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‎2012年中考英语模拟试题7‎ ‎(听力部分,共20分)‎ Ⅰ.听句子,从A、B、C、D四个选项中选择你听到的单词或短语:(5分)‎ 1. A. night B. light C. fight D. fight 2. A. wake B. week C. weak D. wet 3. A. fill B. feel C. felt D. fell 4. A. slow B. below C. smoke D. snow 5. A. lifts B. lives C. leave D. leaf 6. A. father B. farther C. faster D. fatter 7. A. close the door B. thin and tall C. clean the floor D. see the flower 8. A. cotton sweater B. wet weather C. windy weather D. woolen sweater 9. A. sitting and working B. singing and talking C. sitting and talking D. singing and working 10. A. far behind B. fall C. far from D. fall off Ⅱ.听句子,选择与你所听到的句子意思最接近的选项:(5分)‎ 11. A. Shall we go at once?‎ B. Do you want to go right away?‎ C. Why aren't you going right away?‎ 12. A. She learned French on the radio with others.‎ B. She was taught French by others.‎ C. She. taught herself French.‎ 13. A. Maths is much easier than B. Maths is as difficult as English.‎ C. English is less difficult than maths.‎ 14. A. It snowed heavily last night.‎ B. It was a little snowy last night.‎ C. It didn't snow last night,‎ 15. A. Before you see the doctor, you can eat something.‎ B. After you see the doctor, you can eat something.‎ C. Before you see the doctor, you should eat something.‎ Ⅲ.根据所听到的对话内容及问题,选择正确答案:(5分)‎ 16. A. A shirt. B. Trousers. C. Skirts.‎ 17. A. Factory. B. Train Station. C. Museum.‎ 18. A. Football. B. Volleyball. C. Basketball.‎ 19. A. He's taking a message.‎ B. He's having a meeting.‎ C. He's making a telephone call.‎ 20. A. He went to bed late last night.‎ B. He got up too early.‎ C. He did too' much exercise.‎ Ⅳ.听录音,根据其内容,从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出能正确回答录音中每个问题的选项:(5分)‎ 21. A. To visit his friend.‎ B. To study English.‎ C. To read books.‎ D. To visit the city.‎ 22. A. Near a bird cage.‎ B. In a language school.‎ C. In an old lady's home.‎ D. In a garden.‎ 23. A. He sat in the garden.‎ B. He saw the bird.‎ C. He did some reading.‎ D. He did some running.‎ 24. A. On the tree near the house.‎ B. On the tree in the garden.‎ C. On the window upstairs.‎ D. Either on the tree in the garden or on the window upstairs.‎ 25. A. She dropped her cage.‎ B. She went upstairs.‎ C. She fell off the window.‎ D. Her bird flew away.‎ 笔试部分(共95分)‎ ‎  Ⅰ. 选择填空(共20小题,每小题1分,计20分)‎ ‎  从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出一个最佳选项,并将其标号填在题前括号内。‎ ‎  ( ) 26. Kate spent half________ hour in doing________ work.‎ ‎   A. a; the B. an; the ‎ ‎   C. the; the D. the; a ‎  ( ) 27. They________ very busy a moment ago, but they________ quite free now.‎ ‎   A. are; are B. were; were ‎ ‎   C. were; are D. are; were ‎  ( ) 28. These computers are made________ China.‎ ‎   A. in B. by C. of D. from ‎  ( ) 29. This doesn't look like________ shirt. It must be__________,‎ ‎   A. my; her B. mine; her ‎ ‎   C. mine; hers D. my; hers ‎  ( ) 30. ________ there any interesting news on TV?‎ ‎   A. Have B. Has C. Is D. Are ‎  ( ) 31.—I can't find Li Lei. Where is he?‎ ‎   —Sorry, I don't know. He________ for ten minutes.‎ ‎   A. has left B. has gone ‎ ‎   C. went D. has been a ‎  ( ) 32. This new watch________ me eighty yuan.‎ ‎   A. paid B. cost C. spent D. used ‎  ( ) 33. We saw neither bread________ milk on the table.‎ ‎   A. or B. and C. nor D. but ‎  ( ) 34. Lucy's never been to the Great Wall,________?‎ ‎   A. has she B. hasn't she ‎ ‎   C. is she D. isn't she ‎  ( ) 35.—Shall we go fishing this afternoon?‎ ‎   —________.‎ ‎   A. You are welcome B. It's very kind of you ‎   C. It doesn't matter D. That's a good idea ‎  ( ) 36. Do you know_______?‎ ‎   A. whose is this bag B. whose bag this is ‎   C. whose bag is this D. Whose this bag is ‎  ( ) 37. We started to work_________ we got to the farm.‎ ‎   A. because B. before ‎ ‎   C. if D. as soon as ‎  ( ) 38. He________ to the cinema if it ________ rain tomorrow.‎ ‎   A. goes; won't B. will go; doesn't ‎   C. goes; doesn't D. will go; won't ‎  ( ) 39. Jim jumps________ in his class.‎ ‎   A. high B. higher C. much higher D. highest ‎  ( ) 40. The teacher asked Lily________ earlier next time.‎ ‎   A. come B. came C. to come D. comes ‎  Ⅱ. 完形填空(共10小题,每小题1分,计10分)‎ ‎  根据短文内容,从各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出一个最佳选项,并将其标号填在题前括号内。‎ ‎  Mother's day is celebrated (庆祝) in the U. S. It's also a holiday in 41 other countries. It is ‎ on the second Sunday in May. It is a day to 42 mothers. On that day mothers usually receive flowers and cards. On the cards, children will 43 Mom", "To the best mother in the world", "Best wishes 44 Mother's Day" and so on.‎ ‎  Where does the idea for the holiday 45 from? We should thank Miss Anna M. Jarvir. She brought up the idea of having 46 day. She lived in West Virginia. Her mother died on May 9, 1905. She had a deep 47 for her mother. She wrote letters to some important persons. In her letter she asked them to 48 a day for all mothers. Then Mother's Day was 49 on the second Sunday in May by the U. S in 1913. On Mother's Day, children give presents to their mothers, 50 the whole family go out and try to do something nice for their mothers.‎ ‎  ( ) 41. A. any B. some C. all D. no ‎  ( ) 42. A. help B. love ‎ ‎   C. thank D. congratulate ‎  ( ) 43. A. say B. read C. sing D. write ‎  ( ) 44. A. for B. with C. by D. in ‎  ( ) 45. A. make B. get C. go D. come ‎  ( ) 46. A. such B. such a C. so D. so a ‎ ‎  ( ) 47. A. word B. mind C. love D. heart ‎  ( ) 48. A. agree B. decide C. have D. find ‎  ( ) 49. A. made B. done C. taken D. known ‎  ( ) 50. A. but B. if C. though D. or ‎  Ⅲ. 阅读理解(共15小题,每小题2分,计30)‎ ‎  根据短文内容,从各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出一个最佳选项,并将其标号填写在题前括号内。‎ ‎(A)‎ ‎  Almost everyone in the world uses oil(石油)in some way. Without oil, the world will stop, so men look for it everywhere. They drill for oil in the deserts(沙漠),in mountains and under the sea. Quite often they find nothing, but the search(寻找)for oil always goes on. Oil is very important because none of our machines can run without it. Big ships carry oil everywhere. Perhaps the oil in your bicycle or in your father's car has come from somewhere far away. Perhaps it has come form Iraq(伊拉克)or Venezuela(委内瑞拉). Cars and bicycles need oil, and so ‎ do many other things. How many things can you name?‎ ‎  ( ) 51.________ oil in some way in the world.‎ ‎   A. Most people use B. Hardly anyone uses ‎   C. All people D. Few people use ‎  ( ) 52. In the passage the word "drill" means________.‎ ‎   A. 操练 B. 训练 C. 钻探 D.开采 ‎  ( ) 53. Men sometimes find oil________.‎ ‎   A. in the deserts B. in mountains ‎ ‎   C. under the sea D. A. B and C ‎  ( ) 54. Men________ oil all the time.‎ ‎   A. look up B. look out ‎ ‎   C. look for D. look over ‎  ( ) 55. The underlined sentence tells us________.‎ ‎   A. oil comes from everywhere B. oil comes from big ships ‎   C. oil is needed everywhere D. big ships need oil everywhere ‎(B)‎ ‎  Can animals be made to work for us? Scientists think that some day animals may be taught to do some easy jobs. They say that in a film or on TV we may see elephants, monkeys, dogs or other animals doing a lot of things. If you watch carefully, you may find that those animals are always given a little food to eat after they have done something. Scientists say that many different animals may be taught to do lots of easy jobs it' they know they will get something to eat. We all know elephants can carry large logs (木头), and dogs can look after houses. And we can also teach animals to work in factories. Apes (猿猴), for example, have been used. People think that these large monkeys may one day get in crops and drive trains.‎ ‎  ( ) 56. Elephants can be used to do some heavy jobs because they________.‎ ‎   A. eat a lot B. are strong ‎ ‎   C. are heavy D. have large ears ‎  ( ) 57. We know dogs can be used to________.‎ ‎   A. drive trains B. cook ‎ ‎   C. keep houses sale D. get in crops ‎  ( ) 58. Many different animals may be taught to do some easy jobs if they________.‎ ‎   A. have enough food to eat B. learn they'll get something to eat ‎   C. are as clever as man D. are sent to animal school ‎  ( ) 59. Scientists are trying to make apes________.‎ ‎   A. work in factories B. look after a house ‎   C. get in crops and drive trains D. drive cars ‎  ( ) 60.________ can be taught to work for us.‎ ‎   A. Only apes B. Dogs ‎ ‎   C. Elephants D. Many animals ‎(C)‎ ‎  One day a businessman was going to another town to sell his goods (货物). He decided to take ten servants (仆人) with him. They would carry his goods and also some food to eat on the way. He said to one of the servants, "You are the smallest and the shortest one. You may carry the lightest load (担子). "The servant thanked him but took the biggest load. Because this load was full of bread for them to eat on the way.‎ ‎  The businessman said, "You are foolish (愚蠢). That is the heaviest load." But the servant took up the load happily , and so they get off (出发). After four hours they stopped for a rest. They all ate some of the bread. Then there was less bread for the servant carry. Each time they ate some bread, and the load became smaller and lighter. At the end of the trip (旅程), the servant had nothing to carry, but all the other servants still had a lot of things to carry.‎ ‎  ( ) 61. The businessman lived in a________.‎ ‎   A. village B. city C. town D. country ‎  ( ) 62. one day the rich man went out to_________.‎ ‎   A. do some shopping B. visit his friends ‎   C. buy some goods D. sell some goods ‎  ( ) 63. On their way to the other town________.‎ ‎   A. one of the servant carried food but the others didn't ‎   B. they all carried food ‎   C. nine of them carried food ‎   D. the oldest servant carried food ‎  ( ) 64. They stopped________ to eat some bread and have a rest.‎ ‎   A. three times B. some times C. twice D. once ‎  ( ) 65. The smallest and shortest man was cleverer than________. ‎ ‎   A. the businessman B. the other servants ‎   C. nobody D. both A and B ‎  Ⅳ. 单词拼写(共5小题,每小题1分,计5分)‎ ‎  根据下面各题里汉语的提示和句子的意思,在空格里写出恰当形式的英语单词,每空空格只写一个单词。‎ ‎  66. We can see nothing because it is very________ (黑暗的) in the room.‎ ‎  67. Would you________ (介意) if I turn on the radio?‎ ‎  68. They took some________ (照片) on the Great Wall yesterday.‎ ‎  69. I am very sorry to________ (麻烦) you.‎ ‎  70. Let's do our homework________ (一起).‎ ‎  71. They stopped________ (笑) when the teacher came.‎ ‎  72. She is much________ (健康) now.‎ ‎  73. How many________ (科目) do you have?‎ ‎  Ⅴ. 句型转换和完成句子(共8小题,每小题2分,计16分)‎ ‎  A)在B句的每一空格里填上一个单词,使A、B、两句的意思相符。(8分)‎ ‎  74. A: We have nothing important to do at the moment.‎ ‎   B: ________ nothing important for us to do at the moment.‎ ‎  75. A: All the students passed the maths exam except Tom.‎ ‎   B:________ Tom________ the maths exam.‎ ‎  76. A: He began to work in that factory twenty years ago, and he still works there.‎ ‎   B: He________ in that factory for twenty years.‎ ‎  77. A: Miss Green went to Hainan by plane last week.‎ ‎   B: Miss Green________ Hainan last week.‎ ‎  B)按照汉语意思完成句子,把答案写在横线上,词数不限。(8分)‎ ‎  78. 应该很好地照看这些孩子。‎ ‎   These children must be ________.‎ ‎  79. 你能帮助我做家务吗?‎ ‎   Can you ________ the housework?‎ ‎  80. 希望你们假期过得愉快。‎ ‎   I hope you will ________ during the holiday.‎ ‎  81. 我们必须尽力阻止他们外出。‎ ‎   We must try our best to ________.‎ ‎  Ⅵ. 书面表达(共2题,计14分)‎ ‎  A)根据上下文内容,补全对话。(6分)‎ ‎  A: Hello, Li Lei!‎ ‎  B: Hello, Lily! (82) ________ to Jim?‎ ‎  A: Sorry, he is out at this moment. (83)________?‎ ‎  A: (84) ________, please?‎ ‎  B:3369880.‎ ‎  A: OK, I’ll tell him as soon as he returns.‎ ‎  B)请根据以下中文提示写一张留言条。(8分)‎ ‎  Lily 所在班级准备后天去沙湖公园野餐。今天下午,她去Mike 家通知他参加活动,但他不在。请你以Lily的身份给他留言,主要内容:早上7∶30在校门外集合,骑自行车去;自带2个面包和3瓶桔子汁作食物;穿运动鞋;若下雨,活动改在下周六。(50—60词)‎ ‎  说明:留言的开头和结尾已写好,不计入总词数。‎ ‎  Dear Mike,‎ ‎  ______________________________________________________________________‎ ‎  ______________________________________________________________________‎ ‎  ______________________________________________________________________‎ ‎  ______________________________________________________________________‎ ‎  ______________________________________________________________________‎ ‎  ______________________________________________________________________‎ ‎  Yours,‎ ‎  Lily 答案:‎ 听力部分录音原文及答案:‎ Ⅰ.1. It's dark. Please turn on the light. (B)‎ 2. I'm afraid I'm a little weak in English. (C),‎ 3. I don't feel like eating anything. (B)‎ 4. The white snow was falling down slowly. (D)‎ 5. Jane lives at 23, Changjiang Road in Hefei. (B)‎ 6. You ran much faster than any others. (C)‎ 7. I must clean the floor every day. (C)‎ 8. May I try on-that woollen sweater? (D)‎ 9. The children are singing and working happily on the farm. (D)‎ 10. They were neck and neck, but the others were not far behind. (A)‎ Ⅱ.11. Let's go right away. (A)‎ 12. She learned French without others' help. (C)‎ 13. English is not so hard as maths. (C)‎ 14. The snow was very heavy last night. (A)‎ 15. You mustn't eat anything until you see the doctor. (B)‎ Ⅲ.16. W: What can I do for you?‎ M: I'm looking for a shirt for my son.‎ W: What colour do you want?‎ M: Yellow.‎ W: I'm afraid we haven't got any yellow shirt, But we've got brown ones. What about those ones over there?‎ M: Well, they look nice. Let me have a look.‎ Q: What does the man want to buy? (A)‎ 17. W: Excuse me, sir. Can you tell me the way to the train station?‎ M: Yes. Go along this street and turn left at the second crossing. You'll see a bookshop on your left and a fruit shop next to the bookshop. The train station is behind them. You can't miss, it.‎ W: Thank you very much,‎ M: It's a pleasure.‎ Q: Where does the woman want to go? (B)‎ 18. W: Mike, what is your favourite sport?‎ M: Basketball. But I also like playing football a little. What about you?‎ W: I like playing volleyball.‎ Q: What sport does Mike like best? (C)‎ 19. W: Hello. May I speak, to David, please?‎ M: I'm afraid not. He's not here now. He's having a meeting. Can I take a message for you?‎ W: Thanks. Please tell him to call 6335498 when he's free.‎ M: OK, I'll tell him as soon as he comes back.‎ Q: What's David doing now? (B)‎ 20. W: Hello, Alex! You look tired. What's the matter?‎ M: Nothing serious. I just went to bed late last night.‎ W: Don't you know what's good for your health?‎ M: Getting up early, doing exercise, not going to bed too late.‎ W: That's right.‎ Q: Why does Alex look tired? (A)‎ Ⅳ. A Frenchman came to England to study English. He lived in an old lady's home. Every morning he did some reading by the window before he came to the class. The lady had a bird. Every morning the lady hung her cage on the tree in the garden or on her window upstairs.‎ One morning when the lady took out her bird cage and tried to hang it on the window upstairs, the cage suddenly fell off her hand. So she shouted. Look out. The Frenchman heard it and put his head out of the window to see what was happening. The cage was just 'in time to hit him on the head.‎ Questions:‎ 21. What did the Frenchman come to England to do? (B)‎ 22. Where did the Frenchman live in England? (C)‎ 23. What did the Frenchman often do in the morning? (C)‎ 24. Where was the bird cage often hung in the morning? (D)‎ 25. What happened to the old lady one morning? (A)‎ 笔试部分 ‎  26—30 BCADC 31—35 DBCAD 36—40 BDBDC 41—45 BCDAD ‎  46—50 BCBAD 51—55 ACDCC 56—60 BCBCD 61—65 CDABD ‎  66. dark 67. mind 68. photos 69. trouble 70. together 71. laughing ‎  72. healthier 73. subjects 74. There is 75. Only. failed 76. has worked 77. flew to ‎  78. well looked after(taken good care of) 79. help me with (help me to do) 80. enjoy yourselves( have a good time) 81. stop them from going out ‎  书面表达 ‎  A) 82. May I speak 83. Can I help you (Can I take a message for you) 84. What's your telephone number ‎  B) Dear Mike,‎ ‎  The day after tomorrow our class will go to Shahu Park to have a picnic. We'll meet outside the school gate at 7:30 a. m. and go there by bike. Please take two pieces of bread and three bottles of orange juice to eat and put on your sports shoes. If it rains, we'll go there next Saturday instead.‎ Yours,‎ Lily ‎

