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形容词副词级别变化之同级 (讲义)‎ 同级比较的肯定式 1. The weather in Zhengzhou is hot. The weather in Guangzhou is hot.‎ 郑州的天气和广州的天气一样热。‎ The weather in Zhengzhou is as hot as the weather in Guangzhou (is).‎ 2. Harry Potter is interesting.‎ Alice in the Wonderland is interesting.‎ Harry Potter 和 Alice in the Wonderland 一样的有趣。‎ Harry Potter is as interesting as Alice in the Wonderland (is).‎ 3. Linda’s hair is long. Lily’s hair is long.‎ Linda 的头发和 Lily 的头发一样长。‎ Linda’s hair is as long as Lily’s (is).‎ 4. Lucy’s English is good. My English is good.‎ Lucy 的英语和我的英语一样好。‎ Lucy’s English is as good as mine (is).‎ 5. Linda runs fast.‎ Kate runs fast.‎ Linda 跑得和 Kate 跑得一样快。‎ Linda runs as fast as Kate (runs/does).‎ 6. Zhang Li works very hard. Lucy works very hard.‎ 张丽工作和 Lucy 工作一样努力。‎ Zhang Li works as hard as Lucy (works/does).‎ 7. Zhang Li comes to school early. Lucy comes to school early.‎ 张丽到校和 Lucy 到校一样早。‎ Zhang Li comes to school as early as Lucy (comes/does).‎ 形容词副词同级比较肯定式:‎ 第一个 as: ,修饰形容词或副词 ‎ 9‎ 第二个 as: ,引出比较对象(要一致);比较对象后的动词常省略 练一练 1. 英语和数学一样难。‎ 2. 我妈妈和我起得一样早。‎ 3. 我们的教室和他们的教室一样大。‎ 4. 他学习和我学习一样认真。‎ 同级比较的否定式 1. The weather in Zhengzhou is hot. The weather in Guangzhou is hot. 郑州的天气不如广州的天气热。‎ The weather in Zhengzhou is not so/as hot as the weather in Guangzhou (is).‎ 2. Harry Potter is interesting.‎ Alice in the Wonderland is interesting.‎ Harry Potter 不如 Alice in the Wonderland 有趣。‎ Harry Potter is not so/as interesting as Alice in the Wonderland ‎(is).‎ 3. Linda’s hair is long. Lily’s hair is long.‎ Linda 的头发不如 Lily 的头发长。‎ Linda’s hair is not so/as long as Lily’s (is).‎ 4. Lucy’s English is good. My English is good.‎ Lucy 的英语不如我的英语好。‎ Lucy’s English is not so/as good as mine (is).‎ 5. Linda runs fast.‎ Kate runs fast.‎ Linda 跑得不如 Kate 跑得快。‎ Linda doesn’t run so/as fast as Kate (runs/does).‎ 9‎ 1. Zhang Li works very hard. Lucy works very hard.‎ 张丽工作不如 Lucy 工作努力。‎ Zhang Li doesn’t work so/as hard as Lucy (works/does).‎ 2. Zhang Li comes to school early. Lucy comes to school early.‎ 张丽到校不如 Lucy 到校早。‎ Zhang Li doesn’t come to school so/as early as Lucy (comes/does).‎ 形容词副词同级比较否定式:‎ 第一个 as (so):副词,修饰形容词或副词原形 第二个 as:连词,引出比较对象(要一致);比较对象后的动词常省略 练一练 1. 英语不如数学难。‎ 2. 我妈妈没有我起得早。‎ 3. 我们的教室没他们的教室大。‎ 4. 他学习不如我认真。‎ 同级比较的复杂情况 ‎①当形容词或副词位于短语中时,需要从短语整体或 as„as„ 结构整体出发 1. Lucy is good at English. Linda is good at English.‎ Lucy is as good at English as Linda (is).‎ Lucy is not so/as good at English as Linda (is). Lucy is as good as Linda at English.‎ Lucy is not so/as good as Linda at English.‎ 2. John does well in math. Jim does well in math.‎ 3. 9‎ John does as well in math as Jim (does).‎ John does not do so/as well in math as Jim (does). John does as well as Jim in math.‎ John does not do so/as well as Jim in math.‎ 1. Jay Chou is popular with the young. Jackie Chan is popular with the young.‎ ‎②当形容词作定语时,同级比较结构则要变为 “as + adj. (art.) n. + as”‎ 1. He is an honest child. She is an honest child.‎ He is as honest a child as she (is).‎ He is not so/as honest a child as she (is).‎ 2. That is a good example. This is a good example.‎ That is as good an example as this (is).‎ That is not so/as good an example as this (is).‎ 同级比较的特殊结构 ‎① 汤姆在比赛中尽可能快地跑。‎ Tom runs as quickly as possible/he can in the competition.‎ 你应该尽可能经常地回家看望父母。‎ You should visit your parents as often as possible/you can.‎ 希望你尽可能快地给我回信。‎ Hope you can write to me as soon as possible/you can.‎ 练一练 1. 考试中,我们需要尽可能地细心。‎ 2. 读文章,并且找出尽可能多的错误。‎ 9‎ ‎②关于 as„as„的一些固定成语 但愿我小女儿的皮肤长得白里透红,看起来就像这洁白的雪和鲜红的血一样,那么艳丽,那么骄嫩,头发长得就像这窗子的乌木一般又黑又亮!‎ If only I had a child as white as snow, as red as blood, and as black as the wood in this frame.‎ 不久之后,她生了一个女儿。她的皮肤真的就像雪一样的白嫩,‎ 又透着血一样的红润,头发像乌木一样的黑亮。‎ Soon afterward she had a little daughter who was as white as snow, as red as blood, and as black as ebony /'eb(ə)nɪ / wood.‎ as busy as a bee ‎ as cold as ice ‎ as fat as a pig ‎ as brave as a lion as proud as a peacock as quiet as a mouse ‎ as strong as a horse ‎ as sweet as honey ‎ as bright as day ‎ as greedy as a wolf ‎ as light as a feather as quick as lightning as red as a cherry ‎ as red as blood ‎ as white as snow ‎ as black as ebony ‎ as round as an apple ‎ Exercises 一、单项选择 ‎( )1. Li Hua’s English is as good as .‎ A. Tom’s B. he C. her D. my ( )2. Their school is not as big as .‎ A. we B. us C. our D. ours ( )3. I think Mary is outgoing as her sister.‎ A. very B. so C. too D. as B. 9‎ ‎( )4. Li Hua’s shoes are as as Zhang Hui’s.‎ A. cheap B. cheaper C. the cheaper D. the cheapest ‎( )5. Some Chinese singers sing English songs just as as native speakers (本土人) do.‎ A. good B. better C. well D. best ( )6. He doesn’t play the violin so as his father.‎ A. good B. better C. well D. best ‎( )7. We don’t have much homework now and our school bags are ‎ they were in the past.‎ A. as heavy as B. not as heavy as C. as heavily as D. not as heavily as ‎( )8. The boy doesn’t speak _ his sister, but his written work is very good.‎ A. as well as B. so good as C. more better than D. more worse than ‎( )9. She is very good at painting. She can paint her teacher.‎ A. as better as B. as well as C. as good as D. so well as ( )10. —I think English is math.‎ ‎—Yes, I think so.‎ A. not important as B. so important as C. as important as D. as importantly as ‎( )11. When he heard a cry for help, he ran out of the room as ‎ as possible.‎ A. hardly B. quickly C. finally D. slowly 二、根据提示词及例子组句子例: Julie / tall / you Is Julie as tall as you?‎ 12. Jack / run / fast / Sam 13. Your cousin / outgoing / you 9‎ 12. Paul / funny / Carol 13. Linda / good at math / Lily 14. Tim / play soccer / well / Jack 三、英汉互译 15. 这些衣服不如那些贵,但却和那些一样好。‎ 16. 街上的人不多,因为今天不如昨天暖和。‎ 17. 虽然 Jim 不如John 高,但却和 John 一样强壮。‎ 18. 请你给我尽可能多的信息。‎ 19. 那个战士(soldier)勇猛如狮。‎ 20. I don’t think he is so hard-working as his sister.‎ 21. Please answer my question as soon as possible.‎ 22. Her hands are as cold as ice.‎ 23. When she was seven years old she was as beautiful as the light of day.‎ 9‎ ‎【参考答案】‎ 同级比较的肯定式 as + adj./adv. 原形 + as,表示“和„„一样„„” 副词;原形;连词 1. English is as difficult/hard as math.‎ 2. My mom gets up as early as I.‎ 3. Our classroom is as big as theirs.‎ 4. He studies as carefully as I.‎ 同级比较的否定式 not so/as + adj./adv. 原形 + as,表示“不如„„(一样)”‎ 1. English is not so/as difficult/hard as math.‎ 2. My mom does not get up so/as early as I.‎ 3. Our classroom is not so/as big as theirs.‎ 4. He does not study so/as carefully as I.‎ 同级比较的复杂情况 Jay Chou is as popular with the young as Jackie Chan (is).‎ Jay Chou is not so/as popular with the young as Jackie Chan (is). Jay Chou is as popular as Jackie Chan with the young.‎ Jay Chou is not so/as popular as Jackie Chan with the young.‎ 同级比较的特殊结构 ‎① as + adj./adv. 原形 + as possible/sb can:尽可能„„‎ 1. In the exam, we should be as careful as possible/we can.‎ 2. Read the article, and find as many mistakes as possible/you can.‎ 忙碌 非常冷;无反应的体胖如猪 十分勇敢;无畏非常高傲 娴静 非常健壮非常甜的亮如白昼贪得无厌轻如鸿毛迅如闪电 9‎ 脸色绯红鲜红如血洁白如雪黑如乌木滚圆的 Exercises ‎1-5 ADDAC 6-10 CBABC 11 B ‎12. Does Jack run as fast as Sam? 13.Is your cousin as outgoing as you? 14.Is Paul as funny as Carol?‎ ‎15.Is Linda as good at math as Lily? 16.Does Tim play soccer as well as Jack?‎ 17. These clothes are not as expensive as those, but they are as good as those.‎ 18. There are not many people on the street because today is not so warm as yesterday.‎ 19. Although Jim is not so/as tall as John, he is as strong as John. 20.Please give me as much information as possible/you can.‎ ‎21.That soldier is as brave as a lion.‎ ‎22.我认为他不如他的妹妹勤奋。‎ ‎23.请尽可能快地回答我的问题。‎ ‎24.她的手寒冷如冰。‎ ‎25.七岁时,她美若春光。‎ 9‎

