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动词(一)‎ 动词的时态 一、 基本概念 ‎ 在初中英语中,共有八个时态需要掌握。它们是:‎ 1. the Simple Present (一般现在时)‎ 2. the Simple Past(一般过去时)‎ 3. the Simple Future(一般将来时)‎ 4. the Present Continuous Tense(现在进行时)‎ 5. the Past Continuous Tense(过去进行时)‎ 6. the Present Perfect Tense(现在完成时)‎ 7. the Past Perfect Tense(过去完成时)‎ 8. the Past Future Tense(过去将来时)‎ 二、 实例与用法介绍 ‎1.the Simple Present (一般现在时)‎ 一般现在时表示目前的状态以及经常习惯发生的动作。‎ 例如:‎ 1) The earth turns round the sun.(宇宙不变的真理)‎ 2) I get up at six every morning.(经常习惯发生的动作)‎ 3) We are Junior Three students.(表示目前的状态)‎ ‎2 . the Simple Past(一般过去时)‎ 一般过去时可以表示过去发生的动作或情况,在句子中往往有明确的表示过去的时间状语。‎ 例如:‎ ‎1) None of the football games had been more exciting than the one he watched yesterday.(句子中有yesterday这个明确表示过去的时间状语)‎ ‎2) last night I gave a lecture in the meeting hall.(last night表示过去的时间,所以我们也用一般过去时)‎ 一般过去时有时还可以表示过去习惯的动作。‎ 例如:‎ 1) When he was in the country, he liked to take a walk after supper.(句中liked表示他过去在农村市常常发生的动作)‎ 2) I used to go to work by bus.(used to 表示“过去常常”)‎ ‎3.the Simple Future(一般将来时)‎ 一般将来时即表示将来某个时间要发生的动作或存在的状态,也表示将来经常发生的动作。‎ 例如:‎ 1) We are going to enter senior high school in the near future.(in the near future是一个表示将来的时间状语,所以用一般将来时,表示将来某个时间要发生的动作)‎ 2) There will be more and more foreigners in ‎China ‎.(本句表示将来经常发生的动作,意为:在中国会有越来越多的外国人)‎ ‎4.the Present Continuous Tense(现在进行时)‎ 现在进行时表示目前正在进行的动作,句子中往往有now,at present,these days等做时间状语。‎ 例如:‎ ‎1) We are learning eight tenses now.(我们用一般现在进行时,表示目前正在进行的动作)‎ ‎2) Listen! They are singing in the classroom.(句子中listen表示“听”,说明句中的动作正在进行之中,因此我们用现在进行市)‎ ‎5.the Past Continuous Tense(过去进行时)‎ 过去进行时表示过去一个时间点或时间段中正在发生的动作。‎ 例如:‎ ‎1) We were having supper at six yesterday evening.(过去某一个时间点at six yesterday evening正在发生的动作)‎ ‎2) They were playing video games from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. yesterday afternoon.(过去某一个时间段from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. yesterday afternoon正在发生的动作)‎ ‎3) We were having an English lesson when Tom came in.(当过去某一个动作were having正在进行时,另一个动作came发生了)‎ ‎6.the Present Perfect Tense(现在完成时)‎ 现在完成时表示过去发生的动作对现在造成的影响与结果,或表示过去开始并持续到现在的动作或状态。‎ 例如:‎ ‎1)We have learned about eight tenses so far.(so far表示“至今为止”,常用于现在完成时)‎ ‎2)We have studied English for six years.(这里的for+时间段表示从过去开始并持续到现在的动作,用现在完成时)‎ ‎3)I have never met him since last month.(这里的since+时间点表示过去发生的动作对现在造成的影响与结果,所以用现在完成时)‎ ‎7.the Past Perfect Tense(过去完成时)‎ 过去完成时表示在过去某一个时间或动作前已经发生或者完成的动作,而且它常常用在宾语从句中。‎ 例如:‎ ‎1) By the end of last month, they had learned 2000 English words.(by the end of last month表示“到上一个周末为止,所以用过去完成时)‎ ‎2) After the boy had finished the homework, he watched TV.(finish这个动作发生在过去某一动作watched 之前,所以用过去完成时)‎ ‎8.the Past Future Tense(过去将来时)‎ 过去将来时表示对于过去某一个时间而言将要发生的动作或存在的状态,它常用在宾语从句中。‎ 例如:‎ ‎1)He said we would win the game the next week.(这句句子里用过去将来时是因为said和the next week的关系)‎ 练习:‎ Ⅰ.Fill in the blanks with the verbs in their proper forms:‎ 1. I _________(finish) my homework while you __________(sleep) this afternoon.‎ 2. She said she __________(no do) it again.‎ 3. I __________ (meet) him last week but I ___________(not see) him since then.‎ 4. John always _______(say) that he still ___________(not know) how to use the Present Perfect Tense.‎ 5. If Peter __________(come) tomorrow, I ___________(tell) him about it.‎ 6. Her elder brother__________(join) the army two years ago.‎ 7. They ___________(learn) several French songs by the end of last term.‎ 8. Look! We___________(catch) such a big fish.‎ 9. The teacher said the earth__________(turn) around the sun.‎ 10. When you ___________(have) a meeting, I ________ (buy) some cakes in the next shop.‎ 11. She __________never_________(be) to the Great Wall before.‎ 12. We __________(talk) about the development of the Internet on the lecture next Monday.‎ 13. They ___________(learn) the history of China these days.‎ 14. They____________(make) model ships from 3:00 to 5:00 yesterday.‎ 15. You __________(fail) in the exam if you ____________(not work) hard.‎ Ⅱ.Choose the best answers:‎ ‎( ) 1. If it_______ tomorrow, we_______ on a trip to Hangzhou.‎ ‎ A. rains…won’t go B. rains….go ‎ C. will rain…go D. will rain…won’t go ‎( ) 2. We _________the important meeting on a cold morning last week.‎ ‎ A. was had B. was held C. held D. have ‎( ) 3.It_______ dark. Let’s go home now.‎ ‎ A. getting B. is getting C. get D. is sounding ‎( ) 4. Jenny__________ over the text at 8:00 yesterday evening.‎ ‎ A. read B. reads C. was reading D. is reading ‎( ) 5. He told me that he _______to see me next week.‎ ‎ A. is coming B. will come C. came D. would come ‎( ) 6. Please pass me another cup. Tom _________this one.‎ ‎ A. broke B. is breaking C. had broke n D. has broken ‎( ) 7. Do you know when Mrs Green __________? When she _________, please tell her _________ about this letter.‎ ‎ A. is coming…..will come…type B. comes….is coming…to type ‎ C. will come….comes…to type D. comes….will come…..type ‎( ) 8. The old man ________for three days when his son got back.‎ ‎ A. has been dead B. had been dead ‎ C. died D. had died ‎( ) 9. While Uncle Li ________ the clock for us, we were playing cards.‎ ‎ A. repaired B. repairs C. was repairing D. is repairing ‎( ) 10. Great changes________ in China in the past ten years.‎ ‎ A. have taken place B. will take place ‎ C. have been taken place D. took place ‎( ) 11. There________ a football match this afternoon.‎ ‎ A. has B. will have C. is D. is going to be ‎( ) 12. When I saw her smiling face, I knew she _______ the good news.‎ ‎ A. had B. has had C. had had D. was having ‎( ) 13. Jane _______ a new dress every month when she was in Shanghai.‎ ‎ A. buys B. is buying C. will buy D. bought ‎( ) 14. How do you like Beijin, Mr Black?-----Oh, I ________ such a beautiful city.‎ ‎ A. don’t visit B. didn’t visit C. haven’t visited D. hadn’t visited ‎( ) 15. The MP3 _______ 500 yuan.‎ ‎ A. was cost B. costing C. cost D. is cost Key:‎ Ⅰ.1.finished,were sleeping 2. wouldn’t do 3. met, haven’t seen 4. says, doesn’t know 5. comes, will tell 6. joined 7. had learned 8. have caught 9.turns 10. were having,bought 11.has been 12. will talk 13. are learning ‎14. were making 15. will fail, don’t work Ⅱ.1. A 2. C 3. B 4. C 5. D 6. D 7. C 8. B 9. C 10. A 11. D 12. C ‎ 13. D 14. C 15. C ‎ 动词(二)‎ 动词的语态 动词的语态有两种,主动语态和被动语态。主动语态表示主语是动作的执行者,而被动语态表示主语是动作的承受者。‎ 一、被动语态的用法 ‎1.当我们不知道或没有必要说明动作的执行者是谁时,常用被动语态。‎ 例如:‎ I was told you were late this morning.‎ Many science books are written in English.‎ Newspapers are delivered at 8:00 every morning.‎ Recorders are often used in our English class.‎ ‎2. 当动作的承受者是我们说话的中心时,或描绘一个过程或一个实验时,我们常用被动语态。‎ 例如:‎ The design of the hotel was made by a young man.‎ The milk will be put into the coffee in a few minutes.‎ 二、被动语态的结构 被动语态形式 be +过去分词 一般现在时 am/is/are +过去分词 一般过去时 was/were +过去分词 一般将来时 will be +过去分词 现在完成时 has/have+been +过去分词 现在进行时 am/is/are+being +过去分词 过去进行时 was/were+being +过去分词 过去完成时 had+been +过去分词 过去将来时 would+be +过去分词 情态动词 情态动词+be +过去分词 三、如何将主动语态变为被动语态 例句:‎ We run that new restaurant.‎ The new restaurant is run by us.‎ ‎ 1 2 3‎ ‎1. 变宾语为主语。‎ ‎2.将谓语部分的主动形式改为被动形式。要注意:第一,时态一样;第二,谓语的单数和复数必须和主语一致。‎ ‎3.By+原来的主语,但如果原来的主语是人称代词,则要用其宾格,因为by是介词,后须用宾格。‎ ‎4.注意,有些动词后接的动词不定式作宾语补足语不接to,如:make, see, watch等,当变成被动语态时,应该加上to.‎ 例如:‎ I heard him sing two American songs.改为:‎ He was heard to sing two American songs.‎ 练习:‎ Ⅰ.Choose the best answer:‎ ‎( ) 1. One or two man-made satellites ______ in our country every year.‎ ‎ A. have been sent up B. will be sent up ‎ ‎ C. is sent up D. are sent up ‎( ) 2. Our TV set _____ yesterday.‎ ‎ A. is repaired B. was repaired ‎ C. had been repaired D. would be repaired ‎( ) 3. A new building _____ in our school next year.‎ ‎ A. will be built B. is built C. is being built D. has been built ‎( ) 4.How _____ the Great Pyramid (金字塔)_______ many years ago without modern machines.‎ ‎ A. is…built B. would…be built ‎ C. have…been built D. was…built ‎( ) 5. Mr Li , you _____ on the phone.‎ ‎ A. are wanted B. were wanted ‎ C. are being wanted D. will be wanted ‎( ) 6.This maths problem _____ out by little Tom.‎ ‎ A. can be easily work B. can easily be worked ‎ ‎ C. can is easily worked D. can easily worked ‎( ) 7.Food and clothes ____ by women. mt56.com ‎ A is often talk about B. are often talked ‎ ‎ C. are often talked about D. often talked about ‎( ) 8.The baby ____ when Mother was out.‎ A. well looked after B. was looked well ‎ C. is well looked after D. was well looked after ‎( ) 9.In the past ten year, a lot of new buildings _____ in our city.‎ ‎. A. are put up B. have put up C. have been put D. have been put up ‎( ) 10.Joan said the wallet ____ in no time.‎ ‎ A. will be handed in B. would be handed in ‎ C. had been handed in D. would be handed ‎( ) 11. Some people _________ streets without pay in the old days.‎ ‎ A. were made to clean B. made to clean ‎ C. made clean D. were made clean ‎( ) 12. I _______ five minutes to decide whether I should go or not.‎ ‎ A. gave B. was giving C. had given D. was given Ⅱ. Fill in the blanks with the verbs in their proper forms:‎ 1. English __________ in Canada. (speak)‎ 2. This kind of car ___________ in Japan. (make)‎ 1. Our room must ____________ clean. (keep)‎ 2. ‎-I'd like to buy that coat. -I'm sorry. It ____________. (sell) ‎ 3. A new house ___________ at the corner of the road.(built)‎ 4. The key ___________ on the table when I leave. (leave)‎ 5. Doctors ____________ in every part of the world.(need)‎ 6. His new book______________ next month.(publish)‎ 7. These papers ______________yet.( not write)‎ 8. Why ______a meeting______ to talk about it yesterday?(hold)‎ ‎ Ⅲ.Rewrite the sentences as required:‎ 1. They built a bridge between the two islands last year.(改为被动语态)‎ A bridge ________ ________ between the two islands last year.‎ ‎2. A birthday party will be given tomorrow.(改为主动语态)‎ ‎ We ________ _________ a birthday party tomorrow.‎ 3. We can finish the work in two days. (改为被动语态)‎ The work_________ _________ __________ in two days.‎ 4. John was seen to cross the street just now by someone. (改为主动语态)‎ Someone ________ John ________ the street just now.‎ 5. People use metal for making machines. (改为被动语态)‎ Metal _________ __________ for making machines.‎ 6. My brother often repairs his watch. (改为被动语态)‎ His watch ________ _______ ________ by my brother.‎ 7. We’ll put on an English play in our school. (改为被动语态)‎ An English play ________ _________ ________ on in our school.‎ 8. Did he break the window yesterday? (改为被动语态)‎ ‎________ the window_________ __________ __________ yesterday?‎ 9. We can’t wash the coat in water. (改为被动语态)‎ The coat_________ _________ _________in water.‎ 10. I won’t throw it away again. (改为被动语态)‎ It ________ ________ ________ away again.‎ 11. More and more farmers buy colour TV sets. (改为被动语态)‎ Colour TV sets _________ __________ __________ more and more farmers.‎ 12. The thief has already stolen the purse from the woman on the bus. (改为被动语态)‎ The purse _______ already________ _______ from the woman on the bus.‎ 13. The highrise had been rebuilt by last year. (改为主动语态)‎ The workers ________ ________ the highrise by last year.‎ 14. You needn’t do it now. (改为被动语态)‎ It ________ _________ __________ by you now.‎ 15. Lucy sent me a New Year card last week. (改为被动语态)‎ A New Year card ________ ________ _________ me by Lucy last week Key:‎ Ⅰ.D.B.D.A.D.B.D.C.D.D.A.D Ⅱ.1.is spoken 2. is made 3.be kept 4. has been sold 5.is being built 6. will be left 7.are needed 8. will be published 9.haven’t been written 10. was held Ⅲ. 1. was built 2. will give 3. can be finished 4. saw….cross 5. is used 6. is often repaired 7. will be put 8. Was…broken by him 9. can’t be washed 10.won’t be thrown 11. are bought by 12. has…been stolen 13. had rebuilt 14. needn’t be done 15. was sent to 动词(三)‎ 动词不定式 ‎  动词不定式是一种活跃的非谓语动词。它在句中起的是名词。形容词或副词的作用,可在句子中作主语、宾语、定语、状语和宾语补足语。动词不定式的形式是"to +动词原形",但to有时要省去。动词不定式在具体运用时,用不用to,取决于谓语动词的用法:‎ 一.带to的不定式结构 ‎1.我们学过的能直接跟带to的不定式结构的动词主要有:want, ask, tell, hope, learn, try, decide, forget, remember, like ,love, stop, go, come等。‎ ‎  2.动词不定式的否定形式是在不定式前直接加not,即not to do sth.。例如:  Jim told me not to wake up Kate.吉姆告诉我别叫醒凯特。‎ 二.不带to的不定式结构 ‎  以下几种情况使用不带to的动词不定式:‎ ‎  1.在固定词组had better之后。注意:had better的否定形式是had better not do sth.。例如:‎ ‎  You had better go home now.你最好现在回家。‎ ‎  It's cold outside. You'd better not go out.外面很冷,你最好不要出去。‎ ‎  2.在let,make,see, feel, watch,hear等感官或使役动词后,要跟不带to的动词不定式作宾语补足语。例如:‎ ‎  I made them give me the money back.我迫使他们把钱还给我。‎ ‎  I didn't see you come in.我没看见你进来。‎ ‎  3.在引导疑问句的why not之后。‎ ‎  "Why not+不带to的不定式"是Why don't you do…的省略,可以用来提出建议或劝告。例如:‎ ‎  Why not go with us。为什么不和我们一起去呢。‎ ‎  Why not take a holiday。=Why don't you take a holiday。为什么不休个假呢。‎ 三.动词不定式作主语 不定式结构作主语时,采用it作形式主语,而把不定式结构后置的形式。例如:‎ It took us twenty minutes to get there.‎ It is our duty to clean the room every day.‎ 四.动词不定式作定语 ‎  不定式作定语,要放在它所修饰的名词或代词的后面。例如:‎ ‎  I have nothing to say on this question.对这个问题我无可奉告。‎ 五.动词不定式作宾语 ‎  有的及物动词要求跟复合宾语(即宾语+宾语补足语)。如果其中的宾语是不定式短语,则必须将形式宾语it放在宾语的位置上,而将不定式短语(真正的宾语)放在宾语补足语之前。例如:‎ ‎  I find it useful to learn English well.我发现学好英语很有用。‎ ‎  We thought it wrong not to tell her.我们认为不告诉她是错误的。‎ 六.动词不定式作宾语补足语 ‎  动词不定式作宾语补足语是动词不定式用法的一个重点,学习时要注意以下三种情况:‎ ‎  1.作动词ask, like, tell等的宾语补足语时,动词不定式符号to不可以省略。例如:‎ ‎  He asked me to talk about English study.他请我谈谈英语学习。‎ ‎  2.作使役动词let, have, make以及感官动词feel, hear, see, watch等的宾语补足语时,动词不定式符号to要省略。例如:‎ ‎  The teacher made him say the word like this.老师让他像这样说这个单词。‎ ‎  3.作动词help的宾语补足语时,动词不定式符号to可以带,也可以不带。例如:‎ ‎  Could you help me (to) carry the heavy box。你能帮我搬这个重箱子吗。‎ 七.动词不定式作状语 ‎  动词不定式及其短语具有副词的特性,可在句中用作状语。‎ ‎  1.放在句首也可以放在句尾表示目的等。例如: He stopped to have a rest.他停下来休息。‎ ‎  2.跟在作表语的形容词或过去分词的后面。例如:‎ ‎  I'm sorry to hear that.听到这事我感到很难过。‎ ‎  3.用在too... to...结构中。例如:‎ He is too young to understand all that.他太年轻了,不能理解这件事。‎ 八. 动词不定式作表语 ‎ 例如:‎ His job is to organize the class meeting.‎ 练习:‎ Ⅰ.Choose the best answer:‎ ‎( ) 1. Don’t let the boy______ the street by himself. He is too young.‎ ‎ A. cross B. to cross C. crossing D. across ‎( ) 2. Sue’s father told her _________ waste food.‎ ‎ A. not to B. don’t C. to not D. not ‎( ) 3. You’d better ________ late because you’ll have a rest.‎ ‎ A. sleep B. to sleep C. not to sleep D. not sleep ‎( ) 4.I often hear the sound of children ______English in the room.‎ ‎ A. read B. to read C. reading D. are reading ‎( ) 5. He asked me ________him with his English this evening.‎ ‎ A. helped B. to help C. helping D. help ‎( ) 6. Their housework is __________ the streets.‎ ‎ A. clean B. cleaned C. cleans D. to clean ‎( ) 7. Did he enjoy ________in China?‎ ‎ A. worked B. works C.working D. work ‎( ) 8. Please keep everything _________.‎ ‎ A. tidying B. to tidy C. tidy D. tidies ‎( ) 9. I watched TV, so I forgot_________my homework.‎ ‎ A. doing B. do C. to do D. did ‎( )10.They saw a boy _________into the river while they were passing it yesterday.‎ ‎ A. to fall B. fall C. fell D. falls ‎( ) 11.You had better _________the bad food.‎ ‎ A. to eat B. eat C. not eat D. not to eat ‎( ) 12.Our teacher didn’t stop___________until eleven o’clock last night.‎ ‎ A. to work B. work C. working D. works ‎( ) 13.It takes us half an hour___________English every day.‎ ‎ A. read B. to read C. reading D. reads ‎( ) 14. When is it safe ___________the road?‎ ‎ A. crossing B. cross C. to cross D. crossed ‎( ) 15.Noise makes us __________very bad.‎ ‎ A. felt B. fell C. feeling D. feel ‎( ) 16.What would you like __________for supper?‎ ‎ A. having B. have C. has D. to have ‎( ) 17. Jim came __________me with my lessons.‎ ‎ A. help B. to help C. helps D. helping ‎( ) 18. Give me some water ___________.‎ ‎ A. drinking B. drinks C. to drink D. is drinking ‎( ) 19. He was kind enough ____________me.‎ ‎ A. excusing B. excuse C. excused D .to excuse ‎( ) 20.Our work today is _________ the whole exercises on the 5th page.‎ ‎ A. finish B. finishing C. to finish D. finished Ⅱ. Fill in the blanks with the verbs in their proper forms:‎ ‎1. I heard Mary _________(cry)‎ ‎2. I hope _________(hear) from Mr Li soon.‎ ‎3. He was made _________( do ) the work at once.‎ ‎4. It's easy__________ (talk) but difficult _________ (do).‎ ‎5. Let me ___________ (introduce) myself.‎ ‎6.Mike felt his heart __________ (beat) fast when he saw the teacher________(come) into the classroom.‎ ‎7. Would you like ___________ (come) with me?‎ ‎8. Lucy, remember __________(post) the letter.‎ ‎9. The farmers began _________ (think) of ways __________(plant) the trees.‎ ‎10. She often makes her mother __________(get) angry.‎ ‎11. Don't forget _________ (lock) the door when you leave.‎ ‎12. The farmers didn't know what __________ (do).‎ ‎13. Let him _________ (do) it.‎ ‎14. His hope is __________(become)a dancer in the future.‎ ‎15. Please tell her __________ (not be) late for class.‎ ‎16. It took us about three hours ____________(go) to the Summer‎ ‎Palace on foot yesterday.‎ ‎17. We often watch them __________(play) football.‎ ‎18. They did not decide when __________ (start).‎ ‎19. My task is_________ (design) a poster for the class.‎ ‎20. He was seen ____________(come).‎ ‎21. The teacher made Mike __________ (do) his exercises again.‎ ‎22. Lucy tried her best ___________(not show) her anger.‎ ‎23. He was very glad __________(go) to the West‎ ‎Lake.‎ ‎24.I really don't know how ____________(answer) it.‎ ‎25.The boy had better go __________(see) a doctor.‎ Key:‎ Ⅰ.A.A.D.A.B. A.C.C.C.B. C.C.B.C.D. D.B.C.D.C Ⅱ. 1. cry 2. to hear 3. to do ‎4. to talk, to do 5. introduce 6. beat ‎7. to come 8.t o post ‎9. to think,to plant 10. get ‎ ‎11. to lock 12. to do 13. do ‎14. to become 15. not to be ‎16. to go 17. play 18. to start 19. to design ‎20. to come 21. do 22. not to show ‎23.to go 24.to answer 25. to see

