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‎2020届二轮复习阅读理解热点话题专题之八: 中国沿海的一家博物馆旨在与环境融为一体 A museum on the Chinese coast aims to merge with its environment 中国沿海的一家博物馆旨在与环境融为一体 文章选自《时代周刊》‎ 读前导读:‎ 想象一下,你现在正置身一个 “融合”到环境之中的画廊中。艺术馆采用地热能加热;墙壁、窗户和咖啡馆里的木桌都是用当地材料手工制作的。博物馆使用自然采光的天窗,游客对艺术品的体验会会随着季节和时间的变化而变化。‎ 词海拾贝 一:高级实词荟萃 1. nestle 2. ‎ invoke ‎ 3. ‎ high-profile adj ‎ 4. architectural adj 5. bustling adj.;‎ 6. subtle adj 7. unfold vt 8. interdependence n.‎ 9. landscape n 10. community n 11. sustainable adj 12. ecologically adj 1. financially adv 2. overseer n 3. handmade adj 4. tribute n 5. craftsmanship n 6. interior n 7. viewer n 8. consumerism n 9. selfie n.‎ 10. primitive adj 11. architect n ‎ 12. interaction n ‎ 13. isolated adj ‎ 14. deliberate adj ‎ 15. inaugural adj 16. humanity n 17. bio-art n 18. transplant vt ‎ 19. billboard n 20. overturned adj 21. retreat n./vt 22. domestic adj 23. Crane n.‎ 24. Supervise vt 25. Developer n 26. dune 沙丘;‎ 27. deserted adj 28. compromise vi 29. double-edged adj 30. fund n./vt 31. elite n [eɪˈli:t]‎ 32. ‎ preserve vt. vi. ‎ 33. ‎ resort vt. ‎ 34. engage vt ‎ 35. exhibit n./vt 36. characterize vt 37. foster vt 38. well-establish adj 二:高级词汇拓展 1. consumption. n.消费 vt ________________ n___________消费者 1. Sustainable可持续的 adj ___________vt使保持;使稳定持续 1. ecologically生态的 adj ___________ n.生态 2. financially财政上 adv ___________ n.金融;财政 3. consumerism消费主义 n ___________ vt 消费;消耗 ___________ n消费者 4. interaction相互作用 vi ___________ vi 相互;互动 5. isolated孤立的 adj ___________ vt 使孤立 6. deliberate深思熟虑 adj adv. ___________‎ 7. developer开发商 n ___________ vt 发展 ___________ n.发展 8. deserted被遗弃的 adj ___________ vt 抛弃 2. exhibit展览 n./vt ___________ 展览 n 3. location位置n ___________vt 坐落于 4. vary vi随…而变化 ___________ adj 各种各样的 ___________ n.多样性 5. cultivate种植; ,栽培; vt ___________ n.培养 6. occupy占领; 使从事,使忙碌; vt ___________ adj. ___________ n.占用;职业 7. contribution贡献,捐赠,捐助投稿,n. ___________ vt 贡献 三:高级短语荟萃 1. merge with its environment___________‎ 2. as Mr Li puts it___________‎ 3. hurried urban fly-by___________‎ 1. engage cleverly with___________‎ 2. threaten its sustainable vision___________‎ 3. art galleries ___________‎ 4. against the sands. ___________‎ 5. physical structure___________‎ 6. dream up an entirely new type of institution___________‎ 7. originally planned___________‎ 8. be lit naturally by skylights___________‎ 9. vary with the seasons and time of day___________‎ 10. cultivate an intimacy___________‎ 11. feel like going to a shopping centre___________‎ 12. typically characterised by___________‎ 13. By contrast___________‎ 14. fancy museums as a “society of rooms” ___________‎ 15. encourage people to slow down. ___________。‎ 原汁文章赏析 A museum on the Chinese coast aims to merge with its environment A dozen international coffee experts shuffle(把脚挪来挪去)around a long wooden table, pausing at each steaming cup, heads dipping and sniffing deeply. Then the slurping〔吃喝或吸吮〕的声音 begins. In the wings, coffee farmer Yang Fan watches intently专注地as the judges’ circle, awaiting a verdict(裁定)on her latest crop of beans.‎ China may be the spiritual home of tea, but it is fast developing a reputation as a top coffee producer.‎ This tasting was a side event to the first ever Pu'er International Specialty Coffee Expo in China's southwestern Yunnan province, which ran this winter and drew more than a thousand attendees.‎ ‎"Coffee has huge potential in China," says Liu Ying, who swapped her life working in private-equity(私人股权) investment in Beijing to grow coffee in Pu'er five years ago. "The younger generation prefers to drink coffee in their offices much more than tea." Still, Pu'er remains synonymous with tea.‎ This bustling (喧闹的)town near the Laos border is surrounded by the green hills scored with tea plantations; it produces a variety of tea which is also called Pu’er , considered one of China's most refined.‎ But the region's mild climate is also perfect for growing Arabica coffee. And as China's fast-living millennials (千禧一代)move away from traditional tea in favor of the invigorating coffee, Pu'er's farmers are catering to the demand.‎ Yunnan accounts for 98% of China's coffee harvest, with half coming from the misty landscape around Pu'er.‎ Today, China is the 13th biggest coffee producer in the world—rising from zero output three decades ago to 136,000 tons annually today.‎ In April, Seattle's annual Specialty Coffee Expo decided to showcase China as its portrait country of origin.‎ It follows on the heels of Starbucks' launching its first single-origin Yunnan coffee last year after eight years of partnership with Yunnan farmers.‎ With global coffee prices at record lows, Yunnan farmers are processing beans in bespoke ways to create distinct flavors—allowing them to enter the market of specialty coffee.‎ ‎"At current coffee prices, I can't even feed my family," says the farmer Yang. "My only way out is to produce specialty coffee, to make the best coffee beans."That means letting beans dry in their cherries, thus producing a wild, fruity flavor via environmental fermentation(发酵),or allowing them to "honey" in their sugary inner layer, which adds a subtle sweetness.‎ Back in the tasting room, Yang awaits the experts' verdict on whether all that extra effort was ‎ worthwhile.‎ ‎"If I told you this was Colombian or Panama coffee, nobody would argue with me," says Samuel Gurel, CEO of Pu'er's Torch Coffee Roasters, as Yang breaks into a huge grin. "It's a great example of how Chinese coffee is evolving."‎ 1. What is the text mainly about?‎ 2. What is the attitude of the writer towards the future of the dune art gallery?‎ A. Negative B positive C concerned D indifferent ‎3. What does the word “pilgrimage” mean in the underlined sentence? Explain it in English and use an example to illustrate it.‎ 报刊复杂句式品鉴。‎ ‎1. Buried beneath a sand dune, in the beach town of Beidaihe, nestles one of China’s newest art galleries called the UCCA Dune, which is an offshoot of the Ullens Centre for Contemporary Art in Beijing.‎ 解析: 本句子为复合句,含有Buried beneath a sand dune过去分词短语作___________,表示 状态,含有called the UCCA Dune过去分词短语作___________,修饰______________还含有which is an offshoot of the Ullens Centre for Contemporary Art in Beijing引导的_________修饰the UCCA Dune。‎ 翻译: ‎ ‎2. Given the isolated location, visitors will have to make a deliberate “pilgrimage to the art”, as Mr Li puts it, rather than just a hurried urban fly-by. ‎ 解析: 本句含有Given the isolated location介词短语作__________;含有插入语as Mr Li puts it;本句的主体结构是____________________________某人不得不做…而不是…‎ 翻译:‎ ‎3.Nearby stands “Destination”, an installation by Na Buqi, which comprises an overturned billboard advertising an photo shopped beachside resort. ‎ 解析: 句子中 Nearby stands “Destination”为__________语序,正常语序为:“Destination “stands nearby.地点状语至于句首,用____________部倒装。同时含有which引导的定语从句,修饰______________________. Destination 和短语an installation by Na Buqi为__________________。‎ 翻译: 玻璃门外是郑波的《沙丘植物园》,这是由_______________________________品,也可以用作博物馆的花园。娜布其的装置作品《终点》矗立在附近,作品包含一块翻倒的广告牌,上面登着一张经过__________________________。 ‎ ‎4. Much as the Dune wants to attract visitors, a big crowd of visitors might threaten its sustainable vision: like that deserted billboard, a picture-perfect ideal risks being compromised by the double-edged forces of consumption. ‎ 解析:本句as引得了__________________________, 尽管;主句的结构是主调宾:being compromised by the double edged forces of consumption为分词短语作__________________________语修饰risks.‎ 翻译: 尽管沙丘美术馆_____________________,但大量游客涌入可能会____________________________:就像那块被遗弃的广告牌,一个完美无瑕的理想可能会被___________________________所侵蚀。‎ 中英文双语赏析 A museum on the Chinese coast aims to merge with its environment 中国沿海的一家博物馆旨在与环境融为一体 Buried beneath a sand dune, in the beach town of Beidaihe, nestles one of China’s newest art galleries called the UCCA Dune, which is an An offshoot of the Ullens Centre for Contemporary Art in Beijing.‎ 沙丘美术馆---这所中国最新的艺术画廊之一坐落在海滨小城北戴河,位于沙丘之下。‎ Most are high-profile architectural style, erected in the middle of bustling cities. The Dune is subtle and its galleries unfold against the sands. ‎ 这座美术馆大部分为高调的建筑表现形式,伫立在繁华的市中心。沙丘美术馆微妙,整个画廊以沙子为背景。 ‎ Interdependence with the landscape and the local community is at the heart of the Dune’s purpose. It aims to be sustainable ecologically as well as financially, and to help protect the environment rather than destroying it. ‎ 沙丘美术馆的核心目的是与自然景观和当地社区互相依存。其目标是实现生态和经济的可持续性,帮助保护环境而不是破坏环境。‎ ‎“Our work was not just to design a physical structure,” says Li Hu of OPEN Architecture, one of the overseers of the project, but to “dream up an entirely new type of institution.” ‎ ‎ “我们的工作不仅是设计物理结构,而是设想一种全新的制度。”OPEN建筑事务所的李虎(沙丘项目的监督者之一)如是说。 ‎ Mr Li wanted to create a gallery that was “merged into it”. Instead of placing the museum on top of the dunes as was originally planned, he decided to bury the building beneath them to preserve the coastal ecology. ‎ 李虎想要创建一个 “融合”到环境的画廊。他没有像最初计划的那样把博物馆建在沙丘上,而是决定把建筑埋在沙丘下,以保护海岸生态。‎ The structure is heated by geothermal地热能 energy; its walls and windows and the wooden tables in its café were handmade from local materials, a tribute结晶 to the craftsmanship of the Hebei region. ‎ 建筑采用地热能加热;墙壁、窗户和咖啡馆里的木桌都是用当地材料手工制作的,这是河北地区手工技艺的结晶。‎ Because the museum is lit naturally by skylights, visitors’ experiences of the artwork will vary with the seasons and time of day. ‎ 由于博物馆使用自然采光的天窗,游客对艺术品的体验会随着季节和时间的变化而变化。 ‎ The Dune’s interiors are meant to cultivate an intimacy between viewer, work and space. “Going to a museum in China often feels like going to a shopping centre,” says Mr Li—an experience of rushed consumerism, typically characterized by large crowds and Smartphone selfies. ‎ 沙丘的内部设计旨在培养观众、工作和空间之间的亲密感。“在中国,去博物馆就像去购物中心,”李虎表示——这是一种匆忙的消费主义体验,典型的特征是大量人群和智能手机自拍。‎ ‎ By contrast, the Dune’s underground galleries invoke the caves in which the most primitive human art was first painted. The design was inspired by Louis Kahn, a 20th-century American architect who fancied museums as a “society of rooms”, which foster interaction and encourage people to slow down. ‎ 相比之下,沙丘美术馆的地下画廊让人想起最原始洞穴里被涂抹的人类艺术。该设计灵感来自20世纪的美国建筑师路易斯•卡恩,他将博物馆设想成一个“房间社会”,旨在促进互动,鼓励人们慢下来。‎ Given the isolated location, visitors will have to make a deliberate “pilgrimage to the art”, as Mr Li puts it, rather than just a hurried urban fly-by. ‎ 考虑到这个位置人烟稀少,游客们将不得不进行一次深刻的“艺术朝圣”,正如李虎所言,而不仅仅是对一个城市景观的匆匆一览。‎ ‎“After Nature”, the inaugural开幕 exhibit (curated by Luan Shixuan), focuses on a related subject: the future of humanity’s relationship with the natural world. ‎ 后自然”:UCCA沙丘美术馆开幕展(栾诗璇策划),关注相关的主题:人类与自然世界关系的未来。‎ Each of the nine contemporary Chinese artists in the show engages cleverly with the space that their work occupies. Visitors standing in front of Liu Yujia’s “Wave”, an artwork featuring waves rushing against the coast, need only to turn around to find themselves looking out at the Bohai Sea. ‎ 展览中的九位中国当代艺术家都巧妙地利用了其作品所占据的空间。刘雨佳的《海浪》以海浪冲击海岸的镜头为特色,游客驻足在《海浪》前,只要一转身,就可以眺望渤海。‎ Beyond a glass door lies Zheng Bo’s “Dune Botanical Garden”, a work of bio-art made of ‎ transplanted local weeds that also functions as a museum garden. Nearby stands “Destination”, an installation by Na Buqi, which includes an overturned billboard advertising an photoshopped beachside resort. “‎ 玻璃门外是郑波的《沙丘植物园》,这是由移植的本地杂草制成的生物艺术品,也可以用作博物馆的花园。娜布其的装置作品《终点》矗立在附近,作品包含一块翻倒的广告牌,上面登着一张经过美化过的海滨度假照片。 ‎ Ms Na’s contribution is a vivid reflection on the museum itself. Its location, Beidaihe, is well-established as both a summer retreat for Beijing’s political elite and a popular beach resort for domestic tourists. ‎ 娜布其的贡献是对博物馆本身的映射。北戴河是北京政客精英的避暑胜地,也是深受国内游客欢迎的海滨度假胜地。‎ Cranes crowd behind the dunes, supervising construction work by Aranya, a Chinese developer that also funded and built the museum. ‎ 沙丘美术馆后面都是起重机,由中国开发商阿兰亚监督施工,该公司也出资建造了这座博物馆。‎ Much as the Dune wants to attract visitors, a big crowd of visitors might threaten its sustainable vision: like that deserted billboard, a picture-perfect ideal risks being compromised by the double-edged forces of consumption. ‎ 尽管沙丘美术馆很想吸引游客,但大量游客涌入可能会威胁到其可持续发展的愿景:就像那块被遗弃的广告牌,一个完美无瑕的理想可能会被消费的双刃剑所侵蚀。‎

