。‎ What do you do before breakfast?你早餐前都干什么?‎ How often do you eat...?你多久吃一次……?‎ Three times a week.一周三次。‎ Exercise helps make your body healthy and strong.运动能使你身体健康强壮。‎ How often do you exercise?你多久锻炼一次?‎ I think you need about an hour of exercise a day.我认为你每天需要锻炼一小时。‎ Do you help your family?你帮忙做家务吗?‎ What else do you do at home?在家里,你还做些什么?‎ Unit 3‎ What happens to trees in different seasons?各个季节树木有什么变化?‎ What colour are the leaves?树叶是什么颜色的?‎ In summer, I like to…在夏天,我喜欢……‎ What will you do tomorrow?明天你要做什么?‎ I will... 我将(要)……‎ What will you do for the summer holiday?暑假你将干什么?‎ Will you swim in the sea?你要在海里游泳吗?‎ Will you visit your family?你要拜访家人吗?‎ What else will you do?别的你还要做什么?‎ Unit 4‎ How many... do you need?你需要多少……?‎ Is she looking?她在看着吗?‎ Do you remember?你记得吗?‎ Would you come to a party?你会来参加聚会吗?‎ When is the party?聚会什么时间开始?‎ How many people are coming?有多少人要来?‎ Do you need any help?你需要帮忙吗?‎ Have a good trip!旅途偷快!‎ Don' t forget to write.别忘了写信 What do I need?我需要什么呢?‎ What' s the surprise?意外惊喜是什么 五上 Unit 1‎ This is my father, my mother and me.这是我的爸爸、妈妈和我。(L1)‎ I have two grandfathers and two grandmothers.我有爷爷、奶奶和外公、外婆。(L1)‎ ‎1don' t have brothers or sisters.我没有兄弟姐妹。(L1)‎ Uncle Dachao is tall and thin.大超叔叔又高又瘦。(L2)‎ ‎-What does your father do?你父亲是做什么工作的?(L3)‎ 第 6 页 共 6 页 冀教版小学英语(三年级起点)五六年级重点句型汇总 ‎-My father is a teacher.我的父亲是名教师。‎ ‎-Where does he work?他在哪里工作?(L3)‎ ‎-He works at school.他在学校工作。‎ He drivers to work.他开车去学校。(L3)‎ ‎-How does she go to work?她怎么去上班?(L3)‎ ‎-She goes to work by bike.她骑车去上班。‎ He likes to work on the computer.他喜欢在电脑上工作。(L4)‎ ‎-What does your family like to do?你的家人喜欢做什么?(L5)‎ ‎-My family likes to go for a walk together.我的家人喜欢一起散步。‎ We like to watch a film at the cinema.我们喜欢在电影院看电影。(L5)‎ Unit 2‎ This1 s a map of the world.这是一张世界地图。(L7)‎ We speak Chinese.我们说汉语。(L7)‎ ‎-What is the capital city of China?中国的首都是哪儿?(L7)‎ ‎-Beijing is the capital city of China.北京是中国的首都。‎ This is the flag of China. It is red. It has five yellow stars.这是中国国旗。它是红色的,上面有五颗黄色的星星。(L7)‎ What do you know about Canada?关于加加拿大你知道什么?(L8)‎ I know they speak English and French in Canada.我知道他们说英语和法语。‎ What country is next to the U.S.?什么国家与美国相邻?(L9)‎ Here is the capital city of the U.S.这是美国首都。(L9)‎ What country is this? it's the U.K.这是什么国家?是英国。(L10)‎ ‎-Do you know the capital city of the U. K.?你知道英国首都是哪儿吗?(L10)‎ ‎-Yes, I know! It' s London.是的,我知道,是伦敦。‎ ‎-What do they speak in the U.K.?在英国,人们讲什么语言?(L10)‎ ‎-That' s easy! English!这容易,讲英语 The capital city of Australia is Canberra.演大利亚首都是堪培拉。(L1)‎ Unit 3‎ ‎1 love to travel!我喜欢旅行(L13)‎ There are many interesting places in Beijing.北京有很多有趣的地方 ‎(L13)‎ This is the Palace Museum in BeiJing, It is beautiful.这是北京故宫。故宫很漂亮。(L13)‎ ‎-May I go shopping?我能去物吗?(L14)‎ ‎-Yes, you may.可以。‎ ‎-May I live in BeiJing,Mum?妈妈,我能住在北京吗?(L14)‎ ‎-No, you may not, Li Ming.不可以,李明。‎ Hello. This is Mrs. LI. May I speak to Mrs,. Smith?您好,我是李太太。我能跟史密斯太太讲话吗?(L15)‎ Li Ming and I are going on a trip to Beijing.李明和我将要去北京旅行。(L15)‎ We will go to Beijing in the morning on 第 6 页 共 6 页 冀教版小学英语(三年级起点)五六年级重点句型汇总 ‎ February3.我们将在2月3号早晨出发去北京。(L15)‎ ‎-How far is it from Shijiazhuang to Beijing?北京距离石家庄多远呢?‎ ‎-It's278 kilometres. 278公里。(L16)‎ Unit 4‎ Did you have a nice trip?旅途愉快吗?‎ What do you do for the Spring Festival?你为春节节做了哪些准备呢?(L19)‎ We clean the doors, the windows and the floor.我们清洁门、窗和地板。(L20)‎ What is your year?你属什么?(L20)‎ My year is the year of the rat我属鼠。(L21)‎ What do you do on the Dragon Boat Festival?端午节时你们都做什么?(L21)‎ We have dragon boat races and we eat zongzi. 我们赛龙舟、吃粽子。(L22)‎ I like these red trousers.我喜欢这条红裤子(L22)‎ don' t like those trousers.我不喜欢那条裤子(L23)‎ like this blue sweater.我喜欢这件蓝色的毛衣(L23)‎ I don't like that orange sweater.我不喜欢那件橘色的毛衣(L23)‎ 五下 Unit 1‎ Please don't run!请不要跑!(L1)‎ Please sit down.请坐下。(L1)‎ ‎-What are you doing now?你现在在做什么?(L2)‎ ‎-I’m drawing a picture.我在画画。‎ Jenny is looking out of the window.詹妮在望向窗外。(L2)‎ What is Danny looking at?丹尼在看什么?(L2)‎ ‎-Who is singing?谁在唱歌?(L3)‎ ‎-The woman behind me1 s singing.我后面的女人在唱歌。‎ ‎-Who is hungry?谁饿了?(L4)‎ ‎-I’m hungry..我饿了。‎ ‎-Would you like some fruit?你想吃些水果吗?(L4)‎ ‎-Yes, please.No, thanks.好的,请给我一些。/不,谢谢 ‎-May I play with the baby?我可以和这个婴儿玩吗?(L5)‎ ‎-Sure!当然!‎ Unit 2‎ They are on their way to the hotel.他们在去宾馆的路上。(L7)‎ A child is flying a kite.一个孩子在放风筝。(L7)‎ Some children are playing football.几几个孩子在踢足球。(L7)‎ Are you okay?你还好吗?(L8)‎ No, I hurt my arm!不,我伤到了胳膊!(L8)‎ Don' t worry. I can help you.不要担心。我可以帮助你。(L8)‎ ‎-May I take you picture?我可以给你拍照吗?(L9)‎ 第 6 页 共 6 页 冀教版小学英语(三年级起点)五六年级重点句型汇总 ‎-Sure,当然 Be careful! 当心(L9)‎ Don't be afraid. I can help you!不要害怕。我可以帮助你!(L10)‎ Jenny buys a scarf for her mother.詹妮给妈妈买了一条围巾(L11)‎ ‎-What time1 s It now?现在几点了?(L11)‎ ‎-It's2:30.两点半 Unit 3‎ This postcard has a picture of the Palace Museum on it这张明信片上有故宫的图画画(L13)‎ How much is this postcard?这张明信片多少钱?(L13)‎ I’ll take nine, please.我要买九张。(L13)‎ ‎-Where do you write on a postcard?你在明信片的什么地方书写(内内)?(L14)‎ ‎-On the left.在左边。‎ Where do you put the address? On the right你把地址写在什么地方?在右边。(L14)‎ Where is the post office?邮局在哪里?(L15)‎ Go straight. Turn left at the traffic lights.直行在交通灯处向左转。(L15)‎ An email is fast.电子邮件(速度)很快。(L16)‎ I want to send an email to my father.我想给爸爸发送一封电子邮件。(L16)‎ What a great trip!多么美好的旅行!(L17)‎ Don' t forget to write to us.不要忘了给我们写信。(L17)‎ Unit 4‎ What did you do yesterday?你昨天做了什么?(L19)‎ I walked to Wangfujing Street.我步行去了王府井大街。(L19)‎ I often watch TV at home.我经常在家看电视。(L19)‎ I watched a film last night.昨晚我看了一部电影。(L19)‎ ‎1 see Danny every day.我每天都见到丹尼。(L20)‎ I saw Mr Wood yesterday昨天我见到了伍德老师。(L20)‎ What happened?发生了什么?(L21)‎ I am happy today!我今天很高兴!(L21)‎ ‎1 was sad yesterday.昨天我很伤心。(L21)‎ This kite is for you.这个风筝是给你的.(L22)‎ I bought this for you.我给你买了这个(L22)‎ Here are some photos of our trip to Beijing.这是一些我们去北京旅行的照片。(L23)‎ The photo of the panda is for Danny.这张熊猫照片是给丹尼的。(L23)‎ 第 6 页 共 6 页

