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unit 5 PEP人教版五年级英语上册优质课件 There is a big bed PartA 第一课时 PartA 第二课时 PartA 第三课时 PartB 第一课时 PartB 第二课时 PartB 第三课时 使用说明:点击对应课时,就会跳转到相应章 节内容,方便使用。 人教PEP版英语五年级上册 Unit 5 There is a big bed Let’s try & Let’s talk Part A Warm up Guessing game A: Can you …? B: Yes, I do./ No, I don’t. Lead in What can youWhat can you see? What can youI can see … Look and say Let’s try Sarah and Mike are in Zhang Peng’s bedroom. What is in the room? Listen and tick. √ Zhang Peng: Let’s play computer games, Mike! Mike: OK, but where is the computer?  Zhang Peng: Mike: Great! Sarah, can you play computer games? Sarah: Yes, I can. Let’s go. Listen again and read. There is a computer in my bedroom. Zhang Peng: Let’s __________________, Mike! Mike: OK, but _______is the computer?  Zhang Peng: ___________ a computer in my bedroom. Mike: Great! Sarah, __________ play computer games? Sarah: Yes, I can. Let’s go. Listen again and fill in the blanks. play computer games where There is can you This is Zhang Peng’s bedroom. What can you see? Let’s talkPresentation there 表示存在或发生 Sarah: Your room is really nice! Zhang Peng: Thanks. Mike: There is a big bed. Zhang Peng: Yes. I like my bed. Mike: There is a nice photo, too. Sarah: Wow! You look cool! Zhang Peng: Thank you. Hey, my computer is here on the desk. Let’s play! Listen and read. Sarah: Your room is really nice! Zhang Peng: Thanks. Mike: There is a big bed. Zhang Peng: Yes. I like my bed. Mike: There is a nice photo, too. Sarah: Wow! You look cool! Zhang Peng: Thank you. Hey, my computer is here on the desk. Let’s play! 1. Read it freely. 2. Act it out and find the best group. 趣配音。 六人一组,其中 三人做动作,另 外三人配音。 There is a big bed. 【详解】 there is意思是“有”,表示客观存在。用来描述某处有(存 在)某人或某物,后面跟单数可数名词或不可数名词。  句型结构:There is+主语+地点状语. e.g. There is some water in the bottle. There is a toy car in my room. 注意:主语的单复数与be动词的搭配,主语是单数,谓语动 词用is;主语是复数,谓语动词用are。 Language points What’s in the room? There is … Guessing game.Practice What’s in the room? There is … There is a desk in the picture. There is a banana on the plate. Describe the picture. There is a plate on the desk. There is a … in the picture. There is … There is … 五人一组,接龙介绍图片里 有什么,接龙失败则淘汰。Pair work. ( ) 1. —What is in the picture? —_________ a plate in the picture. A. There is B. there is C. There are ( ) 2. There _________ a big bed A. do B. is C. does ( ) 3. Your room is _________ nice. A. really B. real C. much ( ) 4. Sarah and Mike are in _________ bedroom. A. Zhang Peng B. Zhang Peng’s C. Zhang Pengs’ 一、 单项选择。 A B A B Exercises 1. really, your, nice, is, room (.) ______________________________ 2. a, there, bed, big, is (.) ______________________________ 3. is, my, on, computer, the, desk (.) ______________________________ 二、 连词成句。 Your room is really nice. There is a big bed. My computer is on the desk. I want to know Which room do you like? dirty room clean room We should keep our room clean. Making everything clean and tidy would give others a good impression. Cleaning our house is a good habit. 我们应该让我们的家干净整洁, 这样会给人们留下一个好印象。 整理屋子是一个好习惯。 Summary 七彩课堂 伴你成长 1. 学习了下列单词:photo, there。 2.学习了某地有单数某物的句型: There is ... 七彩课堂 伴你成长 听录音跟读let’s talk 部分对话。 one two Homework 用There is …句 型描述你的房间。 人教PEP版英语五年级上册 Unit 5 There is a big bed Let’s learn & Let’s play Part A Warm up There is a … Lead in It’s my new bedroom! What’s in it? Presentation It’s Zhang Peng’s room. What’s in it? This is my room. There is a clock, a photo, a plant, a water bottle, and bike in the room. 介绍多个物 品时,在最 后一个的前 面加and连接 What’s missing? Practice 照片 钟 电脑 床 植物 自行车 水瓶 自行车 照片 水瓶植物 Translate as fast as you can. Let’s play There is a clock in my room. There is a clock and a plant in my room. There is a clock, a plant and a photo in my room. This is my room. There is a … and … 描述自己的卧室。 There is a … in my room. 学生六人一组,用滚 雪球方式依次增加对 房间的描述。 There is a … and … in my room. (  ) 1. A. bike    B. like   C. love (  ) 2. A. water B. tea C. bottle (  ) 3. A. picture B. nice C. photo (  ) 4. A. TV B. room C. computer (  ) 5. A. onion B. nice C. cool Exercises 一、找出下列每组单词中不同类的一项。 A C B B A 二、选择正确答案。 ( )1. There is a clock, a water bottle ________ a plant in the picture. A. or B. and C. may ( )2. —What is in your room? —________ a desk and a chair in my room. A. There is B. There are C. There be ( )3. —What is in the classroom? —There is ______ in the classroom. A. students B. desks C. a chair B A C Summary 七彩课堂 伴你成长 1. 学习了下列单词:clock , plant, bike, water bottle。 2. 学习了描述房间里有什么的句型: —There is a clock in the room. —There is a clock, a plant and a photo in my room. 七彩课堂 伴你成长 听录音跟读Let’s learn 部分单词和句 子。 one two Homework 用There is …句 型描述你的房间。 人教PEP版英语五年级上册 Unit 5 There is a big bed Let’s spell Part A Warm up water bottle clock Let’s chant 点击画面 播放视频 Read as fast as you can. Lead in Today is Monday. It’s my birthday. Presentation I paint a rainbow. I wait for May. We play and play. 找规律。 birthday ay /eɪ/ Monday Learn more. birthday ay /eɪ/ Mondaysay way 找规律。 rainy rainbow wait ai /eɪ/ rainy rainbow wait paint ai /eɪ/ Learn more. rainy rainbow wait paint birthday Monday say way Watch and read. Read, listen and chant rainy rainbow waitpaint birthday Monday say way I cannot wait. I cannot wait. My birthday is on Monday.   I cannot wait. I cannot wait. It’s going to be a fun day. Watch and chant. Listen, read and circle 1 rainbow always rainy 2 Monday today wait 3 day may paint 4 say way rain Listen and circle. Look, listen and write _____is a ____ day. Let’s ___ a ______. ____ is ____ . Choose one sentence from above and write. ________________________________________ Today paint rainbow Today Mondayrainy Listen and write. 字母组合ai在词中一般发/eɪ/; 字母组合ay在词尾一般发/eɪ/。 Tips for pronunciation Monday paint say 出现 请大声读, 没有喇叭请小声读。 rainbow way say Monday birthday rainy paint wait wait Game timePractice Are you ready? Game time Let’s make beautiful flowers. say always rainy rain way today Monday May wait rainbow ai ay Pair work day, May, may, lay 四人一组,练习用拆引 法拼读这些单词 e.g.p-l-ay /pǀeɪ/ g-ai-n /geɪn/ mail, fail, tail, aim, train (  ) 1. A. rainbow   B. wait   C. day (  ) 2. A. hair B. paint C. rain (  ) 3. A. play B. way C. Monday (  ) 4. A. speak B. bread C. peach (  ) 5. A. wow B. down C. window 一、判断下列单词画线部分发音是(T) 否(F) 相同。 T F T F F Exercises 1. Let’s paint. This way, please. 2. Happy birthday. Here’s a rainbow cake for you. 3. Today is Monday. It’s a nice day. 4. It’s a sunny day. Let’s play in the park. __ __ __ _ 二、在与画线部分读音相同的字母组合下画横线。 __ Summary 七彩课堂 伴你成长 字母组合 ay ai 发音 /eɪ/ /eɪ/ 词语 rainy rainbow paint wait rain say way always birthday Monday may day today 七彩课堂 伴你成长 听录音跟读Let’s spell部分单词。 one two Homework 把chant唱给父母听。 完成同步练习。 人教PEP版英语五年级上册 Unit 5 There is a big bed Let’s try & Let’s talk Part B Warm up bike water bottle clock plant bike water bottle clockplant 火眼金睛 This is Zhang Peng’s bedroom. There is a ... There is a … and … Lead in What about Zhang Peng’s living room? Presentation Let’s try What is in the living room? Listen and tick. Some pictures. Some flowers. Some toys. √ Listen again and repeat. Mike: This picture is pretty. Sarah: Yes. I like it, too. Zhang Peng: Let’s go to the living room. There are some nice pictures there. Mike & Sarah: OK. What is in the living room? There is a plant. There are many plants. What is in the living room? There is a picture. There are many pictures. Let’s talk 1. What’s on the wall? 2. Whose plants are they? 3. Where is the garden? There are so many pictures. They are Zhang Peng’s grandmother’s plants. It’s in front of Zhang Peng’s house. Watch and answer. 点击画面 播放视频 grandmother grandfather mother father grandparents me house front in front of The dog is in front of the house. This is the living room. Wow! There are so many pictures here. Yes. My father can draw very well. Listen and repeat. There are so many plants here, too. They're my grandmother's plants. My grandparents have a garden in front of their house. There are lots of flowers in it. Cool! Listen again and fill in the blank. Zhang Peng: This is the living room. Mike: Wow!__________________________. Zhang Peng: Yes. My father__________________. Sarah: There are _________________ here, too. Zhang Peng: They’re my grandmother’s plants. My grandparents have a garden _________________. There are lots of flowers in it. Sarah: Cool! There are so many pictures here can draw very well so many plants in front of their house There are so many pictures here. 【详解】这是there be句型的复数形式,用来描述某处有(存在) 某人或某物,表示客观存在,后面接可数名词复数形式。   句型结构:There are+主语+地点状语. e.g. There are lots of stars in the sky. 注意:there be后面接并列名词时, be动词应与最邻近的名词在数上 保持一致,这就是“就近原则”。如: e.g. There is a blackboard and six lights in the classroom. There are six lights and a blackboard in the classroom.  Language points Practice 双簧表演。 Amy Mike Zhang Peng六人一组,三人 做动作,另外三 人配音。 There are two dogs in the picture. There are some fish. What else do you see in the picture? There is/are … in the picture. There is/are ... Pair work Exercises 一、单项选择。 ( ) 1.There_____ a bag on the desk. A. is B. are C. be ( ) 2.There ______ some eggs on the plate. A. is B. are C. be ( ) 3.There are lots of ______ in the garden. A. flowers B. flower C. a flower ( ) 4.My grandma and grandpa are my _______ . A. parents B. grandparents C. grandparent A B A B 二、连词成句。 1. is,photo,in,there,a ,my,room . ______________________________. 2. are,many,pictures,there,here ______________________________ . 3. is,this ,living room,the _____________________________ . 4. it,in,are,lots,flowers,of,there ______________________________. There is a photo in my room. There are many pictures here. This is the living room. There are lots of flowers in it. there be有特点,主语放在be后面。 单数主语用is,复数主语要用are。  变否定很简单,be后要把not添。  变疑问也不难,把be提到there前。 魔法记忆口诀  I want to know Summary 七彩课堂 伴你成长 1. 学习了下列单词:grandparent, their, house, flower。 2. 学习了下列句型: — There are so many pictures here. — My grandparents have a garden in front of their house. — There are lots of flowers in it. 七彩课堂 伴你成长 Homework 听、跟读 Let’s talk。 并与你的同伴角色扮 演。 完成同步练习。 one two 人教PEP版英语五年级上册 Unit 5 There is a big bed Let’s learn & Find and say Part A Warm up water bottle plant Let’s sing. 点击画面 播放视频 a ball Where is the ball? It's ____the box.on It's ____the It's ______the box.under Lead in Where is the bear? It’s in front of the box. Presentation Where is the bear? It’s above the box. Where is the bear? It’s behind the box. Where is the bear? It’s beside the box. Where is the bear? It’s between two boxs. Where is the bear? It’s between the box and the water bottle. between A and B above on 注意:on 指的是面与面相接触的“在上面”,above强 调不接触的“在上面”,可翻译成“在……上方”。 Let’s learn in front of beside between behind above It's in front of the dog. Where is the ball? It's in front of the dog. Where is the ball? Listen and repeat. in front of beside between behind above It's.... Where is the ball? Practice Where is ? It'sthe plane above the flowers … … There is a tree in front of the house. Find and say There is a white cat between two chairs. Try to describe There is a cat behind the door. There is/are... I say you do stand behind your chairstand between two desks stand on your chair stand in front of your desk. 1.在…前面 _________________________________ 2.球在狗的后面。 _________________________________ 3.房子旁边有一棵树。 _________________________________ 4. The ball is between two dogs. ___________________________ 5.在床的上方有一张照片。_________________________________ 一、英汉互译。 in front of The ball is behind the dog. There is a tree beside the house. 球在两只狗中间。 There is a photo above the bed. Exercises 1. is, front, in, of, ball, the, dog, the (.) ________________________________________ 2. a, there, tree, is, the, behind, house (.) ________________________________________ 3. are, trees, there, of, lots, in, park, the (.) ________________________________________ 4. wall, on, is, photo, there, a, me, the, of (.) ________________________________________ 二、连词成句。 The dog is in front of the ball. There is a tree behind the house. There are lots of trees in the park. There is a photo of me on the wall. Summary 七彩课堂 伴你成长 1. 学习了下列表示方位的介词和短语:in front of, beside, between, behind, above 2. 学习了描述物体相对位置的句型: There is/are … in/on/in front of/beside/ between/behind/above … 七彩课堂 伴你成长 背默本节课新学词汇。 one two Homework 完成同步练习。 人教PEP版英语五年级上册 Unit 5 There is a big bed Read and write—Story time Part B & Part C Warm up water bottle There is a ... 打气球 快速描述气球 里面的物体方位 Look! There is an old house. This is Wu Yifan’s art teacher, Mr Jones. Why is he not happy? Lead in Presentation Pre-reading Look at the email. Do you know what do they mean? An email to Robin To: robin From: Dec. 20th Dear Robin, I am Yifan's art teacher. I just moved into an old house. The rooms are dirty. There are pencils and crayons on the floor. There are pictures and photos everywhere. Oh, no! I see a mouse behind my computer! Please help me. I live near the nature park. Please hurry! Mr Jones. 收件人 寄件人 日期 称呼 落款 正文 标题 Task 1: Which is Mr Jones’ room? Read quickly and tick. √ Step 1: Skimming reading: While-reading An email to Robin To: robin From: Dec. 20th Dear Robin, I am Yifan's art teacher. I just moved into an old house. The rooms are dirty. There are pencils and crayons on the floor. There are pictures and photos everywhere. Oh, no! I see a mouse behind my computer! Please help me. I live near the nature park. Please hurry! Mr Jones. ______ ______ ___________ ______ Task 2: Underline the words you don’t know. new house move clean room dirty room There are clothes everywhere. There is a mouse in the dirty room. 复数:mice An email to Robin ___: robin _____: Dec. 20th Dear Robin, I am Yifan's art teacher. I just _________ an old house. The rooms are _______. There are ________________ on the floor. There are ___________________everywhere. Oh, no! I see a mouse _________my computer! Please help me. I live ______ the nature park. Please hurry! Mr Jones. To From moved into dirty pencils and crayons pictures and photos behind near Fill in the blanks! Step 2: Intensive reading Answer the questions. 1. What are on the floor? 2. Where is the mouse? 3. Where does Mr Jones live? There are pencils and crayons on the floor. The mouse is behind the computer! He lives near the nature park. Listen and follow the tape. An email to Robin To: robin From: Dec. 20th Dear Robin, I am Yifan's art teacher. I just moved into an old house. The rooms are dirty. There are pencils and crayons on the floor. There are pictures and photos everywhere. Oh, no! I see a mouse behind my computer! Please help me. I live near the nature park. Please hurry! Mr Jones. What is in your room? Write three sentences. Post-reading 1. There is __________________________. 2. There are __________________________. 3. ____________________________________. a big bed in front of the window three photos on the wall There is a plant and two chairs under the desk Let’s check What is in the room? Listen and tick or cross. Listen again and write. 1. There is a ___________ on the desk. 2. There are two _________ above the desk. plant photos √ √ √ √× Listen and repeat. Wu Yifan:In my room there is a desk. On the desk there is a plant. Above the desk there are two photos. Beside the desk there is a bed. There is There are in front of above behind beside the table Complete the sentences. 1. ________________________________ 2. There is_______________________ 3. There are ____________________ There is a cat in front of the table. two photos above the table. a water bottle beside the table. Match and write There be句型的用法 1. There is + 可数名词单数/ 不可数名词 + 地点. e.g. There is a plant under the table. 2. There are + 可数名词复数 + 地点. e.g. There are two photos above the table. 3. 时间地点是状语,句首句尾都可以 e.g. Beside the table, there is a water bottle. can (名词) Look! What is it? Why is he sad (伤心)? What happened? Story time 1. There is a can beside the river. He is sad. Can: Can you help me? I want to go home. Bird: Sorry. I’m busy. 2. A naughty bear kicks the can. Bear: Haha! Can: Oh, no! 3. The can flies over Rabbit and Monkey. Monkey: Look at that poor can. Rabbit: Come on! We’re late for school. 4. The can falls between two fish. 5. Zoom catches the can. Zoom: Let me help you. Can: Thank you. Home, sweet home. Where did he go? Who did he meet? Grass, river, trash bin(垃圾桶) A bird, a bear, a rabbit, a monkey, two fish and Zoom. There is a can beside the river. He is sad. Can: Can you help me? I want to go home. Bird: Sorry. I’m busy. Is this a happy trip? No, it isn’t. The can is sad. The can is on the grass beside the river. He wants to go home. But the bird is busy. He can’t help him. A naughty bear kicks the can. Bear: Haha! Can: Oh, no! And then?然后呢? naughty[ˈnɔ:ti]顽皮的,淘气的 A naughty bear kicks the can. The can flies over Rabbit and Monkey. Can: Help! Monkey: Look at that poor can. Rabbit: Come on! We’re late for school. Did the rabbit and monkey help him? No, they are late for school. Poor can! The can falls between two fish. Mr Fish: Here comes a can. Ms Fish: Let’s give it to Zoom. He can help. Where is the can now? The can falls between two fish. fall[fɔːl]跌落 Can the fish help him? Yes. They give it to Zoom. Zoom catches the can. Zoom: Let me help you. Can: Thank you. Home, sweet home. What can Zoom do? Zoom can put it into the trash bin. 易拉罐终于回到家了。你也 一定替他开心吧?此时此刻, 你有什么感想呢? 东好西好,还是家最好。 East or west, home is best. on the grass a naughty bear kick rabbit and monkey fly over give it to Zoom between two fish Zoomtrash bin catch want to home a bird It is busy late for school sweet home Retell the story Practice on the grass a naughty bear kick rabbit and monkey fly over give it to Zoom between two fish Zoomtrash bin catch want to home a bird It is busy late for school sweet home 小组为单位,根据提示复述故事。 1. Here ________ a cat. (come) 2. We ________ late for class. (be) 3. There ________ an orange on the plate. (be) 4. There ________ some photos on the wall. (be) 5. They’re my ________ plants. (parents) 一、用所给词的正确形式填空。 comes are is are parents’ Exercises A. Dear Robin, I am Wu Yifan’s art teacher. B. The rooms are dirty. C. Oh, no! I see a mouse behind my computer! D. Please help me. I live near the nature park. E. There are pencils and crayons on the floor. There are pictures and photos everywhere. F. I just moved into an old house. ____________________________ 二、将下列句子按正确的顺序排列。 A F B E C D Summary 七彩课堂 伴你成长 1. 学习了单词和词组:move, dirty, everywhere, mouse, live, nature, can, over, late。 2. 学习了电子邮件的写法。 3. 学习了There be句型的用法。 七彩课堂 伴你成长 将故事用英文复数 给父母听。 one two Homework 完成同步练习。

