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‎2019届二轮复习代词考点解读 近几年高考对代词的考查主要集中在代词的基本用法上,因此这类试题一般较为简单。语法填空侧重对替代词it的用法的考查,而短文改错对代词的考查主要集中在不定代词、反身代词、形容词性物主代词和代词的格等的用法上。‎ 考生在解题时要根据语境、句意判断人称和数;应仔细阅读上下文,根据代词具体指代的对象和在句中充当的成分,确定代词的格。未来高考对代词的考查将继续侧重代词的基本用法,并会加强语境的真实性和复杂性。‎ ‎(一)语法填空常考点 ‎1.人称代词、物主代词和反身代词的用法 典题感悟(考什么、怎么考)‎ 谨记规律(为什么、怎么办)‎ ‎①(2015·广东高考)Now it occurred to him that his farm had much potential and that the death of the cow was a bit of luck.‎ ‎②(2014·全国卷Ⅱ)A woman on the bus shouted, “Oh dear! It’s me/mine (I).”‎ 人称代词有主格,如I, we, they, he, she等和宾格me, us, them, him, her等之分。主格在句中通常作主语,宾格在句中作宾语、表语、同位语等成分。‎ ‎③(2016·全国卷Ⅰ)On my recent visit, I held a lively threemonthold twin that had been rejected by its (it) ‎ 形容词性物主代词通常在句中作定语。名词性物主代词相当于“形容词性物主代词+名词”,可以作主语、宾语和表语,不能用于名词 mother.‎ ‎④(2015·全国卷Ⅰ)A few hours before, I’d been at home in Hong Kong, with its (it) choking smog. ‎ 前。注意名词性物主代词在比较级中的用法。‎ ‎⑤(2016·江西上饶三模)Third, ants think about summer all winter. During the winter, they remind themselves,_“This won’t last long and we’ll soon be out of here.” On the first warm day, the ants are out.‎ 反身代词(如myself, yourself, herself, himself, itself, ourselves, themselves)表示动作的承受者就是动作的执行者,可以在句中作宾语、表语、同位语。‎ ‎2.it的用法 典题感悟(考什么、怎么考)‎ 谨记规律(为什么、怎么办)‎ ‎①(2014·辽宁高考)Raise your leg and let it stay in the air for seconds.‎ ‎②(2014·广东高考)Last year, my brother and I went to Miami for a vacation. Some of my friends who had been there before said it was a wonderful holiday destination.‎ it可用作人称代词,用来指代事物或上文提到过的内容。‎ ‎③(2015·浙江高考改编)How would you like it_ if you were watching your favorite TV program and someone came into the room and just shut it off without asking you?‎ ‎④(2014·陕西高考改编)I’d appreciate _it if you could let me know in advance whether or not you will come.‎ 表示“喜欢、恨”等心理方面的动词后常接it作形式宾语,然后再接真正的宾语(宾语从句),这类动词有enjoy, prefer, love, like, hate, dislike, appreciate等。‎ ‎⑤(2014·山东高考改编)Susan made it clear to me that she wished to make a new life for herself.‎ it作形式主语或形式宾语代指不定式、动词ing形式、名词性从句。‎ ‎3.不定代词和替代词的用法 典题感悟(考什么、怎么考)‎ 谨记规律(为什么、怎么办)‎ ‎①(2016·浙江高考改编)In many ways, the education system in the US is not very different from _that in the UK.‎ that/those可用来替代前面出现过的名词。that替代单数名词或不可数名词,而those替代复数名词或集合名词。‎ ‎②(2015·福建高考改编)The research group produced two reports based on the survey, but neither contained any useful suggestions.‎ both, either, neither都强调两者,可作主语、宾语和定语。neither表示“两者都不”,either表示“两者中任何一个”,both表示“两者都”。‎ ‎③(2015·四川高考改编)Niki is always full of ideas, but none_is useful to my knowledge.‎ all和none都强调三者或三者以上,all表示“全部都”,而none表示“全部都不”。‎ ‎④(2014·福建高考改编)In some countries, people eat with chopsticks, while in others,_knives and forks.‎ another表示“(三者以上中的)另一个,再一个”。the other意为“(两者中的)另一个”。 other意为“其余的,另外的”。others泛指其余的人或物。‎ ‎⑤—Are you going to get your own car after the test?‎ ‎—My parents have said they’ll get one for me.‎ one指代前面出现过的那类事物中的“一个”,其复数形式为ones。‎ ‎(二)短文改错常考点 典题感悟(考什么、怎么考)‎ 我来改正 常设错点(为什么、怎么办)‎ ‎①(2016·全国卷Ⅱ)If we go on a trip abroad, we can broaden your view and gain knowledge we cannot get from books.‎ ‎②(2016·四川高考)When he came back, I found a bunch of flowers in her hand.‎ ‎①your→our ‎②her→his 前后代词指代不一致 代词主要是用来代替其他实义词或上下文意义的,因此代词应与其指代的对象相符。否则就会出现代词指代错误。‎ ‎③(2015·浙江高考)Close to the school there was a beautiful park with many trees around them.‎ ‎③them→it 代词数的错用 人称代词、物主代词以及反身代词等都有单复数之分,要根据上下文确定单复数。‎ ‎④(2013·陕西高考)We took ours fishing poles and headed for the lake. ‎ ‎⑤(2016·太原市测评)I’ve always been dreaming of having an opportunity to travel in Englishspeaking countries like your to practise and improve my English.‎ ‎④ours→our ‎⑤your→yours 物主代词的错用 ‎(1)形容词性物主代词相当于形容词,不能单独使用,常用来修饰名词;‎ ‎(2)名词性物主代词相当于名词,常单独使用,不能修饰名词。‎ ‎⑥(2013·全国卷Ⅰ)He had a deep voice, which set himself apart from others in our small town, and he was strong and powerful.‎ ‎⑦(2016·洛阳高三一模)First of all, you ‎ ‎⑥himself→him ‎⑦第二个you→‎ yourself 反身代词与人称代词的错用 ‎(1)反身代词是指代主语的,使动作的发出者把动作反射到本人身上;‎ ‎(2)若所用代词与主语不一致,就要用人称代词而不用反身代词。‎ should respect you or no one would respect you.‎ ‎⑧(2015·陕西高考)I wanted to do anything special for him at his retirement party.‎ ‎⑨(2015·四川高考)It’s been three Saturdays now and it really costs me many.‎ ‎⑩(2013·浙江高考)Dad lost his job, and as Mom explained, “He was lucky to find other one.”‎ ‎⑧anything→‎ Something ‎⑨many→much ‎⑩other→another 不定代词的错用 ‎(1)some(thing)与any(thing):一般来说前者用于肯定句,后者用于疑问句和否定句;‎ ‎(2)many与much:many代替可数名词,much代替不可数名词;‎ ‎(3)the other与another:表示“两者中的另一个”用the other,而表示“(三者以上)另外的一个”用another。‎ ‎[代词专练]‎ ‎1.However, his fame was not accompanied by money and he found it necessary to return to farming.‎ ‎2.I hope my parents won’t try to force me to do their (they) favorite job.‎ ‎3.The plane is at present at John F. Kennedy International Airport in New York, where it has been surrounded by the police.‎ ‎4.For one thing, it can provide a colorful platform to show ‎ their talent. For another,_it is a useful way to release their pressure.‎ ‎5.When I was on the airplane, I kept telling myself that I had to be strong when facing any troubles or problems.‎ ‎6.The Apple Watch is a very small computer a person wears on his or her wrist. It can do many of the same things as an iPhone.‎ ‎7.She asked my (I) name and said she didn’t remember me. ‎ ‎8.Years have passed. Now, every time I sit down to write something new, I think of Mr Gough.‎ ‎9.Both teams were in hard training; neither was willing to lose the game.‎ ‎10.—How many students are there in the classroom now?‎ ‎—None. I have locked it.‎ ‎11.Saying is one thing and doing is another.‎ ‎12.When he came to life, he found himself lying on the ground, bleeding in the head.‎ ‎13.I can understand how you feel now because my experience is similar to yours (you).‎ ‎14.Meeting my favorite football star face to face was an unforgettable moment, one I will always treasure.‎ ‎15.I would appreciate it if you can give me a lift to the station.‎ ‎16.You can never meet the needs of every customer. Some may prefer light colors while others enjoy dark ones.‎ ‎17.Sports help us (we) build up our body, improve our ability of balance, develop our endurance and cooperation sense.‎ ‎18.As is known to us all, Mount Huashan is famous for its (it) breathtaking cliffs and unique characteristics.‎ ‎19.According to a recent survey, about 78.9% of the college students wanted to further their (they) study after graduation.‎ ‎20.—Can I ask you a few straightforward questions about yourself?‎ ‎—Sure. I like it when people are open and direct.‎ ‎21.A bridge made of steel is stronger than one made of wood.‎ ‎22.The weather in Beijing is much colder than that in Shanghai in winter.‎ ‎23.New technologies have made it possible to turn out new products faster and at a lower cost.‎ ‎24.—Is he leaving tomorrow?‎ ‎—No. He’ll continue to stay here for another four or five days.‎ ‎25.Greek people often wear a blue necklace hoping to protect themselves against evils.‎ Ⅱ.单句改错 ‎1.There are branch library in many villages to improve people’s reading level. library→libraries ‎2.Sam was eager to know everything about the US and asked me lots of question. question→questions ‎3.It’s one of the most beautiful view that I’ve ever seen in China.view→views ‎4.Police said the man was danger to the public.danger前加a ‎5.If you go to the party, it is polite to arrive on time. It is good manners to shake hand with your host.hand→hands ‎6.It is great honour for me to take part in the volunteer work, and I learn the significance of helping others.is后加a ‎7.You should follow the doctor’s advices and give up smoking.advices→advice ‎8.After dinner he gave Mr. Richardson the ride to the airport.第一个the→a ‎9.All the students in our class made a progress by studying harder this term.去掉a ‎10.It is not rare in 1990s that people in their fifties are going to university for further education.1990s前加the ‎11.China is a world’s second largest economy and has abundant experience in economic development. a→the ‎12.After about half a hour, the rain stopped and I went home.a→an ‎13.Here is a very person we are looking for, one with a good knowledge of German.第一个a→the ‎14.First, we can go to Qingdao, where it is cool and mild, and have funs at the seaside.funs→fun ‎15.When I went to see him, he was out of dangers but still looked pale.dangers→danger ‎16.Now I’d like to tell you a impressive story that happened on the first day of my teaching career.a→an ‎17.As everyone knows, it’s famous mountain with all kinds of plants and animals.famous前加a ‎18.There are shops on all sides of the street.all→both ‎19.I would appreciate you if you come to my grandma’s birthday party and say “Hello” to her.第一个you→it ‎20.There are many difficulties and problems that we can’t overcome with only their own efforts.their→our ‎21.About 36% of them are fond of surfing the Internet, which helps him know about the latest news and current affairs in the world.him→them ‎22.Both my parents miss you a lot. So does our friend, Cathy. When you come, you can stay with ourselves.ourselves→us ‎23.What seems to be a good thing to one person may be a bad thing to other.other→another ‎24.Wherever he is, he makes himself a rule to give his mother a call every day.himself→it ‎25.Yesterday afternoon, I paid visit to Mr. Johnson. I was eager to see him, but outside his room I stopped.paid后加a ‎ ‎26.We all know that the man is the most developed ‎ animal in the world.去掉第一个the ‎27.There I saw a guitar player playing guitar, which I really enjoyed.第二个guitar前加the ‎ ‎28.Finally, I should be able to tell visitors about our history and culture and show them their great achievements.their→our

