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阅读理解+七选五阅读限时组合练 1 (限时 35 分钟) Ⅰ.阅读理解 A (2020 山东潍坊一模) “Becoming Jane” Through September 7,2020 National Geographic Museum Jane Goodall began observing chimpanzees in 1960 at Gombe Stream Game Reserve in what is now Tanzania,but her first study of animal behavior took place some 20 years earlier,when she,at 5 years old,spent several hours in a henhouse,waiting to see how a hen laid an egg. That curiosity helped drive Goodall to become one of the most famous scientists of the 20th century.Her evolution from an innocent child to a “global icon (偶像)” is documented in “Becoming Jane”,an exhibit in Washington,D.C.through September 7.After that,it heads to the Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County. “Becoming Jane” is technology heavy.Interactive digital displays,3-D experiences and a hologram (全息图)-like appearance by Goodall herself will draw the attention of both adults and youngsters.For those who have followed Goodall’s career closely,the real treat is seeing her birthday gifts and books from her childhood,field notes,Ph.D.papers and other personal belongings and photos. Visitors will follow the path or her childhood dream gradually coming true,then the course of her field study about chimpanzees in African wild forests,with remarkable achievements,and finally her recent life as an Animal Rights activist. PRICE $15 WHEN November 22,2019-September 7,2020 LOCATION 1145 17th Street NW Washington,D.C.20036                                       1.Where is “Becoming Jane” held before September 7,2020? A.In Tanzania. B.In Washington.D.C. C.In Los Angeles County. D.In Jane’s hometown. 2.What may attract Jane Goodall’s followers most? A.Treats for children. B.Free books by Jane. C.Jane’s personal items. D.The applied technology. 3.What type of writing is this text? A.A story. B.An advertisement. C.An official report. D.A celebrity profile. B (2020 北京西城统一测试) This little South American Magellanic penguin swims 5,000 miles,to a beach in Brazil,every year in order to be reunited with the man who saved its life.It sounds like something out of a fairy tale,but it’s true! The 71-year-old retired bricklayer Joao,who lives in an island village just outside Rio de Janeiro,Brazil,found the small Magellanic penguin lying on rocks at his local beach in 2011.The penguin was covered in oil and running out of time fast.Joao rescued the penguin,naming it Din Din,cleaned the oil off its feathers and fed him a daily diet of fish to rebuild its strength.After a week of recovery,Joao attempted to release the penguin back into the wild.However,Din Din had already formed a family bond with his rescuer and wouldn’t leave. “He stayed with me for 11 months and then,just after he changed his coat with new feathers,he disappeared,”Joao recalls.“I love the penguin like it’s my own child and I believe the penguin loves me,”Joao told Globo.“No one else is allowed to touch him.He pecks (啄) them if they do.He lies on my lap,lets me give him showers,and allows me to feed him.” Professor Krajewski,a biologist who interviewed the fisherman for Globo,told The Independent,“I have never seen anything like this before.I think the penguin believes Joao is part of his family and probably a penguin as well.” However,environmentalists warn that,while hundreds of the Magellanic species are known to naturally migrate (迁徙) thousands of miles north in search of food,there has been a worrying rise in the phenomenon of oceanic creatures washed up on Brazil’s beaches.Professor David Zee,from Rio de Janeiro’s State University,said the increase is due in part to global climatic changes.Professor Zee added that sea animals face increased danger from leaked tanker oil. Luckily the ending for Joao and Din Din has been a happy one,even though it is illegal in Brazil to keep wild animals as pets. Professor Krajewski said,“Professionals who work with animals try to avoid relationships like this occurring so they are able to reintroduce the animals into the wild.But in this single case the authorities allowed Din Din to stay with Joao because of his kindness.” 4.Every year Din Din swims a long distance to a beach in Brazil to    . A.avoid being killed B.meet his rescuer C.escape from ocean currents D.find much more fish 5.When Din Din was found in 2011,   . A.he was dying B.he was running on the beach C.he was resting on a rock D.he was cleaning oil off his feathers 6.What can we learn about Joao from the passage? A.He is not allowed to keep the penguin as a pet by the authorities. B.He overprotects the penguin by keeping him away from others. C.His contact with the penguin is encouraged by professionals. D.His kindness wins the penguin’s trust. 7.The story in the passage mainly shows    . A.the environmental impact on wildlife B.the love between humans and wildlife C.the tendency of wildlife to bond with humans D.the protection of threatened wildlife by mankind C (2020 山东济南一模) Like clockwork,nearly every fourth February includes one extra day.February 29th,otherwise known as Leap Day,isn’t exactly a holiday.Instead,it’s there to keep your calendar consistent with the earth’s rotation (旋转) around the sun. According to History.com,Roman emperor Julius Caesar is the “father”of Leap Year.Until he came along,people used a 355-day calendar,which was 10.25 days shorter than the solar year.Roman officials were supposed to add an extra month every now and then to keep the seasons exactly where they should be.But that didn’t work out all that well.When special occasions started shifting into different seasons around 45 BCE,Caesar consulted with astronomers and decreed (下令) that the empire should use a 12-month,365-day calendar,which he named after himself.Caesar’s Julian calendar included a Leap Day every four years. Though Leap Day keeps your calendar in line with the earth’s rotation around the sun,it causes a different kind of problem for leapsters.When should these February 29th babies celebrate their birthdays during the other three-quarters of their lives?Some party on February 28th,while others prefer a two-day celebration that spans the last day of February and the first day of March. Leap Day can be a nuisance in the legal system.In 2006,a court in Massachusetts was deciding whether criminal John Melo could be released a day early since his 10-year sentence included a Leap Day.In the case,the judge decided that since the man was sentenced to prison for years,not days,Leap Day didn’t make a bit of difference. Though a few timekeepers have pushed for calendars that don’t include Leap Day,almost all astronomers and societies agree that Leap Day is the best method to keep the calendar on track. 8.Why was Leap Day created? A.To create special occasions. B.To honor Emperor Julius Caesar. C.To keep pace with solar year. D.To keep track of all the seasons. 9.What is the problem with the birthday celebration of February 29th babies? A.It is sometimes delayed. B.It lasts at least two days. C.It has to be held every other year. D.It may take place on different dates. 10.What does the underlined word “nuisance” in Paragraph 4 mean? A.Joke. B.Topic. C.Trouble. D.Mistake. 11.What is the attitude of most astronomers towards Leap Day? A.Critical. B.Supportive. C.Doubtful. D.Cautious. D (2020 湖北武汉质检) Interactions between people and elephants have a long history.Elephants have been trained and used by human beings for thousands of years,for everything from transportation to construction,from logging (伐木) to war. In more recent times,Asian elephants have been used in entertainment and as a living “machine” to help move logs through the jungle as part of the logging industry.The latter changed in Thailand in 1989,when the Thai government banned logging.Owners of elephants had very little choice but to turn to tourism to earn enough to care for themselves and their elephants by offering elephant riding to tourists. Mahouts are the elephant handlers who you will see riding or managing the elephants at any camp you visit.Traditionally,being a mahout is part of the family business,and a young family member is matched with a young elephant,and they spend most of their lives together.The traditional mahout life isn’t easy.Since they are bonded to their elephant,they rarely have time off or time for family. These years,younger mahouts in Thailand have been more likely to leave the mahout life to find jobs in the city,resulting in elephants having to get used to multiple mahouts.This can lead to additional stress on the elephant,or result in abuse by a mahout trying to manage an elephant that hasn’t built any level of trust with him. Opponents of elephant riding may suggest that elephant rides be outlawed.My worry is that an immediate ban could lead to another massive change in how elephants are treated,similar to ending logging in 1989.How will mahouts that are currently making a living and supporting their elephants through rides be able to continue to do so?The average lifespan of an elephant is 60 years.Any solution needs to take into account the long-term effects on the elephants currently employed to give rides. 12.What happened in 1989 in Thailand? A.Elephants joined in tourism. B.Elephants lost their jobs. C.Entertainment was forbidden. D.The government banned the use of elephants. 13.What will cause the ill treatment of some elephants? A.The great stress to make money. B.The former masters’ leaving them. C.The heavy load on the elephants. D.The owners’ mistrust of the elephants. 14.What’s the best title for the passage? A.Will You Go to Thailand? B.Why Are Elephants Trained? C.Should You Ride Elephants in Thailand? D.How Do Mahouts Train Elephants? 15.Why does the author write this passage? A.To present a problem. B.To criticize mahouts. C.To introduce Thailand. D.To record his experience. Ⅱ.七选五 (2020 山东青岛一模) One truth about modern life is that nobody has any time. 16  So let’s try a simple thought experiment.Imagine that you came into possession of a magical new set of technologies that could automate or promote every single part of your job. 17  Maybe you’d pick up a hobby,or have more children,or learn to relax and enjoy yourself in the additional leisure.But what if I told you that you wouldn’t do any of those things:You would just work the exact same amount of time as before.  18  But there are simple reasons for this.Better technology means higher expectations and higher expectations create more work.For most of history,humans were forced to suffer from their own dirty and unpleasant substances.Most families’ clothes were washed twice a year.The fleet of housework technologies that came into the world suddenly between the late-19th and mid-20th century created new norms(标准)of cleanliness—for our floors,our clothes,ourselves.  19  Automatic washers and dryers raised our expectations for clean clothes and encouraged people to go out and buy new shirts and pants;housewives therefore had more loads of laundry to wash,dry,and fold. In short,technology made it much easier to clean a house to 1890s standards. 20  They wanted a modern home with dustless windowsills(窗台)and shiny floors and this dustless shiny required a 40-to-50-hour workweek,even with the assistance of modern tools. A.You are wasting your time. B.This might seem impossible. C.New norms meant more work. D.What would you do with the extra time? E.That means you can have more time to relax. F.Everybody is busy,burned out,overloaded. G.But by mid-20th century,Americans didn’t want that old house. 【帮你拓知识】核心知识,词块记忆 ①be technology heavy 技术含量高 ②draw the attention of 吸引注意力 ③the real treat 真正的享受 ④personal belongings 个人物品 ⑤the course of one’s field study 某人实地研究的过程 ⑥remarkable achievements 显著的成就 ⑦reunite v.再次相聚 ⑧run out of 用完;用光 ⑨environmentalist n.环境保护论者 ⑩oceanic adj.海洋的;大海的 climatic adj.气候的 keep sth consistent with 与……保持一致 keep sth in line with 与……保持同步 in the legal system 在法律系统 keep sth on track 使……步入正轨 take sth into account 考虑到,顾及 pick up a hobby 培养一个爱好 in short 简言之;总之 raise sb’s expectations for 提高某人对……的期望 with the assistance of 在……的协助下 参考答案 阅读理解+七选五阅读限时组合练 1 Ⅰ.【语篇导读】本文是一则广告。文章介绍了“Becoming Jane” 展览的时间、地点、内 容等相关的事宜。 1.B 细节理解题。根据第二段中的“...‘Becoming Jane’,an exhibit in Washington,D.C.through September 7.”可知,展览将在华盛顿特区持续到 9 月 7 日。由此 可知,展览是在 Washington,D.C.举办的。因此 B 项正确。 2.C 推理判断题。根据第三段中的“For those who have followed Goodall’s career closely,the real treat is seeing her birthday gifts and books from her childhood,field notes,Ph.D.papers and other personal belongings and photos.”可知,对于那些密切关注古道 尔职业生涯的人来说,真正的享受是看到她的生日礼物和童年时的书籍、野外笔记、博 士论文以及其他个人物品和照片。由此可知,Jane Goodall 的个人物品可能最吸引她的追 随者。故选 C 项。 3.B 推理判断题。根据第四段可知,参观者将沿着她儿时的梦想逐渐实现的道路,然后 是她对非洲野生森林中的黑猩猩进行实地研究的过程,取得的显著成就,最后是她最近作 为一名动物权利活动家的生活。以及由“PRICE $15;WHEN November 22,2019- September 7,2020;LOCATION 1145 17th Street NW Washington,D.C.20036.”可知,这是一 则广告,是关于“Becoming Jane”展览的广告。故选 B 项。 【语篇导读】这是一篇记叙文。退休砌砖工 Joao 无意间救了一只身上满是油污濒临死 亡的小企鹅,此后每年,这只小企鹅都要历经 5 000 英里来和它的恩人团聚。 4.B 细节理解题。根据第一段第一句“This little South American Magellanic penguin swims 5,000 miles,to a beach in Brazil,every year in order to be reunited with the man who saved its life”可知,这只南美洲的小麦哲伦企鹅每年都要游 5 000 英里到巴西的一个海滩 去见救了它生命的人。据此可知,它每年要游很长的路程是为了见救它生命的人,故 B 项 正确。 5.A 细节理解题。根据第二段第二句“The penguin was covered in oil and running out of time fast”可知,这只企鹅浑身是油,很快就要死亡,故 A 项正确。 6.D 推理判断题。根据第二段第三、四句“Joao rescued the penguin,naming it...release the penguin back into the wild”可知,Joao 救了那只企鹅,给它取名为 Din Din,清理掉它羽 毛上的油污,每天喂它吃鱼来恢复体力。经过一周的恢复,Joao 试图将其放回野外;第三 段表述那只小企鹅不让其他人碰它,但是它会坐在 Joao 的腿上,让 Joao 给它洗澡,并允许 Joao 喂它,由此可推知,Joao 的善良赢得了小企鹅的信任,故 D 项正确。 7.B 主旨大意题。通读全文可知,本文主要讲述了退休砌砖工 Joao 无意间救了一只身 上满是油污濒临死亡的小企鹅,给它喂鱼以让它恢复健康;此后每年,这只小企鹅都会历 经 5 000 英里和它的恩人团聚。据此可知,本文主要表达了人类和野生生物之间的爱,故 B 项正确。 【语篇导读】这是一篇说明文。文章介绍了闰日的由来以及闰日带来的问题。地球围 绕太阳运转一周的时间间隔约为 365.2422 天,而日历上每年只有 365 天,也就是说,每隔 4 年日历上就要多出将近一天的时间。为了解决这个余数,每 4 年会增加一个额外的闰 日—即 2 月 29 日。 8.C 细节理解题。根据第一段最后一句话“Instead,it’s there to keep your calendar consistent with the earth’s rotation (旋转) around the sun.”可知,设立 Leap Day(闰日)是为 了让日历更符合地球公转的时间,故选 C 项。 9.D 细节理解题。根据第三段最后一句话“Some party on February 28th,while others prefer a two-day celebration that spans the last day of February and the first day of March.”可 知,D 项正确。 10.C 词义猜测题。根据第四段的内容可知,在法律体系中,闰日可能是个麻烦事。2006 年,马萨诸塞州的一家法院讨论是否提前一天释放罪犯约翰·梅洛,因为 10 年刑期包括闰 日。 11.B 推理判断题。根据最后一段可知,虽然少数计时员力推不包括闰日的日历,但是几 乎所有的天文学家和社会团体都认为,闰日是让日历步入正轨的最佳方案。故 B 项正 确。 【语篇导读】这是一篇说明文。本文主要讲述了大象长久以来和人类生活有密切的联 系,但是近年来泰国旅游行业里更多年轻的驯象员的改行导致大象要适应更多的不同的 驯象员,从而增加了大象的压力甚至导致它们被虐待。 12.A 细节理解题。根据第二段中的“Owners of elephants had very little choice but to turn to tourism to earn enough to care for themselves and their elephants by offering elephant riding to tourists”可知,1989 年泰国大象开始进入旅游业,故 A 项正确。 13.B 推理判断题。根据第四段中的“younger mahouts in Thailand have been more likely to leave the mahout life to find jobs...result in abuse by a mahout trying to manage an elephant that hasn’t built any level of trust with him”可以推断,造成一些大象受虐待的原 因是之前的主人离开了它们,新的主人为了驯服它们而虐待它们,故 B 项正确。 14.C 主旨大意题。通读全文可知,本文主要讲述了大象长久以来和人类生活有密切的 联系,但是近年来旅游行业里大象的遭遇令人担忧;另外,根据最后一段作者表述的对应 宣布骑大象不合法的建议的看法也可判断,C 项最适合作本文的标题。 15.A 推理判断题。结合上题解析可知,全文主要讲述的是旅游业中大象的悲惨遭遇,因 此作者写这篇文章主要是为了陈述问题。 Ⅱ.【语篇导读】这是一篇说明文。文章介绍了为什么科学技术不断发展,人还是越来越 忙。 16.F 根据上一句“One truth about modern life is that nobody has any time.”可知,关于现代 生活的一个真相是没人有时间。由此可推测,接下来应该讲“为什么没人有时间”,承接上 文。故选 F 项。 17.D 上文内容“Imagine that you came into possession of a magical new set of technologies that could automate or promote every single part of your job.”的意思是,想象一下你拥有一 套神奇的、新的、能够使你的工作自动化或者促进你的工作的技术。下文“Maybe you’d pick up a hobby”的意思是,或许你会开始学习一个爱好。此空应承上启下,故推测 询问:这些额外的时间你会做什么。故选 D 项。 18.B 上文说到:假设你的工作自动化了或效率提高了,你还会和之前工作的时间一样 长。此空应该表达不相信、不合理、不可能发生的意义。故选 B 项。 19.C 根据下文内容:自动洗衣机和甩干机提高了我们清洁衣服的期望,鼓励了人们购买 更多的衣服,于是家庭主妇有了更多的衣服要洗,要甩干,要整理。再结合上文提到家务技 术创造了新标准,推测此空含义为:新的标准带来了更多的工作。故选 C 项。 20.G 根据上一句:科技使清洁房子达到 1890 年的标准更容易了;以及下文介绍的他们 想要的房子的样子。再结合文章大意,随着科技的进步,标准的提高,人的要求也随之变 高。推测此空指 20 世纪中叶的美国人不想要达到上世纪 90 年代标准的旧房子。故选 G 项。 阅读理解+七选五阅读限时组合练 2 (限时 35 分钟) Ⅰ.阅读理解 A (2020 山东济南一模) If you want to learn why everything is usually cheaper,and what items are the best deals at your local or chain dollar or discount store,store employees have a lot of useful information.They tend to know what shoppers want—even before shoppers know themselves. Everyone buys unnecessary things Whether you shop at a chain dollar store such as Dollar Tree,Family Dollar or your local 99 cents store,not everything that’s on sale is necessarily worth purchasing.Bryan Waring,a former Dollar Tree employee,says that you’re not alone in buying more than necessary from these stores.“It seems basic,but everyone falls for this trap,”he says.“You go into a store where everything is cheap,and you walk out with things you don’t need.”He suggests going into a store—yes,even the dollar store—with a checklist of things you truly need. Everything is cheaper after the holiday season Patricia,a seasonal worker at a Dollar Tree,says that the post-Christmas season means even more deals on everything from decorations to sweets.“After Christmas,all the gift wrap paper went to 50 cents,and all Christmas items were half price,”she says.“Even candy bars are 89 cents versus $1.” Products are less expensive because of their size In order for dollar stores to keep their prices low,product sizes are usually smaller than normal,according to Cheapism.Dollar stores aren’t the only ones guilty of this trick.Cheapism also reports Walmart is guilty of doing the same thing to attract customers. 1.What is Bryan’s advice against buying unnecessary things? A.Making a purchase alone. B.Writing a to-buy list ahead. C.Shopping at your local store. D.Buying basic things separately. 2.Which of the following is a better time for shopping according to Patricia? A.In the Christmas sales. B.At a particular discount. C.After the Christmas season. D.During some holiday seasons. 3.How do stores make their products cheaper? A.By reducing product sizes. B.By lowering product costs. C.By adopting discount strategies. D.By attracting more customers. B (2020 山东淄博一模) Pearl Fryar knew he wanted to do something unique with the farmland he bought in South Carolina.He wanted to win the local garden club’s “Yard of the Month” award. Fryar didn’t have the money to purchase new trees,so he began by using bushes and shrubs that a local nursery had thrown away—plants that looked dead to most people. Because he worked days at a factory,Fryar often tended his garden at night.Neighbors got used to seeing him stand on the ladder,cutting up his steadily growing bushes.The shrubs began to take on different shapes.As the years went by,the creations became more delicate.Fryar began planting trees and using zip ties,coat hangers,PVC pipe,and even his wife’s old stockings to achieve the forms he wanted.“He has a way of handling plants to do things he wants them to by training,bending,wiring and clipping,” said a neighbor. Many professional gardeners are amazed by what Fryar has been able to accomplish.Some plants which wouldn’t survive in the South thrived under his care. Fryar’s attention to detail and his willingness to work hard have made him a local hero.He was the first African American to win “Yard of the Month” from the local garden club. Fryar’s garden now includes about 400 species of plants and 150 different plant sculptures.A box for donations can be found on the property,but giving is optional.Fryar welcomes people who can’t afford to pay.He understands.He’s been there.“You can be somebody,” he tells students who visit the garden.“Show me anyone who works at anything with a passion and has patience,and they’re going to be successful.Be strong enough not to let the barriers in life stop you.” 4.How did Fryar make his garden unique? A.He made the plants into different shapes. B.He bought new trees from a local nursery. C.He used his professional knowledge. D.He asked his neighbors to cut up his bushes. 5.What does the underlined word “thrived” in Paragraph 4 mean? A.Died away. B.Became weak. C.Faded slowly. D.Grew strong. 6.What made Fryar win the award? A.Passion and innovation. B.Patience and generosity. C.Ambition and sympathy. D.Willingness and honesty. 7.What is the best title for the text? A.Making a Man into a Hero B.The Hard Life of Pearl Fryar C.Transforming a Garden into Art D.The First Man of “Yard of the Month” C (2020 广东深圳第二次测试) Pinocchio may be just a character in a children’s fairy tale,but Spanish scientists at the University of Granada recently investigated the so-called “Pinocchio effect” and found that our noses don’t grow when we tell a lie,but actually shrink a bit. Dr Gómez Milán and his team developed a lie detector test that used thermography (温 度记录法) to tell if people were lying,and found that whenever participants in their research were being untruthful,the temperature of the tip of their nose dropped up to 1.2℃,while the temperature of their forehead increased up to 1.5℃.Scientists also found that the temperature drop actually caused the nose to slightly shrink,although the difference is undetected by the human eye. “One has to think in order to lie,which raises the temperature of the forehead,”Dr Gómez Milán explained the findings.“At the same time we feel anxious,which lowers the temperature of the nose.” For this study,researchers asked 60 students to perform various tasks while their temperature is scanned by thermal imaging(热成像) technology.One of these tasks involved making a 3-to 4-minute call to their parents or a friend and telling a significant lie.Participants had to make up the lie themselves during the call.Interestingly,the thermal lie detector picked up the temperature difference in 80 percent of the test subjects,which is a better rate of success than that of any modern lie detector. “With this method we have achieved the increase of accuracy,” said Dr Gómez Milán,who added that law enforcement agencies could one day combine other lie detection technologies with thermal imaging to achieve better results. 8.Why does the writer talk about Pinocchio in the first paragraph? A.To tell a fairy tale. B.To give an example. C.To talk about a scientist. D.To introduce the topic. 9.What is the “Pinocchio effect”? A.Our noses will grow when we tell a lie. B.Our noses will shrink when we tell a lie. C.The temperature of the forehead falls if we lie. D.The temperature of the nose rises for anxiety. 10.How did Dr Gómez Milán feel about the lie detector? A.Doubtful. B.Surprised. C.Confident. D.Puzzled. 11.What lesson can we learn from the text? A.A lie will travel very hard. B.There are many ways to bring a liar to light. C.A lie never lives to be old. D.Once a liar,always a liar. D (2020 河北石家庄阶段测试) Around 45% of plastic waste is recycled annually in the UK and plastic waste is on the increase.However,one of the problems with present plastic recycling methods is that you end up with a lower-quality plastic with worse properties (特性) than the original.This means that plastic drink bottles cannot simply be recycled into new drink bottles continuously,but instead are used for other lower-grade products like park benches. Now,British scientists have developed a new method of chemical recycling.They use lower temperatures and more environmentally friendly chemicals than previous methods to turn plastics back into their constituent chemical molecules (分子).In this way,they can be used to make new plastics of the same quality as the original. “Most plastics are now recycled using mechanical methods,where they are transformed into liquids before being made into something new,”said a professor named Matthew Jones.“The problem is,melting plastic changes its properties and reduces the quality.Our method of chemical recycling overcomes this problem.Then plastics can be used all over again without losing any properties.” The researchers are recycling some kinds of plastics,including plant-based PLA,a plastic used for food packaging and PET,which is used for drink bottles.So far,the technology has only been demonstrated in a small range.However,scientists are now working to produce larger quantities of chemicals. “There is no single solution to the problem of plastic waste—the approach has to be a combination of reducing,reusing and recycling.Our method of chemical recycling could allow carbon to be recycled endlessly rather than digging more up from the ground in the form of fossil fuels,or letting it into the atmosphere as a greenhouse gas,”said Dr.Paul McKeown from the University of Bath. 12.What is the problem with the present plastic recycling? A.The quality of recycled plastics declines. B.Plastic drink bottles cannot be recycled. C.The amount of plastic waste is increasing. D.Recycled lower-grade products sell badly. 13.How do scientists recycle plastic waste with the new method? A.By transforming it into fuels. B.By heating it into the liquid state. C.By keeping its original properties. D.By changing its molecule structure. 14.What can we learn from what Dr.Paul McKeown said? A.Fossil fuels are endless resources. B.The plastic waste problem has no solution. C.Recycled carbon leads to greenhouse gases. D.The chemical recycling is environmentally friendly. 15.In which part of the website can we find the text? A.Business. B.Technology & Science. C.Lifestyle. D.Art & Culture. Ⅱ.七选五 (2020 山东潍坊二模) Including children in the farming lifestyle has many benefits.Sure,it is nice to have the additional help with chores(家庭杂务),but it also fosters so much growth,sending our kids down a good path towards who they will someday become.It is possible that our children will grow up to lead lives that do not include farming. 16  Through caring for farm animals,kids learn that in life others often come before self.  17  It doesn’t matter if we don’t feel like it or if we are sick and tired.What matters is that we take care of the animals that take care of us and do so in a timely manner.  18  If the work on a farm does not get done,the operation fails.It takes discipline and commitment to get down to business every day,and seeing this in action will give kids a good work attitude.They will know and understand that nothing good comes easy and that they have to work to survive. 19  Functioning as part of a productive team will surely be playing a crucial role sooner or later in all walks of life. Additionally,farming teaches patience. 20  Cattle will be difficult to control.Horses will run away when you try to catch them.Goats will kick over that bucket of hard-earned milk.A rooster will decide you got too close to his hens and give you a run for your money.In spite of all that,kids will learn to be patient and take things easy. There may not be any instant reward,but in the long term kids will see the benefit of all their efforts during those hard days. A.At the same time,they learn to work with others. B.Farm life also teaches kids the value of hard work. C.Children learn to be grateful to animals for eating purpose. D.Teamwork is no longer an important skill to develop and use. E.There are going to be a lot of days when things do not go your way. F.However,what they learn on a farm can also be instrumental in their future lives. G.Animals need to be fed,watered,and cared for before we get to sit down and relax. 【帮你拓知识】核心知识,词块记忆 ①fall for this trap 掉进陷阱;上当 ②guilty of 内疚;有罪 ③at a discount 打折 ④take on different shapes 呈现出不同的形状 ⑤with a passion 富有激情 ⑥drop up to 下降到 ⑦lower the temperature 降低温度 ⑧perform various tasks 执行各种任务 ⑨combine...with...把……和……结合起来 ⑩on the increase 在增加 end up with 以……告终;结果是 overcome the problem 解决问题 solution to the problem 问题的解决办法 in the form of 以……的形式 get down to business 开始工作,办正事 参考答案 阅读理解+七选五阅读限时组合练 2 Ⅰ.【语篇导读】本文是一篇说明文。为什么商店里的东西总是看起来便宜;在你们当地 的商店、连锁店或者折扣店里,哪些物品购买最合算?在本文中,三位商店店员对此给出 了有价值的信息。 1.B 细节理解题。根据第二段最后一句中的“with a checklist of things you truly need”可 知,购物之前列一张真正需要的东西的清单,才是 Bryan 提出的建议,因此 B 项正确。 2.C 细节理解题。根据第三段小标题“Everything is cheaper after the holiday season”以及 “After Christmas,...all Christmas items were half price”可知,圣诞节后商品半价,故选 C 项。 3.A 细节理解题。最后一个小标题的意思是“商品更便宜是因为它们的大小”。最后一 段中的“In order for dollar stores to keep their prices low,product sizes are usually smaller than normal”,即便宜的产品的尺寸总是比普通产品要小,故 A 项正确。 【语篇导读】本文是一篇记叙文。文章主要讲述了弗莱尔通过自己的创新和激情把花 园变成艺术的故事。 4.A 细节理解题。根据第三段中的“The shrubs began to take on different shapes.As the years went by,the creations became more delicate.”可知,为了使他的花园与众不同,他把这 些植物做成不同的形状。故选 A 项。 5.D 词义猜测题。根据第四段中的“Many professional gardeners are amazed by what Fryar has been able to accomplish.”可知,许多专业园丁对弗莱尔的成就感到惊讶;再根据 划线词所在句中的“wouldn’t survive in the South”可知,划线词意思应与 survive 相近,结 合四个选项可知,划线词应意为“茁壮成长”。故选 D 项。 6.A 推理判断题。根据文中的“As the years went by,the creations became more delicate.”,“Fryar’s attention to detail and his willingness to work hard have made him a local hero.He was the first African American to win ‘Yard of the Month’ from the local garden club.”和“Show me anyone who works at anything with a passion and has patience,and they’re going to be successful.”可知,正是激情与创新让弗莱尔获奖的。故选 A 项。 7.C 主旨大意题。根据全文内容,尤其“he began by using bushes and shrubs that a local nursery had thrown away”,“As the years went by,the creations became more delicate.Fryar began planting trees and using zip ties,coat hangers,PVC pipe,and even his wife’s old stockings to achieve the forms he wanted.”可知,本文讲述了弗莱尔通过自己的创新和激情 把花园变成艺术的故事。故选 C 项。 【语篇导读】这是一篇说明文。本文主要介绍了 Gómez Milán 博士和他的团队开展的 一项测谎仪测试,该测试使用温度记录法来判断人们是否在说谎。他们发现在测试过程 中只要参与者说谎,他们鼻尖的温度会下降 1.2℃,而他们的前额的温度会上升 1.5℃。 8.D 推理判断题。文章开头提到匹诺曹或许只不过是童话里的一个角色,接着用 but 转 折,讲到西班牙格拉纳达大学的科学家最近对所谓的“匹诺曹效应”进行的调查及其结 果。由此可推知,作者在第一段谈到匹诺曹是为了引出本文的话题。故选 D 项。 9.A 细节理解题。根据第一段中的“but Spanish scientists at the University of Granada recently investigated the so-called ‘Pinocchio effect’ and found that our noses don’t grow when we tell a lie,but actually shrink a bit”可知,所谓的“匹诺曹效应”就是当我们撒谎 时,我们的鼻子会变长。故选 A 项。 10.C 推理判断题。根据最后一段的内容可知,Gómez Milán 博士认为通过这种方法,他 们已经达到了提高准确性的目标,他还认为有朝一日执法机关可以将其他测谎技术与热 成像结合起来,以取得更好的效果。由此可推知,Gómez Milán 博士对这款测谎仪很有信 心。故选 C 项。 11.B 推理判断题。根据最后一段中的“who added that law enforcement agencies could one day combine other lie detection technologies with thermal imaging to achieve better results”可知,有朝一日执法机关可以将其他测谎技术与热成像结合起来,由此可推知,让 说谎者暴露的方法有很多。故选 B 项。 【语篇导读】这是一篇说明文。文章介绍了一种新的回收利用塑料废物的方法,该方法 在回收塑料并进行重新利用的同时,不破坏该塑料原有的特性,进而避免了塑料在回收之 后的降级使用。 12.A 细节理解题。根据第一段第二句“However,one of the problems with present plastic recycling methods is that you end up with a lower-quality plastic with worse properties (特 性) than the original.”可知,目前的塑料回收利用方法存在的一个问题是,最终得到的是特 性比原来质量差的特性较低的塑料。故选 A 项。 13.C 细节理解题。根据第三段最后一句“Then plastics can be used all over again without losing any properties”可知,科学家开发的新的回收利用塑料废物的方法维持了塑料原有 的特性,故选 C 项。 14.D 推理判断题。根据第五段中的“Our method of chemical recycling...or letting it into the atmosphere as a greenhouse gas”可知,他认为化学回收利用的方法可以让碳无休止地 循环利用,而不是以化石燃料的形式从地下挖掘出更多的碳,或者让碳作为温室气体进入 大气。由此可知,他认为化学回收利用的方法是环保的。故选 D 项。 15.B 推理判断题。本文分析了目前的塑料废物回收利用方法存在的问题,并介绍了一 种科学家新开发的可以维持塑料原有特性的回收利用方法。由此可知,本文可能出自网 站的科学与技术版块。故选 B 项。 Ⅱ.【语篇导读】这是一篇说明文。文章主要陈述了农场生活对孩子的好处。通过照顾 动物,孩子可以明白,生活中别人往往比自己更重要;通过农场工作,孩子可以学到合作精 神和努力工作的价值;通过赶牲口可以知道很多时候事情不会朝我们想象的方向发展。 16.F 上文“It is possible that our children will grow up to lead lives that do not include farming.”的意思是,可能我们的孩子将来长大后不会以务农为生与 F 项的意思 (然而,他 们在农场上学习的东西对他们未来的生活也有帮助)承接自然,上下文是明显的转折关 系,farm 是关键词,故选 F 项。 17.G 下文的意思是:这和我们是否喜欢或者我们是否生病以及劳累无关。重要的是我 们要及时照顾那些照顾我们的动物。这与 G 项相符。G 项的意思是:在我们坐下来休息 前,动物需要喂饱、喝水和照顾。上下文都谈论了照顾动物,care for 是关键词,承接自然, 故选 G 项。 18.A 下文的意思是:需要纪律和承诺来开始每天的工作,看到这些行动会给孩子一个良 好的工作态度。这与 A 项意思相符。下文提到的工作态度就是选项里所陈述的与他人 的合作,故选 A 项。 19.B 下文的意思是:作为一个富有成效的团队的一部分,迟早会在各行各业中扮演重要 角色。这与 B 项承接自然。B 项的意思是:农场生活也会教孩子努力工作的价值。努力 工作的价值就是:你的努力迟早会在各行各业中发挥重要作用,故选 B 项。 20.E 下文的意思是:牛很难控制;当你试着抓马时,马会跑掉;山羊会踢翻那桶来之不易 的羊奶;公鸡会认为你靠它的母鸡太近而追着你跑。这与 E 项承接自然。 阅读理解+七选五阅读限时组合练 3 (限时 35 分钟) Ⅰ.阅读理解 A (2020 山东青岛一模) Our 3-day tour along the South Coast has it all!Stunning landscapes,the Golden Circle,ice caves,the Jokulsarlon Iceberg Lagoon and Northern Lights watching.On the way we see waterfalls,volcanoes,floating icebergs,cliffs,black sand beaches,geysers,hot springs and so much more.There are even options for a glacier hike or a visit to the Secret Lagoon,and during the summer months you can add a boat tour on Jokulsarlon Glacier Lagoon. Included:Reykjavik pick-up & drop-off,minibus tour,English guidance,2 nights accommodation,glacier-hiking/ice-caving equipment,super jeep ride for some kilometres,specialized guide to ice cave entrance fees and northern lights (depending on conditions,visible from Sept to Apr). Not included:Food is not included on this tour except for breakfasts.The boat trip on the glacier lagoon is an optional extra (available in the summer months).This sells out very fast,so we recommend you book it when you arrange your tour. Bring with you:Warm outdoor clothing,waterproof jacket and pants,headwear and gloves.Good hiking boots are essential. Note:You can always rent strong hiking boots,waterproof jacket and pants in the booking process. Ice Cave information:Our main cave is “Crystal Ice Cave”,but if it is inaccessible,we will visit another cave.During the summer months (Apr-Oct),we go to the Katla Ice Cave.If the ice cave is inaccessible,we do a glacier hike instead. Drop-off information:We drop you off at your hotel sometime between 16:00-19:00 on day three,depending on weather and road conditions. Contact us:If you have a question about this tour you can use the contact form here below.If you have a general inquiry,(cancellations,feedback,reschedule,etc.) please click here.                                       1.What should you pay extra money for during the trip? A.Minibus tour. B.Glacier hiking.C.Entrance fees. D.Lunch. 2.If you want to have a boat trip,you   . A.can make it all year around B.don’t need to pay extra money C.must buy waterproof jackets D.had better book the tickets in advance 3.Where does this text most probably come from? A.A health newspaper. B.A science fiction. C.A travel website. D.A project handbook. B (2020 山东济南二模) Philadelphia’s Magic Gardens makes up a folk art center,gallery space,and a non-profit organization showcasing the works of mosaicist(镶嵌设计师)Isaiah Zagar. Zagar devoted himself to beautifying the South Street neighborhood in the late 1960s,when he moved to the area with his wife Julia.The couple helped the area by purchasing and repairing some old buildings,often adding colorful mosaics on both their private and public walls.The first such project was Julia’s still-busy folk art store,the Eyes Gallery at 402 South Street. Zagar started working on the Magic Gardens in 1994 in the deserted parking lot near his studio.He spent the next fourteen years sculpting multi-layered walls and decorating the 3,000 square foot space.The installation(装置艺术),primarily consisting of found objects and contributions from the community,finally covers half a city block with countless patterns and colors.It shows Zagar’s many artistic influences,as well as the events and experiences of his life. In 2002,the owner of the once-unused parking lot decided to sell the land in response to rising South Street property values.Unwilling to witness the destruction of Zagar’s neighborhood art environment,the community rushed to support the artist.His creation,newly titled Philadelphia’s Magic Gardens,turned into a non-profit organization with the intention of preserving and promoting Zagar’s works at the site of the Magic Gardens and throughout the South Street region. The Magic Gardens is now a permanent art institution that is open to visitors throughout the year.Trained guides are available to lead tours of the Magic Gardens and Zagar’s surrounding public wall paintings.In addition,it offers monthly mosaic workshops led by Zagar himself,and regularly hosts concerts,dance performances,and other public events. 4.How did Zagar help the South Street neighborhood? A.He moved to the area with his family. B.He worked to improve its surroundings. C.He opened a folk art store with his wife. D.He managed to buy all the old buildings. 5.What does Paragraph 3 intend to tell us? A.Great achievements of Zagar. B.Special skills of installing art. C.Location of the Magic Gardens. D.Early history of the Magic Gardens. 6.What do the local residents think of Zagar’s works? A.They harm the environment. B.They can bring in profits. C.They should be removed. D.They are precious treasures. 7.What can tourists do in Philadelphia’s Magic Gardens? A.Paint the walls on the spot. B.Put on music performances. C.Enjoy some Zagar’s works. D.Attend some dance courses. C (2020 广东广州阶段训练) The Silk Road is arguably the most famous long-distance trade route of the ancient world.This passage connected Europe in the West with China in the East,and allowed the exchange of goods,technology,and ideas between the two civilizations.Although merchants could make huge profits traveling on the road,it was not without risk. The main Silk Road started in Chang’an (known today as Xi’an),the early Han Dynasty’s capital.Travelers commencing their journey from this city could take a northern route that would take them across China’s northwestern provinces.After this,they would face the Gobi Desert,arguably the greatest danger of the Silk Road. The Gobi Desert,the largest desert in Asia,consists mainly of rocky,hard earth.This feature made it easier for traders to travel across,compared to sandy deserts like the neighboring Taklimakan Desert.Like other deserts,the Gobi Desert is dry and hot,and therefore the biggest challenge travelers faced was obtaining enough water for themselves as well as for their camels. So,rest stops were created along the route,allowing travelers to rest,eat and drink.These places also promoted the exchange of goods,and even ideas,amongst the travelers who stopped there.Usually,the rest stops were placed within a day’s journey of each other.In this way,travelers could avoid spending too much time in the desert,which would make them be targets for robbers,another danger of the Silk Road. Once through the Gobi Desert,travelers would continue their journey into Iran,Turkey,and finally Europe.While this part of the journey may have been less dangerous,it is not entirely without peril. 8.The underlined word “it” in the first paragraph refers to   . A.making huge profits B.traveling on the Silk Road C.exchanging goods and ideas D.connecting different civilizations 9.Why was the Gobi Desert easier to cross than other deserts? A.The desert’s surface was easier to walk on. B.Camels for transportation were easier to find. C.It was smaller and could be crossed in less time. D.There were more natural water sources available. 10.What can we guess about the rest stops in the Gobi Desert? A.They offered travelers free accommodation. B.They were located around the edges of the desert. C.Travelers staying there were often attacked by criminals. D.They were shared by travelers from different countries. 11.What is the passage mainly about? A.The origins of the Silk Road. B.The benefits of the Silk Road. C.The difficulties faced by Silk Road travelers. D.The cultural exchanges among Silk Road travelers. D (2020 四川绵阳三诊) As data leaks and identity theft become more and more common,the market is growing for fingerprint identification or iris scans(虹膜扫描) to keep others out of private e- spaces.They’re still expensive,though,and some people are unwilling to have personal identifiers taken and kept by a third party. Researchers say they have invented a low-cost device—a smart keyboard.It precisely measures the sound with which one types and the pressure fingers apply to each key.These patterns are unique to each individual,says Jun Chen,a doctoral engineering student.By measuring how somebody types a password(密码),he says,the keyboard can determine people’s identities,and thus,by extension,whether they should be given access to the computer it’s connected to—regardless of whether someone gets the right password. It doesn’t require a new type of technology that people aren’t already familiar with.“Everybody uses a keyboard...and everybody types differently,”Chen said. The device powers itself by generating electricity when a person’s fingertips touch the keys,multi-layer plastic materials—pressing and lifting—which completes an electric circuit with the keyboard.The keyboard could offer a stronger layer of security by analyzing things like the force of a user’s typing and the time between key presses. This phenomenon,called “contact electrification”,is the same process that creates static electricity.Chen said,“It’s like when you run your hand across a wool blanket and see sparks (电火花) in the darkness.” In a study describing the technology published in the journal ACS Nano,the researchers had 100 volunteers type the word “touch” four times using the keyboard.Data gleaned from the device could be used to identify individual participants based on how they typed,with very low error rates,Chen says. So far,there is just one such keyboard.But,Chen says,it should be pretty straightforward to commercialize and is mostly made of inexpensive,plastic-like parts.The team hopes to make it to market in about five years. 12.What is the feature of the smart device? A.It’s inexpensive. B.It’s a new type of technology. C.It’s inaccessible without a password. D.It can recognize people’s fingerprints. 13.How is the smart device powered? A.By fingers touching it. B.By replaceable batteries. C.By producing power of its own. D.By being connected to electricity. 14.What does the underlined word “gleaned” probably mean in Paragraph 6? A.Collected. B.Involved. C.Contained. D.Leaked. 15.Which can be the best title for this passage? A.Smart Keyboard Can Produce Electricity Itself B.Smart Keyboard Can Identify You by How You Type C.Smart Keyboard Can Protect Personal Data Privacy D.Smart Keyboard Can Measure Typing Force and Time Ⅱ.七选五 (2020 山东威海模拟) It’s in Your Hands Feeding bread to the ducks is a fond pastime for many of us,reminding us of happy childhood trips to the local park. 16  Eating it can cause our feathered friends to develop a condition called Angel Wing,which is when too much bread makes birds’ feathers grow too quickly.This additional weight puts a strain on their muscles,causing their wings to twist and drop open. “Angel Wing can be cured if we reach birds before it has developed too severely,”says Caroline Simpson,a trustee of UK Charity Swan Lifeline.“ 17 ”Over the last 20 years UK Charity Swan Lifeline has rescued and treated more than 30,000 birds.Adult swans can develop heart disease by eating much bread,so it’s important we do our best to prevent this by feeding them the right kind of food.  18  Rotten bread at the bottom of rivers and lakes allows bacteria to breed,spreading disease and attracting rats and other pests to our waterways,which can result in the presence of a mould (霉菌) called Aspergillus.It has the potential to kill waterfowl and other wildlife if it gets into their lungs.  19  Definitely not.Wild Things Swan & Duck Food has launched the “Better than Bread”Campaign to highlight the risk of a calorific diet to water birds.The campaign advises that there are much healthier alternatives to bread,such as specially developed feeds.They can float on the water surface,so birds can enjoy every last bit. 20  A.So we must stop feeding the ducks. B.But did you know that bread actually puts birds in danger? C.Does this mean we have to stop fun trips to feed the ducks? D.Bread can also cause harmful changes to the natural ecosystem. E.What a scene it is to watch ducks eating bread floating on the river! F.Otherwise the consequences can be serious—such as the loss of the wing. G.Next time take a healthier alternative and do your bit to protect our precious wildlife. 【帮你拓知识】核心知识,词块记忆 ①stunning landscape 令人震撼的美景 ②depending on conditions 看情况而定 ③an optional extra 另外的选择 ④in the booking process 在预订过程中 ⑤drop you off at your hotel 送你到酒店 ⑥book the tickets in advance 提前订票 ⑦a non-profit organization 一个非营利组织 ⑧beautify the neighborhood 美化街区 ⑨in a deserted parking lot 在一个废弃的停车场 ⑩consist of 由……组成 in response to 对……的回应或答复 with the intention of 目的是 make huge profits 获得巨额利润 identity theft 盗窃身份 be unique to 特有的;独特的 regardless of 不管;尽管 make it to the market 成功投放市场 a fond pastime 令人喜爱的消遣 develop a tradition 形成一种传统 highlight the risk of 强调……的危险 参考答案 阅读理解+七选五阅读限时组合练 3 Ⅰ.【语篇导读】本文是一篇应用文。介绍了一个为期三天、沿着南部海岸的旅行,以及 关于旅行安排的详细信息、注意事项和联系方式等。 1.D 细节理解题。根据文章中的“Not included:Food is not included on this tour except for breakfasts.”(不包含项目:本次旅行不包含除了早餐之外的食物。)可知,午餐需要额外付 钱。故选 D 项。 2.D 细节理解题。根据文章中的“The boat trip on the glacier lagoon is an optional extra (available in the summer months).This sells out very fast,so we recommend you book it when you arrange your tour.”[冰川泻湖上的游船是可选择的额外项目(仅在夏季提供)。这个项 目销售很快,因此我们建议您在安排旅行时提前预订。]可知,如果想要体验游船,最好先 提前订票。故选 D 项。 3.C 推理判断题。根据文中关于旅行的信息、联系方式尤其是最后一句中的“please click here”可知,本文是一个关于旅行的广告,来自旅游网站。故选 C 项。 【语篇导读】这是一篇说明文。本文介绍了艺术家 Zagar 创作的“魔幻花园”。 4.B 细节理解题。根据第二段中的“The couple helped the area by purchasing and repairing some old buildings,often adding colorful mosaics on both their private and public walls.”可知 Zagar 和妻子通过购买并翻新一些旧建筑(经常在他们的私人和公共墙壁上 贴上彩色的马赛克砖)来帮助这个区域。也就是说他是通过改善周围环境来帮助邻里的, 故选 B 项。 5.D 推理判断题。根据第三段内容可知 Zagar 于 1994 年开始在他工作室附近的一个废 弃的停车场里着手创造魔幻花园。在接下来的 14 年里,他雕刻了多层的墙壁,并装饰了 这个 3 000 平方英尺的空间。这个装置艺术最后用无数的图案和色彩覆盖了这个城市街 区的一半。其显示了 Zagar 诸多的艺术影响,并展示了他人生中的事件和经历。这一段 主要是关于魔幻花园是如何建成的,由此推断第三段旨在告诉读者魔幻花园的早期历 史。故选 D 项。 6.D 推理判断题。根据第四段中的“In 2002,the owner of the once-unused parking lot decided to sell the land in response to rising South Street property values.Unwilling to witness the destruction of Zagar’s neighborhood art environment,the community rushed to support the artist.”可知 2002 年,由于南街地产价值攀升,这个曾经无人使用的停车场的主人决定 出售这块地。社区的人不愿看到 Zagar 的社区艺术环境遭到破坏,纷纷声援这位艺术 家。从邻居的行为可推知当地居民认为 Zagar 的作品是珍贵的宝物。故选 D 项。 7.C 细节理解题。根据最后一段中的“The Magic Gardens is now a permanent art institution that is open to visitors throughout the year.Trained guides are available to lead tours of the Magic Gardens and Zagar’s surrounding public wall paintings.”可知魔幻花园 如今是一处永久性的艺术机构,全年向游客开放。这里有训练有素的导游,可带领游客参 观魔幻花园以及 Zagar 在花园周围创作的公共壁画。故选 C 项。 【语篇导读】这是一篇说明文。作为古代可以认为是最出名的商道,丝绸之路让商人们 可以经此挣钱,但路途中也有着种种风险。 8.B 代词指代题。本句是一个主从复合句,前半句为让步状语从句,前后形成转折,表示 尽管穿行丝绸之路的商人可以获得高收益,但这也不是没有危险的,且下文讲到的危险也 都与行走在丝绸之路上相关,所以 it 指代的应该是“行走在丝绸之路上”,故选 B 项。 9.A 细节理解题。根据第三段中的“The Gobi Desert,the largest desert in Asia,consists mainly of rocky,hard earth.This feature made it easier for traders to travel across”可知,戈壁 滩之所以较好穿越是由于其地面较为坚硬、好走,故选 A 项。 10.D 推理判断题。根据第四段中的“These places also promoted the exchange of goods,and even ideas,amongst the travelers who stopped there”可推知,休息站接待来自不同 国家的旅客,故选 D 项。 11.C 主旨大意题。根据文章结构可知,作者在第一段给出了中心句“Although merchants could make huge profits traveling on the road,it was not without risk”,在中间几段讲述了商 旅们在戈壁滩上面临的困难以及其他危险,最后一段再次强调即使过了戈壁滩,但还有其 他危险等待着他们,故选 C 项。 【语篇导读】这是一篇说明文。研究人员发明了一种智能键盘,可以通过分析用户的打 字模式来判断该用户是不是安全访客。 12.A 细节理解题。根据题干中的关键词 smart device 定位到文章第二段的第一句 “Researchers say they have invented a low-cost device—a smart keyboard”,由此可知,价格便 宜是这个智能键盘的特点,故 A 项正确。 13.C 细节理解题。根据题干中的关键词 powered 定位到第四段的第一句“The device powers itself by generating electricity when a person’s fingertips touch the keys,multi-layer plastic materials—pressing and lifting—which completes an electric circuit with the keyboard”,由此可知,这个智能键盘是靠人的指尖按下按键(多层塑料材料),然后再抬起, 这样电路就完成了,即该设备通过这种方式发电来给自己供电,故 C 项正确。 14.A 词义猜测题。上文提到研究人员让 100 名志愿者用智能键盘打四遍“touch”,结合 语境可知,画线词所在句表示该设备收集的数据可以用来识别出用户身份。故选 A 项。 15.B 主旨大意题。通读全文可知,本文主要介绍了一种智能键盘,它能根据使用者的打 字模式来判断其身份,从而达到识别身份、保护隐私的功能,故 B 项最适合作本文标题。 Ⅱ.【语篇导读】本文是一篇说明文。给鸭子喂面包是许多人喜欢的消遣,这让我们想起 童年时去公园的快乐时光。但你知道这会让它们陷入危险吗?它们可能会因此失去翅 膀。作者建议用更健康的食物代替面包,尽我们所能保护珍贵的野生动物。 16.B 根据下文可知,吃太多面包会使它们的羽毛长得太快,这些额外的重量会对肌肉造 成压力,是一种危险。B 项“你知道那会让鸟类陷入危险吗?”符合语境,能够承上启下。故 选 B 项。 17.F 根据上文的“Angel Wing can be cured if we reach birds before it has developed too severely”可知,如果我们在天使翅膀发育得太严重之前接触到它们,它就可以被治愈。F 项“否则后果可能很严重,比如失去翅膀”,是对上文的补充,由此,引出了下文治愈成功的 案例。故选 F 项。 18.D 根据下文可知,本段讲述的是面包对河流和湖泊等自然系统造成的危害。D 项“面 包也会对自然生态系统造成有害的变化。”符合语境,是本段的主旨句。故选 D 项。 19.C 本段讲述的是可以用特别开发的饲料代替面包喂鸭子。C 项“这是否意味着我们 必须停止有趣的喂鸭子的旅行?”符合语境,而且与“Definitely not.”相呼应。故选 C 项。 20.G 根据上文可知,此段建议人类用更健康的食物喂鸭子,这样做的目的是保护它们。 G 项“下一次,选择一个更健康的替代品,尽你所能保护我们珍贵的野生动物。”符合语境, 承接上文,故选 G 项。 阅读理解+七选五阅读限时组合练 4 (限时 35 分钟) Ⅰ.阅读理解 A (2020 福建福州质检) September is the month for fashion,with four international cities hosting the fashion week.All eyes will turn to New York,London,Milan and Paris this month to see which city puts on the best show. New York New York Fashion Week (NYFW),kicks off on September 5th and runs for approximately eight days.NYFW is considered the most commercial and casual of the four.It is also the only event to allow some fashion school students to participate,bringing a fresh look to the runway. London London Fashion Week (LFW) comes on the heels of NYFW,starting on September 13th and running through September 17th.Once considered a minor player among the “Big Four”,LFW can now command a list of big names as well as promising new designers.London fashion houses have a reputation for being very experimental and open to new ideas. Milan Fashion Week moves to Milan on September 17th.This beautiful Italian city is home to some of the biggest fashion houses and designers in the fashion world,including Armani and Prada.Milan’s fashion houses are known for offering glamorous (富有魅力的) yet practical options. Paris The month of fashion made its way to France as Paris Fashion Week begins on September 23rd.Saving the best for last,Paris never fails to offer some of the most exciting shows of the season.World-famous brands like Chanel and Dior try to outdo one another with their latest designs.The word that best describes Paris Fashion Week is “elegant”. 1.Which city is likely to attract the new designers? A.New York. B.London. C.Milan. D.Paris. 2.When does Milan Fashion Week probably end? A.September 19th. B.September 20th. C.September 21st. D.September 23rd. 3.What can we learn from the four fashion weeks? A.Each has its own characteristics. B.Each shows its biggest brand. C.Each offers practical options. D.Each is open to school students. B (2020 湖北武昌调研) I grew up in libraries,or at least it feels that way.I went there several times a week with my mother when I was young.Those visits were fantastic.The library might have been the first place where I was ever given autonomy(自主权).In the library,I could have anything I wanted.And on the ride back home,my mom and I would talk about the order in which we were going to read our books,a solemn conversation in which we planned how to pace ourselves through this charming period until the books were due. When I left for college,one of the many ways I differentiated myself from my mom was that I was wild about owning books.All I know is that I lost my appreciation of the slow pace of making my way through a library and of having books on borrowed time.If my mother ever mentioned to me that she was on the waiting list for some book at the library,I got annoyed and asked why she didn’t just buy it. But in 2011,one of my son’s school assignments was to interview someone who worked for the city.He said he wanted to interview a librarian.As my son and I drove to meet the librarian,I was flooded by a sense of absolute familiarity,a recollection of the journey of the parent and child on their way to the library.I had taken this trip so many times before,but at that moment I turned my thought on its head,and I was the parent bringing my child on that special trip. As I walked into the library,nothing had changed—the sense of gentle,steady busyness,like a pot of water on a rolling boil (沸点),was just the same.In the library,time is dammed up—not just stopped but saved.I knew what hooked me was the shock of familiarity I felt—the way it revealed my childhood,my relationship with my mom,my love of books.However,as I was rediscovering those memories,my mother was losing all of hers.The writer Amadou Hampâté Bâ once said that in Africa,whenever an old man dies,it is like a library has burned.But if you can take something from his or her internal collection and share it,it takes on a life of its own. 4.What can be inferred about the author’s childhood from Paragraph 1? A.She lived near a library. B.She possessed a library. C.She didn’t borrow books from libraries. D.She enjoyed visits to libraries. 5.How did the author change after entering college? A.She lost her enthusiasm for reading. B.She did not return books on time. C.She quit the habit of going to libraries. D.She wanted to buy books for her mom. 6.What did the author rediscover when she walked into the library with her son? A.Her love of libraries. B.Her delight in owning books. C.Her lost memory of her mom. D.Her familiarity with her mom. 7.Which can be the title of this passage? A.The Library—a World of Knowledge B.The Library—a Place of Memory C.The Library—a Busy Place D.The Library—an Old Man C (2020 重庆第一次抽测) At first glance,there is nothing unusual about the BingoBox store—shelves stacked with snacks line the walls,tempting passers-by through the glass windows.But on closer inspection,BingoBox is no ordinary store.The door opens only after customers scan a QR code to enter,and there is no cashier to tally up purchases—just a lone checkout counter in a corner.The Shanghai-based company is one of many unmanned store operators opening outlets all over China,hoping to improve slim profit margins in the retail business by reducing staff costs. “If capital costs rise quickly,that puts greater pressure on low-margin businesses like convenience stores and supermarkets,”said Andrew Song,an analyst at Guotai Junan Securities.“In China,manpower costs have been rising relatively quickly.” However,the futuristic vision of shopping without a checkout person is still in progress.A reporter who visited a BingoBox store in Shanghai was briefly locked in when he was trying to exit without making a purchase.Although a sign near the exit stated that empty- handed customers can leave by scanning a QR code,no QR code was to be found.Repeated calls to the customer service hotline went unanswered. Another unmanned operation in China,Take Go,only allows one customer in the shop at a time because of technology limitations in using multiple cameras for scanning customers’ faces. The idea of unmanned stores first caught the world’s attention when the largest US online retailer announced its cashier-less store,which is only available to employees for now.Since then,some technology companies in China,including the e-commerce firm Alibaba Group,have launched their own versions of unmanned stores. Embedded with technology such as RFID tags,mobile payment systems and facial recognition systems,such stores collect valuable data that give operators a better idea of consumers’ preference and buying habits,which can then be used to optimize the operation and make more efficient inventory decisions.For BingoBox,lower operating costs also mean it can afford to expand its reach to areas with less foot traffic,according to Chen Zilin,the founder and CEO of BingoBox. 8.What makes the BingoBox store look like an ordinary convenience store? A.Shelves stacked with goods. B.A lone checkout counter. C.Fewer cashiers to tally up purchases. D.Entering by scanning a QR code. 9.Why are unmanned stores popular with operators? A.The customers prefer mobile payment systems. B.The unmanned stores help improve profit with lower labor costs. C.The employees focus on consumers’ preference and buying habits. D.The operators care more about operations and inventory decisions. 10.How many cases can show that the unmanned stores need improving? A.Two. B.Three. C.Four. D.Five. 11.What can we infer according to Chen Zilin? A.Nowadays all stores should be equipped with advanced technology. B.The operators collect data about consumers’ preference and buying habits. C.BingoBox made wiser decisions based on the data collected in unmanned stores. D.The operators can open unmanned supermarkets in more remote places with low costs. D (2020 四川成都第一次诊断) This morning we’re going to head off down into the wetland,a very specific kind of wetland called the Prairie fen. You can find Nate Fuller counting butterflies.The Sarett Nature Center needs an accurate count of Mitchell’s satyr butterflies to help preserve one of their last known habitats.They’re very particular about the kind of habitat where they can live,which is part of what makes them so rare and amazing indicators for our water quality.Today,Sarett expert Ashley Cole-Wick with Michigan’s Natural Features Inventory helps Fuller count.She says,“When I first started working on the butterfly in 2013,we had 18 populations and in 2019,we had 10.” The Mitchell’s satyr butterfly went on the endangered species list in 1991.Initially it was thought that loss of wetlands contributed to their decline.Fuller says,“It’s not just habitat availability.The quantity and quality of groundwater coming into these wetlands seem to be a challenge for the butterfly.Nothing has all been sorted out exactly.”While the decline is likely a combination of factors,the fact that water quality might contribute is alarming because the wetlands are the headwaters for the Midwest’s rivers and streams. A captive breeding (人工繁殖) program was started four years ago at the Toledo Zoo to help get to the bottom of the mystery.Today Director Ryan Walsh who heads the program says it’s been the only successful captive breeding program.The caterpillars (毛毛虫) spent the winter in a special weather control room that helped determine the Mitchell’s satyrs don’t do well below 4.4 degrees Celsius.With that knowledge,the program produced 1,300 new eggs,a development that may go a long way toward restoring the population.And if all goes well,may one day the Mitchell’s satyr butterfly earn a ticket off the endangered species list. 12.What are the indicators for the water quality? A.The habitats. B.The butterflies. C.The wetlands. D.The experts. 13.What is the main idea of the third paragraph? A.The importance of water quality. B.Actions taken to protect the Mitchell’s satyr butterflies. C.The reasons why the number of Mitchell’s satyr butterflies declines. D.The natural conditions for the Mitchell’s satyr butterflies. 14.What does the underlined word “restoring” in Paragraph 4 most probably mean? A.Preserving. B.Increasing. C.Recovering. D.Controlling. 15.What can we learn about the butterfly? A.It can easily be found. B.It is not endangered now. C.It will die above 4.4 degrees Celsius. D.It can be bred by humans. Ⅱ.七选五 (2020 河南郑州第一次预测) Are people less or more happy when they get older?A study in 2018 found that people generally become happier and experience less worry after age 50.In fact,it found that by the age of 85,people are happier with their life than they were at 18. Arthur Stone in the Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Science at Stony Brook University in New York led the study.His team found that levels of stress were the highest among adults between the ages of 22 and 25. 16  Happiness was the highest among the youngest adults and those in their early 70s.But the people least likely to report feeling negative emotions were those in their 70s and 80s.The survey also found that men and women have similar emotional patterns as they grow older.  17  The researchers also considered possible influences like having young children,being unemployed or being single.But they found that influences like these did not affect the levels of happiness and well-being related to age.  18  One theory is that,as people get older,they become more thankful for what they have and have better control of their emotions.They also spend less time thinking about bad experiences.  19  In another study,people in their 80s reported the fewest problems with the quality of their sleep.The original goal was to confirm the popular belief that aging is connected with increased sleep problems. 20  But except for that,people reported that they felt their sleep quality improved as they got older. A.So why will happiness increase with age? B.Researchers surveyed more than 150,000 American adults. C.At that time,the people were between the ages of 18 and 85. D.Stress levels dropped sharply after people reached their 50s. E.Happiness is not the only thing that apparently improves with age. F.The survey did find an increase during middle age,especially in women. G.However,women at all ages reported more sadness,stress and worry than men. 【帮你拓知识】核心知识,词块记忆 ①host the fashion week 举办时装周 ②kick off on September 5th 9 月 5 号隆重开始 ③bring a fresh look 带来全新面貌 ④come on the heels of 紧随其后 ⑤have a reputation for 因……享有赞誉 ⑥be flooded by 被……淹没 ⑦a sense of absolute familiarity 一种非常熟悉的感觉 ⑧reveal my childhood 重回儿时 ⑨at first glance 乍一看 ⑩on closer inspection 再近前看 an unmanned store 无人值班商店 improve slim profit margins 提升微薄的利润空间 reduce staff costs 减少人力成本 put pressure on 施加压力 a convenience store 便利店 a checkout person 收银员 make a purchase 购买 the customer service hotline 顾客热线 catch the world’s attention 获得世界的关注 facial recognition systems 面部识别系统 参考答案 阅读理解+七选五阅读限时组合练 4 Ⅰ.【语篇导读】这是一篇应用文。文章介绍了纽约、伦敦、米兰和巴黎四大时装周的 相关情况。 1.B 推理判断题。根据第三段中的“LFW can now command a list of big names as well as promising new designers”可知,现在伦敦时装周上即有名人又有有前途的新设计师;并结 合该段最后一句表述的伦教的高级时装店接纳新想法可推知,伦敦有可能吸引新设计师, 故选 B 项。 2.D 推理判断题。根据第四段第一句可知,米兰时装周于 2019 年 9 月 17 日开始,故可 推知,米兰时装周结束的日期可能为 9 月 23 日。故选 D 项。 3.A 细节理解题。根据第二段中的“the only event to allow some fashion school students to participate”可知,只有纽约时装周允许时装学校的学生参加;根据第三段中的“LFW can now...new designers”可知,伦敦时装周接纳新设计师;根据第四段中的“yet practical options”可知,米兰时装周提供有实用性的选择;根据第五段中的“World-famous brands like Chanel and Dior try to outdo one another with their latest designs”可知,巴黎时装周展出 了世界闻名的大品牌;再结合文章其他内容可知,每个时装周都有自己的特色,故选 A 项。 【语篇导读】这是一篇记叙文。文章讲述了作者通过自己的亲身经历,最终认识到了图 书馆对她的价值,即它是承载无数记忆的地方。 4.D 推理判断题。根据第一段中的“Those visits were fantastic.The library might have been the first place where I was ever given autonomy(自主权).In the library,I could have anything I wanted”可推知,作者在孩童时期喜欢去图书馆。故选 D 项。 5.C 细节理解题。根据第二段第一句中的“I was wild about owning books”以及最后一 句中的“I got annoyed and asked why she didn’t just buy it”可知,作者上大学后,不再喜欢 到图书馆借书了。故选 C 项。 6.A 推理判断题。根据第四段第三句“I knew what hooked me was the shock of familiarity I felt—the way it revealed my childhood,my relationship with my mom,my love of books”可知,当作者和自己的儿子走进图书馆的时候,作者重拾了那些与图书馆相关的美 好回忆,由此可推知,作者重新发现了自己对图书馆的喜爱。故选 A 项。 7.B 主旨大意题。文章讲述了作者通过“喜欢图书馆——疏远图书馆——重新发现对 图书馆的喜爱”这样一段亲身经历,最终认识到了图书馆对她的价值,即它是承载无数记 忆的地方。由此可知,B 项适合作本文标题。 【语篇导读】这是一篇说明文。许多无人值守商店经营者在全国开分店,希望通过减少 员工成本来提高零售业微薄的利润,但无人值守商店也有其弊端和局限性,经营商需要对 其进行改进;另外,低经营成本也意味着经营商可将其业务范围扩大到客流量较少的区 域。 8.A 细节理解题。根据第一段中的“At first glance...shelves stacked with snacks line the walls”可知,乍一看,缤果盒子与普通商店无异,其货架上也摆满了商品,故选 A 项。 9.B 细节理解题。根据第一段最后一句可知,无人值守商店经营者希望通过减少员工成 本来提高零售业的利润,即无人值守商店减少了员工的开支,有利于提高利润,所以才受到 经营者的欢迎,故选 B 项。 10.A 细节理解题。题干问有多少种情况表明无人值守商店需要改善。根据第三段的 内容可知,一个光顾上海缤果盒子的记者因没有购买商品而被暂时锁在店内,出口处的标 牌标明没有购买商品的顾客可以通过扫描二维码离开,但却找不到该二维码,且反复拨打 客户服务热线无人应答;根据第四段的内容可知,由于利用多个摄像机扫描客户面部技术 受限,另外一个无人值守商店 Take Go 一次只允许店内进一个顾客。由此可知,有两种情 况表明无人值守商店需改善,故选 A 项。 11.D 推理判断题。根据最后一段最后一句可知,较低的经营成本意味着经营商能够将 业务范围扩大到客流量较少的地区,即较偏远的地区,故选 D 项。 【语篇导读】这是一篇说明文。最初人们认为湿地的丧失导致米切尔眼蝶数量减少,但 专家经过研究发现,地下水的数量和质量似乎也是其数量减少的原因;研究人员于 4 年前 开始了一个人工繁殖项目来探索其减少的原因,之后该项目培育出很多米切尔眼蝶虫卵, 这样一来,米切尔眼蝶有望脱离濒危物种名单。 12.B 细节理解题。根据第二段第三句“They’re very particular about...amazing indicators for our water quality”可知,米切尔眼蝶对自己居住的栖息地的种类很挑剔,这使 得它们如此稀少并成为水质的指标,故选 B 项。 13.C 段落大意题。根据第三段内容可知,最初人们认为湿地的丧失导致米切尔眼蝶的 数量减少,但是 Fuller 认为不仅是湿地,地下水的数量和质量也是其减少的原因,由此可 知,本段主要讲述米切尔眼蝶数量减少的原因,故选 C 项。 14.C 词义猜测题。根据画线词所在句中的“the program produced 1,300 new eggs,a development that may go a long way”可知,人工繁殖项目产出 1 300 个新卵,又结合米切尔 眼蝶是濒危物种可推知,这是恢复眼蝶数量的一个新的进展,故选 C 项。 15.D 细节理解题。根据最后一段第一句的内容和倒数第二句“With that knowledge,the program produced 1,300...the population”可知,米切尔眼蝶可以人工培育,故选 D 项。 Ⅱ.【语篇导读】这是一篇说明文。2018 年的一项研究发现,通常人们在 50 岁之后,会变 得更幸福且体会到较少的忧虑。 16.D 根据空前一句中的“levels of stress”可推知,该空应是进一步陈述压力水平和年龄 之间的关系,故 D 项与此处匹配。 17.G 根据空前一句中的“men and women have similar emotional patterns”可知,男性和女 性有类似的情感模式,由此可推知,空处应是接着陈述男性和女性的情感模式的相似之处 或差异性,又结合选项可知,G 项与此处匹配。 18.A 根据空后的“One theory is that”和语境可推知,该空应是一个问句,又结合本段分析 的是幸福随着人们年龄的增长而增长的原因可推知,A 项符合语境。 19.E 本段主要表述睡眠质量随着人们年龄的增长而有所提高,又空处所在位置承上启 下,上段叙述幸福与年龄之间的关系,故 E 项与此处匹配。 20.F 根据本段中的“In another study”并结合空处前后句表述的年龄增长与睡眠问题的 关系可推知,F 项符合语境。 阅读理解+七选五阅读限时组合练 5 (限时 35 分钟) Ⅰ.阅读理解 A (2020 湖南长沙一模) If you’ll be taking vacation time in the coming year and plan on flying,here are some useful tips for buying a cheap ticket. When to buy If you’re going to buy tickets for domestic flights,check prices on Tuesday afternoons.This is an old tip but still useful because most U.S.carriers continue to release sales on Tuesday morning,and competitors quickly drop their fares to match the better deals. When to fly Weekdays continue to be generally cheaper times to fly than weekends for most flights.In the U.S.,the cheapest days are typically Tuesday,Wednesday and Saturday.A good itinerary (旅行计划) for the expensive U.S.spring break travel period is scheduled from Tuesday to Saturday;it will save you money (in most cases). Where to fly We continue to see good deals to Boston and Denver and more and more nice prices to Chicago,Seattle and Washington,D.C.As for Europe,there have been surprising deals throughout the fall and those will continue into the winter. Direct flights vs connecting flights Compare the price of direct flights with that of connecting flights,sometimes adding a stop to your route will save you money,and it might be enough to endure the extra long flying day.An example:San Francisco to Raleigh:$553 for a direct flight,$362 with one stop. You’d better think twice about the direct flight for San Francisco to Raleigh. Compare,compare,compare Stifle the impulse to go to your favorite airline site to purchase tickets without doing any comparison.Example:Let’s say you want to fly from New York to London and figure your favorite U.S.legacy carrier will get you there for the best price—$554 for a round trip. However,the comparison site also shows a cheaper flight from the same legacy carrier ($521).See what you’re missing when you fail to do comparison?                                       1.When can you possibly find the best price for flights within the U.S.? A.On Monday morning. B.On Tuesday afternoon. C.On Tuesday morning. D.On Sunday morning. 2.What does the underlined phrase “Stifle the impulse” probably mean? A.Feel free to do something. B.Suppress the desire to do something. C.Get well prepared for something. D.Make a quick decision on something. 3.Who is the text intended for? A.Those who usually choose first class for their flights. B.Those who want to find suggestions on where to fly. C.Those who are travelling during the spring break. D.Those who are looking for the best airline ticket prices. B (2020 广东广州阶段检测) Mama and I spend mornings cleaning up the dirt that blows into our house.Mama says all the dust is due to the drought.The dirt covers everything.It covers our clothes.We have to wash the dishes before each meal.We rarely drive the truck because Papa fears the dust from the road will ruin the motor. When my sister,Faye,and I walk to school we wear kerchiefs over our mouths so we don’t breathe in the dirt.On days when the air is so bad that they close the school,we stay at home and help Mama put wet sheets over the windows.But the dirt always finds a way in. Last Sunday,there was no dirt in the air,only bright spring sunshine and a clear blue sky.After lunch,Papa headed out to the field to check on the cattle while I played with Faye in the yard.The temperature suddenly dropped.I looked to the west and saw a huge black cloud of dust.All the birds flew away.“I must warn Papa,”I thought to myself.To avoid her panicking,I gently told Faye to go back inside where she would be safe,and then headed off to the field. The storm hit so fast,and in an instant the day turned into night.By the time I entered the cow field the fine sand was whipping across my face.I screamed for Papa,hoping my voice would lead him back. The dirt and sand stung my skin like a thousand bees.Although I was terrified,I refused to turn back.My dad was stranded and needed my help.Covering my face with one hand,I groped my way toward the truck and opened the door.First I tried turning the truck’s lights on and off,hoping that Papa would see them flashing,but the sandstorm let no light escape.Then I pushed the horn again and again,so Papa would hear it.I pushed until I had no more strength in my arms. Suddenly,Papa’s face appeared at the window.My heart leaped with surprise and relief.He opened the door and climbed onto the seat next to me.He then pulled me into his arms and said,“Oh,Iris,you saved me!” Finally,the wind subsided and the dust began to settle.Dirt was piled up to the window on one side of the truck and halfway up the door on the other.Papa kicked the door,opening it far enough to let us out. Sand and soil drifts were everywhere,but we were safe. 4.What is the main function of the first two paragraphs? A.It describes a problem the characters must solve. B.It establishes the setting where the story takes place. C.It introduces the characters that are related to the story. D.It explains the motivations for the characters’ later actions. 5.Why did Papa go to the field that Sunday? A.He was trying to get to his truck. B.He needed to prepare the field for harvest. C.He wanted to make sure the cattle were fine. D.He planned to bring the cattle in before the storm. 6.How did Iris save her father? A.By warning him to run away. B.By turning on the truck’s lights. C.By guiding him towards the shelter. D.By screaming his name at the top of her voice. 7.Which of the following words best describe Iris? A.Brave and calm. B.Experienced and confident. C.Adventurous and careful. D.Fearless and sympathetic. C (2020 安徽合肥第一次质检) Erik Kobayashi-Solomon spent a day with Dr.Paul Gauthier,a plant physiologist specializing in vertical(垂直的) farming research and came away with several important ideas about vertical farming. Humans have 12,000 years of experience in growing food,but only a generation’s worth of experience or so in growing crops indoors.We are still progressing up the technology learning curve (曲线).What’s more,traditional farming techniques are based on conditions that are not applicable to vertical farming.Therefore,without taking time to understand the science,vertical farming is not likely to be able to live up to its implied promise. The cost of powering LED grow lights is one of the biggest problems a vertical farm must overcome.Dr.Louis Albright at Cornell has characterized vertical farms as the “pie-in- the-sky” business.He famously calculates,for instance,that the cost of a loaf of bread would be $24 if farmed indoors—the cost is too high.Gauthier acknowledges that energy prices are high but points out that scientific work has shown that only about 6% of available sunlight is used in crop photosynthesis (光合作用),so there may be ways of growing the same plants with less light. Gauthier also points out that while energy costs are a bit high,vertical farming does create enormous efficiencies in other areas.Water usage may be significantly reduced because the same water can be recycled time and again.Fertilizer use can be greatly reduced and pesticides for pest control are unnecessary.It’s clear that vertical farming offers real value to society. The future is probably mixed.In some environments—the Middle East,for instance—a move to vertical farming is a no-brainer.An indoor farm in Saudi Arabia,for instance,can use solar energy to power LEDs at low cost without shading other farmland.In other environments,though,the expense of establishing a facility places a high bar on growth and profitability.A large vertical farming and equipment operation only started generating a small profit eight years into its nine-year life. 8.What can we infer about vertical farming in Paragraph 2? A.It will replace traditional farming one day. B.It relies on research of more basic science. C.It can be applicable under different conditions. D.It actually came into being 12,000 years ago. 9.What does Dr.Louis Albright think of vertical farms? A.They use less light than traditional ones. B.They may seem very unlikely to succeed. C.They can overcome many problems in farming. D.They do not need any natural sunlight any longer. 10.What is the fourth paragraph mainly about? A.The ways of reducing costs of vertical farming. B.The secrets of developing vertical farming. C.The recent trend of vertical farming. D.The benefits of vertical farming. 11.Why is the example of “an indoor farm in Saudi Arabia” mentioned? A.To show vertical farming can work well in some places. B.To prove solar energy is vital for farming in Saudi Arabia. C.To confirm the expense of setting up a vertical farm is high. D.To argue that vegetables do not need to be imported any longer. D (2020 福建福州质量检测) They still bite,but new research shows lab-grown mosquitoes are fighting dengue fever—a dangerous disease that they normally would spread.Dengue infections appear to be dropping fast in communities in Indonesia,Vietnam,Brazil and Australia that are filled with the specially grown mosquitoes. Researchers first injected (注射) mosquito eggs with Wolbachia bacteria that’s common in insects and harmless to people in a lab.Infected females then pass the bacteria on through their eggs.Releasing enough Wolbachia carriers,both the females that bite and the males that don’t,allows mating (交配) to spread the bacteria through a local mosquito population. Rather than using chemicals to wipe out pests,“this is really about transforming the mosquito,”said Cameron Simmons of the non-profit World Mosquito Program,which is conducting the research. The first success came from Australia.Starting in 2011,mosquitoes carrying Wolbachia were released in parts of North Queensland,and gradually spread through the local mosquito population.Dengue is spread when a mosquito bites someone who is infected,and then bites another person,but somehow Wolbachia blocks that—and local spread has nearly disappeared in those North Queensland communities,Simmons said. The studies are continuing in other countries.But the findings,presented at a meeting of the American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene,suggest it’s possible to turn at least some mosquitoes from a public health threat into annoying biters. The work marks “exciting progress”,said Michigan State University professor Zhiyong Xi,who wasn’t involved in the project but has long studied how Wolbachia can turn mosquitoes against themselves. More research is needed,specialists cautioned.“The results are pretty exciting—strong levels of reductions—but there clearly are going to be things to be learned from the areas where the reductions are not as great,”said Penn State University professor Elizabeth McGraw. 12.What can we learn about the lab-grown mosquitoes? A.They lose the ability to bite people. B.They become harmful to human beings. C.They carry dangerous Wolbachia bacteria. D.They spread Wolbachia bacteria by mating. 13.What does the underlined word “that” in Paragraph 4 refer to? A.The bite from a mosquito. B.The local community. C.The spread of dengue. D.The infected person. 14.What does the last paragraph suggest? A.This research proves a complete success. B.Scientists agree on this research. C.There is still room for improvement. D.Mosquitoes turn themselves against harmful ones. 15.What is the best title for the text? A.Bacteria-infected Mosquitoes Bite Deadly Dengue B.Transform Mosquitoes into Annoying Biters C.Fight Against Mosquitoes with Wolbachia D.Harmless Mosquitoes Are on Their Way Ⅱ.七选五 (2020 北京西城统考) Fashion and Identity People have put some message in the type of clothing they wear for a long time.Long ago people started wanting to stand out the “crowd” and be different from other people by means of changing their clothing.Some examples of these “standing out” became very popular and were followed by more people. 16  Nowadays,fashion has become a necessary part of one’s self-realization and clothing is basically a covering designed to be worn on a person’s body.This covering is a “necessity”,which brings a lot of variety into the lives of people and makes their image more complete. The type of clothing completely depends on the person wearing it and becomes a reflection of personal identity.Lately,a lot is being heard about its meaning in the life of every single person on the planet.The choice of clothing is as important as identification through the color of hair,skin and gender.As every piece of clothing carries a strong message about its owner,every owner “nests” a certain value in it depending on his mindset or today’s mood.Therefore,the clothing of a person is a means of communication with the outside world.  17  Clothes have a significant impact on the understanding of the people nearby as well as the person wearing them.For instance,a suit can make a person feel more confident and organized,which would eventually change even the gestures of the person. 18  Sometimes,fashion may play a vital role in a person’s life,especially when the person is applying for the job he wants.Fashion also creates a message that is required by a situation the person finds himself in.This can be simply proved by analyzing one’s reaction to people wearing different types of clothing. 19  Thus,even the smallest companies make wearing a suit one of the requirements for their employees.  20  Fashion,with all its symbolism and features,form an outstanding base for personal and cultural identification.It is a part of the self-realization that is required for finding a place in life and has become a tool for achieving harmony with the inner world.The more diverse the society around us,the more the fashion trend will surprise us. A.Fashion helps us realize our dreams. B.This was the moment when fashion appeared. C.Fashion and identity are inseparable companions. D.Clothing was designed to serve people in their daily life. E.The preference is always given to people dressed in the “business style”. F.It is the way of telling people about the “state” and the “status” of its owner. G.Wearing jeans after a suit may change the conduct of a person to a very casual one. 【帮你拓知识】核心知识,词块记忆 ①in the coming year 在即将到来的一年里 ②release sales 发布销售 ③without doing any comparison 不做任何比较 ④clean up the dirt 清除污垢 ⑤bright spring sunshine 明媚的春日 ⑥a huge black cloud of dust 一团巨大的乌云 ⑦in an instant 瞬间 ⑧have no more strength 再也没有力气了 ⑨traditional farming techniques 传统的农耕技术 ⑩create enormous efficiencies 创造巨大的效率 offer real value to society 为社会提供真正的价值 have a significant impact on 对……有重大影响 exciting progress 令人振奋的进步 be involved in 包括在……中;涉及…… by means of 通过,依靠 参考答案 阅读理解+七选五阅读限时组合练 5 Ⅰ.【语篇导读】这是一篇说明文。本文为乘飞机旅行的游客提供了一些有用的购买便 宜机票的建议,包括购买时间、出行时间、旅行目的地等。 1.B 细节理解题。根据 When to fly 部分的第一句可知,在美国,买机票最便宜的日子通 常是星期二下午,故 B 项正确。 2.B 词义猜测题。根据画线短语所在部分的小标题可知,该部分是建议游客买机票时要 做比较,并结合画线短语所在句可知,此句是说抑制住你不做任何比较就去你最喜欢的航 空公司网站买机票的冲动。B 项意为“抑制住做某事的欲望”,故 B 项符合文意。 3.D 推理判断题。根据第一段可知,如果你明年要休假并打算乘飞机旅行,这里有一些 有用的购买便宜机票的建议,故可推知,本文是写给那些寻找最佳机票价格的人,故 D 项 正确。 【语篇导读】这是一篇记叙文。一个风沙蔽日的周日午后,作者勇敢地闯入沙尘暴,通过 闪车灯和按喇叭的方式提醒父亲到车里躲避并最终救出了父亲。 4.B 推理判断题。下文讲述了作者的英勇事迹,而第一、二段讲述的是该故事发生之前 的天气状况,旨在给故事提供背景,故选 B 项。 5.C 细节理解题。根据第三段第二句“After lunch,Papa headed out to the field to check on the cattle...”可知,父亲那个周日去牧场是为了核实牛的情况是否正常,故 C 项正确。 6.C 细节理解题。根据第五段中的“First I tried turning the truck’s lights on and off,hoping that Papa would see them flashing,but the sandstorm let no light escape.Then I pushed the horn again and again,so Papa would hear it.”可知,作者通过不断地闪车灯和按喇 叭的方式引导父亲来卡车这个临时庇护处躲避沙尘暴,故选 C 项。 7.A 推理判断题。根据第三段尾句以及第五段描述的作者尝试各种方式将父亲引到车 里躲避可知,作者是冷静的;根据第五段第二、三句可知,尽管作者很害怕,但她还是冲进 沙尘暴去帮助父亲,由此可知作者是勇敢的,故 A 项正确。 【语篇导读】这是一篇说明文。文章主要介绍了垂直农业发展所面临的困难以及垂直 农业的优势和未来。 8.B 推理判断题。根据第二段第四句“Therefore,without taking time to understand the science,vertical farming is not likely to be able to live up to its implied promise.”可知,如果不 花时间去了解科学,垂直农业就不可能实现其潜在的前景。由此可推知,垂直农业的发展 依赖更多的基础科学的研究,故选 B 项。 9.B 细节理解题。根据第三段第二句“Dr.Louis Albright at Cornell has characterized vertical farms as the ‘pie-in-the-sky’ business.”及下文列举的他预测使用垂直农业生产 会使一条面包过贵可知,Dr.Louis Albright 认为垂直农业似乎不太可能成功。故选 B 项。 10.D 段落大意题。根据第四段第一句中的“vertical farming does create enormous efficiencies in other areas”及本段最后一句“It’s clear that vertical farming offers real value to society.”可知,垂直农业确实在其他领域创造了提高功效的方法,为社会提供了真正的 价值;该段第二、三句列举了垂直农业具体在哪些领域创造了提高功效的方法。由此可 知,本段主要讲的是垂直农业的好处。故选 D 项。 11.A 推理判断题。根据最后一段第一句“The future is probably mixed.”和本段中的“In some environments”“In other environments”可知,本段主要讲了在不同的环境中垂直农业 未来的情况不同;又根据本段第三句中的“can use solar energy...shading other farmland”可 知,列举“an indoor farm in Saudi Arabia”的例子,是为了说明在有些地方垂直农业可以运 转良好。故选 A 项。 【语篇导读】这是一篇说明文。研究人员在实验室里向蚊子的卵注射沃尔巴克氏菌,然 后释放携带该细菌的蚊子,让其通过交配传播该细菌,以阻止通过蚊子传播的登革热。 12.D 细节理解题。根据第二段尾句“Releasing enough Wolbachia carriers,both the females that bite and the males that don’t,allows mating (交配) to spread the bacteria through a local mosquito population”可知,实验室成长的蚊子通过交配传播沃尔巴克氏 菌。故选 D 项。 13.C 代词指代题。根据画线词所在句中的“Dengue is spread when a mosquito bites someone who is infected,and then bites another person,but somehow Wolbachia blocks that” 可知,that 在这里指代上文所说的登革热的传播,故选 C 项。 14.C 推理判断题。根据第七段第一句“More research is needed,specialists cautioned”以 及第二句中的“but there clearly are going to be things to be learned from the areas where the reductions are not as great”可知,专家提醒,还需要做更多的研究;宾夕法尼亚州立大学的教 授 Elizabeth 说对登革热发病率降低效果不明显的地区应做研究学习。由此可知,答案为 C 项。 15.A 主旨大意题。根据第一段第一句并结合其他内容可知,本文主要介绍了一项新的 研究:研究人员在实验室给蚊子的卵注射沃尔巴克氏菌,然后释放携带沃尔巴克氏菌的蚊 子,让其交配来传播该细菌以阻止通过蚊子传播的登革热。故 A 项最适合作本文标题。 Ⅱ.【语篇导读】这是一篇说明文。为了在人群中更突出,人类社会产生了时装。服装可 以反映出人们的身份和状态,而且也影响着穿着者和其他人的行为举止。 16.B 本空是一个过渡句。前一句“Some examples of these ‘standing out’ became very popular and were followed by more people.”事实上是 fashion 的定义,后一句进一步讲述了 如今的 fashion,因此 B 项符合语境。 17.F 本空是一个段尾句。结合本段中心句“The type of clothing completely depends on the person wearing it and becomes a reflection of personal identity.”和空前一句中的“the clothing of a person is a means of communication with the outside world”可知,本段讲的是 服装能展示穿着者的身份和状态,故 F 项与此处匹配。 18.G 空前一句讲穿着最终能改变一个人的举止,空处应是继续举例说明穿着对人们的 行为举止的影响,故选 G 项。 19.E 本空与后一句形成因果关系,前因后果,结合后一句“因此,即使最小的公司也会要 求员工穿西装”可知,E 项“穿职业装的人总会得到偏爱”符合语境。 20.C 本空是该段的中心句。通读该段内容可知,本段讲的是服装与身份的关系,故选 C 项。 阅读理解+七选五阅读限时组合练 6 (限时 35 分钟) Ⅰ.阅读理解 A (2020 山东济南二模) Known for its complicated,seemingly wavelike sandstone walls and the rays of sunlight that shine into them,Arizona’s Antelope Canyon(羚羊峡谷)is an everlasting attraction for tourists.It’s a slot canyon,meaning it formed from water carving it out over millions of years.It sits about 3,700 feet above sea level and takes its name from the antelope that once lived in it. The canyon forms part of Lake Powell Navajo Tribal Park in the Navajo Nation.The Navajo Nation limits visits to either the Upper or Lower Antelope Canyon to two hours and requires all visitors to be led by authorized guides.If you’re planning a trip and need help deciding which area to visit,keep these recommendations in mind. •When:Tours are available twice a day during the week year-round,though exact times vary by season;tours are not available on weekends or major holidays. •Cost:Tour companies’ fees vary,but tickets,including entrance to the park,generally start at around $ 60 for 90-minute tours of Upper Antelope Canyon.Tours of Lower Antelope Canyon tend to be around an hour and generally cost around $ 40 per adult and $ 20 for children. • Must-know tip:Most of Arizona does not follow daylight saving time,though the Navajo Nation,where Antelope Canyon is located,does.Check with your tour operator to confirm the precise time of your tour. Antelope Canyon hosts tons of visitors and,in order to protect the canyon walls from damage,no bags of any kind are permitted in either the Upper or Lower section.Also keep in mind that while most tour companies welcome small children,not all of them will. 1.What makes Antelope Canyon attractive? A.Its remarkable height. B.The origin of its name. C.Its unique natural feature. D.The process of its formation. 2.How much may a couple pay for a one-hour tour in Lower Antelope Canyon? A.$60. B.$80. C.$100. D.$120. 3.What must be kept in mind about the Antelope Canyon tour? A.The age limit for kids. B.The definite tour time. C.Carrying a small backpack. D.Booking tickets in tour agencies. B (2020 湖南长沙一模) “Pay it forward” is a new saying which means donating money or performing good deeds without hoping for recognition.As far as the receiver of the money,gift,or good deed is concerned,he or she is told only to do something good for someone else. When Scott,a homeless man,spent his last $ 15,he wasn’t looking at it as an investment,but it’s about to pay him huge profits.After he helped a woman who ran out of gas,she returned the favor by raising a lot more on the Internet. Emily McClure,26,was driving home when she ran out of gas halfway.“He saw me pull over and knew something was wrong,” she wrote.“He told me to get back in the car and lock the doors.A few minutes later,he came back with a red gas can,using his last 15 dollars to make sure I could get home safely.” She couldn’t repay him at that time because she had no cash with her.“I have been stopping by his spot for the past few weeks.I repaid him for the gas and gave him some clothes.” Emily decided to do more for him,so she started a crowdfunding (众筹) campaign on GoFundMe,and it quickly gained far beyond its initial $ 10,000 goal.When it reached $ 100,000,the fund-raising page was shut down for a time at Scott’s request.He didn’t want people to think he was taking advantage of the situation.Finally,Emily said that she restarted it because the public interest had not decreased.She also added that Scott planned to donate the rest to a good cause. According to The Washington Times,Scott wants to get a job at a warehouse and a department manager from a company has already reached out to Scott. 4.Why did Scott buy a can of gas for Emily? A.To get huge profits from her. B.To get a job to make a living. C.To get a chance to become famous. D.To make sure she could get home safely. 5.Why was the fund-raising page closed for a time? A.People had no more interest in donation. B.Emily was too busy to make efforts for it. C.Scott was unwilling to be considered greedy. D.The goal to raise $ 10,000 had been achieved. 6.Which of the following best describes Scott? A.Flexible but mean. B.Caring and supportive. C.Honest but stubborn. D.Aggressive and demanding. 7.What does the author want to tell us from the text? A.Two heads are better than one. B.One good turn deserves another. C.One man’s meat is another man’s poison. D.A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush. C (2020 安徽合肥一模) Researchers discovered a hidden continent on Earth,but it’s not Atlantis.They found it while reconstructing the evolution of Mediterranean region’s complex geology,which rises with mountain ranges and dips with seas. The continent is called Greater Adria.It’s the size of Greenland and it broke off from North Africa,only to be buried under Southern Europe about 140 million years ago.And chances are you’ve been there without even knowing it.“Forget Atlantis,”said Douwe van Hinsbergen,the study author and professor at Utrecht University.“Without realizing it,vast numbers of tourists spend their holiday each year on the lost continent of Greater Adria.”This area is called Adria by geologists,so the researchers for this study refer to the previously undiscovered continent as Greater Adria. Most of Greater Adria was underwater,covered by shallow seas,coral reefs and sediments (沉淀物).The sediments formed rocks and those rocks became mountain ranges in these areas:the Alps,the Apennines,the Balkans and Greece.The researchers found that Greater Adria started to become its own continent about 240 million years ago. This isn’t the first time a lost continent has been found.In January 2017,researchers announced the discovery of a lost continent left over from the supercontinent Gondwana,which began breaking apart 200 million years ago.The leftover(剩余的) piece,which was covered in lava (岩浆),is now under Mauritius,an island in the Indian Ocean.And in September 2017,a different research team found the lost continent of Zealandia through ocean drilling in the South Pacific.It’s two-thirds of a mile beneath the sea. Greater Adria isn’t the first lost continent to be found.But if research in past years shows anything,it likely won’t be the last discovery. 8.How did the researchers find Greater Adria? A.They found it accidentally. B.They got inspired by the tales of Atlantis. C.They discovered it after years of searching. D.They followed the steps of exploring mountain ranges. 9.What do we know about Greater Adria? A.It is hidden under the sea level. B.It is much smaller than Greenland. C.It has existed for about 240 million years. D.It has been known to many tourists before. 10.Why are the discoveries mentioned in Paragraph 4? A.To describe how the researchers explored continents. B.To show some other lost continents have been found. C.To prove they are closely related to Greater Adria. D.To explain the reason why Greater Adria got buried. 11.What is the main idea of the text? A.Atlantis was discovered finally. B.The undersea world was explored. C.A hidden mountain was undiscovered. D.A lost continent was found under Europe. D (2020 北京适应性测试) For several decades,there has been an extensive and organized campaign intended to generate distrust in science,funded by those whose interests and ideologies are threatened by the findings of modern science.In response,scientists have tended to stress the success of science.After all,scientists have been right about most things. Stressing successes isn’t wrong,but for many people it’s not persuasive.An alternative answer to the question “Why trust science?” is that scientists use the so-called scientific method.If you’ve got a high school science textbook lying around,you’ll probably find that answer in it.But what is typically thought to be the scientific method—develop a hypothesis (假设),then design an experiment to test it —isn’t what scientists actually do.Science is dynamic:new methods get invented;old ones get abandoned;and sometimes,scientists can be found doing many different things. If there is no identifiable scientific method,then what is the reason for trust in science?The answer is how those claims are evaluated.The common element in modern science,regardless of the specific field or the particular methods being used,is the strict scrutiny (认真彻底的审查) of claims.It’s this tough,sustained process that works to make sure faulty claims are rejected.A scientific claim is never accepted as true until it has gone through a lengthy “peer review” because the reviewers are experts in the same field who have both the right and the obligation (责任) to find faults. A key aspect of scientific judgment is that it is done collectively.No claim gets accepted until it has been vetted by dozens,if not hundreds,of heads.In areas that have been contested,like climate science and vaccine safety,it’s thousands.This is why we are generally justified in not worrying too much if a single scientist,even a very famous one,disagrees with the claim.And this is why diversity in science—the more people looking at a claim from different angles—is important. Does this process ever go wrong?Of course.Scientists are humans.There is always the possibility of revising a claim on the basis of new evidence.Some people argue that we should not trust science because scientists are “always changing their minds”.While examples of truly settled science being overturned are far fewer,they do exist.But the beauty of this scientific process is that it explains what might otherwise appear paradoxical (自相矛盾 的):that science produces both novelty and stability.Scientists do change their minds in the face of new evidence,but this is a strength of science,not a weakness. 12.How does the author think of the scientific method? A.Stable. B.Unreliable. C.Dynamic. D.Unrealistic. 13.What does the underlined word “vetted” in Paragraph 4 probably mean? A.Explained. B.Examined. C.Repeated. D.Released. 14.According to the passage,the author may agree that   . A.it is not persuasive to reject those faulty claims B.settled science tends to be collectively overturned C.a leading expert cannot play a decisive role in scrutiny D.diversity in knowledge is the common element in science 15.Which of the following would be the best title for the passage? A.Put Your Faith in Science B.Defend the Truth in Science C.Apply Your Mind to Science D.Explore a Dynamic Way to Science Ⅱ.七选五 (2020 浙江杭州五校联考) Costco made headlines for bumping up its minimum wage to at least $15 an hour.The warehouse store has a reputation for treating its workers generously,a policy I observed while working there in 2015.In many ways,it’s as enjoyable a place to work as it is to shop.  16  Employees enjoy plenty of benefits.Costco now sets its minimum wage for hourly employees at $15 an hour.That’s in addition to offering benefits like healthcare for all employees,regardless of part-time vs full-time status.While I was at Costco,they gave employees complimentary(免费赠送的) memberships to the store. 17  And to top things off,Costco paid employees time and a half just for working on Sundays. Costco is a great destination for health food.People who haven’t shopped at warehouse clubs might expect the “buy in bulk” mentality to mean the aisles are lined with junk food. 18  Greek yogurt,coconut water,protein powder,and lean meats are just some of the things that line the shelves at Costco.And the produce section is filled with delicious apples,bananas,berries,salads and more,making it a hot-spot where nutritionists food shop.  19 When I tell friends I still shop at Costco,they don’t understand what my husband and I buy there,since we don’t have kids and live in a small New York apartment.But there are plenty of options for any family size,and it doesn’t mean you have to keep ten spare jars of tomato sauce in your kitchen.Things like Kirkland Signature protein bars and olive oil are shelf stable for our small household.Cleaning supplies like kitchen sponges are sold in reasonably sized packages,too.It just depends what you’re looking for. People really do buy that famous giant bear.The giant teddy may seem like an Internet novelty,and plenty of people (myself included) have stopped to take photos with the 8-foot- tall friend.But I saw more than one person buy the giant stuffed animal—usually grandparents purchasing it as a gift for their grandkids. 20  A.It’s not just for big families,either. B.There are a lot of things you can get at Costco. C.Here are a few of the things I learned on my journey. D.I do wonder how they stuffed it into a car to get home. E.It is the exact place where big families can find everything they need. F.Each employee also got a free turkey to enjoy with their families on Thanksgiving. G.While Costco does sell things like cookies and candy bars,there are plenty of healthy options. 【帮你拓知识】核心知识,词块记忆 ①an everlasting attraction 永久的吸引力 ②over millions of years 千百万年来 ③host tons of visitors 接待大量游客 ④keep...in mind 记住…… ⑤raise a lot more on the Internet 网络募集 ⑥run out of 用完,用光 ⑦take advantage of 利用 ⑧on the basis of new evidence 在新证据的基础上 ⑨new methods get invented 发明新方法 ⑩regardless of 不管;尽管 on the basis of 根据;基于 enjoy plenty of benefits 享受很多好处 in reasonably sized packages 用相当大的包装 plenty of options 众多选择 more than one person 一人以上 参考答案 阅读理解+七选五阅读限时组合练 6 Ⅰ.【语篇导读】这是一篇说明文。文章介绍了亚利桑那羚羊峡谷,以及去羚羊峡谷游玩 的时间、花费及旅行时的注意事项。 1.C 细节理解题。由第一段的“Known for its complicated,seemingly wavelike sandstone walls and the rays of sunlight that shine into them,Arizona’s Antelope Canyon(羚羊峡谷)is an everlasting attraction for tourists.”可知,亚利桑那州的羚羊峡谷以其复杂的、看似波状 的砂岩墙壁和照射在其中的阳光而闻名,是吸引游客的永恒景点。由此可知,羚羊峡谷因 它独特的自然特征而具有吸引力。故选 C 项。 2.B 细节理解题。由第四段的“Tours of Lower Antelope Canyon tend to be around an hour and generally cost around $40 per adult and $20 for children.”可知,下羚羊峡谷的游览 时间一般在一小时左右,一般每位成人 40 美元左右,儿童 20 美元左右。由此可知,一对夫 妻需要花费 80 美元。故选 B 项。 3.B 细节理解题。第五段的“Check with your tour operator to confirm the precise time of your tour.”的意思是:请与您的旅行社联系,确认您旅行的准确时间。由此可知,要记住确 切的游览时间。故选 B 项。 【语篇导读】这是一篇记叙文。无家可归的斯科特用自己最后的 15 美元帮助了车没油 的艾米丽;为回报他,艾米丽在网络上发起众筹,然而斯科特却把筹集来的多余的钱捐赠 给了慈善机构,他以这种方式奉献社会,社会最终以一份不错的工作回报了他。 4.D 细节理解题。根据第三段最后一句可知,斯科特用他最后的 15 美元为艾米丽买了 一罐汽油,以确保她能安全回家,故 D 项正确。 5.C 细节理解题。根据第五段第二句和第三句可知,资金筹集网页关闭是应斯科特的要 求,因为他不想让人觉得自己是在利用这种情况,即斯科特不愿意被认为是贪婪的,故 C 项正确。 6.B 推理判断题。根据第三段的内容以及第五段中的“Scott planned to donate the rest to a good cause”可知,当斯科特发现艾米丽的车子没油停在半路的时候,他让艾米丽回到车 里锁好车门,并用自己最后的 15 美元为艾米丽买了一罐汽油以确保她能安全回家;他还 计划把筹集来的多余的钱捐给一个慈善组织,由此可推知,他关心他人而且能够给予他人 帮助,故 B 项正确。 7.B 写作意图题。根据第二段尾句“After he helped a woman...on the Internet”并结合全 文内容可知,本文讲述了无家可归的斯科特帮助了艾米丽,社会也帮助了斯科特的故事,说 明了好人有好报的道理。故 B 项正确。 【语篇导读】这是一篇说明文。研究人员在再现地中海区域复杂地质的进化时,意外地 发现一块隐藏的大陆,这块大陆被叫作 Greater Adria。本文主要介绍了与 Greater Adria 有关的一些情况。 8.A 细节理解题。根据第一段第二句中的“They found it while reconstructing the evolution of Mediterranean region’s complex geology”可知,研究人员是在再现地中海区 域复杂地质的进化时,意外地发现这个大陆的。故选 A 项。 9.C 细节理解题。根据第三段最后一句“The researchers found that Greater Adria started to become its own continent about 240 million years ago”可知,Greater Adria 在大约 2.4 亿 年前开始形成自己的大陆。故选 C 项。根据第三段第一句中的“Most of Greater Adria was underwater”可知,Greater Adria 的一大部分是在水下的,而不是全部隐藏在海平面之 下,故 A 项表述错误。 10.B 推理判断题。根据第四段第一句“This isn’t the first time a lost continent has been found”及本段提到的在 2017 年 1 月和 9 月新发现的遗失的大陆可推知,本段提到这些发 现,是为了展现一些其他遗失的大陆之前已经被发现。故选 B 项。 11.D 主旨大意题。本文是一篇关于研究发现的文章,主要介绍了一个新发现的埋在南 欧下面的大陆——Greater Adria 的相关情况。由此可知,D 项符合题意。 【语篇导读】这是一篇议论文。尽管在过去的几十年有人质疑科学,但科学以其动态的 研究方法、严格的审查制度、集体的智慧论断和与时俱进的态度值得人们信任。 12.C 推理判断题。根据第二段中的“Science is dynamic:new methods get invented;old ones get abandoned”可知,作者认为科学方法在不断更新,是处于动态变化中的,故选 C 项。 13.B 词义猜测题。根据第三段尾句可知,一个科学论断在被接受为正确的之前要经历 漫长的“同行评审”,并结合第四段第一句可推知,画线词所在句表示科学论断只有在经过 很多人审查之后才能被接受,由此可推知,画线词的含义与 B 项词义最为接近,故选 B 项。 14.C 推理判断题。根据第四段的内容,尤其是“This is why we are generally justified in not worrying too much if a single scientist,even a very famous one,disagrees with the claim” 可推知,单个知名科学家在科学论断的审查过程中并不能发挥决定性的作用,故选 C 项。 15.A 主旨大意题。作者在第一段以过去几十年人们对科学的怀疑引出话题,随即表明 了论点“scientists have been right about most things”,接着第二至五段提出论据支撑了这一 论点,以此来呼吁人们要信任科学,所以 A 项最适合作文章标题。 Ⅱ.【语篇导读】这是一篇说明文。文章主要说明了四件作者在好市多超市工作时了解 到的事情。 16.C 下文主要列举了作者在工作中学到的四件事情,由此可知 C 项“Here are a few of the things I learned on my journey.(以下是我在工作旅途中了解到的一些东西。)”符合上 下文语境。 17.F 上文“While I was at Costco,they gave employees complimentary memberships to the store.”的意思是:我在好市多的时候,他们为员工免费提供会员卡。由此可推知下文继续 说明员工享到的福利:每位员工还得到了一只免费的火鸡,与家人共度感恩节。故 F 项符 合上下文语境。 18.G 根据下文“Greek yogurt,coconut water,protein powder,and lean meats are just some of the things that line the shelves at Costco.”可知,好市多还有许多健康的商品。与本空与上 文“People who haven’t shopped at warehouse clubs might expect the ‘buy in bulk’ mentality to mean the aisles are lined with junk food.”应为转折含义,故 G 项“While Costco does sell things like cookies and candy bars,there are plenty of healthy options.(虽然好市多 卖诸如饼干和棒棒糖的东西,但也有很多健康的选择。)”可承接上下文。 19.A 本段中“Things like Kirkland Signature protein bars and olive oil are shelf stable for our small household.Cleaning supplies like kitchen sponges are sold in reasonably sized packages,too.”的意思是:柯克兰招牌蛋白棒和橄榄油之类的东西对我们这个小家庭来说 是很稳定的。像厨房海绵这样的清洁用品也以合理的尺寸包装出售。由此可知,好市多 对于作者这样的小家庭来说也很适合,故它也不只是针对大家庭。故选 A 项。 20.D 结合上文“But I saw more than one person buy the giant stuffed animal—usually grandparents purchasing it as a gift for their grandkids.”可知,巨大的毛绒玩具运输是很困难 的,故下文继续展开说明:我真想知道他们是怎么把它塞进车里回家的。故选 D 项。 阅读理解+七选五阅读限时组合练 7 (限时 35 分钟) Ⅰ.阅读理解 A (2020 山西太原一模) Great inventors like Thomas Edison have influenced people’s lives with their inventions.While their contributions are certainly valuable,other amazing inventions were actually created by children! The trampoline Trampolines are great for both fun and exercise,but they are a fairly recent invention.In the 1930s,George Nissen was inspired to make a bouncy “net” after seeing a circus performance.He thought it more entertaining for performers to continue bouncing instead of landing in a net.So,at the age of 16,he made it by stretching thick cloth in a metal frame. The popsicle Cold weather led to the creation of a delicious invention—the popsicle.Frank Epperson was just 11 years old when he accidentally created his first popsicle.He was making himself a soda drink and left his glass outside overnight.When he found it in the morning,it had frozen solid with the stir (搅拌) stick still in the glass.And the first popsicle was born. Braille Three-year-old Louis Braille experienced a serious eye injury that blinded him in both eyes.He struggled to read by moving his fingers across raised letters,but that proved very difficult.At the age of twelve,Louis learned about a communication system where messages could be read silently with fingertips.He changed it and created Braille.It’s now used around the world! Beacon When Hannah Herbst was just 14 years old,she was named America’s Top Young Scientist for inventing a device called beacon.After receiving a letter from her Ethiopian pen pal,Hannah was inspired to create a device that could convert the energy from ocean waves into electricity which she hopes will help people without easy access to electricity.                                       1.Which of the inventions greatly benefits the blind? A.The trampoline. B.The popsicle. C.Braille. D.Beacon. 2.Who was awarded a national title for his/her invention? A.George Nissen. B.Frank Epperson. C.Louis Braille. D.Hannah Herbst. 3.What do the child inventors have in common? A.They were all awarded for their amazing inventions. B.They all made improvements on previous inventions. C.They were all teenagers when they made their inventions. D.They all invented great things that influence people’s lives. B (2020 福建福州质检) Fire Capt Kevin Lloyd arrived at the scene of a car accident in West Point,Utah,north of Salt Lake City.A pregnant woman and her screaming 2-year-old daughter were trapped in the car. While his partner,Allen Hadley,was lending to the driver,Lloyd couldn’t get the frightened girl to calm down.He saw she was holding several bottles of nail polish,and then he had a better idea.He asked her if she wanted to paint his nails.Soon her eyes lit up.At the same time,Hadley showed up to check on the scene. Lloyd had calmed her down and was in the process of getting his fingers painted.Then Hadley just put his hand in there.The girl began to color his nails pink.By this time,she was not only calm,but she was also happy. The girl’s mother was not injured.She thanked them for helping her daughter feel better,and they all chuckled,looking at the nails,and took some photos. The firefighters brought the photos back to the headquarters and showed them around.The department put them up on the social media,and thousands of people responded,with many thanking the firefighters for going out of their way to calm down a frightened girl. Fire Chief Mark Becraft said he had been surprised at all the attention.He said he was proud of his firefighters,and added that he had known members of the department who had done many things that weren’t part of the job. After the fact,Lloyd and Hadley had a small matter to tend to: the layers of polish on their nails.They bought a bottle of nail polish remover,and used almost all of it. 4.Why was the 2-year-old girl frightened? A.She was caught in an accident. B.Her mother was badly injured. C.Her nails were hurt by the bottles. D.She was afraid of seeing firefighters. 5.Which is the closest in meaning to the underlined word “chuckled” in Paragraph 4? A.Sighed. B.Shouted. C.Laughed. D.Hugged. 6.Which of the following can best describe the two firefighters? A.Knowledgeable. B.Caring. C.Humorous. D.Courageous. 7.What is the purpose of the text? A.To ask us to learn to calm down in times of danger. B.To speak highly of the warm-hearted firefighters. C.To introduce the little girl who likes painting nails. D.To praise the two firefighters who learn to decorate nails. C (2020 北京适应性测试) A group of blue-faced birds step through the grass shoulder to shoulder,red eyes looking around.They look like middle schoolers seeking a cafeteria table at lunchtime.Perhaps they’re not so different. A new study,led by Damien Farine,an ornithologist who studies collective behaviour,shows that vulturine guinea fowls of eastern Africa,like humans,have multilevel societies.In the past,scientists assumed such social structures required a lot of brainpower.But the pea-brained guinea fowls are revealing the faults in that assumption. These large birds wander across the landscape in packs,often walking so closely that their bodies touch.They may fight each other to maintain their strict hierarchies (等级制 度),but at other times they engage in friendly behaviours like sharing food. Suspecting the guinea fowl might have a social structure,Dr Farine and his colleagues began a thorough study of their society.For a whole year,they made daily observations of 441 birds.Coloured leg bands in unique combinations let researchers tell the black-and-blue birds apart.They also attached GPS devices to the backs of 58 birds,which let them see exactly where every group went,24 hours a day. The findings of the research suggest that vulturine guinea fowls have a multilevel society.There are groups within groups within the population as a whole.There even seem to be groups of friends within the small groups.This is the first time anyone has observed such a society in a bird. And Dr Farine emphasizes this particular bird’s tiny brain size.“They don’t only have small brains relative to mammals (哺乳动物);they also have quite small brains relative to other birds,”he said. According to him,living in this kind of society might actually make it easier to keep track of the social order.For example,if groups are stable and a bird can identify just one or two individuals within a group,it knows which group it’s looking at—no need for a brain that can recognize every single animal.Multilevel societies also let animals adjust their group sizes based on whatever challenges they’re facing.Depending on what enemies or resources are around,it might make sense to travel in a combined group rather than a smaller one. “Having a multilevel structure may not require having a large brain,”Dr Farine said.There may be more birds and other animals out there that,although small-brained,have multilevel societies as our own. 8.According to the passage,what inspired Dr Farine to carry out the study? A.The guinea fowl’s social behaviour. B.Previous assumptions about birds. C.His interest in animals’ brainpower. D.The faults in earlier research. 9.What is Paragraph 4 mainly about? A.The research subjects. B.The research methods. C.The research findings. D.The research equipment. 10.What can be learned from the passage? A.Complex social systems can be a disadvantage to guinea fowls. B.Guinea fowls are good at recognizing individuals in a group. C.Birds maintain the social order by travelling in combined groups. D.Small-brained animals can form multilevel societies. 11.What is the main purpose of the passage? A.To present the findings of a study of the guinea fowl. B.To explain the interaction patterns in multilevel societies. C.To introduce a new approach to observing the guinea fowl. D.To uncover clues about how complex societies are formed. D (2020 安徽重点学校联考) Gretchen Altman is smiling,leaning back casually,with a cup of coffee in her hand— Hills Bros.Coffee,to be precise.It looks like a casual shot,but if you give a like,leave a comment,and tag a friend,you can get three different cups of coffee,for free. Altman is part of a growing trend of“micro-influencers”.She has a small following— around 6,000 on Instagram.Her going rate is from $300 to $800 to promote something.She does some posts in exchange for free goods,as long as it’s stuff she believes in. As a micro-influencer she has a much closer relationship with her followers than a big social media star.“I’m just living a normal life and people relate to that,”she says.“They just feel like I’m a friend of theirs.” But it worries consumer rights groups.Several recent studies have found that young audiences are largely unable to understand when something is sponsored content. In some cases,it’s clear.When a big star takes to advertising Coca-Cola on the social media,for example,the assumption is that he or she’s probably getting paid to do so.And the posts are clearly labeled as ads,with the caption “advertisement” or“sponsored content”. But what may happen when an ordinary person with just a couple thousand followers takes to extolling (颂扬) the virtues of a product? The motivations are not so clear.The problem with these social media posts is that you don’t know whether it’s an ad or not. Altman is diligent about using those hashtags (话题).She loves what she does and sees it as business,but she doesn’t necessarily want to be a social media celebrity. “With social media being so integrated into our everyday lives,we have this unique opportunity that I don’t think anyone has ever had before where we can each be our own brand,”Altman says. 12.What does a micro-influencer do according to the passage? A.Give enough likes. B.Do posts to promote products. C.Recommend some comments. D.Design advertisements. 13.What makes consumer rights groups feel worried? A.Sponsored ads content. B.Ads with caption on posts. C.The unclear motivations of the posts. D.The increasingly growing number of audiences. 14.How does Gretchen Altman feel about being a micro-influencer? A.Annoyed. B.Delighted. C.Ambitious. D.Depressed. 15.Which of the following can be the best title? A.Instagram Advertising:Do You Know It?When You See It? B.To Be a Micro-influencer or to Be a Big Star C.We Can Each Be Our Own Top Brand D.Hills Bros.Coffee,Your Coffee Ⅱ.七选五 (2020 浙江湖州、衢州、丽水三地市联考) How do you relax after a stressful day in the office?There are many ways to help you relax. 16  It takes a little effort to get there but the benefits are great for our stressed-out lives.I am talking about the activity of forest bathing.  17  It was introduced as a national health programme by the country’s government.Stressed Japanese workers are today still relaxing and reconnecting with nature.The Forest Therapy Society has certified 62 forest therapy sites in the country and the forest bathing movement is also booming in other parts of the world.It says,“Just as bathing in a hot spring helps to soak your cares away,going for a walk in the woods is said to have a comforting effect.” Forest bathing is about taking time to wander through woodland with no fixed plan or route and just expose yourself to the forest atmosphere. 18  That’s particularly good for people with mental health issues.A study conducted in 24 forests across Japan found that walking among trees lowered blood pressure,the pulse rate,thus improving our immune systems. 19  Another study carried out a few years ago by Stanford University in the US,found similar benefits.Brain scans showed reduced activity in an area of the brain linked to the risk of mental illness in participants who took a 90-minute walk among oaks,birds and squirrels.One of the researchers,Gregory Bratman,said,“There’s an increasing body of evidence showing that natural areas benefit us at least emotionally with our mood and our physical development too.”The evidence seems clear that forest bathing is a shot in the arm for stressed-out workers.So now is the time to get out and lose yourself in the natural environment. 20  A.But the best way lies in the great outdoors. B.Connecting with nature has never been more urgent. C.Forest bathing is rising in popularity around the world. D.Having this exposure to nature seems to promote well-being. E.You could even hug a tree as it could be your new best friend! F.The Japanese concept of forest bathing dates back to the 1980s. G.It also found forest bathing can decrease stress,anxiety and depression. 【帮你拓知识】核心知识,词块记忆 ①a fairly recent invention 最近的一项发明 ②invent a device called beacon 发明一种叫做 beacon 的装置 ③receive a letter from her pen pal 收到了一封来自她笔友的信 ④calm down 平静下来 ⑤see a circus performance 看马术表演 ⑥without easy access to electricity 不易弄到电 ⑦check on the scene 查看现场 ⑧be proud of 以……而骄傲 ⑨engage in 参与,从事 ⑩a thorough study 一次彻底的研究 keep track of 跟踪,记录 a growing trend of 日益增长的趋势 extoll the virtues 颂扬美德 a much closer relationship 更亲密的关系 a social media celebrity 社交媒体名人 reconnect with nature 与大自然重新建立联系 with no fixed plan 没有固定计划 lower blood pressure 降低血压 carry out 实施 an increasing body of evidence showing that 越来越多的证据表明…… 微信扫码 获取 在线名师微课 配套指导课件 备考资料合集 智能学习助手 参考答案 阅读理解+七选五阅读限时组合练 7 Ⅰ.【语篇导读】这是一篇说明文。像爱迪生那样的大发明家发明的东西对人们的生活 产生了很大的影响,但是实际上也有一些改变人们生活的东西是由孩子们发明的。本文 重点介绍了四种孩子们的发明。 1.C 细节理解题。由题干关键词“benefits the blind”定位至第四段,根据该段内容特别是 最后两句“He changed it and created Braille.It’s now used around the world!”可知,Braille 这个发明对盲人极为有益,故 C 项正确。 2.D 细节理解题。根据尾段第一句“When Hannah Herbst was just 14 years old,she was named America’s Top Young Scientist for inventing a device called beacon”可知,Hannah Herbst 在 14 岁时,因发明了一种名为 beacon 的装置而被称为美国顶级青年科学家。故 D 项正确。 3.D 推理判断题。根据第一段中的“have influenced people’s lives”和“other amazing inventions”并通读第二段至第五段可推知,孩子们的四种发明——蹦床、棒冰、盲文、 海浪发电装置都很棒,它们影响了人们的生活,故 D 项正确。 【语篇导读】这是一篇记叙文。文章讲述了在车祸现场,一个两岁的小女孩由于受到惊 吓一直无法镇静下来,消防员为了让她镇静下来,就让她给自己涂指甲,后来他们拍了一些 照片;其后,消防部门把当时的照片上传到社交媒体上,数千人给予回应,消防员的这种做 法获得了好评。 4.A 细节理解题。根据第一段第一句中的“a car accident”以及第二句 “A pregnant woman and her screaming 2-year-old daughter were trapped in the car”可知,小女孩之所以 害怕是因为她遇到了车祸,故选 A 项。 5.C 词义猜测题。根据第三段中的“color his nails pink”“she was also happy”以及画线词 所在句中的“She thanked them for helping her daughter feel better”和“looking at the nails” 可推知,当时那位母亲没有受伤,她感谢消防员安慰自己的女儿;看着被涂了指甲油的指 甲,他们都笑了,而且拍了一些照片。故选 C 项。 6.B 推理判断题。根据第三段最后一句“By this time,she was not only calm,but she was also happy”以及第五段第二句中的“thousands of people responded,with many thanking the firefighters for going out of their way to calm down a frightened girl”可知,消防员通过让小 女孩给自己涂指甲不仅使她镇静了下来,而且使小女孩很开心;在社交媒体上,很多人感 谢消防员们设法安慰那个受了惊吓的小女孩。由此可推知,这两个消防员是关心他人 的。故选 B 项。 7.B 推理判断题。文章讲述了两位消防员为了使一个两岁的受了惊吓的小女孩镇静下 来,就让她给自己涂指甲油,这一做法在社交媒体上广受好评;这本来是他们的分外之事, 但是他们却想方设法来帮助他人。由此可推知,本文的目的是称赞热心肠的消防员。故 选 B 项。 【语篇导读】这是一篇说明文。文章介绍了 Dr Farine 及其团队的研究发现:尽管大脑 小,但珍珠鸡种群有多层次的社会结构。 8.A 细节理解题。根据第三段的内容以及第四段第一句“Suspecting the guinea fowl might have a social structure,Dr Farine and his colleagues began a thorough study of their society”可知,珍珠鸡独特的行为表现使 Dr Farine 觉得它们可能有社会结构,所以他和他 的同事开展了这项研究,故选 A 项。 9.B 段落大意题。根据第四段的内容可知,Dr Farine 及其团队在一年内每天观察 441 只 珍珠鸡,并用彩带把它们区分开,还给其中 58 只身上装了定位设备,每天 24 小时观察它们 的去向,由此可知,本段主要讲述了 Dr Farine 及其团队所使用的研究方法,故 B 项正确。 10.D 推理判断题。通读全文并根据最后一段中的“Having a multilevel structure may not require having a large brain”可推知,即使大脑很小的物种,也可能拥有多层次的社会结构, 故选 D 项。 11.A 写作意图题。本文第一段通过珍珠鸡的行为表现引入话题,第二段介绍了研究发 现,第三、四段讲述了开始研究的原因及研究方法,后四段分析了研究发现。由此可知。 本文主要介绍了一项关于珍珠鸡的研究的发现,故 A 项正确。 【语篇导读】这是一篇说明文。文章介绍了当前社交媒体上的微影响者的作用及其所 带来的问题。 12.B 细节理解题。根据第二段最后两句“Her going rate is from $300 to $800 to promote something.She does some posts in exchange for free goods,as long as it’s stuff she believes in”可知,微影响者做的是发布一些帖子来推销一些产品。故选 B 项。 13.C 推理判断题。根据文章第四至六段的表述可推知,微影响者发帖子用来打广告,但 不加任何说明,会导致年轻人不能有效辨别帖子的目的,所以这种意图不明的帖子会对浏 览者造成困扰,这是消费者权益群体所担心的问题。故选 C 项。 14.B 推理判断题。根据第七段“Altman is diligent about using those hashtags (话题).She loves what she does and sees it as business,but she doesn’t necessarily want to be a social media celebrity”可知,Gretchen Altman 喜欢她做的事,而且非常勤奋。由此可推知,她对成 为微影响者感到开心。故选 B 项。 15.A 主旨大意题。通读全文可知,本文主要介绍了微影响者利用 Instagram 等社交平 台,发一些帖子,以推销某些产品;但是这种做法到底是在做广告还是出于其他目的,看帖 子的人并不知道,由此引发了消费者权益群体的担忧。由此可推知,A 项最适合做本文的 标题。 Ⅱ.【语篇导读】这是一篇说明文。森林浴是指在没有固定计划或路线的林地中漫步,让 自己置身于森林的氛围中。这能促进身体和心理的健康,可以帮助人们提高免疫系统和 减轻压力、焦虑和抑郁。 16.A 根据下文“It takes a little effort to get there but the benefits are great for our stressed- out lives.I am talking about the activity of forest bathing.(这需要一点努力到那儿,但对于我 们的压力过大的生活,好处是巨大的。我说的是森林浴的活动。)”可知,本句意在说明户 外活动是最好的放松方式,故 A 项“但最好的方式在户外。”符合上下文语境。 17.F 根据下文中“Stressed Japanese workers are today still relaxing and reconnecting with nature.(压力大的日本工人如今仍在放松身心,与大自然重新建立联系。)”可知是在说日 本的森林浴,故 F 项“日本的森林浴概念可追溯到 20 世纪 80 年代。”符合上下文语境。 18.D 根据下文“That’s particularly good for people with mental health issues.(这对有心 理健康问题的人来说特别好。)”可知,是在说明接触大自然的好处,故 D 项“接触大自然 似乎能促进健康。”符合上下文语境。 19.G 结合上文“A study conducted in 24 forests across Japan found that walking among trees lowered blood pressure,the pulse rate,thus improving our immune systems.(一项在日本 24 片森林中进行的研究发现,在树林中行走可以降低血压、脉搏率,从而提高我们的免疫 系统。)”可推知本句承接上文,继续说明森林浴的好处,故 G 项“研究还发现,‘森林浴’ 可以减少压力、焦虑和抑郁。”符合上下文语境。 20.E 根据上文“So now is the time to get out and lose yourself in the natural environment(所以现在是时候出去,在自然环境中放松自己了)”可推知本句承接上文,说明 在自然环境中放松的方式,故 E 项“你甚至可以拥抱一棵树,因为它可以成为你最好的新 朋友!”符合上下文语境。 完形填空限时组合练 1 (限时 35 分钟) A (2020 山东济南一模) As the temperature approached as high as 90℉ last July 4th,three police officers went into a Foods Market to get something  1  to drink.Once inside,they were asked by a security guard to help with a  2  woman.The woman in question was obviously  3 ,and her cheeks were wet with tears.The officers looked inside her bag.All they saw were containers of  4 . “I’m hungry,”she explained  5 .Caught red-handed,the woman no doubt expected to be treated as a  6 .But the police had other  7 .“We’ll pay for her food,”one of them told the  8  security guard.She would not be  9 . Drying her wet  10 ,the woman repeated,“Thank you.Thank you.”She wasn’t the only one touched by this act of  11 .Customers at the store were so impressed by what they’d  12  that some even posted a photo on Twitter. 13 ,attention was never what the officers sought.They were  14  by a far more common emotion.When we look at someone’s face and see that he/she needs you,it’s pretty  15  as a human being to walk away from something like this.                                         1.A.safe B.sweet C.clean D.cold 2.A wounded B.suspected C.reported D.wrong 3.A.scared B.disappointed C.puzzled D.annoyed 4.A.clothes B.medicine C.toys D.food 5.A.politely B.loudly C.seriously D.hopelessly 6.A.thief B.beggar C.victim D.customer 7.A.facts B.secrets C.ideas D.reasons 8.A.rude B.surprised C.patient D.embarrassed 9.A.arrested B.employed C.kept D.doubted 10.A.bag B.hands C.packet D.cheeks 11.A.caution B.sympathy C.justice D.faith 12.A.ignored B.expected C.witnessed D.recognized 13.A.However B.Therefore C.Besides D.Instead 14.A.attracted B.controlled C.required D.driven 15.A.typical B.amazing C.difficult D.silly 【帮你拓知识】核心知识,词块记忆 ①in question 有问题的,被怀疑的 ②wet with tears 泪流满面 ③no doubt 毫无疑问 B (2020 山东青岛一模) The victims were carried in one by one,their paws and fur burned,suffering from dehydration(脱水)and fear.Their caretakers  1  their wounds,and  2  them in baskets with the only thing that was  3 —the leaves of eucalyptus(桉树)trees.As miserable fires have  4  more than 2 million acres in Australia,only dozens of koalas have been  5  from the smoky trees and  6  ground. Koalas,unlike kangaroos,birds or snakes,do not  7  from fires but instead climb trees to the top,where they can curl themselves into a ball for  8  and wait for the danger to   9 . But during big fires such as those that have burned in recent weeks,the animals are far less likely to  10 .Even if the fire itself does not reach the tree  11 ,the animals may overheat and fall to the ground,where they can be burned to death. The tough situation of the koalas has raised  12  among scientists and conservationists(环保主义者).While koalas have developed to exist alongside the wildfires,they are facing new  13  not just from climate change but also from human development,which has dislocated koalas’ populations, 14  their ability to survive fires. We have these  15  animals not found anywhere else on this planet,and we are killing them.This is a big wake-up call. 1.A.touched B.treated C.ignored D.discovered 2.A.threw B.locked C.laid D.forced 3.A.familiar B.plentiful C.beautiful D.expensive 4.A.reached B.left C.burned D.trapped 5.A.killed B.recognized C.hurt D.rescued 6.A.flat B.black C.broad D.safe 7.A.escape B.die C.suffer D.rise 8.A.balance B.protection C.challenge D.comfort 9.A.attack B.come C.pass D.avoid 10.A.jump B.climb C.fall D.survive 11.A.top B.leaves C.trunk D.root 12.A.passion B.concern C.fear D.interest 13.A.chances B.choices C.neighbors D.threats 14.A.weakening B.developing C.enriching D.ensuring 15.A.lonely B.stupid C.lazy D.unique 【帮你拓知识】核心知识,词块记忆 ①one by one 逐个地;依次地 ②be burned to death 被烧死 ③a big wake-up call 一个巨大的警钟 参考答案 完形填空限时组合练 1 A 【语篇导读】本文是一篇夹叙夹议文。三名警察帮助一名饥饿的妇女支付了她所偷拿 的食物的钱,作者将这种同情行为定义为——被人类共同的情感所驱使。当我们看着某 人的脸,看到他们需要你的时候,作为人类,我们很难在这种情况下走开。 1.D 根据上文可知,天气温度很高,故本句意为“三位警察走进一家店想喝点冷饮”。 safe“安全的”;sweet“甜的”;clean“干净的”;cold“寒冷的”。故选 D 项。 2.B 根据后文的“in question”可知,此处表示“有嫌疑的”,句意:一进屋,一名保安让他们帮 助处理一名可疑女士。wounded“受伤的”;suspected“怀疑的”;reported“报道的”;wrong“错 误的”。故选 D 项。 3.A 根据情境,这位有问题的女士显然很“害怕”,两颊都被泪水打湿了。scared“害怕 的”;disappointed“失望的”;puzzled“迷惑的”;annoyed“生气的”。故选 A 项。 4.D 根据后文“I’m hungry”可知,这位女士拿的应该都是食物。句意:他们看到的只是 装食物的容器。clothes“衣服”;medicine“药”;toy“玩具”;food“食物”。故选 D 项。 5.D 根据上下文可知,她处于被质问的一方,她解释的状态是“无助的”。politely“礼貌 地”;loudly“大声地”;seriously“严肃地”;hopelessly“无助地”。故选 D 项。 6.A 根据上文可知,她被当成了“小偷”。thief“小偷”;beggar“乞丐”;victim“受害 人”;customer“顾客”。故选 A 项。 7.C 根据后文可知,警察并没有抓走她,而是帮她支付了食物的钱,这是另外一种“想法、 主意”。fact“事实”;secret“秘密”;idea“想法,主意”;reason“原因”。故选 C 项。 8.B 根据上下文可知,保安此时对警察的处理方式应该很“惊讶”。rude“粗鲁 的”;surprised“吃惊的”;patient“耐心的”;embarrassed“尴尬的”。故选 B 项。 9.A 根据上文警察帮忙付钱可知,警察并没有“逮捕”她。arrest“逮捕”;employ“雇 佣”;keep“保持”;doubt“怀疑”。故选 A 项。 10.D 根据上文“her cheeks were wet with tears”可知,她擦干湿了的“脸颊”。 bag“包”;hand“手”;packet“包裹”;cheek“脸颊”。故选 D 项。 11.B 根据上文可知,这位女士被可怜,这种行为应该是同情。caution“警觉,注 意”;sympathy“同情”;justice“公平”;faith“信仰”。故选 B 项。 12.C 根据上下文可知,商店的顾客对他们所看到的景象如此深刻,以至于有些人甚至在 推特(社交网站)上发布了照片。ignore“忽视”;expect“期待”;witness“目击”;recognize“辨 识”。故选 C 项。 13.A 根据上下文可知,警察并不想引起注意,表示转折关系。however“然 而”;therefore“因此”;besides“除此之外”;instead“而不是”。故选 A 项。 14.D 根据上下文可知,他们被人类共同的情感所驱使。attract“吸引”;control“控 制”;require“要求”;drive“驱使”。故选 D 项。 15.C 根据上文所述,作者想表达作为人,很难在这种情况下走开。typical“典型 的”;amazing“惊人的”;difficult“困难的”;silly“愚蠢的”。故选 C 项。 B 【语篇导读】本文是一篇记叙文。文章讲述了澳大利亚的一场森林大火造成了许多动 物受伤,其中考拉伤亡严重,这次火灾警示人类要保护动物。 1.B 根据上文可知,它们被火烧伤了,根据关键词 caretakers 可知,它们的护理人员治疗它 们的伤口。touch“触摸”;treat“治疗”;ignore“忽视”;discover“发现”。故选 B 项。 2.C 根据上文可知,医护人员治疗后会把它们小心地放入篮子里。throw“扔,抛”;lock“锁 上”;lay“(尤指轻轻地或小心地)放置,安放”;force“强迫”。故选 C 项。 3.A 根据下文可知,考拉对桉树的叶子是熟悉的。familiar“熟悉的”;plentiful“充足的,丰 富的”;beautiful“美丽的”;expensive“昂贵的”。故选 A 项。 4.C 根据“miserable fires”可知所缺单词是“燃烧”的意思。reach“到达”;leave“离 开”;burn“燃烧”;trap“困住”。故选 C 项。 5.D 根据上文护理人员治疗考拉可知,是考拉被从大火中营救出来。kill“杀 死”;recognize“辨别”;hurt“伤害”;rescue“营救”。故选 D 项。 6.B 由上文可知,火灾十分严重,树木烟雾弥漫,大地被烧焦,因此是黑色的地面。flat“平 坦的”;black“黑色的”;broad“宽阔的”;safe“安全的”。故选 B 项。 7.A 由下文可知,考拉爬到树顶以保护自己,因此说它们不像袋鼠、鸟类或者蛇那样能 从火灾中逃脱。escape“逃脱”;die“死亡”;suffer“受苦”;rise“上升”。故选 A 项。 8.B 根据句意可知,在火中,它们爬上树顶,蜷缩成一团是为了保护自己。balance“平 衡”;protection“保护”;challenge“挑战”;comfort“舒服”。故选 B 项。 9.C 根据上文可知,考拉只能等着危险过去。attack“攻击”;come“来”;pass“过 去”;avoid“避免”。故选 C 项。 10.D 根据上下文可知,动物“存活”的可能性很小。jump“跳”;climb“爬”;fall“落 下”;survive“存活”。故选 D 项。 11.A 由上文可知,考拉是爬到树顶躲避大火。top“顶”;leaf“叶子”;trunk“树 干”;root“根”。故选 A 项。 12.B 考拉遭遇了火灾,科学家和环保主义者应该是担忧的。passion“热情”;concern“担 心”;fear“害怕”;interest“兴趣”。故选 B 项。 13.D 根据上下文推测,尽管考拉从这场大火中存活下来,它们还将面临新的威胁。 chance“机会”;choice“选择”;neighbor“邻居”;threat“威胁”。故选 D 项。 14.A 由上文可知,人类的发展是考拉面对的新威胁,带来的是不好的影响,因此是削弱了 它们的生存能力。weaken“减弱”;develop“发展”;enrich“使丰富”;ensure“确保”。故选 A 项。 15.D 由下文“not found anywhere else on this planet”可知是独一无二的。lonely“孤单 的”;stupid“愚蠢的”;lazy“懒惰的”;unique“独一无二的”。故选 D 项。 完形填空限时组合练 2 (限时 35 分钟) A (2020 山东潍坊一模) I woke up by my dog barking in the early morning.I went outside to find a koala(考拉) at the yard gate wanting to enter.It was the first time that I had  1 a koala in my neighborhood.What a welcome  2 ! I was wondering why he was here,as koalas 3  come down from the trees and don’t like walking,either. 4 ,there’s no eucalyptus (桉树) around.Was he hungry or lost?Or maybe the bushfire across Kangaroo Island  5 him here? He just sat there,apparently 6 ,and looked at me with a look,like “helping me out of my suffering”.At a(n)  7 look,I discovered a long cut at his back with bloods, 8  of attacks or cuts of something sharp in some other way. I rushed into my room and came out with some iodophor (碘伏药水).It was not a  9  problem as I was a nurse.This poor soul seemed to quite 10  my kindness when I  11  the cut with the liquid.It 12  me that he came to seek my 13 ! After the treatment,I watched the koala finally 14  in the wild,hoping he was able to   15  the hard time and live his life as he should. 1.A.grabbed B.encountered C.investigated D.tackled 2.A.chance B.relief C.surprise D.message 3.A.frequently B.slightly C.mostly D.rarely 4.A.Once more B.Ever since C.Just then D.Then again 5.A.pursued B.drove C.followed D.cast 6.A.in pain B.in order C.in comfort D.in disappointment 7.A.quick B.close C.eager D.anxious 8.A.features B.symbols C.signs D.series 9.A.crucial B.small C.distinct D.tricky 10.A.ignore B.answer C.understand D.anticipate 11.A.touched B.felt C.tapped D.treated 12.A.appealed to B.referred to C.occurred to D.addressed to 13.A.help B.advice C.approval D.fortune 14.A.exploring B.rushing C.jogging D.disappearing 15.A.experience B.survive C.escape D.have 【帮你拓知识】核心知识,词块记忆 ①drive v.迫使,驱使 ②then again 其次,还有 ③in pain 痛苦 ④occur to 发生,想起 B (2020 山东淄博一模) When you first hear the words “lung cancer”,you will think that’s the end of the world.Camille,a 53-year-old mother of two teens is not  1 .But fortunately,science is progressing rapidly,a series of tests help to  2  that the right medicine reaches the right patient at the right time.Many people,like Camille,are  3  from cancer diagnostic testing. With proper  4  and medical care,Camille is now able to keep her daily  5  while treating her disease.She gets a CT scan every three months to  6  for any changes.Now she’s swimming a quarter of a mile twice a week and she can  7  with her kids’ school.She said,“There are some things that I know I should take slowly,but  8 ,it’s mostly back to  9  for us.I couldn’t even  10  when I was first diagnosed (诊 断).However,I became very  11 .” As part of that gratitude, 12  has become even more important to Camille since her diagnosis. “I’ve always been the caretaker and the volunteer,but people have helped me,particularly in the last couple of months,so I really want to  13  that back,” she said.“I want to help people who are in the same  14  as I am.I would tell them there’re a lot of   15  out there and that it’s not hopeless.” 1.A.asleep B.alone C.lonely D.together 2.A.make sense B.make up C.make sure D.make out 3.A.benefiting B.escaping C.traveling D.deserving 4.A.relaxation B.protection C.entertainment D.treatment 5.A.program B.process C.routine D.service 6.A.manage B.monitor C.follow D.record 7.A.help B.accompany C.greet D.save 8.A.besides B.moreover C.otherwise D.instead 9.A.surprise B.nature C.special D.normal 10.A.stand B.remember C.realize D.lie 11.A.pitiful B.grateful C.cautious D.impatient 12.A.struggling B.engineering C.volunteering D.pioneering 13.A.take B.look C.return D.give 14.A.situation B.occupation C.relationship D.system 15.A.opinions B.options C.difficulties D.decisions 【帮你拓知识】核心知识,词块记忆 ①a series of 一系列 ②make sure 确保 ③daily routine 日常生活 ④give back 归还 参考答案 完形填空限时组合练 2 A 【语篇导读】本文是一篇记叙文。文章讲述的是一只受伤的考拉来到作者家门口寻求 帮助的故事。作者是一名护士,为它疗伤,然后放它回归大自然。 1.B 根据下文的“a koala in my neighborhood”可知,此处指“遇到”考拉。grab“攫取,捕 获”;encounter“遇到”;investigate“研究,调查”;tackle“解决,处理”。故选 B 项。 2.C 根据下文的“I was wondering why he was here”可知,在家附近遇到考拉是令人“惊讶 的”。chance“机会”;relief“安慰,缓解”;surprise“惊讶”;message“消息”。故选 C 项。 3.D 根据下文的“don’t like walking,either”可知,考拉“很少”从树上下来。frequently“频 繁地”;slightly“轻微地”;mostly“主要地”;rarely“很少,难得”。故选 D 项。 4.D 根据下文的“there’s no eucalyptus(桉树)around”可知,此处指很少见到考拉的另一 个理由,所以与上文联系,这里应该是“其次,还有”。once more“再一次”;ever since“从那时 到现在”;just then“就在那时”;then again“其次,还有”。故选 D 项。 5.B 根据上文的“the bushfire across Kangaroo Island”可知,此处指是不是大火把它“逼 到”了这里。pursue“追求,获得”;drive“逼迫,驾驶”;follow“跟随”;cast“投”。故选 B 项。 6.A 根据下文“helping me out of my suffering”可推测,它只是坐在那里,显然很痛苦。in pain“痛苦”;in order“整齐”;in comfort“舒适地”;in disappointment“失望地”。故选 A 项。 7.B 根据下文的“I discovered a long cut at his back with bloods”可知,此处指“靠近”看考 拉。quick“迅速的”;close“靠近的,紧密的”;eager“渴望的”;anxious“焦虑的”。故选 B 项。 8.C 根据下文的“attacks or cuts of something sharp in some other way”可知,此处指有受 伤的“迹象”。feature“特征”;symbol“象征,符号”;sign“标志”;serie“系列”。故选 C 项。 9.D 根据句意可知,因为我是一名护士,所以这不是一个棘手的问题。crucial“重要 的”;small“小的”;distinct“明显的”;tricky“棘手的,狡猾的”。故选 D 项。 10.C 根据下文的“my kindness”和“After the treatment”可知,考拉“理解”作者的好意。 ignore“忽视”;answer“回答”;understand“明白,理解”;anticipate“预料”。故选 C 项。 11.D 根据下文的“the cut with the liquid”可知,此处指作者为考拉“治疗”。touch“触摸,感 动”;feel“感觉”;tap“轻敲”;treat“对待,治疗”。故选 D 项。 12.C It occurred to sb that...是固定句式,意为“某人突然想起”,符合本句句意。appeal to“呼吁,吸引”;refer to“提到,涉及”;occur to“发生,想起”;address to“写收信人的姓名和地 址”。故选 C 项。 13.A 承接上文可知,我突然想起它是来寻求我的帮助的!help“帮助”;advice“建 议”;approval“批准,认可”;fortune“运气”。故选 A 项。 14.D 根据句中的“After the treatment”和“in the wild”可知,考拉“消失”在野外。 explore“探索”;rush“猛冲”;jog“慢跑”;disappear“消失”。故选 D 项。 15.B 根据下文的“the hard time and live his life as he should”可知,作者希望考拉能在这 段磨难的日子中“幸存”。experience“体验”;survive“幸存”;escape“逃脱”;have“有”。故选 B 项。 B 【语篇导读】本文是一篇记叙文。文章主要讲述了 53 岁的卡米尔曾身患肺癌,经过诊治 现在她能够在治疗疾病的同时保持自己的日常生活,并且当志愿者帮助跟自己处于相同 处境的人的故事。 1.B 由下文的“I want to help people who are in the same  14  as I am.”可知,此处指她 不是唯一一个(患肺癌的人)。asleep“睡着的”;alone“唯一的,独自的”;lonely“寂寞 的”;together“做事有效率的”。故选 B 项。 2.C 根据语境可知,科学正在迅速发展,一系列的测试有助于“确保”正确的药物在正确 的时间用到正确的病人身上。make sense“有意义,讲得通”;make up“组成,化妆”;make sure“确保”;make out“理解,辨认出”。故选 C 项。 3.A 由下文可知,卡米尔正在从癌症诊断测试中“受益”。benefit“受益”;escape“逃 避”;travel“旅行”;deserve“应得”。故选 A 项。 4.D 由下文的“and medical care”并结合语境可知,经过适当的“治疗”和医疗护理符合句 意。relaxation“放松”;protection“保护”;entertainment“娱乐”;treatment“治疗”。故选 D 项。 5.C 结合语境可知,经过适当的治疗和医疗护理,卡米尔现在能够在治疗疾病的同时保 持自己的“日常生活”,daily routine 是固定短语,意为“日常生活”。program“程序,计 划”;process“过程”;routine“常规”;service“服务”。故选 C 项。 6.B 根据前面的“gets a CT scan”并结合语境可知,她每三个月做一次 CT 扫描以“检查” 有无变化。manage“管理”;monitor“检查,监视”;follow“跟随”;record“报告”。故选 B 项。 7.A 根据句意,她可以“帮助”孩子们上学,help with 是固定搭配,“帮助”。accompany“陪 伴”;greet“欢迎,迎接”;save“节省,挽救”。故选 A 项。 8.C 根据“but”一词可知下文表相反的情况。besides“况且,此外”;moreover“并 且”;otherwise“在其他方面,除此之外,否则”;instead“代替,反而”。故选 C 项。 9.D 根据上文并结合语境可知,此处指对她们来说基本上会恢复“正常”了。surprise“惊 奇”;nature“自然,本性”;special“特别的东西”;normal“正常,常态”。故选 D 项。 10.A 根据上文的“Camille is now able to keep her daily”并结合语境可知,此处指她刚被 确诊的时候甚至都站不住。stand“站立”;remember“记住”;realize“意识到”;lie“躺”。故选 A 项。 11.B 承接下文的“As part of that gratitude”可知,作者变得非常“感激”。pitiful“可怜 的”;grateful“感激的”;cautious“谨慎的”;impatient“不耐心的”。故选 B 项。 12.C 根据下文的“I’ve always been the caretaker and the volunteer”可知,此处指“志愿服 务”对她来说变得更加重要。struggle“斗争”;engineer“建造”;volunteer“自愿地或无偿地给 予或提供(建议、帮助等)”;pioneer“开辟;当拓荒者”。故选 C 项。 13.D 根据上文可知,作者真的想把这份帮助还给他们。take back“拿回”;look back“回 顾”;return back“返回”;give back“归还”。故选 D 项。 14.A 根据语境可知,作者想帮助和作者“处境”相同的人。situation“情况,处 境”;occupation“职业”;relationship“关系”;system“系统”。故选 A 项。 15.B 根据上下文可知,作者会告诉他们有很多选择,那不是没有希望的。opinion“观点, 想法”;option“选择”;difficulty“困难”;decision“决定”。故选 B 项。 完形填空限时组合练 3 (限时 35 分钟) A (2020 山东济南二模) Luther Younger is a 99-year-old loving husband.His wife came down with cancer nine years ago,and doctors 1  she’d have just five years to live. 2 ,the couple have remained strong. Over the last nine years,Luther takes a six-mile  3  every day to visit his wife in the hospital.He always stays by her side,encouraging her,showering her with  4  and their daily kiss.Luther could get a ride or even take the bus,but he  5  to walk the whole journey to help clear his mind and to  6 everything about his wife.Passers-by often recognize Luther and stop to offer him a ride,but he  7  their kindness.His daily walk is  8  of how much he loves his wife. Luther’s daughter hoped he could  9 accept rides,especially on extremely hot and snowy days,but Luther  10  walking himself so she just lets him have it his way.  11  walking six miles each day in the heat and snow would be too much,when you’ve walked through  12  with someone,what’s another six miles?Luther is always   13  to leave his love before returning home,but he knows that each tomorrow, 14 the weather,he will be on his way again.He can’t bear to live a single day without  15 his wife. 1.A.reported B.imagined C.advised D.thought 2.A.However B.Therefore C.Instead D.Besides 3.A.drive B.walk C.ride D.flight 4.A.relief B.trust C.love D.sympathy 5.A.agrees B.hesitates C.fails D.prefers 6.A.recall B.suspect C.ignore D.discover 7.A.dislikes B.corrects C.declines D.considers 8.A.motivation B.proof C.trial D.origin 9.A.actually B.gradually C.finally D.occasionally 10.A.insists on B.turns to C.sets about D.takes up 11.A.Because B.If C.While D.Until 12.A.life B.growth C.marriage D.adulthood 13.A.grateful B.sad C.eager D.guilty 14.A.thanks to B.rather than C.apart from D.regardless of 15.A.supporting B.mentioning C.seeing D.calling 【帮你拓知识】核心知识,词块记忆 ①offer sb a ride 载某人一程 ②insist on 坚持 ③regardless of 不管 B (2020 山东潍坊二模) Hansen and his 10-year-old son Chase search the streets of Salt Lake City every weekend for the homeless to take to lunch.They started Project Empathy(共情)four years ago to  1 a meal,listen to their stories and figure out how they could  2  help. “Just start with a smile,a hello.It really just starts with that.If you do it,you can make a connection.A small gesture can have a  3  impact on others less fortunate,” Hansen  4  in an interview. Some of these shared meals have turned into stronger 5 .Ward,a homeless,was  6  in a flat.He credited the Hansens with helping him  7 the difficult process of moving off the streets.“It is great to have friends who make us feel  8  and I’m impressed with the pair,” Ward said. The father and son’s 9 have developed into a passion project that  10  faith and community,which emphasizes the  11  community members can have in uplifting the homeless.They know they can’t settle the homeless  12  alone.They’re hoping empathy will  13 . “My hope for the future is to  14  more connection across our country.We could and we will succeed  15  we have other people join in and help the homeless,” Chase said. 1.A.buy B.cook C.share D.eat 2.A.often B.further C.also D.even 3.A.dramatic B.different C.minimum D.decisive 4.A.remarked B.praised C.joked D.quoted 5.A.desires B.connections C.motivations D.opinions 6.A.provided B.permitted C.abandoned D.housed 7.A.through B.for C.despite D.to 8.A.surprised B.relaxed C.awesome D.calm 9.A.dreams B.influences C.experiences D.efforts 10.A.assesses B.compares C.highlights D.respects 11.A.importance B.task C.chance D.role 12.A.argument B.problem C.debt D.conflict 13.A.go away B.catch on C.fade out D.give off 14.A.spread B.miss C.exchange D.maintain 15.A.before B.if C.until D.so 【帮你拓知识】核心知识,词块记忆 ①house v.提供住所 ②help sb through 帮某人度过 ③catch on 变得流行 参考答案 完形填空限时组合练 3 A 【语篇导读】本文是一篇记叙文。Luther 的妻子患有癌症,医生说她只剩五年时间,但是 夫妻俩很坚强。Luther 九年如一日地坚持每天步行去医院看妻子,表现了 Luther 对妻子 深深的爱。 1.D 根据上文可知,他的妻子九年前患了癌症,下文说她只剩五年时间了,可推测是医生 “认为”。report“报告”;imagine“想象”;advise“建议”;think“认为”。故选 D 项。 2.A 根据语境可知,此处前后是转折关系。however“然而”;therefore“因此”;instead“反 而”;besides“除此以外”。故选 A 项。 3.B 根据下文“but he  5  to walk the whole journey”可知,此处是“走路”去医院。 drive“驾驶”;walk“走路”;ride“骑车”;flight“飞行”。故选 B 项。 4.C 根据下文的“His daily walk is 8 of how much he loves his wife.”可知,此处是他对 妻子的“爱”。relief“释放”;trust“信任”;love“爱”;sympathy“同情”。故选 C 项。 5.D 由上文及“but”一词可知,他“更喜欢”走完全程。agree“同意”;hesitate“犹豫”;fail“失 败”;prefer“更喜欢”。故选 D 项。 6.A 根据语境可知,丈夫在去看望妻子的路上“回忆”以前的事情。recall“回 忆”;suspect“怀疑”;ignore“忽视”;discover“发现”。故选 A 项。 7.C 根据上文“Luther takes a six-mile  3  every day to visit his wife in the hospital”可 知,他没搭车,所以此处是他“拒绝”了别人的好意。dislike“不喜欢”;correct“纠 正”;decline“拒绝”;consider“考虑”。故选 C 项。 8.B 根据上下文可知,丈夫九年如一日地走路去医院看妻子,是爱妻子的“证明”。 motivation“动机”;proof“证明”;trial“审判”;origin“起源”。故选 B 项。 9.D 根据下文的“especially on extremely hot and snowy days”可知,此处是“偶尔”搭便 车。actually“实际上”;gradually“逐渐地”;finally“最终”;occasionally“偶尔地”。故选 D 项。 10.A 由“but”一词可知 Luther“坚持”自己走,所以他女儿让他按自己的方式去做。insist on“坚持”;turn to“转向”;set about“开始”;take up“从事”。故选 A 项。 11.B 根据下文可知,此处为一个条件状语从句,缺少连词“如果”。because“因为”;if“如 果”;while“然而”;until“直到”。故选 B 项。 12.A 根据语境可知,此处是将每天走六英里和走一辈子对比。life“一生,生 活”;growth“成长”;marriage“婚姻”;adulthood“成年”。故选 A 项。 13.B 根据下文的“He can’t bear to live a single day without 15  his wife.”可知,回家 前,要离开他的爱,Luther 总是很“难过”。grateful“感激的”;sad“难过的”;eager“渴望 的”;guilty“内疚的”。故选 B 项。 14.D 根据上文可知,Luther 九年间没有间断,所以“不管”天气如何,他都会步行去医院看 望妻子。thanks to“由于”;rather than“而不是”;apart from“除了”;regardless of“不管”。故选 D 项。 15.C 根据上文可知,Luther 离开妻子会难过,因此他不能忍受哪怕一天见不到他的妻 子。support“支持”;mention“提到”;see“看见”;call“打电话”。故选 C 项。 B 【语篇导读】本文是一篇记叙文。文章主要讲述了 Hansen 父子成立“共情”项目帮助无 家可归者的故事。Hansen 认为,我们一个小小的举动,会给无家可归者带来巨大影响。他 们希望社区成员能够意识到自己可以帮助别人的角色,也希望“共情”项目可以变得流行, 这样就有更多的人加入来帮助无家可归者。 1.C 根据下文的“Some of these shared meals have turned into stronger  5 .”可知,此处 用“共享”符合语境,share 是原词复现。buy“买”;cook“烹饪”;share“共享”;eat“吃”。故选 C 项。 2.B 结合上下文可知,此处是指父子俩如何为他们提供“进一步”的帮助。often“常 常”;further“进一步”;also“也”;even“甚至”。故选 B 项。 3.A 由上文“a hello”“small”等关键词可知,Hansen 想表达的是一个小小的行为能够给那 些不幸的人带来“巨大的”影响。dramatic“巨大的”;different“不同的”;minimum“最小 的”;decisive“决定性的”。故选 A 项。 4.A 根据句意可知,此处用了 Hansen 采访时说的一句话,remark“说”;praise“赞 美”;joke“开玩笑”;quote“引用”。故选 A 项。 5.B 根据上文的“If you do it,you can make a connection.”可知,此处用“联系”符合语 境,connection 是原词复现。desire“渴望”;connection“联系”;motivation“动机”;opinion“意 见”。故选 B 项。 6.D 结合上下文可知,此处是指 Hansen 父子给 Ward 提供了一间平房用来居住。 provide“提供”;permit“允许”;abandon“抛弃”;house“提供住所”。故选 D 项。 7.A 根据句意可知,此处考查固定用法 help sb through“帮某人度过”。through“穿 过”;for“为了”;despite“尽管”;to“向,对于”。故选 A 项。 8.C 结合上下文可知,Hansen 父子帮助无家可归的人,和他们共享食物、给他们提供住 所等,这让他们感觉非常好。surprised“惊讶的”;relaxed“放松的”;awesome“很好 的”;calm“冷静的”。故选 C 项。 9.D 结合上下文可知,此处是指父子俩帮助无家可归的人的“努力”已经发展成为一个强 调信仰和社区的激情项目。dream“梦想”;influence“影响”;experience“经历”;effort“努 力”。故选 D 项。 10.C 根据下文的“emphasizes”一词可知,此处用“强调”符合语境,highlight 和 emphasize 是同义词复现。assess“评估”;compare“比较”;highlight“强调”;respect“尊敬”。故选 C 项。 11.D 结合上下文可知,此处是指每个人都可以充当帮助别人的“角色”。importance“重 要性”;task“任务”;chance“机会”;role“角色”。故选 D 项。 12.B 根据常识可知,解决无家可归的问题是一个社会问题。argument“争 论”;problem“问题”;debt“债”;conflict“冲突”。故选 B 项。 13.B 根据上文可推测,他们希望“共情”这个项目可以变得流行,这样可以让更多的人来 帮助无家可归者。go away“走开”;catch on“变得流行”;fade out“淡出”;give off“散发(光、 热、气体)”。故选 B 项。 14.A 根据下文的“across our country”可知,此处用“传播”符合语境。spread“传 播”;miss“错过”;exchange“交换”;maintain“维持”。故选 A 项。 15.B 根据上文可知,此处 Chase 是呼吁更多的人来帮助无家可归者,因此用“如果”引导 条件状语从句符合语境,before“在……之前”;if“如果”;until“直到”;so“因此”。故选 B 项。 完形填空限时组合练 4 (限时 35 分钟) A (2020 山东淄博二次线上考试) Last year,I received a special present.My children  1  me a stainless steel coffee machine for my birthday.I love drinking coffee every morning and couldn’t  2  to use it.But  3  I poured my first cup,the coffee spilled (洒出) all over the table.Thankfully,no one was around to see my  4  face! I kept trying,but each morning I  5  be seen wiping up the coffee.Then I realized if I poured very  6 ,there could be no spilling.My normal  7  was to rush through breakfast to get on with my day.But eventually I learned not only to pour but to  8  the experience:the taste and the stillness of a new day. It promoted me to  9  upon whether I was rushing through in other areas of my life.So I started to appreciate even the most  10  moments.When shop owners apologized for keeping me waiting,I’d say,“Not a problem.I’m not  11 .” I even enjoyed sitting in front of my house talking with  12  and sharing our own stories, 13  we had known each other for a long time.It seemed that the world around us slowed to a  14  we could handle. Stillness not only slows the pace of life,but also  15  the soul,helping us to enjoy the world’s small pleasures and realize the truth of life. 1.A.lent B.offered C.gifted D.asked 2.A.help B.wait C.know D.complain 3.A.since B.before C.as D.until 4.A.disappointed B.delightful C.amused D.astonished 5.A.would B.should C.must D.need 6.A.quickly B.casually C.slowly D.patiently 7.A.promise B.practice C.tradition D.standard 8.A.possess B.clarify C.realize D.enjoy 9.A.reflect B.decide C.react D.respond 10.A.difficult B.ordinary C.special D.awkward 11.A.in difficulty B.in trouble C.in a hurry D.in danger 12.A.colleagues B.friends C.relatives D.strangers 13.A.only if B.as if C.if only D.if ever 14.A.pace B.stage C.point D.occasion 15.A.explains B.inspects C.blesses D.feeds 【帮你拓知识】核心知识,词块记忆 ①couldn’t wait to do sth 迫不及待做某事 ②reflect upon 考虑 ③in a hurry 立即,匆忙 ④as if 好像 B (2020 山东潍坊三模) Kemira had just jumped in the shower when she heard her mother knocking at the door.Kemira’s 10-month-old daughter was  1 .The 24-year-old new mother burst out of the  2  and began patting her daughter on the back.Ryleigh,the baby,was usually quick to cry.Now she didn’t make a 3 . The three had hardly  4  out of their neighborhood when they met Will Kimbro,a school police officer,shouting that the baby had stopped breathing. 5  for his help,Kemira handed the baby to Kimbro.He put a hand on her little chest.Ryleigh’s heart was  6  beating. Kimbro  7  for an ambulance—it was seven minutes out,and the  8  was even further away.Then he began tapping Ryleigh’s chest,hoping to make her heart back into   9 .Thanks to the CPR(心肺复苏术) class,Kimbro knew the choking baby didn’t have a   10  to survive if there was a blockage,and he used one finger to clear her airway.That was the  11  touch;20 seconds later,Ryleigh began to  12 . While waiting for the ambulance,Kimbro  13  the delicate chest compressions(按压) and regularly clearing her airway. At the hospital,Ryleigh  14  quickly—thanks to a  15  school police officer who was in the right place at the right time. 1.A.infected B.injured C.choking D.missing 2.A.bathroom B.kitchen C.bedroom D.study 3.A.sound B.face C.movement D.mark 4.A.caught up B.finish up C.got it D.made it 5.A.Ready B.Thankful C.Desperate D.Bound 6.A.naturally B.steadily C.strongly D.barely 7.A.headed B.longed C.radioed D.hunted 8.A.station B.museum C.school D.hospital 9.A.schedule B.practice C.action D.position 10.A.choice B.chance C.right D.reason 11.A dangerous B.foolish C.gentle D.magic 12.A.laugh B.cry C.bite D.sleep 13.A.continued B.followed C.started D.refused 14.A.returned B.recovered C.changed D.woke 15.A.determined B.generous C.gifted D.serious 【帮你拓知识】核心知识,词块记忆 ①make it 及时到达,成功 ②desperate for 渴望 ③make...into action 使……付诸行动 参考答案 完形填空限时组合练 4 A 【语篇导读】本文是一篇记叙文。作者的孩子给作者送了一台咖啡机,制作咖啡的经历 使作者领悟到:减慢生活的节奏,可以滋养我们的灵魂,帮助我们享受这个世界的小乐趣, 从而认识到生活的真谛。 1.C 根据上文的“Last year,I received a special present.”可知,咖啡机是孩子们送给作者的 生日礼物。lend“借”;offer“提供”;gift“赠送”;ask“要”。故选 C 项。 2.B 根据语境可知,作者是“迫不及待地”想用咖啡机。help“帮助”;wait“等待”;know“知 道”;complain“抱怨”。couldn’t help doing sth“忍不住做某事”,couldn’t wait to do sth“迫 不及待做某事”。故选 B 项。 3.C 根据下文可知,当作者倒咖啡的时候洒了一桌子,用 as 引导时间状语从句。since“自 从……以来”;before“在……之前”;as“当……时候”;until“直到……才”。故选 C 项。 4.A 根据上文的“the coffee spilled(洒出) all over the table”可知,作者的表情是失望的。 disappointed“失望的”;delightful“高兴的”;amused“觉得好笑的”;astonished“吃惊的”。故选 A 项。 5.A 根据上文的“I kept trying,but”可知,作者每天都会把咖啡洒出来。 would“会”;should“应该”;must“一定”;need“需要”。故选 A 项。 6.C 根据下文的“rush”一词可知,作者总是在早上很匆忙,洒咖啡应该是因为太着急,倒 得太快,因此,此处应是慢慢倒。quickly“快速地”;casually“随便地”;slowly“慢慢 地”;patiently“耐心地”。故选 C 项。 7.B 根据上下文可知,作者通常的做法是匆匆吃完早餐,开始新的一天。promise“承 诺”;practice“实践,惯例”;tradition“传统”;standard“标准”。故选 B 项。 8.D 根据上文语境可知,作者每天都很匆忙,现在作者从倒咖啡中领悟到要慢下来,“享 受”新的一天的味道和安静。possess“拥有”;clarify“澄清”;realize“意识到”;enjoy“喜欢,享 受”。故选 D 项。 9.A 通过倒咖啡一事促使作者“思考”,作者是否在生活的其他领域中也匆忙行事。 reflect“反射,深思”;decide“决定”;react“反应”;respond“回应”。reflect upon“考虑”,故选 A 项。 10.B 根据上文可知,作者开始反思生活中其他方面,结合下文作者所列举的事例可知,都 是生活中平常的事情。difficult“困难的”;ordinary“普通的”;special“特别的”;awkward“尴 尬的”。故选 B 项。 11.C 根据上文语境可知,作者学会了让自己慢下来,此处是举例,因此,作者会说自己不 赶时间。in difficulty“处境困难”;in trouble“处于危险、痛苦等处境中”;in a hurry“立即,匆 忙”;in danger“处于危险中”。故选 C 项。 12.D 根据下文“we had known each other for a long time”使用的是过去完成时可知,这是 一种虚拟语气,因此,此处是指和“陌生人”交谈。colleague“同事”;friend“朋友”;relative“亲 戚”;stranger“陌生人”。故选 D 项。 13.B 根据上下文可知,此处表示一种虚拟,因此,用 as if 最合语境。only if“只要”;as if“好 像”;if only“只要”;if ever“如果有的话”。故选 B 项。 14.A 根据下文的“Stillness not only slows the pace of life”可知,作者放慢脚步去生活,周 围的世界也跟着慢了下来。pace“步伐,步速”;stage“台阶”;point“要点”;occasion“场合”。 故选 A 项。 15.D 根据上文语境和句意可知,此处是指慢节奏的生活“滋养”了我们的灵魂。 explain“解释”;inspect“检查”;bless“祝福”;feed“为……提供养料”。故选 D 项。 B 【语篇导读】本文是一篇记叙文。文章主要讲述了一位名为 Will Kimbro 的校警,果断 救了一名被噎住的婴儿 Ryleigh 的故事。 1.C 根据下文的“patting her daughter on the back”开始拍她女儿的背可知,她的女儿是吃 东西噎住了。infect“感染”;injure“伤害”;choke“噎住,使窒息”;miss“思念”。故选 C 项。 2.A 根据文章第一句“Kemira had just jumped in the shower when she heard her mother knocking at the door.”可知,Kemira 刚开始洗澡,就听到母亲敲门,据此推测,当得知自己女 儿被噎住之后,她是冲出了“浴室”。bathroom“浴室”;kitchen“厨房”;bedroom“卧 室”;study“书房”。故选 A 项。 3.A 根据上文的“Ryleigh,the baby,was usually quick to cry.”可知,婴儿是因为窒息发不出 声音了。sound“声音”;face“脸”;movement“移动”;mark“标记”。故选 A 项。 4.D 根据上文可知,三人还没走出小区,就遇到了一位叫 Will Kimbro 的校警,他喊道孩 子已经停止了呼吸。catch up“赶上”;finish up“结束”;get it“懂得”;make it“及时到达,成 功”。故选 D 项。 5.C 根据上文可知,孩子没有了呼吸,遇到了校警,应该是渴望得到他的帮助,所以 Kemira 把孩子交给了 Kimbro。ready for“预备好”;thankful for“感谢”;desperate for“渴望”;bound for“驶往……”。故选 C 项。 6.D 根据上文的“He put a hand on her little chest.”可知,他把手放在她的小胸口上。 Ryleigh 的心脏“几乎不”跳动了。naturally“自然地”;steadily“稳定地”;strongly“强烈 地”;barely“几乎不”。故选 D 项。 7.C 根据 Kimbro 的工作推测,他是用无线电叫了一辆救护车。head“前进,用头 顶”;long“渴望,盼望”;radio“用无线电通信”;hunt“打猎”。故选 C 项。 8.D 根据上文的“ambulance”可知,这里是对比用无线电叫救护车与去医院的距离。 station“车站”;museum“博物馆”;school“学校”;hospital“医院”。故选 D 项。 9.C 根据上文可知,Kimbro 接着开始敲 Ryleigh 的胸膛,希望能让她的心跳恢复正常。 schedule“日程安排”;practice“练习”;action“行动”;position“位置”;make...into action 为固定 搭配,意为“使……付诸行动”。故选 C 项。 10.B 根据上文可知,多亏了心肺复苏术课程,Kimbro 知道窒息的婴儿如果气管有阻塞就 没有“机会”存活了。choice“选择”;chance“机会”;right“权利”;reason“原因”。故选 B 项。 11.D 根据语境可知,小女孩由窒息到恢复正常,靠的是心肺复苏,非常“神奇”。 dangerous“危险的”;foolish“愚蠢的”;gentle“温和的”;magic“有魔力的”。故选 D 项。 12.B 根据常识可知,小孩从被噎住到得救这个过程,是很痛苦的,因此她得救后,就开始 哭了起来。laugh“笑”;cry“哭”;bite“咬”;sleep“睡觉”。故选 B 项。 13.A 根据上文的“he used one finger to clear her airway”可知,此处是继续清理呼吸道。 句意:在等待救护车的时候,Kimbro 继续进行精细的胸部按压,并定期清理她的呼吸道。 continue“继续”;follow“跟随”;start“开始”;refuse“拒绝”。故选 A 项。 14.B 根据语境可知,Ryleigh 得救了,因此,这里的意思是:在医院里,Ryleigh 很快就康复 了。return“返回”;recover“恢复”;change“改变”;wake“醒来”。故选 B 项。 15.A 根据句意及上下文可知,这名校警的做法是果断的、坚定的。因此,这里的意思是: 多亏了一名坚定的校警,他在正确的时间出现在正确的地点。determined“坚决 的”;generous“慷慨的”;gifted“有天赋的”;serious“严重的”。故选 A 项。 完形填空限时组合练 5 (限时 35 分钟) A (2020 山东滨州二模) Ask people to name the world’s tallest peak and anybody with sound general knowledge will name Mount Qomolangma.But quiz them on its exact  1 and many will be not sure. In 1975,Chinese surveyors  2  that Mount Qomolangma was 8848.13 meters high.As   3  improved,satellites,photo electricity,radars and gravity measurement technologies were   4  to get more exact figures.Of course,someone still had to carry  5  to what is the world’s rooftop. In 2005,a Chinese team scaled Qomolangma and found that it was not as high as that,as they  6  the height to be 8844.43 meters.Scaling Qomolangma is no  7  task.The average air temperature there is -29 degrees Celsius,even four degrees 8  than in Antarctica.The snow there is 4-5 meters thick and hurricane-like  9  blow all the time.Team members were training to  10 the extreme conditions. In a nutshell,measuring the Qomolangma’s height is a tall order, 11  huge amounts of money and human resources.But it is worth the 12 .Qomolangma is the perfect  13  for observing crustal (地壳的) movements.And changes to the peak’s height could  14  whether the two plates are heading toward or away from each other. Besides,the condition of snow and other natural materials at the top is an indicator of upcoming climate change on the Tibet-Qinghai Plateau.That’s  15  measuring the Qomolangma’s height is so significant.Put to good use,it can benefit mankind. 1.A.location B.appearance C.area D.height 2.A.determined B.assumed C.estimated D.admitted 3.A.condition B.technology C.society D.economy 4.A.employed B.expected C.approached D.inspired 5.A.weapons B.vehicles C.instruments D.packages 6.A.changed B.calculated C.extended D.expanded 7.A.glorious B.easy C.admirable D.tough 8.A.colder B.hotter C.higher D.lower 9.A.snows B.rains C.winds D.snowflakes 10.A.cope with B.fight for C.take on D.carry out 11.A.wasting B.spending C.overcoming D.involving 12.A.effort B.loss C.harvest D.achievement 13.A.channel B.window C.solution D.entrance 14.A.measure B.foresee C.indicate D.expose 15.A.where B.how C.why D.whether 【帮你拓知识】核心知识,词块记忆 ①cope with 应付 ②window n.窗口 ③heading toward 朝向 B (2020 山东青岛一模二次考) Noah had never once been on his family’s back porch(门廊).Because of his 1  condition,he has very limited mobility— 2  the backyard wasn’t possible.For Noah,having a door from his bedroom to the back porch meant he could finally see the trains he  3  from his room and watch his mom toss the ball with their dogs.For Noah,it meant  4 . Abe,one of his neighbors,decided to do something 5 .Without hesitation,he gathered the owner of the construction company,friends and neighbors—even drove several hours to Nebraska to 6  his mother,a fellow carpenter (木匠),for support. Noah’s 7  would finally become a reality,thanks to Abe’s great idea and the generosity of neighbors. In one week,the community came together to 8 it.What once was a blank wall was transformed into two beautiful French doors 9 out to a wheelchair accessible ramp (斜坡) and an updated porch.Abe and his mother even 10 redecorated Noah’s room with all his favorite characters,and neighbors 11 their helping hands to yard work. The day finally came for Abe,his mother,all their friends,family and other volunteers to  12 Noah.When his mother 13 Noah out of the doors and down the ramp,Noah’s smile was 14 .Sometimes,we can construct a small door that will lead to a big 15 for someone else. 1.A.emotional B.housing C.physical D.financial 2.A.accessing B.spotting C.building D.repairing 3.A.approached B.sensed C.heard D.imagined 4.A.company B.freedom C.love D.growth 5.A.costly B.challenging C.fun D.big 6.A.call B.pick up C.contact D.reply to 7.A.idea B.plan C.choice D.wish 8.A.take B.risk C.get D.make 9.A.leading B.making C.reaching D.stepping 10.A.personally B.originally C.occasionally D.directly 11.A.brought B.found C.lent D.arranged 12.A.treat B.invite C.thank D.surprise 13.A.led B.pushed C.supported D.pulled 14.A.amusing B.priceless C.thoughtful D.shocking 15.A.dream B.ability C.world D.chance 【帮你拓知识】核心知识,词块记忆 ①without hesitation 毫不犹豫 ②pick up 拿起;提起;拾起;(开车)接人;获得,学会 ③thanks to 幸亏,归因于 ④lead out 通往;引出 参考答案 完形填空限时组合练 5 A 【语篇导读】本文是一篇说明文。文章主要说明了测量珠穆朗玛峰高度的艰难及其重 要性。 1.D 根据下文的 1975 年以及 2005 年对珠峰高度的测量可知,此处指的是其精确的高 度。句意:但如果你问他们它的确切高度,很多人都会不确定。location“位 置”;appearance“外貌”;area“地区”;height“高度”。故选 D 项。 2.A 根据下文的“As  3  improved,satellites,photo electricity,radars and gravity measurement technologies were  4  to get more exact figures.”可知,此处指的是 1975 年 中国的测量员确定珠峰的高度是 8848.13 米。determine“确定”;assume“假设”;estimate“估 计”;admit“承认”。故选 A 项。 3.B 根据下文的“satellites,photo electricity,radars and gravity measurement technologies were  4  to get more exact figures”可知,随着技术的进步,卫星、光电、雷达和重力测 量技术被用来获得更精确的数据。condition“条件”;technology“技术”;society“社 会”;economy“经济”。故选 B 项。 4.A 根据下文的“to get more exact figures”可知,这些高科技被运用到测量珠峰精确的高 度中。employ“运用”;expect“期望”;approach“接近”;inspire“鼓舞”。故选 A 项。 5.C 根据常识可知,测量是需要仪器设备的,此处指的是需要携带一些设备登山。 weapon“武器”;vehicle“交通工具”;instrument“设备”;package“包裹”。故选 C 项。 6.B 根据上文“In 2005,a Chinese team scaled Qomolangma and found that it was not as high as that”以及下文“the height to be 8844.43 meters”可知,2005 年,一个中国团队测量了 珠穆朗玛峰,发现它并没有那么高,因为他们计算的高度是 8844.43 米。change“改 变”;calculate“计算”;extend“延伸”;expand“扩大”。故选 B 项。 7.B 根据下文的“The average air temperature there is -29 degrees Celsius,even four degrees   8  than in Antarctica.”可知,攀登珠峰并不是一件容易的事。glorious“光荣的”;easy“容易 的”;admirable“令人钦慕的”;tough“艰难的”。故选 B 项。 8.D 根据上文的“-29 degrees Celsius”可知,此处表示珠峰的温度比南极洲还要低 4 摄氏 度。这句话的意思是:那里的平均气温为-29 摄氏度,甚至比南极洲低 4 摄氏度。 colder“更冷的”;hotter“更热的”;higher“更高的”;lower“更低的”。故选 D 项。 9.C 根据下文的“blow”可知,此处表示风。句意:那里的雪有 4—5 米厚,像飓风一样的风 一直在吹。snow“雪”;rain“雨”;wind“风”;snowflake“雪花”。故选 C 项。 10.A 根据下文的“the extreme conditions”可知,此处表示登山队员们正在训练的目的是 应付珠峰的极端条件。cope with“应付”;fight for“与……斗争”;take on“承担”;carry out“实 施”。故选 A 项。 11.D 根据下文的“huge amounts of money and human resources”可知,测量珠峰的高度需 要投入大量的人力和物力。句意:简而言之,测量珠穆朗玛峰的高度是一项艰巨的任务, 涉及大量的资金和人力资源。waste“浪费”;spend“花费”;overcome“克服”;involve“涉 及”。故选 D 项。 12.A 根据下文的“Put to good use,it can benefit mankind”可知,这项任务值得去努力做。 effort“努力”;loss“损失”;harvest“丰收”;achievement“成就”。故选 A 项。 13.B 根据下文“observing crustal(地壳的)movements”可知,珠峰是观测地壳运动的最佳 窗口。句意:珠穆朗玛峰是观察地壳运动的最佳窗口。channel“频道”;window“窗 口”;solution“解决办法”;entrance“入口”。故选 B 项。 14.C 句意:峰顶高度的变化可以表明两个板块是作相向还是相反运动。measure“测 量”;foresee“预见”;indicate“表明”;expose“暴露”。故选 C 项。 15.C 本句在讲述测量珠峰高度的重要性,所以本句为 why 引导的表语从句。句意:这就 是为什么测量珠穆朗玛峰的高度是如此重要。故选 C 项。 B 【语篇导读】本文是一篇记叙文。诺亚因为身体状况从没去过自己家的后门廊,但他渴 望拥有一扇从卧室到后门廊的门,能够看到火车,还能看到妈妈和狗狗们玩球。他的邻居 亚伯召集了很多人将他的房间改造,实现了诺亚的心愿。 1.C 根据后文“he has very limited mobility”可知,诺亚移动的能力非常有限,也就是他行 动非常不便,这说明他的身体状况不好。emotional“情感上的”;housing“住房的,住宅 的”;physical“身体的”;financial“金融的”。故选 C 项。 2.A 根据上文的“he has very limited mobility”可知,诺亚行动非常不便,所以对于他来说 去后院这件事是不可能的。access“到达,进入”;spot“发现”;build“建造”;repair“修复”。故 选 A 项。 3.C 根据后面的定语“from his room”可知,诺亚待在房间里,在房间里不可能看到或者接 近火车,但是可以听到火车的声音。approach“接近”;sense“感觉到”;hear“听 到”;imagine“想象”。故选 C 项。 4.B 根据上文“Noah had never once been on his family’s back porch”可知,诺亚从来没有 去过后院,行动不便,所以能够看到火车并且还能看到妈妈和狗狗们玩球对于诺亚来说意 味着自由。company“陪伴”;freedom“自由”;love“爱”;growth“成长”。故选 B 项。 5.D 根据下文“he gathered the owner of the construction company,friends and neighbors— even drove several hours to Nebraska to 6  his mother,a fellow carpenter”可知,亚伯召集 了建筑公司的老板、朋友和邻居,甚至开了几个小时的车去接同为木匠的母亲过来,召集 这么多人说明他决定做一件大事。costly“昂贵的”;challenging“具有挑战性的”;fun“有趣 的”;big“重大的,(体积数量等)大的”。故选 D 项。 6.B 根据上文的“drove several hours to Nebraska to”和下文的“for support”可知,亚伯开 了几个小时的车是为了接自己的母亲来寻求母亲的援助。call“打电话”;pick up“(开车)接 人”;contact“联系”;reply to“回答”。故选 B 项。 7.D 根据上文的“Noah had never once been on his family’s back porch.”可知,诺亚从未 去过后门廊,所以能够去那儿对于诺亚来说是一个心愿。idea“想法”;plan“计 划”;choice“选项”;wish“心愿”。故选 D 项。 8.D 根据后文的“What once was a blank wall was transformed into two beautiful French doors 9 out to a wheelchair accessible ramp and an updated porch.”可知,亚伯他们把一堵 空白墙变成了两扇漂亮的法式门,通往一个轮椅可通行的坡道和一个经过翻修的门廊。 也就是他们成功地帮助诺亚实现了愿望。make it 为固定搭配,意为“成功”,符合句意。故 选 D 项。 9.A 根据后文的“to a wheelchair accessible ramp and an updated porch”可知,这两扇门通 往一个轮椅可通行的坡道和一个经过翻修的门廊。lead“(路或门)通,至”;make“做,制 作”;reach“达到,延伸”;step“迈步”。故选 A 项。 10.A 根据后文的“neighbors 11 their helping hands to yard work”可知,邻居帮忙整理 了院子,而重新装饰诺亚的房间这件事是亚伯和母亲两人亲自完成的。personally“亲自 地”;originally“原始地”;occasionally“偶尔地”;directly“直接地”。故选 A 项。 11.C 根据后文的“their helping hands to yard work”可知,邻居帮忙整理了院子。lend sb a (helping) hand 为固定搭配,意为“帮助某人;援助某人”,符合语境。故选 C 项。 12.D 根据后文的“Noah’s smile was 14 .”可知,亚伯、他的母亲、他们所有的朋 友、家人和其他志愿者都来给诺亚一个惊喜。treat“对待”;invite“邀请”;thank“感 谢”;surprise“使惊讶”。故选 D 项。 13.B 根据上文的“to a wheelchair accessible ramp”可知,亚伯他们为诺亚建了一个轮椅 可通行的坡道,这说明诺亚是坐轮椅的。所以妈妈把坐着轮椅的诺亚推出来。lead“带 领”;push“推”;support“支持”;pull“拖,拉”。故选 B 项。 14.B 根据上文的“In one week,the community came together to 8 it.”可知,诺亚的邻居 聚在一起帮助他实现愿望,实现了愿望的诺亚的笑容对于他们来说是无价的、宝贵的。 amusing“有趣的,好笑的”;priceless“无价的”;thoughtful“深思的”;shocking“令人震惊的”。 故选 B 项。 15.C 此处的选项应该与前面的“a small door”呼应,亚伯他们为诺亚建了一小扇门,而门 通往的后院对于诺亚来说是自由,是从未见过的世界。所以有时候,我们可以建造一扇小 门,为别人打开一个广阔的世界。dream“梦想”;ability“能力”;world“世界”;chance“机 会”。故选 C 项。 语法填空限时组合练 1 (限时 25 分钟) A (2020 山东日照一模) Jingdezhen porcelain(瓷器) is Chinese porcelain produced in or near Jingdezhen in southern China.Jingdezhen has produced porcelain  1  (century)ago.And the town  2  was named Jingdezhen by Emperor Zhenzong of the Northern Song Dynasty became a major kiln(窑)site around 1004.During the period,the  3 (produce)of porcelain in this area first became  4 (know).By the 14th century it had become the largest centre of producing Chinese porcelain,which remained in the following times.In the Ming Dynasty,official kilns in Jingdezhen  5 (control)by the emperor,making quality porcelain in large quantities for the emperor to give abroad as gifts.As a result,the town was  6 (close)linked to the world. Although being a remote town in a hilly area,Jingdezhen is near the quality porcelain stone and forests which can provide plenty of wood for the kilns.It also has  7 river flowing from north to south, 8 (benefit)the transport of the fragile objects. Jingdezhen has produced a great variety of  9  (value) porcelain.As a result,the town is famous  10  the “Porcelain Capital”.One type of its well-known high quality porcelain object is the blue and white porcelain from the 1330s. 1.       2.       3.       4.       5.       6.       7.       8.       9.       10.      B (2020 山东潍坊一模) The novel coronavirus diseases(COVID -19) hit Wuhan,China,in early 2020,with the number of infected people  1  (rise) rapidly across the country.The viral disease that swept into most countries around  2  globe and killed thousands of people was officially characterized as a pandemic by the World Health Organization,on 11 March,2020. COVID -19, 3  was reported,is genetically similar  4 the known bat coronaviruses.Wild animals sold for food were  5  (original) suspected to be the intermediary hosts of COVID -19 because in China many of the first individuals  6  (find) infected by the virus were workers at Huanan Seafood Market.The outbreak promoted a ban on the trade and  7  (consume) of wild animals in China. The Chinese government and people demonstrated their responsibility with 8  (practice) actions.A strict national prevention and control program was swiftly put in place.Two specialized hospitals were built in less than 15 days. 9  (guarantee) that no family in need was left unattended to,community workers left no stone unturned in checking on every block.In those toughest days,donations in cash and kind  10  (make) to help battle the disease.Thanks to the joint efforts,everything is getting better and better. 1.       2.       3.       4.       5.       6.       7.       8.       9.       10.      C (2020 山东青岛一模) About 1.4 billion people around the world do not get enough physical exercise.This number comes 1 the United Nations’ World Health Organization(WHO).A new WHO report warns that a lack of exercise  2 (great)increases the risk of health problems.The WHO says the new study is the first 3  (estimate) physical activity trends around the world over time.The report said the levels of physical inactivity are more than two times as high in  4 (wealth) countries as they are in countries where people earn low wages.In richer countries,people are more likely to spend time  5 (sit)in offices. How much activity should we get? To stay healthy,the report 6 (suggest)that people do at least 150 minutes of moderate(适中的) physical activity or 75 minutes of intense physical activity every week.If you work in a high-rise office building,take the stairs instead of an elevator.Take more 7  (break)during the work day and move around.If your workplace offers  8 gym,make sure to use it.It also urges governments to provide and care for infrastructure(基础设施),such as better and  9  (safe)roads.This would help support increased walking  10 cycling for transportation,as well as sports and physical recreation. 1.       2.       3.       4.       5.       6.       7.       8.       9.       10.      参考答案 语法填空限时组合练 1 A 【语篇导读】这是一篇说明文。文章介绍了景德镇瓷器的生产及地理位置、产品等信 息。 1.centuries 考查名词。根据句意,景德镇从数个世纪以前就开始生产瓷器了,可以得知 此处应该填复数 centuries。 2.which/that 考查定语从句。分析句子结构可以得知句子主干是“the town became a major kiln site around 1004”。the town 指物,作先行词在定语从句中作主语,后接 which/that 引导的限制性定语从句,故填 which 或 that。 3.production 考查词性转换。句意:在此期间,这个地区的瓷器产品变得知名起来。此处 瓷器是一种手工艺品,是一种产品。由 the 限定用名词,故将 produce 改成它的名词形式 production。 4.known 考查非谓语动词。此处是变得被知道,变得知名起来的意思,故使用 know 的过 去分词形式作 became 的表语。故填 known 。 5.were controlled 考查被动语态。句意:被皇帝控制的官窑生产大量的优质瓷器给皇帝 当礼物送给国外。此处给的单词 control 是“控制”的意思,而官窑不可能自己控制自己,只 能由另外的人比如此处的皇帝控制。主语 official kilns 为复数,故填 were controlled。 6.closely 考查副词。句意:结果,这个小镇与世界紧密相连。close 此处的意思是“紧密 的,靠近的”,修饰动词时要用副词作状语。故填 closely。 7.a 考查不定冠词。根据上下文,这段讲述的是景德镇的地理位置优越性。它也有一条 河流从北边流向南边。一条河流用不定冠词修饰,river 开头是辅音音素,故填 a。 8.benefiting 考查非谓语动词。句意:……因此有利于运输易碎的物品。主语和动词 benefit 是主动关系,用动词-ing 形式作结果状语,故填 benefiting。 9.valuable 考查形容词。句意:景德镇生产各种各样珍贵的瓷器产品。此处用形容词作 定语修饰名词 porcelain。故填 valuable。 10.as 考查介词。句意:结果,景德镇作为“瓷器之都”而出名。be famous as“作为……出 名”,as 表示“作为”。故填 as。 B 【语篇导读】这是一篇新闻报道。2020 年初,新冠病毒袭击中国武汉,全国感染人数迅速 上升。文章报道了与新型冠状病毒有关的一些事宜。 1.rising 考查非谓语动词。句意:2020 年初,新型冠状病毒袭击中国武汉,全国感染人数 迅速上升。此处是 with 的独立主格结构作状语,即 with+宾语+宾语补足语。其中,the number of infected people 和 rise 之间是主动关系,故使用动词-ing 形式作宾语补足语。 2.the 考查冠词。句意:2020 年 3 月 11 日,世界卫生组织正式将席卷全球大多数国家并 导致数千人死亡的病毒性疾病定义为流行性疾病。此处用定冠词 the 表示特指。 3.as 考查非限制性定语从句。句意:据报道,COVID -19 在基因上与已知的蝙蝠冠状病 毒相似。as was reported“正如所报道的”。此处 as 是关系代词,意思是“正如”,引导非限 制性定语从句。 4.to 考查介词。be similar to“与……相似”,to 是介词。 5.originally 考查副词。句意:最初,人们怀疑作为食物出售的野生动物是新型冠状病毒 的中间宿主,因为许多第一批被发现感染该病毒的人是华南海鲜市场的工作人员。此处 suspected 是动词,故用副词 originally 修饰。 6.found 考查非谓语动词。此处 individuals 和 find 之间是被动关系,故用过去分词作后 置定语。 7.consumption 考查名词。句意:这次爆发促使中国禁止野生动物贸易和消费。分析句 子结构可知,这里用 consume 的名词形式与名词 trade 并列。consume 的名词形式是 consumption。 8.practical 考查形容词。句意:中国政府和人民以实际行动证明了他们的责任。actions 是名词,用形容词修饰,practice 是名词,其形容词形式是 practical。 9.To guarantee 考查非谓语动词。句意:为了保证每一个需要帮助的家庭都有人照料,社 区工作人员想尽一切办法对每一个街区进行检查。此处是动词不定式作目的状语。故 填 To guarantee。注意 to 的第一个字母要大写。 10.were made 考查时态和语态。句意:在那些最艰难的日子里,人们捐赠现金和实物来 帮助抗击疫情。根据 In those toughest days 可知这里在指过去的事情,句子主语 donations 是复数形式,和 make 之间是被动关系,所以此处用一般过去时态的被动语态。故填 were made。 C 【语篇导读】这是一篇说明文。文章介绍了联合国世界卫生组织的一篇报道。报道指 出全球 14 亿人缺乏锻炼,并针对如何保持健康提出建议。 1.from 考查介词。句意:这个数字来自联合国世界卫生组织。come from 意为“来自”。 故填 from。 2.greatly 考查副词。此空修饰动词 increases,因此把形容词 great 变为副词 greatly,用副 词修饰动词。 3.to estimate 考查非谓语动词。the 加序数词后往往用动词不定式作定语,故填 to estimate。 4.wealthy 考查形容词。此空修饰名词 countries,因此将名词 wealth 变成形容词 wealthy。 5.sitting 考查非谓语动词。spend time doing sth 意为“花费时间做某事”。故填 sitting。 6.suggests 考查主谓一致。主语 the report 是单数,谓语动词 suggest 应用第三人称单数 形式,故填 suggests。 7.breaks 考查名词复数。前面定语为 more,意为“更多的”,后接复数名词。故填 breaks。 8.a 考查冠词。句意:如果你工作的地方提供一个运动场地……表示泛指,用不定冠词 a。 9.safer 考查形容词的比较级。and 是连词,表并列关系,and 前是形容词比较级 better;那 么,and 后也应该是比较级,故填 safer。 10.and 考查连词。句意:这将有助于增加步行和骑自行车的交通方式,以及体育运动和 娱乐活动。此处 walking 和 cycling 是并列关系。故填 and。 语法填空限时组合练 2 (限时 25 分钟) A (2020 山东淄博一模) The Beijing Daxing International Airport (BDIA) was  1  (formal) opened on Sept.25,2019.Located around 46km south of Tian’anmen Square,it was designed by famed architect Zaha Hadid.BDIA was listed  2  the first of the “seven wonders of the modern world near completion” by the Guardian in 2015. The new airport complex,consisting of a main terminal,a supporting service building and a parking lot, 3  (cover) an area of about 1.4 million square meters.The starfish design is extremely space efficient,with  4  journey of just 600 metres from security to the furthest gate. 5  could be the most expected innovation at BDIA is its artificial intelligence.The airport  6  (set) up more than 400 self-service check-in machines already,which can  7  (short) passengers’ waiting time to about 10 minutes.Travelers can be scanned on cameras   8  (use) facial recognition.Counters can be fully automated to capture (抓拍) face photos and relay  9  (they) during each part of the journey through the airport,including security and the departure gate. The Daxing airport—said to be the world’s largest terminal in a single building—is expected  10  (receive) a large amount of the 170 million passengers by 2025.It will become a new transport hub for the greater Beijing region. 1.       2.       3.       4.       5.       6.       7.       8.       9.       10.      B (2020 山东潍坊二模) Chris Waba,a sixth grade math teacher in South Dakota,is getting praise in his own way.He went to help a student  1 (lock) down at home with her homework after schools switched  2  virtual learning because of the coronavirus pandemic. After receiving a message from Rylee Anderson,12, 3  she was struggling with a math problem,Waba grabbed a whiteboard and hurried to her front door. “We had really tried to work through it  4 (digital),but you can just tell when you need to do something else.I just said,‘I’ll be over in  5  couple of minutes.’”Then all Rylee was looking forward to  6 (be) to be able to see Waba’s appearance.  7 (help) her figure out the problem,Waba spent about 15 minutes kneeling outside the front door and drawing on the whiteboard while Rylee stood safely inside.The moment   8 (shoot) on camera by Rylee’s dad,Josh Anderson.He then posted the photo on Twitter,where it quickly went viral. Waba stressed that as an  9 (educate) it is right to go above and beyond for their students in this tough time.“I’m not one on an island,”he said.“There are thousands and thousands of teachers  10 (go) the extra mile for their kids.” 1.       2.       3.       4.       5.       6.       7.       8.       9.       10.      C (2020 山东济南二模) Battling coronavirus is an experience that will forever stay in my mind.I had what’s considered a mild case,but even in its weakest form,this virus is  1  (violence) and cruel. My husband,Louis,and I have been trying to figure out where we first came into contact   2  the virus,and we think it was the Friday night when we went out  3  (celebrate) his sister’s birthday in early March.We went to a Mexican restaurant, 4  we shared lots of laughs and food.We didn’t think anything of it at the time. 5  (look) back now,we think that must have been the start of it all.Sharing food and drinks  6  (be) one of the everyday habits that should change forever after coronavirus. Louis began showing symptoms on Monday,but we assumed it was  7  typical cold.It didn’t seem a cause for concern.Then it took  8  (I) down.The doctor was certain I would test positive for coronavirus,but gave me the option to test  9  I wanted to know for sure.I opted to be tested. Now that I  10  (recover),I’m sharing my story because I want people to take this situation seriously.We have to fight this battle together and we have to win. 1.       2.       3.       4.       5.       6.       7.       8.       9.       10.      参考答案 语法填空限时组合练 2 A 【语篇导读】这是一篇说明文。文章主要介绍了北京大兴国际机场的运营以及里面的 科技设备——面部识别等信息。 1.formally 考查副词。根据后面的动词 opened 可知,此处应用副词修饰动词 opened,故 填 formally。 2.as 考查介词。be listed as 是固定短语,意为“被列为,被记录”。故填 as。 3.covers 考查时态和主谓一致。分析句子可知,前面有非谓语动词 consisting,该句缺少 谓语动词,且主语 The new airport complex 是单数,所以此处应用 covers。 4.a 考查冠词。分析句子可知,此处泛指“一次旅行”,且 journey 的读音以辅音音素开头, 所以用不定冠词 a。 5.What 考查主语从句。分析句子可知,该句中谓语动词 is 前面的部分是主语,所以空处 所填的词应该引导主语从句,且在从句中作主语,所以应用 what 引导。 6.has set 考查时态。already 是现在完成时的标志,表明某件事情已经完成,且主语是 the airport,所以此处应用现在完成时 has set。 7.shorten 考查词性转换。助动词 can 后接动词原形,所以此处应用动词形式,short 的动 词形式是 shorten。 8.using 考查非谓语动词。分析句子结构可知,动词 use 与其逻辑主语 Travelers 之间是 主动关系,应用动词-ing 形式。 9.them 考查代词。动词 relay 后接代词的宾格形式,所以此处用 them。 10.to receive 考查动词不定式。expect to do sth 是固定搭配,意为“期望做某事”。故填 to receive。 B 【语篇导读】这是一篇新闻报道。文章讲述了新冠疫情期间,一位美国的数学老师在学 生家门前跪着讲解数学题,在网上受到人们的赞誉的故事。 1.locked 考查非谓语动词。分析句子结构可知,lock down 要作后置定语修饰 a student,lock 与 student 之间是被动关系,要用过去分词形式 locked。 2.to 考查介词。switch to 意为“转换为,切换为”。故填介词 to。 3.that 考查名词性从句。分析句子结构可知,前后句不缺成分,而句意上 a message 的内 容就是学生被数学题难住这个事实,故用 that 引导同位语从句。 4.digitally 考查副词。分析句子结构可知,这里 digital 修饰谓语动词 work through,要用 副词形式。故填 digitally。 5.a 考查冠词。句意:我几分钟之后就过去。a couple of 意为“几个,一对”,属于固定短 语。故填 a。 6.was 考查主谓一致和时态。句意:那个时候 Rylee 最期待的就是能看到 Waba 出现。 分析句子结构可知,这里的主语是 all,指笼统情况,谓语动词用单数,动作发生在过去,故 be 动词要用 was。 7.To help 考查非谓语动词。句意:为了帮助她解决这一问题,Waba 在门外跪了 15 分 钟。分析句子结构可知,这里“help her figure out the problem”作后句的目的状语,要用动 词不定式。 8.was shot 考查时态和语态。句意:这一幕被 Rylee 的父亲用相机拍了下来。分析句子 可知,主语 the moment 与谓语动词 shoot 之间应该是被动关系,且动作发生在过去,故要用 一般过去时的被动语态,填 was shot。 9.educator 考查名词。句意:Waba 强调,作为一个教育者,在这段困难时期为学生们尽心 尽力是应当的。分析句子可知,空白处需要一个名词,且结合介词 as“作为”可知此处应该 指 Waba 自己的身份,也就是老师、教育者。故填 educator。 10.going 考查非谓语动词。句意:还有成千上万的老师们为他们的学生尽心竭力、保 驾护航。分析句子结构可知,这里 go 作后置定语修饰 teachers,go 与 teachers 之间是主动 关系,要用动词-ing 形式。 C 【语篇导读】这是一篇记叙文,作者讲述了自己和丈夫感染新冠病毒的经历。 1.violent 考查形容词。此句是“主系表”结构,并列连词 and 后面是形容词 cruel,此空也 用形容词作表语。故填 violent。 2.with 考查介词。句意:我的丈夫路易斯和我一直在试图弄清楚我们第一次接触病毒 的地方,我们认为是 3 月初那个周五的晚上,我们出去庆祝他妹妹的生日。contact with 为 固定搭配,意为“与……接触”,应用介词 with。 3.to celebrate 考查动词不定式。此处指“出去庆祝他妹妹的生日”,表目的,应用动词不 定式 to celebrate。 4.where 考查定语从句。a Mexican restaurant 是先行词,后接一个非限制性定语从句,先 行词在从句中作地点状语,应用关系副词 where。 5.Looking 考查非谓语动词。此句已有谓语动词 think 且逗号之后无连词,主语 we 和动 词 look 是逻辑上的主动关系,应用动词-ing 形式表主动,作时间状语,注意首字母大写。 6.is 考查主谓一致。主语是 Sharing food and drinks,动词-ing 形式作主语时谓语用单数, 此处指一般事实,用一般现在时,故填 is。 7.a 考查冠词。此处指“一种典型的感冒”,表泛指,typical 以辅音音素开头,应用不定冠词 a。 8.me 考查代词。谓语动词 took 后接宾格,应用宾格 me。 9.if 考查连词。句意:医生肯定我的冠状病毒检测会呈阳性,但如果我想确定的话,他给 了我检测的选择权。由语境可知,此处表示条件,应用连词 if。 10.have recovered 考查时态。now that(既然、由于),相当于 since,引导原因状语从句,主 句应用现在完成时(has/have done),recover 这个动作表示过去发生的事对现在产生的影 响,故填 have recovered。 语法填空限时组合练 3 (限时 25 分钟) A (2020 河南名校联盟联考) Air purifiers(净化器) do more than clean the air in your house.It is one of the best  1  (tool)that can improve your sleep.However,only clean air purifiers can help you sleep  2  (peaceful).Air purifiers  3  blocked filters(过滤器) may produce a loud noise.That will never make you fall asleep.Instead,it will wake the person  4  is trying to sleep in the next room.Make sure you clean the filters of the air purifiers frequently so that they don’t just purify the air,but also avoid  5 (produce) any uncomfortable noise. At the same time,check them frequently to ensure that they  6 (be) in proper working order. You can either clean the filters alone or ask a professional to do it for you.For DIY cleaning,you can go online and search for  7 (person) care user manuals (指南)to know   8  to take apart the filters and clean them.It is possible to use a vacuum cleaner to suck the dust  9 (attach )to the filters.For some air purifiers,the filters can  10  (take) out.You can clean them using liquid soap,and put them back in the purifiers again. 1.       2.       3.       4.       5.       6.       7.       8.       9.       10.      B (2020 广东深圳第二次测试) When the winter approaches,tanghulu,a traditional Chinese snack can be found on the street corner in northern China.Since ancient times,it  1 (be) very popular with natives,especially children. Tanghulu is  2 (common) made of haws(山楂果),which are rich in vitamin C and are known  3 (have) traditional Chinese medicinal properties.According to a legend,in the Song Dynasty,one of the emperor’s  4 (wife) was sick and had  5  poor appetite.The doctor suggested that she eat five to ten haws  6 (boil) with sugar before each meal.She recovered within half a month.Later,the prescription was passed on  7  ordinary people. People put haws on a stick,dipped them in hot sugar syrup(糖浆) and dried.The syrup finally turned into a solid coating,like the crystal on the surface of haws.That is  8  they are also called bingtanghulu. 9  origin story says that the very first tanghulu only had two haws—a small one on the top and a big one below,making it resemble a hulu,a bringer of good luck. With sour haws and sweet sugar,the taste of tanghulu is a combination of flavors,which often  10 (remind) people of their happy childhoods. 1.       2.       3.       4.       5.       6.       7.       8.       9.       10.      C (2020 河南郑州第二次质检) At a very young age,Oindrila Basu had no idea of  1  to live with nature.She would climb trees or destroy the nests of birds just for fun,like other kids.Once her mother caught her and got angry,and then the girl realized she  2 (do) something terribly wrong. This is just a way that Basu’s parents shaped her understanding and appreciation of nature. 3 (live) in the countryside,she spent her youth studying ants before the rain,watching sunbirds drink honey,counting fireflies and watching young plants grow.Then her parents decided to move to a nearby city  4  better educational chances,and then she stopped having first-hand experience with nature. Later,as she struggled  5 (choose) a college major,her mother suggested a career in forestry(林业).That’s when her journey began,and she fell in love with forestry.Away from the crowded cities,in the lap of the Himalayas,she graduated in forestry from Kumaun University,India.When she went on to study a  6 (master) degree in forestry from the Forest Research Institute,India,she finally got introduced to a group of like-minded people,devoted to the International Forestry Students’ Association(IFSA). IFSA is a  7 (globe) organization connecting students to exchange knowledge and participate in forestry activities.The youth joining IFSA  8 (encourage) to undertake its task—to enrich forest education and spread a love of nature through events and exchanges. After six months of exciting international conferences and workshops,Basu,then 25,found her home—a family that loved forests as much  9  she did.She felt more active,so her passion had a direction.Now she wants to do more. As a key member of IFSA,Basu recalled the experience of joining it,“ 10 (deliberate) or by accident,we chose forestry,or rather,forestry chose us.” 1.       2.       3.       4.       5.       6.       7.       8.       9.       10.      参考答案 语法填空限时组合练 3 A 【语篇导读】本文是一篇说明文。文章主要介绍了清洁空气净化器的作用和过程。 1.tools 考查名词。句意:这是改善睡眠的最佳工具之一。the best 为形容词最高级,修饰 名词,设空处需填名词,tool 意为“工具”,是可数名词,one of 后面需加可数名词复数形式。 故填 tools。 2.peacefully 考查副词。句意:然而,只有清洁的空气净化器才能帮助你平静地入睡。设 空处修饰动词 sleep,需填副词。故填 peacefully。 3.with 考查介词。句意:过滤器堵塞的空气净化器可能会产生很大的噪音。设空处需 填介词“带有,具有”,故填 with。 4.who/ that 考查定语从句。句意:相反,它会吵醒隔壁房间试图入睡的人。设空处引导 定语从句,从句缺少主语,需用关系代词引导,先行词是 person,指人,需用关系代词 who/that。 5.producing 考查非谓语动词。句意:确保你经常清洁空气净化器的过滤器,这样它们不 仅能净化空气,还能避免产生任何令人不舒服的噪音。avoid doing sth 为固定用法,故填 producing。 6.are 考查时态和主谓一致。句意:同时,要经常检查,确保其工作状态正常。设空处缺少 谓语动词,此处陈述客观事实,需用一般现在时,主语为 they,谓语动词需用复数形式。故 填 are。 7.personal 考查形容词。句意:对于 DIY 清洁,你可以上网搜索个人护理用户手册,了解 如何拆卸和清洁过滤器。设空处修饰名词 care user manuals,需用形容词作定语。故填 personal。 8.how 考查不定式的复合结构。设空处构成不定式的复合结构,需用副词 how 作方式 状语。故填 how。 9.attached 考查非谓语动词。句意:可以用真空吸尘器吸附在过滤器上的灰尘。已有谓 语动词,设空处需填非谓语动词作后置定语,be attached to 为固定短语,意为“依附在……”; 此处需填过去分词形式。故填 attached。 10.be taken 考查被动语态。情态动词 can 后面需加动词原形,主语 the filters 和 take 为 被动关系,需用被动语态。情态动词 can 的被动语态形式是:can be done。故填 be taken。 B 【语篇导读】这是一篇说明文。本文主要介绍了糖葫芦的起源、做法与味道等。 1.has been 考查时态。根据本句中的时间状语“Since ancient times”和语境可知,此处应 用现在完成时,故填 has been。 2.commonly 考查副词。分析句子结构可知,空处作状语,应用副词形式,故填 commonly。 3.to have 考查非谓语动词。分析句子结构可知,此处应用动词不定式短语“to have traditional Chinese medicinal properties”作主语补足语。 4.wives 考查名词。根据空前的“one of”可知,这位皇帝的妻子不止一位,故空处要用可 数名词的复数形式。 5.a 考查冠词。此处表示“胃口不好”,且 poor 的发音以辅音音素开头,故应用“a poor appetite”表示,故要用不定冠词 a。 6.boiled 考查非谓语动词。该从句中已有谓语动词,故空处应用动词的非谓语形式,设空 处与 haws 之间为逻辑上的动宾关系,故此处用过去分词短语“boiled with sugar”作其后置 定语。 7.to 考查介词。 pass sth on to sb 意为“把某物传给某人”,是固定用法,符合语境。 8.why 考查表语从句。根据语境可知,“The syrup finally...on the surface of haws”与“they are also called bingtanghulu”之间存在因果关系,故此处用 why 引导表语从句。 9.Another 考查限定词。根据第二段第二句中的“a legend”并结合语境可知,此处在讲另 一个有关糖葫芦起源的故事,故填限定词 Another。 10.reminds 考查动词的时态和主谓一致。根据时间状语“often”和句意可知,该从句的谓 语动词要用一般现在时,且 which 引导的定语从句修饰先行词“a combination of flavors”, 故该从句的谓语动词用单数形式,故填 reminds。 C 【语篇导读】本文是一篇记叙文。Oindrila Basu 小时候喜欢爬树、破坏鸟巢,在她妈妈 的教育和引导下,她逐渐爱上了大自然。之后她在妈妈的建议下选择了林业专业,并获得 了林业硕士学位,而且成了国际林业学生协会成员。 1.how 考查副词。根据下句可知,为了好玩,她会爬树或者破坏鸟巢;又结合语境可知, Oindrila Basu 在很小的时候不知道如何和大自然相处,故用 how。 2.had done 考查动词的时态。句意:她的妈妈曾经抓住了她并且发怒了,然后这位女孩 才意识到她做了非常错误的事情。根据该句中的“realized”,并结合句意可知,她做那些非 常错误的事情发生在她意识到之前,表示过去的过去,故用过去完成时。 3.Living 考查非谓语动词。分析该句结构可知,动词 live 和主语 she 为逻辑上的主谓关 系,故用其动词-ing 形式。 4.for/with 考查介词。根据语境可知,此处表示“她的父母为了更好的教育机会决定搬到 附近的一个城市”,表目的;此处也可以表示“她的父母决定搬到附近的一个有更好教育机 会的城市”,表示“带有”,故填 for/with。 5.to choose 考查非谓语动词。struggle to do sth 为固定搭配,意为“努力做某事”,故该处 用动词不定式。 6.master’s 考查固定用法。 master’s degree 为固定用法,意为“硕士学位”。句意:当她 继续在印度森林研究所攻读林业硕士学位时,她最终结识了一群志趣相投的人,他们都服 务于国际林业学生协会。 7.global 考查形容词。形容词修饰名词,空处修饰名词 organization,故用形容词。 8.are encouraged 考查被动语态。分析句子结构可知,该句主语 The youth 和动词 encourage 之间为被动关系,故用被动语态。 9.as 考查固定用法。“as+adj./adv.+as...”为固定用法,表示“和……一样……”。句意:经 过六个月激动人心的国际会议和研讨会,当时 25 岁的 Basu 找到了她的家——一个和她 一样热爱森林的家庭。 10.Deliberately 考查副词。空处在该句中作状语,修饰整个句子,故用副词形式。 概要写作押题限时练 (限时 45 分钟) A 阅读下面材料,根据其内容写一篇 60 词左右的内容概要。 The world’s greatest climbers have always been drawn to Mount Qomolangma,but in trying to climb it,many have been lured(吸引) to their deaths.There are some other mountains that are more difficult to climb and can offer a greater challenge,but because it is the world’s highest mountain,Qomolangma has a special place in our imagination. Often climbers hire guides,who are skilled and experienced mountaineers.They work out together the route to take and the places to set up camps.As the air is so thin near the top,climbers need to bring oxygen with them,which adds greatly to the weight that must be carried.In recent years,small groups of climbers have made attempts to conquer Mount Qomolangma without oxygen and guides.Their daring method is travelling fast and staying in temporary shelters as they make their way up and down. As the mountain is extremely steep,climbers drive spikes(长钉) into cracks in the rock and pull each other up with ropes.They must be very careful because a loose stone or even a loud noise can start an avalanche(雪崩), burying those who are caught in the path or sweeping them to death.In addition,climbers must be alert to the weather because it can change suddenly for the worse.Blizzards(暴风雪) often strike with little warning,forcing climbers to hide in the shelter until the danger has passed. Climbers are often optimists.They believe they will be able to reach the top.However,when their physical condition or the weather becomes worse,they have to ask themselves if it would be worthwhile to continue.Their state of mind plays a big part in this decision,which sometimes must be made when they are only a few hundred feet from the summit(顶峰).Many chose to continue,which cost them their lives. B 阅读下面材料,根据其内容写一篇 60 词左右的内容概要。 Many students who want to study in the U.S.say they have little chance of admission to an American college or university because of poor English skills.But what if that barrier is removed from the application process?It is called conditional admission,and it can pave the way for foreign students who are seeking American higher education. Over the past decade,more colleges or universities have started using conditional admission to help these students.If these schools think an applicant has other attributes(特质) that make up for a lack of language skills,they will accept him into the conditional-admission program,which means that the applicant will be admitted to a college or university if he can successfully complete further English-language training.Conditional admission is generally offered to academically qualified international applicants whose English abilities are lower than what’s required by the colleges or universities for regular,or unconditional admission. Many international students prefer to study English in their native countries to be close to home and save money until they can take part in a traditional degree program.But universities which offer conditional admission and let students start their degree program once they complete the highest level of the language program can help students get used to American colleges.Cultural differences in teaching styles between schools back home and schools in the U.S.can be addressed.Also,while living on an American college campus surrounded by English speakers,students often improve their language skills faster. On the other hand,conditional admission can be frustrating(令人沮丧的) for some students because the students’ English ability is the only factor preventing them from being normally admitted to a university.Furthermore,conditional admission can be burdensome(负 担沉重的),as the students will likely need to complete an intensive English-language program before they enroll in(注册) classes that count towards the degree. 参考答案 概要写作押题限时练 A 参考范文 As the world’s highest mountain,Mount Qomolangma has attracted climbers to challenge themselves in spite of the danger.(要点 1)Generally,climbers need the help of guides and oxygen while a few have tried to make it without them.(要点 2)Along the way,climbers face the jaws of death due to the changeable environment and weather.(要点 3)This requires them to have a powerful mind to make tough decisions in an emergency.(要点 4) B 参考范文 Conditional admission provides students whose English skills are not good enough with a way to attend universities in the U.S.(要点 1)An applicant will be accepted into conditional admission programs if he has other attributes and is academically qualified.(要点 2)These programs can help students adapt to college life abroad and improve their English faster.(要 点 3)However,these programs are a burden for some students and make them feel upset.(要点 4) 应用文写作押题限时练 1 (限时 25 分钟) 【例题探究】 (2020 山东青岛一模) 假定你是李华,你校近期成立了“孔子思想研究”网上俱乐部(Confucianism online club),你的朋友 Tom 对中国文化很感兴趣,请你给他写一封邮件,邀请他加入该俱乐部。 注意: 1.词数 80 左右; 2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。 【思路点拨】 1.认真审题:本文要写一封邀请信,邀请朋友加入“孔子思想研究”网上俱乐部。因此, 要用第一人称, 时态用一般现在时和一般将来时。 2.构思谋篇:本文应分三段。第一段写邀请的目的和原因;第二段写“孔子思想研究” 网上俱乐部的优势和加入的好处;第三段写自己希望朋友认真考虑并期待回复。 3.精心斟酌词汇,如“be keen on,with the intention of,have a profound influence on,traditional knowledge,take...into consideration,make great progress”等,恰当使用高级句 型,交叉使用长短句。 4.使用恰当的连词进行句子之间的衔接与过渡,如“First of all,What’s more”等。 5.书写一定要规范清晰,保持卷面整洁美观。 【范文研读】研读学构思,熟读学词句 Dear Tom, Knowing that you are extremely keen on Chinese culture,I’m more than delighted to write to you with the intention of inviting you to join in the Confucianism online club established by our school recently. The club possesses various characteristics.First of all,we hold regular sessions,studying the statements of Confucius,who has a profound influence on Chinese philosophy.What’s more,related professors are frequently invited to give speeches on Confucianism online,thus providing club members with a vast of traditional knowledge.As far as I’m concerned,the club is of great significance and help for you to gain a better understanding of Chinese culture. I’d appreciate it if you could take my invitation into consideration seriously.I have the confidence that you will make great progress.Looking forward to your reply. Yours, Li Hua 我来整理 好词(3—4 个):                  佳句 1: 佳句 2: 【限时写作】 (2020 山东潍坊三模) 假定你是李华,伦敦孔子学院的学生要来你校参加国学夏令营,请你代表学校在开营 式上发言,内容包括: 1.表示欢迎; 2.介绍活动安排(诵读国学经典、参观孔子故里); 3.表达祝愿。 注意: 1.词数 80 左右; 2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯; 3.开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。 参考词汇:孔子学院 Confucius Institute;国学经典 Chinese classics Dear friends, That’s all.Thank you. 微信扫码 获取 在线名师微课 配套指导课件 备考资料合集 智能学习助手 应用文写作押题限时练 2 (限时 25 分钟) 【例题探究】 (2020 山东济南二模) 假定你是李华,你的英国朋友 Frank 想学习太极。最近你校恰巧在网上直播太极课 程。请给他写一封电子邮件,内容包括: 1.发出邀请; 2.介绍课程(上课方式、时间及授课人等); 3.期待相见。 注意: 1.词数 80 左右; 2.可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯; 3.开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。 【思路点拨】 1.认真审题。 体裁:应用文,针对你的英国朋友 Frank 想学习太极一事写一封邮件 时态:一般现在时 2.构思谋篇:本文应分三段 第一段:提出写信目的并发出邀请; 第二段:介绍课程(上课方式、时间及授课人等); 第三段:期待相见。 3.精心斟酌词汇,恰当使用高级句型,交叉使用长短句。 4.使用恰当的连词进行句子之间的衔接与过渡。 5.书写一定要规范清晰,保持卷面整洁美观。 【范文研读】研读学构思,熟读学词句 Dear Frank, Learning from your email that you are interested in taiji and desire to learn it,I am rather delighted to invite you to participate in our online taiji course. As is known to all,COVID -19 epidemic is so serious that we should study online.Taiji is such a kind of online course that can ease students’ stress and strengthen their body.The course is held in DingDing App which you should download by yourself.It begins at 13:00 pm from Monday to Wednesday,which lasts about half an hour.What’s more,Mr.Wu is our coach,who is famous for his Chinese kung fu.Seeing is believing.With so many sports activities for you to choose from,I am sure taiji must be the best choice. Because of COVID -19 epidemic,we haven’t seen each other for a long time.Looking forward to seeing you soon. Yours, Li Hua 我来整理 好词(3—4 个):                  佳句 1: 佳句 2: 【限时写作】 (2020 山东济南一模) 假定你是李华,你的英国朋友 Frank 来信询问你的寒假生活情况。请根据以下要点 给他回信: 1.由于新冠肺炎疫情暴发,假期被迫延长; 2.寒假生活(在线上课、读书、锻炼身体等); 3.期盼开学。 注意: 1.词数 80 左右; 2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。 参考词汇:冠状病毒 COVID -19 应用文写作押题限时练 3 (限时 25 分钟) 【例题探究】 (2020 山东潍坊一模) 假定你是李华,你的新西兰朋友 Noah 在给你的邮件中说他对中国古代建筑很感兴 趣,并打算利用暑假参观一下。请你给他回封邮件,内容包括: 1.推荐要参观的建筑; 2.约定参观的时间; 3.提出其他建议。 注意: 1.词数 80 左右; 2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。 【思路点拨】 1.认真审题:本文要回复新西兰朋友 Noah 的电子邮件。他在邮件中说对中国古代建 筑很感兴趣,并打算利用暑假参观。 2.构思谋篇:本文应分三段。 第一段写得知他对中国古代建筑很感兴趣的高兴心情。第二段写题目中的三个要 点:①推荐要参观的建筑,可以推荐故宫;②约定参观的时间,比如 8 月 1 号;③提出其他建 议,例如从网上了解更多信息。第三段写如果对方需要更多信息请及时告知。 3.精心斟酌词汇,恰当使用高级句型,交叉使用长短句。 4.使用恰当的连词进行句子之间的衔接与过渡。 5.书写一定要规范清晰,保持卷面整洁美观。 【范文研读】研读学构思,熟读学词句 Dear Noah, I’m really glad that you take great interest in ancient Chinese architecture. Millions of ancient architectures have survived in China’s history.However,there is no better place to visit than the Forbidden City in Beijing.It served as a royal palace for centuries.Summer is a good time for traveling,so shall we go there on August 1?I believe you’ll have a better experience if you know its history.You’d better do some research online. Please let me know if you need further information. Yours, Li Hua 我来整理 好词(3—4 个):                  佳句 1: 佳句 2: 【限时写作】 (2020 山东潍坊二模) 假定你是李华,受母亲影响,喜欢中国传统手工艺刺绣。最近,得知你的英国朋友 Lisa 正在苏州学习刺绣。请你给她写封邮件,内容包括: 1.询问学习情况; 2.分享你的作品; 3.希望保持交流。 注意: 1.词数 80 左右; 2.可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。 注:刺绣 embroidery 应用文写作押题限时练 4 (限时 25 分钟) 【例题探究】 你校将在暑假期间组织学生赴英国交流学习。假如你是该项目的负责人,需要把两 名赴英学生的情况介绍给英方的寄宿家庭。请根据下表内容,给史密斯夫妇写信介绍这 两名学生的情况。 姓名 李华 刘平 特点 开朗、乐观 待人友善,善解人意 爱好 体育活动 阅读、听音乐 担心的问 题 饮食不习惯 沟通困难 期望 多了解英国的历史 文化 多交朋友,提高英语 水平 【思路点拨】 1.人物描写属于记叙文的范畴,它以写人记事为主,以叙述和描写为主要形式。人物 描写通常与书信、电子邮件等结合起来,是书信或者电子邮件中的一部分内容。有时候 也要求按照汉语提示做人物介绍。 2.人物描写通常要介绍人物生平、性格特点、业余爱好、取得的成绩等。 3.本题要求以该项目负责人的名义介绍赴英学习的两位学生的情况。首先要对寄宿 家庭的夫妇表示感谢;然后介绍两位学生的具体情况,内容包括他们的性格特点、爱好、 担心的问题以及他们对在英国生活的期望;最后还要对寄宿家庭表示感谢。 4.书写一定要规范清晰,保持卷面整洁美观。 【范文研读】研读学构思,熟读学词句 Dear Mr.& Mrs.Smith, Thank you for your offer to host two of our students.The boys’ names are Li Hua and Liu Ping.Here is a little bit about them. Li Hua is an open-minded and optimistic boy and Liu Ping is very friendly and considerate.Li Hua loves sports,especially basketball and football while Liu Ping enjoys reading and listening to music.As it’s their first trip to the UK,they both feel a little anxious. Li Hua is worried that he has trouble adjusting to British food while Liu Ping is more concerned about whether he is able to communicate clearly with others.Li Hua is really looking forward to learning more about the history and culture of the UK and Liu Ping is eager to make some new friends and improve his English. Thank you for your generosity once again. Sincerely yours, Secretary of the project 我来整理 好词(3—4 个):                  佳句 1: 佳句 2: 【限时写作】 假定你是李华,你校英文报正在征稿,题目是“The Most Impressive Woman in My Life”。请你写一篇稿件,投给校英文报。内容包括: 1.这位女士的特点; 2.这位女士对于你的影响。 注意: 1.词数 80 左右; 2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。 The Most Impressive Woman in My Life 应用文写作押题限时练 5 (限时 25 分钟) 【例题探究】 假设你是李华,上周你接待了外国留学生,带领他们体验了中国茶文化的全过程。请 你写一篇英文周记,记述你上周接待外国学生的过程。 注意:词数 80 左右。 【思路点拨】 这是一篇叙述活动的记叙文。通常按照以下写作思路: 开头:交代活动的时间、地点、人物。清楚表明事件的背景。 正文:叙述事件的开端、发展、高潮。注意过程描写要按照时间顺序,简明扼要。 结尾:表明个人的看法和感受。总结全文,阐明活动的意义。 注意:主题要鲜明,内容要完整,情景要合理,用词要恰当,过渡要自然。时态常用一般 过去时。 【范文研读】研读学构思,熟读学词句 Last week,we took the foreign students in our school to experience the authentic tea culture,which turned out to be extremely rewarding. On arriving at the tea house,the foreign students were impressed by the unique tea pots and tea cups.I gave them a vivid introduction of tea culture and taught them how to make tea.Then I asked them to have a try.Washing the tea pots,adding tea leaves,and pouring water into the cups,they followed my instructions and immersed themselves in charming tea culture. At the end of the activity,we took a picture to memorize the unforgettable day. 我来整理 好词(3—4 个):                  佳句 1: 佳句 2: 【限时写作】 (2019 北京高考) 假设你是红星中学高三学生李华。你们班上周组织了一次以“劳动最光荣”为主题 的社会实践活动。请根据以下四幅图的先后顺序,写一篇英文周记,记述整个过程。 注意:词数不少于 60。 提示词:西瓜 watermelon 参考答案 应用文写作押题限时练 1 参考范文 Dear friends, I’m Li Hua.I am honored to deliver a speech at the opening ceremony on behalf of our school.Here we sincerely show our warm welcome to all the students from London Confucius Institute. During our summer camp,we will recite Chinese classics and exchange opinions and feelings after reading them.Also,we have arranged a visit to Confucius’ hometown,which is intended to help us have a better understanding of Confucian culture. I hope every one of us will learn more about Chinese ancient civilization and enjoy your stay here. That’s all.Thank you. 应用文写作押题限时练 2 参考范文 Dear Frank, It is considerate of you to show your concern about my situation during the winter vacation.I’m writing to share with you my experiences. Since the outbreak of COVID -19,I have been staying at home and our vacation has also been extended.Despite suspended class,I have been living a rich and colorful life.During the long vacation,not only do I read classics,but also I take online courses.Besides,I take exercise every day to keep healthy.Meanwhile,many people from all walks of life spare no effort to fight against it.I believe everything will be fine and the new semester will be approaching. What about your vacation?Looking forward to your reply. Yours, Li Hua 应用文写作押题限时练 3 参考范文 Dear Lisa, It is nice to know you are learning how to do embroidery in Suzhou,for I am also a big fan of this traditional Chinese handicraft.I wonder how you are getting along with your embroidery courses. My mother is credited with arousing my interest in Chinese silk embroidery.Under her guidance,I have just finished one piece of needlework and I’d like to share it with you.If convenient,we can continue learning from each other by sharing our works and communicating regularly. Hope you can make more progress. Yours, Li Hua 应用文写作押题限时练 4 参考范文 The Most Impressive Woman in My Life During my life there are many people who impressed me deeply.But my English teacher Miss Zhao is the most impressive woman in my eyes. Miss Zhao is a warm-hearted lady with a charming smile on her face.As a teacher,she is ready to help those students in need.Besides,she is strict with us and responsible for her work.There was story after story of how Miss Zhao,tired after a day’s work,went late at night to grade our papers.Under her guidance,I became interested in English.Without her help,I couldn’t have made rapid progress. Such is Miss Zhao,an excellent teacher who makes a deep impression on me and wins my respect. 应用文写作押题限时练 5 参考范文 Last week,a social activity,whose subject is “Labour is the most glorious”,was organized by our school to develop the students’ love for labour.First,our teacher told us the importance of labour and the meaning of the social activity.After packing my suitcase,I as well as my classmates set off for our destination—a farm in the morning.The moment we arrived there,we started to help the farmers harvest watermelons,for which the farmers praised us.We arrived home in the afternoon,tired but pleased.While having dinner,I told my parents what we had done on the farm.They were also delighted and satisfied with the social activity. 读后续写押题限时练 1 (限时 25 分钟) (2020 山东济南一模) 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。 Arthur was messy.He didn’t try to make messes,but he didn’t try to clean up much,either.There were always small pieces of food on the table when he was done with eating.His socks never made it into the hamper(洗衣篮).And he only picked up his toys when Mom threatened to throw them away.Most days,Mom followed Arthur around the house and cleaned up after him.She brushed the crumbs(碎屑) into her hand and threw them away after meals.She picked up his socks and made sure they got washed,dried and folded neatly before going back in the drawer.She often picked up his toys when he left them to do something else. One day,Mom asked Arthur to pick up his toy train.“Not right now,”Arthur said.He was reading a comic book.The train had been on the living room floor since the morning. “You know what,Arthur?I’m not going to ask you again.I’m done cleaning today.”And with that,Mom put her feet up on the sofa and picked up a book to read. At dinner time,Arthur noticed that there was a big pile of crumbs at his place at the table.Mom’s spot was nice and clean.Arthur didn’t like the crumbs very much.After dinner,Arthur’s feet felt cold.He went to his room and opened his drawer,but the drawer was empty.“Mom,where are my socks?”Arthur called. “There weren’t any socks in your hamper,so I didn’t wash them,”Mom said.Arthur felt unhappy.Now his feet would be cold,unless he wanted to wear dirty socks from the floor.He decided to stay barefoot. When it was time for bed,Arthur said good night to Mom and turned to go upstairs.Arthur stepped right on his toy train in his bare feet.“Ouch!”cried Arthur.“That really hurt!” 注意:续写词数应为 150 左右。 However,Mom was still reading and said nothing. “Mom?” said Arthur.“Tomorrow can you show me how to do the laundry so I can wash my socks?” 读后续写押题限时练 2 (限时 25 分钟) (2020 山东潍坊一模) 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。 Deep in the forest,my husband and I had fun climbing over and crawling under the downed trees that blocked the dirt path before us.It was May,yet we walked up a snow- covered hill.When we noticed our jeans were wet up to our knees,it did not dampen our spirits.Not once did we say,“let’s turn around.” This was our vacation,and we were on an adventure.Little did we know this was the beginning of many more surprises. The trail was marked as an easy one-kilometer hike,yet we were already walking a long distance.Our lightheartedness stopped when we came out into a clearing and saw a parking lot without our rental car in it.As my eyes scanned the surroundings,nothing looked familiar.My heart raced.I realized we were lost in a national park that did not officially open for another week. Usually,I am the calm one in the relationship,but my husband surprised me with his calmness.This did not comfort me;in fact,it heightened my fear.As we walked,I asked my husband to call for help,but there was no cell-phone signal in this isolated(偏僻的) area. It was awfully quiet except for our footsteps hitting the road,and my heavy breathing.My husband suggested we conserve energy and walk slower.With each step on the road,my feet and thighs hurt while my mind raced with thoughts about people who got lost in the Canadian woods for days. My vision sharpened.I noticed everything around me:the trees,rocks and snow.I thought we could eat the snow on the ground in case we needed water.For the first time in my life,I was ready and willing to get a ride,but we did not meet with a single car on the road.Silently,I prayed multiple times.We focused on each other,made joint decisions and connected through gratitude.We managed to stay on the main road and walked straight on. 注意:续写词数应为 150 左右。 My husband suddenly spotted a small building on a hill in the distance. Just then,a friendly woman appeared,saying,“Hello.” 读后续写押题限时练 3 (限时 25 分钟) (2020 山东青岛一模) 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。 One spring morning many years ago,I had been prospecting for gold along Coho Creek.As I emerged from a forest,I froze in my tracks.No more than 20 paces away in the bog(泥塘) was a huge Alaskan timber wolf caught in one of Trapper George’s traps. Old George had died the previous week of a heart attack,so the wolf was lucky.Confused and frightened at my approach,the wolf backed away,pulling hard on the trap chain.Then I noticed something else:It was a female,and her teats(奶头) were full of milk.Somewhere there was a den(窝)of hungry pups waiting for their mother. From her appearance,I guessed that she had been trapped only a few days.That meant her pups were probably still alive.But I suspected that if I tried to release the wolf,she would turn aggressive and try to tear me to pieces. So I decided to search for her pups instead and began to look for incoming tracks that might lead me to her den.Fortunately,there were still a few remaining patches of snow. The tracks led a half mile through the forest,and I finally spotted the den.There wasn’t a sound inside.Wolf pups are shy and cautious,and I didn’t have much hope of tricking them outside.But I had to try.So I began copying the squeak(吱吱声) of a mother wolf calling her young.No response.A few moments later,after I tried again,four tiny pups appeared.I extended my hands,and they tentatively(试探性地) suckled at my fingers.Perhaps hunger had helped overcome their natural fear.Then,one by one,I placed them in a bag and headed back. When the mother wolf spotted me,she stood straight.Possibly picking up the scent(气味) of her young,she let out a sorrow-stricken crying.I released the pups,and they raced to her.Within seconds,they were slurping(啜食) at her belly. 注意:续写词数应为 150 左右。 What next?I wondered. Four years later,I returned to Coho Creek. 读后续写押题限时练 4 (限时 25 分钟) (2020 山东淄博一模) 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。 A young and successful manager was traveling down a neighborhood street,going a bit too fast in his new Jaguar.He was watching for kids darting out (窜出) from between parked cars and slowed down when he thought he saw something.As his car passed,no children appeared.Instead,a brick hit violently into the Jag’s side door! He stepped on the brakes and backed his Jag back to the spot where the brick had been thrown. The angry driver then jumped out of the car,grabbed the nearest kid and pushed him up against a parked car shouting,“What was that all about and who are you?Just what the heck are you doing?That’s a new car and that brick you threw is going to cost a lot of money.Why did you do it?” The young boy was apologetic.“Please,mister...please,I’m sorry but I didn’t know what else to do,” he explained.“I threw the brick because no one else would stop...” With tears rolling down his face and off his chin,the youth pointed to a spot just around a parked car.“It’s my brother,” he said.“He rolled off the sidewalk and fell out of his wheelchair and I can’t lift him up.” Now sobbing,the boy asked the astonished manager,“Would you please help me get him back into his wheelchair?He’s hurt and he’s too heavy for me.” 注意:续写词数应为 150 左右。 Moved beyond words,the driver cooled his anger. The driver watched the boy push his wheelchair-bound brother down the sidewalk toward their home. 读后续写押题限时练 5 (限时 25 分钟) 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。 When Jayce Crowder was in kindergarten,he began noticing that he looked different from his classmates.They had two hands.But he had only one. It started when one boy teased him.Jayce was in a bad mood.He’d return home in Des Moines,Iowa,with questions:Why am I different?Why me?Why?“He actually told us that he was mad at looking so different from others,”said his mother,Cortney Lewis.“That really hurt him.” Lewis admitted she didn’t know what to do at that point.How could she provide answers to her son’s questions when she had never found those answers herself? A few weeks later,Lewis came home from her job and turned on the TV to a news story about Trashaun Willis,an eighth grader from Washington,Iowa.The boy,then 14,had become an Internet star after posting videos of his slam dunks(扣篮),and,like Jayce,he was missing most of his left arm.Lewis called Jayce in.He was shocked,staring at one dunk after another. At the time,it seemed that watching Trashaun would simply be an inspiring moment for Jayce—he’d see a shining role model with a seemingly similar born disability.And had it stayed just that,Lewis would have been happy.But little did she know that a family friend had already reached out to the Des Moines Register,asking the newspaper to help set up a meeting with Trashaun to build Jayce’s confidence. “It reassured me,”said Lewis.“I know in my heart that everything’s going to be OK.Trashaun has grown up to be a wonderful kid.And I know Jayce is too.” Trashaun did get serious with Jayce.Finally,the boys met at Washington Middle School on a Saturday afternoon a couple of months later,in April 2017,and they instantly bonded. 注意:续写词数应为 150 左右。 The day was not spent on self-pity—it was really fun and unforgettable. After the meeting,Jayce learned to accept his disability. 读后续写押题限时练 6 (限时 25 分钟) 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。 “Mommy,don’t go,” my three-year-old son screamed as I walked to the door.My fifteen-year-old leaned against the kitchen counter with his arms folded across his chest,not screaming,but glaring at me as I pulled his little brother off my legs. “Are you mad at me too?” “You spend all your time taking care of other people’s kids,but what about us?” Dylan left angrily. I was shocked and a little hurt.How could my own child not understand that the work I was doing was saving lives?Then the answer hit me.He didn’t know,because he had never seen what Healing the Children actually did.Dylan had heard the stories of sick children,but had never once looked into the eyes of a child and understood the hard truth that without our help,the child would likely die. “Get dressed.You are going with me,”I said. I spent the drive time explaining the case of Hector to my son,who pretended to ignore me the entire time.“He’s seven,only weighs thirty pounds and is very sick.He has a heart condition called Tetralogy of Fallot,which could kill him.It is a miracle(奇迹) that he is still alive.” I went on to explain that it took a team of volunteer medical staff to get Hector to the hospital from his remote village and care for him while he was there.Still,Dylan seemed unimpressed. We stopped at a convenience store for water and snacks.Dylan had one large and one small Slurpee(思乐冰饮料).He said the small one was for Hector.I doubted whether the little guy would be able to drink it,but remained silent.This was the first interest Dylan had shown in being there.I wasn’t about to ruin it. I stopped at the nurse’s station to check on Hector’s progress while Dylan went to his room.Our patient was recovering physically,but the nurse was concerned that Hector was struggling emotionally.She said,“Kids usually bounce back fast,but he hardly speaks and never smiles.” 注意:续写词数应为 150 左右。 Imagine my surprise when I heard laughter from Hector’s room. On the way home that night,Dylan asked me several times whether Hector would be okay. 读后续写押题限时练 7 (限时 25 分钟) 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。 On a Saturday afternoon in Wichita Falls,Texas,three kids talked and laughed happily as they took turns riding a scooter (滑板车) on their quiet street.11-year-old TJ Smith had just jumped off the scooter as his neighbors Kim,age 7,claimed her turn,and Julie,9,looked on.Ten minutes later,Kim sat down on the scooter to catch her breath.That was when a bearded man with a head of messy hair appeared.The kids didn’t see where he came from,but they saw exactly what happened next:Without saying a word,the man picked Kim up off the scooter and calmly stepped away. The guy held Kim gently like a baby and just walked down the street.In fact,the calm way the man behaved led TJ to believe that he must be a relative of Kim’s.But something wasn’t right.“I could see Kim’s face,” TJ said.“She was scared.” As the man walked on,Kim’s fear transformed into weeps,and then she cried for help.She began kicking and moving,trying to get free of the man’s control.“What are you doing?” Julie shouted.But the man,undisturbed,just walked the length of the block until he reached an alley (小巷) and disappeared. TJ was frightened,yet he never thought about the danger to himself.The only thing he wanted to do was get Kim back.But what was a 4-foot-tall kid going to do to stop a grown man?“I wanted to help,but I couldn’t do it myself,” he thought to himself.“Tell Kim’s parents,Julie!” He shouted as he started running towards the alley. Kim’s parents were relaxing on the sofa in their living room when their front door burst open. 注意:续写词数应为 150 左右。 “A bad guy just picked Kim up and took her away!” yelled Julie. At that very moment,Kim’s parents arrived. 读后续写押题限时练 8 (限时 25 分钟) 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。 I received an urgent call from my aunt.“Turn on the TV.Granny’s on the Channel 10 news.”It turned out that Granny had made a sandwich run for her office and was stopped at a red light downtown.She had the window rolled down to enjoy the breeze when a man rushed up to the driver’s side window,intending to carjack(劫车)her. Now,what the would-be carjacker couldn’t have known was that this woman simply wasn’t “a granny”.This was Nancy Johnson — the same woman who owned and lived on a Texas cattle farm,drove her own tractors,and dug her own post holes to lay fence.The week before,she had shot a rattlesnake and chopped off its head with a shovel.She was the proud owner of the new minivan(小型货车) she was driving.In other words,she was not your normal kind of granny. The carjacker leaned into the open window,one hand stuffed in his pocket,and said,“Get out of this car.I have a gun,and I will shoot you.” A statement like that would have terrified anyone else.Instead,Granny saw it as a challenge.“If you really had a gun in your pocket,you would have pulled it out and led with that first,” she shouted at him,apparently unworried. She was right.The criminal didn’t have a gun.He instead reached into the window,grabbed her,and tried to pull her out of the van.He pulled open the door,wildly catching Granny’s arms.Granny leaned her shoulder inside to press the horn(喇叭) and started yelling to make people around notice what was happening.With the door now open,she held tight the steering wheel with one arm and started kicking the man anywhere her foot could make contact.This tall woman had quite a reach. 注意:续写词数应为 150 左右。 After a well-placed kick,the man was done,and attempted to release her and run. Later,we asked,“Granny,don’t you realize you could have got yourself killed?” 参考答案 读后续写押题限时练 1 参考范文 However,Mom was still reading and said nothing.Arthur wasn’t sure if she had heard him or not so he called for help again,but still Mom didn’t come.Then Arthur realized maybe it was he that could solve his problem at that very moment.He quietly picked up the toy train and put it in the box.It only took a minute for him to put the toy away,and now he wouldn’t have to worry about hurting his feet again. “Mom?” said Arthur.“Tomorrow can you show me how to do the laundry so I can wash my socks?”“Of course,”said Mom.“It’s nice to see you begin to learn to take care of yourself.I am always here to do whatever I can to help you become a more independent boy.”Arthur felt better.He didn’t want to wait until the next laundry day to have clean socks again.Maybe being neat wasn’t so hard after all. 读后续写押题限时练 2 参考范文 My husband suddenly spotted a small building on a hill in the distance.In no time did we find ourselves heading for it.We were filled with hope and excitement to find such a building in the middle of nowhere.We climbed up the hill at a swinging pace as if all the pains were gone.As we approached,a sign came into sight,which read:Administration Office.However,it was not open for business.The empty hall made us nervous all at once.We stood there hopelessly wondering what to do next. Just then,a friendly woman appeared,saying,“Hello.”I could barely hold back my enthusiasm and blurted out,“We’re lost!” She comforted us and opened a room for us to take a break.Seeing we were cold and hungry,she treated us with hot chocolate.After studying the map,we figured out that our car was parked over three kilometers away.She offered us a ride back to our car and we accepted gladly.I felt relieved to see our rental car again.What a blessing to have such an unforgettable experience! 读后续写押题限时练 3 参考范文 What next?I wondered.So tender were the pups that it was impossible for them to resist danger without their mother’s protection.Hence,I made up my mind to release her.But how?A good idea occurred to me.I went back to my truck and fetched an iron bar.Using a rock as the supporting point,I unlocked the chain and set the wolf free.Realizing my rescue,the wolf kept still to cooperate.After gaining freedom,she howled at me with her head low,showing her gratitude.Then,the mother wolf led her pups to go forward,disappearing in the forest. Four years later,I returned to Coho Creek.The previous gold searching spot had been transformed into a natural wildlife reserve.As I paced,the sound of my footsteps was accompanied only by the gracefully waving leaves.All of a sudden,a beautiful mid-sized pool came into my sight,with a group of wolves scattered around,licking water or lying on the grass leisurely.Noticing my approaching,the wolves gathered.I was seized by a strong sense of horror,my palms sweating.Meanwhile,a leading wolf came forwards,howling at me with her head low.The memory crossed my mind.It was the wolf that I saved years ago.Before long,she turned back,leading her offspring to the forest.How amazing to see them again! 读后续写押题限时练 4 参考范文 Moved beyond words,the driver cooled his anger.He hurriedly lifted the handicapped boy back into the wheelchair.On seeing the bleeding cuts,the man took out his white handkerchief and wiped the wound gently with great care.A quick look told him everything was going to be okay.When the driver was about to leave,the young brother stepped forward.“Thank you and may God bless you,” said the grateful child,tears filling his eyes. The driver watched the boy push his wheelchair-bound brother down the sidewalk toward their home.It was a long,slow walk back to the Jaguar.The damage was very noticeable,but the driver never bothered to repair the damaged side door.He kept it there to remind him of this message:“Don’t go through life so fast that someone has to throw a brick at you to get your attention!” God whispers in our souls and speaks to our hearts.Sometimes when we don’t have time to listen,he has to throw a brick at us.It’s our choice to listen or not. 读后续写押题限时练 5 参考范文 The day was not spent on self-pity—it was really fun and unforgettable.They rode bikes around the school’s hallways,took photos,and played hide-and-seek.Trashaun taught Jayce how to slam-dunk.He even gave Jayce a shirt as a gift.He talked about their left arms.He told Jayce he was perfect the way he looked.He encouraged him not to let anyone drag him down and shake his confidence. After the meeting,Jayce learned to accept his disability.He began to understand that there are many people like him.He came to adapt himself to his disability.He recently started practising shooting basketball every day and he really loves it.Jayce often chats with Trashaun on the Internet about basketball skills as well as some school issues.He is really motivated by this role model and has a positive attitude to his future life.As for Trashaun,he never dreamed that his videos would have such an impact.His relationship with Jayce made him look forward to helping more kids. 读后续写押题限时练 6 参考范文 Imagine my surprise when I heard laughter from Hector’s room.I entered and found Dylan sitting on the edge of Hector’s bed wiping pieces of frozen drink from Hector’s mouth.Both boys were giggling and Hector was apparently enjoying the company.I spent the rest of the day speaking to doctors and watching my son playing with the special little boy.It was truly amazing to watch them interact,as if it were the most natural thing in the world.Perhaps to the two of them it was. On the way home that night,Dylan asked me several times whether Hector would be okay.I told him this boy would get well but he had a hard road ahead of him.My son seemed to be lost in thought for a while.Then he declared his decision to join Healing the Children as a volunteer to help Hector and other children.I never thought that a moody teenager would take up the volunteer work and never again complain about his mother’s crazy work schedule. 读后续写押题限时练 7 参考范文 “A bad guy just picked Kim up and took her away!” yelled Julie.So shocked were Kim’s parents that they jumped up from the sofa and rushed over to Julie.Learning what had happened,they phoned the police without delay.The next moment,they jumped into their car and drove off directed by Julie.By then TJ had reached the alley,but the man was nowhere to be seen.“I must find Kim,”TJ said to himself.He ran along the alley to the end,where he spotted the man walking towards a white house.“Stop! Stop!” With these words,he charged at the guy fearlessly and held fast to Kim.However hard the guy tried to get rid of TJ,TJ wouldn’t give in. At that very moment,Kim’s parents arrived.“Help! Help!”TJ shouted.Immediately Kim’s father took off toward the guy.Seeing this,the guy hurriedly let go of Kim and broke into a run.Kim’s father dashed up,caught hold of him and pressed him to the ground.Kim ran crying into her mother’s arms.Minutes later,the police arrived and arrested the guy.TJ breathed a sigh of relief and smiled happily.TJ’s quick thinking and bravery saved a little girl in the neighborhood from unimaginable consequences. 读后续写押题限时练 8 参考范文 After a well-placed kick,the man was done,and attempted to release her and run.But Granny wouldn’t stand for that.It was now her turn to grab him.Her hands were made strong from hours and hours of farm work.That poor fool didn’t have a chance.She shouted for help to bystanders,and they rushed to her aid.With Granny leading the charge,a group of strangers came together and pinned the man to the sidewalk,holding him there until the police came.A silver-haired woman had just made a citizen’s arrest. Later,we asked,“Granny,don’t you realize you could have got yourself killed?”Granny’s answer was surprisingly amusing and simple,“I wasn’t scared of that little idiot.I’d had my brand-new van for less than two days and a pack of good sandwiches for my office.And there was no way he was going to get either of those!” But we all learned an important lesson from her that day—the same lesson that had been building through the years.She encouraged us to push boundaries and expectations.But even more so,she taught us fearlessness.

