陕旅版英语五年级上册unit 8 Part C优质课件

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陕旅版英语五年级上册unit 8 Part C优质课件

Unit 8 Where Are You from? 陕旅版五年级上册 Review 询问来自哪里的句型及回答: —Where do you come from ? —I come from… — Where are you from ? —I'm from… 就距离远近进行陈述和问答的句型: —Is it far from here ? —Not very far. 祝愿对方玩得开心/玩得高兴的句子: Have a good time! Listen and tick 1.仔细读题,明白这道题的要求:听录音,勾一勾。 2.听力题目以选择题的形式给出,共有四道小题。每 题三个选项均为表示地点的词,所以听录音时要抓 住表示地点的关键词。 3.仔细读句子,读懂题干意思,做好听前的准备。 听力指导 Listen and tick 1.I’m going to _________. A.Shanghai B.Guangzhou C.Beijing 2.Where is Li Qin from? A. Lanzhou. B.Suzhou. C.Hangzhou 3.Where is Mr. Black from? A.Australia. B.The USA. C.The UK. 4.Where is Mount Hua? A.In Jiangsu. B.In Hunan. C.In Shanxi. Read and write the names in the map 世界地图 Li Shan is a Chinese girl. She has many good friends —Kitty , Dan , Amy , and John. Kitty is tall. She comes from the USA. Dan has blue eyes. He is from France. Amy is from the UK. Where does John come from ? He comes from Australia. 李珊是一个中国女孩。她有许多好朋友——凯蒂,丹,艾米和约翰。凯蒂个子高。她来自美国。丹有双蓝眼睛。他来自法国。艾米来自英国。约翰来自哪里呢?他来自澳大利亚。 Read the passage Write the names in the map 世界地图 Let’s talk A:Where is…from? B:He/She is from... A:Is it far from here? B:Yes./ No, not far. A:Where is the old man from? B:He is from Heilongjing. A:Is it far from here? A:Yes. 黑龙江 A:Where is the woman from? B:She is from Jiangsu. A:Is it far from here? A:No, not very far. 江 苏 A:Where is the man from? B:He is from Guangdong. A:Is it far from here? A:Yes. 广 东 A:Where is the woman from? B:She is from Yunnan. A:Is it far from here? A:No, not very far. 云 南 Read, choose and complete. Where do you come from? Welcome to our hotel. Your name, please? Can I help you? A: Good afternoon! __________________ What can I do for you? B:I’d like to have a room. A:___________________ B:My name is Mary. A:___________________ B:I come from the USA. A:Wish you have a good time here! B:Thanks. Your name, please? Welcome to our hotel. Where do you come from? 请用英文给你的笔友写一封信,介绍一下你自己的基本情况及交通出行方式等。要求不少于40词。 1.时态: 全文的基本时态应该是一般现在时。 2.写作思路: 可以先介绍自己的个人基本信息及喜好,接着对自 己上学的相关情况作了一些描述,最后表达愿望和祝愿。 3. 必背词汇: from China 来自中国 something about you关于你的一些事 do well in …在……(方面)做得好 4.必备句型: I am from/come from 我来自…… Would you like to do sth.? 你 想做某事 吗?

