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‎2019届高三美术班首次月考英语试卷 命题人 郭永刚 分值 100分 时间 60分钟 ‎ ‎ 第一部分 阅读理解(共20小题:每小题3分,满分60分)‎ 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。‎ A ‎ I wonder whether there is any girl or boy who does not like to see a rainbow(彩虹) in the sky. It is so beautiful.‎ ‎    There is a story, saying that whenever you see a rainbow you should run at once to the place where it touches the ground, and there you would find a pot of gold. Of course it is not true. You could not find the pot of gold or its end. No matter how far you run, it always seems far away.‎ ‎    A rainbow is not a thing which we can feel with our hands as we can feel a flower. It is only the effect(结果) of light shining on raindrops. The raindrops catch the sunlight and break it up into all the wonderful colours which we see. It is called a rainbow perhaps because it is made up of raindrops and looks like a bow(弓).‎ ‎    That is why we can never see a rainbow in a clear sky. We see a rainbow only when there is rain in the air and the sun is shining brightly through the clouds.‎ ‎    Every rainbow has many colours in the same order. The first or the top colour is always red, and the next comes orange, then yellow, and last of all, blue. A rainbow is indeed one of the wonders of nature.‎ ‎1.Children like rainbows because____________. A.they are beautiful B.they are like bows C.they can find a pot of gold at the end of a rainbow D.they are good to crops 2.We cannot feel____________with our ‎ hands. A.a pot of gold B.a flower C.a rainbow D.a raindrop 3.We can see a rainbow____________ . A.when it is raining heavily B.when it is snowing C.when it is cloudy D.when it is becomes fine shortly after raining 4.Which of the following statements is NOT true? A.A rainbow is like bow. B.A rainbow is the effect of light shining on raindrops. C.Every rainbow has different colours in different orders. D.A rainbow is one of the wonders of nature. 5.The first colour of a rainbow is always____________. A.yellow B.red C.green D.blue B ‎ ‎    Every morning my father buys a newspaper on his way to work. Every evening my mother looks through magazines at home. And every night, I look at the posters with photos of David Beckham and Yao Ming on my bedroom wall before I go to sleep. Can we imagine life without paper or print?‎ ‎    Paper was first created about 2,000 years ago,and has been made from silk,cotton,bamboo and since the 19th century from wood. People learned to write words on paper to make a book. But in those days, books could only be produced one at a time by hand. As a result, they were expensive and rare. And because there weren't many books, few people learned to read.‎ ‎    Then printing was invented in China. When printing was developed greatly at the beginning of the 11th century, books could be produced more quickly and cheaply. As a result, more people learned to read. After that, knowledge and ideas spread quickly.‎ Today information can be received online, downloaded from the Internet rather than found in books, and information can be kept on CD-ROMs or machines such as MP3 players.‎ ‎    Computers are already used in classrooms, and newspapers and magazines can already be read online. So will books be replaced by computers one day? No, I don’t think the Yao Ming poster on my bedroom wall will ever be replaced by a computer two meters high!‎ ‎6.What does the writer do before he goes to sleep? A.He reads books. B.He reads newspapers. C.He looks through magazines. D.He looks at the posters on the wall. 7.When was paper first created? A.About 2,000 years ago. B.In the 19th century. C.About 1,000 years ago. D.In the 11th century. 8.Why were books expensive and rare before the invention of printing? A.People could not read. B.People could not write words on paper. C.People could not find silk,cotton or bamboo. D.People could only produce a book at a time by hand. 9.What happened after books became cheaper? A.People didn't want to buy books. B.Printing was invented in China. C.Knowledge and ideas spread quickly. D.The Internet was introduced to people soon. 10.What is the writer’s opinion about books and computers? A.People won’t need books any ‎ more. B.Books won’t be replaced by computers. C.People prefer to find information in books. D.Computers have already replaced books.‎ c Habits,whether good or bad,are gradually formed.When a person does a certain thing again,he is driven by some unseen force to do the same thing repeatedly,then a habit is formed.Once a habit is formed,it is difficult,and sometimes impossible,to get rid of.It is therefore very important that we should pay great attention to the formation of habits.Children often form bad habits,some of which remain with them as long as they live.Older persons also form bad habits lasting as long as they live,and sometimes become ruined by them . ‎ There are other habits which,when formed in early life,are of great help.Many successful men say that much of their success has something to do with certain habits in early life,such as early rising,honesty and so on. ‎ ‎ Among the habits which children should not form are laziness,lying,stealing and so on.These are all easily formed habits.Unfortunately older persons often form habits which could have been avoided. ‎ ‎  We should keep away from all these bad habits,and try to form such habits as will be good for ourselves and others. ‎ ‎11______are formed little by little. ‎ A.Good habits  ‎ B.Bad habits ‎ C.Both good habits and bad habits ‎ D.Either good habits or bad habits ‎ ‎12The underlined word “them”in the first paragraph refers to______. ‎ A.bad habits  B.good habits ‎ C.children   D.other persons ‎ ‎13 Generally speaking,it's difficult for one______and easy for them______which should be avoided. ‎ A.to form bad habits;to form good habits ‎ B.to form good habits;to form bad habits ‎ C.to form such habits as will be good;to get rid of bad habits ‎ D.to get rid of bad habits;to form good habits ‎ ‎ 14 Why should we pay much attention to the formation of habits ‎ A.Because habits are of great help to every one of us. ‎ B.Because a man can never get rid of a habit. ‎ C.Because it's hard and sometimes even impossible to throw away bad habits. ‎ D.Because we are forced to do them again and again. ‎ ‎15 According to the passage,early rising______. ‎ A.has something to do with success ‎ B.is an easily formed habit ‎ C.is such a habit as should have been avoided ‎ D.is such a habit as will be kept ‎ D A father sat at his desk and looked at his bills when his young son rushed in and announced: "Dad, because today is your birthday and you're 40 years old, I'm going to give you 40 kisses, one for each year!" When the boy started making good on his word (履行诺言) , the father shouted: "Andrew, don’t do it now. I'm too busy! "     The boy soon fell silent as tears fell from his big blue eyes. Feeling sorry, the father said: "You can finish later. The boy said nothing but quietly walked away." That evening the father said: "Come and finish the kisses now, Andrew!" But the boy didn’t.Unfortunately, a few days later after the father's birthday, the boy had an accident and died. His sad father wrote: "If only(要是...,该多好) I could tell him how sorry I am for my thoughtless words, and how much my heart is hurting."     Love is a two-way street. We must warmly accept any loving act, or others will take it as a "NO" and it can leave a scar(伤痕). If we don't receive love, our life will lose its true meaning. Nothing is ‎ more important than accepting love from those who are near and dear to us . 16.On his father's birthday, the boy wanted to_______. A.help pay the bills B.have a talk with his father C.buy his father a gift D.give his father kisses 17.The boy felt ______when his father refused him. A.sorry B.surprised C.sad D.excited 18.A few days after the fathers birthday, the boy ______. A.was badly hurt in an accident B.was killed in an accident C.had to go back to school D.became unhappy with his father 19.The headline "Love is a two-way street" means_______. A.love keeps one busy all the time B.love can make people happy and unhappy C.we should learn to give and receive love D.it's important to love people around us 20.We can know from the story that_____. A.the father is busy with his work B.the boy is hard-working C.the father doesn’t like the boy D.the boy is too careless 第二部分完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)  阅读下面短文,从短文后所给各题的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。‎ The song called “I Believe I Can Fly”has meant the most to me since I was the age of three.I chose this song because it 21 me that as long as I believe,I can be or do everything I want in life even I was 22 .I didn't know much of what the song 23 a long time ago but as I grew older,I still 24 the song and started to listen to the words more and more.Every time I listen to it,I think about all the 25 I have overcome.‎ When I was little,I had to use a wheelchair 26 there was something wrong with my 27 .The doctors said I had little chance of ever 28 but I was determined to walk.I knew I had to believe in myself to 29 my goal to walk someday.‎ One day the doctor told my mother he could 30 an operation that would help me walk.So when I was three,I had my first surgery,I was a very 31 kid so being in a bed for six weeks,not being able to 32 ,felt horrible.I knew after all the 33 and the crying would be worth. 34 ,at the age of four,I felt free when I 35 the trouble and learned how to walk.‎ The song says,“I see me running through that open door.” That's what I 36 like; I believed I could fly just like the song says.I've depended 37 the arms of my parents and I've always known I had to be 38 and it started inside of me.I've always 39 I can touch the sky.I still have more difficulties to face,but I will 40 believe I can fly,as long as I believe.‎ ‎21.A.warns B.Reminds C.invites D.forces ‎22.A.interested B Disabled C.shocked D.confused ‎23.A.helped B.Decided C.afforded D.meant ‎24.A.refused B.Loved C.expected D.bored ‎25.A.difficulties B Questions C.Drops D.ideas ‎26.A.because B.Though C.so D.but ‎27. A.arm B.Head C.hand D.leg ‎28.A.singing B.Walking C.flying D.listening ‎29.A.achieve B.Decide C.receive D.accept ‎30.A.build B.Settle C.do D.share ‎31.A.shy B.Brave C.active D.pretty ‎32.A.hold B.Lend C.wave D.move ‎33.A.pain B.Loneliness C.sadness D.fear ‎34.A.Suddenly B.Finally C.Nearly D.Immediately ‎35.A.held on B went through C.picked up D.turned on ‎36.A.sounded B.felt C.sensed D.touched ‎ 37.A.by B.With C.over D.on ‎38.A.strong B.Noisy C.weak D.silent ‎39.A.imagined B.Believed C.explained D.missed ‎40.A.always B.Often C.never D.seldom ‎ 第三部分 英语知识运用(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)‎ 阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。‎ M:There are many things that are better about living in the city!It is also  41  (interesting).‎ W:Yes, 42  the city is more dangerous than the country.There are often many bad things  43  happen in the city,such as robberies.‎ M:That's true.Sometimes people in the city aren't as open and friendly as  44  in the countryside.‎ W:Besides that,the city is very noisy.When I was young,I always  45  (want) to escape the city life to have a good rest and enjoy  46  beautiful scenery in the country!‎ M:Yes,the city is busier and noisier than the country. 47 ,the country is much slower than the city.Oh,I don't think it is a good thing.The country is so slow and  48  (bore)!‎ W:What about the cost of living?Is it cheaper in the country than that in the city?‎ M:Oh,yes.It is more expensive in the city.‎ W:Life in the country is also much healthier than that in the city.‎ M:Yes, 49  is cleaner and less dangerous in the country.Well,I'm young now.Maybe when I am  50  (marry) and have children I'll move to the country.‎ 美术班月考英语答案 一 阅读理解(共20小题,每题3分,共60分)‎ ‎1—5 ACDCB 6---10 DADCB 11---15 CABCD 16—20 DCBCA ‎ 二完形填空 ‎ 21-25 BBDBA  26-30 ADBAC   31-35 CDABB   36-40 BDABA 三语法填空 ‎ ‎41.more interesting 42.but 43.that 44.those 45.wanted。46.the47.However48.boring49.it 50.married

