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Unit 1 Where did you go on vacation? 第六课时 Section B (3a4)—单元同步作文指导 本单元以 “ 谈论节假日活动 ” 为话题展开,要求学生们会运用一般过去时态写一篇自己的旅行日记。日记属于典型的记叙文,首先要注意其格式,其次在写作时要注意时间、地点、人物、经过、结果等。同时要注意主次分明,详略得当,在结尾处最好表达出自己的感受。 教材中出现的相关句型: ① I went to Guizhou with my family. 我和我家人去了贵州。 ② We took quite a few photos there. 我们在那里拍了不少照片。 ③ It was my first time there , so everything was really interesting. 这是我第一次到那儿 , 所以一切都真的很有趣。 ④ I bought something for my parents. 我给我父母买了一些东西。 ⑤ It was sunny and hot. 天气晴朗并且炎热。 ⑥ It was so wonderful/exciting. 那太精彩了 / 太激动人心了。 ⑦ I felt... 我感到 …… 拓展常用句型: ① The food there was delicious and the people there were very friendly. 那里的食物很美味 , 那里的人很友好。 ② We/I had a good time there. 我们 / 我在那里玩得很开心。 上个月 (8 月 )2 号,周五,天气晴朗,你和父母去北京观光旅游,参观了以下几个地方,玩得非常开心。 要求: 1. 写一篇英语日记,注意格式; 2 .词数不少于 70 。 Friday , August 2ndSunny The weather was sunny but it wasn't hot.I went to Beijing with my parents on vacation. ① It was my first time there , so everything was really interesting.We visited three places and took quite a few photos. ② First we went to Tian'anmen. ③ It was beautiful. ④ Then we went to the Palace Museum , and we saw many old things there. ⑤ It was cool. ⑥ In the afternoon , we went to the Great Wall.We saw many beautiful things from the top. ⑦ It was great and exciting , I think.We had a good time there. 【 点评 】 1 日记就是把自己当天经历的有意义的事情以及见闻感受记录下来,通常用第一人称来写 , 且时态为一般过去时。 2 注意日记的格式:正文上方自左起写上星期几、日期和天气情况 , 正文另起一行。 3 写作时 , 要注意必须按照时间顺序来描述当天的活动 , 这样会显得层次分明、有条理性。如②④⑥处。 4 在写作过程中 , 不要忘记写出自己的真实感受 , 如①③⑤处。最后另取一段总结全文;写出整体感受 , 显得更有层次段落感 , 如⑦处。 5 灵活运用各种所学句型 , 使文章显得更加生动。 英语老师请每位学生介绍自己在暑假的某次活动。请你根据提示及要求,向大家介绍你的上海三日游。 要求: 1. 要点齐全,行文连贯,可适当发挥; 2 . 70 词左右 ( 开头已给出,不计入总词数 ) 。 Hi , everyone ! My family had a three day trip to Shanghai during the summer vacation. On the first day , we arrived at Shanghai Disney Resort and took quite a few photos.All of us had a good time there.We spent the second day on the Bund.There are so many tall buildings.We got to the top of the Oriental Pearl Radio & TV Tower and enjoyed the beautiful Huangpu River.On the last day , we went to Nanjing Road Walking Street.There we shopped and tasted delicious food.It was a wonderful trip.

