2020-2021学年初二英语上册单元提升卷Unit 7 Will people have robots?

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2020-2021学年初二英语上册单元提升卷Unit 7 Will people have robots?

2020-2021 学年初二英语上册单元提升卷 Unit 7 Will people have robots? 第Ⅰ卷(选择题 共 65 分) 一.单项选择(共 10 小题,每小题 1 分,共计 10 分) 1. (广西崇左 2019-2020 八上期末)—I hope you will have a good time in Beijing. — A. That sounds great. B. Sorry to hear that. C. Thank you. D. It’s OK. 【答案】C 【解析】句意:——我希望你在北京过的愉快。——谢谢你。考查情景交际。根据交际常识和语境, 上一句说话的人表示祝愿,后一句对方就应该表示感谢。That sounds great. 那听上去很不错;Sorry to hear that.很抱歉听到这个消息;Thank you.谢谢你; It’s OK. 没关系的。结合句意,故选 C。 2. (河北唐山丰南区 2019-2020 八上)They arrived at the airport of Huangping _____the morning of June 6th. A. in B. at C. by D. on 【答案】D 【解析】句意:他们于 6 月 6 日上午抵达黄平机场。考查介词辨析。in 表示在某时间段里;on 表示 在具体某一天或具体某一天的上午、上午或晚上;by 截止到…之前;at 表示在具体某一时间点;从 文字的表层意思推断空格指在 6 月 6 日那天早上,表示在具体哪天早上,故选 D。 3. (山西运城市芮城县 2019-2020 八上期末) There will be robots in the future. But I don’t know if __________ are all helpful. A. they B. you C. we D.our 【答案】A 【解析】句意:将来会有机器人。但我不知道他们是否都有用的。考查人称代词。they 他们;you 你,你们;we 我们。本词指代上文机器人,可知使用 they 指代;故选 A。 4. My teacher often tells me not to _______ until the Last minute. A. give up B. put up C. stay up D. look up 【答案】A 【解析】句意: 我老师常告诉我不到最后一刻,不要放弃。 A. 放弃,B. 张贴,C. 熬夜,D. 查阅。 所以选 A。 5.It's careless(粗心)______the same mistake again in your composition. A.for you to make B.for you making C.of you to make D.of you making 【答案】C 【解析】此题运用句式:It+be+adj.+of sb.+to do sth.。句意为“你在你的作文中再次犯了同样的错 误,你太粗心了”。 6.The TV program was very______and we all got______. A.bored;bored B.boring;boring C.bored;boring D.boring;bored 【答案】D 【解析】bored 和 boring 都是形容词,前者形容人,而后者形容某事物。 7.—He got an A in last week's math test. —It is ______!His math is always the worst. A.possible B.simple C.impossible D.bored 【答案】C 【解析】根据答语“他的数学成绩总是最糟糕的”可知“他在上周的数学测试中得了个 A”是“不可能 的”。 8.—In 2050,what will the world's population be? —I think cities will be really big and crowded because there will be a lot ______ people. A.much B.more C.many D.less 【答案】B 【解析】本句暗含 2050 年与现在相比较的味道;再据句意“城市将会很大很拥挤”可知“将来人更多”。 9.I predict there will be less ______ in the future. A.people B.trees C.countries D.pollution 【答案】D 【解析】less 是 little 的比较级,后面修饰不可数名词;浏览各选项只有 pollution 是不可数名词,意 为“污染”。 10.It ______ that everyone ______ to laugh. A.seems;loves B.seem;love C.seems;love D.seem;loves 【答案】A 【解析】浏览题干可知,it 和 everyone 都是第三人称单数,故谓语动词都用第三人称单数形式。故 选 A 项。 二.完形填空(共 15 小题,每小题 1 分,共计 15 分) “John, you have no school today. Let’s do some cleaning in the house.” John’s mom 11 that morning. Then they began to clean the house. They didn’t stop 12 everything was tidy. Suddenly, John’s mom pointed to Grandpa’s chair and said, “That old chair has got to go. We’ll buy Grandpa a new one.” It was 13 . The chair was ugly. So John agreed. As they were trying to move the chair, Grandpa came in. He 14 their way. “Oh, no! You can’t take my chair away.” “Dad, we’ll buy you a new one.” John’s mom said. “No, I don’t want a new one”. Grandpa tried to push his chair back into 15 . John’s mom had to give up. Grandpa sat into his chair and closed his eyes. “Grandpa, why don’t you let us throw away the chair?” John asked. “You don’t understand, John. I sat in this chair with your grandma when I asked her to 16 me. It was so long ago. But when I sit in this chair and close my eyes, I feel she is near.” “It’s 17 . How could grandpa remember such a thing many years ago. In fact, he forgot almost 18 .” John thought. “And the night you father was born, they placed the 19 baby into my arms. I sat in this chair for hours, and I had never been 20 ”. A smile now 21 across his old face. “I think I’m going to understand.” John said. “Many years later,” Grandpa’s voice 22 , “the doctor called and told me your grandma was about to depart with this world, and I was lost without her in the following year. But this chair gave me 23 and warmth.” “I’m sorry, Grandpa. ”John looked at Grandpa and said, “This is not just an old chair. You’ve 24 a lot together.” That night, John told his mom all about the chair. They realized how much the chair meant to grandpa. When they look at the chair the next day, they found the room would be very 25 without the old chair. 11.A.ordered B.suggested C.requested D.mentioned 12.A.when B.before C.unless D.until 13.A.true B.real C.common D.special 14.A.discover B.blocked C.lined D.covered 15.A.space B.room C.place D.seat 16.A.marry B.greet C.choose D.prefer 17.A.moving B.amazing C.unexpected D.believable 18.A.something B.anything C.everything D.nothing 19.A.low B.heavy C.huge D.tiny 20.A.happier B.sadder C.stronger D.healthier 21.A.went B.came C.ran D.spread 22.A.appeared B.broke C.returned D.raised 23.A.safety B.heat C.comfort D.treat 24.A.looked back to B.looked throug C.gone back to D.gone through 25.A.fascinating B.wonderful C.dark D.crowded 本文为一篇记叙文,约翰和妈妈在打扫卫生的时候,准备把爷爷的旧椅子扔掉换一把新的,爷爷出 现及时阻止了他们。因为这把椅子对于爷爷来说不仅仅是一把旧椅子,而是以前生活的一种纪念。 11.B【解析】句意:“约翰,你今天不上学,让我们大扫除吧”,那天早上约翰的妈妈建议。ordered 命令;suggested 建议;requested 要求;mentioned 提到。根据“Let’s do some cleaning”,让我们做些 事情,可知,语气为建议的语气,故选 B。 12.D【解析】句意:他们直到一切都整洁了,才停下来。when 当……时候;before 在……之前; unless 除非;until 直到。根据“直到……才 not…until”,故选 D。 13.A【解析】句意:是正确的,这把椅子很丑,所以约翰同意了。true 正确的;real 真正的;common 普通的;special 特殊的。根据“So John agreed”可知,妈妈说的话是对的,故选 A。 14.B【解析】句意:他挡住了他们的路。 discover 发现;blocked 挡住;lined 排队;covered 覆盖。 根据下文“Oh, no! You can’t take my chair away.”可知,爷爷不同意这样做,所以挡住他们,故选 B。 15.B【解析】句意:爷爷试图把他的椅子推回房间。space 空间;room 房间;place 地方;seat 座位。 根据文章内容“When they look at the chair the next day, they found the room…”可知,椅子是要放回房间 去,故选 B。 16.A【解析】句意:我和你奶奶坐在这把椅子上当我让她嫁给我的时候。marry 嫁娶;greet 问候; choose 选择;prefer 更喜欢。根据下文“How could grandpa remember such a thing many years ago.”可知, 爷爷记住了很重要的事情,即向奶奶求婚,故选 A。 17.B【解析】句意:真令人吃惊,爷爷竟会记住那么多年前的事。moving 令人感动;amazing 令人 吃惊;unexpected 出乎预料;believable 可信的。根据“How could grandpa remember such a thing many years ago. In fact, he forgot almost___18___.”可知,爷爷几乎忘记了一切,但是能记住那么早的事情, 是令人吃惊的,故选 B。 18.C【解析】句意:事实上,他几乎忘了所有的事情。something 一些事;anything 任何事;everything 一切;nothing 没有事。根据 almost,可知,他几乎忘了一切,故选 C。 19.D【解析】句意:在你爸爸出生的那一晚,他们把小宝宝放进我的臂弯。low 低的;heavy 重的; huge 巨大的;tiny 小的。空格处形容词修饰名词 baby,故选 D。 20.A【解析】句意:我坐在这个椅子里几个小时,我从未如此开心过。happier 开心;sadder 伤心; stronger 强壮;healthier 健康。根据上文“you father was born”可知,这是令人开心的时候,故选 A。 21.D【解析】句意:一个微笑在老人脸上绽放。went 走,go across 经过;came 来,come across 偶 遇;ran 跑,run across 跑过;spread 传播,spread across 散开。空格处表示脸上绽放微笑,故选 D。 22.B【解析】句意:“许多年以后,”爷爷的声音变了,“医生打电话告诉我你奶奶将要离开这个世 界……”appeared 出现;broke(嗓音)因激动而变调;returned 回来;raised 升起。根据下文他回忆 奶奶要去世,这令人伤心,所以嗓音变调,故选 B。 23.C【解析】句意:但是这把椅子给了我慰藉和温暖。safety 安全;heat 热;comfort 慰藉;treat 款待。根据上文“I was lost without her”,可知,在失去挚爱之后,这把椅子给他温暖和慰藉,故选 C。 24.D【解析】句意:这不仅是一把旧椅子,你和它经历了很多。looked back to 回首;looked through 看穿;gone back to 回到;gone through 经历。根据上文爷爷对以前的回忆,可知,这把椅子和他经 历了很多,故选 D。 25.C【解析】句意:当他们第二天看这把椅子的时候,他们发现,房间会非常暗如果没有这把椅子。 fascinating 迷人的;wonderful 极棒的;dark 黑暗的;crowded 拥挤的。根据上文爷爷和椅子经历的 事情,说明这把椅子非常珍贵,如果没有这把椅子,房间也会黯然失色,故选 C。 三.阅读理解(共 20 小题,每小题 2 分,共计 40 分) A What can be both red or green, round or sharp, big or small, and more importantly, loved or hated by someone?Yes, the answer is chilies. Humans are the only animals to eat Chilies, even though they sometimes cause us discomfort. About 600 million of Chinese, almost half of the national population, are chili eaters. However, did you know that this spicy (辣的)vegetable could put you in danger?A 34-year-old US man recently ended up in hospital after eating a Carolina Reaper, the spiciest chili people have known so far. After taking just a single bite of one, the man suffered from serious headaches in the following days, reported BBC News. It is a fact that eating spicy food causes stomachache and headache. But if chilies are truly harmful, why do people like to eat this vegetable?So what makes people love chilies so much?The secret lies in a natural chemical reaction within human bodies. After eating chilies, the human body reacts to some natural chemicals that produce “a sense of happiness”, noted BBC News. What’s more, chilies do good to people in another way. Scientists found that the death rate of those who eat spicy food once or twice a week is 10 percent lower than those who eat it less than once a week. The death rate is 14 percent lower for those who eat spicy food six to seven times a week. This encourages people to eat more spicy food to improve health and bring less death risk at an early age So, don’t worry if you love spicy food.It seems that chilies are actually good for us. 26.What is the main idea of the second paragraph? A.The US man died in hospital. B.Eating chilies can be dangerous. C.The US man often had headaches. D.BBC news warns people not to eat chilies. 27.People like to eat chilies because . A.they can get personal enjoyment. B.the chili is a kind of vegetable. C.chilies do no harm to people. D.people might feel unhappy 28.What does the underlined word “encourage” mean? A.勇气 B.鼓励 C.沉迷 D.导致 29.Which of the following statements is true? A.Those who often suffer stomachache can feel better if they eat chilies. B.Whether people live longer or not depends on eating chilies. C.It seems that people who often eat chilies live longer. D.Those who don’t eat chilies live longer than those who do. 30.Which of the following can be the best title? A.Eating Chilies, A Healthy Lifestyle B.Chili-A Harmful Vegetable C.A Loved and Hated Vegetable D.Love for Chilies 本文讲述了一种人们又爱又恨的蔬菜——辣椒。吃辛辣食物会引起胃痛和头痛,但是食用辣椒后, 人体会对一些天然化学物质产生“幸福感”。一周吃六到七次辛辣食物的人的死亡率要比常人低 14%。 这鼓励人们多吃辣的食物来改善健康,减少过早死亡的风险。 26.B【解析】段落大意题。根据“A 34-year-old US man …After taking just a single bite of one, the man suffered from serious headaches in the following days, reported BBC News.”可知一个 34 岁的美国人吃 了辣椒,在接下来的几天里患上了严重的头痛,可推测出吃辣椒是很危险的。故选 B。 27.A【解析】细节理解题。根据“After eating chilies, the human body reacts to some natural chemicals that produce “a sense of happiness”, noted BBC News.”可知 BBC 新闻指出,食用辣椒后,人体会对一些 天然化学物质产生“幸福感”。故选 A。 28.B【解析】词义猜测题。根据“The death rate is 14 percent lower for those who eat spicy food six to seven times a week.”可知一周吃六到七次辛辣食物的人的死亡率要比常人低 14%,可推测出这个单 词是“鼓励”的意思,故选 B。 29.C【解析】推理判断题。根据“It is a fact that eating spicy food causes stomachache and headache.” 可知吃辛辣食物会引起胃痛和头痛,这是事实,与选项 A 不符,所以排除 A;根据“This encourages people to eat more spicy food to improve health and bring less death risk at an early age”可知多吃辣的食 物来改善健康,减少过早死亡的风险,并没有说人们是否长寿取决于吃辣椒,与选项 B 不符,所以 排除 B;根据“The death rate is 14 percent lower for those who eat spicy food six to seven times a week” 可知一周吃六到七次辛辣食物的人的死亡率要比常人低 14%,与选项 C 相符,与选项 D 不符,所以 排除选项 D,故选 C。 30.C【解析】最佳标题。根据“It is a fact that eating spicy food causes stomachache and headache.”可 知吃辛辣食物会引起胃痛和头痛,人们不喜欢,再根据“It seems that chilies are actually good for us.” 可知看起来辣椒对我们有好处。可推测出本文讲述了一种人们既爱又恨的蔬菜,故选 C。 B Wearing a mask while sleeping at home sounds a little crazy. But Wu Keying did so during the novel coronavirus outbreak. “I feared that I would be infected. Now I know it’s not necessary to do so. But I am still worried about when the epidemic (疫情)will end,” said the 13-year-old from Chengdu, Sichuan province. Being stuck inside makes her feel anxious. In fact, many people have experienced feelings like Wu. Nearly 80 percent of people are deeply worried about the outbreak, while 40 percent strongly fear it, according to a report released on Jan 27 by the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences. These feelings are normal for people who are going through stressful events, according to Wang Weihua, an expert on positive psychology (积极心理学). “Some stressful reactions (反应) can help us fight the virus,” Wang said. “We take more protective actions, such as wearing masks and washing hands often, for example.” But if these feelings last too long, it will be bad for our mental health, Wang added. So how can we stay positive? First, we should learn to accept unexpected changes in life, wrote Xiong Kewei, a psychological consultant (咨询师) at Beijing Normal University. We might learn new lessons from these changes, like respecting (尊重) nature and being more responsible(有担当的). Another useful way to stay positive is to keep a normal routine (正常作息). “The key is to take good care of the body, arrange a reasonable schedule(日程), ensure enough sleep and diet, and get the necessary rest and relaxation,” Zhang Hong, deputy chief physician of Wuhan Mental Health Center, told China Daily. 31.Wu Keying wore a mask while sleeping because . A.she was scared of being infected B.it’s the best way to avoid infection C.it’s necessary to do so. D.one of her family members was infected 32.Which one is true? A.Less than 40 percent strongly fear the virus B.Only 40 percent of people worry about the outbreak. C.Many people feel worried about the virus. D.More than 80 percent of people wear masks while sleeping. 33.According to Wang Weihua, can help us fight the virus. a. wearing masks b. staying positive c. washing our hands d. being stress-free A.abc B.acd C.abd D.bcd 34.What does the underlined word “arrange” mean? A.准备 B.调换 C.预约 D.安排 35.The last three paragraphs are mainly about . A.how to stay away from the coronavirus B.how psychologists helped patients C.suggestions on how to stay positive D.how to receive psychological counseling 本文讲述了在新型冠状病毒爆发期间,近 80%的人对此次疫情深感担忧,而 40%的人非常害怕。心 理学专家表示,对于正在经历压力事件的人来说,这些感觉很正常。一些压力反应可以帮助我们对 抗病毒,人们还可以采取更多的保护措施,比如戴上口罩,经常洗手。人们保持乐观的方法:首先, 应该学会接受生活中意想不到的变化。第二,保持一个正常的日常,关键是要照顾好身体,安排合 理的作息时间,保证充足的睡眠和饮食,并得到必要的休息和放松。 31.【解析】细节理解题。根据“Wearing a mask while sleeping at home sounds a little crazy. But Wu Keying did so during the novel coronavirus outbreak. “I feared that I would be infected. ”可知睡觉戴口罩 是害怕被传染,故选 A。 32.【解析】推理判断题。根据“while 40 percent strongly fear it”可知 40%的人非常害怕这种病毒,与 选项 A 内容不符,排除 A;根据“Nearly 80 percent of people are deeply worried about the outbreak”可知 80%的人害怕这种病毒,与选项 B 内容不符,排除 B;“Nearly 80 percent of people are deeply worried about the outbreak”可知 80%的人害怕这种病毒,可推测出是许多人担心,与选项 C 内容相符,所以 选项 C 正确;根据“Wearing a mask while sleeping at home sounds a little crazy.”可知在家里睡觉时戴口 罩听起来有点疯狂,可推测出没有那么多人睡觉戴口罩,与选项 D 内容不符,排除 D;故选 C。 33.【解析】推理判断题。根据“Some stressful reactions can help us fight the virus”、“We take more protective actions, such as wearing masks and washing hands often”及“So how can we stay positive?”可知 一些适当的压力、戴口罩、常洗手、保持积极,所以是 abc,故选 A。 34.【解析】词义猜测题。根据“The key is to take good care of the body, arrange a reasonable schedule” 可知关键是要照顾好身体, 合理的作息时间,可推测出此处是“安排”,故选 D。 35.【解析】段落大意题。根据“But if these feelings last too long, it will be bad for our mental health, Wang added. So how can we stay positive?”可知如何保持乐观的建议,故选 C。 C Baseball is one of thefavorite sports in theUSA.Children play baseball in sports fields or parks. At summerpicnic, there is often an informal baseball game. Boys and girls, young and oldtake turns to bat. There are nine players on each team. The baseballseason goes from April to September. During this time, baseball matches areshowed on TV and members of the important baseball teams become America’sheroes (英雄). At theend of the season, the two top teams play against each other. Many baseballfans go together to watch the game. Millions of others listen to the radio orwatch the television. People seem to talk only about the game. Even long afterit is over, they still talk about the result and the players. American football isperhaps the most popular sport in theUSA. The football season beginswhen the baseball season ends. More people are interested in football thanbaseball. When there is an important game, thousands ofpeople sit beside radios or in front of television sets to get the result. 根据短文内容,选择正确答案。 36. According to thepassage, which is NOT true? A. Boys andgirls like baseball games. B. Baseball isplayed in the open air. C. A baseballmatch has nine players. D. Childrensometimes play baseball in parks. 37. American people playbaseball in April, _______ and September. A. May, June,July, August B. March, May,July, August C. January,June, October, November D. February,May, July, December 38. What happens at theend of the baseball season? A. People talkonly about football games. B. Many baseballfans become members of top teams. C. A lot ofpeople join in the games. D. Two top teamsplay a wonderful baseball game against each other. 39. _______ follows thebaseball season in theU. S. A. A. The baseballseason B.The football season C. A baseballmatch D.A football match 40. This passage mainlytells us something about _______. A. the footballseason in theUSA B. football ismore interesting than baseball in theUSA C. thedifference between baseball and football D. the baseballseason in theUSA 36.C 【解析】根据第二段最后一句可知,“每个队有 9 名队员”,那么整个比赛应该是 18 名队员,选 C。 37. A 【解析】根据第三段第一句可知棒球赛季从四月到九月,故选 A。 38. D 【解析】根据第三段第三句可知赛季的末期,两个最好的队还要进行一场决赛,故选 D。 39. B 【解析】根据最后一段第二句可知 “足球赛季在棒球赛季结束后”,故选 B。 40. D 【解析】本文主要描述的是棒球,故选 D。 D 41. It is easy to play the game. Most children enjoy it. You need some benches (板凳), some persons and some ways of making music. You may use a piano or any other musical instruments if you want to play it. You may use a music player, too, such as MP3 player or recorder. 42. The benches may be put in twos, back to back. A better way is to have the benches in row with each bench facing in the opposite direction (相反的方向) to the bench next to it. 43. When the music starts, you can walk round the benches. Everyone goes in the same direction. If the music is fast, you should walk quickly. If the music is slow, you should walk slowly. 44. When the music stops, one of you tries to sit in the benches. If you cannot find a bench to sit in, you have to drop out (退出). Then, before the music starts again, you must take one bench away. When the music stops again, one more actor will be out. 45. When the music stops, if you sit in the bench, you are the winner (获胜者). 根据材料内容,从下面五个选项中选出能填入文中空缺处的最佳选项,使文章意思通顺、内容完整。 A.The game is easy. B.At last, there will be two players and one bench. C.The person playing music cannot see the people in the game. D.Do you know how to play a game called “Musical Chairs”? E.Put the benches in a row. 本文主要介绍了一种抢凳子的游戏玩法。 41.D【解析】联系下文“You need some benches (板凳), some persons and some ways of making music.” 你需要一些板凳,一些人,和放音乐的一些方式。可知,空格句子的意思是一个和音乐有关的游戏。 选项 D 的意思是你知道怎么玩一种名叫抢椅子的游戏么,符合语境。故选 D。 42.E【解析】联系下文“The benches may be put in twos, back to back.”椅子可以背对背排成 2 列。可 知,空格句子的意思和椅子的排列有关。选项 E 的意思是把椅子排成一列,符合语境。故选 E。 43.A【解析】联系下文“When the music starts, you can walk round the benches.”音乐开始,你就围着 凳子走。可知,这主要是在讲述如何玩游戏。选项 A 的意思是这个游戏很简单,符合语境。故选 A。 44.C【解析】联系下文“When the music stops, one of you tries to sit in the benches. If you cannot find a bench to sit in, you have to drop out (退出). Then, before the music starts again,”音乐停止,你就坐凳子, 如果没有找到凳子,你就不得不退出。然后,在又在音乐开始前。可知,这主要是在讲述放音乐和 玩音乐的人之间的规则。选项 C 的意思是放音乐的人不能看见玩游戏的人,符合语境。故选 C。 45.B【解析】联系下文“When the music stops, if you sit in the bench, you are the winner (获胜者).”当音 乐停止时,如果你坐在凳子上,你就是获胜者。可知,空格句子的意思是游戏最后的玩法。选项 B 的意思是最后,两个人和一张凳子。符合语境。故选 B。 第 II 卷(非选择题 共 35 分) 四.阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1 个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。(共 10 小题, 每小题 1 分,共计 10 分) I am Jessica Miller. I am46.eighth grader in a junior high school. Every year we have a special show in our school and many students prepare (准备)47.(program) to show their talents in the show. Some choose to sing songs and dance, and some even have new and creative ideas.48. someone wants to come to the show, he must buy a ticket, because the school wants to get money for some children.49., the price of the ticket is a little high and these children are all from poor50. (family), so we all think it’s necessary for us to care about each other. I am a quiet and shy girl, but last year I 51. (sing) a song in the show. I wanted to play a role 52. helping the students in need. So I practiced singing the song 53. (careful) every day for many weeks before the show. I hoped nothing bad would happen when I was on the stage (舞台). When I went on the stage at last, I did my best 54.(give) the audience a good show. When I finished singing, they clapped (鼓掌)55. (they) hands. I was very happy. I think I will do that again. 本文是 Jessica Miller 介绍他们学校每年都有一个特别节目。许多学生准备节目来展示他们的才华。 节目出售的票钱是为了给一些孩子筹钱。Jessica 想在帮助有需要的学生方面发挥作用。她唱了一首 歌。为此她每天认真练习唱这首歌。 46.an【解析】句意:我是一名初中八年级的学生。修饰单数名词 grader 用不定冠词,eighth 是元 音音素开头,故填 an。 47.programs【解析】句意:每年我们学校都有一个特别的节目,许多学生准备节目来展示他们的 才华。根据句意,许多学生准备的节目,因此不止一个,用复数名词。故填 programs。 48.If【解析】句意:如果有人想来看演出,他必须买一张票,因为学校想为一些孩子筹钱。此处表 示条件,用 if 来引导,位于句首,开头字母大写。故填 If。 49.However【解析】句意:然而,门票的价格有点高,这些孩子都来自贫困家庭,所以我们都认为 我们有必要互相关心。结合句意,前一句表示想要看节目的人需要花钱买票,后一句表示票的价格 有点高,应该照顾贫困家庭的孩子们,前后表示转折关系,有逗号隔开,故填 However。 50.families【解析】句意:然而,门票的价格有点高,这些孩子都来自贫困家庭,所以我们都认为 我们有必要互相关心。根据 these children 可知,这些孩子,不是来自一个家庭,因此用复数名词。 故填 families。 51.sang【解析】句意:我是一个安静、害羞的女孩,但去年我在节目中唱了一首歌。根据 last year 可知,此处用一般过去时。故填 sang。 52.in【解析】句意:我想在帮助有需要的学生方面发挥作用。play a role in doing sth“在做某事方面 发挥作用”,故填 in。 53.carefully【解析】句意:所以在演出前的好几个星期,我每天都认真地练习唱这首歌。修饰动宾 短语 practiced singing the song 用副词。故填 carefully。 54.to give【解析】句意:当我最后登上舞台时,我尽我最大的努力给观众一个好的表演。do one’s best to do sth“尽最大努力做某事”,故填 to give。 55.their【解析】句意:当我唱完时,他们拍手鼓掌。修饰名词 hands,用 they 的形容词性物主代词。 故填 their。 五.补全对话(共 5 小题,每小题 2 分,共计 10 分) 根据下面的对话情景,在每个空白处填上适当的句子,使对话的意义连贯、完整。 A: Hello! This is Kelly. May I speak to Susan? B: Hi, Kelly. It's Susan here. A: Oh, hi, Susan. Tomorrow is Sunday. Where are you going? B:56.. A: Really? I want to go to the zoo, too. What about going together? B: It sounds good. A:57.? B: My favorite animals are pandas. A:58.? B: Because they are very cute.59.? A: I like giraffes (长颈鹿) best because they look very beautiful. Well, I can't wait to see them. 60.? B: Let's meet at my home at half past eight tomorrow morning. A: OK. See you then. 【答案】 46.I'm going to the zoo. 47.What are your favourite animals? 48.Why do you like them? 49.What/How about you? 50.When and where shall we meet? 【解析】 对话大意:对话主要是两个人对最喜欢的动物以及喜欢的原因进行的对话。 56.根据问句“Where are you going?”“你要去哪里?”和答句“I want to go to the zoo, too”“我也想要去 动物园”,故知此处说的是:我要去动物园,故填 I’m going to the zoo。 57.根据答句“My favorite animals are pandas”“我最喜欢的动物是熊猫”,故知此处说的是:你最喜欢 什么动物?故填 What are your favourite animals? 58.根据答句“Because they are very cute”“因为它们非常可爱”,故知此处说的是:你为什么喜欢它们? 故填 Why do you like them? 59.根据答句“I like giraffes (长颈鹿) best because they look very beautiful”“我最喜欢长颈鹿因为它们 看起来非常漂亮”,故知此处说的是:你呢?故填 What/How about you? 60.根据答句“Let's meet at my home at half past eight tomorrow morning”“我们明天早上八点半在我家 见面”,故知此处说的是:我们什么时候在哪里见面?故填 When and where shall we meet? 六.写作(15 分) 假如下周的英语口语课上,你们要讨论未来学生将如何学习。请你根据以下提示,写一篇英语 短文为此做准备。 提示:1. Will students study at school or at home? 2. If they study at home, what will they do? 3. If they go to school, what will they do? Is there any difference from today? 要求:80 词左右,可适当发挥。 ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ 范文: In the future students will study at home on computers. They won’t use pens or paper any more. If they have any questions, they will ask their teachers by Internet or telephone. However, if students do not go to school at all, they will not be able to take part in different group activities and their life will not be very colorful. But they needn’t go to school every day so they’ll have lots of free time.

