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中考英语串讲讲义 考前必读 一、 做题顺序:‎ 常规顺序:听力-单选-完型-阅读-还原句子-阅读回答问题- 完成句子-作文 可采用顺序:听力--单选--完成句子—还原句子 --阅读回答问题--完型--阅读--作文 二、 做题方法:‎ I、 听力 先看材料,画信息,找出关键字;猜想,预测有关事件;‎ 听,专注(一-------二大题听两遍),找信息,确定后再选择;‎ 听力填表格,先预测,根据材料内容猜测是什么(颜色,科目,时间,数字,常用词组等)‎ ‎1 人名: Jane Green, John, Jim Black ‎2 学习学生学校:library, students, teacher, book ‎3 科目:Chinese, English, computer, Math, Music, Art, PE ‎4 天气:fine, wet, rainy, windy, warm, cloudy, sunny, snowy ‎ ‎5 地点城市:town( city, street ) Shanghai( Beijing) party( garden) ‎ ‎6 颜色:white, black, blue, red, yellow, orange, green ‎ ‎7 服装:T-shirt, sweater, dress, coat, jacket, jeans ‎8 日期:May5th, January, February, March, April, June, July, August, September, October, November, December ‎ ‎9 星期:Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday ‎ ‎10 节日:Children’s Day Women’s Day, Teacher’s Day New Year Christmas Day ‎11数字:139-1265-4778, 77131059, 213(230)215(250), 8$, Room203,13℃‎ ‎12三餐:lunch, breakfast, supper, dinner ‎13食物:rice, beef, fish, pizza, apple, milk, coffee, cola, banana, pork, potato, tomato ‎14交通:bus, train, subway, plane, taxi II 单选 ‎1代词:宾格,名词性物主代词,形容词性物主代词 ‎2介词:in, on, at ‎3形容词:比较级,最高级 ‎4词组:enjoy doing, finish doing, be busy doing, go on doing, turn off ( on, up, down, over, to) 等。‎ ‎5特殊疑问句:How often; How long; who; where; what; why; how; when ‎ ‎6重点句式:You’d better do/ not do , ask sb. to do/ ask sb not to do ‎ not… until, tell sb to do / tell sb not to do ‎7不定代词:something, anything, nothing, everything ‎ ‎ few a few little a little ‎8名词:地点名词,物体名称,科目 ‎9形容词:happy, worried, sad, afraid ‎10动词辨析: fly, run,‎ ‎11时态:‎ 一般现在时: 主语+ 动词原形或单三 现在进行时:主+be+ving ------ now, look, listen ‎ 现在完成时:(主+ have/has +过分)---- for+段 ; since + 点(过去时), before; already; yet ‎ 一般过去时:主语+ 动词过去式 过去进行时:was/were doing 一般将来时:will + 动词原形 ‎12. 被动语态:be+ 动词过去分词 ‎ ‎ 现在时被动:主语+ is/are+过分 ‎ 过去时被动: 主语+ was/were+ 过分 判断主语: by+ 人 ‎13. 状语从句: 主句 when 从句 ‎ 主+was doing 主语+ 动词过去式 ‎ 主句 if 从句 ‎ 主语+ will do 主语+ do/does ‎12情态动词:can must need may ‎ Can? ------ can’t.‎ ‎ Must? ------ needn’t.‎ ‎ May? -------- can’t. / mustn’t.‎ ‎13宾语从句: 主句+ 疑问代词+从句 ‎14口语交际:‎ ‎15连词:and(和 ) but( 但是) so( 所以) or(否则 ) ‎ ‎16词语辨析:人+spend on ( doing) 名词 ‎ 人+ pay for ‎ 物+ cost ‎ It takes sb some time to do ‎ ‎ (say, speak, talk, tell)‎ ‎ (read ,see, watch, look, find, look for) ‎ III 还原句子:5选4 读懂文意,理解词意,注意上下文逻辑关系,抓表时间、次序等顺序的关联词 IV 完成句子:50个必会句型 V 阅读回答问题:(一定简略回答)‎ 先看问题-----确定一般疑问句,选择疑问句,特殊疑问句 通读全文-----找题干,划出答案所在的位置,关注信息点,确定答案;‎ 注意最后一个题,考的是概括能力,要求反复从句首,句尾提取信息,概括简单,表达清楚。‎ VI 阅读理解:‎ A篇,信息直给。需要从文中找出来,进行选择。‎ B 篇,读题----预测----通读全文------找信息------选择------检查 C 篇和D篇,可能遇见生词,但是你能从上下文中猜测词义;可能会有难句子,你可以抓住大意,或分析理解即可;可能在选择时,你会发现每个选项文中都提到了,这是一定看题目要求,主要让你答什么? 主要原因? ‎ 切忌!!!不要带自己的感情色彩去判断选择,一定按题目要求,需要读3---4遍才成。‎ VII 完型填空:‎ 通读找出--------时间 地点 人物 事件 再读-----试着把空填上 边读边看-------选择填空,但是必须有依据,划出来 检查回填-------翻译理解,看看逻辑是否通顺 VIII 写作:(在来信中划出重要信息)‎ ‎1 审题:时间-------判断时态, 要求-------决定内容 ‎2 选材:选材-------熟悉,有的写 ‎3 找点:几个,比例分配,即详略要求 ‎4 分段:根据点分段(注意详写的部分必须有顺序,有层次)‎ ‎5 用上重点句式:一定是熟悉的,一定是一写就对的句子 ‎6 点题或深化主题 ‎7 书写规范 ‎8 写完后一定再读一遍,改一改,查一查,最后抄写在答题卡上,是关键!!!‎ 注意:‎ ‎1 会的题一答就对;拿不准的题认真做,加上标记;在试卷答完时,再一次把有标记的题重新做做,确保正确;特别难的,尽量想,会多少写多少,不能空着。‎ ‎2 填机读卡需15分钟。把卷中的答案写到机读卡上(字要轻,但能看见),都填完后,检查,然后涂。(涂满,合适)‎ 部分补充练习 一、单选 ‎1‎ ‎( )1. Can you give _____ some advice on English learning, Mary? ‎ A. I B. my C. me D. mine ‎( )2. The 29th Olympic Games was held ______ August 8th, 2008. ‎ ‎ A. in B. at C. on D. from ‎ ‎( )3. —_______ do you usually go shopping? — At weekends.‎ A. Why B. How C. When D. Where ‎( ) 4. Taking buses in Beijing is much __________ than before.‎ A. cheap B. cheaper C. cheapest D. the cheapest ‎( )5. Don’t forget to bring me a _______. I’ll post the letter.‎ ‎  A. book    B. photo     C. stamp     D. card ‎( ) 6. Colors can make us _______ happy or sad, energetic or sleepy.‎ ‎ A. to feel B. feeling C. felt D. feel ‎ ‎( )7. Li Ping __________ his bike at this time yesterday.‎ A. would mend B. mended C. was mending D. is mending ‎( )8. I’m sorry I didn’t hear you clearly. ______ you repeat that, please?‎ A. Could B. May C. Must D. Need ‎( )9. It is raining outside. You’d better ______ at home.‎ ‎ A. to stay B. staying C. stayed D. stay ‎( )10. Listen! The bell __________. Let’s stop to have a rest.‎ ‎ A. rings B. is ringing C. ring D. will ring ‎( ) 11. I’ll tell Mary about the news as soon as she ____________back.‎ A. come B. comes C. came D. will come ‎( ) 12.---Could I have something to drink? ---Sure. Here’s some ________.‎ ‎ A. potatoes B. bread C. water D. fish ‎( ) 13. Please ask Lin Pei __________ the book to the library as soon as possible.‎ A. return B. returning C. to return D. returned ‎( )14. I can hardly hear the radio. Would you please ________?‎ A. turn it on B. turn it down C. turn it up D. turn it off ‎( )15 . Today English __________ in many countries in the world.‎ A. speak B. speaks C. is speaking D. is spoken ‎( )16. ---Do you know ________? -- In ten minutes.‎ ‎ A. when did the meeting start B. when the meeting started C. when the meeting will start D. when will the meeting start ‎( ) 17. -Tom! Let’s go to see a movie--Harry Potter V. -Sorry . I ______ it twice.‎ A. have seen B. see C. saw D seen ‎( )18.--- Your spoken English is really good. --- __________.‎ A. That’s all right B. Thank you very much C. It doesn’t matter D. That’s a good idea ‎2‎ ‎( )1. Tomorrow is Tom’s birthday. Please buy __________ a birthday cake.‎ A. he B. him C. his D. himself ‎( )2. We are going to have a meeting at 8 o’clock ________Monday morning.‎ A. on B. in C. for D. at ‎( )3. — ________ did you do after school yesterday? — I played basketball with my friends.‎ A. Why B. How C. What D. Where ‎( )4. Do you know who works ______, Jim, Tom or Bruce?‎ ‎   A. hard   B. harder   C. hardest   D. hardly ‎( ) 5. The math problem is too hard. _______ students can work it out.‎ A. Little   B. A little  C. Few   D. A few ‎ ‎( )6. Lucy likes _______. She has piano lessons on Sundays.‎ ‎ A. movies B. English C. sports D. music ‎ ‎( )7. Lucy’s grandfather enjoys ______ to light music.‎ ‎ A. listen B. to listen C. listening D. listened ‎( )8. — Must we get to the airport before 9? — No, you _____. The plane takes off at 12.‎ ‎ A. mustn’t B. needn’t C. can’t D. won’t ‎( )9. It’s too late. You’d better ask her________ home as quickly as possible.‎ ‎ A. go B. went C. to go D. going ‎( ) 10. Jimmy __________ some old bikes for the children when I got to his home. ‎ ‎ A. repairs B. repaired C. is repairing D. was repairing ‎( )11. I’ll send an e-mail to you as soon as I __________ there.‎ A. get B. got C. will get D. am getting ‎( ) 12. He wants to be a ______ after he leaves the medical college.‎ ‎ A. doctor B. teacher C. farmer D. worker ‎( )13. The headmaster asked us _____ at the Science Museum on time.‎ A. arrive B. arrives C. arriving D. to arrive ‎( )14. It’s very hot here. Why not _______ your coat?‎ A. take off B. put off C. put on D. take down ‎( )15. It is said that a large shopping center _____ in that area last year. ‎ A. built B. was built C. builds D. has been built ‎( )16. — Dad, could you tell me __________ now? — In No. 2 Middle School.‎ ‎ A. where is Betty studying B. where Betty is studying C. Where did Betty study D. where Betty studied ‎( )17. ---Where is Kate? I can’t find her.‎ ‎ ---She _________ to the library, and she will be back in two hours.‎ A. went B. has gone C. has been D. will go ‎ ‎( )18. — Mum, I won the high jump competition at school. — _______‎ ‎ A. Best wishes! B. Good idea! C. Good luck! D. Congratulations!‎ ‎3‎ ‎( )1. Jay Zhou is __________ favorite singer. How about yours?‎ A. I B. me C. my D. mine ‎( )2. ---When are Beijing Olympics held? ---_________ August 8th, 2008..‎ A. on B. in C. by D. at ‎ ( ) 3.---Excuse me. _______ is the bookstore? ---It’s on Green Street.‎ ‎ A. What B. Which C. Where D. When ‎( )4. Which country has ______ population in the world, China, America or India?‎ A. larger B. the larger C. largest D. the largest ‎ ‎ ( ) 5. ---Are there ___________ monkeys in Beijing Zoo? ‎ ‎---Yes. I went to see them last weekend.‎ A. some B. any C. much D. little ‎( )6. My brother hurt his __________ yesterday. He can’t see clearly now.‎ A. arm B. leg C. hand D. eye ‎( )7. — I think physic is difficult to learn. What should I do?‎ ‎ — Keep _______, and you will feel better.‎ ‎ A. trying B. to try C. try D. to trying ‎( )8. —Can you lend me your MP3?‎ ‎ — Sorry, I __________. My father has taken it with him.‎ ‎ A. mustn’t B. can’t C. needn’t D. shouldn’t ‎( )9. You look tired. You’d better __________ a good sleep.‎ A. have B. having C. had D. to have ‎( )10. Listen! Some of the girls ________ about Harry Potter. Let’s join them.‎ ‎ A. are talking B. talk C. will talk D. talked ‎( )11. As soon as he________ back, I’ll tell him when you will come and see him. ‎ A. comes               B. came C. will come               D. was coming ‎( )12. It’s too cold here in winter. People have to wear __________ clothes.‎ A. warm B. new C. beautiful D. expensive ‎( )13. Mother often tells John _________ an egg and some milk for breakfast.‎ A. have B. to have C. had D. having ‎( )14. Grandma Liu can’t __________ herself. We often go to help her.‎ ‎ A. look like B. look at C. look for D. look after ‎( )15. The bridge has a long history. It __________ more than100 years ago.‎ ‎ A. builds B. built C. was built D. has built ‎( )16. Could you tell me _____________________?‎ A. how much is the mobile phone C. how much does the mobile phone cost ‎ ‎ B. how much the mobile phone is D. how much do you pay for the mobile phone ‎( )17. Mr. Black _______ us English since he came here in 1990.‎ A. is teaching B. teaches C. has taught D. taught ‎( )18. ---What good weather! Let’s go boating on the lake. ---_____________.‎ ‎ A. That’s all right B. Thank you very much.‎ ‎ C. It doesn’t matter D. That’s a good idea.‎ ‎4‎ ‎( ) 1. Pass ________ a glass of water, please. I’m thirsty.‎ A.I B. me C. my D. mine ‎( ) 2. — When did Mr White leave for England? — _____ July 21st, 1990.‎ A. On B. In C. At D. For ‎( ) 3. — ________ did you get up this morning? — At about 7 o’clock.‎ A. When B. What C. Who D. Where ‎ ‎( ) 4. Li Ling gets up ________than I. ‎ A. early B. earlier C. earliest D. as early as ‎ ‎( ) 5. __________ is watching TV. Let’s turn it off.‎ A. Somebody B. Anybody C. Nobody D. Everybody ‎( ) 6. — What time is it now? — Sorry, my _______ is broken..‎ A. bike B. watch C. bag D. house ‎( ) 7. Dad, why don’t you stop ___________? It’s really bad for your health.‎ ‎ A. smoke B. smoked C. smoking D. to smoke ‎( ) 8. — Can you sing a song in English? — Sorry, I _______. ‎ A. may not B. can’t C. mustn’t D. needn’t ‎( ) 9. It’s far from here. You’d better __________ a bus there.‎ ‎ A. take B. to take C. taking D. took ‎( ) 10. ---I called you last night, but you weren’t in.‎ ‎ ---Sorry, I _________ a party at my friend’s house.‎ ‎ A. was having B. had C. have D. am having ‎ ‎( ) 11. He will come back as soon as he_______ free next week.‎ A. will be B. does C. is D. was ‎( ) 12. It’s __________ inside here. Please take off your coat..‎ A. cold B. windy C. warm D. snowy ‎( ) 13. I had a bad cold. The doctor asked me ________ in bed.‎ A. to stay B. stay C. stayed D. stays ‎ ‎( ) 14. Mrs. Green had ________her dog everywhere, but she didn’t find it.‎ A. looked at B. looked like C. looked after D. looked for ‎( ) 15. A lot of tall buildings _______________ in Beijing last year.‎ A. have built B. built C. were built D. are built ‎( )16. --- What did Mr. Wang say to you, Mike? --- He asked me _______.‎ A. where my father worked     B. where my father will work C. where did my father work     D. where will my father work ‎( ) 17.--- Have you heard of China?‎ ‎--- Certainly! And I __________ there twice. It’s a very beautiful country.‎ A. went B. will go C. have been D. have gone ‎( )18.. —Shall we go skating tonight ? —_______________.‎ ‎ A. Good idea B. You are right C. Never mind D. You are welcome 二、完型填空 ‎1‎ One afternoon just before Christmas, an old gentleman was wandering through the streets. The brightly-lit _1__ were filled with good things and crowded with happy shoppers. The children were looking in wonder at all the toys on display(展览) in the windows, and the old man was __2__ the scene happily. Suddenly in the middle of the _3_ he saw a dirty little boy sitting on the pavement(人行道), weeping bitter tears. When the kind old man __4_ to know the boy had lost a coin his uncle had given him, he pulled several coins out of his pocket. He __5__ out a shiny, new one and gave it to him." Thank you very much. " said the little boy, and __6__ his eyes, he cheered up at once. An hour later, the old man was __7__ his way back by the same route. What surprised him most was that he saw the same little boy in ___8___ the same spot, crying just as __9___ as before. He went __10 to him and asked if he lost the coin he had given him as well. The boy told him that actually he had not lost it, __11__ he still couldn't find his first one." if I could find my own coin, " he said __12__." I'd have two coins now."‎ ‎1. A. streets B. windows C. shops D. parks ‎2. A enjoying B. noticing C. watching D. looking ‎3. A. shop B. crowd C. street D. way ‎4. A. went B. became C. got D. tried ‎ ‎5. A. brought B. picked C. took D. held ‎6. A. drying B. cleaning C. clearing D. opening ‎7. A. coming B. going C. making D. taking ‎8. A. exactly B. clearly C. really D. obviously ‎ ‎9. A. aloud B. loudly C. hard D. bitterly ‎ ‎10.A. ahead B. up C. forward D. along ‎ ‎11.A. and B. but C. so D. while ‎ ‎12 A. tearfully B. excitedly C. nervously D. proudly ‎ ‎2‎ ‎ I like to be near water-sea, lake or river. That is probably because I was born in a village by the sea, and have lived _1__ life close to water of some kind. When I am in a place which is far from lake, river or sea, I am restless (情绪不宁),and always _2__ that there is something missing, though it is hard for me to decide what it is.‎ ‎ Of course, the sports I like are ones which need water-sailing, rowing and swimming. It is possible to swim in small swimming-pools, but rowing and sailing are __3__ without a lot of water. __4__is best on a river, __5_ sailing on the sea or a big lake, but one can do some sailing on a river, and one can certainly row on a lake or the sea when the weather is __6__.‎ ‎ Of the three sports-swimming, rowing and sailing, I like rowing ___7___, because it is the easiest to___8___ during the winner, _9__ the weather is too clod for swimming and the sea is often too rough for sailing but even on the coldest days one can still go rowing. Sometimes it is so cold when I go out rowing that drops of water freeze wherever they fall. In such weather, it is not very pleasant to swim. One can not __10__ in the water very long, however, one can row. The longer you row, the ___11__ you will be. Just imagine what __12__ it is!‎ ‎1.A. my most B. my most of C. most D. most of my ‎2.A. think B. feel C. notice D. want ‎3.A. possible B. lovely C. likely D. impossible ‎4.A. Rowing B. Swimming C. Sailing D. Surfing ‎5.A. and B. but C. so D. though ‎6.A. rough B. good C. rainy D. cloudy ‎7.A. better B. more C. best D. least ‎8.A. keep B. get C. go D. continue ‎9.A. while B. as C. when D. for ‎10.A.row B. live C. stay D. sleep ‎11.A.colder B. hotter C. warmer D. cooler ‎12.A. fun B. a day C. weather D. a sport ‎3‎ ‎ A motorist was driving along a country road when he was passed by a chicken.‎ It ran past his car as if the car was standing still, but in fact, he was traveling _1_80 miles an hour. He couldn't believe his eyes. How could a chicken possibly run _2_ than a car?‎ ‎ "I don't believe this, " the motorist thought." It __3_ a trick. There isn't a chicken in the world that can run that fast." He accelerated(加速)and roared (呼,吼)after the chicken, but it had disappeared. Soon, however, the motorist reached a farmhouse.‎ ‎ The farmer was standing outside his house, __4__ on the gate, looking down the road.‎ ‎ The motorist stopped his car, got out and walked up to the farmer. " I have just __5___ the most amazing thing," he said to the farmer. " A chicken __6__ me. It must have been running at 80 miles an hour or __7_."‎ ‎ "Ah," the farmer said, "That was one of __8__" "One of yours!" the motorist exclaimed." But how can any chicken run that fast?"‎ ‎ " Well, it's like this, " the farmer explained, " People around here like to eat chicken legs so there's a big __9__ for them in the shops."‎ ‎ He smiled at the motorist, then continued with his story," I decided I'd make more money if I could manage to breed(繁殖)chickens with three legs instead of two. I __10__, and it wasn't long before I was breeding three-legged chickens. It's that extra leg that makes them so fast," he concluded.‎ ‎ "That's very interesting," the motorist said. “And what do these three-legged chickens__11__ like?"‎ ‎ " __12__."The farmer said. “Unfortunately, I've never been able to catch one."‎ ‎1. A. for B. to C. in D. at ‎2. A. slower B. quicker C. faster D. swifter ‎3. A. may be B. must be C. ought to be D. is ‎4. A. leaning B. lean C. to lean D. leaned ‎5. A. looked for B. research C. seen D. watched ‎6. A. ran B. caught C. followed D. passed ‎7. A. less B. more C. worst D. farther ‎8. A. mine B. yours C. its D. hers ‎9. A. require B. necessary C. ask D. demand ‎10.A. experimented B. did C. search D. made ‎11.A. eat B. taste C. look D. seem ‎12.A. I don't know B. Delicious C. Terrible D. Very nice 三、阅读理解 阅读下面的三篇短文,根据短文内容,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选择最佳选项。‎ ‎1‎ For Children Museums: Children’s Museum, Sundays, 89 North Main Street, 67641235‎ Story time: Children’s Library, 106 Green Street, Wednesdays during 9:30 a.m—‎ ‎5:00p.m, 66599624‎ Sports: Soccer Club, Tuesdays and Thursdays, 16 Yangtze Road, 96725643‎ ‎ Basketball Club, Wednesdays and Fridays, 79071632‎ Cinema: New films for children, 99 Brick Road, 69001354 ‎ Useful Phone Numbers Fast Food Restaurant: 66387901‎ Hospital: 68787451‎ Visitor Information Center : 800-120-9847‎ Taxi:79210583‎ Visitor Hotel Information: 800-739-7302‎ ‎45. It’s Friday afternoon, you can go to ________.‎ ‎ A. play basketball B. play soccer C. visit the museum D. read children’s stories ‎46. If children want to watch new films, they should go to ________.‎ ‎ A. 16 Yangtze Road B. 99 Brick Road C. 106 Green Street D. 89 North Main Street ‎47. If you dial 66387901, you can ________.‎ ‎ A. do some shopping B. have a good story time ‎ C. order fast food in a restaurant D. ask for some hotel information ‎2‎ ‎  When I was in the third grade, I was chosen to be the princess(公主)in the school play. For weeks my mother had helped me practice my lines. But once on stage(舞台), every word disappeared from my head. Then my teacher told me she had written a narrator's(解说者的)part for the play, and asked me to change roles. Though I didn't tell my mother what had happened that day, she sensed my unhappiness and asked if I wanted to take a walk in the yard.   It was a lovely spring day. We could see dandelions(蒲公英)popping through the grass in bunches(束). I watched my mother carelessly bent down by one of the bunches. “ I think I am going to dig up all these weeds(杂草),” she said. “From now on, we'll have only roses in this garden.”   “But I like dandelions,” I shouted. “All flowers are beautiful-even dandelions!”     My mother looked at me seriously. “Yes, every flower gives pleasure in its own way, doesn't it?” she asked thoughtfully. I nodded. “And that is true of people, too,” she added.   When I realized that she had guessed my pain, I started to cry and told her the truth.  “But you will be a beautiful narrator,” she said, reminding me of how much I loved to read stories aloud to her. Over the next few weeks, with her continuous encouragement, I learned to take pride in the role. The big day finally came. A few minutes before the play, my teacher came over to me.“ Your mother asked me to give this to you,” she said, handing me a dandelion. After the play, I took home the flower, laughing that I was perhaps the only person who would keep such a weed. 48. When the teacher asked the girl to play the role of narrator, the girl felt ______.‎ A. excited B. happy C. shy D. unhappy ‎49.The girl did not play the role of the princess mainly because______ . A. she felt nervous on the stage B. she lost her interest in that role C. she preferred the role of the narrator D. she had difficulty memorizing her words ‎50.Why did the mother suggest a walk in the garden? A. To pick up the dandelions. B. To enjoy the garden scene. C. To have a talk with her daughter. D. To help her daughter with the play. 51.What is the main idea of the story? A. Everybody can find his or her own way to success. B. Everybody has his or her own value in the world. C. Everybody should learn to play different roles. D. Everybody has some unforgettable memory.‎ ‎3‎ It is probably the strangest sport anyone has ever invented. And at first sight, it looks like the easiest. Competitors have to do two things. The first is to stand still(不动的). The second is to place their hand anywhere on the body of a car, and keep it there.‎ This is where things start getting difficult. Lots of other people are doing the same thing. And the winner of the “handathon” contest is the person who can carry on doing it for the longest time. That person gets to own the car.‎ It still seems to be an easy thing to do. At the beginning it is. Anyone can stand still. But when the contest has been going for four or five days, standing still seems like the most difficult job in the world. And keeping the hand in place over this time becomes an act of serious attention. After a few days, the hand seems to belong to someone else—someone who wants to go home and get some sleep.‎ Competitors are allowed to take a five-minute break every hour to eat, drink or do whatever else is necessary. No one is allowed to lean on the car for support. Winners need to be able to show great powers of attention. They also need to be able to develop special skills.‎ Maybe the popularity of the handathon is due to the fact that it is not necessary to be a trained athlete to enter. Entrants in the Longview handathon certainly don’t seem to do much preparation. Most say they will prepare by “getting lots of sleep”. Others say they will “eat healthy food” or “pray for success”. The whole event gives ordinary people the chance to do something interesting and win something at the end.‎ Handathons are competitions, but there is little rivalry(敌对) between the competitors. They help each other out and keep each other’s spirits up. People who drop out early return with food, drink and encouragement for those still standing. ‎ ‎52. The reason why the sport is called “handathon” is probably that ______ in the competition.‎ A. people cover a long distance B. people keep hands in place long C. people wave hands as long as possible D. people do the same thing as in marathon ‎ ‎53. Why is handathon popular? ‎ A. Someone can win with special training. B. It doesn’t need to make any preparation.‎ C. Anyone who is interested can join in it. D. People get along well with each other in it.‎ ‎54. What does the underlined phrase “drop out” mean?‎ ‎ A. go away B. give back C. go on D. give up ‎ ‎55. What is the writer’s idea about handathon? ‎ A. It is worth having a try. B. It is the easiest of all sports. ‎ C. It is good not competing in it. D. It can purify people’s spirits.‎ ‎4‎ ‎“You don’t listen!” says your friend.‎ When you answer, “But I do. I can repeat every word you just said!” It doesn’t seem to be good enough.‎ ‎“No,” she says, “you don’t listen.”‎ What’s wrong? Scientists tell us that words give us only 35 percent of what we mean. The rest? Body language. In other words, you may hear the words but not the “tune”.‎ Body language. You know about the hitchhiker’s thumb. That sign is clear. But what is the sign for a pretty girl? An Arab strokes his beard (捋胡须). An Italian pulls on one of his ear lobes (耳垂). An Englishman looks slowly away.‎ Body language, if you look for it, is all over the place. ‎ When two people like each other, they show it. They hold their bodies straighter. Eyes are bright. Skin may be pinker. And each preens. The girl works with her hair. The boy combs his hair, straightens his tie – or his shirt – and pulls up his socks. ‎ When you are looking at the other person, you show interest. When you fail to make eye contact, you give the impression that the other person is of no importance. ‎ Words are only part of talking. The rest takes in body movements, dress, eye contact, and, of course, the tone of the voice. Recently I went to a meeting of some teachers. Two teachers were arguing. What the lady was saying was polite enough. Her voice, though, gave her away. It kept ‎ getting higher and angrier by the minute. She was saying – in words – that there were two sides to the matter. But what she was really saying – with her tone of voice – was “I hate you!” When the man told her that she was showing anger by her voice – and her whole body – she did not agree. She was not aware of her real feelings. But her body language told the story. 315w ‎( ) 52. We come to know about ______ for a pretty girl in different places.‎ A. one sign B. two signs C. three signs D. four signs ‎ ‎( ) 53. If you “hear the words, but don’t get the tune,” it means that you ______. ‎ ‎ A. didn’t hear what the person said to you B. didn’t get the person’s real message C. didn’t listen to the person D. didn’t notice the person’s tone of voice ‎ ‎( ) 54. People who like each other show it by _____ according to the passage. ‎ ‎ A. telling each other about it B. holding their bodies straight C. looks and dress D. body language ‎( ) 55. This passage means to tell us that ____.‎ ‎ A. body language and words are both important ‎ B. body language helps people understand others fully ‎ C. there are different kinds of body language ‎ D. it’s important to know some examples of body language ‎ ‎5‎ It is sometimes said that the English are polite people. This can make life difficult for foreigners. Suppose a foreign boy asks an English girl to go out with him and she says, "If I finish my work, I’ll meet you in the cafe at 7 o'clock." Is she saying "yes" or "no" to his invitation?‎ ‎ In grammatical terms, she is using the conditional structure(表示条件的句式). By using the conditional, speakers of English can avoid giving a "yes" or "no" answer to a question. It enables (使能够) people to be diplomatic(婉转的). If the girl doesn't want to go out with the boy, she won't appear(出现)at the cafe. She will let him understand she is still working. If she wants to go out with him, but doesn’t want to appear too easy to catch, she has achieved (达到) that with her reply. Here she uses the first conditional which shows probability. It seems that she will go to the cafe. Being polite can make life very difficult!‎ ‎ The conditional is often used by people like politicians (政客), for example,who wish to avoid speaking out their ideas. This is very important if they are on their way to discuss an agreement. No one wants to give away his or her points before he or she starts. A government spokesman might say to a group of workers, "If we could pay you more, we would." The use of the conditional here makes room for argument (争论) although the speaker is using the second conditional form, which shows improbability. So it is unlikely (不可能的) the workers will get their rise.‎ ‎ "If" is a small word, which often appears in the English language. It can show politeness (礼貌), reported speech and conditionals such as the First--probability--if I can come to your party, I will; the Second--improbability--if I saw you tomorrow, I would give you the book; and the Third--impossibility (meaning it is too late to change something that has happened)--if you have told me, I would have helped you.‎ ‎( ) 52. The using of the conditional can make a speech ______.‎ A. clearer B. quicker C. more polite D. more exciting ‎( ) 53. According to the passage, “If it doesn’t rain tomorrow, I will go with you” means ______.‎ A. I will go with you tomorrow B. I won’t go with you until it rains tomorrow C. I may go with you tomorrow D. I won’t go with you tomorrow ‎( ) 54. In the passage, “If we could pay you more, we would.” probably means _______.‎ ‎ A. the workers will make more money B. the spokesman doesn't give any promise ‎ C. the spokesman keeps his word (履行诺言) D. the workers' problems aren't difficult ‎( ) 55. This passage is mainly talking about ______.‎ ‎ A. the conditional in communication B. how to invite a girl in Britain ‎ C. British people and their life D. some language points in daily English ‎6‎ When the Beijing Olympics begin this August, the world will be watching . The games have become a huge international event. People will come from around the world to watch 10,500 athletes from 205 countries compete to take home the gold. It takes years of work and billions of dollars to prepare for Olympics . But it hasn’t always been that way. ‎ ‎ The ancient Olympics ‎ The first recorded Olympics, in 776 B.C., were an important religious festival . But they only included athletes from about a dozen cities. Even after 200 years , the ancient games only included Greek men from about 100 cities around Mediterranean. Unlike today, the ancient games were always at Olympia, in Greece. ‎ ‎ Olympic sports have also changed a lot in the last few thousand years. The ancient games began with just one 192-metre race. In later years , the games grew to include a total of six sports tested skilled soldiers needed. These included races where runners wore fighting equipment and the pankration –-- a violent sport with few rules. ‎ ‎ The modern games ‎ ‎ Even the modern Olympics were once far smaller than they are today. The first of the modern games , in 1896, once had 241 athletes from 14 countries. Moreover, the early modern Olympics were not an independent event. Until 1908 the Olympics were part of the world’s fair! ‎ ‎ At the first modern Olympics , there were 43 events from ten sports. Many of the sports from the early modern games are no longer part of the Olympics. These include the sports of golf and tug of war.. There has always been a lot of disagreement over changing Olympic sports. ‎ ‎ The number of Olympic sports has constantly increased throughout history. At the Beijing games , athletes will compete in 302 events from 28 sports . Despite all the changes over the years , some ancient sports are still part of the modern games . These include running , boxing and wresting. ‎ ‎ The Olympics continue to grow and change , and they encourage us all to work harder , go faster and be stronger. ‎ 52. What is the best title for the passage ? ‎ A. The History of the Summer Olympics B. The Changes of the Olympics Sports ‎ ‎ C. The Growing Events of the Olympics D. The Increasing Sports of The Summer Olympics ‎ ‎53. The ancient Olympics were held _______. ‎ A. as important religious festivals B. at Olympia , in Greece C. in 776 B.C. at Olympia , in Greece D. in about 100 cities around Mediterranean. ‎ ‎54. Which of the following is NOT true ? ‎ A. 241 athletes from competed in 43 events in 1896. ‎ B. The first modern Olympics were held in 1896. ‎ C. 205 countries competed in 302 events at the 28th Olympics . ‎ D. 10,500 athletes will compete in 302 events at Beijing Olympics ‎55. What can we infer from the passage ? ‎ A. The Olympic Games have become a huge international event. ‎ B. The number of Olympic sports has increased throughout history.‎ C. The Olympics encourage us to work harder, go faster and be stronger.‎ D. While the games have grown and changed, the Olympic spirit has stayed the same 阅读还原句子:‎ At school many things happen to us. We may feel excited when we have success in a school play. 65.__________ We want to keep the memory for the rest of our lives.‎ ‎ How to keep the memory? Our English teacher, Miss Wang, has taught us a good way of remembering things to make our own yearbook. What is a yearbook? 66. ____________ It’s usually made at the end of the year.‎ ‎ Last December, we began to make our yearbook. 67. ____________Then some students interviewed them, some wrote down their stories, others took photos of them. 68. __________ Finally, our teacher helped us to put the things together. We had our first yearbook.‎ ‎ All of us put a lot of love into making the yearbook. It is so wonderful that not only the students but also our parents and teachers will remember the special time for ever.‎ A. A yearbook is a kind of book which is used to keep the memory of exciting moments. ‎ B. Everyone in our class had something to do to make the yearbook.‎ C. We may feel sorry if we lose an important game. ‎ D. Our parents all like it very much.‎ E. First, we chose the persons who had done something special. ‎ 四、完成句子:‎ ‎50个典型句式::‎ ‎1. as soon as 一…就…‎ ‎2. (not) as/so…as 不如 ‎3. as…as possible 尽可能地 ‎4. ask sb for sth.. 请求,要求 ‎5. ask/tell sb. (how) to do sth. 请教/告诉某人如何做…‎ ‎6. ask/tell sb. (not) to do sth. 请/告诉某人做/不做某事 ‎7. be afraid of doing sth. / that… 害怕做某事/害怕,担心… ‎ ‎8. be busy doing 忙于做某事 ‎9. be famous/late/ready/sorry for… 以…著名 ‎10. be glad that… 高兴…‎ ‎11. both…and… …与…两者都…‎ ‎12. buy/give/show/send/pass/bring/lend/tell sb. sth. 为某人买某物 ‎13. either…or 要么…要么…‎ ‎14. enjoy/hate/finish/mind/keep/go on doing 喜欢做某事 ‎15.get+比较级半功倍 变得越…‎ ‎16. get on with 与…相处 ‎17. get ready for/get sth. ready 为…做准备 ‎18. give/show/bring/lend/send/pass/ tell sth to sb. 把…给某人 ‎19. had better (not) do 最好做/不做 ‎20. help sb (to) do/help sb. with 帮某人做某事 ‎21. don’t think that... 认为…不…‎ ‎22. I would like to…/would you like to…? 我想做…‎ ‎23. It takes sb some time to do sth. 花费某人…时间做某事 ‎24. it’s bad /good for… 对...有害处 ‎25. it’s important for sb to do sth. 对于某人来说做…是重要的 ‎26. It’s time for…/to do sth. 对于…来说是做…的时间了。‎ ‎27. It’s two meters (years) long (old) 它两米长。‎ ‎28. keep sb. doing 让某人一直做某事 ‎29. keep/make sth. +adj. 让…一直保持…‎ ‎30. like to do/like doing 喜欢做…‎ ‎31. make/ let sb. (not) do sth. 让某人做/不做某事 ‎32. neither…nor 既不… 也不…‎ ‎33. not…at all 根本不 ‎34. not only…but also 不仅…而且….‎ ‎35. not…until 直到…才.…‎ ‎36. one…the other/ some…others 一个…另一个…‎ ‎37. see/hear sb do (doing) sth. 看见某人做了/正在做某事 ‎38. so…that 如此…以至于…‎ ‎39. spend...on (in) doing sth. 在…方面花费…‎ ‎40. stop sb. from doing sth. 阻止某人做某事 ‎41. stop to do/doing 停下来去做某事 ‎42. take/bring sth with sb. 随身携带 ‎43.The+比较级, the+比较级 越…越…‎ ‎44. There is something wrong with… …出了问题/毛病 ‎45. too…to 太…以至于不能…‎ ‎46. used to 过去常常 ‎47. What about…/How about…? …怎么样呢?‎ ‎48. What’s wrong /the matter with…? …出什么问题了?‎ ‎49. Why not…? 为什么不做…呢?‎ ‎50. Will (Would, Could) you please…? 你愿不愿意做….呢?‎ 历届考题精选:‎ ‎1.很抱歉,我的自行车坏了。请再等我五分钟。‎ ‎ I’m sorry there is something wrong with my bike. Please wait for me five more minutes.‎ 我的电视机坏了,所以我不能看比赛了。‎ ‎ There is something wrong with my TV so I cannot watch the game.‎ ‎2.对于青少年来说,学习如何交友是很重要的。It’s important for teenagers to learn how to make friends.‎ 虽然雨下得正大,但是对于他来说,看来不跑完最后的200米是不可能的。‎ ‎(1)Although it is raining heavily, it looks that it’s impossible for him not to finish the last 200 meters.‎ 吃更多的蔬菜是有好处的。(2)It’s good to eat more vegetables.‎ 对于我们来说拥有充足的睡眠是重要的。(3) It’s important for us to have enough sleep.‎ 对于我们来说保持环境清洁是重要的。(4) It’s important for us to keep the environment clean.‎ 嘲笑残疾人是不礼貌的。It’s impolite to laugh at the disabled.‎ ‎3.我们应该在适当的时间去晚会,既不能太早,也不能太晚。‎ We should go to the party just at the right time, neither too early nor too late.‎ 恶劣的天气和穷困的状况都无法改变他在那里教书的决心。‎ ‎(1) Neither bad weather nor poor condition can change her mind to teach there.‎ 这个社区既不安静也不安全。我不喜欢住在这里。‎ ‎(2) This neighborhood is neither quiet nor safe. I don’t like living here.‎ Tom 和Jack都不喜欢骑自行车上学。(3) Neither Tom nor Jack likes going to school by bike.‎ ‎4.六月份的考试一结束我的父母就带我去大连度假。‎ My parents will take me to Dalian for vacation as soon as the examination in June is over.‎ 你一完成作业就给我打电话。(1) Please call me up as soon as you finish your homework.‎ 他一看完这张DVD他就把它借给你。(2) He will lend this DVD to you as soon as he finishes watching it.‎ 昨天晚上我一到家妈妈就让我准备晚饭。‎ ‎(3) My mother asked me to get ready for supper as soon as I got home yesterday evening.‎ ‎5.在每个月的排队日,越来越多的人们排队等候,这有助于防止有人夹塞儿。‎ On Queuing Day of each month there are more and more people waiting in line。It can help prevent/stop someone from cutting in the queue/ jumping the queue.‎ 虽然交通堵塞让我不能高速驾车,但是我还是喜欢拥有自己的车。‎ Although traffic jams would stop me from driving fast, I’d still like to have my own car.‎ ‎6.有时在交通高峰期,开车不如骑自行车快。‎ Sometimes driving a car is not as/so fast as riding a bike in the rush hours.‎ 有些学生学英语不如学数学努力。‎ ‎(1) Some students don’t study English as hard as they study math.‎ 西方的孩子们通常准备尽可能多的礼物。‎ ‎(2) Kids in the West usually get ready for as many gifts as possible.‎ ‎7.我们最好不要在公共场所大声讲话。‎ We’d better not talk loudly in public places.‎ 你最好在饭前洗手。(1)You’d better wash your hands before dinner.‎ 天现在黑了。我们最好回家去。(2) Its dark now. You’d better go home.‎ 你最好每周帮助父母做些家务。(3) You’d better help your parents do some housework once a week.‎ ‎8. 对司机来说有些路标太小了看不见。‎ Some road signs are too small for drivers to see.‎ Some road signs are so small that drivers can’t see them.‎ 昨晚Kate太生气了一句话也说不出来。(1)Kate was too angry to say a word last night.‎ 他想在2008年做一名奥运志愿者。现在他正忙着学习英语以至于每天都没有时间玩儿。‎ ‎(2) He wants to be an Olympic volunteer in 2008. Now he is so busy learning English that he has no time to play every day.‎ 我们的数学老师太生气了一句话都说不出来。‎ ‎(3) Our math teacher was too angry to say a word. / was so angry that he couldn’t say a word.‎ ‎9.每天早晨在我上学的路上,我欣喜地看到工人们正忙着为奥运会建设体育馆和体操馆。‎ Every morning, on my way to school, I am happy to see the workers being busy building stadiums and gyms for the Olympics.‎ 我很高兴你能来看我。I’m very happy that you can come to see me.‎ ‎10.乘坐D-车组从上海到北京只用十小时。It takes only 10 hours from Beijing to Shanghai on a Bullet Train.‎ 他每天用多长时间玩计算机游戏?(1) How long does he spend playing computer games every day?‎ 工人们建成这座大桥将用两年时间。(2)It will take the workers two years to build the bridge.‎ 建设这座奥运场馆工人们只用了两年时间。‎ ‎(3)It took the workers only 2 years to build this Olympic Stadium.‎ ‎11.晚饭后出去散步怎么样?How about going out for a walk after supper?‎ 喝点水怎么样?你看上去有点紧张。(1)How about drinking water? You look a little bit nervous.‎ 我今天没时间去看他们。明天怎么样?(2) I have no time to see them today. What about ‎ tomorrow?‎ 我要去打球。你呢?(3) I’m going to play ball games. What about you?‎ ‎12.法国以它的美食和美酒著名。France is famous for its fine food and wine.‎ ‎13.Bob给我买了一本书作为生日礼物。Bob bought me a book as a present for my birthday.‎ 我忘了带我的英语书了。你能把你的借给我吗?(1) I forgot to bring my English book here. Could you lend me yours?‎ ‎14.我认为他不会来了。I don’t think he will come.‎ 我认为他不会放弃学习。(1)I don’t think he will give up study.‎ 我认为坐在计算机旁太长时间对眼睛不好。‎ ‎(2) I don’t think it is good for eyes to sit too long at a computer.‎ ‎15.学生们知道雨停了才回家。The students didn’t go home until the rain stopped.‎ 李明每天直到他妈妈回来才去上学。(1) Li Ming doesn’t go to school until his mother comes back every day.‎ 直到雨停请再离开。(2) Don’t leave until the rain stops.‎ Jack昨晚直到他妈妈让他去睡觉才停止看电视。‎ ‎(3) Jack didn’t stop watching TV until his mother asked him to go to bed last night.‎ ‎16.当你遇到困难的时候为什么不求助呢?Why not ask for some help when you are in trouble?‎ 博物馆非常近。为什么不走路去那儿呢?(1) The museum is quite near. Why not go there on foot?‎ 为什么不跟我们去看电影呢?(2) Why not go to a movie with us?‎ 为什么不给他买一本字典呢? 他太需要了。(3) Why not buy him a dictionary? He is in great need of it.‎ ‎17.我们本周六去公园,要么坐公共汽车,要么骑自行车去。‎ We’re going to the park this Saturday, either by bus or by bike.‎ 据说Harry Potter III非常有意思。我知道要么你要么李雷有一本。‎ ‎(1) Its said Harry Potter III is very interesting. I know either you or Li Lei has got one copy.‎ Jack的兄弟要么是一名教师,要么是一名大夫。‎ ‎(2) Jack’s brother is either a teacher or a doctor.‎ ‎18.老板让工人们不停地工作直到他们完成任务。‎ The boss kept the workers working all the time until they finished all the work.‎ ‎19. 这架照相机不能用了。出什么问题了?‎ The camera doesn’t work. What’s wrong with it?‎ 他看起来很悲伤。出什么事了?(1) He looks very sad/upset. What’s the matter?‎ ‎20.Tom告诉Mike尽快读完这本书。‎ Tom told Mike to finish reading this book as soon as possible.‎ 老师告诉学生们直到汽车停下来才能下车。‎ ‎(1) The teacher told the students not to get off the bus until it stopped.‎ 他的妈妈经常告诉他不要去网吧。‎ ‎(2) His mother often tells him not to go to the Internet bar.‎ ‎21.他匆匆忙忙上学,但是上课迟到了。‎ He hurried to school yesterday, but he missed the class/ was late for class.‎ ‎22.现在一些新产手机不仅用来玩游戏,而且用来听歌曲。‎ Today some newly-produced mobile phones are used not only for playing games, but also for listening to songs.‎ 现在一些新产手机不仅用来照相,而且用来从网上下载歌曲。‎ ‎(1) Today some newly-produced mobile phones can be used not only for taking photos, but also for downloading songs from the Internet.‎ 如果你想学好英语,你不仅要做大量阅读,而且要一直用英语与别人交谈。‎ ‎(2) If you want to learn English well, you will not only do a lot of reading, but also keep talking with others in English.‎ ‎23.这些天所有的学生都忙着锻炼身体准备体育考试。‎ These days all the students are busy exercising to be ready for the physical examination.‎ 中国的许多地方都准备着帮助北京举办奥林匹克运动会。‎ ‎(1) Lots of Chinese areas are all ready for helping Beijing hold the 2008 Olympic Games.‎ 瞧!学生们正为运动会做准备。(2) Look! The students are getting ready for the sports meeting.‎ 你准备好明天的运动会了吗?(3) Are you ready for tomorrow’s sports meeting?‎ ‎24.六点钟了。该吃晚饭了。Its six o’clock. It’s time for supper. /It’s time to have supper.‎ 课结束了。我们该打扫教室了。(1) Class is over. It’s time for us to clean the classroom.‎ 春天来了。该是种树的时间了。(2) Spring is coming. It’s time to plant trees.‎ ‎25.我很抱歉让你等了很长时间。I am sorry to keep you waiting for a long time.‎ ‎26.我们种的树越多,我们遇到的沙尘暴就越少。‎ The more trees we plant, the fewer sand and storms we’ll have.‎ 我们种的树越多,我们的环境就越好。(1) The more trees are planted, the better our environment is.‎ ‎27.当我到家的时候妈妈总是忙着做饭。Mom is always busy cooking when I get home.‎ ‎28.你可以把字典递给我吗?我想用字典查一些新生词。‎ Would you please pass me the dictionary? I’d like to look up some new words in it.‎ 我有两张电影票。你想和我一起去吗?‎ ‎(1) I’ve got two tickets for the film. Would you like to go with me?‎ ‎32.今天下午我们不上课了。帮父母做家务吧。‎ We won’t have any classes this afternoon. Please help parents with the housework.‎ ‎33.今天天气很好。让我们散步吧。it’s a fine day today. Let’s go for a walk.‎ ‎34. 韩小平在都灵奥运会前从没有停止练习。‎ Han Xiaoping has never stopped practicing before the Turin Olympics.‎ 根据中文提示,完成句子:‎ 第一组:‎ ‎1.今天你看起来很疲惫。你怎么了?‎ ‎ You look exhausted today. ?‎ ‎2.我的妹妹才四岁,但是她会读书写字。‎ My sister , but she can read and write.‎ ‎3.天气变得越来越热,所以我们现在可以去游泳了。‎ ‎ It’s , so we can go swimming now.‎ ‎4.为了帮助我们学好英语,老师总是让我们早晨大声朗读。‎ ‎ To help us learn English well, the teacher always in the morning.‎ ‎5.John非常喜欢读书,他每个月都花几百美元购书。‎ ‎ John loves reading .‎ 第二组:‎ ‎1.今天天气多好啊!出去野餐怎么样?‎ ‎ What a beautiful day today! ?‎ ‎2.我认为如果遇到困难,我们最好向老师请教。‎ ‎ I think that if we are in trouble.‎ ‎3.为了了解世界的巨大变化,我们既可以上网,也可以看电视。‎ ‎ To know the world’s great changes, we can .‎ ‎4.虽然油价一直在上涨,但是仍没有阻止许多年轻人买一部自己的汽车。‎ ‎ Although the gas price is always rising, it .‎ ‎5.他们恐怕要到下周末才能读完这本书。‎ They .‎ 第三组:‎ ‎1.如果今晚有空的话,你想和我们一起去看电影吗?‎ ‎ with us if you are free tonight?‎ ‎2.我能用一下你的手机吗? 抱歉,我的手机出了点毛病。‎ May I use your mobile phone? Sorry, but with it.‎ ‎3.妈妈很高兴我已经长得和她一样高了。‎ ‎ Mom .‎ ‎4.儿子和我两个人都喜欢打网球,而且我们正忙着为今年的家庭网球比赛做准备。‎ ‎ enjoy playing tennis, and we ‎ ‎ this year’s family tennis match.‎ ‎5. 劳驾,请您告诉我工人们要用多久才能建成这所新学校?‎ ‎ Excuse me, could you please ?‎ 第四组:‎ ‎1.过去我总是怕黑,而现在我不怕了。‎ ‎ I the dark. However, I am not now.‎ ‎2.虽然生活很艰难,但是我们每个人根本不想放弃我们的希望。‎ ‎ Although life is difficult, each of us .‎ ‎3.令我们高兴的是,雨已经停了,所以我们可以马上出去散步了。‎ ‎ To our joy, it , so we can go out for a walk right now.‎ ‎4.我很高兴他昨天一回北京就给我打了个电话。‎ I’m glad that .‎ ‎5.父母们不仅在学习上帮助我们,而且还经常告诉我们如何与别人很好地相处。‎ ‎ Parents .‎ 第五组:‎ ‎1.现在是晚上7:30了。该做作业了。‎ ‎ It’s 7:30pm. .‎ ‎2.在西方,人们参加聚会时既不能太早,也不能太晚。‎ ‎ In the West, people can go to parties .‎ ‎3.今天天气很好,你出门没必要带伞了。‎ ‎ It’s a fine day today. You don’t have to when you go out.‎ ‎4.在学校,保持自己教室的整洁对每个学生都是非常重要的。‎ ‎ At school, it’s .‎ ‎5.医生们认为过多地吃糖对身体不好。‎ ‎ Doctors don’t think that .‎ 五、写作:‎ 1. 事---文 根据中英文提示,写出内容完整,意思连贯、符合逻辑的稿件。(字数不少于60词,英文提示词仅供选用。短文的开头以给出,不计算在字数内)‎ 英文报正在举办 “Helping…”为主题的征文活动,请你通过自己的一次亲身经历,谈谈你的感受,说明 “帮助” 的意义。‎ 提示词: be good at, find, with one’s help, realize, ask sb. to do, Helping …‎ Everyone needs help and I’ve learned a lot from it.‎ I was not good at math in the beginning. Months ago, my teacher asked me to help my classmate Mike with his. Before helping him I felt a little nervous, so I went over the textbook again and again, and did lots of exercises. To my surprise, I could even work out some difficult problems that I couldn’t understand before. With my help, Mike made great progress in math, too. ‎ From this experience, not only did I help him out of his trouble, but I also improved my own math. I have realized that it does everyone good to help others. ‎ 2. 表述事实---信 Peter 是加拿大留学生,他在课堂上听不懂老师用汉语讲课。假如你是李英,请给他写封e-mail,简单介绍你学习英语的方法和体会,并针对他的困难提出两至三条学习汉语的建议。‎ 提示词语:study with a group, think, help, listen to, watch ‎ 注意事项:‎ 词数不少于60字。‎ 提示词语仅供选用。 ‎ 文中不得写出自己的真实姓名和所在班级。‎ Dear Peter,‎ I’m sorry to hear that you have some problems in your Chinese learning.‎ Dear Peter,‎ I’m sorry to hear that you have some trouble learning Chinese. I have some ideas that may help. For ‎ example, I always improve my English by studying with a group. Sometimes I also read aloud to practice my pronunciation.‎ However, I think the best way is to watch English movies, because I can watch the actors say the words.‎ Learning Chinese is about the same. If I were you, I’d watch Chinese movies. Also you can listen to tapes as much as possible or join a Chinese club to talk to your friends.‎ I hope you will have fun learning Chinese. Good luck!‎ Love,‎ Li Ying ‎ 1. 活动---文 临近初三毕业,你的生活一定是紧张而快乐的,请以My School Day为话题,写下你初中的生活中经典的一天,并写下你对初中生活的感言。‎ 提示词语:busy, happy, help, homework, future My School Day I’ll say bye to my school soon, so these days I’m pretty busy with my preparation work. ‎ ‎ Every morning I am up running for exercise. I need to stay healthy to get a good grade in the coming PE test. After a quick breakfast, I have 5 classes. English is my best subject, so I can read English novels. Lunchtime is very welcome. My classmates and I can talk happily or tell jokes to each other. Sometimes there is more likely to be another dessert on the table. Unluckily, I have to take exams after class. Homework spoils every night, and I often fall asleep with my books open. I am anxious to finish the high school entrance examination as soon as possible!‎ ‎ Tired but happy, I still like my school life, a mixture of study and fun. I do hope I will have a glorious future through hard work.‎ 2. 活动---信 寒假到了,学校志愿服务组正在招募志愿者,活动地点有:an old people’s home, a city park, the Children’s Hospital, an after-school care center, an animal hospital。 假如你是李明,请你写一封自荐信。内容包括:‎ ‎1、选择两个活动地点并说明你能做什么。‎ ‎2、你能参加此次活动所具备的条件(如:你的爱好,特长,性格特点和可能参加的时间等……)‎ ‎3、对参加此次活动的看法。‎ ‎(注意:字数不少于60字 参考词汇:be interested in, sing, outgoing, spend, think)‎ Dear Sir, ‎ I am Li Ming,a student from Class Five, Grade Nine. ‎ ‎______________________________________________________________‎ If you want to give me this chance, please call me at 5555-8765.‎ Li Ming Dear Sir, ‎ I am Li Ming, a student from Class Five, Grade Nine. I want to join your volunteer group this winter vacation.‎ I’d like to visit the nursing home on Sundays and sing for the people there. I am a caring boy with an interest in music, so it would make all of us happy.‎ Going to an animal hospital is also of interest to me to put my love of animal to good use. I will be happy to spend several hours working there every week. ‎ I believe I can not only help others, but also do what I enjoy by volunteering.‎ If you would like me to have a chance, please call me at 5555-8765‎ Li Ming 1. 人与事---文 一家英文报社正在开展题为 “He / She Gives me the Greatest Help”的征文活动,请你投稿,谈谈他或她是怎样帮助你的,你取得了哪些进步,你有什么感想或受到了哪些教育。‎ 注意:请不要写出真实的校名和姓名。‎ 提示词语:grow up, learn, take care of, understand, love, think Mum gives me the greatest help. She is quite different from other mothers. She tries to find mistakes in everything I do and leaves more and more work to me.‎ As I grow up, I have become better and better at my lessons and learned to do more and more housework. I’m sure I can take care of everything I will meet.‎ Now, I really understand mum’s love. I think it’s important for everyone to stand on his own feet. ‎ 2. 人与事---信 根据中文大意并参考所给的英文提示词,写出意思连贯,80字—100字的英文信。‎ 下周五是Alan妈妈的生日,他想给妈妈写封信祝贺生日。假如你是Alan,请你写这封信,内容 包括,你对妈妈的生日祝贺,妈妈为你所做的令你感动的一件小事,并表达出你对母亲的感激之情。‎ Key words: remember, grow up, love, say thanks, in good health Dear Mom,‎ I expect you’ll have a nice Friday for your birthday. ‎ I expect you’ll have a nice Friday for your birthday. ‎ I always remember all you’ve done for me. I’m growing up while you are getting older. Do you still remember that small umbrella you were holding in the heavy rain? It carried so much love. Whenever I was in trouble, it seems that you were always there waiting for me with it, which inspired me to greater efforts at that time.‎ Again, I’d like to say thanks for your care all these years. I certainly take pride in having such a wonderful mom. I hope you’ll be in good health forever. ‎ Happy birthday!‎ ‎ Love ‎ Alan 3. 表述事实,表达观点和建议---文 电脑游戏可以使人放松,但有些同学沉迷于其中,贻误了学业,所以学校要以 “Should you stop playing it?”作为征文的题目,来劝谏那些沉迷于游戏的学生们。请你写一篇征文,内容包括:如实反映出周围同学玩游戏的情况,说明过度玩游戏的危害,并表明你的态度。‎ Key words: computer games, be interested in, forget, ask…for.., think, (not) do sb good to do Computer games can help people relax, but some students are so interested in them that they often play for too long. As a result, they forget schoolwork. More seriously, they don’t even go to school any more. It’s one of the biggest problems today for many teenagers.‎ ‎ As you can see, it wastes a lot of time. What’s more, it doesn’t do anyone any good to sit at the computer for hours. At the worst, some even ask their parents for money to play games or even rob younger students. ‎ In conclusion, computer games will do lots of harm to a student’s health and schoolwork. Why not give up and restart a healthy lifestyle? It’s certain that you can find another sound way for relaxing.‎ 参考答案:‎ 一、单选:‎ ‎1. CCCBC DCADB BCCCD CAB ‎2. BACCC DCBCD AADAB BBD ‎3. CACDB DABAA AABDC BCD ‎4. BAABC BCBAA BCADC ACA 二、完型填空:‎ ‎1. CABCB ACADB BA ‎2. DBDAA BCDBC CA ‎3. DCBAC DBADA BA 三、阅读理解:‎ ‎1--3: 45-47 ABC 48- 51 DACB 52-55 BCDA ‎4. CBDB ‎5. CCBA ‎6. ABCD 还原句子:CAEB 四、完成句子:‎ 第一组:‎ 1. What’s wrong with you/ What’s the matter with you 2. is only/just four years old 3. getting hotter and hotter 4. makes us read aloud/ keeps us reading aloud 5. so much that he spends hundreds of dollars on/buying books / so much that he pays hundreds of dollars for books/ so he spends hundreds of dollars on/buying books 第二组:‎ 1. How/ What about going for a picnic 2. we’d better ask the teacher for help/ ask the teacher to help us 3. either surf the Internet or watch TV 4. hasn’t stopped/ doesn’t stop many young people from buying their own cars 5. are afraid that they can’t finish reading this book until next weekend.‎ 第三组:‎ 1. Would you like/Do you want to go to a movie/ a cinema theater 2. there is something wrong/ something is wrong 3. is very glad that I’m already as tall as her/she 4. Both my son and I/ My son and I both, are busy getting ready for/preparing for ‎ 5. tell me how long it will take the workers to build this new school 第四组:‎ 1. used to be afraid of 2. doesn’t want to give up our hope at all./wouldn’t like to give up our hope in the slightest 1. has stopped raining 2. he called me up as soon as he came back/returned to Beijing 3. not only help us with study, but also often tell us how to get along/on well with others 第五组:‎ 1. It’s time for homework/ It’s time to do homework 2. neither too early nor too late 3. take an umbrella with you 4. very important/crucial for every student to keep their own classrooms clean and tidy 5. it’s good for health to eat too much sugar

