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Earthquake Anything unexpected may happen. Unit 4 Natural disaster What kind of natural disasters do you know ? Word study flood Drought typhoon hurricane Tsunami ice storm/hailstone snow slide mudflow 泥流 The sandstorm in Beijing volcano Forest fire earthquake Tangshan, Hebei July 28, 1976 Do you know when and where the greatest earthquake of the 20 th century happened in China? Before the earthquake: a prosperous city Prosperous ['prɒsp(ə)rəs] adj. 繁荣的;兴旺的 after the earthquake: in ruins Do you want to know more about it? What happen? How did it happen? Why did it cause so terrible a result? A Night the Earth Didn’t Sleep 1 st time reading * Please read the text quickly! * Pay attention to the first sentence of each paragraph! * Try to get the main idea! Time: Place: What disaster: Before the disaster: Damage: Rescue: On July 28, 1976 Tangshan, Hebei Province A big earthquake __________________happened Many strange things The city lay______. More than _____________people were killed or injured in ruins 400,000 ___________soldiers were sent to help. Most of the _______miners were rescued. 150,000 10,000 Q 1: What’s the general idea of the text? Q 2: How many parts can we divide the text into (分段) ? What’s the main idea of each part? Q 1: What’s the general idea of the text? Some natural signs of the eaarthquake and what would happen during the quake and all hope was not lost. Structure of the whole passage : Clue ( 线索 ) of the story: time order Part 1. Before~during~after ( Para.1 ) (Para.2,3) (Para.4) Strange things were happening before the earthquake, but no one took any notice of them. The earthquake destroyed the city of Tangshan and shocked the people very much. The army came to help the survivors (生还者) ,bringing hope for a new life. part 2. part 3. the earthquake 2 nd time reading * Please read the text carefully! * Pay attention to the details! * Read the questions first, then try to find the answers to the questions! Careful reading What happened before the earthquake? The well walls A smelly gas The pigs and the chickens In the sky The water pipe The water in the well rose and fell. had deep cracks in them. came out of the cracks. were too nevours to eat. The mice and the fish The mice came out of fields .The fish jumped out of bowls and ponds. people saw bright lights,and the sound of Plane could be heard outside Tangshan. crack and burst. What happened during the earthquake? House,roads and canals Steam Hills of rock The large city had a huge crack burst from hole in the ground. became rivers of dirt lay in ruins What do all the numbers referred to in Para 2 &3? What do you feel? 3:42 on July 28,1976 20th century 200 kilometres 1/3 8 kilometres 15 seconds 400,000 75%,90% began to shake the greatest earthquake of … heard away from Beijing 1/3 nation felt this earthquake the crack’s length and width the city lay in ruins in it people were killed or injured Part2 the homes , the factories and buildings were gone . What happened after the earthquake? The army : Workers: Sent soldiers to Tangshan to rescue workers. organized teams to dig out those who were trapped and to bury the dead. built shelters for survivors whose homes had been destroyed. Part3 Join the correct parts of the sentences: The army sent 150,000 soldiers to Tangshan The army organized teams to dig out those Most of the 10,000 miners Workers built shelters for survivors Fresh water to help the rescue workers. who were trapped and to bury the dead. were rescued from the coal mines . whose homes had been destroyed. was taken to the city by train,truck and plane. Fast-reading : True ( T )or false( F ) statement : 1. Two-thirds of the nation felt the earthquake. ( ) 2. All the people in Tangshan were died or injured during the earthquake. ( ) 3. All of the city’s hospitals, factories, buildings and homes were damaged in the earthquake.( ) 4. Later that afternoon, a terrible earthquake shook Tangshan again. ( ) 5. People slept outdoors after the earthquake.( ) F F F T T One-third Two-thirds 75% 90% 75% Retell the story ____________ happened in Tang Shan. For a few days, water in the wells _____________. From the _______ of wells ___________come out. Mice, chicken, pigs and even fish became ________. At 3a.m, everything began to ______.It seemed that the world was __________. __________ of the nation _____ it. ___________cut across the city. The city lay _______. Two-thirds of the people _____ or ___________. Then later that afternoon, another big quake _______ Tang Shan. People began to wonder ____________________________. But all hope ____________. _______ came to help those ________. Slowly, the city began to _____________. Strange things rose and fell cracks smelly gas nervous shake at an end One-third felt A huge crack in ruins died were injured shook how long the disaster would last was not lost Soldiers survivors breathe again Why the title is A NIGHT THE EARTH DIDN’T SLEEP? Night is the time to sleep, and night should be safe and quiet. But that night everything changed. It was a terrible and unusual night. Extra question: If you are the survivors of Tangshan earthquake, will you want to leave the sad place or rebuild the city? Why? No matter how great the difficulty is, if we don’t give up, work hard and help each other, we can overcome it. The people in Tangshan have shown that we human beings can make something impossible possible and can create wonders. God helps those who help themselves ! never give up, never give in, never say never! Small events foretell big events. People can find hope for a brighter future even after a bad earthquake. Where there is life, there is hope.

