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鹤壁机电信息工程学校升学部2013年对口升学第六次模拟考试 语文、英语试题 总分 核分人 考生注意:所有答案都要写在答题卡上,写在试题卷上无效 一、选择题(语文1-10;英语11-60,其中词汇判断11-20;选择填空21-30;补充对话31-40;阅读理解41-50;完型填空51-60。每小题中只有一个选项是正确的,请将正确选项涂在答题卡上) 语文1-10(每小题2分,共20分) 1.下列词语中加点的字,读音全都正确的一组是( ) A、斟(zhēn)酌 归宿(sù) 迁徙(xǐ) 婆娑(suō) B、粗糙(cāo) 校(xiào)对 卓(zhuó) 校(xiào)对 C、虐(nüè)待 狼藉(jí) 玷(zhān)污 教诲(huì) D、徜(cháng)徉 纤(xiān)维 称(chèng)心 苍穹(qióng) 2.下列各组中,没有错别字的一组是( ) A. 雍容华贵 惊世害俗 爬山涉水 天南海北 B. 花团锦簇 名声大噪 纷至踏来 枝繁叶茂 C. 落英缤纷 倾国倾城 惊心动魂 轰轰烈烈 D. 清风徐来 娇艳鲜嫩 灿烂辉煌 秀韵多姿 3.下列各句中,加点的成语使用恰当的一项是( ) A.这躲在大山中的小村庄,小河环抱,绿树掩映。每至春来,桃红柳绿,鸣禽上下,一派万紫千红落花流水的胜景,让人感到美不胜收。 B.由于太平洋暖流的影响,春节刚过,封冻的黄河就已涣然冰释。解冻的冰块顺流而下,壅塞河道,有可能给沿岸造成灾害。 C.随着社会生活的变化和西方文化的影响,许多优秀的文化传统正在与我们背道而驰,一步一步地远去。 D.网络给游戏者提供了一个虚拟的平台,让游戏者无所不能。许多人在现实中遇到烦恼,就到网络上发泄,寻求心理的平衡。 4.下列各句中,没有语病的一项是( ) A.一首曲子往往会令我们感动的热泪盈眶,原因之一就是因为它能勾起人们对往事的追忆。 B.其实这是过于多虑的想法。 C.我之所以要到北平的原因,是要会见以为朋友。 D.村南的那片树林,早被人们砍光了。 5.下列作品、作家、国别、人物形象对应错误的一项是( ) A、《雷雨》—曹禺—中国—周朴园 B、《胡同文化》—老舍—中国—骆驼祥子 C、《荷花淀》—孙犁—中国—水生嫂 D、《项链》—莫泊桑—法国—佛来思节夫人 6、下列古诗词默写全部正确的一项是( ) A、虽又槁暴,不复挺者,糅使之然也 B、王之弊甚矣 C、覆之以掌,虚弱无物 D、军中无以为乐,请以箭舞 7.下列关于文学常识的表述有误的一项是( ) A、《红楼梦》是中国古典小说发展的高峰。它以贾宝玉、林黛玉爱情悲剧为主要线索,其中《林黛玉进贾府》选自本书第三回。 B、《史记》是我国第一部纪传体通史,为后代史传文学的典范。鲁迅赞扬《史记》为“史家之绝唱,无韵之离骚”。 C、《陈情表》托言“乌鸟私情”“暂辞官爵”,虽然是出于宗法伦常观念,但措辞委婉,感情真挚,成为古今传送的名篇。 D、《师说》韩愈所著的一篇人物传记。 8.使用标点符号全都正确的一句是 ( ) A、全班三、四十人都去操场了。 B、“是的,”她说。“但是,对你来说,没有女人照料,你回比别人生活的更糟糕。唉,这就是我的过错。” C、女儿道了声“妈妈晚安!”就回房睡觉去了。 D、让小张去呢?还是让老李去呢?我实在拿不定主意。 9.对下列各句所使用的修辞方法,判断正确的一项是( ) ①然而这满屋的跳板,像棋盘街一样,又很低,走起来一点也不怕。 ②女人坐在小院当中,手指上缠绞着柔滑修长的苇眉子,苇眉子又薄又细,在她怀里跳跃着。 ③上面坐着两个老爷,东边的一个是马褂,西边的一个是西装。 ④我呢,我难道没有应该受责备的地方吗? A、①比喻 ②拟人 ③借代 ④设问 B、①比喻 ②拟物 ③借代 ④反问 C、①比喻 ②拟人 ③借代 ④反问 D、①比喻 ②拟人 ③拟物 ④设问 10.下列有通假字的一项是( ) A.浴乎沂,风乎舞雩,咏而归。 B.彼路斯何?君子之车。 C.君子博学而日参省乎己,则知明而行无过矣。D.臣欲奉诏奔驰,则刘病日笃。 词汇判断11-20(每小题1分,共10分) ( )11.客人,宾客 A.host B.hostess C.guess D.guest ( )12.接受,受理 A.accept B.respect C.afford D.above ( )13.永远,永久;永恒 A.forever B.whatever C.whenever D.however ( )14.一定; 当然 A.because B.of course C.center D.cause ( )15.摇;摇动 A.shake B.shame C.shape D.share ( )16.打,击打 A.beat B.bruise C.button D.battery ( )17.罚款;美好的,细微的 A.film B.found C.fine D.fame ( )18.试图,努力 A.try B.want C.plan D.can ( )19.私人的,个人的 A.private B.person C.people D.silent ( )20.丢面子; 丢脸; 失面子 A.face-saving B.face cream C. lose face D.face north 选择填空21-30(每小题1分,共10分) ( )21.It doesn’t matter _____ you say, I will go to the dance. A. how B.what C.which D.That ( )22.I don’t know _____ he will come tomorrow or not. _____ he comes, I'll tell you. A. if;Whether B. whether; If C. if;That D. whether;Whether ( )23. _____ breaks the law should be punished. A.Anyone B.No matter what C.Whoever D.Who ( )24._____ we need was not money, but time. A.That B.What C.Which D.The thing what ( )25._____ we’ll go camping tomorrow depends on the weather. A.Whether B.If C.That D.Where ( )26. If you don't go,neither ____. A.do I B.shall I C.I do D.I shall ( )27. Never in my life ____ such a thing. A.I have heard or have seen B.did I hear or see C.I have heard or seen D.have I heard or seen ( )28. The teacher agreed to the suggestion that the students ____ two weeks to prepare for the exam. A.be given B.should give C.to give D.would be given ( )29. He treated me as if _____ his own son. A.I were B.I would be C.I was D.I am ( )30. We _____ the work on time without your help. A.can’t have finished B.didn’t have finished C.hadn’t had finished D.couldn’t have finished 补充对话31-40(每小题2分,共20分) ( )31.—________________? —You’d better read more and recite some phrases, interesting passages and so on. A.Would you please give me some ideas of learning English B.Would you like to learn with me C.What would you like to do D.What do you think of learning English ( )32.—Do you think it will be cool tomorrow? —________________. It has been too hot for a week. A.I hope so B.I’m afraid so C.I’d like so D.Of course not ( )33.—I think English is more difficult than Chinese. —_______________. A.I really can’t agree with you B.Don’t say it like this C.That’s a good idea D.That’s all right ( )34.—What time does the museum close? ______? —I’m not sure, but I think it’s open until 5 o’clock. A.Any idea B.Anything else C.Anything wrong D.anything ( )35.—I’ve got to go to bed. I HaveHave 中H改为小写h to work tomorrow. —OK. Good night, then. ____________ . A.Have a good weekend B.Have a good sleep C.Thanks, you too D.Sure ( )36.—Please don’t make any noise in the reading-room. —__________________. A.Sorry, I won’t B.Sorry, I can’t C.Yes, I won’t D.Ok, I didn’t ( )37.—What’s the best way to the nearest bookstore? —_______________. A.Go along this street B.It’s convenient C.By bike D.Fine, thanks ( )38.—___________? —Yes, I’m looking for a pen. A.Can I help you B.What do you want to do C.What are you doing D.What do you like ( )39.—Help yourself to some fish, please! —_______________. A.No, I can’t B.I’m full. Thank you anyway. C.No, I don’t D.Yes, I am full. ( )40.—The beer is on me. — A.Great B.Very well C.Thank you D.I like it very much 阅读理解41-50(每小题2分,共20分) (A) I’ve often heard students complain about having studied English for many years but still not being able to speak the language. My response is: Have you ever made any serious attempt to speak it? My first suggestion is: Make a serious, determined effort and be bold when trying to speak English. Don’t be afraid of making mistakes or being laughed at. Making mistakes is natural in the learning process. In China, the biggest problem for English learners is the lack of a helpful language learning environment. There is little chance of meeting or talking with native speakers of English. There is often no easy access to English TV or radio programmes, or English newspapers and magazines. What’s to be done? The answer is: Try to create an environment. When you’re alone, try to practice reciting or reading aloud. You can read or recite a text, a short story, or a poem. ( )41.What does the author often hear students complain about? A.Having studied English for many years but still not being able to speak the language. B.Having too much homework after school. C.Spending too much time on studying English. D.Sleeping too little every day. ( )42.What is the author’s response to these complaints? A.Have you ever made any serious attempt to speak it? B.Are you efficient at your studying? C.Do you spend too much time playing? D.What is your teacher’s advice? ( )43.Don’t be afraid of ______ when trying to speak English. A.making mistakes B.practicing more C.being laughed at D.Both A and C ( )44.According to the text, which is NOT the problem in learning English in China? A.No easy access to English TV. B.No easy access to radio programmes. C.No easy access to school. D.No easy access to English newspapers. ( )45.When you’re alone, try to practice _______ aloud. A.reading B.reciting C.speaking D.Both A and B (B) My grandfather was a fine man. I loved him very much. But one day I told him a lie (谎话). I can not tell you now what the lie was. I was only seven years old then. Grandfather was not cross with me. "Ask Jim to get a long ladder," he said. "My boy now jumps from the tops of houses, up to the roof (屋顶). " Jim brought the big ladder. Then Grandfather said, "My boy now jumps from the tops of houses. The ladder is for him." I knew at once what he was telling me. I had often heard the old saying," A lie is a jump from the top of a house. I said nothing. But I felt like crying. The minutes went by. What would people think about the ladder? It stood by the front door. I was afraid it might be there a long time. I had to do something! At last I went to Grandfather. He was reading a book. I went up to him and put my face on his arm. "Grandfather," I said, "I will not tell a lie again. We don't need the ladder now." Grandfather seemed very happy once again. He called Jim. "Take the ladder away," he said, "My boy does not jump from the tops of houses." His words made me happy once again. ( )46.From the reading we can not know _____. A.whether the boy told a lie B.what the lie was C.what Grandfather did with the boy D.how the story ended ( )47.The word “cross” in the reading means _____. A.angry B.surprised C.happy D.kind ( )48.Grandfather asked Jim to get a ladder to _____. A.see whether the boy could jump from the top of a house B.help the boy to climb to the top of the house C.let the boy know it was wrong to tell a lie D.make the boy cry ( )49. "What would people think about the ladder?" shows the boy was afraid that people would _____. A.know what had happened B.take the ladder away C.come to clean the roof D.come to take care of Grandfather ( )50. At the end of the story the result is _____. A.enjoyable B.sad C.not clear D.untrue 完型填空51-60(每小题1分,共10分) Canada is the second largest country in the world. It is over 7,000 kilometres from the 51 coast to the east. It 52 six time zones. 53 it is 9 a.m. in Vancouver on the west coast, it is 1:30 p.m. in St. John’s on the east coast. English and French 54 the two main languages in Canada. About 60 percent of 55 people speak English, and about 25 percent speak French. More 56 70 percent of its population live in cities near the US border(边境). Ottawa is the capital. Every year millions of tourists go there to 57 museums and take part in the cultural(文化的)activities. Toronto is the largest city of the country 58 about 2.5 million people. Montreal is 59 second biggest French-speaking city in the world. The maple leaf is the national symbol of Canada. The Canadian flag has a red maple leaf on a red 60 white background. ( )51.A.west B.east C.south D.north ( )52.A.is B.had C.has D.have ( )53.A.Which B.What C.Where D.When ( )54.A.are B.is C.will be D.has been ( )55.A.their B.his C.its D.our. ( )56.A.up B.over C.about D.than ( )57.A.see B.visit C.look D.find ( )58.A.with B.for C.from D.at ( )59.A.a B.an C.the D./ ( )60.A.or B.and C.but D.however 语文(80分) 二、文言文阅读(20分) 阅读下面的文字,完成61—67题 子路、曾晳、冉有、公西华侍坐。子曰:“以吾一日长乎尔,毋吾以也。居则曰:‘不吾知也!’如或知尔,则何以哉?” 子路率尔而对曰:“千乘之国,摄乎大国之间,加之以师旅,因之以饥馑;由也为之,比及三年,可使有勇,且知方也。” 夫子哂之。 “求,尔何知?” 对曰:“方六七十,如五六十,求也为之,比及三年,可使足民。如其礼乐,以俟君子。” “赤,尔何如?” 对曰:“非曰能之,愿学焉。宗庙之事,如会同,端章甫,愿为小相焉。” “点,尔何如?” 鼓瑟希,铿尔,舍瑟而作,对曰:“异乎三子者之撰。” 子曰:“何伤乎?亦各言其志也!” 曰:“莫春者,春服既成,冠者五六人,童子六七人,浴乎沂,风乎舞雩,咏而归。” 夫子喟然叹曰:“吾与点也!” 三子者出,曾晳后。曾晳曰:“夫三子者之言何如?” 子曰:“亦各言其志也已矣!” 曰:“夫子何哂由也?” 曰:“为国以礼,其言不让,是故哂之。唯求则非邦也与?安见方六七十如五六十而非邦也者?唯赤则非邦也与?宗庙会同,非诸侯而何?赤也为之小,孰能为之大?” 61.文中加点词注音正确的一组是( )(2分) A. bǐ zhuàn guān wài B.bì zhuàn guàn kuì C. bǐ zhuàn guàn kuì D.bì zhuàn guān wèi 62.解释下列句子的加点词语(每个1分,共6分) (1)鼓瑟希______________ (2)异乎三子者之撰________________ (3)何伤乎?____________ (4)春服既成______________________ (5)风乎舞雩_____________ (6)吾与点也______________________ 63.对下列加点词的解释,不正确的是( )(2分) A.子路、曾晳、冉有、公西华侍坐 侍奉 B.居则曰 闲居 C.如或知尔 了解 D.以吾一日长乎尔 成长 64.与“以吾一日长乎尔”中的“以”用法相同的一项是( )(2分) A.如或知尔,则何以哉 B.加之以师旅,因之以饥馑 C.不以物喜,不以己悲 D.如其礼乐,以俟君子 65.把下列句子译成现代汉语。(2分) 由也为之,比及三年,可使有勇,且知方也。 _______________________________________________________________________________ 66.孔子为什么喟然叹曰:“吾与点也”。(3分) ________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ 67.《论语》是我国_______时期一部_______ 散文集,主要记载_______________。孔子名_____,字________,__________时期鲁国人。(3分) 三、现代文阅读(20分) 阅读下面的文字,完成68—76题 (一)她高高兴兴地拆开信封,抽出一张请柬,上面印着这些字:“教育部长乔治①郎伯诺及夫人②恭请路瓦栽先生与夫人于一月十八日③星期一④光临教育部礼堂⑤参加夜会。”她不像她丈夫预料的那样高兴,她〔a〕地把请柬丢在桌上,咕哝着:“你叫我拿着这东西怎么办呢?”“但是,亲爱的,我原以为你一定很喜欢的,你从来不出门,这是一个机会,这个,一个好机会!我费了多大力气才弄到手。大家都希望得到,可是很难得到,一向很少发给职员。你在那儿可以看见所有的官员。”她用〔b〕的眼睛瞧着他,不耐烦地大声说:“你打算让我穿什么去呢?” 68.为请柬①⑤处选取恰当的标点( )(2分) A . , ( ) 。 B · , ( ) ,C · ; ( ) 。 D · , , , 69.为〔 〕a、b处选取恰当的词语( )(2分) A懊恼 恼怒 B恼怒 懊恼 C郁闷 恼火 D怅惘 气愤 70. 对路瓦栽说这是“一个好机会”,正确的理解是( )(2分) A因为妻子从来不出门,这是一次夫妻出门娱乐的机会。 B这是赢得漂亮妻子欢心的好机会。平日妻子常常不高兴,甚至困苦。 C这是可以看见所有的官员,结交场面上人物的好机会。 D这是难得出门的妻子,向周围人展现自己美貌、丰韵的好机会。 (二)她先看了几副镯子,又看了一挂珍珠项圈,随后又看了一个威尼斯式的镶着宝石的金十字架,做工非常精巧。她在镜子前边试这些首饰,〔 〕,不知道该拿起哪件,放下哪件。她不断地问着:“再没有别的了吗?”“还有呢。你自己找吧,我不知道哪样合你的意。” 忽然她在一个青缎子盒子里发现一挂精美的钻石项链,她高兴得心也跳起来了。她双手拿着那项链发抖。她把项链绕着脖子挂在她那长长的高领上,站在镜前对着自己的影子出神好半天。 随后,她迟疑而焦急地问:“你能借给我这件吗?我只借这一件。” “当然可以。” 她跳起来,搂住朋友的脖子,狂热地亲她,接着就带着这件宝物跑了。 71.第一段方括号处应填入的词语是( )(2分) A慢慢悠悠 B犹豫不决C挑三拣四 D心中无数 72.这部分描写人物的方法是( )(2分) A行动描写 B肖像和心理描写C肖像和语言描写D行动和语言描写 73. 这部分描写极有层次地展现出路瓦栽夫人在借项链时的心理状态,合理的一项是( )(2分) A迟疑不决 惊喜 焦急而担心 欣喜若狂 B贪婪、挑剔 意外 焦急 狂热 C慎重而犹豫 高兴 迟疑焦急 狂喜而得意D犹豫不决 意外 焦急 得意 74.“她双手拿着那项链发抖”是因为__________________________________________。(2分) 75.在看到自己喜欢的项链后,路瓦栽夫人说“能借给我这件吗?我只借这一件。”请分析她当时的心态。(2分) ___________________________________________________________________________________ 76..选文选自________,作者是_______,他是19世纪____著名的批判现实主义作家。他的文学成就以短篇小说最为突出,被誉为世界“短篇小说巨匠”。他的成名作是_________。被誉为世界短篇小说三巨匠的其他两位是______国的____,____国的____。(4分) 四、作文(40分) 77. 一个酷爱大自然的人,每年十月都要去看野鸭南飞。后来,他大发慈悲,带着饲料到池塘边去喂野鸭。几年下来,有些野鸭不仅不再南飞过冬,而且变得又胖又懒,连飞也飞不起来了。人们可以很容易地驯服野鸭,但要把驯服的鸭子再变成野鸭就很困难了。 要求:请根据以上材料,以“依赖与自强”为话题写一篇不少于600字的文章,题目自拟,立意自定,文体自选。 题目: 英语(30分) 五、 翻译。(每题3分,共15分) 78. 不要妨碍英语角的活动。 79. 我永远不会忘记在这所学校里上的第一堂课。 80. 学会如何道歉是非常重要的。 81. 当你离开的时候,请确认所有的灯都关掉。 82. 女性在经济发展中起到非常重要的作用. 六、应用文写作。(共15分) 83. You came to the new school a month ago. Send an e-mail to your classmate, Lily, in the Middle school. Talk about your new life / friends / teachers here. The following sentences may help you. (1)How are you getting along? (2)I get along well with them. (3)My teachers and my classmates are all kind and friendly. (4)I know you have started a new term. (5)How is everything with you? Please send me an e-mail when you are free. 英语模拟试卷(六)答案 11-20 DAABA ACAAC 21-30 BBCBA BDAAD 31-40 AAAAB ACABC 41-50 AADCD BACAA 51-60 ACDAC DBACB 72.Don’t interfere with the activity at the English corner. 73. I’ll never forget the first lesson that I learned at this school. 74. Learning how to apologize is very important. 75. Please make sure that all the lights are turned off when you leave. 76. Women play an important role in economic development. 77. Dear Lily, How are you getting along? I have been in the new school for a month. There are forty-five students in my class. I get along well with them. My teachers and classmates are all kind and friendly. They give me lots of help in my daily life. I like the new life here. But I also miss you and my teachers very much. I know you have started a new term. How is everything with you? Please send me an e-mail when you are free. Best wishes! Yours, Jane 查看更多