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1 课题 Unit 4 第 4 课 时 课型 新授 编号 4-4 学科 英语 班级 七年级 领导签字 执笔人 使用人 使用时间 学习目标 1、学习谈论家规。 2、掌握句型:“ I must…” , “ I have to…” , “ I can /can’t…” 3、能听懂有关谈论规则的对话并进行自由交际。 学习重 点、难点 能听懂有关谈论规则的对话并进行自由交际 课时安排 1 课时 自主预习 翻译 1. go out ______________2. practice the guitar __________________ 3. do the dishes_________4. help his mom make breakfast__________ 5.on school nights _______6. every Saturday_____________________ 7. 放学以后 __________8. 在晚上 __________________________ 展示交流 Step 1 Revision Review the words and key sentences we’ve learned in Section A. Step 2 Presentation (1) Learn the new phrases in 1b and 1c. (2) Present the key sentences and practice them using the pictures in 1a. (3) Finish 1a, then check the answers. Step 3 Listening (1) Listen and finish 1b. Check the answers. (2) Listen again. Finish 1c. Check the answers. Step 4 Pair work Talk about the rules in Dave’s house. 知识探究 Don’t listen to music in class. 不要再课堂上听音乐。 in class 固定短语, 意为“在上课,上课时”。 如: Don’t talk in class. Listen to the teacher. 不要讲话,注意听讲。 【class 的相关短语】 attend class 听课 after class 课后 the first class 一流,头等 have classes 上课 【辨析 listen 与 hear】 (1) listen 表示“积极地倾听”,而 hear 则是“自然地听到”之意。 如: Listen to the teacher carefully. 请认真听老师的讲解。 Can you hear someone singing in the next room ? 你能听到有 人在隔壁房间里唱歌吗? (2) listen 可用于祈使句,但表示“听到”的 hear 却不可以。 Don’t listen to the radio in the meeting. 不要再会上听收音 机。 (3) listen 强调动作、过程,可用于进行时,但 hear 表示“听到” 的结果,不可用于进行时。如: 2 Be quiet, please! I’m listening to the music. 请安静,我在听音乐。 巩固提升 ( )1. Gina often helps her mother ________the dishes. A. do B. does C. doing ( )2.—_________you have to wear a hat today? — No, we don’t. A. Are B. Can C. Do ( )3. We don’t know Jack _____ Bruce. A. and B. or C. about ( )4. I can’t relax_______. A. too B. also C. either ( )5. There are too many ________ in the kitchen. A. vegetables B. milk C. rice ( )6. On school nights, I have to go to bed________ 9:00. A. on B. in C. before

