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2019 届一轮复习外研版选修七 Module 6The World's Cultural Heritage 单元学案设计 一、刷黑板——词汇全听写(先过识记默写关) Ⅰ.阅读词汇(英译汉) [第一屏听写] 1.agenda n.       (事项)待办;待讨论 2.beast n. 野兽 3.bid n. 投标;努力,争取 4.catastrophe n. 毁灭性的大灾难 5.compromise n. 折中;妥协 [第二屏听写] 6.directory n.      名录;指南 7.discrimination n. 歧视 8.evolution n. 进化;演变 9.guidance n. 指导,引导,咨询 10.inhabitant n. 居民  [第三屏听写] 11.mankind n.     人类 12.monument n. 纪念碑;纪念馆 13.primitive adj. (人类或动植物)原始的,原生的 14.sharpen v. 使变锋利 15.subjective adj. 主观的 16.thorough adj. 彻底的;全面的;详尽的 Ⅱ.高频词汇(汉译英) [第四屏听写] 1.absence n.      缺乏;没有 2.agreement n. 协议 3.assistance n. 帮助,援助 4.contribute v. 促成 5.estimate n. 估计;估算 [第五屏听写] 6.existence n.      存在 7.fund n. 基金;专款 8.honour v. 给予荣誉 9.invest v. 投资 10.length n. 长度 [第六屏听写] 11.list v.       (按某次序)把……列表,列清单 12.maintain n. 保持;维持;保养 13.preserve v. 保护;保存 14.propose v. 建议;提议 15.recommend v. 建议 [第七屏听写] 16.relation n.      亲属;亲戚 17.remains n. 遗迹;遗体 18.request n. 请求;要求 19.status n. 法律地位 20.virus n. 病毒 [第八屏听写] 21.advocate v.     主张,拥护 22.awareness n. 意识;认识;感悟能力 23.endangered adj. 濒危的 24.enlarge v. (使)增大;(使)扩大 25.exposure n. 暴露;显露 [第九屏听写] 26.ignore v.      忽视;不理;不管 27.precious adj. 宝贵的;珍贵的;贵重的 28.undertake v. 许诺做某事;同意做某事 29.mercy n. 任凭……的摆布 30.apart_from 除……之外 [第十屏听写] 31.at_the_mercy_of_...  受……支配 32.be_honoured_for 因……而受到尊敬 33.go_through 获准,经过程序 34.in_return 反过来 35.of_vital_importance 至关重要 36.remind_sb.of_sth. 使某人想起…… 二、刷清单——热身自盘点(再过基本应用关) (一)核心单词 阅 读 1.agenda n. (事项)待办; 待讨论 6.directory n.    名录;指南 12.monument n. 纪念碑;纪念馆 单 词 2.beast n. 野兽 3.bid n. 投标;努力, 争取 4.catastrophe n. 毁灭性 的大灾难 5.compromise n. 折 中;妥协 7.discrimination n. 歧视 8.evolution n. 进化;演变 9.guidance n. 指导,引导,咨 询 10.inhabitant n. 居民 11.mankind n. 人类 13.primitive adj. (人类或动 植物)原始 的,原生的 14.sharpen v. 使变锋利 15.subjective adj. 主观的 16.thorough adj. 彻底的; 全面的;详尽的 表 达 单 词 1.list v.      (按某次序) 把……列表,列清单 2.maintain n. 保持;维持;保 养 3.status n. 法律地位 4.fund n. 基金;专款 5.honour v. 给予荣誉 6.estimate n. 估计;估算 7.recommend v. 建议;推荐 8.relation n. 亲属;亲戚;关系 9.request n.&v. 请求;要求 10.endangered adj. 濒危的 11.enlarge v. (使)增大;(使)扩 大 [语境活用] 1.All foreign visitors are requested (要求) to observe the regulations in this area. 2.In dealing with public relations (关系), we should make every effort to prevent the conflict. 3.Unfortunately the restaurant he recommended (推荐) fell far short of our expectations. 4.It is estimated (估计) that a round­trip to Mars will take more than a year. 12.precious adj. 宝贵的;珍贵 的;贵重的 5.The hotel has been enlarged (扩大); in addition, its service is improving. 6.The precious (珍贵的) paintings were hopelessly ruined by long exposure in the cold, damp garage. 7.We should do what we can to save those endangered (濒危的) species. 拓 展 单 词 1.preserve v.保护;保存 →preservation n.保存;贮藏 2.agreement n.协议→agree v.同意,答应→disagree v.不赞 同→disagreement n.争论;不一 致,不同意 3.invest v.投资→investment n.投资→investor n.投资者 4.remains n.遗迹;遗体→remain v.仍然,有待→remaining adj.剩 余的 5.existence n.存在→exist v.存 在 6.exposure n.暴露;显露→expose v.使暴露 7.contribute v.促成;捐助;贡 [语境活用] 1.He was absent from the meeting and his absence made the problem more difficult.(absence) 2.He proposed we (should) hold a party to welcome the new year and his proposal went through. (propose) 3.The human remains in the tomb remained to be studied. The remaining objects had been dug up. (remain) 4.The contributor contributed a lot of money to the project; that is to say, 献→contribution n.捐助;贡献 →contributor n.撰稿者,捐助者 8.awareness n.意识;认识;感 悟能力→aware adj.意识到的,知 道的 9.propose v.建议;提议 →proposal n.提议;建议 10.absence n.缺乏;没有;缺 席→absent adj.不在的,缺席的; 缺乏的 11.ignore v.忽视;不理;不管 →ignorance n.无知;愚昧 →ignorant adj.愚昧的,无知的 12.assistance n.帮助,援助 →assist v.帮助→assistant n.助 手,助理 13.mercy n.任凭……的摆布 →merciful adj.仁慈的;宽容的 →merciless adj.残忍的;没有慈悲 之心的 his contribution was great.(contribute) 5.As an assistant,she always assists the manager in dealing with problems. So the manager thinks highly of her assistance.(assistance) 6.Many people do not believe the existence of the ghosts. Some young children doubt whether there exist all kinds of ghosts in the world. (exist) 7.The paintings are in an excellent state of preservation. In other words, they are well preserved.(preserve) 8.Thanks to the investment of the foreign company, the local economy has developed rapidly. As a result, more and more investors come to invest here.(invest) (二)常用短语 写准记牢 语境活用(选用左栏短语填空) 1.be_honoured_for    因…… 而受到尊敬 2.for_certain 确定地,确切地 3.act_as 充当 4.in_case 倘若;以防万一 5.contribute_to 导致;有助于 6.be/get_involved_in 卷入,牵 扯进…… 7.apart_from 除……之外 8.remind_sb.of_sth. 使某人想 起……;提醒某人某事 9.of_vital_importance 至关重 要 10.at_the_mercy_of_... 受…… 支配;任凭……的摆布 11.go_through 获准;经过程序; 经历(困难、痛苦等) 12.in_return 反过来;作为回 报 1.I'm sure your suggestion will contribute_to solving the problem. 2.Whoever wins gold medals for our nation should be rewarded in_return for their great contributions. 3.The new plane will go_through a series of test flights before it is put into use. 4.Apart_from a few words, I do not know any French at all. 5.Though reminded_of the danger of hiking in such weather, the young men wouldn't give up their plan. 6.The child was lost in the forest, where he was at_the_mercy_of wild beasts. (三)经典句式 原句背诵 句式解 构 佳句仿写 1.Some areas are almost 现在分 这家医院最近得到一批新的 completely covered in weeds, causing serious damage. 不少地方杂草丛生,破败不 堪。 词短语 作结果 状语。 医疗设备,这使更多的病人能 够得到治疗。(2017·天津高考 单选) The hospital has recently obtained new medical equipment, allowing_more_patients_to_b e_treated. 2.The site is extremely expensive to maintain and it will cost between three and five million yuan to repair it. 这个遗址保护起来是极其昂 贵的,要花三至五百万元来 修缮。 “主语 +be+ adj.+ 不定式” 结构。 我很高兴知道你将访问中国。 I am_pleased_to_learn that you will pay a visit to China. 3.They are a precious part of our cultural heritage — it is of vital importance that we do something. 它们是我们文化遗产中极其 宝贵的部分——因此我们采 取行动就显得尤其重要。 be of + n.(= be+ adj.)结 构。 你了解唐朝基本历史至关重 要,这将肯定对你有很大帮助。 (2017·全国卷Ⅰ满分作文) It is_of_vital_importance_that you learn about the general history of Tang Dynasty, which will be surely of great help to you. 一、过重点单词——纵引横联超人一点 1.preserve v.保护;保存 n.(动植物)保护区;禁猎地 [ 经 典 例 句 ]   The society was set up to preserve endangered species from extinction. 成立这个协会是为了保护濒危物种不致灭绝。 (1)preserve ...from ...  保护……免于…… (2)preservation n. 保护,保存,贮藏;维护 preserver n. 保护者;保护物 (3)preservative adj. 保存的,有保存力的;防腐的 [多角练透] 单句语法填空 ① I think these interesting old customs should be_preserved (preserve). ②As we all know, the police are responsible for the preservation (preserve) of law and order. 补全句子 ③They were determined to preserve_their_students_from harm. 他们决心保护他们的学生免受伤害。 2.remains n.遗迹;遗体;剩余物 [经典例句] They were tidying up the remains of their picnic. 他们正在收拾野餐后剩下的东西。 (1)the remains of ...        ……的遗迹 (2)remain+Error! (3)remaining adj. 剩余的 [多角练透] 单句语法填空 ① It remains unknown (know) how users' data will be taken advantage of. ②She returned home with the remaining (remain) 10 dollars. 补全句子 ③It_remains_to_be_seen whether the news that a new library will be built in our school is true. 我们学校将建一个新图书馆的消息是否真实有待证实。 [名师指津] 当表示“剩余的,剩下的”意思时,常把 remaining 放在被修饰词之前作前置定语,而 left 常放在被修饰词之后作后置定 语。 3.contribute v.促成,有助于;捐助;贡献;投稿 [ 教 材 原 句 ]   Pollution from nearby cement factories has also contributed to the problem. 附近水泥厂产生的污染对此也难逃其咎。 (1)contribute to      有助于;促成;为……做贡献 contribute ...to/towards ... 向……捐赠;向……投稿 (2)contribution n. 贡献;捐献;捐助 make a contribution/contributions to/towards ... 为……做贡献 [多角练透] 单句语法填空 ①Located where the Belt meets the Road, Jiangsu will contribute more to the Belt and Road construction. (2017·江苏高考单选) ②Failure can make a positive contribution (contribute) to your life once you learn to use it. 单句改错 ③ Their invention has contributed to develop electrical engineering.develop→developing [名师指津] contribute to 和 make a contribution/contributions to 中的 to 都为介词,后要接名词、代词或动名词作宾语。 4.recommend v.建议;推荐 [教材原句] They have recommended that the site be closed and repaired. 该组织提议关闭这个遗址并进行维修。 Error! 向某人推荐某人/某物  recommend sb. as/to be  推荐某人为…… (2)recommend sb. to do sth. 建议/劝某人做某事 recommend doing sth. 建议做某事 recommend that ... (should) do ...           建议……(应该)做…… It is/was recommended that ...(should) do ... 有人建议……(应该)做…… (3)recommendation n. 建议;推荐 [多角练透] 单句语法填空 ①The doctor strongly recommended limiting (limit) the amount of fat in my diet. ② We recommend that you (should)purchase (purchase) travel insurance on all holidays. 补全句子 ③I would like to recommend_Li_Hua_to_be/as the leader of the basketball club. 我想推荐李华为篮球俱乐部的领导人。 ④I recommend_you_to_do as what he says. 我劝你照他说的去做。 [联想发散] 后接宾语从句,从句中谓语动词用“(should+)动词 原形”的常见动词有: 5.advocate v.主张,拥护 n.提倡者,拥护者 [教材原句] If TCM is accepted on the UNESCO list, doctors and practitioners would advocate both its advantages and its legal status abroad. 如果中医获准列入联合国教科文组织名单之列,医生及相关从业 人员会拥护它的优势以及在国外的合法地位。 (1)advocate (doing) sth.  提倡/拥护/支持(做)某事 advocate that ... 主张……[从句谓语动词用 (should +)动词原形] (2)be an advocate of/for  ……的提倡者/拥护者 [题点全练] 单句语法填空 ①Many experts advocate reducing (reduce) the amount of children's homework and also advocate that children (should)_be_given (give) more free time. ②She has always been an advocate of/for changes to English spelling, to make it easier to learn. 6.undertake (undertook, undertaken) v.许诺做某事;同意做某 事;承担,从事 [ 教 材 原 句 ]   UNESCO undertakes to take sites off the World Heritage list if their present state is threatened by an absence of protection. 联合国教科文组织承诺,如果遗址的当前状况因缺乏保护而受到 威胁的话,它将把这些遗址从世界遗产名单上除名。 undertake to do sth.       承诺或保证做某事 undertake that ... 承诺……,保证…… undertake sth. 承担某事 [多角练透] 单句语法填空 ①I will undertake to_feed (feed) your dogs while you are away.  ②He undertook that there would be no more hesitations in pursuing reforms. 补全句子 ③We are supposed to undertake_the_responsibility to lead a low­carbon lifestyle, which is of great significance. 我们应该承担过低碳生活的责任,这意义重大。 7.ignore v.忽视;不理;不管 [经典例句] The phone rang, but she ignored it. 电话铃响了,但她却不管它。 (1)ignorant adj.      不了解的,无知的 be ignorant of 不知道…… (2)ignorance n. 无知 in ignorance of ... 对……不知道 [多角练透] 单句语法填空 ①Write another email as swiftly as you can and send it with a brief title explaining that this is the correct version and the previous version should be_ignored (ignore).(2017·天津高考) ②At that time I was ignorant of events going on elsewhere. 补全句子 ③ Some people always do everything they like, but are in_ignorance_of_others'_feelings. 有些人总是做所有他们喜欢的事,而忽视了别人的感受。 Ⅰ.单句语法填空 1.To join in the club, you have to undertake to_buy (buy) at least six books a year. 2.My father did all the cooking in my mother's absence (absent). 3 . His ignorant (ignore) behaviour at the dinner table caused much embarrassment. 4.Thank you for your contributions (contribute) to our school. 5.It is_estimated (estimate) that he has gone abroad for further education. 6.The school recommended reading (read) the novel before going to the movies. 7 . Measures have been taken to prevent accidents, but much remains to_be_done (do) for more improvement. 8.Some educators advocated that children (should)_be_rewarded (reward) for their great performance. Ⅱ.单句改错 1.I wanted to have a word with her, but she ignores me and went away. ignores→ignored_ 2 . The only remained question is whether we can raise the money. remained→remaining_ 3.This is our only request that this problem is settled as soon as possible. settled 前的 is→be 4 . Our teacher recommended that we saw the film during the summer holiday. saw→see Ⅲ.根据提示词补全句子 1.我们应当保护我们的环境免遭污染。(preserve) We should preserve_our_environment_from_being_polluted. 2.把小事做好有助于增强我们的自信心并帮助我们迎接未来更 大的挑战。(contribute) Doing small things well contributes_to_building_up_our_confidence and helping us meet bigger challenges in the future. 3.由那位年轻工程师单独承担的项目结果获得了巨大的成功。 (undertake) The project undertaken_by_the_young_engineer on his own turned out to be very successful. 4.船的马达坏了,他们只能听命于天气了。(mercy) After the boat's motor failed, they were at_the_mercy_of_the_weather. 二、过短语、句式——学通学活靓人一眼 1.remind sb. of sth. 使某人想起…… [经典例句] That song always reminds me of our first date. 那首歌总使我回忆起我们的第一次约会。 remind sb. to do sth.       提醒某人做某事 remind (sb.) that/how/what ... 提醒(某人)…… [多角练透] 单句语法填空 ①Perhaps this is what photos are for: to remind us that we all appreciate beauty ...(2017·天津高考) ②The result will help to predict some major and severe diseases and your preference for diet and remind you of suitable ways to exercise.(2015·广东高考基础写作) 补全句子 ③Please remind_me_to_write an email to my mother tomorrow, for it's her birthday. 请提醒我明天给我母亲写一封电子邮件,因为明天是她的生日。 [联想发散] 其他“v.+sb.of sth.”结构的短语还有 ①inform sb. of sth.        通知某人某事 ②rob sb. of sth.   抢劫某人某物 ③accuse sb. of sth.  控告某人某事 ④warn sb. of sth.  警告某人某事 ⑤cure sb. of sth.  治愈某人某病 ⑥convince sb. of sth.  使某人相信某事 2.apart from 除……之外;除了……之外(还有)……;远离 [高考佳句] Apart from enjoying the folk art works, visiting this paper­cutting exhibition also makes us learn a lot.(2017·全国卷Ⅱ书面 表达) 除了欣赏这些民间艺术作品,访问剪纸展也让我们学到很多东西。 take ...apart     将……拆卸开,拆分 tell ...apart    分辨出,辨别 补全句子 ①Even though her training meant that she had to live_apart_from_her_parents,_she was happy to devote herself to gymnastics. 参加训练意味着她不能和父母住在一起,但尽管如此,她还是乐 于献身体操事业。 ②You can tell my twin brother and me apart by this mark on my face. 你可以从我脸上的疤痕分辨出我和我的孪生兄弟。 ③The little girl wants to take_apart_the_watch to see what makes it work. 这个小女孩想把手表拆开,看看是什么使它走个不停。 [名师指津] apart from 意为“除此之外(表示除……以外别无)” 时,相当于 except/except for;当意为“除了……之外(还有)……”时,相当 于 besides/in addition to。 3.be+of+n.结构 They are a precious part of our cultural heritage — it is_of_vital_importance that we do something. 它们是我们文化遗产中极其宝贵的部分——因此我们采取行动 就显得尤其重要。 (1)在“be of+抽象名词”结构中,常用的抽象名词有:use, importance, significance, help, value, benefit 等,相当于该名词对应的 形容词。这些名词前还可以用一些形容词(如 great, little, some, any, much 等)或 no 来修饰,以说明其程度。 (2)be of +名词,还可用来说明句子主语在度量、大小、颜色、 类别等方面的特征。这类名词有 colour, age, size, height, weight, shape, type, kind, mind 等。在这类名词前常用 different, all, the same, this, that, “a(n)+形容词”等来修饰或说明。 ①His opinion is considered to be of great value. =His opinion is considered to be_greatly_valuable. 大家认为他的观点很有价值。 ②This matter is of no significance. =This matter is_not_significant. 这件事无关紧要。 ③ Coins may be_of_different_sizes,_weights, shapes, and of different metals. 货币可能在大小、重量、形状和铸造的金属方面都有所不同。 ④City Lights and Modern Times are_of_this_kind. 《城市之光》和《摩登时代》就是这种影片。 Ⅰ.单句语法填空 1.This machine is easy to_operate (operate). Anyone can learn to use it in a few minutes. 2 . My grandfather is such a forgetful person that he has to be_reminded (remind) of many things, even his daily meals. 3 . No matter how dry a desert may be, it is not necessarily lifeless. 4.Without a sure supply of water, farming in that area remains at the mercy of the weather. 5 .Secondly, recreational fishermen contribute to the economy. They spend money on equipment and other items, and they also spend it indirectly by paying taxes on their equipment and fuel. 6.I wish I could do something in return for your help. 7.In case you don't know, poke greens are a weed­type plant that grows wild, especially on poor ground. 8.He is honored for his great contribution to his country. Ⅱ.根据提示词和相关要求补全句子 1.除了是 DNA 方面的专家,王教授还进行医药方面的研究。 (apart from) Apart_from_being_an_expert_on DNA, Professor Wang is also carrying out research on medicine. 2.我刚刚发现那天下午的班会对我来说非常重要。(be of+抽象 名词) I have just found that the class meeting that afternoon is of_great_importance_to_me. 3.他们的车遇上交通阻塞,因而耽误了。(现在分词作状语) Their car was caught in a traffic jam, thus causing_the_delay. 4.他得知无法赶上火车,很是烦恼。(主语+be+adj.+不定式) He was_annoyed_to_learn that he would not be able to catch the train. Ⅲ.句型转换/一句多译 1.The book will be very valuable to students of history. →The book will be_of_great_value to students of history. 2.Apart from good service, the restaurant offers different kinds of traditional Sichuan dishes. →In_addition_to/Besides/As_well_as good service, the restaurant offers different kinds of traditional Sichuan dishes. 3.在任何情况下你都不应该放弃希望。 ①You should in_no_case_give_up hope.(case) ②In no case should_you_give_up hope. 三、过语法、写作——写对写美高人一筹 (一)单元小语法   ——虚拟语气和地点/条件/让 步状语从句 Ⅰ.选词填空(while/where/unless) 1.I think you should work harder unless you are satisfied with the way things are. 2.There she was, standing exactly where I had left her, crying bitterly. 3.While there was no conclusive evidence, most people thought he was guilty. 4 . Nobody can achieve anything of real significance unless he works very hard. 5 . Everything was placed exactly where he wanted it for the graduation ceremony. 6.While I like the colour, I don't like the shape. Ⅱ.单句改错 1.I wish you will stay a little longer.will→would 2 . He insisted that all of us were there on time by any means.were→be 3.The professor gave order that the test was finished before 7: 30 pm.was→be 4.We won't go for a picnic if it rain tomorrow.rain→rains 5.As he is clever, he doesn't study well.As→Though/Although Ⅲ.根据所给汉语提示补全句子 1 . This is a very beautiful jacket. I will buy it no_matter_how_much_money_I_will_spend (不管我花多少钱). 2.As_long_as_you_promise_to_come (只要你答应来), I'll wait for you. 3.Make a mark where_you_have_questions (在你有问题的地方). 4.Matha suggested they (should)_stop_to_help_him (停下来帮助 他). 5.I would rather you came_to_see_me (来看我) tomorrow. (二)课堂微写作    练补写——让行文 更条理 [题目要求] 请以“五岳之首——泰山(First of the five great mountains — Mount Tai)”为题,用英语写一篇 100 词左右的介绍泰山的短文。 参考词汇:封禅祭天 offer sacrifices and pray to God; 石碑 tablet [补写提示] 请根据汉语提示补写中间段落。 First of the five great mountains — Mount Tai Mount Tai, stretching more than 200 kilometers, is situated in the central area of China's Shandong Province. Yuhuangding, the highest peak, is 1,532 meters high above sea level. 人文景观:历史记载,多位皇帝在此封禅祭天→文人、名人纷至 沓来,寻找灵感,给泰山留下了许多经典的名诗、名画、石碑等宝贵 的文化遗产 自然景观:从山脚的红门宫攀阶蜿蜒而上,直到山顶,每处都有 不同的景色:山顶可观旭日东升、晚霞夕照、黄河金带等奇观 Mount Tai is the symbol of the Chinese nation and the miniature of the splendid Chinese culture.It was included in the world cultural heritage list in 1987. [答案示例] First of the five great mountains — Mount Tai Mount Tai, stretching more than 200 kilometers, is situated in the central area of China's Shandong Province. Yuhuangding, the highest peak, is 1,532 meters high above sea level. It_is_recorded_that_many_emperors_came_here_to_offer_sacrif ices_and_pray_to_God.Famous_people_also_came_to_acquire_inspir ation,_leaving_lots_of_precious_poems,_paintings,_tablets_and_other _cultural_relics. Mount_Tai_is_also_famous_for_its_natural_beauty.You_can_cli mb_up_from_the_Red_Gate_at_the_foot,_each_step_offering_a_diffe rent_view.At_the_top_of_Mount_Tai,_you_can_enjoy_the_sunrise,_t he_sunset,_the_golden_string_of_the_Yellow_River_and_so_on. Mount Tai is the symbol of the Chinese nation and the miniature of the splendid Chinese culture.It was included in the world cultural heritage list in 1987. 主观题强化增分练 (1篇语法填空+1篇短改+1篇写作,限时45分钟) Ⅰ.语法填空 (2018·西安高三诊断考试)Nowadays, more and more people have chances to travel, study, work or even live abroad. It is necessary for you to keep in mind these general __1__ (rule) for polite behavior. If you __2__ (invite) to an American friend's home for dinner, first of all, arrive approximately on time (but not early).Americans expect promptness (准时). When you're invited to someone's home for a meal, __3__ is polite to bring a small gift.Flowers or candies are always appropriate.If you have an attractive item __4__ (make) in your native country, your host or hostess would certainly enjoy receiving that as a gift. Wearing proper clothes and a beautiful smile is simply not enough.Table manners are also of great __5__ (important).Do not open your mouth to talk, __6__ you have swallowed your food.Also, chew food with your mouth __7__ (close).When you want to get the food that is at a distance, do not stretch your hands to reach __8__ it.Instead, ask for the food to be passed to you. Don't leave __9__ (immediate) after dinner, but don't overstay your welcome, either.When your friends seem to be getting tired and running out of conversation, take their behavior as a signal to leave.The next day, call or write __10__ thank­you note to say how much you enjoyed the evening. 语篇解读:本文是一篇说明文。文章介绍了在国外需要注意的一 些礼仪。 1.rules rule 为可数名词,根据前面的 these 可知应该用复数形 式。 2.are invited 根据语境可知,you 和 invite 之间是被动关系, 且文章主要使用一般现在时,故用 are invited。 3.it it 为形式主语,真正的主语为“to bring a small gift”。 4.made make 与其逻辑主语 item 之间为被动关系,故用过去 分词形式作定语。 5.importance “be+of+抽象名词”相当于“be+该名词对应 的形容词”。 6.unless 句意:除非你把食物都吞下了,否则不要张嘴讲话。 unless 意为“除非”。 7.closed 此处应用形容词作宾语补足语,补充说明宾语的状态, closed 意为“闭着的”。 8.for 固定搭配 reach for 意为“伸手去拿”。 9.immediately 修饰动词 leave 需要用副词。 10.a thank­you note 为“感谢便条”;note 是可数名词,表示 泛指,故用不定冠词。 Ⅱ.短文改错 In the village where I grew up, everyone knew an old man, that spent all his time in painting.People that lived in the village used to admiring his works and he often gave his paintings to his friends.Whether he was offered money, he would never take it.He said he painted for a pleasure.He once gave one of his paintings to my father, who actually wasn't interesting in art.Years later I found at our old house.By that time the old man had died and people had started to recognize his paintings as great work of art, which were worth lots of money.So an art gallery make me an offer of $5,000 for this painting and I nearly sold it, so then I decided not to.It reminds me of my childhood and of the old man who didn't real want to make money by painting. 答案:第一句:that→who 第二句:admiring→admire 第三句:Whether→If 第四句:去掉 a 第五句:interesting→interested 第六句:found 后加 it 第七句:work→works 第八句:make→made; so→but 第九句:real→really Ⅲ.书面表达 假定你是李华,你的笔友 Tom 对中国文化非常感兴趣,他和他 的家人准备今年来中国过春节,他写信向你咨询相关事宜。请根据所 给提示,用英语给他回一封电子邮件。内容包括: 1.春节在中国文化中的重要性; 2.主要的庆祝活动和方式; 3.旅游注意事项:选好参观的城市、预订宾馆等。 注意:1.词数 100 左右;开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数; 2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。 Dear Tom, I'm glad to hear that you and your family are visiting China during the Spring Festival. I wish you a pleasant journey in China. Yours, Li Hua 参考范文: Dear Tom, I'm glad to hear that you and your family are visiting China during the Spring Festival. The Spring Festival is one of the most important festivals in China. It is an occasion when family members get together and have a good rest. Before the festival, we clean our houses and decorate them with red couplets and pictures, which express our best wishes for the coming new year. During the festival, we visit relatives. Children are given lucky money in red paper. There are dragon dances and carnivals, from which you can learn more about Chinese culture. In the north of China the special food for the Spring Festival is dumpling. Please decide which cities you are going to visit and book the hotel rooms in advance. I wish you a pleasant journey in China. Yours, Li Hua

