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Unit 3 A healthy life Ⅰ. 单元教学目标 技能目标Skill Goals ▲Talk about health ▲Learn the harm of smoking and how to stop smoking ▲Learn to advise people about what to do and what not to do ▲Learn about AIDS and how to keep safe from HIV ▲Write a letter to give advice on some problems Ⅱ. 目标语言 功 能 句 式 How to advise people about what to do and what not to do Do / Don’t ... Don’t forget to ... It is not / would be a good idea to ... You should ... You don’t have to ... Mind your head / step! It’s OK / all right to ... 词 汇 1. 四会词汇 cigarette, alcohol, sex, sexual, stress, stressful, adolescent, due, addicted, addictive, accustomed, bad-tempered, automatic, automatically, mental, mentally, manage, lung, pregnant, quit, relaxation, chemist, gum, chewing gum, weaken, ashamed, eventually, production, risk, illegal, HIV, AIDS, flu, needle, male, female, statement, perfect, perfectly, basic, comprehension, judgment 2. 认读词汇 fitness, nicotine, SARS, immune, fluid, inject, condom, homosexual, disco, challenging 3. 词组 due to, addicted to, accustomed to, decide on, in spite of, feel like (doing), take risk (a risk), at risk, get into 4. 重点词汇 cigarette, alcohol, addicted, addictive, HIV, AIDS, mental, stress, stressful, sex, sexual 语 法 The use of it “It” can be used to talk about time, date, distance or weather: It is a beautiful day. It was time to quit smoking. “It” can be used in the subject position to stand for an infinitive, -ing form or a clause: It is amazing that at my age I am still fit. It is easier to fall than to rise. It is no good crying over spilt milk. 重 点 句 子 1. It seems amazing that at my age I am still fit enough to cycle 20 kilometers in an afternoon. P18 2. I know how easy it is to begin smoking and how tough it is to give it up. P18 3. But I did finally manage. P18 Ⅲ. 教材分析与教材重组 1. 教材分析 本单元以A healthy life为话题,通过谈论人们最关心的健康问题,使学生认识到吸烟、喝酒、吸毒、不良饮食等对健康的危害,了解吸烟的危害及怎样戒烟;通过阅读一篇有关艾滋病的宣传文章了解一些艾滋病的常识及如何预防艾滋病;并学会如何就健康问题给别人提供一些建议;功能句式要求学生学会如何表达聚会中的礼仪和禁忌。通过单元学习,要求学生意识到健康的重要性,养成良好的生活习惯,并学会帮助别人解决一些健康问题。 1.1 Warming U p列举了一些年轻人所关心的健康问题,由此引出单元话题。要求学生列举出更多类似的健康问题,然后在小组和班级范围内进行比较,说出哪个问题是最重要的,并列举出5个有关这个问题人们应该了解的知识。 1.2 Pre-reading要求学生讨论5个与吸烟有关的问题,为后面的Reading做铺垫。 1.3 Reading是一封爷爷写给James的建议信,信中谈到了吸烟为什么会上瘾、吸烟对健康的危害并附上了一篇如何戒烟的文章来帮助James戒烟。 1.4 Comprehending要求学生讨论几个与Reading内容有关的问题,并根据Reading的内容完成表格。另外还要求学生用自己的语言简要概述一下advice on how to stop smoking。 1.5 Learning about Language包括两部分:Discovering useful words and expressions是两个关于Reading中的一些词汇的练习;Discovering useful structures 是关于it structure的用法介绍和练习。 1.6 Using Language是一篇关于HIV / AIDS的宣传材料,介绍了一些有关艾滋病病毒和艾滋病的基本知识以及在生活中如何进行预防。要求学生能判断一些相关陈述的正误。 1.7 Listening是Tina和Sara之间的一段对话,要求学生能听出一些关键词并完成句子。 1.8 Speaking and Writing包括两部分:第一部分以参加聚会时的礼仪为话题,要求学生列举出一些礼貌行为和禁忌行为,并能用一些句式进行口语表达;第二部分要求学生阅读一封学生来信,然后以指导老师的身份写一封回信,提供一些戒烟的建议。 1.9 SUMMING UP要求学生能独立对本单元所学知识进行总结和回顾。 1.10 LEARNING TIP是一个教学建议,介绍了两种不同类型的问题,即closed questions和open-ended questions,以及如何处理这两种问题。 2. 教材重组 2.1 将Warming up, Pre-reading, Reading和Comprehending 整合在一起,上一节阅读课。 2.2 将Learning about Language和Workbook中的USING STRUCTURES 整合在一起,上一节语言学习课。 2.3 将Listening, Speaking和Workbook中的LISTENING以及LISTENING TASK整合在一起,上一节听说课。 2.4 将Using Language和Workbook中的READING TASK整合在一起,上一节泛读课。 2.5 将Writing, Workbook中的SPEAKING TASK和WRITING TASK整合起来,上一节综合实践课。 3. 课型设计与课时分配 1st Period Reading 2nd Period Language Study 3rd Period Listening and Speaking 4th Period Extensive Reading 5th Period Integrating Skills Ⅳ. 分课时教案 The First Period Reading Teaching goals 教学目标 1. Target language 目标语言 a. 重点词汇和短语 cigarette, alcohol, stress, adolescent, addicted, mentally, lung, quit, due to, accustomed to b. 重点句式 It’s amazing that ... P18 ... how easy it is to begin smoking and how hard it is to stop. P18 ..., I knew it was time to quit smoking. P18 It isn’t easy to stop smoking, but millions have managed to quit ... P19 2. Ability goals 能力目标 Enable the Ss to learn how people usually get addicted to cigarettes and how they can quit smoking. 3. Learning ability goals 学能目标 Enable the Ss to learn how to give advice on stopping smoking. Teaching important points 教学重点 Learn the bad effects of smoking and how to give advice on stopping smoking. Teaching difficult points 教学难点 Learn in what ways people get addicted to cigarettes. Teaching methods 教学方法 Discussion, cooperative learning and oral practice. Teaching aids 教具准备 A computer and a projector. Teaching procedures & ways 教学过程与方式 Step ⅠLead-in This step is to lead the Ss to the topic of this unit ― A Healthy Life. T: Recently, I read a report — Healthy China, 2005, which is about ten health issues concerning Chinese people the most in the year 2005. According to your understanding, what a healthy life is like? And can you guess what the ten issues are? Work in pairs and have a discussion. After about 3 minutes. T: OK, who would like to present your discussions? S1: Let me try. In our opinion, a healthy life should include two aspects, physical health and mental health. So a person who lacks either is not a healthy person. We think of several issues that may concern people most, they are: food security, medical service problems, AIDS and effects of environmental pollution on health. T: Good points. Other issues concerning people most are: nutrition and health condition, medical emergency treatment, mental illness, false medical ads, medicine security and birth defects. If you are interested in any of these issues, you may search on the Internet for more information. Now turn to page 17, Warming Up. Here is a list of health issues that concern young people the most. Can you think of other issues that are also important? Work with your partners, and try to make the list longer. A sample list: AIDS and infections, parenting, relationships, food and nutrition, family issues, environmental health, domestic violence, air pollution, cancer, anxiety, birth control, dental health, divorce Let the Ss write the list on the blackboard and have a discussion on the health issues listed. T: Now, look at the issues on the blackboard and the issues listed in the textbook on page 17. Which issue do you think is the most important one? Why? Work in groups and have a discussion. After discussion. T: Which group would like to share your opinions with the class? S1: We think that drug taking is particularly important. As we all know, drug taking does great harm to people’s health; it will gradually kill a person if he gets addicted to it. Buying drug costs a lot of money, so many drug takers sell out their fortune to afford the drug they need. And as a result, many families break up in this way. We also know that our government has to spend a lot of money on drug addicts’ treatment. S2: We think parenting is the most important issue, because many issues arise as a result of bad parenting or lack of care and love. If children grow up in happy and healthy families, they will form good habits and keep away from those bad habits such as using drugs and smoking. S3: Our group takes smoking as the most important issue. The reasons are: smoking does great harm to people’s health, it causes damage to people’s lung and heart; smoking shortens people’s life-span; smoking not only does harm to people who smoke, but also affect the health of people around them, especially their family members. Step Ⅱ Pre-reading T: I agree with you all. All these issues are important and need to be concerned. I am wondering if any of you smoke. Anyone? ... OK. It seems nobody in our class smokes, that’s really good. I think you are all clear that smoking is harmful to health. But we know that some adolescents started smoking at very early years. Why do you think they smoke? Discuss in pairs. 2 minutes later. T: OK. I’d like two pairs to present your opinions. Volunteer? S4: I think some adolescents smoke because they are not well aware of the harm of smoking. Many adults around them smoke, so they may think it is cool to smoke. So I think it is parents’ duty to tell their kids about the harm of smoking before they get addicted to it. S5: In my opinion, some adolescents smoke because they are falsely influenced by some media such as TV series and movies. So I think public media should give adolescents correct guidance. T: Very good points. Suppose some of them realized the harm of smoking and wanted to stop it. What advice would you give to them? Do you know any scientific ways of stopping smoking? S6: My advice is that let them get interested in some positive hobbies like sports, playing music, reading, playing chess and so on. If they show interest in some activities and they can devote themselves to them, gradually they will keep away from cigarettes and finally quit smoking. Step Ⅲ Reading and Comprehension T: Good advice. Now we are going to read a letter from grandad to James. In this letter, grandad gives James some advice on stopping smoking. Let’s read and see if his advice is similar to yours. 5 minutes for you. After 5 minutes. T: OK. Time is up. After reading this letter, what kind of person do you think the grandad is? S7: From his words, I think he is very kind and considerate. He doesn’t give direct advice on stopping smoking. Instead, firstly he tells James how about his present life and what the healthy life means to him; then he relates James’ smoking to his similar experience as a teenager, which implies James that he doesn’t need to worry about it. So I think he is very careful about the way of talking to his grandson about smoking. T: You are right. So suppose you were his grandson, would you love to take his advice? S7: Yes, I would love to be his grandson and take his advice. I would feel confident to give up smoking. T: OK. Now let’s read the letter again and try to find out the answers to the following statements. Show the following on the screen. 1. different ways people can become addicted to cigarettes 2. harmful physical effects for smokers 3. effects that a person’s smoking can have on other people 4. effects that smoking can have on sporting performance After the Ss read the letter again, let them give their answers orally and then let them fill in the chart on page 20 with brief phrases and sentences. T: Up to now, we have known how people usually get addicted to cigarettes and harmful effects of smoking on smokers and nonsmokers. But how can people stop smoking? Does James’ grandad tell him how to stop smoking? S8: Yes, he tells James how to stop smoking by sending him some advice he found on the Internet. T: Good. Now, let’s read the article from Internet. And then we will do an oral practice. You will have to work in pairs. Suppose James paid a visit to his grandad, and his grandad told him some advice on how to stop smoking face to face. Let’s act out this situation according to information from the article. A sample dialogue: (J = James; G = grandad) J: Grandad, I really want to give up smoking. I tried hard, but failed. Can you give me some advice on how to stop smoking? G: I am very glad that you have realized the harm of smoking and make up your mind to stop it. Here I have a few suggestions for you. First, make a list of all the benefits you will get from stopping smoking. Second, decide on a day to quit and throw away all your cigarettes at the end of the day before you plan to quit. Third, every time you feel like smoking, reread the list of benefits you wrote. Fourth, develop some other good habits that will keep your mind and hands busy such as going for a walk, cleaning your house and so on. J: What should I do if I feel stressed? G: You can do some deep breathing. You may also learn some relaxation exercises and do them every time you feel stressed. J: Is it a good idea to join a stop-smoking group? G: Yeah, it is also a good way. You can talk to a doctor or chemist if you feel really bad, they would love to help you. The most important thing is to keep trying. Be aware that some have to try several times before they finally stop smoking. So you just try again and I am sure you will succeed finally. Step Ⅳ Text Analysis Ask the Ss to analyze the text on its writing purpose, writing style and main idea. T: After reading the text, who can summarize the main idea of each paragraph? Volunteers? S1: In the first paragraph, the writer tells about the life he is leading and the importance of healthy life. S2: In the second paragraph, the writer leads to the topic of his letter by talking about James’ problem of smoking. S3: The third paragraph introduces the three different ways of becoming addicted. S4: The fourth paragraph is about the harmful effects of smoking. S5: The fifth paragraph is about the writer’s hope for his grandson and his advice on stopping smoking. T: How about the writing style and purpose of the text? S6: This text is in the form of a letter, the purpose is to explain how people get addicted to cigarettes and how smoking affects people’s health. It also provides some advice on how to stop smoking. T: Next, who can summarize the article: How Can I Stop Smoking? A sample summary: Choose a day that is not stressful to quit smoking. Make a list of all the benefits you will get from stopping smoking. Throw away all your cigarettes at the end of the day before you plan to quit. Reread the list of benefits you wrote when you feel like smoking. Develop some other habits like walking, drinking some water, cleaning the house and so on to keep yourself busy. If you feel nervous or stressed, try to do some relaxation exercises like deep breathing. You can stop smoking with a friend or join a group. If you feel really bad, ask a doctor or chemist for help. The most important thing is to keep trying. Don’t feel ashamed if you weaken because some people have to try many times before they finally quit smoking. Never give up and you will succeed. Step V Vocabulary Learning Help the Ss learn some words and phrases in the text. And let them do some practice. Show the following sentences on the screen. 1. I think my long and active life must be due to the healthy life I live. 2. ... I became addicted to cigarettes. 3. ... your body becomes accustomed to having nicotine in it ... 4. You can become mentally addicted. 5. But I did finally manage. 6. I knew it was time to quit smoking. T: Now let’s deal with some new words and phrases in the text. Look at the first sentence, what does “due to” mean? Can you rewrite the sentence using other words except “due to”? S1: “Due to” here means “because of / owing to”. We may also say: Because of the healthy life I live, I can live long and actively. T: Good. Number two. “Addicted” means “unable to stop taking or using something as a habit”, it is usually followed by “to”. According to this definition, what else can people become addicted to? S2: People can become addicted to drugs, alcohol, sweets and so on. T: You are right. We call those who are unable to stop taking or using sth addicts. So addict here is a noun, indicating a kind of person. Tom, are you a cigarette addict? S3: No, I am not. I am not addicted to cigarettes. T: OK. In sentence 3, which phrase you have learnt can be used to replace “accustomed to”? Anyone? S4: We may use “used to” to replace it. So this sentence can be rewritten as: ... your body becomes used to having nicotine in it ... T: I’d like one sentence from you by using this phrase. Volunteer? S5: Having stayed in the basement for several minutes, I finally became accustomed to the darkness. T: Next, what is the opposite of “mentally”? S6: Physically. T: “Manage” in sentence 5 can be used in many ways. What does it mean here? S7: Here it refers to “give up smoking”. T: Good. Here it means “succeed in doing sth; cope / deal with sth”. e.g. This is a complicated job, I can’t manage it without any help. Let’s look at the next sentence. We can see “quit” is followed by -ing form. Do you know any other words that can be used in the same way? S8: Yes, for example, stop, start and enjoy. “Quit” here means “stop, give up sth / doing sth”. e.g. My mother quitted her job recently because she feels tired and wants a long vacation. Step Ⅵ Homework 1. Make sentences with the six words and phrases: due to, addicted to, accustomed to, mentally, manage, quit 2. Search on the Internet or other sources for information about how to stop smoking. The Second Period Language Study Teaching goals 教学目标 1. Target language 目标语言 a. 重点词汇和短语 ashamed, manage, quit, stress, mental, pregnant, adolescent, cigarette, drug, addicted, eventually, due to, accustomed to b. 重点句式 P21 It is ... that ... It is ... to ... It is ... doing ... 2. Ability goals 能力目标 Enable the Ss to learn the usage of it structure. 3. Learning ability goals 学能目标 Enable the Ss learn how to use it structure. Teaching important points教学重点 The usage of it structure. Teaching difficult points 教学难点 How to rewrite sentences using it structure. Teaching methods 教学方法 Explanation and practice. Teaching aids 教具准备 A computer and a projector. Teaching procedures & ways 教学过程与方式 Step ⅠRevision T: Good morning / afternoon, everyone. Did you find any information about how to stop smoking? Where did you get the information? S: I searched online and get some information on how to stop smoking. Top 10 Tips to Quit Smoking Ready to quit smoking? Here are 10 tips to help ensure your success. 1. Identify your smoking triggers. Keep a record of when you smoke to identify your triggers so that you can make a plan to manage triggers without smoking. 2. Talk to your doctor. Consult your doctor before you quit smoking. Modern pharmaceutical treatments can make quitting easier. Moreover, tobacco may impact the way your body processes certain medications. 3. Get support from your family and friends. Let them know you are quitting smoking and you want their help. 4. Make a clean start. Throw away your cigarettes, hide your ashtrays, clean the house, your clothes, and the car if they smell like smoke — anything to help make a break from the past. 5. Make a list of reasons to quit. Look at it every time you are tempted to have a smoke. 6. Keep objects around that you can put in your mouth. Items such as carrots, hard candy, even straws can give you something to do when you really crave a cigarette. 7. Drink lots of water. Water will help flush nicotine from your system and reduce the intensity of withdrawal symptoms. 8. Exercise. Not only will it make controlling your weight easier, it also gives you more energy and helps keep your mind from smoking. 9. Get a hair cut. Anything you can do to draw a clear line between your life as a smoker and your new life as a nonsmoker will make quitting easier and make you more likely to stay smoke free. 10. Find a quitting program nearest you. Log onto QuitNet.com or call your state department of health for information on local cessation assistance. Support is just a click or call away. T: Do any smokers around you want to quit smoking? If there are any, offer your advice to them. Next, let’s check your answers to Homework 1. I’d like six of you to read your sentences, one person, one sentence. Sample sentences: 1. This morning, I was late for school due to traffic jam. 2. Nowadays, many adolescents get addicted to online games which are harmful to their health and study. 3. You should quickly be accustomed to the local custom if you visit a country. 4. Although the professor is at his 80s, he is still mentally active and healthy. 5. The bag is heavy, but I can manage it. 6. It hasn’t quit raining yet. Step Ⅱ Words and Expressions Enable the Ss to learn and practice new words and expressions in the text. T: We have learned some new words and phrases from the text in the last period. Now, review the words in bold in the text and then do Exercise 1 on page 20. Change the forms if necessary. After the Ss finish it, check the answers. T: Next let’s further practice some of the words by doing Exercise 2 on page 21. Change the forms if necessary. Check the answers after the Ss finish it. T: Here I have a chart about some words we have just learned. You are asked to fill in it with correct forms of the words listed. Learning different forms of words is a good way of enlarging vocabulary. After class, you should also learn the pronunciations and usages of these words by using your dictionaries. Show the following chart on the screen. Words Verb Noun Adj. Adv. stress n. mental adj. addict v. / n. pregnant adj. ashamed adj. After the Ss finish it, check the answers. Sample answers: Words Verb Noun Adj. Adv. stress n. stress stressful mental adj. mentation mentally addict v. / n. addiction addicted / addictive pregnant adj. pregnancy pregnantly ashamed adj. shame shame Step Ⅲ Grammar Focus T: So much for the words. Today we will learn the usage of an important word, that is “it”. According to what you have learned, who can tell us some usages of “it” or how we use it? S1: “It” can be used to talk about weather and date. For example, it is raining now. Or “it is Friday today”. S2: “It” can also be used to talk about distance. For example, it is a long way from my home to school. T: In English, “it” is a very useful word and can be used in many ways. Today I will introduce you a very important structure — it structure. In the structure, “it” is used in the subject position to stand for an infinitive, -ing form or a clause. Look at the first four sentences in Exercise 1 on page 21. Can you tell me what it stands for in each sentence? Volunteer? S3: In the first sentence, “it” stands for the clause following “that”, that is “at my age I am still fit”. S4: In the second sentence, “it” stands for the infinitive “to fall”. S5: In the third sentence, “it” stands for the infinitive “to stop smoking”. S6: In the fourth sentence, it stands for the -ing form “crying over spilt milk”. T: You are right. So it is also right for us to say “That at my age I am still fit is amazing.” and “To fall is easier than to rise.” But usually we put “it” in the subject position to keep the sentences balanced. Are you clear? Now let’s do some practice about this structure. Look at Exercise 2 on page 21, rewrite the sentences using it structure. After the Ss finish it, check the answers. T: Next turn to page 58 and let’s do Exercise 2 in USING STRUCTURES. After you finish this exercise, I am sure you will have a better understanding of it structure. Check the answers after the Ss finish it. T: OK, now let’s work in pairs and do some oral practice with this exercise. One speaks out the sentences on the left column and the other speaks out those on the right. And then change the roles. Step Ⅳ Homework T: After class, please: 1. Finish Exercises 1 && 2 on page 56 and Exercise 1 on page 57. 2. Mark all the sentences in the letter with it structure. So much for today, good-bye, everyone! The Third Period Listening and Speaking Teaching goals 教学目标 1. Target language 目标语言 Expressions used to advise people about what to do and what not to do It would be / not a good idea to ... It’s OK / all right to ... Is it OK if I ...? 2. Ability goals 能力目标 Enable the Ss to advise people about what to do and what not to do. 3. Learning ability goals 学能目标 Enable the Ss to learn how to give advice to people by using the target language. Teaching important points 教学重点 Expressions used to give advice about what to do and what not to do. Teaching difficult points 教学难点 Give advice on how to deal with stress. Teaching methods 教学方法 Listening, oral practice and discussion. Teaching aids 教具准备 A computer, a projector and a tape recorder. Teaching procedures & ways 教学过程与方式 Step ⅠRevision and Lead-in T: Morning / Afternoon, everyone. First let’s check the homework. Ask the Ss to read out sentences in the letter with it structure first, and then let them explain what it in each sentence refers to. After that, check the answers to exercises on pages 56-57 in the Workbook. Step Ⅱ Listening and Speaking (P23) Ask the Ss to do the Listening practice on page 23 and then practice the words and expressions used to give advice. T: Now, we are going to listen to a dialogue between Sara and Tina. Sara is nervous about going to a disco. Listen and tick the things Sara worried about. Play the tape for the first time, and check the answers. T: Let’s listen again and try to complete the sentences in exercise 2. While listening, please take down some notes. Play the tape again and give the Ss some time to finish the sentences. Then check the answers. T: In the dialogue, Tina gives Sara some advice on how to behave in a disco. What expressions does Tina use to give advice? S1: She says “It’s OK to ...” S2: She says “It would be a good idea to ...” Write the two expressions the two Ss just said on the blackboard. It’s OK to ... It would be a good idea to ... T: Well, next we will learn more expressions used to give advice to people about what to do and what not to do. Show the following expressions on the screen. Do / Don’t ... Don’t forget to ... It is not / would be a good idea to ... You don’t have to ... Mind your head / step! It’s OK / all right to ... You should ... T: Now let’s use these expressions to give Sara your own advice. Any volunteer? S1: It’s OK to talk a little bit to strangers. S2: You should enjoy dancing instead of standing still. S3: It would be a good idea to drink some alcohol. T: Beautiful advice! Do you often go to parties? We know in western countries, people go to various parties such as birthday party, costume party, graduation party, barbeque party and so on. Some may be very casual such as a costume party, while some are a little bit formal and you need to behave well in such parties. Now read the instruction in part 1 of Speaking and Writing on page 23 first, then work in pairs and make your list. Don’t forget to use the expressions on the screen. Give the Ss 10 minutes to discuss and make the list. After they finish their own lists, let them exchange the lists with other pairs. A sample list: Be punctual and don’t be late. Don’t forget to say hello and send your regards to people you meet. It would be a good idea to start a chat by talking about climate. It’s alright to play jokes with each other. You don’t have to wear formally. You should introduce yourself a little bit to strangers. It would be a good idea to exchange business card with each other. T: Let’s do a role play. Suppose you and your parents are invited to a weekend party, and you are not sure of the rules of the party. You ask your parents for advice. Work in groups of three, act out this situation with the list you just prepared. A sample dialogue: (M=mother, F=father, S=student) M: Jim, we are invited to have a party this Saturday evening in a hotel, do you want to go? S: Sure I’d love to, mom. But I have never been to such a formal party before. Can you tell me how to behave in such a party? F: Don’t be late. That’s the most important thing. It would be a good idea to bring some small gift to the hostess. M: You should dress nicely and look tidy. S: Does that mean I have to wear suit? M: No, that’s not necessary. But you can’t dress casually. S: I see. F: You don’t have to be serious during the party, it’s alright to make jokes and have fun. Don’t forget to introduce yourself to strangers. S: I got it. I know well what I should do and should not do. Thank you! Step Ⅲ Listening and Discussing (P55, 58) Ask the Ss to listen to two materials about Li Yue’s problem and her talk given in her old school, then do some listening practice and discussion. T: Now we will hear a dialogue between Li Yue and Doctor Gao, try to get what was wrong with her and finish the medical chart. Before I play the tape, take a look at the chart and know clearly what you are supposed to write down. Make sure the Ss know the meanings of all the items in the chart. Write the following words and their meanings on the blackboard. occupation: 职业 symptom: 症状 propose: 建议 Play the tape twice and then check the answers. T: Now we are going to listen to another material about Li Yue. Li Yue passed her entrance exam and the next year she started at university. During her second year at university, her old school invited her to give a talk to the students during health week. Now, listen and find the topic of her talk and then summarize her talk in one sentence. Play the tape for the first time and collect answers from the Ss. Then play the tape again, and let the Ss complete the sentences in Exercise 2. Play the tape for the third time and let the Ss answer the questions in Exercise 3. Step Ⅳ Homework T: Today, we listened to two materials about Li Yue. Doctor Gao said that Li Yue’s problem was probably related to stress. How can stress affect people’s health? Give examples of what could happen to a person under stress. The Fourth Period Extensive Reading Teaching goals 教学目标 1. Target language 目标语言 a. 重点词汇和短语 HIV, AIDS, virus, immune, injection, infected, needle, sexual activity, be infected with b. 重点句式 P22 You can have HIV in your blood for a long time, but eventually it damages your immune system so much that ... This may have been true in the past, when ... 2. Ability goals 能力目标 Enable the Ss to get some basic knowledge about HIV / AIDS. 3. Learning ability goals 学能目标 Help the Ss learn how to protect themselves from HIV / AIDS and what they can do to help persons with HIV / AIDS. Teaching important points 教学重点 In what ways the HIV virus is spread and how to stay safe. Teaching difficult points 教学难点 Explain the ways the HIV spreads with target language. Teaching methods 教学方法 Skimming and scanning. Teaching aids 教具准备 A computer, a projector and some pictures of AIDS patients. Teaching procedures & ways 教学过程与方式 Step ⅠRevision T: I know that you are busy with your studies and you are facing great pressure. Do you think you are under stress? Ss: Yes. T: Poor guys. With the increasing pace of social development, more and more people work and study under stress. So it is very important to learn the harm of stress and learn to deal with stress. Can you tell me how stress affects people’s health? Give examples of what could happen to a person under stress. A sample version: A person under stress will get a headache, find it difficult to fall asleep and have no appetite. And as a result their health will be badly affected. If a student is under stress, he / she will get bad-tempered and unable to concentrate in class. Some will even commit suicide if the stress gets stronger and stronger without being noticed and properly treated. A report says a student who was going to take the entrance exam killed her grandma just because she made some noise. There are still some students under stress get psychological problems. In Taiwan, it is reported that about 80,000 middle school students suffer from a kind of melancholia. T: As an important health issue, you should learn to manage stress. I have some tips for you: a. Take regular exercises or doing sports. These activities will help reduce or relieve your stress. b. Discuss your problems with a friend or family member. c. When stress hits big, take a time-out. A few minutes away from the problem can help. d. Breathe deeply — slowly in, slowly out. Think of something pleasant. e. Ask for help. If you feel like your stress is just too much, talk with your family, a friend or a counselor. f. Get plenty of rest and eat well. You’ll be able to handle stress better when it does come up. Step Ⅱ Lead-in Lead the Ss to the topic of AIDS. Write the words AIDS and HIV on the blackboard. The teacher can also show some pictures of AIDS patients to the Ss to let them have a deep impression of the disease. T: Look at the blackboard. I think all of you know what these two words mean in Chinese, although you may not be able to tell their full English name. You should have known more or less about AIDS. And there have been many reports about AIDS. By the way, which day is the World AIDS Day? Ss: 1st December. T: You are right. But what is the theme of World AIDS Day 2005? Ss: Stop AIDS. Keep the Promise. T: I am very glad you know this. Before we read a poster about AIDS and HIV, I’d like to test you on your understanding of them. Please turn to page 23. Decide which of the statements in Exercise 2 are true and which are false. Tick the correct boxes. About 2 minutes later. Ask one student to read out the true statements. This test will enable the teacher to know how much the Ss know about AIDS and HIV. T: I think you have known much about AIDS and HIV. Now, let’s come to the poster and see what it tells us about them. Step Ⅲ Reading Let the Ss read the poster and do some comprehensive practice. T: Skim the poster and tell what we can learn from it. Ss: We will learn how HIV affects a person’s health and the relationship between HIV and AIDS. We will also learn how to stay away from HIV. T: Good. Now read the poster again and answer the following questions. Show the following questions on the screen. 1. What is a virus? Can you name some viruses? 2. How does HIV affect people’s health? 3. What is the difference between AIDS and HIV? 4. Is there a cure for AIDS and HIV at the moment? Several minutes later. T: OK. Who would like to answer the first question? S1: I’d like to. A virus is a very small living thing that causes disease. I know some viruses such as SARS virus, bird flu virus and flu virus. T: Second one? S2: HIV virus weakens a person’s immune system and eventually it damages the immune system so much that the body can no longer fight against disease. T: Good. Third one? S3: HIV is a virus, while AIDS is the stage of the illness caused by HIV. T: You are right. How about the last one? S4: No, there is no known cure for HIV and AIDS. Though there is no cure that will clear HIV from the body, there are treatments that can help keep people with HIV and AIDS healthy. Some help to keep the immune system intact by lowering the amount of HIV in the body. Others help to prevent certain infections that someone with AIDS is at risk for when his or her immune system becomes very weak. T: Now scan the poster and pick out the words which are related to disease. And make sure you know their Chinese meanings. Show the words related to diseases on the screen. HIV, AIDS, virus, flu, immune system, illness, fluids, infected, inject, injection, cure T: We should get some basic knowledge about diseases and how they affect people’s health. Since there is no cure for HIV and AIDS, we should be very careful and protect ourselves. Scan the poster again and find how to stay safe. Then I’d like some of you to retell the suggestions in your own words. Ask two Ss to answer the question. T: Here, I have some facts about AIDS and HIV. After reading these facts, you will know how serious this issue is. And think what you can do to help those with AIDS and HIV. Show the following facts on the screen. ●By the end of 2003, an estimated 42 million around the world were living with HIV / AIDS. During the year, 5 million people became infected and an estimated 3 million people died. ●About one-third of people living with HIV / AIDS are 15-24 years of age. ●More than 7 million people in Asia and the Pacific are living with HIV / AIDS. ●To date, the AIDS pandemic has left behind more than 14 million orphans, more than 92 percent of who live in Africa. ●According to the latest estimates by UNAIDS, more than US$10 billion will be needed in 2005 to pay the cost of effective prevention, treatment, care and support programs in low and middle income countries. Step Ⅳ Reading Task (Workbook) Ask the Ss to read a newspaper article about AIDS programme in Yunnan and learn what people can do to help AIDS sufferers. T: As a matter of fact, many people and organizations have launched programmes to help persons with AIDS and HIV. Next, we will read about such a programme. This programme is started by the Chinese Red Cross in Yunnan. You know that Yunnan has the largest numbers of both HIV carriers and AIDS patients nationwide. Please turn to page 60, read the newspaper article and find answers to the questions followed. After the Ss finish reading, collect the answers. Sample answers: 1. The programme does two things: provide care and support for AIDS sufferers; train young people to teach others about HIV / AIDS. 2. The volunteers, students, drug users, people who work in the entertainment business and others who may be at risk of becoming infected by the virus teach people in the community. 3. The programme is very successful because the workshops are given by people just like them. 4. Nowadays, the number of young people becoming infected through sexual activity is increasing. While in the past, HIV / AIDS was found mainly among drug users and those who had become infected through careless blood transfusion practices. 5. The Chinese government concerns about HIV / AIDS because it predicts that unless action is taken immediately, as many as 10 million people could be infected with HIV / AIDS in China by the year 2010. Step Ⅴ Homework T: After class, please get to know more about organizations and programmes which care and support for persons with HIV / AIDS, and think what you can do to be helpful. So much for today, bye! The Fifth Period Integrating Skills Teaching goals 教学目标 1. Target language 目标语言 A review of the unit. 2. Ability goals 能力目标 Enable the Ss to give a speech on a health issue. 3. Learning ability goals 学能目标 Help the Ss learn how to give a speech on a health issue. Teaching important points 教学重点 How to give a speech. Teaching difficult points 教学难点 Enable the Ss to learn how to prepare for a speech. Teaching methods 教学方法 Task-based activities. Teaching aids 教具准备 A computer and a projector. Teaching procedures & ways 教学过程与方式 Step ⅠRevision Greet the Ss as usual and check their homework. Sample answers: The Red Ribbon The Red Ribbon is an international symbol of AIDS awareness that is worn by people all year round and particularly around World AIDS Day to demonstrate care and concern about HIV and AIDS, and to remind others of the need for their support and commitment. The Red Ribbon started as a “grass roots” effort, and as a result there is no official red ribbon, and many people make their own. It’s easily done — just use some ordinary red ribbon and a safety pin! How you can support World AIDS Day By raising awareness of HIV and AIDS in your area. By wearing a red ribbon, and asking others to do the same. By protecting yourself — this is the first and the best way to stop the spread of HIV. If you are worried — get tested. Step Ⅱ Speaking (P59) In this step, the Ss will prepare and give a speech on a particular health issue. Let them work with partners and help each other improve their speeches. T: Till now, we have talked a lot about health. Among all the health issues, which concerns you most? You please! S1: I think diet is the most important issue. T: Oh! We have talked about that issue. Good point! S2: In my opinion, exercise is very important to our health. T: OK. Now, we are going to have a speech. Speech means talking in public. But before you talk, you should do some preparation. After you choose a topic, please discuss some questions about the topic with your partners. Show the following questions on the screen. 1. How does this issue affect your health? 2. How could it affect your school life? 3. Think of four or five suggestions that you would give younger students to make sure they do not put their health at risk. After discussion, let the Ss work on their own to plan the speech. T: To plan a speech, you don’t have to write down the whole speech, just make some notes which will remind you of the key points in your speech. By the way, except the content, what else should be included in a speech? S3: We should introduce ourselves before the speech. T: Good. What else? S4: We should tell the audience the topic of our speech. For example, Today I am going to talk about ... or My topic is ... T: Quite right. Anything else? S5: We should remember to thank the audience for listening after the speech. For example, Thank you for your time or Thank you for listening. T: Besides that, you should also say something about why you want to talk to them about this topic, and give them a few suggestions that they will find easy and sensible to follow. OK. 10 minutes for you to prepare the speech. 10 minutes later. T: It seems that most of you have finished. I’d like two of you to give your speech to the class. Any volunteer? A sample speech: A Healthy Diet Hello, everyone. My name is Wangwei. My topic is A Healthy Diet. I choose this topic because I believe in the saying: We are what we eat. Having a healthy diet is one of the most important things you can do to help your overall health. Having a healthy weight for your height is important. Being overweight or obese increases your risk of heart disease, type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, stroke, breathing problems, breathing problems while sleeping and some cancers. Although our living standard is getting higher and higher, still some people don’t eat healthy food. This is especially true with many teenagers who prefer fast food like hamburger, French fries, hotdogs, pizza, cookies, cake, candy, chocolate, ice cream and cupcakes. As a result, some students are facing overweight problems. They are poor at sports, and their health may also be endangered. So here I have some suggestions for you: 1. Eat plenty of fiber, pulses, whole grains, foods made with wholegrain flour, fruit and vegetables give you the benefit of fiber as well as its associated essential fatty acids, minerals and vitamins. Grains are better only coarsely ground. 2. Eat plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables, especially green leafy ones. These can give you the vitamins, minerals, essential fatty acids and fiber you need. Peel the fruit as little as possible. Cook vegetables lightly by steaming or stir frying, and eat some raw everyday to benefit from their hormones and enzymes. 3. Cut down your fat intake. Choose fish, organ meat, game, poultry, whole grains, pulses, nuts and seeds, or sprouted seeds, rather than red meat and cheese. 4. Cut down your sugar intake. Use sugar as flavoring rather than as a food. Avoid cakes, sweets, chocolates, biscuits, puddings, ice creams, jam, fruits canned in syrup, soft drinks, sugar in tea and coffee, and milk shakes. 5. Cut down your salt intake. Instead of adding salt to your food, use herbs, spices, fresh ginger, horseradish, lemon juice, tomato puree, vinegar, soy sauce, vegetable stock, yeast extract, chutney, and other flavorings. 6. Cut down your consumption of processed food to avoid the “empty calories” of saturated fats, added sugar, refined cereal grains, and additives. 7. Drink only moderate amounts of alcohol. 8. If you are overweight, exercise more and consume the amount of food and drink that will enable you to reach and keep to your optimal body weight. I hope these tips will help you form a good eating habit. I wish all of you healthy and happy. Thank you for listening. Step Ⅲ Writing (P24) Ask the Ss to read the letter on page 24 and then write a letter as a reply. This is a practice of giving advice. T: Let’s turn to page 24, you can see a letter from Xiaolei. Read the letter, and find what his problem is? S1: He tried to stop smoking, but he failed and he is asking for some useful tips. T: You are right. Now suppose you are the adviser who deals with the students’ problems, what advice will you give him? Think and write them down in the form of letter. 10 minutes for you. A sample letter: Dear Xiaolei, I am very glad to hear from you. It’s great that you have realized the harm of smoking and make up your mind to give it up. I know how it is hard to give up smoking, so I can understand your feelings. But be aware, some people have to try several times before they finally stop smoking. The point is to keep trying. Here are some tips for you. 1. Cut down on caffeine. Your body is detoxifying and caffeine has a greater impact on causing nervousness. 2. Drink more water to flush nicotine from your body. 3. Walk briskly for half an hour a day. You’ll be more positive, burn up stress and calories and develop more energy and endurance. 4. Breathe in slowly and deeply through your nose, fully expanding your chest. Breathe out through your mouth. Do this about 6 times. 5. Use your plumbing. If you feel like crying, cry and let it out. If you feel angry, give a powerful yell or hit a pillow and feel better with the release. 6. Recovery time: if your body wants 12 hours of sleep to heal, make time for it. 7. Cleanse your body, hands, breath, clothes, hair, car and home of traces of smoke as much as possible. Throw away ashtrays, lighters, etc. 8. Place an elastic on your wrist. If you crave a cigarette, pull the elastic and give yourself a sting. This will help decondition the cravings. 9. Place cigarettes in a large pop bottle with water. If you feel like a cigarette, smell the bottle odor. This will turn you off from cigarettes. 10. Should you by chance have 1 cigarette, do not feel you have “blown the program”. There is no need to feel angry or guilty. Just learn from the mistake, to achieve 100% success. Guilt or self-blame only makes people smoke more. Step Ⅳ Writing (P61) Ask the Ss to summarize the news article on HIV / AIDS on page 60 by using simple language. T: In the last period, we read a newspaper article on HIV and AIDS. Now, suppose our school will have a health week and you are asked to cover a piece of news on HIV and AIDS. Work in groups of four, discuss how to make the news simple and easy for the students in junior classes to understand. And then write it down. A sample version: Successful AIDS Programme in Yunnan Chinese Red Cross started an AIDS programme in Yunnan province six years ago, and now it is running in several other provinces including Xinjiang, Guangxi, Hainan, Fujian and Jilin. The programme does two things: provides care and support for AIDS patients; trains young people to teach others about HIV / AIDS. The volunteers of the programme hold classes to teach people about the virus and how it is spread. Many students, drug users, people who work in the entertainment business and others also take part in the programme. As more and more young people become infected through sexual activity, the director of the programme said that HIV / AIDS are related to everyone’s life. While in the past, HIV / AIDS were mainly infected through drug injection and careless blood transfusion. The Chinese government predicts that there will be about 10 million people infected with HIV / AIDS in China by the year 2010 if we don’t take any action now. So in June 2001, Chinese central government announced a plan to deal with the problem. That is to teach people more about the virus, and build a national system to report about the virus and be careful when collecting blood. Step Ⅴ Homework T: Finish the project on page 61 after class. 附 件 背景知识 Healthy Diet Focus on fruits. Eat a variety of fruits — whether fresh, frozen, canned or dried — rather than fruit juice for most of your fruit choices. For a 2,000 calorie diet, you will need 2 cups of fruit each day (for example, 1 small banana, 1 large orange, and 1 / 4 cup of dried apricots or peaches). Vary your veggies. Eat more dark green veggies, such as broccoli, kale and other dark leafy greens; orange veggies, such as carrots, sweetpotatoes, pumpkin and winter squash; beans and peas, such as pinto beans, kidney beans, black beans, garbanzo beans, split peas and lentils. Get your calcium-rich foods. Get 3 cups of low-fat or fat-free milk or an equivalent amount of low-fat yogurt and / or low-fat cheese (1 / 2 ounces of cheese equals one cup of milk) every day. For kids aged 2 to 8, it’s 2 cups of milk. If you don’t or can’t consume milk, choose lactose-free milk products and / or calcium-fortified foods and beverages. Make half your grains whole. Eat at least 3 ounces of whole-grain cereals, breads, crackers, rice, or pasta every day. One ounce is about 1 slice of bread, 1 cup of breakfast cereal, or 1 / 2 cup of cooked rice or pasta. Look to see that grains such as wheat, rice, oats, or corn are referred to as “whole” in the list of ingredients. Go lean with protein. Choose lean meats and poultry. Bake it broil it, or grill it. And vary your protein choices — with more fish, beans, peas, nuts and seeds. Know the limits on fats, salt and sugars. Read the Nutrition Facts label on foods. Look for foods low in saturated fats and trans fats. Choose and prepare foods and beverages with a little salt (sodium) and / or sugars (caloric sweeteners). Friends Key to Healthy Life Friends may influence health habits, such as smoking or drinking, or going to the doctor when a person has troubling symptoms, the study authors suggested. Friends may also have a significant impact on mood, self-esteem and coping mechanisms during difficult times. Interested in technology and innovation news? Add this site to your “Favorites” to find your way back easily next time. When it comes to living a long, healthy life, that’s what friends are for. New research from Australia suggests good buddies are even more important than close family ties in helping older people live longer. For the study, researchers at Flinders University in Adelaide interviewed about 1,500 people aged 70 and older. They asked each participant how much personal and phone contact they had with various social networks, including family and friends. Other factors known to influence longevity, such as socioeconomic status, health and lifestyle, were also considered. The Adelaide team then tracked the participants’ survival over the next 10 years. Surprisingly, close contact with children and relatives had little impact on survival rates, the researchers report in the current issue of the Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health. However, people with a strong network of friends and confidants had a much better chance of survival over the 10-year study period than individuals with relatively fewer friends. This “friendship effect” persisted despite personal losses such as the death of a spouse, or even the relocation of friends to other parts of the country, the researchers found. Friends may influence health habits, such as smoking or drinking, or going to the doctor when a person has troubling symptoms, the study authors suggested. Friends may also have a significant impact on mood, self-esteem and coping mechanisms during difficult times. Tips for Teens: The Truth About Alcohol Get the facts ... Alcohol affects your brain. Drinking alcohol leads to a loss of coordination, poor judgment, slowed reflexes, distorted vision, memory lapses, and even blackouts. Alcohol affects your body. Alcohol can damage every organ in your body. It is absorbed directly into your bloodstream and can increase your risk for a variety of life-threatening diseases, including cancer. Alcohol affects your self-control. Alcohol depresses your central nervous system, lowers your inhibitions, and impairs your judgment. Drinking can lead to risky behaviors, such as driving when you shouldn’t, or having unprotected sex. Alcohol can kill you. Drinking large amounts of alcohol at one time or very rapidly can cause alcohol poisoning, which can lead to coma or even death. Driving and drinking also can be deadly. In 2002, 29 percent of drivers age 15 to 20 who died in traffic accidents had been drinking alcohol. Alcohol can hurt you — even if you’re not the one drinking. If you’re around people who are drinking, you have an increased risk of being seriously injured, involved in car crashes, or affected by violence. At the very least, you may have to deal with people who are sick, out of control or unable to take care of themselves. Before you risk it ... Know the law. It is illegal to buy or possess alcohol if you are under age 21. Get the facts. One drink can make you fail a breath test. In some States, people under age 21 can lose their driver’s license, be subject to a heavy fine, or have their car permanently taken away. Stay informed. “Binge” drinking means having five or more drinks on one occasion. Studies show that more than 35 percent of adults with an alcohol problem developed symptoms — such as binge drinking — by age 19. Know the risks. Alcohol is a drug. Mixing it with any other drug can be extremely dangerous. Alcohol and acetaminophen — a common ingredient in OTC pain and fever reducers — can damage your liver. Alcohol mixed with other drugs can cause nausea, vomiting, fainting, heart problems and difficult breathing. Mixing alcohol and drugs also can lead to coma and death. Keep your edge. Alcohol is a depressant, or downer, because it reduces brain activity. If you are depressed before you start drinking, alcohol can make you feel worse. Look around you. Most teens aren’t drinking alcohol. Research shows that 71 percent of people 12-20 haven’t had a drink in the past month. Know the signs ... How can you tell if a friend has a drinking problem? Sometimes it’s tough to tell. But there are signs you can look for. If your friend has one or more of the following warning signs, he or she may have a problem with alcohol: ●Getting drunk on a regular basis ●Lying about how much alcohol he or she is using ●Believing that alcohol is necessary to have fun ●Having frequent hangovers ●Feeling run-down, depressed, or even suicidal ●Having “blackouts” — forgetting what he or she did while drinking Questions and answers: Q. Aren’t beer and wine “safer” than liquor? A. No. One 12-ounce bottle of beer or a 5-ounce glass of wine (about a half-cup) has as much alcohol as one 1.5-ounce shot of liquor. Alcohol can make you drunk and cause you problems no matter how you consume it. Q. Why can’t teens drink if their parents can? A. The brains and bodies of teens are still developing, and alcohol use can cause learning problems, or make adult alcoholism more likely. People who begin drinking before age 15 are four times more likely to develop alcoholism than those who begin at age 21. Q. How can I say no to alcohol? I’m afraid I won’t fit in. A. It’s easier to refuse than to think. Try: “No thanks,” “I don’t drink,” or “I’m not interested.” Remember that the majority of teens don’t drink alcohol. You’re in good company when you’re one of them.查看更多