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‎ 24个话题作文 一、个人情况(Personal information)‎ 假设你是李华,一则有关邀请参加夏令营(summer camp)活动的的广告引起了的 极大兴趣,请你用英文写一封自荐信。‎ 内容提要:1、对夏令营主题的理解;‎ ‎2、根据招聘要求自我介绍;‎ ‎3、参加夏令营的目的。‎ 注 意:1、词数120左右。 2、信的开头和结尾已为你写好,不计入总词数;‎ Dear Sir,‎ I’m Li Hua from Fujian, When I was reading the advertisement about inviting to participate in summer camp, I became very longing for it, because the aim of this activity impressed me greatly. I think it surely instructive to learn to live together by living together. It is a good opportunity for the only child like me to learn to share and work together. Therefore, I recommend myself to you without hesitation.‎ As a boy of 17, I am outgoing, good at English and have experience of working well with children aged from 7 to 12. I think it is a kind of win-win activity. For one thing, I can help take care of the children. For another thing, I can improve my English, make more friends, and enrich my life during the summer vacation. ‎ I am looking forward to your early reply.‎ Yours Sincerely ‎ Li Hua 二、家庭、朋友与周围的人(Family, friends and people around)‎ 假如你叫李华,是某校高三学生。高考在即,看到每天家人、学校和老师为 自己做的一切,深有感触。请根据下列提示写一篇短文,谈谈自己的感受和打算。‎ 内容提要:1、老师做了什么?‎ ‎2、学校做了什么?‎ ‎3、家长做了什么?‎ ‎4、自己做了什么或应该做些什么? ‎ 注 意:1、词数:120词左右; 2、开头已给出,不计入总词数内。 ‎ ‎ I’m a senior 3 student. The college entrance exam is on the way and everyone around us is trying their best to help us in different ways. At school, all the teachers work very hard, encouraging us to build up our confidence and inspiring us to improve our study. Whenever we meet with difficulties, they are ready to come to our help. Meanwhile, our school also provides good facilities for us students, for example, the library stays open in the evenings and even on the weekends. At home, our parents take good care of us and make sure we are well fed so that we can always be full of energy.‎ ‎ I’m very grateful for the efforts of our parents and teachers and even our school. I’m determined to try my best to prepare for the exam. I am sure that with their encouragement and timely help I’ll be able to achieve my goal and be a useful person of our society in the near future.‎ 三、周围的环境(Personal environment)‎ 自去年年底起,我国西南地区的旱灾持续了几个月。许多地方因干旱而颗粒无收,人们面对着缺水断粮的困境。在天灾面前,我们在寻找办法降低损失的同时,也反省自己。请根据下表,写一篇文章分析出现旱灾的原因以及我们该如何从自身做起。‎ 内容提要:1、描述目前的现象。‎ ‎2、造成这种现象的原因。‎ ‎3、列举解决目前问题的办法。‎ ‎4、作为中学生,我们应该作些什么?‎ 注 意:1、词数120左右; 2、开头已写好,不计入总词数。‎ 参考词汇: ‎ ‎1. drought干旱 2. industrialization工业化 3. investment投资 ‎4. water conservation project水利工程 5. irrigation systems 灌溉系统 ‎ What Lessons Should Be Learned From the Drought The drought in the south-west China has lasts for several months, which makes people face water and food shortage. We should learn lessons from it.‎ The drought can be caused by several factors. Firstly, about 63 percent of the cities in China are facing water shortage. The situation is worsened by pollution and industrialization. In addition, too many trees have been cut down, so forest coverage has been decreasing rapidly. What's more, some water conservation projects haven't been functioning properly, thus people there have had to rely more heavily on rainfall for their water supply. Besides,‎ ‎ Most of China's irrigation systems are very old.‎ In order to prevent this case coming about again, the governments should increase investment and repair water conservation projects as timely as possible. Of course, as middle school students, we should improve our awareness of saving water, making proper use of water and recycling water. Meanwhile, we ought to plant more trees and protect our environment to prevent loss of water and soil erosion. ‎ 四、日常活动(daily routines)‎ ‎2月4日,星期天上午,你们班同学骑车到学校附近的公园组织了一次环保活动。请根据下表内容,写一篇日记,发表你对此次活动的看法。‎ ‎1 组 扫除:清理废纸、烟蒂、塑料袋等废弃物 ‎2 组 宣传:树立标牌,告诉游客要爱护花木 ‎3 组 演讲:向游客宣传“白色污染”的害处以及保护环境的重要性 你的看法 ‎……‎ 注 意:‎ ‎1、日记必须包括表内所有的内容,可以适当增加细节,使内容连贯;‎ ‎2、日记格式及首句已给出,不列入总词数;‎ ‎3、词数:120词左右。‎ ‎4、参考词汇:烟蒂cigarette end[来源:学*科*网Z*X*X*K]‎ February 4, Sunday Fine This morning, our class organized an environmental protection activity in the nearby park. On arriving there, we were divided into three groups. The first group collected the rubbish, such as the waste paper, cigarette ends, plastic bags and so on. The second group set up several signs to remind the visitors to take care of flowers and trees. The last group gave a speech to the visitors on the danger of “white pollution” and the importance of protecting the environment.‎ I think it is very important for us to protect the environment. For the sake of people's health and happiness, measures should be taken to control and prevent pollution and everyone should make a contribution to it.‎ 五、学校生活(School life)‎ 假设你叫李华,你将作为高三毕业生代表,根据以下要点在毕业晚会上用英文作一简短的告别演讲,字数120字左右。‎ 内容要点:‎ ‎1、对三年高中生活的怀念; ‎ ‎2、对老师的感谢; ‎ ‎3、对母校的祝福。‎ My teachers and fellow students,‎ In a couple of weeks, we’ll say goodbye to our mother school. How time flies! Now it’s really hard for me to put my feelings into words. The past three years has been really a wonderful journey with you guys, full of laughter and tears.‎ To make the journey safe and fruitful, our great teachers contributed their time, energy, love and the whole heart. Here, we are extremely grateful for all that you, dear teachers, have done for us. It’ll soon be the time for us to depart, though unwillingly. But it is not the end. It just means that we’re going to begin a new journey.‎ Finally, on behalf of all the graduates present here, let me extend our sincere wishes for our mother school and respectable teachers. Thank you!‎ 六、兴趣爱好(Interests and hobbies)‎ 专家说:培养孩子的兴趣爱好是非常必要的,但现在有很多家长一味地追求子女的多才多艺,迫使孩子学习他们不感兴趣的东西,结果适得其反。请根据这一话题,就“该不该迫使孩子学习他们不感兴趣的才艺”展开讨论,请你以大约120个词谈谈对这种现象的看法,内容包括:‎ ‎1、你是否赞同上述家长的做法;‎ ‎2、以你或你朋友的经历说明你的观点;‎ ‎3、呼吁家长们要尊重孩子的意愿。‎ Today’s children are lucky to have many opportunities to develop their talents. But on the other hand, a lot of parents push their children too hard. In that case, I don’t envy them. ‎ It is true that good hobbies make life more colorful and enjoyable. However, things are different if children take no interest in the “hobby” that their parents choose for them. No interest, no motivation. They find it a burden rather than a hobby. My 6-year-old neighbor often cries while practicing the piano. She is busier on weekends than on weekdays because she has to attend many out-of-class activities. Her mother complains that she even sleeps in class.‎ From my point of view, parents should see the bad effects from their over-effort to develop children’s talents. Parents are supposed to help children learn what they are interested in. Only in this way, can they learn well and be happy!‎ 七、个人感情(Emotions)‎ 假如你们学校正正举行一场关于“父母与子女之间如何建立良好关系”的讨论会,请你写一篇英语文章,就该话题发表你的看法,包括如下要点:‎ ‎1、父母与子女关系良好的重要性;‎ ‎2、你希望与你的父母之间的关系是怎样的;‎ ‎3、如何才能建立这种关系?‎ 注 意:1、120字左右。2、开头已为你写好,不计入总字数。‎ An ideal relationship between parents and children is very important for our growth. Parents always show love and concern for us. They are our good listeners, advisers and supporters. With their help, we can overcome many difficulties in our life. ‎ In my opinion, the relationship between parents and children should be one filled with love, care and understanding, in which parents and children show respect for each other and exchange ideas freely. ‎ To build a relationship of this kind, parents should become friends of their children while children ought to place more trust in their parents and give voice to their feelings frankly. Only in this way, can we enjoy a harmonious relationship between parents and children 八、人际关系(Interpersonal relationship)‎ 假设你是新华中学的学生李华,你班从外地转来一名新同学李明,他一时无法融入到新的班集体中,感到很苦恼。请用英语写一封信,表达你对李明的关注,并提出你的建议。‎ 内容提要:‎ ‎(1)帮他分析原因。‎ ‎(2)给他提出建议。‎ ‎(3)陈述你帮助他的具体打算。‎ 注 意:1、120字左右。2、开头已为你写好,不计入总字数。‎ Dear Li Ming,‎ I’m sorry to know that you feel distressed at your new class. One of the reasons, I believe, is that you might be too shy to talk confidently with your classmates and maybe you are afraid that your classmates will make fun of your accent. ‎ ‎ I am sure, with your effort, you can manage to overcome these difficulties. In my opinion,learning to speak Putonghua and comparing notes with your classmates frequently are good ways for you to make new friends. ‎ ‎ In our spare time,I’ll invite you to play basketball or go to some parties. Also,I’d like to introduce my good friends to you. I hope you can adapt to the new school life as soon as possible. ‎ ‎ Best regards,‎ ‎ Yours sincerely, ‎ ‎ Li Hua 九、计划与任务(Plans and intentions)‎ 假设你们年级即将要军训,作为学生代表,请你根据以下要点,用英语写一篇口头通知。 ‎ 内容要点: 1、时间:8月15日至25日早上7:30 ―11:30,下午2:30 ―5:30;  2、地点:学校操场;  3、注意事项:按时集合;不得旷训或迟到,有事有病需请假;穿军装、结实的运动鞋;‎ ‎ 自备水杯;认真训练,接受考核。  参考词汇:军训military training; 军装 military uniform; 教官drillmaster ‎ 注 意:1、120字左右。2、开头已为你写好,不计入总字数。‎ Boys and girls, ‎ Attention, please! I have an announcement to make.  Our military training will last 11 days from Aug. 15th to Aug. 25th. The exact training time is from 7:30 to 11:30 in the morning and 2:30 to 5:30 in the afternoon. It will take place in the school playground. Everyone must attend the military training on time. Nobody is allowed to be absent from the training or be late for it. Ask the drillmaster for leave if necessary. Furthermore, we must be in military uniforms, wear strong sports shoes and bring our own cups. Finally, I have to stress that everyone should work hard during the training so that we will perform perfectly in the final test!    That’s all. Thank you!‎ 十、节假日活动(Festivals, holidays and celebration)‎ 假如你是李华,是一名马上就要毕业的高三学生,打算在高考后利用暑假时间去做自愿者,做些有意义的事。请根据以下要点用英语些一篇申请,字数120字左右,介绍自己,以便向相关部门申请自愿者工作。‎ 内容提要:‎ ‎1、自己情况简介; 2、自己能力;‎ ‎3、愿意承担的工作; 4、对自愿者工作的认识及愿望。‎ Dear Sir,‎ I, a Senior Grade 3 student, will graduate from high school soon. After the college entrance examination, I intend to work as a volunteer in the summer vacation, doing some meaningful work. I’m good at speaking English, so I can teach others to study English or help people communicate with foreigners in English. What’s more, because I can play basketball and football well, I’m ready to help others with the sports.‎ I love volunteer work because I always think working as a volunteer is meaningful, necessary and important to make our world a better place to live in. Besides, I can gain much social experience from it, which is very useful for my future life.‎ I’m looking forward to working as a volunteer. I do hope the chance is coming quite soon.‎ Yours truly,‎ Li Hua 十一、购物(Shopping)‎ 随着网络的普及,网购成了我们日常生活的一部分,写一篇约120字的英语短文,就“网上购物”这一主题发表你看法,包括如下要点:‎ ‎1、“网上购物”的现状。‎ ‎2、“网上购物”的利弊。‎ ‎3、 你对“网上购物”的看法。‎ With the popularity of the Internet, online shopping is commonly used throughout the world nowadays. ‎ It offers a number of benefits to the shoppers. The most important advantage is its convenience. You can shop whenever you want to, as the online shops are open 24 hours ‎ every day, and you don’t have to queue with other shoppers. The large varieties of goods on the net are effortlessly comparable and easy to choose. ‎ However, every coin has two sides, so does online shopping. The main disadvantage is that you can’t actually see the products you are buying or check the quality. Sometimes the incomplete payment system will result in revealing your personal information, which is not safe.‎ In my opinion, its advantages weigh more than its disadvantage, because the online shopping has been a fashionable trend in our modern life, it can not only save our time but also our money for our busy life.‎ 十二、饮食(Food and drink)‎ 现在越来越多的年轻人喜欢在外面吃简餐或快餐,不愿意回家煮、吃饭,就这一现象结合下面的要点写一篇120字左右的短文。‎ ‎1、描述现象 ‎2、造成这一现象的原因(至少2点)‎ ‎3、你对这一现象的看法(赞成或反对)‎ ‎4、你个人的生活 Nowadays, a growing number of young people would rather eat simple meals or fast food rather than go home for cooking or having meals. Some even have a piece of bread for lunch or supper.‎ It’s no wonder for them to do so. For one thing, with the pace of modern life becoming faster and faster, time is quite precious for them. In their eyes, it takes much more time to go home for cooking or having meals. For another thing, home cooking food is simpler in kind and less delicious, especially for those who are particular about food.‎ I don’t agree to eat outside all the time, as what we eat is closely related to our health. In my view, the busier we are, the more attention we should pay to what and how we eat. Therefore, I mostly eat at home and go on a balanced diet unless I’m too busy.‎ 十三、饮食与健康(Diet and health)‎ 任何人作为社会的一员,在生活和学习中都可能遇到挫折,关键是怎么以一种良好的心态去面对挫折。请用英语写一篇文章,就“面对挫折(setback)时如何保持心理健康?”发表你的看法。‎ 内容包括:‎ ‎1、请举例描述你遭遇过的挫折;‎ ‎2、你是怎样看待挫折的?‎ ‎3、请就面对挫折如何保持心理健康提出一些建议。‎ I came across many setbacks in my study and life. For example, I failed in my math final exam when I was in Senior One. Knowing the result, I cried hard. I analyzed the situation and studied harder. With all my efforts and the help of others, I finally became good at math and passed many exams. ‎ In my opinion, setbacks are strict teachers, but the lessons we learn from them can be invaluable. When setbacks happen,we should be brave and stay optimistic. It is a good way to relieve the pain to turn to our trustable ones for comfort, see a funny movie, listen to music, or visit a beautiful place. After we cool down, maybe we can gain something out of this painful experience. (127words) ‎ 十四、天气(Weather)‎ 今年一、二月份中国多个城市出现了严重的雾霾天气,请用英语写一篇短文来阐述这一现象,表达你的想法。‎ 内容提示:‎ ‎1、雾霾天气使呼吸道疾病(respiratory diseases) 患者增加,对交通、户外活动也造成了严重影响。‎ ‎2、雾霾的主要原因为:1)煤污染、机动车废弃排放(exhaust emission)、工业污染;2)风速小,湿度(humidity)大。‎ ‎3、专家建议:1)发展公共交通,限制私人汽车的使用;2)使用清洁能源,比如天然气。‎ ‎4、你的想法。‎ 注 意:‎ ‎1、词数:120词左右。 2、可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。‎ Several cities in China suffered from serious smoggy weather in January and February of this year, which captured the nation’s attention. ‎ The smog was responsible for a sharp increase in the number of people suffering from respiratory diseases. In addition, it exerted adverse effects on traffic and outdoor activities. For instance, numerous flights were delayed due to the fog and haze.‎ Coal burning, vehicle exhaust emissions and industrial pollution account for the ‎ smoggy weather to a major extent. Additionally, the low speed of wind and the high humidity made it easier for the smog to last so long.‎ Experts advise that promoting the development of public transportation together with limiting the use of private cars can effectively improve the unpleasant air condition. Also, cleaner energies, such as natural gas and solar energy, should be universally utilized to replace fossil fuels.‎ From my perspective, the disadvantages which economic development brings us have already undoubtedly outweighed its profits. Hence, it is high time that the government reconsidered the relationship between environmental protection and social development and find a sustainable arrangement.‎ 十五、文娱与体育(Entertainment and sports)‎ 随着社会的发展,人们的素质在不断提高。以观看体育比赛为例,就“要做一个文明的观众”这个主题发表你的看法,‎ 内容要点:‎ ‎1、以射击,艺术体操(artistic gymnastics)或网球比赛等为例,说明保持安静的重要性;‎ ‎2、假如你是运动员,观众干扰了你的比赛,你会有怎样的表现?‎ ‎3、对这些违反条例的观众是否应该受到惩罚?‎ ‎ To be a good spectator, you should take time to learn the game-specific rules and related culture of each event. Enjoying artistic gymnastics requires silence and mobile phones are not allowed in shooting centers, because the noises you make will certainly distract the athletes’ concentration, which will cause them to fail in the game. ‎ ‎ If I were the athlete who was annoyed by the audiences, I would be unhappy and upset. I might even play badly and finally lost the game. Besides, I would complain to the referee about the noises.‎ ‎ In my opinion, the audience who annoy the players in games should be punished. That’s because not only do they break the rules for spectators, but also their bad behaviour would lead to the players’ failure in the game.(129 words)‎ 十六、旅游交通(Travel and transport)‎ 现在“拼车”现象越来越普遍,请针对 “该不该拼车” 这一话题发表你的看法,至少要包含以下的内容要点,词数大约120词:‎ ‎1、节省费用,搭车人会为您支付一笔车费;‎ ‎2、“拼车”有利于减轻交通负担,有利于缓解当前日趋严重的堵车问题;‎ ‎3、加强了人与人或同事之间的关系,有助缓解压力。‎ 参考词汇:拼车:carpool As we all know, carpooling is becoming more and more universal.‎ In my opinion, carpooling should be widely promoted. The most obvious benefit of taking part in a car pooling scheme is that you can save money. And the more people that enter into the car pool, the greater the saving that will be made by everyone involved. Furthermore, it is thought that if those who frequently drive to work actually took part in a car pooling scheme, then the number of vehicles on the road would be dramatically reduced. So with fewer vehicles on the road, the result could potentially be fewer traffic jams, and faster journey times. Finally, carpooling helps to build up positive relations with the carpoolers, which contributes to reducing stress.‎ ‎ All in all, carpooling is a great way of saving money, meeting new people and colleagues, and helping the environment.‎ 十七、语言学习(Language learning)‎ ‎ ‎ 大家都知道,写日记是英语学习的一个好方法,请就“写日记的作用”这个主题发表你的看法, 至少包含如下要点:‎ ‎ 1、要用英语思维,最好写英语日记;‎ ‎ 2、经常用英语记日记,等于天天在练笔;‎ ‎3、你对用英语写日记的观点如何?为什么?‎ It is helpful to keep a diary Keeping a diary can improve our English. It helps us form the habit of English thinking and expressing ourselves. When we come across difficulties like choosing proper words, and changing Chinese idioms into English, we can turn to references.‎ ‎ To master the English language, we shall try our best to think in English when listening, speaking, reading and writing; to reach the goal, I believe it is better to keep diaries in English regularly and practice the language. Keeping the English diary means practicing English every day.‎ In my opinion, keeping a diary in English is one of the effective methods to improve English writing skills. The diary is short and small, time saving; we are free to set down what is on inside and outside ourselves. Unconsciously we can use English freely and ‎ effectively.‎ 十八、自然(Nature)‎ 活动时间 每年三月最后一个星期六的20:30至21:30。‎ 活动性质 世界自然基金会(WWF)发起的全球性活动。‎ 目 的 让民众了解全球变暖的影响,唤起环保意识。‎ 形 式 熄灭不必要的灯一小时。‎ 历 史 ‎2007年在悉尼(Sydney)第一次举行。‎ 现 状 ‎2013年3月27日,140个国家的2亿多人参与本活动。‎ 本 市 活 动 情 况 ‎1、 市民们关灯走出家门去散步。2、 城市一半的街灯熄灭。‎ ‎2013年“地球一小时 (Earth Hour)”活动刚过去不久。请你根据以下中文提纲,写一篇英语文章介绍该活动,用于班级英文墙报。‎ ‎ ‎ Earth Hour is a global event organized by WWF and is held between 8:30 p.m. and 9:30 p.m. on the last Saturday of each March, asking people to turn off their non-essential lights for an hour. First held in Sydney in 2007, Earth Hour aims to remind people of the influence of global warming and to raise awareness of environmental protection. This year more than 200 million people from 140 countries took part in the event on March 27. In our city, citizens show their support by switching off their lights and going out for a walk that evening. At 8:30 p.m., half of the street lights of the city were also turned off.‎ 十九、世界与环境(The world and the environment)‎ 假设你班最近搞了一个关于环境保护(Protection of Environment)的主题班会,请代表你所在的组作一个主题发言,字数要求在120词左右。‎ 内容要点:‎ ‎1、目前环保还存在着许多问题或现象。(两点)‎ ‎2、为了保护环境,各国政府所做的大量工作。(两点)‎ ‎3、我的看法。‎ 词 汇: 植被:vegetation 立法的:legislative ‎ ‎ There are still many problems of environmental protection in recent years. One of the most serious problems is the serious pollution of air, water and soil. The polluted air does ‎ great harm to people’s health. The polluted water causes diseases and death. What is more, vegetation has been greatly reduced with the rapid growth of modern cities.‎ To protect the environment, governments of many countries have done a lot. Legislative steps have been introduced to control air pollution, to protect the forest and sea resources and to stop any environmental pollution. Therefore, governments are playing the most important role in the environmental protection today.‎ In my opinion, to protect our environment, the government must take even more concrete measures. First, it should make people fully realize the importance of environmental protection through education. Second, much more efforts should be made to put the population planning policy into practice, because more people means more pollution. Finally, those who destroy the environment intentionally should be severely punished. We should make them know that destroying environment means destroying mankind themselves.‎ 二十、科普知识与现代技术(Popular science and modern technology)‎ 假如你是李平,几天前你在英国某网站购买了一只录音笔,现在你发电子邮件到该网站反映以下问题:‎ ‎1、音质问题 2、操作问题 3、故障问题 期待的解决办法:‎ ‎1、退货、退款; 2、修理或者调换。‎ 注 意:1、词数120字左右,开头和结尾已为你写好,不计入词数。‎ ‎2、可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。‎ ‎3、参考词汇:录音笔:recording pen.‎ Dear Sir or Madam,‎ ‎ I’m writing to tell you something about the recording pen. I bought it from your website several days ago. However, there seems to be something wrong with it. First, the voice is not so clear as you claimed. Second, it’s not easy to operate, which has caused me so much trouble. What I expect is a human-friendly one. Third, it often breaks down, while a recording pen at such a price should not have had so many problems.‎ ‎ Due to its poor quality and much inconvenience it has caused, I wonder whether you can do something about it. I would appreciate it very much if I can get my money back. I will send it back to you as soon as you return the money to me. If it can not be helped, I wish you could have it repaired or changed.‎ I’m looking forward to your early reply.‎ Best wishes! ‎ ‎ Yours,‎ ‎ Li Ping 二十一、热点话题(Topical issues)‎ 在我们的生活中,浪费现象成风。请以此为话题,写一篇关于浪费的文章。其中包括下述要点:‎ ‎1、简述生活中浪费现象。(列举2个)‎ ‎2、浪费的危害。(列举2个)‎ ‎3、你对反对浪费的看法。‎ 注 意:1、120字左右。2、开头已为你写好,不计入总字数。‎ Time to Stop Wasting It’s not difficult to find that there is a truth universally acknowledged that wasting has become increasingly common among the public. Where there is man, there is wasting. Tens of thousands of tons of food is thrown into dustbins after meals and water is left running uselessly here and there. ‎ As we all know, wasting means suicide. It’s generally accepted that we are in desperate need of resources, while we are still wasting living materials, which seems quite ridiculous. As we can see, a wasting lifestyle does harm to our environment, too much waste causing serious pollution. What’s worse, I believe, if we keep wasting as we are doing today, man will die of hunger someday. ‎ There is no doubt that immediate actions should be taken to stop wasting or we would pay high price for the mistake sooner or later. So I strongly support the opinion of fighting against wasting. ‎ ‎22、历史与地理(History and geography)‎ 钓鱼列岛位于中国东海台湾以北,由钓鱼岛、黄尾屿、赤尾屿以及其他一些小岛组成,总面积6.3平方公里,其中钓鱼岛最大,面积4.3平方公里。近年来,中国与日本关于钓鱼岛领土的争端问题成了人们的热点话题,请根据你所了解的情况,为“China Daily”写一篇报道。‎ 内容提要:‎ ‎1、钓鱼岛的地理概况。 2、你对钓鱼岛的主权态度。‎ ‎3、你为一名中学生,为了钓鱼岛的主权,你应作些什么?‎ 词汇提示:‎ 钓鱼列岛:Diaoyu Islands 赤尾屿:Red island 黄尾屿:Yellow island 有史以来:throughout history / since the beginning of history 主 权:sovereign rights 领 土:territory 领土争端:the territorial dispute 不可争辩的:indisputable ‎ In recent years, the territorial dispute about Diaoyu Islands between China and Japan has become a hot topic among people, about which I want to share my ideas.‎ As we all know, the Diaoyu Islands lies in the East China Sea, off the north coast of Taiwan, which consists of Diaoyu Island, Red Island, Yellow Island and other small islands. It covers an area of 6.3 square kilometers, and Diaoyu Island is the largest one, with an area of 4.3 square kilometers.‎ From the bottom of my heart, I firmly hold the opinion that China has the indisputable rights of the Diaoyu Islands, because the Diaoyu Islands belongs to China throughout history.‎ As a student, to protect the sovereign rights of the Diaoyu Islands, I would like to take an active part in some legal activities which aim to protest what Japan has done incorrectly. In addition, I also wish china and Japan could calm down and solve the dispute in a peaceful way.‎ ‎23、社会(Society)‎ 最近几年,关于“中国公民延缓退休”成了人们的热点话题,请你为此写一篇120词左右的英语短文,向“China Daily”投稿。‎ 内容提要:1、简单概述这个话题。 2、支持延缓退休的理由。‎ ‎ 3、反对延缓退休的理由。 4、你的观点。‎ 词汇提示:延缓退休:delay retirement 退休金,抚恤金:pension In recent years, to delay retirement for Chinese citizens has become the hot topic of people, and wherever and whenever people have been discussing it, but different people have different views.‎ Some people hold the view that our country should carry out the policy for the reasons as follows. Firstly, the pension system is still unreasonable and needs improving. What’s more, a large amount of pension is needed, which has unexpected effects on our economy. On the contrary, some people strongly oppose the view. They think that they have worked ‎ for our country for such a long time and have been too tired, so they insist that they should retire on time. Moreover, there are more and more people unemployed in China, especially young people, and to delay retirement will only contribute this problem more seriously, so they insist they should give way to the young people.‎ In my opinion, each view is reasonable in some way. But what we should do at present is to try our best to develop our country. Only in this way can we provide a sounder system and create enough employment opportunities for our citizens, only then can we live a much more wonderful life. ‎ ‎24、文学与艺术(Literature and art)‎ 随着中国社会与经济的发展,人们的对生活的注意力更多的放在物质文明上,而对于精神文明的关心的力度越来越少,我们应该重视我国的文学艺术的发展。请针对这一现象给“China Daily”写一篇120词左右的英文报道。‎ 内容提要:1、描述目前的现象。‎ ‎ 2、人们对物质文明建设的态度。‎ ‎ 3、人们对精神文明建设的态度。‎ ‎ 4、你的观点。‎ 词汇提示:文学艺术:literature and art 物质文明:material civilization ‎ 精神文明:spiritual civilization 建设:construct (v.) construction (n.)‎ As our country is growing faster and faster, an increasing number of people pay much more attention to the material civilization, resulting in poor attention to the spiritual civilization.‎ There is no denying that material civilization plays significant role in our life, so most people support to construct if, believing that it will bring them an enjoyable life. But when it comes to spiritual civilization, such as literature and art, many people are not interested because of a poor understanding of them. Besides, people think it is only the writers’ and the artists’ responsibility to construct spiritual civilization.‎ From my point of view, it is of vital importance to lay stress on both of material and spiritual civilization. On the one hand, we need material to enrich ordinary citizens’ material life and built our society. On the other hand, it is spiritual civilization that can make our spiritual life more colorful.‎ ‎ 24个话题作文 一、个人情况(Personal information)‎ 假设你是李华,一则有关邀请参加夏令营(summer camp)活动的的广告引起了的 极大兴趣,请你用英文写一封自荐信。‎ 内容提要:1、对夏令营主题的理解;‎ ‎2、根据招聘要求自我介绍;‎ ‎3、参加夏令营的目的。‎ 注 意:1、词数120左右。 2、信的开头和结尾已为你写好,不计入总词数;‎ Dear Sir,‎ I’m Li Hua from Fujian, When I was reading the advertisement about inviting to participate in summer camp, I became very longing for it, because the aim of this activity impressed me greatly. I think it surely instructive to learn to live together by living together. It is a good opportunity for the only child like me to learn to share and work together. Therefore, I recommend myself to you without hesitation.‎ As a boy of 17, I am outgoing, good at English and have experience of working well with children aged from 7 to 12. I think it is a kind of win-win activity. For one thing, I can help take care of the children. For another thing, I can improve my English, make more friends, and enrich my life during the summer vacation. ‎ I am looking forward to your early reply.‎ Yours Sincerely ‎ Li Hua 二、家庭、朋友与周围的人(Family, friends and people around)‎ 假如你叫李华,是某校高三学生。高考在即,看到每天家人、学校和老师为 自己做的一切,深有感触。请根据下列提示写一篇短文,谈谈自己的感受和打算。‎ 内容提要:1、老师做了什么?‎ ‎2、学校做了什么?‎ ‎3、家长做了什么?‎ ‎4、自己做了什么或应该做些什么? ‎ 注 意:1、词数:120词左右; 2、开头已给出,不计入总词数内。 ‎ ‎ I’m a senior 3 student. The college entrance exam is on the way and everyone around us is trying their best to help us in different ways. At school, all the teachers work very hard, encouraging us to build up our confidence and inspiring us to improve our study. Whenever we meet with difficulties, they are ready to come to our help. Meanwhile, our school also provides good facilities for us students, for example, the library stays open in the evenings and even on the weekends. At home, our parents take good care of us and make sure we are well fed so that we can always be full of energy.‎ ‎ I’m very grateful for the efforts of our parents and teachers and even our school. I’m determined to try my best to prepare for the exam. I am sure that with their encouragement and timely help I’ll be able to achieve my goal and be a useful person of our society in the near future.‎ 三、周围的环境(Personal environment)‎ 自去年年底起,我国西南地区的旱灾持续了几个月。许多地方因干旱而颗粒无收,人们面对着缺水断粮的困境。在天灾面前,我们在寻找办法降低损失的同时,也反省自己。请根据下表,写一篇文章分析出现旱灾的原因以及我们该如何从自身做起。‎ 内容提要:1、描述目前的现象。‎ ‎2、造成这种现象的原因。‎ ‎3、列举解决目前问题的办法。‎ ‎4、作为中学生,我们应该作些什么?‎ 注 意:1、词数120左右; 2、开头已写好,不计入总词数。‎ 参考词汇: ‎ ‎1. drought干旱 2. industrialization工业化 3. investment投资 ‎4. water conservation project水利工程 5. irrigation systems 灌溉系统 ‎ What Lessons Should Be Learned From the Drought The drought in the south-west China has lasts for several months, which makes people face water and food shortage. We should learn lessons from it.‎ The drought can be caused by several factors. Firstly, about 63 percent of the cities in China are facing water shortage. The situation is worsened by pollution and industrialization. In addition, too many trees have been cut down, so forest coverage has been decreasing rapidly. What's more, some water conservation projects haven't been functioning properly, thus people there have had to rely more heavily on rainfall for their water supply. Besides, Most of China's irrigation systems are very old.‎ In order to prevent this case coming about again, the governments should increase investment and repair water conservation projects as timely as possible. Of course, as middle school students, we should improve our awareness of saving water, making proper use of water and recycling water. Meanwhile, we ought to plant more trees and protect our environment to prevent loss of water and soil erosion. ‎ 四、日常活动(daily routines)‎ ‎2月4日,星期天上午,你们班同学骑车到学校附近的公园组织了一次环保活动。请根据下表内容,写一篇日记,发表你对此次活动的看法。‎ ‎1 组 扫除:清理废纸、烟蒂、塑料袋等废弃物 ‎2 组 宣传:树立标牌,告诉游客要爱护花木 ‎3 组 演讲:向游客宣传“白色污染”的害处以及保护环境的重要性 你的看法 ‎……‎ 注 意:‎ ‎1、日记必须包括表内所有的内容,可以适当增加细节,使内容连贯;‎ ‎2、日记格式及首句已给出,不列入总词数;‎ ‎3、词数:120词左右。‎ ‎4、参考词汇:烟蒂cigarette end[来源:学*科*网Z*X*X*K]‎ February 4, Sunday Fine This morning, our class organized an environmental protection activity in the nearby park. On arriving there, we were divided into three groups. The first group collected the rubbish, such as the waste paper, cigarette ends, plastic bags and so on. The second group set up several signs to remind the visitors to take care of flowers and trees. The last group gave a speech to the visitors on the danger of “white pollution” and the importance of protecting the environment.‎ I think it is very important for us to protect the environment. For the sake of people's health and happiness, measures should be taken to control and prevent pollution and everyone should make a contribution to it.‎ 五、学校生活(School life)‎ 假设你叫李华,你将作为高三毕业生代表,根据以下要点在毕业晚会上用英文作一简短的告别演讲,字数120字左右。‎ 内容要点:‎ ‎1、对三年高中生活的怀念; ‎ ‎2、对老师的感谢; ‎ ‎3、对母校的祝福。‎ My teachers and fellow students,‎ In a couple of weeks, we’ll say goodbye to our mother school. How time flies! Now it’s really hard for me to put my feelings into words. The past three years has been really a wonderful journey with you guys, full of laughter and tears.‎ To make the journey safe and fruitful, our great teachers contributed their time, energy, love and the whole heart. Here, we are extremely grateful for all that you, dear teachers, have done for us. It’ll soon be the time for us to depart, though unwillingly. But it is not the end. It just means that we’re going to begin a new journey.‎ Finally, on behalf of all the graduates present here, let me extend our sincere wishes for our mother school and respectable teachers. Thank you!‎ 六、兴趣爱好(Interests and hobbies)‎ 专家说:培养孩子的兴趣爱好是非常必要的,但现在有很多家长一味地追求子女的多才多艺,迫使孩子学习他们不感兴趣的东西,结果适得其反。请根据这一话题,就“该不该迫使孩子学习他们不感兴趣的才艺”展开讨论,请你以大约120个词谈谈对这种现象的看法,内容包括:‎ ‎1、你是否赞同上述家长的做法;‎ ‎2、以你或你朋友的经历说明你的观点;‎ ‎3、呼吁家长们要尊重孩子的意愿。‎ Today’s children are lucky to have many opportunities to develop their talents. But on the other hand, a lot of parents push their children too hard. In that case, I don’t envy them. ‎ It is true that good hobbies make life more colorful and enjoyable. However, things are different if children take no interest in the “hobby” that their parents choose for them. No interest, no motivation. They find it a burden rather than a hobby. My 6-year-old neighbor often cries while practicing the piano. She is busier on weekends than on weekdays because she has to attend many out-of-class activities. Her mother complains that she even sleeps in class.‎ From my point of view, parents should see the bad effects from their over-effort to ‎ develop children’s talents. Parents are supposed to help children learn what they are interested in. Only in this way, can they learn well and be happy!‎ 七、个人感情(Emotions)‎ 假如你们学校正正举行一场关于“父母与子女之间如何建立良好关系”的讨论会,请你写一篇英语文章,就该话题发表你的看法,包括如下要点:‎ ‎1、父母与子女关系良好的重要性;‎ ‎2、你希望与你的父母之间的关系是怎样的;‎ ‎3、如何才能建立这种关系?‎ 注 意:1、120字左右。2、开头已为你写好,不计入总字数。‎ An ideal relationship between parents and children is very important for our growth. Parents always show love and concern for us. They are our good listeners, advisers and supporters. With their help, we can overcome many difficulties in our life. ‎ In my opinion, the relationship between parents and children should be one filled with love, care and understanding, in which parents and children show respect for each other and exchange ideas freely. ‎ To build a relationship of this kind, parents should become friends of their children while children ought to place more trust in their parents and give voice to their feelings frankly. Only in this way, can we enjoy a harmonious relationship between parents and children 八、人际关系(Interpersonal relationship)‎ 假设你是新华中学的学生李华,你班从外地转来一名新同学李明,他一时无法融入到新的班集体中,感到很苦恼。请用英语写一封信,表达你对李明的关注,并提出你的建议。‎ 内容提要:‎ ‎(1)帮他分析原因。‎ ‎(2)给他提出建议。‎ ‎(3)陈述你帮助他的具体打算。‎ 注 意:1、120字左右。2、开头已为你写好,不计入总字数。‎ Dear Li Ming,‎ I’m sorry to know that you feel distressed at your new class. One of the reasons, ‎ I believe, is that you might be too shy to talk confidently with your classmates and maybe you are afraid that your classmates will make fun of your accent. ‎ ‎ I am sure, with your effort, you can manage to overcome these difficulties. In my opinion,learning to speak Putonghua and comparing notes with your classmates frequently are good ways for you to make new friends. ‎ ‎ In our spare time,I’ll invite you to play basketball or go to some parties. Also,I’d like to introduce my good friends to you. I hope you can adapt to the new school life as soon as possible. ‎ ‎ Best regards,‎ ‎ Yours sincerely, ‎ ‎ Li Hua 九、计划与任务(Plans and intentions)‎ 假设你们年级即将要军训,作为学生代表,请你根据以下要点,用英语写一篇口头通知。 ‎ 内容要点: 1、时间:8月15日至25日早上7:30 ―11:30,下午2:30 ―5:30;  2、地点:学校操场;  3、注意事项:按时集合;不得旷训或迟到,有事有病需请假;穿军装、结实的运动鞋;‎ ‎ 自备水杯;认真训练,接受考核。  参考词汇:军训military training; 军装 military uniform; 教官drillmaster ‎ 注 意:1、120字左右。2、开头已为你写好,不计入总字数。‎ Boys and girls, ‎ Attention, please! I have an announcement to make.  Our military training will last 11 days from Aug. 15th to Aug. 25th. The exact training time is from 7:30 to 11:30 in the morning and 2:30 to 5:30 in the afternoon. It will take place in the school playground. Everyone must attend the military training on time. Nobody is allowed to be absent from the training or be late for it. Ask the drillmaster for leave if necessary. Furthermore, we must be in military uniforms, wear strong sports shoes and bring our own cups. Finally, I have to stress that everyone should work hard during the training so that we will perform perfectly in the final test!    That’s all. Thank you!‎ 十、节假日活动(Festivals, holidays and celebration)‎ 假如你是李华,是一名马上就要毕业的高三学生,打算在高考后利用暑假时间去做自愿者,做些有意义的事。请根据以下要点用英语些一篇申请,字数120字左右,介绍自己,以便向相关部门申请自愿者工作。‎ 内容提要:‎ ‎1、自己情况简介; 2、自己能力;‎ ‎3、愿意承担的工作; 4、对自愿者工作的认识及愿望。‎ Dear Sir,‎ I, a Senior Grade 3 student, will graduate from high school soon. After the college entrance examination, I intend to work as a volunteer in the summer vacation, doing some meaningful work. I’m good at speaking English, so I can teach others to study English or help people communicate with foreigners in English. What’s more, because I can play basketball and football well, I’m ready to help others with the sports.‎ I love volunteer work because I always think working as a volunteer is meaningful, necessary and important to make our world a better place to live in. Besides, I can gain much social experience from it, which is very useful for my future life.‎ I’m looking forward to working as a volunteer. I do hope the chance is coming quite soon.‎ Yours truly,‎ Li Hua 十一、购物(Shopping)‎ 随着网络的普及,网购成了我们日常生活的一部分,写一篇约120字的英语短文,就“网上购物”这一主题发表你看法,包括如下要点:‎ ‎1、“网上购物”的现状。‎ ‎2、“网上购物”的利弊。‎ ‎3、 你对“网上购物”的看法。‎ With the popularity of the Internet, online shopping is commonly used throughout the world nowadays. ‎ It offers a number of benefits to the shoppers. The most important advantage is its convenience. You can shop whenever you want to, as the online shops are open 24 hours every day, and you don’t have to queue with other shoppers. The large varieties of goods on ‎ the net are effortlessly comparable and easy to choose. ‎ However, every coin has two sides, so does online shopping. The main disadvantage is that you can’t actually see the products you are buying or check the quality. Sometimes the incomplete payment system will result in revealing your personal information, which is not safe.‎ In my opinion, its advantages weigh more than its disadvantage, because the online shopping has been a fashionable trend in our modern life, it can not only save our time but also our money for our busy life.‎ 十二、饮食(Food and drink)‎ 现在越来越多的年轻人喜欢在外面吃简餐或快餐,不愿意回家煮、吃饭,就这一现象结合下面的要点写一篇120字左右的短文。‎ ‎1、描述现象 ‎2、造成这一现象的原因(至少2点)‎ ‎3、你对这一现象的看法(赞成或反对)‎ ‎4、你个人的生活 Nowadays, a growing number of young people would rather eat simple meals or fast food rather than go home for cooking or having meals. Some even have a piece of bread for lunch or supper.‎ It’s no wonder for them to do so. For one thing, with the pace of modern life becoming faster and faster, time is quite precious for them. In their eyes, it takes much more time to go home for cooking or having meals. For another thing, home cooking food is simpler in kind and less delicious, especially for those who are particular about food.‎ I don’t agree to eat outside all the time, as what we eat is closely related to our health. In my view, the busier we are, the more attention we should pay to what and how we eat. Therefore, I mostly eat at home and go on a balanced diet unless I’m too busy.‎ 十三、饮食与健康(Diet and health)‎ 任何人作为社会的一员,在生活和学习中都可能遇到挫折,关键是怎么以一种良好的心态去面对挫折。请用英语写一篇文章,就“面对挫折(setback)时如何保持心理健康?”发表你的看法。‎ 内容包括:‎ ‎1、请举例描述你遭遇过的挫折;‎ ‎2、你是怎样看待挫折的?‎ ‎3、请就面对挫折如何保持心理健康提出一些建议。‎ I came across many setbacks in my study and life. For example, I failed in my math final exam when I was in Senior One. Knowing the result, I cried hard. I analyzed the situation and studied harder. With all my efforts and the help of others, I finally became good at math and passed many exams. ‎ In my opinion, setbacks are strict teachers, but the lessons we learn from them can be invaluable. When setbacks happen,we should be brave and stay optimistic. It is a good way to relieve the pain to turn to our trustable ones for comfort, see a funny movie, listen to music, or visit a beautiful place. After we cool down, maybe we can gain something out of this painful experience. (127words) ‎ 十四、天气(Weather)‎ 今年一、二月份中国多个城市出现了严重的雾霾天气,请用英语写一篇短文来阐述这一现象,表达你的想法。‎ 内容提示:‎ ‎1、雾霾天气使呼吸道疾病(respiratory diseases) 患者增加,对交通、户外活动也造成了严重影响。‎ ‎2、雾霾的主要原因为:1)煤污染、机动车废弃排放(exhaust emission)、工业污染;2)风速小,湿度(humidity)大。‎ ‎3、专家建议:1)发展公共交通,限制私人汽车的使用;2)使用清洁能源,比如天然气。‎ ‎4、你的想法。‎ 注 意:‎ ‎1、词数:120词左右。 2、可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。‎ Several cities in China suffered from serious smoggy weather in January and February of this year, which captured the nation’s attention. ‎ The smog was responsible for a sharp increase in the number of people suffering from respiratory diseases. In addition, it exerted adverse effects on traffic and outdoor activities. For instance, numerous flights were delayed due to the fog and haze.‎ Coal burning, vehicle exhaust emissions and industrial pollution account for the smoggy weather to a major extent. Additionally, the low speed of wind and the high ‎ humidity made it easier for the smog to last so long.‎ Experts advise that promoting the development of public transportation together with limiting the use of private cars can effectively improve the unpleasant air condition. Also, cleaner energies, such as natural gas and solar energy, should be universally utilized to replace fossil fuels.‎ From my perspective, the disadvantages which economic development brings us have already undoubtedly outweighed its profits. Hence, it is high time that the government reconsidered the relationship between environmental protection and social development and find a sustainable arrangement.‎ 十五、文娱与体育(Entertainment and sports)‎ 随着社会的发展,人们的素质在不断提高。以观看体育比赛为例,就“要做一个文明的观众”这个主题发表你的看法,‎ 内容要点:‎ ‎1、以射击,艺术体操(artistic gymnastics)或网球比赛等为例,说明保持安静的重要性;‎ ‎2、假如你是运动员,观众干扰了你的比赛,你会有怎样的表现?‎ ‎3、对这些违反条例的观众是否应该受到惩罚?‎ ‎ To be a good spectator, you should take time to learn the game-specific rules and related culture of each event. Enjoying artistic gymnastics requires silence and mobile phones are not allowed in shooting centers, because the noises you make will certainly distract the athletes’ concentration, which will cause them to fail in the game. ‎ ‎ If I were the athlete who was annoyed by the audiences, I would be unhappy and upset. I might even play badly and finally lost the game. Besides, I would complain to the referee about the noises.‎ ‎ In my opinion, the audience who annoy the players in games should be punished. That’s because not only do they break the rules for spectators, but also their bad behaviour would lead to the players’ failure in the game.(129 words)‎ 十六、旅游交通(Travel and transport)‎ 现在“拼车”现象越来越普遍,请针对 “该不该拼车” 这一话题发表你的看法,至少要包含以下的内容要点,词数大约120词:‎ ‎1、节省费用,搭车人会为您支付一笔车费;‎ ‎2、“拼车”有利于减轻交通负担,有利于缓解当前日趋严重的堵车问题;‎ ‎3、加强了人与人或同事之间的关系,有助缓解压力。‎ 参考词汇:拼车:carpool As we all know, carpooling is becoming more and more universal.‎ In my opinion, carpooling should be widely promoted. The most obvious benefit of taking part in a car pooling scheme is that you can save money. And the more people that enter into the car pool, the greater the saving that will be made by everyone involved. Furthermore, it is thought that if those who frequently drive to work actually took part in a car pooling scheme, then the number of vehicles on the road would be dramatically reduced. So with fewer vehicles on the road, the result could potentially be fewer traffic jams, and faster journey times. Finally, carpooling helps to build up positive relations with the carpoolers, which contributes to reducing stress.‎ ‎ All in all, carpooling is a great way of saving money, meeting new people and colleagues, and helping the environment.‎ 十七、语言学习(Language learning)‎ ‎ ‎ 大家都知道,写日记是英语学习的一个好方法,请就“写日记的作用”这个主题发表你的看法, 至少包含如下要点:‎ ‎ 1、要用英语思维,最好写英语日记;‎ ‎ 2、经常用英语记日记,等于天天在练笔;‎ ‎3、你对用英语写日记的观点如何?为什么?‎ It is helpful to keep a diary Keeping a diary can improve our English. It helps us form the habit of English thinking and expressing ourselves. When we come across difficulties like choosing proper words, and changing Chinese idioms into English, we can turn to references.‎ ‎ To master the English language, we shall try our best to think in English when listening, speaking, reading and writing; to reach the goal, I believe it is better to keep diaries in English regularly and practice the language. Keeping the English diary means practicing English every day.‎ In my opinion, keeping a diary in English is one of the effective methods to improve English writing skills. The diary is short and small, time saving; we are free to set down what is on inside and outside ourselves. Unconsciously we can use English freely and effectively.‎ 十八、自然(Nature)‎ 活动时间 每年三月最后一个星期六的20:30至21:30。‎ 活动性质 世界自然基金会(WWF)发起的全球性活动。‎ 目 的 让民众了解全球变暖的影响,唤起环保意识。‎ 形 式 熄灭不必要的灯一小时。‎ 历 史 ‎2007年在悉尼(Sydney)第一次举行。‎ 现 状 ‎2013年3月27日,140个国家的2亿多人参与本活动。‎ 本 市 活 动 情 况 ‎1、 市民们关灯走出家门去散步。2、 城市一半的街灯熄灭。‎ ‎2013年“地球一小时 (Earth Hour)”活动刚过去不久。请你根据以下中文提纲,写一篇英语文章介绍该活动,用于班级英文墙报。‎ ‎ ‎ Earth Hour is a global event organized by WWF and is held between 8:30 p.m. and 9:30 p.m. on the last Saturday of each March, asking people to turn off their non-essential lights for an hour. First held in Sydney in 2007, Earth Hour aims to remind people of the influence of global warming and to raise awareness of environmental protection. This year more than 200 million people from 140 countries took part in the event on March 27. In our city, citizens show their support by switching off their lights and going out for a walk that evening. At 8:30 p.m., half of the street lights of the city were also turned off.‎ 十九、世界与环境(The world and the environment)‎ 假设你班最近搞了一个关于环境保护(Protection of Environment)的主题班会,请代表你所在的组作一个主题发言,字数要求在120词左右。‎ 内容要点:‎ ‎1、目前环保还存在着许多问题或现象。(两点)‎ ‎2、为了保护环境,各国政府所做的大量工作。(两点)‎ ‎3、我的看法。‎ 词 汇: 植被:vegetation 立法的:legislative ‎ ‎ There are still many problems of environmental protection in recent years. One of the most serious problems is the serious pollution of air, water and soil. The polluted air does great harm to people’s health. The polluted water causes diseases and death. What is more,‎ ‎ vegetation has been greatly reduced with the rapid growth of modern cities.‎ To protect the environment, governments of many countries have done a lot. Legislative steps have been introduced to control air pollution, to protect the forest and sea resources and to stop any environmental pollution. Therefore, governments are playing the most important role in the environmental protection today.‎ In my opinion, to protect our environment, the government must take even more concrete measures. First, it should make people fully realize the importance of environmental protection through education. Second, much more efforts should be made to put the population planning policy into practice, because more people means more pollution. Finally, those who destroy the environment intentionally should be severely punished. We should make them know that destroying environment means destroying mankind themselves.‎ 二十、科普知识与现代技术(Popular science and modern technology)‎ 假如你是李平,几天前你在英国某网站购买了一只录音笔,现在你发电子邮件到该网站反映以下问题:‎ ‎1、音质问题 2、操作问题 3、故障问题 期待的解决办法:‎ ‎1、退货、退款; 2、修理或者调换。‎ 注 意:1、词数120字左右,开头和结尾已为你写好,不计入词数。‎ ‎2、可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。‎ ‎3、参考词汇:录音笔:recording pen.‎ Dear Sir or Madam,‎ ‎ I’m writing to tell you something about the recording pen. I bought it from your website several days ago. However, there seems to be something wrong with it. First, the voice is not so clear as you claimed. Second, it’s not easy to operate, which has caused me so much trouble. What I expect is a human-friendly one. Third, it often breaks down, while a recording pen at such a price should not have had so many problems.‎ ‎ Due to its poor quality and much inconvenience it has caused, I wonder whether you can do something about it. I would appreciate it very much if I can get my money back. I will send it back to you as soon as you return the money to me. If it can not be helped, I wish you could have it repaired or changed.‎ I’m looking forward to your early reply.‎ Best wishes! ‎ ‎ Yours,‎ ‎ Li Ping 二十一、热点话题(Topical issues)‎ 在我们的生活中,浪费现象成风。请以此为话题,写一篇关于浪费的文章。其中包括下述要点:‎ ‎1、简述生活中浪费现象。(列举2个)‎ ‎2、浪费的危害。(列举2个)‎ ‎3、你对反对浪费的看法。‎ 注 意:1、120字左右。2、开头已为你写好,不计入总字数。‎ Time to Stop Wasting It’s not difficult to find that there is a truth universally acknowledged that wasting has become increasingly common among the public. Where there is man, there is wasting. Tens of thousands of tons of food is thrown into dustbins after meals and water is left running uselessly here and there. ‎ As we all know, wasting means suicide. It’s generally accepted that we are in desperate need of resources, while we are still wasting living materials, which seems quite ridiculous. As we can see, a wasting lifestyle does harm to our environment, too much waste causing serious pollution. What’s worse, I believe, if we keep wasting as we are doing today, man will die of hunger someday. ‎ There is no doubt that immediate actions should be taken to stop wasting or we would pay high price for the mistake sooner or later. So I strongly support the opinion of fighting against wasting. ‎ ‎22、历史与地理(History and geography)‎ 钓鱼列岛位于中国东海台湾以北,由钓鱼岛、黄尾屿、赤尾屿以及其他一些小岛组成,总面积6.3平方公里,其中钓鱼岛最大,面积4.3平方公里。近年来,中国与日本关于钓鱼岛领土的争端问题成了人们的热点话题,请根据你所了解的情况,为“China Daily”写一篇报道。‎ 内容提要:‎ ‎1、钓鱼岛的地理概况。 2、你对钓鱼岛的主权态度。‎ ‎3、你为一名中学生,为了钓鱼岛的主权,你应作些什么?‎ 词汇提示:‎ 钓鱼列岛:Diaoyu Islands 赤尾屿:Red island 黄尾屿:Yellow island 有史以来:throughout history / since the beginning of history 主 权:sovereign rights 领 土:territory 领土争端:the territorial dispute 不可争辩的:indisputable ‎ In recent years, the territorial dispute about Diaoyu Islands between China and Japan has become a hot topic among people, about which I want to share my ideas.‎ As we all know, the Diaoyu Islands lies in the East China Sea, off the north coast of Taiwan, which consists of Diaoyu Island, Red Island, Yellow Island and other small islands. It covers an area of 6.3 square kilometers, and Diaoyu Island is the largest one, with an area of 4.3 square kilometers.‎ From the bottom of my heart, I firmly hold the opinion that China has the indisputable rights of the Diaoyu Islands, because the Diaoyu Islands belongs to China throughout history.‎ As a student, to protect the sovereign rights of the Diaoyu Islands, I would like to take an active part in some legal activities which aim to protest what Japan has done incorrectly. In addition, I also wish china and Japan could calm down and solve the dispute in a peaceful way.‎ ‎23、社会(Society)‎ 最近几年,关于“中国公民延缓退休”成了人们的热点话题,请你为此写一篇120词左右的英语短文,向“China Daily”投稿。‎ 内容提要:1、简单概述这个话题。 2、支持延缓退休的理由。‎ ‎ 3、反对延缓退休的理由。 4、你的观点。‎ 词汇提示:延缓退休:delay retirement 退休金,抚恤金:pension In recent years, to delay retirement for Chinese citizens has become the hot topic of people, and wherever and whenever people have been discussing it, but different people have different views.‎ Some people hold the view that our country should carry out the policy for the reasons as follows. Firstly, the pension system is still unreasonable and needs improving. What’s more, a large amount of pension is needed, which has unexpected effects on our economy. On the contrary, some people strongly oppose the view. They think that they have worked for our country for such a long time and have been too tired, so they insist that they should ‎ retire on time. Moreover, there are more and more people unemployed in China, especially young people, and to delay retirement will only contribute this problem more seriously, so they insist they should give way to the young people.‎ In my opinion, each view is reasonable in some way. But what we should do at present is to try our best to develop our country. Only in this way can we provide a sounder system and create enough employment opportunities for our citizens, only then can we live a much more wonderful life. ‎ ‎24、文学与艺术(Literature and art)‎ 随着中国社会与经济的发展,人们的对生活的注意力更多的放在物质文明上,而对于精神文明的关心的力度越来越少,我们应该重视我国的文学艺术的发展。请针对这一现象给“China Daily”写一篇120词左右的英文报道。‎ 内容提要:1、描述目前的现象。‎ ‎ 2、人们对物质文明建设的态度。‎ ‎ 3、人们对精神文明建设的态度。‎ ‎ 4、你的观点。‎ 词汇提示:文学艺术:literature and art 物质文明:material civilization ‎ 精神文明:spiritual civilization 建设:construct (v.) construction (n.)‎ As our country is growing faster and faster, an increasing number of people pay much more attention to the material civilization, resulting in poor attention to the spiritual civilization.‎ There is no denying that material civilization plays significant role in our life, so most people support to construct if, believing that it will bring them an enjoyable life. But when it comes to spiritual civilization, such as literature and art, many people are not interested because of a poor understanding of them. Besides, people think it is only the writers’ and the artists’ responsibility to construct spiritual civilization.‎ From my point of view, it is of vital importance to lay stress on both of material and spiritual civilization. On the one hand, we need material to enrich ordinary citizens’ material life and built our society. On the other hand, it is spiritual civilization that can make our spiritual life more colorful.‎

