湘少版五年级上英语Unit 2 Id like a hamburger课件

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湘少版五年级上英语Unit 2 Id like a hamburger课件

Unit 2 I’d like a hamburger 湘少版 · 五年级上册 Lead-in Can you list some food? Can you list some drinks? New words hamburger 汉堡包 Coke 可乐 food 食物 sandwich 三明治 fish 鱼;鱼肉 chicken 鸡;鸡肉 beef 牛肉 A Let’s Listen and Say What would you like? I’d like a hamburger. What about you? I’d like a Coke. Can I help you? I’d like a hamburger, please. I’d like a Coke, please. How much is it? It’s fifteen yuan. Here you are. Thank you. Here’s your food. Thank you. Language points 1. —What would you like? 你想要点什么? —I’d like a hamburger. 我想要一个汉堡包。 这是询问对方想要某物的句子,语气比较委婉。 “ would like… ”的意思是“想要 …… ” 。 would 没有人称和数的变化,语气比较委婉。 回答时要用“ I’d like +... 我想要 …… ” 。 2. What about you? 你呢? 这句话是在叙述完自己的情况之后,用来询问他人的句型,为了避免重复。还可以用“ how about you?( 你呢? ) ” “what about … ?” 意思是“ …… 怎么样?”,相当于 “How about … ?” ,后常接名词、代词、动词的 ing 形式 。 3. — Can I help you? 你想吃点什么? — I’d like a hamburger, please. 我想要一个汉堡包。 “ Can I help you? ”作为日常用语,在不同的场合有不同的意思。当这句话用在商店时,是店员对顾客的招呼语,意思是 “你想买点什么?” 当在餐厅服务员用这句话招呼顾客时,意思是 “你想吃点什么?” 4. — How much is it? 多少钱? — It’s fifteen yuan . 15 元。 How much 意思是“多少”,询问商品的价格用 “ How much + be + …?”,表示“某事物多少钱?” 其中 be 动词根据名词或代词的数而变化。 回答用句型: It’s + 钱。 B Let’s Learn hamburger sandwich Coke 汉堡包 三明治 可乐 fish chicken beef 鱼 鸡,鸡肉 牛肉 C Let’s Practise What would you like? I’d like a hamburger , please. some fish hamburger sandwich Coke fish chicken beef coffee orange juice What would you like? I’d like some chicken. hamburger sandwich Coke fish chicken beef coffee orange juice What would you like? I’d like some coffee. hamburger sandwich Coke fish chicken beef coffee orange juice What would you like? I’d like a Coke. D Let’s Read It’s lunch time. The children would like some food and drinks for lunch. What would they like? Tom I’m hungry. I’d like some fish and beef. I’d like two sandwiches and some coffee. Amy I’m not very hungry. I’d like a hamburger and some fish. I’d like a cup of tea. Mike I’d like some chicken and a Coke. Tom: √ Amy: ○ Mike: △ √ √ √ √ ○ ○ ○ △ △ Fill in the form. Name Food Drink Tom     Amy     Mike     some fish and beef, two sandwiches a hamburger and some fish some chicken some coffee a cup of tea a Coke E Let’s Write Write and draw. What would you like for lunch? ___________________________ ___________________________ ___________________________ ___________________________ Draw here: I’d like some chicken, a hamburger and a cup of coffee for lunch. F Let’s Have Fun Look at these pictures. They tell us a story. Put the sentences in order. Dino takes one lick and finishes all the ice cream. Tim is unhappy. Now he has no ice cream! Tim is eating a delicious ice cream. Dino asks for some and Tim agrees. 1 2 3 4 3 4 1 2

